mishacakes · 2 months
hey andy what the hell man
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superfruitland · 9 months
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|| masterpost || previous || next ||
and here we are. end of the flashback, end of the collab! again, thank you to my amazing friends for participating, everyone did an amazing job 🤍
please go show them some love~
page 5 - @sad-leon
page 6 - @intotheelliwoods
pages 7, 8, ...uhh i lost count <3 - @vangh17a
and please, check out the previous part for the first half of the collab and the rest of my super cool and amazing friends that drew for this collab!!
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arriathedragon · 1 year
WARNING: The following comic has graphic depictions of Blood/Gore. Viewer Discretion IS ADVISED!!!
Now, Under the cut and without further ado... Page one of my ROTTMNT Au That I haven’t named yet:
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Hehe I been working on this one for a while. Style might change a bit, still.. figuring it out. But the Plots mostly there. CLICK FOR BETTER QUALITY I sWeAr To GOD tUmbLr-
Masterpost | Part 2
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Y/N’s Guide of a Snapping Turtle Mutant
Rise! Raphael x reader
Fluff! :D gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Raph stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie Leo Mikey
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∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup???, meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror), hot (specific) soup???, wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add sear ejectors)
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic”), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet), “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?)
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job)
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough)
Raph sighed with a big, swooning smile, setting your paper down on the counter as he finished reading it for the 5th time over. It just made him misty-eyed to see that you, someone so perfect to him, cared so much about him, a big scary mutant. (Even though he’s really not all that scary.)
It made his heartbeat quicken and his chest feel tight, but in a good way. In the best way.
Obviously he knew it wasn’t right for him to read through your personal notes, but I mean, hey. The folder had his name on it, so that basically made it his too.
Still, he didn’t want to seem like a jerk. He had to make it up to you somehow…but making his own gifts was never his strong suit. But…he could add to yours?
∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup??? ? I mean it’s ok, I guess., meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror) Sorry. What size you want?, hot (specific) soup??? You have got to watch Lou Jitsu. , wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add seat ejectors) I’M SORRY
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic.” What does this mean?) it means exactly what it sounds like (I blame Donnie), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet) Who, me? Naaah, “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑 WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?) STOP TALKIN ABOUT MY FEAR STINK I TOLD YOU IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job) Yes, he does.
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough) HEY. That’s …so fair.
sorry this took a hot second
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macsimagines · 1 year
Yandere!Mikey w/ a S/O that had his child
(So for this set of headcanons its for a Mikey thats been consumed by his dark impulses and has probably lost everyone... ALSO PLEASE tell me what you think? I work better when I'm given notes so any complaints or compliments ill take!)
(D/N) - Daughters Name (Y/N) - Your Name
You were supposed to be a one night stand. He wasn't even going to give you the time of day. You were some secretary or pencil pusher and he was making deals (harassing) your boss.
But you catch his eye, and your boss has you entertain him to make things go smoother.
Thankfully, you two hit it off. Mikey can be charming despite his horrible reputation and you've got such beautiful kind eyes...
One thing leads to another and one unforgettable night you two have sex.
Mikey doesn't call you or contact you after that, and you can take the hint that it didn't mean anything more than just a way to relieve stress.
That would be all fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that you were puking your guts out and happened to be pregnant.
You can't depend on Mikey, you don't think he'll accept your child and you really don't want them involved in the underworld that Mikey controls.
So you move out of Tokyo to distant family in a different town. You get a job, have your wonderful child and live peacefully in a small town.
Four years down the road, you end up back in Tokyo with your daughter. You owed a friend a favor and you're not too worried.
Your Daughter might be Mikey's clone but Tokyo is a big city and he's a busy man. He must have had countless women before he's not going to recognize your face out of a million others. Plus its been years. You should be safe right?
Wrong. You wake up one morning and (D/N) is gone. You're frantic searching for her, so confused where she could have gone from your friends apartment when it hits you: The Park!
Sprinting over there you're met with a sight you never thought you'd see. Mikey holding your fidgeting daughter in his arms.
If not for the terrifying look in his eyes the scene is almost comical.
The two of them together look like a before and after picture because of how similar they are.
"Y/N, you wanna explain this?" he asks you, and you're more shocked he remembered your name than anything else.
You try to pull it together, you don't want to cause a scene in front of your daughter.
"Th-that's my daughter. She ran off this morning and I've been looking for her."
He tilts his head to the side while he looks you up and down, placing your little girl on his hip.
"Don't you mean our daughter?" there's something dark in his voice and down right malevolent in his eyes.
Panic rises in your chest and you look down at the ground. "I just...I wanted her to be safe. I-I didn't think you'd care."
Your sweet Daughter whimpers for you, not understanding who this strange man is or why he's making her mommy so upset.
"You thought I wouldn't acknowledge my own child? Am I that kind of man to you?"
Silence stretches between you before you finally get the courage to say; "How did you even find us?"
Mikey just stares and holds your girl close before answering; "I heard you were in town. I came looking for you, and found her. Guess this is fate."
What you didn't know was that Mikey did want you, he wanted you so bad it almost drove him crazy. He tried to keep his distance and ignore you, and just when he can't take it anymore he finds out you moved away?
That's fine. It wasn't meant to be. But he had eyes and ears out for you if you ever came back to him. If you willingly walked back into the lions den that must mean you want him to have you.
He hears your back, with a daughter, and that's not a problem. If you have a husband he'll make sure you don't anymore and he doesn't mind a brat, you'll give him some of his own and that will make up for it.
So he goes looking for you, and he's almost to the apartments he knows you're staying at when a little girl catches his eyes. For a second he thought he hallucinated a mirror, but no staring up at him is his own face.
In his heart he knows who this girl is. And he's mystified when she starts talking to him.
"How come the sun's so bright?" she asks him for whatever insane reason.
And the empty abyss in his chest is suddenly full of love and affection. She's perfect. He had a perfect daughter now. Mikey embraces and tells her as much. That she's wonderful and beautiful and so loved.
Then you come sprinting towards them and Mikey suddenly remembers you kept her from him.
Back to the present, he thinks if this had been anyone else he would have killed them. But its you. And thankfully you raised the perfect child and gave him a healthy daughter, so he can't be too mad. He'll take it out on some underlings that left out very important details...
"I'll take responsibility," he tell you grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you so you're face to face, "And you will too, Y/N. We're gonna raise a very happy family. And you're going to give me a very big one. Lots of kids." one for every person he's ever lost.
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veinsfullofstars · 5 months
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“Quit laughin’, ya bastard, I’m dyin’ over here! Get me some starsdamn milk, for cryin’ out loud!”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic of Dark Meta Knight and Daroach, in which lunch is interrupted by a disagreement on spicy food and some improper use of the Sharing mechanic. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Based on a personal headcanon that DMK enjoys spicy food and Daroach vehemently does not.
UPDATE: I foRGOT HIS EYE SCAR?? HeLLO??? (fixed it now but starsdamn it this is why I shouldn't post stuff the second I finish heck dang it all veins get some sleep would you)
Started 04/06/24, finished 04/09/24.
Panel 1
*DMK and DR sitting side-by-side enjoying some lunch together - a sandwich for the thief, a plate of spicy curry for the knight. DMK (his mask pushed up to the side of his head, bits of curry stuck to his face) idly eats his meal with a fork as DR picks up and scrutinizes a small bottle of hot sauce the knight had set aside, a brow raised in disappointment.*
DR: “Ultra spicy,” huh? Blech. How can you stand this stuff, Dark? Like, can you even taste anythin’ anymore? (Besides pain?)
Panel 2
DMK: Aw, c’mon, it’s not that bad. Here, want a bite~?
*setting his fork upright in the curry, DMK pushes his plate aside and turns towards DR with the most mischievous expression, reaching up to grab the collar of his cape. DR turns his head sharply, dropping the bottle and the sandwich, as the knight starts tugging him towards him.*
DR: What’re you-? Hey! No! No! Don’t you friggin’ dare, Dark, I swear to Nova-
Panel 3
*DMK stands up and yanks DR down towards his face, a hand clasped on the back of the thief’s head to hold him there. DR flinches (VFX: two large exclamation points), knocked off his feet and holding his paws out in surprise. A wisp of steam rises from between them, curling into a little pink heart at the top. Text reading “*Face-to-Face SFX*” hovers behind DMK.*
Panel 4
*DR jerks away from DMK, red-faced and doubled over in pain, his eyes squeezed shut and his tongue hanging out with a fresh red burn on the end, steam emitting from his face in puffs. He frantically fans at his mouth with one paw while shoving DMK away with the other.*
DR: (breaking the dialogue bubble in places) AAGH!! Ow! Star-burnin’ son-of-the-void what is wrong with you piece a’- aaaughh dammit stars dammit ow ow ow ow!!
*DMK cackles, leaning away with one arm held up against the rat’s pushing paw, one eye shut and mouth stretched open in a wide smile, a single incisor prominent within and a touch of blush at the corner. Text reading “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA” hovers behind him surrounded by laugh lines.*
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s-4pphics · 6 months
mourn. intro. (e.w.)
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WARNINGS: streetracer!ellie, dealer!oc, backstory lemme cook, parental death, mentions of overdoses, funeral, baby ellie :), oc intro… cackles evilly
A/N: last post til eid lol 
pay zakat. feed a family this ramadan. k!ll zios.
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ANGUISH floods Ellie’s chest as she witnesses decorative rosewood being lowered into the sopping dirt. It’s cinematic; watching herself from a bird’s eye view, floating above her own body. Her brain cranks at an alarming rate. Churning in attempts to convince her that she’s not actually here, staring dead at her mother’s casket. The grass sludges beneath her shoes with every unsteady shuffle of her feet. 
There aren't many people around. Three of her mother’s former work friends, a service dog, and the officiant. They’re hardly acknowledging Ellie; no one would be able to stop her from leaping head-first into the ground due to the lowering clouds. Buried and suffocated by grass and mud, a feast for the maggots, but loved eternally. Every cell in Ellie’s body thrums with anxiety. Just when she trusted that her mother’s health was improving, she woke up, shrouded in ice next to a limp body and an empty pill bottle on the nightstand. The same ones her mother took to sleep throughout the night. 
That was three weeks ago. She doesn’t remember calling 911. 
Her best friend — her only friend is gone. And it’s permanent. This isn’t like how her mother used to scavenge the streets until dawn searching for another job before Ellie woke up. She’s not coming back to crawl into their shared, warm bed, sleep for half an hour, then help her get ready for school. No more oatmeal in the mornings. No laughter. No joy. No symmetry. Ellie’s life is forever scattered. Beaten to death until she’s leaking venomous, black blood.
There’s a man that keeps staring at her with pity: familiarity crushes her every time they lock eyes. She kind of remembers him. Somewhat. She almost forgot her shoes before coming here. He seems more upset than her. At least externally; Ellie’s rotting from the inside. 
Her mother’s chamber is completely submerged underneath dirt within the next few hours. The man from earlier is much closer now. 
She jumps when he whispers, 
I owed your mom a favor. 
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Ellie hates Joel. Hates her mother for leaving her with him. Hates herself for not being able to save her from the claws of addiction. 
Joel’s home is always silent during the day. He gave Ellie the grace of letting her stay home until the Spring, but it’s too quiet. Music never plays and they never talk, and it’s driving her to madness. The silence makes her itch. 
Until the sun sets. 
She already has trouble sleeping. Her insomnia combined with the thunderous clanking that blares from the garage every night is enough to get her sobbing into her pillow until the sun rises the next morning. One night, the noise had gotten so uncontrollably loud that Ellie barged into the garage to shout every curse she recalled her mom screaming into the phone before bedtime.
She didn't expect, however, to see Joel’s legs extended out from underneath her mom’s wrecked ‘57 Chevrolet. Ellie could hear him grunting as cranking and banging of metal took over the space. 
… What are you doing? 
Joel rolls out from beneath the car on a creeper, face confused and smeared with dark sludge. 
Why’re you up? 
It’s loud. She snaps. Why is her car here. 
Joel sighs. Just trying to fix it up. 
