napoleanbonafarte · 1 year
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oof. augh. ouch.
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bunni-bun · 2 months
i didn't need to cry like that but this episode got me right at my heart and i'm a mess and my eyes are red and i'm sniffling and just. fucking. 😭😭😭😭😭
seeing how happy peak is around thanwa, him "introducing" thanwa to his mom via the mom and thanwa saying that he'll take care of peak and them being giggly and sweet and just happy. my heart, she loves them so so much 😭
i think what really got me was peak talking to his dad and just having the courage to do that. cuz it's like.....
sometimes, all parents want for their kids is for them to be happy. and a lot of times, all kids want is for their grieving parent to also be happy again. peak and his dad do want the best for each other but peak shouldered that suffering for so long that he got used to being a yes man instead of being actually happy.
and like it's so so fucking scary to tell your parent(s) that you're queer. peak was so scared to tell his dad for that real fear of rejection. and that made me cry so fucking hard. i don't have that kinda courage to tell my parents that i'm pan and i don't think i will ever tell them. unlike peak, i'm probably gonna take the closet to my grave and die in it because it's just not possible for me to come out to my family. my friends know and that's good enough, but i can't tell my family. i can't.
peak was so so brave to tell his dad and i'm so goddamn happy that things went well. his dad telling him that all he wants is for their little family of two to be happy again just gutted me. his dad was so wistful about having happiness and losing it by losing their mom and idk but it got to my heart so much. his dad isn't perfect by any means but he's still a good parent, trying to do good for his son while still grieving the loss of his wife. and peak is scared, so so scared yes, but he still wants to be a good son, to help his father find happiness again even when he lost a mom too.
thanwa saying that he'll stay by peak's side no matter what and reminding him that he has so many friends behind him who love him so much and will stay with him after jane told them how lonely he's been, that was so uplifting. because that's what gets closeted people through it sometimes; knowing that there's still a community and friends behind you who will accept you for who you really are. peak is so lucky to have so many people that love him. i'm a mess.
*and shoutout to my favorite sweetheart boys ever, almond and latte, who were there for support while being the cutest with each other. i'm chewing on the corner of my desk, i love them so much
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 11 months
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y'know what i'm havin a good time with this valley of dreamlight
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whatacartouchebag · 1 year
I'm using anon because it's a side blog, but I want to give a HUGE f'ing thank you for "Suppression". It's one of my favorite fics on this site and makes me want to get back into writing (plus synchro stuff again). Signed - teal-mermaidwrites
Ohmygods I’m only just seeing this now I’m so sorry anon skhdkgfld OTL
Holy shit tho thankyou so much for such a sweet message. It’s always one thing to hear that people enjoy your writing, but it’s such a wonderful feeling altogether to know that it’s the kind of thing that inspires someone else to create because of it, even years on. I’m so glad it’s given you such a spark 💚
I really enjoyed writing that story, even if it never quite made it to completion, and it really warms my heart to hear other people adore my words too. They were always such a fun pair to write for, and I really do miss writing them some days, but they’ll always have a place in my blorbos.
Thankyou so so much, this was such a sweet and lovely surprise 💚
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zet-sway · 2 years
Y'all I just have to say thank you so much for this fandom
I know a lot of people have said this, but I never thought I would be re-involved in Mass Effect, ten years after I first played it. I never thought that posting smut and reading on the Internet would lead me to this many wonderful, open-minded, and kind people. I honestly never thought.
Last night I casually booted up ME3 and streamed for a while on discord. First one person joined, then two, then four, then there were like eight of us and it felt like god damn Christmas. Coming together with people to cultivate a few happy moments on the seventh day of the only month that begins with the letter N. Because our blorbos have N7 on their armor. Because we write about them and share stories and artwork and sadness and laughter.
I'm filled with warmth. I feel physically lighter. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
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jacensolodjo · 1 year
Me innocently reading my sci fi and fantasy anthologies
anthology: "I am dying of the war, though not in it. Such is the nature of wars. A person doesn’t have to die in battle to be killed by a war. A person doesn’t even have to be a soldier to die of one."
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wild-karrde · 2 years
For the 'anonymously tell me which character i have the same energy as' thing
ok i want to say princess leia but i haven't seen the new star wars stuff... but you have a very 'leadership' 'kind but firm encouragement' and 'willing to organize and help bring others along in the fandom' vibe and so i hope this isn't missing some big possibly insulting aspect from the new films or anything
ANON THIS IS MAKING ME CRY BUT LIKE IN A VERY GOOD WAY. Princess Leia was one of my favorites growing up. She was the princess that got shit done, the one that took no crap from anyone (even her rescuers), and had no fear in telling the fly boy to get into the garbage chute. I love her, and this made me grin so hard and I just feel really flattered. So thank you for making my whole day.
