#RRPG Reviews
fighterxaos · 7 years
Super Nintendo Classic Edition Unboxing & Super Power Book (RRPG Reviews)
Super Nintendo Classic Edition Unboxing & Super Power Book (RRPG Reviews)
The Super Nintendo Classic Edition is finally here, and I successfully got my hands on one! In this video, I decide to unbox it as well as play with Super Power book. The Super Power book is a compendium about the development of the SNES and the games they made. It also includes the art of these games. Enjoy, and let me know if you got an SNES Classic Edition like I have!
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thegameriffers · 7 years
Continuing where we left off, it is time for us to tackle Sony with our own predictions for them when they have their press conference on the Monday before the Electronic Entertainment Expo! For having so many surprises from last year, is Sony expected to have an extremely safe showing which they have not done for quite a long time? Will Shenmue III and Final Fantasy VII Remake be shown in some capacity and even be playable at the event? Does Sony have surprises up our sleeves that we are not sure about? I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but be sure to listen to our predictions while RRPG is playing Nioh on screen! Enjoy and we'll see you next week for Nintendo! Follow TheGameRiffers : http://twitch.tv/thegameriffers http://facebook.com/thegameriffers http://twitter.com/thegameriffers http://thegameriffers.tumblr.com RRPG YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/RRPGReviews/ http://www.youtube.com/channel/RRPGGa... 16bitJeff YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/16bitJeff FighterXaos YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/bradburnsrival
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Paladin: Part 1, History Repeats
In disgust I drop the papers on my desk. Once again, I’ve come up empty in my search for my birth parents. I’d employed every method I knew, explored every avenue open, both human and vampire, even to the point of availing myself of vampire social media groups in the search for my blooded parents but nothing. It’s as if they never existed. There was no trace of the well-born female who’d identified herself to my adopted parents only as Helene. It was hard to find a P.I. who was also a member of the species, but I’d found one. He’d combed vampire society in both the old and new worlds and the only ‘Helene’ he’d come across was in some records from the Old Country. She’d died 800 years ago, well before I’d been born. Running my hand through my sandy blonde hair, I go to the tall window and look out on the moonless night. The pool glimmers under the stars and the breeze ruffles the palmettos. I know there’s traffic a few blocks over, but this part of the downtown peninsula is quiet. The elaborate grounds around the house provide both a sound barrier and camouflage for my more illicit activities. Although, I try to keep those limited to the warehouse by the docks. The art galleries, antiques shoppes, and various touristy shops where I showcased my species’ artisans are all legitimate businesses flourishing in the downtown peninsula here or in Savannah. The import/export company housed at the Charleston docks does enough legitimate work to easily launder the money that comes in through fencing high end gemstones and art as well as gun running, occupations that easily supply the bulk of my fortune. My life here would be pretty damned good, if I could just stop obsessing about whom my birth mahmen and papa were. It wasn’t as though my adopted parents, Grham and Mheridth, hadn’t been great people. Though they weren’t ‘gentle folk’, they had been kind and hardworking. When they’d come to this a two hundred years ago, they’d initially chosen to settle in the South Carolina low country just north of Savannah. The male had been a craftsman…no, that was too soft a word for it. He’d been an artist with wood and he’d earned a good living through it. He’d been so good, he’d drawn people from the plantations, the South Carolina crème de la crème, to him. He’d despised them for their casual disregard of buying and selling other humans. He said it was worse than the feudal system he’d grown up under in the Old World, and exactly what he’d come to the new one to escape. But he took their money, building and carving artful masterpieces of furniture and woodwork that still graced the mansions that had avoided destruction during the American Civil War. The necessity of keeping up the façade that he and his wife grew old as humans did had caused him to move to Edisto Island in the 1880’s when they couldn’t fake the aging process any longer and it was there, in December of 1920, that the female who was to give birth to me found them. She had told them her parents were Glymera who’d contracted her to a male she couldn’t abide. Such things were common then. From what I’m told, they still were, until Wrath, son of Wrath finally began fulfilling his responsibilities up in Caldwell. But my parents had been a love match in a similar situation. My mother had been Glymera and their experiences with the aristocracy predisposed them to help anyone rebelling against it. Add to it that the female told them she’d run away with a male of the working class whom she loved, but her needing had come on before they could formally mate and shortly after it had passed, he’d gone to look for work and had never returned. He was an honorable male, she’d said, so she could only assume he’d met with foul play. As she’d never given them his