For what. Ellie eyes the cracked windshield. She somehow remembers how a rock hit it on the freeway when she was six. Her mom was livid. She can’t drive it anymore. 
Joel’s face twists uncomfortably. It’s almost comical; the seemingly boiling child stands at a whopping four-foot-three with her fists clenched, burning holes through her bright yellow Spongebob pjs. Her glare sharpens when he mumbles, 
So you stole her freaking car? Her eyes swelter, brows hauled downward and hands in fists. He sits up straight, palms up in surrender, wrench in hand. How’d he even get back into their old house?
No, I — He rushes, She asked me to try n’ get it started again. That’s all. I… I shoulda asked you —
Ellie’s not sure why she’s so enraged, but she’s hollering with a pointed index in his direction, berating him, degrading him with sobbed vulgarities. Pushes him hard when he rises to comfort her. Eyes him with so much disdain that he flinches. 
She hates him. She misses her mom. 
The guest room door slammed shut with the click of a lock. She screamed for her mother for hours. Voice shrieking so loud that the neighbors came knocking after the first fifteen minutes. Cops pounded on Joel’s door and proceeded to conduct a wellness check on the household after an hour. 
Their presence made Ellie swallow her scorn. Ellie’s already received a small taste of what it’s like to be in the system. She vowed to never reenter as if her life depended on it. 
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Joel made Ellie chocolate chip pancakes for her birthday. 
Breakfast is silent, per usual. Light clinks of utensils on silverware and breathing are the only proof of life in the room. Ellie refuses to touch the squared slices of pineapple. It was her mother’s favorite, despite her complaints of an itchy mouth after every juicy piece. 
Your mom and I… 
Ellie pauses, skeptic eyes connecting with Joel’s. He’s treading light, she can tell. The nerves in his fingers are evident; The sorrow in his eyes suffocates her. Joel’s gaze drops onto his plate at the scrutiny he receives from across the table. 
She’s a good friend of mine, He mutters before his lips turn downward. Was. 
Ellie snorts humorlessly, Way to rub it in. 
Joel’s eyes flutter shut as he sighs, I’m… Sorr—
Were you the one she told? Her tone is sharp. Unforgiving. I heard her on the phone a few days before she did it. 
A storm flurries in the man’s gaze. A familiar one; It’s identical to when she would catch her mother in the middle of night talking to herself with a bottle in her hand. The winds in his pupils take her back to one of the darkest times of Ellie’s life. Maybe they were closer than she assumed. They look identical when they’re guilty. 
I didn’t—
But he did. He’ll never forget being on the other line with Ellie’s mother as she attempted to keep her cries to a minimum. Her croaked wails terrified him. Left wounds in his chest as his heart raced. I can’t do this to her, She’d said, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t! … Please… You owe me…
Joel did what he could over the phone. Made promises to her that he couldn’t keep, reaffirmed how much Ellie loved her. How badly she needed her mother, and eventually eased her sobs into pained whimpers. He believed the calmness she exuded prior to ending the call was a sign of understanding of her importance, but it wasn’t. Her mind and body merely accepted her fate. She was dead two mornings after. 
And Ellie was a witness to it all. 
Ellie’s eyes roll and sickness floods her, so she stands, You’re a liar. When you’re ready to tell the truth… You know where I am. She doesn’t bother to push her chair in, clean her dishes, pause at his calls of her name. Her feet stomp through the hallway, marrow searing beneath her skin. The guest room door slams shut and she breaks, guarded by the plainness of the beige walls while tears flow. 
She knows he knew. Why else would her mother leave her with him? 
When Ellie got up to use the restroom hours later, she nearly tripped over a teddy bear holding a birthday cake. With candles. She’s never received a gift before. 
She doesn’t tell him that she slept for an hour with it hugged to her chest. 
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The noises in the garage halt for a week. Ellie still can’t fall asleep. Joel has the same problem, she’s discovered. She finds him sprawled out on the couch one night, burning holes through the roof with a picture frame in his arms. She watches him silently for some time, perched behind the main wall of the hallway. 
Joel’s acknowledgement earns a gasp followed by scuffling, and he snorts. He sits up and sets the dusty frame on the cushion in front of him, noting how awful Ellie is at hiding; It makes him smile. Barely, but he’s endeared; Her entire arm was exposed. He can even see her duck-shaped slippers from where she’s tucked behind the wall. 
She doesn’t come out, and he sighs. His heart twists painfully when he hears a wet sniffle. He’s up and moving when a guttural sob echoes from the hallway, crouching down in front of Ellie with her knees squeezed into her heaving chest. Joel’s heart cracks at her flushed cheeks drenched in salt. Talking won’t calm her, he knows it, but he’s unsure of what else to do. Ellie… isn’t an emotional kid, but he hushes her, attempts to cradle, apologizes softly. 
But when her wet eyes pinch open, she unravels and falls into him completely. Her arms squeeze around his neck in a deadly grip and she cries and coughs and whines for her mother. Joel holds her just as tightly as she hangs off him. 
We're gonna be fine, sweetheart. He mumbles, and he feels her head shake in denial, tucked in the crook of his neck. His knees wobble, and a soothing hand rises to caress the back of her head; He's never seen a kid this hopeless. It makes him wonder. 
What the hell did she witness in that house? 
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Ellie’s always struggled to fall asleep alone. 
Her need to be coddled to dreamland was always a mystery to her mother. Skin-to-skin was a normal trait for infants, toddlers, maybe even a little over, but at age ten? Eleven, and unable to fall asleep without the feeling or knowledge of a loved one present? There was only one time where she recalled her mother carrying her to her own room to rest, but the second the door clicked shut, she was up. Awake. Alert and exposed to harm. Or, at least that’s what she convinced herself. 
She crawled into her mother’s bed minutes later and snoozed throughout the entire night. She didn’t hear the end of it when the sun rose. 
Joel doesn’t berate her, though. 
I can’t sleep by myself, she’d said to him after she calmed from her breakdown in the living room. They’d sat on the couch as he rubbed a comforting palm down her back, her small ones coming up to wipe her wet cheeks. 
How come? 
She scoffed, Scared of the dark, I guess? I dunno. I just can’t. 
Joel hummed in understanding. 
I’m like that, too. Sometimes. 
Ellie snickered wetly, You’re old, though. It’s not the same. 
Joel scoffed and snatched his hand away in mocked hurt. I’m not old! 
The gray hairs say otherwise! 
That night was the first time they ever laughed together. The first time Ellie laughed since her mother’s death, and it carried on until she knocked out beside him on the couch. 
For Joel, though, he couldn’t rest. Not when Ellie favored his daughter that much. Whenever he feels as though he’s progressing, letting go of grief, something life changing — disastrous — forces him right back to square one. Meeting Ellie was one of those moments. He tried to keep his weeping to a minimum as he held her sleeping form, eyes glued to the picture of him hugging his baby after her first soccer win. 
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It’s New Year’s Eve, and Ellie’s trapped inside the garage with Joel. 
Watching him tweak her mother’s vehicle has aided her raging boredom… To a certain degree. When he starts getting nerdy and raving about car parts, she tunes him out, despite the slight interest she’s taken with underneath the hood. 
The connecting wires, the bolts, the valves and cranks and this manual makes absolutely zero sense—
Can you stop dillydallyin’ around n’ hand me that? 
Ellie’s gobsmacked reading is paused when she passes Joel the manual, dark sludge-covered hands staining the fading paper. She cringes. 
Ellie watches silently as Joel inspects the contents, nodding to himself as his eyes flicker from the vehicle to the booklet, mapping out his next moves of attack. His eyes sparkle and curiosity sparks in her. 
Did you fix it? 
Joel only murmurs to himself, and Ellie’s eyes roll. She inches closer to him and waves a hand in front of his eyes. Hellooo? Is it gonna start? 
… I think so, kid. His head shakes in disbelief, If I can get that transmission replaced, it might be alright. 
Ellie’s brows furrow… What on earth is a transmission? 
I’ve been workin’ on cars for a while. I can tell you now that finding such an essential part for a model this old is gonna be tough. Might cost me an arm n’ leg. 
Ellie shrugs, You’ll figure it out, old man. 
He stares down at her blankly, Gee, thanks. Hand me that wrench, assistant. 
Ellie mocks glee on her skip to the rolling cart, Gosh golly dang, does this mean I’m hired? 
He jokingly snatches the tool from her extended hand. Little bugger. And just like that, you’re not gettin’ paid. How’s it feel to be outta funds? 
Ellie’s fake wails earn her a deep holler. 
Ellie oversees Joel until the clock strikes twelve, following his line of vision on every rusted compartment of the vehicle. Stood attentively at his side as he pointed out the carefully crafted machinery, listing their parts despite Ellie’s protest of forgetfulness. There are so many names for everything; Building cars seems so complicated, but curiosity sparks in her. She starts to think: maybe cars aren’t so boring. 
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Another sleepless night for the both of them; Might as well commit to movie night. Fireworks are still going off in the small neighborhood hours later. The booming colors in the sky makes Joel's teeth grind. Reminds him of the time he took Sarah to Santa Monica Pier. 
… What favor did you owe my mom? 
Thickness builds in his throat the second Ellie mentions her. He sets the large bowl of chocolate-doused popcorn onto the coffee table, reaching for the remote to turn the movie down. Not off, down. Ellie hates feeling like she’s being scolded. 
Joel doesn’t look at her, but her eyes are glued on the side of his face. 
Umm… He scratches his face, Did your mom ever mention me to you? Ellie denies with a hum. 
Joel’s mind whirs back to the first time he met Anna: sophomore year. He was exhausted, drained, barely making it, but despite being miserable, he still cared deeply for his education. He studied until his eyes burned, jotted down notes until his hand cramped and the librarian was gently urging him to head home. 
She… We were friends in college. He fonds, We met at an ice cream truck. 
Weird. Ellie notes causally, She hates dairy. 
… Yeah. She does. Joel coughs to mask the brokenness in his voice. 
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Anna was… a genius, to put it lightly. Academically gifted to an intimidating degree. Her mind was a camera; She’d scan one excerpt from the thickest novel once and still manage to repeat it word for word years later. They had comms together; Her voice sounded like tweeting birds whenever she recited her prepared speech like it was nothing. She was an emotional speaker, entranced everyone in the room, and always ended with a question that forced students and professors to self-reflect. Joel wouldn’t call it a crush… Merely admiration. Envy. He was motivated whenever he left comms. 
He’ll never forget the image of her, sweating and worn, carrying what seemed like a twenty-pound backpack — all stuffed with calculus books — while ordering a can of Sprite from the humming, beaten down truck. Anna didn’t leave after the vendor handed her the soft drink. She simply turned to Joel, inspected him from head to toe, and turned back to the vendor. 
I’ll cover whatever he gets, too. With a thumb aimed at him. He nearly choked. 
A free snow cone couldn’t halt the racing in his chest. 
I know what you are. 
What, He questioned without a stutter. 
You fix cars? Anna quirked a brow at him. Joel’s brows pull downward. How did she know that? He’s fixed one car since he’s been enrolled. His buddy pulled up in front of his dorm asking for a windshield repair. But he shrugs, feigning nonchalance. I dunno. 
The green-eyed girl scoffs and sips from her nearly emptied can. 
You down to replace a tire? Some jackass thought it would be funny to leave a rusty nail in our parking lot. 
Our. She must have roommates… or lives where he does, he thinks. For how much? Not a beat missed. 
Her shoulders lift, I dunno. How much does a tire cost? 
Depends on the model. What d’you drive?
A chevy. Don’t ask the year, I’m not sure. It was a hand-me-down. 
A slight pause between them before Anna suggests with a sigh,
Come see ‘er. 
Thar she blows. 
Joel can’t help but snicker at the woman in front of him, posing right next to her teetered vehicle. It’s quite charismatic; the bright pink bumper stickers, the crisp turquoise paint job, the slight scratch on the trunk. It’s nice. Classically vintage; it suits her. 
A beauty, he notes with his eyes locked onto Anna’s. She gives a hum in agreement. 