(Anonymously) tell me what character I have the same energy as
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so the final zone has me in tears and I've only really just wandered around and seen a few NPC dialogue boxes but it's really hitting close to home with its themes here........................... won't say more but uh, between this and dumb autism-brain I don't think I'm emotionally prepared to do the MSQ here until James goes back to work on saturday... but that means I'm torpedoing a whole day away completely avoiding my pc until then............ haah what to do ; v ;
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shachaai · 4 months
I can't remember who it was on here that told me that Cyrus x Alice in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland was Portugal x f!England vibes, but, God, did you have to be so RIGHT about it.
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variantia · 1 year
BELLUM. anyway add Suzu from Belle to the list of muses I need to add to the blog because that movie just made me fucking WEEP
also I have my driver’s license test tomorrow (at the ripe old age of 29 and I have had my permit six fucking times and I am sick of it but I’m also very nervous about the parking/maneuverability aaaaa save me I practiced but I still don’t think I have it 100% down and I’m REALLY anxious about having to do it right because I’ll only get one shot at it per test and in my state, if you fail over 18 years old then you have to take a 4-hour class before trying again and I really don’t wanna have to do that)
so wish me luck?? I’m OVER relying on other people for rides and also my boss is gonna promote me to assistant store manager once I get my license (and I’ll stay in that role till she leaves and I have a plan for when that eventually happens so shit is SET)
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icybreaths · 1 year
Bush - Out Of This World
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sassy-cass-16 · 1 year
wow. damn sam riegel got me right in the honey nut feelios again with that little "oh" after being told FCG is also seeking the tree
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therollingstonys · 7 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Hi friend!! Happy to make some recs!
Right off the bat I’ll rec @iam93percentstardust for her excellent fics!! She’s a stony powerhouse and should definitely be on your to-read list! New to the fandom? You can’t call yourself a true stony fan without reading Alle’s fics!
Next is @riotwritesthings whose winteriron is Iconique™ and should absolutely be binge read ASAP!! Her fics have everything you could possibly want, and I guarantee you’ll have a blast! Now with 10% more pantry sex 🤩
@longhornletters has an incredible stony NFL (American football) au that if you aren’t reading, you aren’t LIVING!! But let’s be honest, ALL her fics are amazing and you don’t wanna be caught sleeping on her!!
@jehbeeeh is the queen of fluff and always has me grinning like a fool at my screen when I read her fics! Craving something sweet? Check out her delightful collection of fics!!
@missmoodybear could open up a bakery of sweet treats with Jeh, they’re an iconic duo you don’t want to miss out on—like chocolate and peanut butter 😍🤩 her fics are tasty goodness and always hit the spot so be sure to read up!!
@onlymorelove is absolutely always on my list because of how gorgeous her stories are and how much they make me FEEL. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with your honey nut feelios friends!!!
@stovetuna my beloved, how do I adore her fics? Let me count the ways!!! Feels! Angst! Fluff! Smokin’ hot smut!! Feast well upon her fics my friends!!!
I could rec like, a dozen more people, but for now take these goodies and enjoy!!
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star-trek-shallot · 2 years
Spock, during The Naked Time: That hit me right in the honey nut feelios.
Kirk: What the fuck did you just say to me
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jacensolodjo · 1 year
"[...] and the only Yoruba she knew were a few scattered words that she never had a chance to use. It was one more reason why she held on to her birth DNA. It felt like a lifeline stretching back to her roots that had long been dug up. When the culture was half-forgotten, the blood remained."
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tagged by @televinita 💖!
📺 Currently Watching: Just finished rewatching Grace & Frankie s1, trying to check some productive things off my to-do list before jumping into season two! Also rewatching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend s1 (yay!) and some GBBO for cozy vibes.
🌶️ Sweet/Savory/Spicy? I appreciate a variety of flavors and alternating between them, but sweet is always my most favorite option. My sweet tooth is formidable and noisy.
🤩 Current Obsession: Sadly, right now I don't really feel obsessed with anything except worrying about various boring logistical aspects of real life (blahhhhh) and refreshing my AO3 inbox. I am really enjoying diving back into my Grace and Frankie feelios, though! Oh, smitten kitten grandmas! <3
Tagging: Anyone who sees this right now. You, yes, you!!!
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