name, nor was there any record of her existence anywhere, I now doubt the entire story. I believe she’d found out about their history somehow and was playing them, but my parents, being the kind hearted vampires they were, had taken in the heavily pregnant female with the intent of allowing her to remain with them after the young… me… was born. She didn’t make it that far. The female died giving birth to me, asking the couple to raise me as their own and naming me Rehnegade with her last breath. My adopted parents had never had young, and they were over 700 years old. They’d known by then they never would, so Helene’s request was seen as a blessing from the Scribe Virgin. They’d moved again, to avoid any questions as to where I’d come from and settled in Savannah, giving out the story to both vampire and human that their daughter, my mother, had died in childbirth and they were raising me. Close enough to the truth, I guess, though I’d called them mahmen and papa all my life. They didn’t have it in them to lie, and if they’d known about the seedier side of my business interests, they’d have been appalled. By the time I had my transition in the 1940’s my papa’s hands had become too arthritic to do the fine woodworking and money had become an issue. Working in the human world was impossible for him and I wouldn’t have wanted him to anyway. As he focused on design, I took up the craftsmanship, though I was nowhere as good as he was. My hands weren’t made for holding an awl and chisel. I was big, bigger than most vampires in our small, spread out colony. My hands were made for more violent pursuits and I’d found I enjoyed giving a good beat down. All that had kept me from going pro MMA was the necessity of keeping my species a secret. So instead, I’d turned to less legal pursuits to ease the financial burden and I’d found I was very, very good at it. So good, that the 40 or so families in our small South Carolina colony had turned to me to act as arbiter and enforcer. We were a long way from Caldwell, and a long way from the King’s justice. He’d shown no interest in us, so we showed none in him, preferring to take care of our issues ourselves. It had started while we’d still been in Savannah, people showing up on our doorstep, hat in hand, asking for justice. After my adopted parents had died within months of each other a few years ago, I’d relocated most of my enterprises to Charleston where there were a greater percentage of our people. I still owned a gallery and an antiques store there, but I’d opened new ones here as well and the import/export business had expanded exponentially when I no longer had to conceal my shadier activities from papa. At my encouragement, the species had integrated as fully into human society as possible. I’d ferreted out the few daywalhkers we had and provided them with an education that allowed them to establish themselves as lawyers and business professionals that could help look after our interests in the human world. It was a small cadre, but it provided us with a realtor, a broker, a banker and several lawyers specialized in both human laws and our old laws. Although at the rate the King was changing those, I might have to send someone north to review them with the King’s solicitor. In fact, we were a very peaceful, settled colony with most families close by, though a few still preferred the countryside or still in Savannah. The only real issue had been a criminal ring I’d shut down a few years ago. I might break a few human laws in the course of my work, but I drew the line at that which caused physical harm to my species. An underground club with indentured males who fought to the death, blood slaves, selling drugs to my people…I’d had nothing but disgust for the low lives responsible and had infiltrated the fighters and led them to overthrow their captors. Loss of life was low for the fighters, but very, very high for the vampires that had enslaved them. Simultaneously, I’d had people rescuing females who’d been kept as blood slaves and involuntary sex workers and by the end of the night, that blight on my people had been obliterated, left out for the sun to eliminate the evidence. No, I needed to give up this fruitless search. Whoever my blooded parents had been, it wasn’t important anymore. I had to let go of this obsession. With a sigh, I turned back to my desk and took a seat, going over the documents and invoices, making notes in my agenda for tomorrow evening’s activities. Absentmindedly, I reach for my cell phone when it rings and answer… “Rehn here.” The voice on the other end is frantic, and one I hadn’t heard from in years. ‘They took him, they took my son! Rehnegade, you said it was over, but they’re back!’ #TBC #Renegades #RenegadesRolePlayGroup #RRPG
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fighterxaos · 7 years
The Drop Episode 10: Tokyo Game Show 2017
The Drop Episode 10: Tokyo Game Show 2017
In the latest edition of The Drop, Fighter xaos gives the rundown on the highlights of Tokyo Game Show. There are also some special appearances by his fellow Game Riffers/ Geek Fighters, 16BitJeff and RRPG! In addition, there is sort of an announcement for some new series coming from xaos.
Now, as for the Tokyo Game Show 2017 this year, it was a bit underwhelming. However, there was still plenty…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Fan-Made: NES Classic Mini (1980s Commercial Discovered!)
Fan-Made: NES Classic Mini (1980s Commercial Discovered!)
Coming soon from Nintendo! The next-generation of 8-bit gaming is here with the NES Classic Mini!