Revive her, if ya don’t mind. I’m desperate and can’t sue, so. Joel nods and inspects the damage on her tire. The air is nearly fully gone, and it’s making her drive slump. 
Tire shouldn’t be more than thirty-five… Gonna have to head home for some stuff. Willing to wait an hour? When he turns to her, they’re shoulder to shoulder. 
Anna smirks, Whatever you need, mechanic. 
My dad, Joel corrects, He taught me the basics when I was like… twelve. 
Her voice lowers, Good on him… Earned me a discount, eh? A hand claps down on his shoulder and gives it an encouraging squeeze, and he revs to life. 
He swears the tips of his ears are red hot, Sure… minus that deposit. I needa twenty for emotional damages. 
Fuck off. Her eyes are soft, Might never go to the shop again. You’re officially my car fixer-upper. Fuck these grease-balls n’ their price spikes. 
Joel snorts, You get into that many goddamn accidents? 
She leans in closer, and his throat closes. Slams shut. Turns to dust. 
You’ll find out, mechanic.
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That’s why you’re spending so much time on it, Ellie notes at Joel’s retelling before a harsh gasp escapes her. Dude, were you in love with my mom or somethin’?
The man stutters and coughs, No — what? I told you she was a frien—
Ellie snickers with a judgmental point, Yeaaah, yeaaah, I know how these things go. You sucker! 
What the hell — I’m not a sucker… And what things—
Anna and Joeeel sitting in a tree! — 
A pillow smacks Ellie dead in the face, and she topples over in cackles. Joel rubs deep in his temples. Ellie would’ve loved Sarah. Two little bullies who feast on his suffering. 
No more storytelling. I’m going to bed. 
You can’t! Remember? Ellie hollers as tears fall from her eyes. She coos at Joel when he lifts himself off the couch and down the hall, trying to mask his small smile. 
Aww! C’mon, old man, it was a joke! 
I can’t wait for you to go back to school, ya vermin! 
An exhausted Ellie creeps into Joel’s room half an hour later. She sighs in relief when she doesn’t hear snoring. Her mom was the worst when she was tired. She tiptoes across the carpeted floors until she’s in front of the unoccupied side of the mattress, stealthily adjusting the blankets and pulling back the sheets. 
She slowly manages to tuck herself in, fixing the pillows so her head rests on the cold side of the case, exhaling happily at the warmth defrosting her limbs. 
The second she dozed off, she yanked to consciousness by raspy sarcasm. Her eyes roll underneath her lids.
You can’t, either. Joel croaks, Remember?
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Five days until school. Five days until misery. Five days until… strangers. Ellie’s skin crawls whenever she thinks about being an enclosed space with snot-nosed boys and soggy lunches. 
And math… Gross. 
Joel has been more than willing to postpone Ellie’s enrollment whenever she becomes anxious, but she always denies his requests. She’s grown to like Joel, but… he’s not the best teacher, especially social studies. Reviewing one of her old packets nearly gave him an aneurysm. She can’t afford to be homeschooled by him. 
What's been the best distraction from her impending doom? 
Binge watching Cars for the billionth time… And helping Joel patch up that blue Chevy. 
They celebrated their first victory last night for repairs, at least: Joel stuck and twisted the key to start up the engine, and it managed to stutter to life. For less than five seconds. The headlights barely came on and an old Foreigner record broke through the crackly speaker. They rejoiced with the brightest smiles as their hands slapped the dashboard before the vehicle crashed out once more. 
A glimmer of hope. A chance for reconnection. Anna’s sending them messages. The joy in that car shifted to grievance; Joel had to cradle Ellie in his lap as she wept into his shoulder. 
But there’s hope. Ellie wanted nothing more than to get this car working after that. Duty calls, though, and the alarm’s coming from a backpack. 
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You got this, kid. Stop stressin’. 
Ellie, without a doubt in her mind, does not got this. 
Screaming children, muddy slides, bloody band aids; they’re all on the other side of that office door. Her worst nightmare has come to life, and she desires nothing more than to hide out in her mom’s car forever. The bag strapped around her shoulders matches the weight of a body. She refuses to let go of Joel’s hand as he speaks with the giggly receptionist who’s too happy to see him (what the hell), but it's okay; he’s holding hers just as tightly. Just as paranoid, apparently. 
She’ll be with Mrs. Lawson for the remainder of the year. Ellie hears the receptionist say over her pounding heart, She’s incredible! I’m sure they'll develop an amazing bond. 
Ellie’s palms are sweltering. Joel must feel it because his thumb nuzzles into her wrist. She’s not built for this. Maybe returning so soon wasn’t a great idea. She can’t do this without her mom. 
Cool backpack, Spidey, is said from behind her, and she stiffens instantly. 
She has a Spider-man backpack. 
Hush. An older man’s voice replies. Sounds strained. Stressed, but he only receives a light snicker from her in return. 
Ellie watches with squinted eyes as a young girl gets escorted towards the front of the office by… the principal, she assumes? He seems fancy in his suit slacks. 
You stay right here until I get your uncle on the phone, The suited man is stern towards the girl, who plops down on one of the waiting chairs. Backpack and all, You can explain to him how you swore at a teacher. I’m not dealing with this from you today. 
M’kay, Mr. Harris. 
Ellie observes the entire scene indiscreetly. Her stares are obvious, glued to the clearly agitated dean who stomps into his office. 
Where’d you get your backpack? 
Ellie’s stunned at your sudden whisper. She shocks herself when she quietly stutters,
Um… Walmart? 
You smile, I like it. I want one. 
Ellie simply nods, but gets paused before she can redirect her attention to Joel. 
Are you new? Your voice grows quieter when you look over your shoulder. Right at the principal’s door. I am, too. I just moved schools. 
This shocks the brunette. The new year just started, and you're already locked in the office with evidently angry staff. 
Yeah… I’m new. 
Something in your grin shifts. Ellie’s nails lock into Joel’s hand. … Interesting— 
Young lady! Did Mr. Harris give you permission to speak? 
You audibly ponder like the attendance clerk asked you to solve a riddle. 
No, ma’am. I apologize. 
Then hush. Not another word. 
Ellie watches you fold your hands politely, twiddling your thumbs. Your eyes don’t leave her backpack. 
Ready, kiddo? 
Her eyes finally reconnect with Joel’s, encouraging and chocolate, and she nods. He guides her to the office exit where her new life resides. Before their departure, she can’t help but take one last respectful glance over her shoulder. She finds you staring with a quirked lip and your wrist outstretched like your shooting spider webs at her. Ellie jerks her head forward and releases the breath she’s been holding. 
What a weirdo. 
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tagggiiiiessss :3: @inf3ct3dd @fleshunger @sawaagyapong @elliesbitchh @aouiaa @elliesatchel @williamellieslilho @elliewilliamgfooc @bready101 @myluvforstarz
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Imagine voicing your disapproval about working with Buggy…
Following Luffy down to his mystery surprise in the kitchen, you had suspected a clue or a trinket of sorts. You didn’t expect for him to pull out the head of pirate captain who greeted the room with a comical laugh.
Zoro sighed under his breath. He didn’t entirely agree with getting help from the clown on the account that he was a known manipulator but Luffy had his heart set on finding Nami. And the way his friend supported his dream to become the greatest swordsman, he’d support Luffy.
You, on the other hand, would have preferred it if Luffy had stashed away a fish man from Arlong’s crew instead of this blue-haired fool and if no one else was going to challenge the option, you would.
“Luffy, I admire you but he’s as useful as cotton candy in water.”
Usopp snickered at the comparison. He couldn’t help imagine what the clown looked like in his circus candy form.
Sanji leaned against the kitchen counter. “I’m with Y/n. You sure about this?”
Luffy’s smile dwindled ever so slightly. “I know that we need to find Nami and that Bonky is the only lead we have.”
“Come on, you know it’s Buggy!”
“Oh, bite me.” You scowled at the body-lacking pirate. You picked up a small onion and gently toyed with it, letting it rise into the air before catching it once more.
Sanji pursed his lips and looked from the clown head to your sour expression. “I’m sensing a different kind of hostility here.”
Zoro crossed his arms, glancing over his shoulder to the cook. “He lost a rare Devil Fruit before Y/n had a chance to study it.”
“You document Devil Fruits?” Sanji wondered with fascination now looking at you.
You gave the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates a small shrug. “I did until he ruined everything.”
Buggy rolled his eyes. “Geez, get over it already - ow!”
If he had been paying closer attention he would have seen the onion hurtle forward before it smacked his nose. Scrunching his face in pain, the lack of a body made it hard to soothe the injury.
“I’m sorry, did that hurt?” You deadpanned.
~ More imagines here ~
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tizeline · 2 months
hii! i’d love to know what are your favourite tmnt aus<33
Replica by kathaynesart was one of the first AUs I got really invested in, I'm pretty sure. It's just all around a really well made story, great balance of both comedic and more heartfelt darker moments. Also something about the way Kat makes comics just immerses you and get you really invested!
Empyrean Weeping by cupcakeslushie is another one of the first AUs I got into, and it'd inspired me a lot. The more recent comics focusing on Leo and him getting rescued from the Foot especially have been absolutely phenomenal, I'm so fricking invested in this story man you have no idea! (Also this AU is what got me to check out the IDW TMNT comics in the first place, and that's like one of my favorite TMNT iterations now so that's cool)
Ghost In The Shell by amevello-blue is hilarious cuz it's just 03!Donnie, coming from a more grounded and serious version of TMNT reacting to all the bonkers shit happening in RotTMNT. Also Ghost's relationship with the Rise turtles is adorable and wholesome and afbiafhaijdfahkj this AU makes me FEEL things man
Little Kid With A Big Death Wish by remedyturtles, speaking of feeling things, fucking OUCH! OUCHIE OW! Also very interesting take on the F!Leo-gets-sent-back-to-the-present-trope that this fandom (and me) loves so much, I'm absolutely living for it
Sidelined by dandylovesturtles and OH LOOK! MORE OUCHIE! I love the idea of Leo getting yeeted into the the dark armour, and Sidelined AU is the most developed story about this concept that I've personally been able to find. Anyway I love it, awesomesauce!!
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mistercrowbar · 15 days
I was reading you comics before sleep. Could explain the good boy points from Aldiirn' clan?
The system is lifted from Death Stranding where you are awarded Likes for completing orders, returning lost cargo, helping to build structures, donating equipment, or just because someone liked the silly sign you posted. These Likes increase your Porter Grades, which rate your skill as a porter in different categories, and Connection Levels, which is how many resources a specific facility/delivery recipient is willing to let you use.
Aldiirn’s clan, Iaurrhen, more or less weaponises underfolks’ aversion to owing debts for Good with a system of paying favours forward using Merit (ie Likes) to gauge members’ contributions. The clan sees that everyone has their basic needs met, eg couriers can get a bed and warm meal at their depots, but if you get enough Merit you can request fancy extras and even get clients specifically asking for you to handle their orders instead of whoever is available. Merit isn’t spent like gold it’s more like having enough gets you a raise in your pay/allowance/whatever.
Main differences is Death Stranding is a post-apoc setting where the economy is trashed and everyone is either self-sufficient or has everything provided by the cities because everyone is Gale and trade is done on gifting, while Iaurrhen still has to interact with gold economies amongst cutthroat peoples. Merit prolly also serves as a check that members are contributing, or out they go. Iaurrhen’s prolly derided a lot, they’re like this weird bright socialist experiment in the Underdark, but they get shit delivered.
Aldiirn is still relatively junior as a courier/broker but rapidly rising since he’s managed to secure happy repeat clients, usually with rare alchemical fungi or being able to secure surface goods for better prices since he can avoid going through criminal orgs (usually its only types like the zhents that want to trade with the underdark). He’s got a good amount of Merit built up but he only uses it for job things like a handy haversack and 99 Scrolls of Detect Poison. All gone in the nautiloid. :’)
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Hi💙 🏳️‍🌈 Attend a pride event for bucktommy
This was so much fun to write! I might actually post this on on Ao3 🙂 I hope you like it!
