#rachel / para
dimiicons · 4 months
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★ life is strange icons
créditos ou reblogue se salvar! icons 120x120 por @ifdimpeul ★ psd by yiza
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fairyeoll · 1 year
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[ BE YOU! pedido feito pelo post PEDIDOS ABERTOS
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samevans-wmu · 9 months
“Rach!” Sam called from outside Rachel’s apartment door, a recently knocked out jingle still tingled his knuckles. “Come on, Berry. I’m freezing my ass out here.” Honestly, he JUST knocked 10 seconds ago but this Lima weather assaults any uncovered skin on his face and body. Their bowling night is one he looked forward to since they set it in motion. It’s a spot he’s driven past a few times in his clunker of a truck, a truck which thankfully has a working heater. Now, he’s gotta pray the alley supplies that same blessed heat once they’re inside.
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fletcher-braley · 8 months
CLOSED STARTER for @rachelhargrove at the open range
One thing Fletcher has grown accustomed too in the late winter of February is the range of temperature. The deep chill in the morning that turns his breath to small billows of clouds, and currently, a comfortable warmth with the sun on his face that allows him to stand at the fence of the dog park with his coat unzipped while Boone runs rampant through the park.
"You know, Boone might knock Walter around some, but—" Fletch looks to Rachel, amusement clinging to his features. "I think Walter calls the shots, just like when Boone was a puppy. I don't think he knows he's ten times his size."
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someotherdog · 1 year
character: goran open: m/f/nb plot: goran is an amateur kickboxer and all-around himbo. his manager is his older brother dejan, who keeps pushing goran to participate in fights despite the fact that goran's body needs a rest. your muse cares about goran and wants him to stand up to his brother, but he refuses. after another brutal match, your muse comes to find goran and once again tries to convince him to fire his brother as his manager. any connection is fine, as long as it's not family or t*boo. this post was made using beta editor, please do not reblog it in legacy as i no longer have access to it!
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his head hurt. that was pretty normal for anyone that fought for a living, but goran was growing older. his body took longer to recover after each fight, somedays he was in constant pain, but it never occured to him that he could just... stop. dejan managed everything; the fights he participated in to the money they got from the matches. most of the time, he felt like an automaton. wherever direction someone pointed him in, that's where he went. dejan told him to show up to whatever arena at whatever time, and goran would show up to the area on time multiple times a month. nearing thirty, he still felt that he had no control over his own life, and he didn't think about that fact very often. it was the way he had lived his whole life, under dejan's wing, why would he ever feel the need to change that? blood drying underneath his nose and an open cut over his right eye, goran sat in the venue's locker room, chest heaving. the fight had been an exhaustive, violent one, though that was the nature of the sport. some were bloodier than others, however. tonight, he thought his opponent might've knocked a tooth loose with a kick to the face. he would think about that later, though, when his head hurt a little less. goran winced as the creaky door to the locker room opened, and he squinted as he saw the intruder coming closer. it was the one person in the world that always tried to convince him to give kickboxing up. the only person that told him the truth, that dejan cared more about money and fame than his little brother's health. goran never wanted to hear it, though. he sighed heavily, "i'm not in the mood for a lecture, if that's why you came here."
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daryj · 9 months
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feita em: 04.01.2024
☆𖦹 para o desafio #GardenSense (by @mafushi)
Buquê 06: As quatro estações — as flores correspondentes as estações são: girassol, tulipa, aster e snowdrop. Escolha uma delas para a capa!
obs: qualquer inspiração, credite-me, por favor.
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sixe11 · 1 month
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La belleza de Gaby no tiene igual mordidas de amor
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sudaca-swag · 1 year
a mi no me importa que tan bien cantas si estas a las doce de la noche un martes a los gritos cantando te tiro abajo la puerta y te limo las cuerdas vocales que ganas de romper las bolas que tienen
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— No vas a irte. Te quiero.
— Sé que me quieres a tu manera, pero...
— ¿A mí manera? Pecosa, te quiero de todas las maneras posibles que existen. Supe lo que significaba esa palabra gracias a ti. Te quise antes y te quiero ahora. Te he querido toda mi vida. Y lo seguiré haciendo aunque te vayas... Pero no lo hagas. No te vayas ahora, Rachel. No vuelvas a romper con todo.
33 razones para volver a verte (Volver a tí) - Alice Kellen
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elyalovi · 3 months
Es la humanidad de Superman… Pero sería un error reducir a Lois Lane como la pareja del Hombre de Acero. Una reportera con experiencia, ganadora del Pulitzer, y cuya curiosidad intrépida la ha llevado siempre a buscar la verdad, aunque eso la ponga en peligro, una activista dispuesta a luchar contra gente poderosa y, finalmente, una mujer adelantada a su época que siempre ha buscado romper esquemas.
Durante años, diversas actrices le han dado vida a Lois Lane y sus aportes han hecho que el personaje se vuelva más rico y memorable. Estas son las Lois Lane a través del tiempo.
->Las MEJORES LOIS LANE y las que lo intentaron
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shvroyism · 3 months
My favorite female glee vocalists:
2. Mercedes (duh)
3. Marley (i’m in love with Melissa Benoist and her voice)
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sammyevanshq · 5 months
thread location: lima motel - current evans residence
thread date & time: week one afternoon date unknown @ afternoon
tagging: rachel berry @xstunningingenue
triggers: none
"I can't thank you enough for doing this, Rach." Sam says as he moves around the motel room, cleaning up the residual mess from the kids. His parents have been so busy either looking for work or working minimum wage jobs to make it by that he had spent the better part of six months with his younger siblings after school. He was working — part time, obviously — at the "dairy queen" to help, but it still doesn't seem like enough most days. But having Rachel here had felt like a fresh of breath air. "Did you see Stacy's face when she saw the pineapple on the pizza? I think you made her entire week... and I could tell you impressed even Stevie... Which is impressive since he thinks all girls besides his mama are gross." He sighs softly and nods to himself when he decides the room living space is as tidy as it's going to be. "I feel like I should get you something as a thank you, but all we have to offer is... instant coffee, water, tea or a Capri Sun. Any of those Rachel Berry approved?"
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blogdorogerinho · 6 months
Críticas — Guerra Civil (2024), A História Verdadeira (2015), Spotlight: Segredos Revelados (2015), Graças a Deus (2019)
O bom e o mau jornalismo Não foi à toa que Guerra Civil (2024), de Alex Garland estreou em 12 de abril apenas nos EUA e no Reino Unido, há exatamente 163 anos do início da Guerra de Secessão Americana (1861 a 1865): uma semana antes de estrear nos cinemas do Brasil e do resto do mundo. No entanto, o conflito ficou em segundo plano para o cineasta poder destacar a atuação inescrupulosa da velha…
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ziggender · 6 months
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bigwanjeog · 8 months
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feita em 2021
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bluebookstorelady · 1 year
Talvez eu pudesse manipular a Névoa. Eu me concentrei bastante e estalei meus dedos. "Você não vê uma espada." eu disse à garota. "É apenas uma caneta esferográfica." Ela piscou. "Hum... não. É uma espada, seu esquisito." "Quem é você?" exigi. Ela retrucou, indignada. "Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Agora, você vai responder às minhas perguntas ou devo gritar pelos seguranças?" "Não!" eu disse. "Quero dizer, estou meio que com pressa. Estou com problemas." "Com pressa ou com problemas?" "Hum, acho que os dois." Ela olhou sobre os meus ombros e seus olhos se arregalaram. "Banheiro!' "O quê?" "Banheiro! Atrás de mim! Agora!"
pg 221
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