I imagined this being done as a TV commercial for this day and age; as I wanted to try and recapture the glory days of how rad the commercials were during the 80’s and 90’s. This is not an official commercial as I completely created…
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thegameriffers · 7 years
It is that time of the year, again, as we at the Game Riffers give off our predictions for the Big 3 at the biggest gaming convention happening in the United States, next month! Starting off in fashion, Microsoft will be the first of the Big 3 to have their E3 Media Briefing, and we give our thoughts on what is all going to go down at the event. Could we get our first glimpse at Halo 6? Are more multiplayer games going to be shown? What the hell is Project Scorpio with its official name? What is the release date for some of those games like Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2? Tune in to find out here on The Game Riffers with our Road to E3 2017! Follow TheGameRiffers : http://twitch.tv/thegameriffers http://facebook.com/thegameriffers http://twitter.com/thegameriffers http://thegameriffers.tumblr.com RRPG YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/RRPGReviews/ http://www.youtube.com/channel/RRPGGa... 16bitJeff YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/16bitJeff FighterXaos YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/bradburnsrival
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Metroid: Samus Returns - Special Edition & 2-Amiibo Pack Unboxing! (RRPG Reviews)
Metroid: Samus Returns – Special Edition & 2-Amiibo Pack Unboxing! (RRPG Reviews)
The time for another classic Metroid game is upon us, and once more Metroid: Samus Returns leads the way for the first popular lady in video games as she revisits Planet SR388! It has literally been seven years since we have heard anything in relation to the Metroid series, as Nintendo has been extremely silent with the whereabouts of their most mature creation. However, it is good to know that…
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thegameriffers · 7 years
Racing to the finish of our Road to E3 2017, we have our last contender with their presence that is going to be just as big as the other two; Nintendo! After two years of having some lackluster showings at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, does the Big N have a trump card to put on a fantastic performance at the Los Angeles Convention Center since they are not doing another press conference like they've been doing for the last few years? Seeing as how they are doing another E3 Digital Event in the form of the Nintendo E3 Spotlight presentation, an ARMS Tournament for their newest fighting game, and having the Treehouse doing another consecutive slew of behind-the-scenes events on their upcoming games while announcing some newer surprises, will Nintendo strike big this time around? What is new with Super Mario Odyssey as that is their biggest spotlight? What is next for The Legend of Zelda? Are there actually two, new Metroid games in the works? What is Retro Studios' own game they are working on for the Switch? What are some of the new Nintendo 3DS games they have in the works if they plan on supporting it for another few years? We have many other questions, but this should be the year where Nintendo either goes big or goes home since they have a new console that is already launched. Sit back, relax, enjoy some gameplay of Star Fox Adventures, and have a great listen as we predict what Nintendo may have in store for E3 2017 along with our special guest; Wheelchair21 from Hero-Club.com! Enjoy! -Visit Wheelchair21 from his own Media Feeds!- https://www.youtube.com/user/wheelcha... https://www.facebook.com/Wheelchair21/ https://twitter.com/Wheelchair21 https://hero-club.com/ Follow TheGameRiffers : http://twitch.tv/thegameriffers http://facebook.com/thegameriffers http://twitter.com/thegameriffers http://thegameriffers.tumblr.com RRPG YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/RRPGReviews/ http://www.youtube.com/channel/RRPGGa... 16bitJeff YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/16bitJeff FighterXaos YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/bradburnsrival
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fighterxaos · 6 years
RRPG Side-Quests - Dragon Quest XI Western Release Details!
RRPG Side-Quests - Dragon Quest XI Western Release Details! For more news and content, check us out at http://hero-club.com & on Twitter (https://twitter.com/HeroClub4Life)!
Square Enix has finally released details on when Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will be released. In addition, the information regards how it will on systems, like the PlayStation and PC. Furthermore, it will be the first mainline installment of the Dragon Quest IP to come onto PC since both, Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2. Seeing as how we are not getting the 3DS version in the West, as we…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
RRPG Side-Quests - Ys VIII has a Western Release Date for Nintendo Switch!
RRPG Side-Quests: Ys VIII has a Western Release Date for Nintendo Switch! For more news and content, check us out at http://hero-club.com & on Twitter (https://twitter.com/HeroClub4Life)!
Not only will Ys IV: Memories of Celcetarelease on Steam this Summer, but the latest edition of Adol Christin’s adventures will arrive on the Nintendo Switch this June. In addition, both games will release in all territories around the world. It has been a long time since a mainline Ys game has released on the Nintendo platforms, but could it be under the risk of failure! That is because most of…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Ikaricast Classic: The Geek Fighters Top 10 2017 Games!
Ikaricast Classic: The Geek Fighters #Top10 2017 Games!
FighterXaos and RRPG sound off with their Top 10 games from the past year! Unfortunately, 16bitjeff could not join the show because of a power outage, and we were forced to go on without him. Now, just sit back, relax, and listen to what games we thought were the most compelling releases during 2017!
Follow the GeekFighters here:
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Special Edition Unboxing (RRPG Reviews)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Special Edition Unboxing (RRPG Reviews)
From one world to another, the time for JRPG fanatics to take an adventure through another world within the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise has finally arrived! Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the next game from the creative and royal mind of Tetsuya Takahashi as he continues his streak of creating Nintendo’s own Final Fantasy games done from Monolith Soft. Yet, before taking a dive into the world of…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Ikaricast Classic: Justice League Review *Spoilers*
Heads up the spoiler discussion starts at 13:20 into the episode! People can either listen to our spoiler free discussion now, or wait to watch the entire video later. This is an entirely unedited podcast hosted by Fighter xaos, and 16BitJeff. In addition, the episode features the other Geek Fighters’ member RRPG. Together the team discusses Justice League practicially as soon as the entire team…
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