"Wait, a Pride Weightlifting Competition? That's a real thing?" Buck asked, his eyes widening with a mix of surprise and excitement.
Tommy nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it's this awesome fundraiser-slash-party. There's food, a DJ, a drag show, and of course, deadlifting."
Buck's face lit up with interest. "That sounds incredible! How have I never heard of this before?"
"It's relatively new," Tommy explained, "but it's been gaining popularity. It's a great way to celebrate Pride while promoting fitness and raising money for LGBTQ+ charities."
"So, it's like, what... rainbow barbells and glitter protein shakes?" Buck joked, his eyes twinkling.
Tommy laughed. "Not quite, but I wouldn't put it past some of the participants to add a little flair to their lifting gear."
Buck's excitement was evident as he fired off more questions. "Can we sign up? Do you want to sign up? Are there prizes?"
Tommy couldn't help but grin at Evan's enthusiasm. "Whoa, slow down there, champ. Yes, we can sign up if you want to. I was thinking about it, actually. And yeah, there are prizes - trophies, gift cards, and I think the top lifter gets a year's membership to a local gym."
"Oh man, we have to do this!" Buck exclaimed, already looking like he was planning his training regimen. "When is it? Do we need to start practicing now?"
Tommy chuckled, placing a hand on Buck's shoulder. "It's not for another two months, so we've got time. But if you're serious about competing, we should probably start incorporating more deadlifts into our workouts."
Then, with a playful yet determined glint in his eye, Buck added, "Ok, but you can't distract me with kisses or looking insanely sexy while training because I intend to win."
Tommy raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, so it's like that, is it? You're on, Evan. May the best man win."
"You're assuming you're the best man," Buck teased back, his competitive spirit rising to the challenge.
Tommy laughed, shaking his head. "This is going to be interesting. You do realize you just made training together a whole lot more challenging, right?"
Buck grinned, leaning in close. "Maybe. But it'll definitely be more fun. Starting tomorrow though, all bets are off. No distractions allowed."
"Deal," Tommy agreed, sealing it with a quick kiss. "But just remember, you started this. Don't complain when I beat you fair and square."
Buck's grin turned mischievous. "Oh please, old man. Maybe you should compete in the senior division. Wouldn't want you to throw out your back trying to keep up with me."
Tommy's eyebrows shot up, his mouth falling open in mock outrage. "Old man? Senior division? Oh, that's it, sweetheart. No sex for you until after the competition."
Buck's face fell comically. "Wait, what? No, come on, I was just joking!"
Tommy crossed his arms, trying to maintain a serious expression despite the amusement dancing in his eyes. "Nope. You've made your bed, now lie in it. Alone."
"But Tommy," Buck whined, reaching for his boyfriend. "That's like two whole months!"
Tommy dodged Buck's grab, laughing. "Should've thought of that before you called me an old man. Besides, think of it as extra motivation to train hard."
Buck pouted, but there was a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "Fine. But when I win, you owe me big time."
"IF you win," Tommy corrected with a smirk.
Buck paused for a moment, a thoughtful look crossing his face. Then, with a mix of hope and mischief in his voice, he asked, "OK, but what counts as sex?"
Tommy couldn't help but laugh at Buck's attempt to find a loophole. He shook his head, amused. "Nice try, Evan. But I think you know exactly what I mean."
Buck groaned dramatically, but there was a spark of excitement in his eyes. Then, in a whiny tone, he tried one last time, "I can't go two months! Does hand stuff count?"
Tommy couldn't help but laugh at Buck's persistence. " Yes, hand stuff counts. Anything that gets either of us off is off-limits."
Buck pouted, his blue eyes wide with exaggerated despair. "You're killing me here, Tommy."
Tommy's expression softened slightly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Alright, I'll throw you a bone. Kissing is okay. But nothing below the belt, got it?"
Buck's face lit up at this concession. "Really? Okay, I can work with that. Challenge accepted!"
"Don't get too excited," Tommy warned, though his eyes were twinkling with amusement. "Remember, this is about focus and training. No trying to turn innocent kisses into makeout sessions."
"Me? I would never," Buck said, feigning innocence.
Tommy raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Uh-huh. Sure. Now, are we going to start planning our training schedule, or are you going to keep trying to negotiate our sex embargo?"
As Buck and Tommy arrived at the venue, the air was electric with excitement. Rainbow flags and banners adorned the walls, and the sound of pumping music filled the air.
Buck was sporting a tight tank top in the colors of the bisexual flag. The words "Bi and Mighty" across the chest in bold white letters. He'd even gone the extra mile with bi flag wristbands.
Tommy, not to be outdone, wore a sleeveless shirt in the blue and green shades of the gay men's flag. His tank read "Lift Like Everyone's Watching" in a playful font. He'd complemented the look with a rainbow sweatband and an MLM flag- painted on his cheek.
Buck stretched his arms above his head, his shirt riding up slightly to reveal his well-defined abs. He caught Tommy staring and smirked. "See something you like, old man?"
Tommy rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide his appreciative glance. "Just checking out the competition."
Buck chuckled, then let out a dramatic sigh. "Man, I can't believe we made it. These have been the hardest two months of my life, both literally and figuratively."
Tommy raised an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and pride on his face. "Oh yeah? Care to elaborate on that?"
"Well," Buck started, counting off on his fingers, "literally because of all the intense training we've been doing. I don't think I've ever lifted this much in my life. And figuratively..." He trailed off, giving Tommy a pointed look.
Tommy laughed, patting Buck on the shoulder. "I'm impressed you managed to stick to our deal. I half expected you to crack after the first week."
Buck puffed out his chest proudly. "Hey, I'm a man of my word. Although, I've got to say, I've never been so excited for a competition to be over."
"Is that so?" Tommy teased. "Here I thought you were in it for the glory of winning."
"Oh, I'm definitely here to win," Buck assured him, a competitive glint in his eye. "But let's just say I've got some pretty fantastic plans for our post-competition celebration."
Tommy felt a flutter of anticipation in his stomach. "Well then," he said, his voice low, "I guess we better get out there and give it our all."
As they made their way to the registration desk, both men were filled with a mix of competitive spirit and shared excitement for what was to come, regardless of the competition's outcome.
As the final results were announced, Buck and Tommy stood side by side, both breathing heavily and glistening with sweat. Neither of their names was called for the top spots, but the disappointment was fleeting.
Buck turned to Tommy, his face split into a wide grin despite not winning. "Did you see that? I hit 450 pounds! That's a new personal best for me!"
Tommy's eyes were shining with pride, both for himself and for Buck. "And I managed 425! I never thought I'd break 400 at my age."
As they gathered their things and prepared to leave, Buck slung his arm around Tommy's shoulders, pulling him close.
"You know what this means, right?" Buck said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Tommy laughed, shaking his head. "That we're both going to be sore as hell tomorrow?"
Buck leaned in close, his voice low and teasing. "Oh yeah, we're definitely going to be sore tomorrow. In more ways than one, if I have anything to say about it."
Tommy grinned, wrapping his arm around Buck's waist. "Lead the way, baby. We've got two months to make up for."
Buck leaned in, his lips brushing against Tommy's ear. In a low, husky voice, he began whispering, "God, I can't wait to get you home. I'm going to start by kissing every inch of your body, then I'm going to take you in my mouth until you're begging for more. After that, I'm going to bend you over and—"
Tommy's cheeks flushed a deep red as Buck continued, describing in vivid detail the passionate night he had planned. Tommy's eyes widened, and he bit his lower lip, trying to maintain his composure in public. But the color spreading across his face and down his neck betrayed just how affected he was by Buck's words.
"Evan," Tommy finally managed to stammer, his voice slightly hoarse. "If you don't stop talking like that, we might not make it home."
Buck pulled back with a mischievous grin, clearly pleased with the effect he'd had on his boyfriend. "Just giving you a preview of coming attractions," he said with a wink.
Tommy shook his head, but he was smiling despite his embarrassment. "You're insatiable, you know that?"
"You love it," Buck teased, pressing a quick kiss to Tommy's cheek.
"I really do," Tommy admitted, squeezing Buck's waist affectionately.
As they reached their car, the playful atmosphere shifted. Buck pressed Tommy against the truck, their bodies flush against each other. "Next year," Buck growled, his voice low and filled with promise, "we're doing this again." Tommy nodded, his eyes dark with want. "Agreed, but no bets. I don't think I can handle another sex-free two-months." Buck's hand slid down to grab Tommy's ass. "Deal. Now, we need to get home before I take you in my mouth right here and now." Tommy's breath hitched, his composure slipping as he fumbled for the car keys.
They barely managed to get into the car, the competition already a distant memory compared to the urgent need coursing through their bodies. As Buck started the engine, Tommy's hand found his thigh, a silent reminder of what awaited them. The competition might be over, but their real test of endurance was just beginning.
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A simple concept comic for the "Westward To Tathāgatagarbha" AU that I am currently researching about for the sake of Hindu and Buddhist lore.
This AU (simplified as just the "Westward" AU) will be explained shortly after I finish half of the docs, since it will be too long to explain it directly here.
Thank you for your patience.
"Just as the Dao is compared to water, the fl ow of qi is envisioned as a complex system of waterways both in nature and in the human body. In the latter, the “Ocean of Qi” is in the abdomen; rivers of qi fl ow through the upper torso, arms, and legs;
Springs of qi sprout at the wrists and ankles; and wells of qi are found in the fi ngers and toes. In both nature and the body, even a small spot in this structure can thus inf l uence the whole, so that overall balance and smoothness are the general goal.
Seen in its most general terms, human life is the accumulation of qi; death is its dispersal. After receiving a core potential of primordial and prenatal qi at birth, people throughout life need to sustain it.
Rather than the mere absence of symptoms and ailments, health in this vi-sion is thus a fundamental alignment with the Dao as it manifests in one’s personal physical and psychological characteristics and as it opens paths to higher self-realization and spiritual unfolding. It means the presence of a strong vital energy and of a smooth, harmonious, and active qi flow that moves in a steady alteration of yin and yang, two aspects of the continuous fl ow of creation: the rising and falling, growing and declining, warming and cooling, beginning and ending, expanding and contracting movements that pervade all life and nature.
Yin and yang continuously alternate and change from one into the other. They do so in a steady rhythm of rising and falling, visible in nature in the rising and setting of the sun, the warming and cooling of the seasons, the growth and decline of living beings. "
— Chinese healing exercises, The tradition of Daoyin, 2008
(Small hints/key words: Yakshas, land, and rice fields.)
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
In every universe Jason Peter Todd dies young. It’s a fate sealed across the multiverse. Maybe he could hope that there’s one universe where he doesn’t. aka, Jason, Dick, and Bruce go multiverse hopping, and are not having a fun time. (Ps, when I started writing this fic I hced Jason as Latino, but I don't really believe in that hc anymore, so just a heads up if you don't like that hc)
TRIGGER WARNING -> Child Death (it's Jason)
Currently, they were standing in front of a Palace. And they were definitely sent back to Medieval times, but not really because the clothing didn’t really match up with the architecture, and the weapons.
Oh, there was also a strong sense of magic, so probably more Dungeons and Dragons vibes. Sick.
Dick took a couple breaths, clenching his fists and releasing them. “Our money’s gonna be useless here. And we should probably get different clothes so we blend in more, but we can’t get those things because we don’t have money.”
So they were going to ignore the fact that the cashier’s name was Jack White. Like… Jack Oswald White. Like the Joker. 
To be fair, Jack White is a common name. Jason tucked the comic books into a hidden pocket in his jacket, “We should go deeper in.”
“But this universe’s Bruce is probably in the Castle.”
“It’s a Palace. Castles have defense structures. We can collect gossip from the maids.” 
Dick raised an eyebrow, “Gossip?”
“Yeah. How else are we supposed to get information on the Royal family? Use a computer?” 
So they went deeper into the palace, sticking to the shadows, and listening to people. 
