#Nintendo 3DS XL
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starspice-y · 4 months ago
In my 3D Studio Art class we had to make enlarged objects out of cardboard, so my made my 3DS running my favorite game, Rune Factory 4 :D
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If I had more time I would have made it waaaaayy more polished, but I'm proud of what I finished with :)
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olaffinio · 1 year ago
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shoujochan · 7 months ago
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I love the inside 💕
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strawberriexmoon · 23 days ago
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kaboodlesdoodles · 11 months ago
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I forgot to post about it but I modded my 3ds yesterday!! :3
it was actually way easier than I thought lol
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godofautism · 8 months ago
Computer objectum is nice and all but
Nintendo objectum,,
The black and blue colorschemed Nintendo 2DS XL, blue Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS XL are all so pretty
Why does sticking a game cartridge into them feel so intimate like I'm literally putting something inside you???
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nightfallsystem-moved · 1 year ago
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My beloved family
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glitchanubi · 26 days ago
So I found a 3DS in my room I bought a charger for it. This was my older brother’s DS. I look at his Mii. total abomination. Took a photo of it and sent it to him started playing the games he had. I’m competitive so I’m trying to beat his high time trials score in Mario Kart and got bored. So I went to play Super Mario. Got a call from my mom saying he’s freaking out that I have the console and that there are pictures in it. Bro I’m not that nosy I’m not gonna look through the photos. I’m just there for the games and the nostalgia. But he’s being really shady.
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earlgreyfawn · 2 years ago
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my 3ds xl XD
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**✿❀ ❀✿**
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local-hyena · 10 months ago
.... well shit, my circle pad entirely broke tonight. The game that broke the first half was Shovel Knight, and the one that broke the other half is Kid Icarus Uprising
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Meh, I can still use it. My 3ds's 11 years old, I suppose it's not too surprising that she's getting a bit damaged.
Gonna change the battery soon too !
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anxiouslyeccentric · 10 months ago
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@three-dee-ess i figure im a lil late to the party but it'd be worng to not contribute my humble pile
From left to right top to bottom:
The blue 3DS XL belonged to my older brother, who let me use it to play my copy of Pokémon Y until our parents eventually bought me my own 2DS, the one all the way to the far right with its circle pad lovingly rubbed off XD. The XL 3DS for a few years was unplayable since my big brother had dropped it off of a desk while it was plugged in, damaging the charge port until i eventually found a place that could fix it, a place id eventually end up working at myself XD.
The orange new 2ds right below it was also my big brother's, this the replacement he'd bought and used after his first 3ds had its charge port damaged. From a few years stuffed in and out of tight pants pockers, the shell of the console became bent, and it had difficulty reading games until i ended up fixing the issue myself a few months after he decided to part with it.
The Special edition Pikachu 3DS was a Mercari find years ago when i was at my first job making bookoo money with no bills to pay, and decided 200 was a great price for Pikachu and him cheeks. Love this system, even though if you put it in sleep mode and carry it around for more than a few hours, it has an error and makes you turn off the system, so not a Walking-around-as-a-tourist 3DS unfortunately, but other than that and a minor chip in the shell, works perfect!
The blue base model is actually a modded japanese base model with a capture card installed! Ive yet to have time to properly use it in any kind of streaming capacity, but it's still with the box and has everything from the modder! I paid a pretty penny for it a few years back, but im not sure it would pull the same value today. Who knows!
The orange and white new 2ds with the target exclusive pikachu hard shell was a christmas gift from back in highschool. I spent many an off hour in my debate class's script room hunting shinys and playing pokemon Amie in my copy of Alpha sapphire for hours on end. Great times! It's lovingly adorned with stickers, and remains my most decorated 3ds.
And lastly, but certainly not least, my new 3ds with a healthy collection of kisekai plates. This was actually a 20th Anniversary pokemon red and blue edition that had its original box, inserts AND plates included with it! Paid about the same for the 3ds with the capture card, but this one had absolutely increased in price since my purchasing. The other plates id come across separately, all during my time with my first job. Generally i prefer having the 151 pokemon colored spites plates that are on it now, or the Blue Gingam Check plates, and i even purchased the matching theme for the system before the E-shop closed, so they match! This system is my current "main one" and has every pokemon virtual console software downloaded onto it pre eshop closure, and i just recently finally modded it for pretendo and Netpass, both of which work wonderfully!
Im really hoping pretendo can get the Pokémon chat Player Search System up and running eventually for Pokémon X, Y, omega ruby and alpha sapphire, since a bulk of my time with the 3ds was spent battling and wonder trading to my heart's content. I can only hope.
Currently im playing a lot of Tomodachii life, a game i picked up from my job last christmas as a gift to myself, and fantasy life! Both heavy hitters I'd recommend to anyone with a 3DS! But yea, buy a 3ds for a reasonable price, and mod that sucker! Use Net pass and play all the games you want! All emulation is ethical ethical emulation.
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cow-stealin-gal · 11 months ago
I didn’t take that ONE thing with me
Couldn’t hold her properly
@slimylittlemaggot, @mayhem-moth, @decoysender, @applegameisprollytaken, @ladyofspoons, @akronus-the-redeemed, @agentldiddy
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shoujochan · 4 months ago
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My ds lite and it's carrying case, my 3ds and it's carrying case and lastly my switch carrying case
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strawberriexmoon · 23 days ago
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kaboodlesdoodles · 4 months ago
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There is always that one Tomodachi Life couple that just has a crapload of kids for no reason and this is them
this is their 7TH KID SO FAR 😨
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projectcress · 4 months ago
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It's my birthday today, I turn 20! This game came out when I was turning 9. It might be the nostalgia talking, but it's aged pretty well.
(Pokemon X/Y - released in 2013)
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