Kal-El was the current King, but before that it was Jor-El, and before that it was Thomas Wayne. Bruce still has prince status, but he– he didn’t abdicate his claim to the throne, because he was fourth in line– Clark, Kon, Jon, and then Bruce, but Something something, the Els were gods, better if they had the throne, blah blah blah. So it was more like the Els were ruling because the people thought very highly of them. 
Dick frowned, “Does that mean he’s Uncle Kal, not Uncle Clark?”
“Just call him, your Majesty .”
The Els practically adopted Bruce after Martha and Thomas died, which made all three of them frown, because what about Alfred? There was something about all the Robins– guess there weren’t secret identities here either– being back together in the palace for the first time in a while . That also implied that Royal Bruce had already adopted all– if not most–of them.
Jason snorted, “Dick, do you think you go by Knightwing?”
“I’m pretty sure we all just go by Rob– Oh fuck you.”
Apparently, Dick was usually traveling around, helping whoever needed help along the way. Cass was in Themyscira, (Which, lucky Jason wishes he could go to Themyscira) but came back that morning, with Diana. Tim had been undercover in an enemy kingdom. Damian and Duke had been staying at the palace.
Then, Jason felt an energy. It wasn’t a bad energy, like an Untitled or a bad vibe from someone. No. It actually felt really familiar. 
He could feel the energy calling to him. Not luring him in a malicious way, but in a guiding way. He knew it was his energy, but it felt so much stronger. It was so much stronger than his own. 
They came to a courtyard, where Steph and Cass were sparring with each other, Jon and Damian were seated in front of Dick as he did some flips, Tim and Kon were climbing a tree, and Duke and Jay were sat crisscrossed in a corner with blindfolds over their eyes. Though, Jay was grinning while Duke was frowning.
“ Jason… I’m tired of this.” Duke whined. He was really young. Maybe, 9? “Aren’t you supposed to be teaching me?”
“I can not teach you, only guide.” Jay backhanded Duke.
“ Ow! What was that for? ”
“I am trying to guide you through foresight. Obviously, you didn’t see that coming.” Duke tried to hit Jay back, but Jay shifted just out of the way so he wouldn’t get hit, “I saw that coming days ago.”
Duke straightened a bit, “Really?”
“No, it was just predictable. I can only see bigger things, remember?”
Dick (his brother) immediately turned to him from where they were hiding, and whispered “Can you read the future?” 
Jason made a so-so gesture, “Not often.”
Dick frowned and looked like he was going to say something, when Cass stopped sparring and looked straight at them.
“Hold it Cass, it’s part of Duke’s training.” Jay also turned to face Jason, even though he had his blindfold, and grinned, “Alright, Duke. Your way of seeing into the future is different from mine. The way I can do it is through space, and astral projection. Your powers work by…” Jason trailed off so that Duke could finish the sentence.
“Changing light.” Duke chewed at the side of his cheek, “But how does that relate to me being able to see into the future?”
Jay took off his blindfold, “There was light yesterday, there is light today, there will be light tomorrow.”
“I hate it when you speak all cryptic.” Duke huffed and crossed his arms. “You’re like an old man trapped inside– Oh! Oh! Wait! You mean I can see the light of tomorrow, today!”
“Or, like, a couple seconds from now, right now , but yes.” 
“Then why am I wearing a blindfold?” Jay let out a snort, while Duke ripped off his blindfold and swatted Jay with it, “You’re an a–” Duke cut himself off as his eyes flashed golden, and turned to face Jason, Dick, and Bruce.
Jason raised his hands and entered the courtyard, “Hello. We come from a different world, by the way. It’s kinda in the future, but it’s not this future…” He looked over to Jay, “Was that our cue? We didn’t really have time to plan this all out.” 
“Yup. You guys are right on time.” Something… resigned flashed over Jay’s face, though was quickly covered up with a welcoming smile. 
Cass to Jay worry clear on her face, “There’s that look again.”
“I’ve got all kinds of looks.” Jay made a silly face, but immediately stopped when Cass gave him a don’t do that look. “Don’t worry. If it was important, I’d tell you.”
Cass visibly softened for a second, before placing her hand on her hips, “You better.”
Jay looked at his brother Dick, “I already told Bruce and Uncle Kal that we’d have guests.” 
“And you didn’t tell me?”
“That’s because you’re here right now. And you know Bruce would probably put them in the dungeon if I didn’t warn him beforehand.”
“I’ll put you in the dungeon.”
Jay opened his mouth like he was about to shout something, but Dick quickly covered it with his hand. Jay then bit Dick’s hand, “I wasn’t even going to tattle.”
Cass snickered, “Lies.”
Jay gasped, “You’re supposed to take my side. I’ve known you for longer.”
“Quality over quantity.” Cass shrugged. Though, she was smiling in a playful way.
“Wait, how long have you guys known each other?”
Jay threw an arm over Cass’s shoulder, “Since birth. We’re practically twins.”
“We’re not twins. I’m older.” Cass shoved Jay away, but then frowned, “Are we not close in your world?”
Honestly, Jason was surprised they were in this one.
…It was probably because Jay didn’t kill. That always seemed to be the main issue between Jason and his Cass. Initially, Cass absolutely despised Jason for killing. If anything, her lines were even harsher than Bruce’s when it came to that, and because Jason knew she hated him for killing, he just… stayed away. 
Then, one night after patrol, he walked into his safehouse to see her waiting for him. She told him why she didn’t kill. How she saw every life as valuable. She asked him why he killed. 
At first he said because the people he killed deserved it. And that he didn’t think the same way as Cass did. That some people deserve to die because they are scum.
But she didn’t believe it. Because she said that she saw him seconds before Jason had killed someone. She said his body language looked like he was convincing himself to kill. So she asked him again, why did he kill?
He had to think about it for a moment, but eventually he said ‘Because the people I kill have made victims. And those victims deserve peace. Peace that I can give them.’  
Then she nodded, and looked at him like she was looking through his soul, ‘Because you haven’t been given that peace.’ And then she just left.
Since then, it’s been better between the two of them, but Cass was still the person he got along with the least out of the whole…team. And Jason didn’t get along with a lot of them. There was Tim– which he seemed really close with in the fourth universe, and the Wings universe. He didn’t really get along with Damian– but the kid seemed to adore him in the last universe. Even Dick seemed a lot closer to Jason in the Wings universe. Maybe if he had never died he wouldn’t be alone.
“Um… no, but I haven’t known you since birth. With time we’ve gotten closer.” Which, technically was true, but it was a half lie.
If Cass picked up on it she chose not to say anything.
“Well that sucks. Anywho, I wanna talk to Giant Jason.” Jay grabbed his hand and dragged Jason out of the courtyard, out of earshot from everyone else. 
“Won’t the Kryptonians still be able to hear us?”
“Kon and Jon’s powers haven’t come in yet. And Uncle Kal won’t eavesdrop unless we shout.” Long gone was the Jay who was happy and joking around with his siblings, as he pressed a palm to Jason’s sternum and closed his eyes. “Ok, good. You’re also a master of the All-Blades. Yours are a lot more powerful than mine.” he could see relief flood into Jay.
“Kid, I’m pretty sure you’re a lot more skilled than I am.” Obviously if he was helping Duke with his precognition, Jay looked at All –the past, present, and future– better than Jason was. And he was pretty sure that Jay astral projected for Jason to find him.
Jay shook his head with a smile that made him look much older than he actually was, “You have a lot more soul than I do. Kinda like you have two.” they started walking farther away from the courtyard, “Have you seen what happens next?”
Jason scratched the back of his neck, “Um, no. I only look at All when I have a chance to sit down and meditate." He doesn’t do it often. It makes him a bit unhinged for the next couple weeks after he does it. The last time he looked at All had been right after Bruce’s disappearance, and he almost killed Tim and Damian. Jason may be the lone human able to master the art without going insane, but… he kinda does, every time he tries.
“A group of Untitleds are going to invade the palace looking for Duke in fifteen minutes. It’s too much for me to take on.” 
Jason almost stopped in his tracks, does he know he dies? “I’ll fight beside you. Should we get Duke someplace safe? All of your siblings, actually.”
Jay’s eyes darted around the room, probably looking at all possibilities, “No. They’ll be safest where they are. The Untitled will appear at the Eastern entrance. We’ll get to them before the alarm sounds, and then they’ll come rushing, which will give us enough time to slay most of them.”
Jason nodded, as they continued to speed off in silence. “So, if you knew Cass from birth, but you also have trained with the All-Caste… What's the timeline?” It was meant as a distraction, but also, Jason was really just curious.
“My father was a mercenary, and he learned from Lady Shiva. So I knew Cass from when I was younger, but it was more like we were acquaintances. After my father died, Essence found me and brought me to the Acres of All and I was there for two normal years. I left once for a.. It wasn’t a mission, because I was nine, but Ducra sent me out to get familiar with the feel of magic outside of the Acres of All. I found Cass on the run, and I decided to stick with her. I’m sure Ducra knew this would happen. 
"We were on the streets together for three years. We also met Duke out there during our later years. We were kinda a little family of our own. Bruce caught me stealing from him, Cass helped me get away. Then Bruce found us helping people out of a burning building and decided to take us in. I go back to the Acres of All every once in a while, but usually I stick to home base. What about you?” 
They had gotten to a set of double doors, so Jason assumed they were at the Eastern entrance. “Hmm, well, I was also living on the streets by the time I was nine. Bruce also caught me stealing from him, but took me in after I helped him stop crime school. I think my Papi also knew Lady Shiva, but I didn’t know he knew her until I was 15. Then I died, but I came back to life. Talia brought me to the Ducra, and I learned under her for six normal months, but then I–” Ice slid down his spine, making the hairs on his arm stand up and his stomach twist. 
They both summoned their blades.
And the doors opened.
And they attacked
There was something so oddly natural about fighting alongside this version of himself. It felt almost as natural as fighting alongside Bruce.
 It could just be because Jay knew how Jason fought because he saw All and, despite this version of him being from a universe that was vastly different from his own, Jason still knew how he fought. The blend of a martial stance and a street brawl stance. The combination of flashy acrobatics he’d learned from Dick and the practical dodges and rolls. The mix of the analytical eye from Bruce and the intuition he had gained over the years.
“ Where is the son of Gnomon?” the Untitled hissed in unison.
Jason landed a kick on top of an Untitled’s knee, launching himself up to get a good opening for a stab, “An Omen? Didn’t realize omens could have children.” Obviously, Jason knew who Gnomon was. He remembers Duke, pft, duking it out with him a while ago. 
But this Duke was still young. And if these things kept coming after him… he needed someone to protect him. And yeah, they had Superman, but Superman and magic don’t mix.
Jay needed to stay alive . 
Jason jumped on the Untitled Jay was currently fighting and sunk his blades into its shoulders, catching a glance at Jay.
He– he was translucent. Which was not good. “Kid, take a breather!”
Jason was sure he could take the rest of the Untitled. There were only five left. He could take them. Jason could take them. Duke needed Jay. Jason could take them. 
He willed the blades to change form– into knives– and threw them, hitting one in the ear and one in the heart. 
Jay’s eyes widened like he realized something and whipped his head around to the door, where the rest of his family were prepped with swords and armor, rushing out to help. Jay turned back and narrowed his eyes at the Untitled in front of him. 
“Jay! Stop! I’ve got them!”
There were three Untitled left. Two near Jason, but he wouldn’t be able to get to the last one. Not while fighting these two. Not before Jay.
Jason summoned his blades back to his hands and he slashed an Untitled across the thigh.
Jay closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, before gripping his swords harder. “It’s me or my family. I can’t have that happen.” He looked back and locked eyes with Duke, “ Shine for as long as you live, Don’t be sad about anything,” Jay looked away and lifted his chin towards the Untitled, “For life is short, And time will demand its due.” Then he charged.
And as Jay’s blade sunk into the heart of the Untitled, the blade started to dim until it evaporated into thin air. And then his hand faded away, followed by his arm, then head, then chest, until nothing was left.
Jason slit the neck of the last Untitled.
The silence.
The silence felt too loud. 
Until, “Where’d– where’d Jason go?” From Stephanie, voice wavering.
Duke frowned, eyes glowing golden, “What are you talking about? He’s right there!”
Tim blinked a couple times, but it didn’t cover the fact that his eyes were glossy, “Duke–”
“He’s right there! I can see him! Cass, you can see him, right?” Duke looked to the spot Jay used to be in back to Cass, “Cass?”
Cass looked at the spot Jay had disappeared from and shook her head no , once. Then twice. Her blank expression crumpled into pure grief as she fled back into the Palace.
“No!” Duke glared at everyone, “He’s right there! I can see him! Why can’t you guys see him ?” His eyes flickered from gold to brown, back to gold then back to brown, leaving the kid confused, “He’s– he was– he was right there!” He closed his eyes tight , and then opened them, “He was right there ! Where’d he go? Jason? Jason!” He ran over to where Jay was last standing, “JASON!!! ” Duke spun around in a circle trying to figure out where Jay went, but he couldn’t find him. He couldn’t find him.
Duke balled his hands into fists as his breathing began to speed up.
Then–an ear piercing scream.
And everything around them got brighter and brighter and brighter. They couldn’t tell what was Duke’s doing, but they also knew it was time to leave.
22 notes · View notes
bathomet-writes · 2 years
Could- 👉👈 could I perhaps ask for a rise Mikey x reader short, where like: it starts with a flashback of the boys as kids, going outside for the first time and while exploring, Mikey spots this little girl on the playground and just thinks she's the prettiest creature he's ever seen, so he goes to give her a flower, completely forgetting he's a mutant and like, readers scared at first but then sees the flower and is suddenly flattered
And then flashback ends: Mikey is now left hopelessly in love with reader, who the boys have now been friends with for a long time and reader is like well dam aware of mikeys crush, but decides to act like she doesn't know to see how long it'll take Mikey, but after a failed attempt of impressing reader by almost getting hurt, reader is just like 'fuck it' and makes the first move
If u don't wanna do it then just pretend u don't see this, and if ur interested, feel free to make any changes you'd like. Also pls do not feel rushed and have a good day.
candy hearts and paper flowers
relationship: Mikey x F!reader
warnings: romantic, fluff, humor, minor hurt/comfort, kissing, sfw
word count: 5,289
author's note: omg..my first request!! this was so fun, i've never written for mikey before. i hope you like it!!
Mikey peeks his head out, lifting the manhole cover up a couple of inches to get a look around. The sliver of light that flooded out from the outside was mesmerizing. He blinks, adjusting to the brightness. 
“Woah…!” He lifts the lid even higher. 
“What do you see?” Donnie whispers. “Is it a horse? I read that there are horses out there sometimes.”
“You read that there are horses in New York? Please,” Leo sighs. 
Raph climbed up the ladder behind the other three, urging them to keep moving. “Quit holdin’ up the line!”
Leo and Donnie crash into one another, knocking their noggins awkwardly. “OW!”
Heaving the manhole cover to the side, Mikey jumps through the air. He tucks his body in to do a quick backflip, crying out a high-pitched “Hoo-wah!”
Mikey stood in hushed amazement, taking in the view of the street they popped out of. He’d only seen places like this on T.V. or in comic books, or while sneaking secret looks through sewer drains. But to stand on the pavement, feeling the dirt and grit beneath his toes, it was something else. He simply couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. 
“This is amazing! Hello dumpster! Hello alley cat! Hello mysterious rainbow-colored puddle!” He hopped and skipped with glee, greeting every object his eyes fell on. 
Eventually, Donnie, Leo, and Raph made their way out of the sewer to join him. They too were taken with the mundane sights around them, amazed at the fact that they were finally above ground. Donnie had already pulled out a crumpled up notepad to scratch down notes. Little observations of the people and buildings he saw. Leo was equally enraptured, following Donnie around as he pointed out various things on the ground. 
“Woah, a used cigarette. Cool!”
“Don’t eat it,” Raph warns. 
The red-clad turtle was trying his best to stay vigilant of his brothers, making sure none of them wandered too far off or ingested something they shouldn’t. He couldn't help but be star-struck as well, however. The ambient sounds of cars passing by and humans talking amongst themselves filled his ears. Raph claps his hands together, getting the others’ attention. 
“Okay, boys. Splinter said we could come up and explore for exactly thirty minutes. Not thirty-one minutes, thirty minutes.” Raph gathered up everyone in a tight huddle, laying down the ground rules. “If any of you mess this up for us–”
“All we have to do is keep a low profile and not die, right?” Leo scoffs.
Mikey nods enthusiastically, siding with Leo. “Easy as pie!”
“I concur. Let us all go our separate ways and reconvene here in a half-hour. Commence the synchronizing of watches.” Donnie readjusts his glasses on the ridge of his nose before hitting a button on his wrist. 
That was all Mikey needed to hear before bounding away, giggling to himself. “Cowabunga!”
Raph was soon left standing by himself as the others followed suit, going off in separate directions. Sputtering, he calls out to them. “W-Wait up! Don’t leave me alone!”
Quickly, he chooses to run after Leo across the street. 
Mikey made a beeline through a nearby alleyway to explore its contents. The smell was strangely worse up here than it was down in the sewers. The pungent scent of garbage made his nose scrunch up in disgust. 
“Nasty. Humans just leave their trash lying out like this?”
Once he gets one last look at the graffiti markings on the brick wall, he flattens himself to the corner of the building to check out the perimeter. There were a couple people walking around, talking on phones and looking somewhat distracted. Taking a chance, Mikey steps out onto the sidewalk, suddenly very nervous. 
The locals didn’t seem too interested in a pre-teenage mutant ninja turtle, not so much as sparing him a passing glance. Mikey twiddles his fingers together, almost waiting for someone to scream out in horror. 
“Huh…” he blinks. “I guess New Yorkers really have seen everything.”
He scans around for a moment, casually people-watching. There were so many humans, and they all looked so different! 
Suddenly, his eyes catch a glimpse of a playground just a couple of yards away. His eyes go wide, sparkling. 
“Omigosh!” Without thinking, he sprints over.
The playground was sizable, seemingly a part of a larger park in the neighborhood. Mikey marveled at the monkey bars, jungle gym, and various slides. He does one more double-take, making sure there was no one else around, before launching himself into the air. 
“Aw, yeah! All mine, baby.”
For the next fifteen minutes or so, Mikey sampled all the playground had to offer. This kind of place was the perfect outlet for all his manic energy. He swung off of every monkey bar, climbed through all the plastic tunnels, and dug through the sandbox for any potential treasures that were hidden away. 
As he buried himself within a sand castle he constructed, Mikey patted himself into a cocoon. “There, perfect.”
“What are you doing?” A tiny voice calls out.
Mikey turned his head toward the swingset to his left. Somehow, he failed to notice a human girl sitting right beside him. She sat clutching the chains of the swing, letting her foot move herself slightly back and forth. 
“I said, what are you doing? You’re gonna get sand everywhere.”
Mikey laid there, looking up to the sky in deep thought. Only his head was visible, while the rest of his body was buried in the sand. That must be the reason why she wasn’t terrified by the sight of his unusual green skin. 
“I like being buried.” He chirps. 
The girl continued to stare, pushing herself lazily on the swing. “Whatever.”
Mikey turns back and gives her a pleasant smile. He was thankful for the company, even if it was a slightly annoyed human. As he opened his eyes to fully look at her, he felt a sudden tightness in his chest. And it wasn’t just from being trapped in a sand prison. 
Mikey didn’t know how to describe it. He could look at a painting and call it beautiful, or look at the moon up above and say it was enchanting. But the person sitting next to him, looking at him with slight indignation, left him gobsmacked.
She tried to look away and continue to enjoy her swing in peace, but she felt Mikey’s eyes bore into her. 
“Do you want me to leave or something?” She sighs.
“What’s your name?”
She turns back to him, a small frown gracing her charming features. The way her scowl curled to the side was adorable. Every minute detail of her face was drawing Mikey in. 
“What’s your name?”
Suddenly, Mikey sits up and lets the sand fall from his person. “Michael. Angelo. Michaelangelo!”
Her annoyed expression falls away as she takes notice of his shell. The green skin, the bald head, suddenly it clicked. 
“You’re a…?”
Mikey scrambles up, putting his hands out in a placating gesture. “I-I know, it’s weird! Is it the mask? It’s the mask, isn’t it?”
He reaches up to untie it and pull it off of his head. Holding it out before him, Mikey waves it around in her face. “See!”
Scoffing, she bats his hand away. “I mean you’re a turtle!”
Mikey secures his mask back on before giving her another winning smile. He shoots his hand out for a shake. 
“Yup! And you are…?”
“I’m leaving.” She slaps his hand away again, rejecting his friendly gesture. 
Mikey watches as she moves to sit up, heart-broken. His lips tremble slightly as he rubs at his hand. Maybe he was being too presumptuous, but he didn’t really expect to get such a cold welcome his first day up on the surface. 
His eyes search around, desperate to find a reason to make her stay. “Wait! I can push you on the swing? If you want…?”
She stops, looking back at Mikey. After a couple seconds of contemplation, she sits back down.
“I guess that’s fine.”
Instantly, Mikey’s mood does a 180. “Yes!”
Stepping behind her, Mikey places his hands on the chains. He begins to step backward and lift the girl into the air. She gulps, her hands gripping tighter.
“This is kinda high.”
“That’s the best part! Here. We. Go!”
Then, Mikey reels back and lets the swing go. He doesn’t take into account the fact his strength was a little more intense than most, accidentally sending the girl flying.
Screaming, she does a full rotation. Mikey stares on in horror as she does another spin. And another. Eventually, she becomes tied to the top rung of the swing set, bound tightly by the chains. 
“That, uh…might be a little too high?” He chuckles.
“GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!” She wails, wiggling against her restraints. “How did you even do that?!”
Mikey quickly jumps up into the air and lands on the bar. He gives her an apologetic look, feeling like he was in real trouble. 
“Sorry! I’m so, so sorry! Let me just—“
She blinks at him, watching as he untangles her from the swing. “You’re…really strong!”
She grins in spite of herself. Her limbs finally go slack and she’s pulled up into Mikey’s grasp. He holds her for a second before gently setting her back on the ground. 
“I’m really sorry again. I kinda can’t control my own strength yet.”
Mikey hangs his head as he lands on the wood chip surface of the playground. 
She kicks her feet, feeling a little awkward for making such a fuss about it. He looked so genuine, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
“It’s fine…That was actually kind of fun.”
Mikey looks up, hopeful. “It was?”
She nods, holding out her hand. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Mikey beams, his eyes shining like stars. He wasn’t sure what it was about this girl that was making him so upbeat. Well, more upbeat than he usually was. He launches forward and brings her into a tight hug, shaking her back and forth. 
“Y/N! You’re my first new human friend! The first of many!”
She groans, trying to escape his enthusiastic hold. “Okay, that’s enough!” 
Chucking, he releases her. “Right. Sorry, too much.”
Mikey rubs the back of his head, smiling goofily at her. She flits her eyes down to his mouth, noticing his missing tooth. Without thinking, she covers her mouth. 
“Your teeth.”
Mikey, feeling suddenly very bashful, closes his mouth. “Yeah, I know. My dad says the tooth gap will go away eventually, but…”
The girl blinks, moving her hand away. She didn’t mean to make him embarrassed at all. To Mikey’s shock, she breaks out in quiet laughter. 
“H-Hey!” He shouts, waving his hands around. “That’s not very nice!”
She laughs even harder, moving her hands away from her mouth. Then, Mikey sees it. She was missing her top right canine. 
Blushing, she points up to her teeth. “You’re just like me! I lost this tooth last week. That’s so funny!”
Mikey’s eyes go wide, watching her continue to heartily laugh. Slowly, his lips curl into a smile. He chuckles along with her, his voice steadily growing in volume. 
As the two of them wind down, Mikey’s smile falls away. He never really interacted with a real human before, was this how he was supposed to feel? His stomach was full of butterflies, hands opening and closing out of sheer restlessness. 
“Can I give you something?”
Walking back to lean against the swing, she nods. “Depends.”
Mikey sweats, realizing he didn’t really have anything to give her. He pats his chest, searching for a gift. “I— I’m gonna give you…”
Looking down, a couple of dandelions sprouting out of the corner of the sandbox catches his eye. Mikey quickly picks them from the ground and presents them to her. He accidentally tore them out by the roots, stringy grass and dirt dangling from the flowers. 
“Flowers! You’re supposed to give cute girls flowers!”
“You…think I’m cute?”
Before he can respond, Mikey notices a large clock face against the side of a neighboring building. It had already been a half-hour! Panicking, he shoves them into her hands before running away.
“GOODBYE!” He screeches.
Mikey peels out, sprinting back toward the direction of the manhole cover he emerged from. He stumbles and trips on the wood chips, accidentally getting some in his mouth. 
He scrambles up to continue his ungrateful exit, leaving the girl behind. She sits dumbfounded, staring at the bouquet of dandelions. A small blush colors her cheeks. 
You smile to yourself, remembering the day you and Mikey first met. 
You look over to him as the two of you stroll through the same park. A good number of years later, things were relatively unchanged. The playground had a couple of updates, some new equipment. Tonight’s destination, however, was the botanical gardens. Mikey insisted that you accompany him tonight, eager to show you the exhibits.
“And, why couldn’t this have waited until tomorrow again?” You ask.
“Because,” he skips ahead, giving you his signature gap-toothed smile. “There’s no one around at night!”
You fold your hands behind your back, winking at him. “So we’re breaking in.”
“No. We’re sneaking in.” He corrects.
Chuckling, you playfully shove him aside. “You just want an excuse to hang out with me alone, don’t you?”
You close your eyes, confidently walking forward. You hear Mikey sputter and cough, having seemingly been found out. He tries his best to cover up his bashfulness with a cool facade. 
“W-What’s so wrong with some good-natured plant watching between friends? You need a little more culture in your life, and who better to provide it than me.”
Mikey places his thumb and forefinger on his chin, his eyes glinting under the dull moonlight. 
“Uh-huh. Sure,” you scoff. 
You didn’t consider yourself a particularly perceptive person. Especially when it came to matters of deciphering people’s intentions. But, Michael was unfortunately kind of an open book. He wore his heart on his sleeve, the poor guy. 
Even a fool could see that he was head over heels for you. You’re not too sure if Mikey had always had a crush on you, but lately he had made quite an effort to shower you with attention. His texts were more frequent, sending you random online quizzes and songs that you just had to see. Mikey was always pretty touchy-feely with his family and friends, giving out plenty of hugs. He was a very physically intimate turtle, sometimes to your detriment. 
“We’re here!”
His voice rips you from your thoughts and you glance up. 
Before you stood a grand building, composed almost entirely of glass windows. The yard surrounding the gardens were almost a little more impressive, countless hedges and water features decorating the area. 
Mikey slides up next to you, waggling his eyebrows. “Right?”
“Okay, this is pretty cool.” You smirk.
“I know. Allow me to razz my tazz…”
You watch as he backflips into the air and sticks to the exterior of the glass building. How did he do that, you wonder? Mikey feels around the glass panel, looking for the loose edge to wiggle himself into. He finally finds it, knocking his elbow against the window. 
Suddenly, he slides in, letting out a surprised squawk. “WOAH—!”
You cringe hearing him fall through a number of limbs, leaves shaking and vines ripping from the impact. The jungle of foliage inside was dense, so you can’t really see where Mikey lands. You run up to the service door, waiting for him to give you some sort of signal.
“Oh, Michael? Are you dead?” You cup your hands together, calling out to him in a sing-song voice. 
Pressing your face against the door, you strain your ears to listen closely. Silence. You click your tongue in annoyance.
“I’m gonna call Raph.” You slowly reach for your pocket.
Mikey slams his head against the other side of the door, his pleading face squished against the glass. “NO, DON’T!”
“AAAH—! Don’t jumpscare me like that!” You shriek. 
Mikey quickly throws open the door before pulling you in by your shirt collar. Stumbling in, you nearly fall over. You huff indignantly while he lifts you back up on your feet. For such a little guy, he sure was strong. 
“Falling for me already, eh?” He jokes. 
You flick his nose. “In your dreams.”
He awkwardly snickers at you, feeling a little shy about his casual flirtation. Mikey didn’t know if he was coming off as cute or just creepy, unable to gauge your reaction. You were always a little more cool and collected than him, your quick wit and charm rivaling even Leo’s. It was humbling, even a little attractive. He follows you from behind like a love-sick puppy, desperate to impress you. 
The two of you eventually walk into the center of the botanical garden and stand in awe of the plant life. Part of you wishes that Donnie was here to inform you both on each and every plant name, he was full of fun facts like that. But, you were happy just to have Mikey here to yourself. It was a good opportunity to test out a theory you had brewing in the back of your brain. 
“So, what first?” You smile, turning to Mikey. “Lead the way.”
He gives you an even bigger smile, eager to have you on the hook. “Oh! There’s that one stink plant!”
He directs you to the right, walking ahead of you before stopping dead in his tracks. You peek your head over his shoulder, looking around curiously.
“I, uh— I forgot we kinda made it into a mutant with a security guard.” He chuckles.
You stare at his face, looking all at once bashful and spacey. Smirking, you edge your head closer to his. You were usually pretty touch-averse, but maybe you could try being more physically intimate with him. Just to see what would happen.
“Maybe that’s for the best. I know you have a very sensitive nose,” you whisper. 
Mikey covertly gulps, caught off guard by your sudden closeness and your low voice in his ear. “Let’s go look at the babbling brook! I think I can hear it…babbling!”
Spinning around, he grabs your hand and drags you along behind him. 
You bite at your lower lip, entertained by his flustered behavior. You hated to admit it, but teasing Mikey was just too much fun. You hold his hand tighter.
“Aww, it’s like a tiny waterfall!” You gush, walking up to stand beside Mikey. “I wonder if there are any fish in here?”
Mikey shakily lets go of you, placing his hands on his hips. “There actually are. Lemme show you!”
You furrow your brows, watching Mikey step into the tiny river. The water led to a larger pond, lilly pads and other aquatic plants scattered about the surface.
“That’s probably a bad idea,” you warn. You follow him along the bank, careful not to step on any of the flowers.
“Relax. I’m a turtle, water is my natural habitat.”
You narrow your eyes. “Don’t Ornate box turtles drown really easily?”
He tosses his head at you, continuing to march forward. “That’s a myth.”
You fold your arms over your chest, meeting his cocky gaze with your unimpressed scowl. 
“Let’s see…I think I saw a fish somewhere around here.” Mikey leans down, moving aside a lily pad to investigate. “Ah-hah! Told ya.”
He shoots back up, holding out an orange-spotted koi fish. It thrashed wildly in his grasp, flapping its tail against his hand. 
Sighing, you walk closer to the edge of the pond. “You’re gonna regret that.”
“I’m putting it right back, okay? Chill—“
Suddenly, a whole army of koi fish swarm around Mikey’s feet in the water. They apparently did not take too kindly to his rude intrusion. You wordlessly watch on as Mikey got practically attacked by a dozen or so fish, their tails repeatedly slapping against his body.
“Woah, hey! Stop that! I’m not your enemy! AAA—!” Mikey tries to run out, lifting his legs high and shaking off a fish that had clamped its jaw onto his foot. 
Your hands grip onto your arms in an attempt to stop yourself from laughing. But, as soon as you see Mikey fall into the water, you break. Cackling, you grab at your sides as Mikey pitifully splashed around in the pond. 
“This is amazing!” You tease. “I’m sending this in the group chat.”
“Help me! I lied, I’m drowning!” Mikey screams, waving his limbs about. 
You hold your phone out and start recording a video, chuckling. “The water’s barely a foot deep.”
The last koi fish gives Mikey a harsh slap across the face, leaving him behind to lie in the water. He looked utterly shocked and defeated. 
Once you’ve gotten all the evidence you need, you stow your phone away and kick off your shoes and socks. You were cruel, but you weren’t that cruel. 
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” You roll up the cuffs of your pants and gingerly step into the pond, holding out your hand to Mikey.
Blinking up at you, he scowls. “I could have died back there.”
You purse your lips, resolving to just reach down and pull Mikey up by the edge of his plastron. “Serves you right for disrespecting the pond.”
As you lifted him out of the water, his body was stiff as a board. His face was still screwed into an exaggerated frown. You can’t help but chuckle again at him, wiping off some pond scum that had gotten stuck to his shell. 
“What?” He pouts.
“You’re so cute when you look like that.” You pull Mikey out of the pond, peeking back at his offended expression.
“That’s totally not demeaning.”
Once you both get back onto the path, you give him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, okay? You just have a naturally cute face.”
Your hands drift up to land on Mikey’s face, gently squishing his cheeks. His eyes were still angry, but you could tell from his blush and his wavering frown that you were really testing his resolve. You knew he wasn’t really mad, just embarrassed. It only made him even more cute. 
Mikey stared at you, using almost all of his willpower not to melt into your touch. You had never been so brazen, so comfortable with casually touching him like this. The cheeky way you were looking at him only made him more flustered. Clearing his throat, he dips out of your hold. 
“The succulents are over here.”
Huffing, he marches away. You can only smirk to yourself as you follow behind. Maybe you were teasing him a little too much. You didn’t really care, though. With a pep in your step, you catch up to meet him at the desert flora section. 
You saw a collection of cacti, some towering over your heads, others small and rotund. Mikey shakes off his growing nerves to present them to you. 
“Behold, the pokey plants. As you can see, they are covered in pokey bits.”
Nodding, you sit your chin upon your fist. “Ah, yes. Very pokey indeed.”
The two of you nod to one another in mock-seriousness. You watch as Mikey begins to smile again, and you feel a little relieved. While you quite enjoyed seeing him playfully mad, you can’t deny that you miss seeing him happy. 
Mikey quirks his head to the side, an idea knocking around in his head. “I wonder…”
You cock your head as well. “Wonder what?”
“Dare me to touch it?” He lifts a hand up toward a particularly sharp-looking cactus. 
You shift your eyes from the plant and back to him, cautiously interested. “I won’t stop you.”
“I’m gonna do it,” he warns. 
“Fine. See what happens.” You toss your hand over your shoulder, walking away. This was bound to end well. 
Before you know it, you hear a loud crunching sound behind you. You twist around to find Mikey crumpled over the cactus’s broken trunk, absolutely covered in thorns. His eyes were as wide as saucers, almost in disbelief of his own actions. 
“Michael!” You gasp. “I swear to god.”
Shuddering, he crawls out of the exhibit, moving through the pebbles that laid about. “Pain…I’m in pain.”
You turn your back to him, exasperated with his antics. “I’m not helping you.”
“Don’t need it. I’m perfectly capable of helping myself.” He stands, legs wobbling. He tries to grab at a large spine poking out of his forearm. 
“Ow.” One thorn. 
“Ow.” Another. 
You grumble, listening to Mikey remove the spines one by one. This was just sad. You slowly turn around, watching as he stands there plucking at his arm. Sighing, you decide to be a little more merciful. 
“You’re lucky you have that shell.” 
You find a nearby bench and plant yourself on it. You pat your hand to the seat next to you, beckoning him to sit down. “Come here.”
Mikey quickly pads over to sit in front of you, swinging his legs around the bench. You follow suit and do a once-over. Thankfully, his legs were mostly unharmed, but his upper body and face were covered in barbs. 
“What did we learn?” You sigh, carefully removing all of the larger spines. 
Mikey tries holding back each cry of pain as you pluck them out, his eyes squeezing shut. “I wasn’t trying to throw myself into a cactus, you know. I just tripped.”
“That’s why are you covered in pokey bits?”
“I– Ouch!” He seethes, recoiling away from you. “I was trying to be cool, okay. Aren’t you impressed?”
Chuckling dryly, you move on to the smaller, more difficult barbs. You knew he was just trying to show off, even if it was kind of pathetic. Internally, you frown. No, he wasn’t pathetic. You somehow felt bad for even thinking that. It wasn’t like he was putting on airs, or being fake. He was actually pretty genuine. 
“Not impressed. Just slightly concerned.”
Mikey sniffs, feeling a little disheartened with your reply. “Sorry.”
You flit your eyes up for a moment. “Why do you think you have to impress me? I already think you’re cool.”
He turns his head away slightly. “I don’t know? I just want to.”
Mikey was usually pretty good about verbalizing his emotional desires. But for some reason, he felt so confused. 
After you pick out the last barb from his cheek, you toss them all away into the bushes. “There, all done.”
You were about to stand back up before you felt Mikey grab at your upper arm. You freeze, looking down at him. 
“I just– Sometimes I feel like I need to show off. Show you that I’m cool and strong, I guess? I’m not super buff like Raph, or smooth like Leo. And I’m definitely not smart like Donnie.”
You move to sit back down, staring at him. You don’t know how to react to his sudden confession, simply opting to remain silent. 
Mikey lifts his head to look you in the eye, a sad smile tugging at his lips. “I just want to make you feel safe.”
You frown. “You think I don’t feel safe?”
Shaking his head, Mikey bails on his own admission. “No, I don’t know. Nevermind.”
In an instant, you get an idea. You rummage around in your bag to pull out your old, worn sketchbook that you carried around everywhere. You leaf through the pages to land in the middle. “You recognize this?”
Mikey blinks away a tear that threatened to accumulate in his eye before looking over. “Your sketchbook?”
“No, this.” You reach in and pull out a couple of pressed flowers. They were shriveled and brown with age, but they were very clearly dandelions. 
Mikey’s sad frown melts away as he leans forward. “Those are…”
“The flowers you gave me. When I first met you, I was actually kind of freaked out. I just remember thinking, ‘Why was this weird turtle harassing me?’” You allow yourself to smile, recalling the memory. 
You hear Mikey chuckle quietly, his eyes softening. 
“But, you were obviously just a huge dork. Sweet, but still a dork. I took those weeds you gave me and put them in here.”
You carefully place them back into your sketchbook, closing it. “I carried them with me all the time, so I wouldn’t feel so alone, y’know? If I ever felt scared, I would just clutch onto this and pretend you were there.”
Mikey sat up straighter, letting your soft words wrap him up into a warm blanket. He felt so safe, so secure in your presence. 
“Thankfully, I didn’t have to do it too often. Because you were always there, somehow.”
Finally, you put your sketchbook back into your bag and look up. You give Mikey a lopsided smile, watching him look at you with quiet amazement. Reaching up, you place your hand upon his flushed cheek, bathing in his warmth. 
Mikey was speechless. Words couldn’t begin to describe what he was feeling right now. He unintentionally allows his head to nuzzle up against your hand, practically sighing. 
“You okay?”
“My skin kind of hurts.” His voice was oddly low, laced with a shy sweetness. 
Leaning forward, you debate with yourself whether or not you want to tease him even more. He looked so vulnerable right now, you wouldn’t dare ruin a rare moment like this. Humming, you indulge yourself and decide to place a soft kiss upon his cheek. You didn’t want to scare him off. 
Mikey’s skin tingles with excitement, electric sparks surging through his body. “Hahh…”
“Am I hurting you,” you whisper. You weren’t sure if he was hissing out in pleasure or in pain. 
He immediately responds. “No, you feel really nice.”
Angling your head lower, you slot your lips gently against his. The kiss is chaste and short, but you feel your heartbeat thrum in your ears. The low light of the night sky illuminated the two of you, making Mikey’s skin practically glow. Moving an inch or two away, you admire his features. 
Mikey sighs, his eyes fluttering open. You meet his soft gaze with your own. After a charged couple of seconds, the two of you break out into laughter. His head falls onto the bend of your shoulder, his breath heavy. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” He exhales shakily. 
“Pull out nearly a hundred cactus spines from your body? Yeah, I can’t believe it either.” You chuckle. 
In a bold move, Mikey smiles against your neck before placing a kiss on your hot skin. You shudder, feeling his teeth brush up against your pulse. 
“Woah-hoh-hoh! Ouch!” You tear yourself away, flapping your hands at his face. “Your teeth are sharper than I thought.”
Mikey gives you a cheeky smile, his tooth-gap on full display. “Sorry, I’m kinda pokey.”
He feels his heart swell in his chest, his limbs going limp and gooey. He wondered if he could even stand up. Seemingly reading his mind, you reach over and hook your arms underneath him. In an impressive move, you heave Mikey up and carry him bridal-style. 
“H-Hey! What are you doing?” He cries out, blushing furiously.
“Carrying you back. Because I can,” you smirk. 
Out of sheer embarrassment, Mikey covers his face. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Neither did I!”
And with that, you make your way back to the exit, giggling with Mikey as you bask in your newfound closeness. You hope that he felt safe with you, safe enough to let you into his heart just a little bit more. 
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hero-israel · 7 months
I'm really trying not to panic.....but it's starting to feel more and more difficult to be openly Jewish and have a career in the arts. (I say this as an American Jew in the arts.) It feels like in ten years, if I don't basically commit to being a performatively self-hating Jew as hard as I can, I will have a fuck of a time finding an agent, collaborators, editors, etc -- all those things that make an actual career possible. Especially if I make literally any art about being Jewish. And what gets me is, I'm mixed race. Everyone is fucking desperate for me to perform the "less Jewish" (as they see it) part of me. It's complicated, people are still racist, but in many ways, they want this part. But if I discuss the other....it's not just that they're not interested/no one will pick it up. It's that now, it feels like it's putting a target on my back. Maybe no one will say "wow you filthy fucking Jew" out loud rn if I just make something about Jewish identity that totally sidesteps Israel, but 1. enough of them will think it, and 2. it means everyone will be hungry for ways to be like "oh? Jewish? okay so what are your thoughts on Israel? Are you okay with what's happening in Israel? Or are you a decent person???" Again, rn, maybe they won't say it....but I know people will think it. And enough will say it. And if I ever dare to discuss modern antisemitism in the most anodyne way, I will be completely suspect. The terrible irony is, I work in the comics industry. You know. That one that American Jews fucking built from the ground up.
I am so sorry you are going through that. It is prejudiced, tormenting, and unfair. And it's hard to think of anything I could say that would help. Are there Jewish peers in the industry you could reach out to - someone who could mentor you or at least who has a receptive agent already?
As you said, it is especially maddening to see shit like this happen in an industry that was invented by Jews. Though I guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise, since the increasingly antisemitic political Left borrows its entire worldview and moral vocabulary from Jewish history and persecution.
Even major comic companies have had recent scandals concerning antisemitic tropes, and as far as the "indie" comic scene, forget it, it's all Joe Sacco or Eli Valley or just acres and acres of snarky snot and clueless tourists finding Judaism alienating and weird or bashing it to rebel against their parents. Jewish people aren't allowed to just exist, we always owe the audience a moral reading at the end, and our deaths aren't necessarily bad if they send the right message.
It is terrible that this rising prejudice is combining with the latent snotty attitudes that had already existed in the industry to add stumbling blocks to your career, and your sense of safety. I earnestly hope you can find trustworthy mentors and agents and that you are able to work around this.
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sundalion · 2 years
Sooooo I got inspired by another post (by @selective-insomniac) and I’ve now made a list of all my favourite rottmnt fics I’ve read that I also think you should read.
If your fic is not on the list I either haven’t read it or it just sadly wasn’t on my favourites (doesn’t mean I hated it TvT)
My list of the best Rottmnt fics
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by a_platypus -Future Leo somehow ends up post Kraang invasion and meets big mama instead of the bois (uhoh)
Midnight Blue by TugboatExpress -leosagi fluff mostly and very cute
we'll meet again, soon by chiangyorange -all the turtles gets to go back from the apocalypse with Casey
I Ain't Happy, but I'm Feeling Glad by Fish -Leo gets cursed and has a lil fight, based of a comic or animatic i cannot find TvT
i think i would prefer the prison dimension by PurpleCatGhost -Leo ends up in the apocalypse instead of home after the Kraang invasion
Alpha Stage by snailsnaps -hehe tiny Donnie hehe (he just had a tiny lab accident it’s fiiiine)
Unfamiliar Familiar by Torable -Michaelangelo from 2012 gets to meet Rise turtles and deal with his trauma
but the grave's gonna have to fight for me by Pachipikachu -awesome Leosagi fic, Usagi is in the battle nexus but also in the pizza place, and Leo is head over heals hdhdjdjdn
The Aftermath by Starrcrossrose -yea this one is fucking tough, take the hurt part in hurt/comfort very seriously ow, only read for your own pain hdjfjskskfk
Ghost in the Shell by AmevelloBlue - 2003 Donatello ends in the Rise universe, gets stuck, and now lives to help the small Rise turtles grow older (hehe dad)
Last Grain Of Sand In The Hourglass by TjLockticon -Old man Leo gets through the portal instead of Leo and the boy is still stuck in the prison dimension, that ain’t stopping the older man tho
too lucky to count by iooiu -Mikey gets to go back post movie against his will and has become a feisty old man and does not want to deal with his now smaller brother Donnie and everyone else
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good by Dandy -Leo gets cursed and his soul kinda separates from his body so the rest thinks his dead and Leo is panicking
Trial and Error by ApatheticRobots -yeah Casey said fuck it and dragged the old man with him to the past, none of the Leo’s really agrees with that choice
Just this once, everybody lives by TheDragonTribes -Mikey says fuck it and takes his whole family home with Casey, but ya know, it’s still the same day as the kraang invasion soooo
odd man out by cosmoscrow -this is the most wholesome you’ll get with an old man Leo being back to his past post movie
Mystic Hands by characcoon -Mikey ends up where Casey should’ve gone and now an angy old man Mikey has to deal with the invasion again
Carapace by SkeletalConstellation -Donnie and the gang messed up on a mission post movie and now Don gets to be momentarily Robot while he fixes himself
Fracturing Time by ofdogsandwriting -Mikey gets to go back post movie and decides his time has come… for retirement :) the boys ain’t having that tho
Quiet Your Mind by daedelweiss -Donnie and Leo gets to fuse in the apocalypse kinda like Steven universe but turtles hdjdjdns it’s a very good oneshot with lots of disaster twins
Rotten Reflections by Nicoforlife -something happened to the disaster twins, making them feral as a survival instinct and ending up in the tmnt 2012 universe with the 12 boys having to deal with some scary Rise twins
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx -They gang touches sometimes they shouldn’t and somehow end up separated widely in the universe of AtLA with the whole Gaang, they however think that the turtles are spirits and it’s a whole adventurous journey (quite a long and amazing read)
unmaking by corvidown -it’s post movie and everything is swell, right up until Donnie starts having a little too realistic nightmares from Casey’s timeline. (Includes 2+ Donatello’s)
At My Worst by teainthesnow -the older apocalyptic version of Leo gets trapped in Leo who has yet to stop the Kraang, absolutely beautiful story hhhh (finished?)
The Eldest Brother by dEBB987 -AMAZING FUCKING RAPH FIC HHHHHH our big bro Raph gets accidentally sent through a portal on a mission into the 12 tmnt universe. Here he struggles with his past traumas while trying to heal whatever 12 has going on in their ‘family’ 10/10 cried cant wait for more.
Like Father Like Son by eternalglitch -oooh gosh Leo gets kidnapped on a pizzarun fort he family by Draxum and the scientist seems to have found one of Donnies inventions that will help him make Leo his perfect little soldier. (Cried hard absolutely destroyed me, it does get better)
Minor interference by bambiraptorx -it’s a fun little fic and the opposite of the above, where Leo and the fam takes up the offer of having Draxum train them, it’s only to absolutely to mess with him tho lol
Never better by less_depresso_more_expresso -amazing Raph fic where she’s raised by good father Draxum, her siblings however are unaware and the younger brothers desperately try to get their sister back from what they assume is an abusive father (it’s surprising lighthearted with triggerwarnings when needed and generally fun to read, feels in character too and so far 10/10)
(I’m so sorry I couldn’t get the links to work, gotta go the old fashioned way hhhhh)
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