#RF Transformers
lslie2pac · 2 years
Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.2 Transceiver Module Integrated, ChipS
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TFA Au where everything IS the same except Sari's hairbuns emote to the extreme, I mean Anime Ahoge's leaves of extreme. Sari is happy? Those hair buns are up and flapping as If she is stimming off of them. Sari is angry? Those buns look as if they're fire ready to burn somebody. Sad Sari hours? They droop, like a tear.
... wait
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But holly Primus that would be so adorable!!!!
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Hmm. So.
How the fuck did they manage to create the RotF sparklings without the Allspark shards?
So, let's think of our options. Sexual reproduction, (which Hasbro continuously denounces), cloning (oooh! I get to talk about the different kinds of cloning!), budding in a way, protoforms that were stashed away on the Fallen's ship in stasis, maybe a previously unknown form of asexual reproduction!
Now, logically speaking, we know that sexual interfacing is probably not canon. Probably, perhaps. Bayverse is the continuity that makes the second most amount of implicating jokes. The first being Jro's work naturally. Anyways. We're temporarily going to forget about Occam's razor. Yes, sadly in bayverse Cybertronians experiencing sexual attraction is canon thanks to you wheelie you little heterochromic shit. But little known fact sexual attraction doesn't mean sexual reproduction, as demonstrated by the lesbian lizards. For all we know, Wheelie could've been ah getting off purely on the psychological aspect alone.
So, there are multiple forms of cloning actually. There's the typical cloning you might be thinking of, which is essentially mitosis but complex lifeforms. Well, errors can occur which allows unicellular organisms to mutate a little bit as a treat and mutation means adapting and evolution. Perhaps the terms eggs and hatchlings is a bit of a misnomer in this case?
There's reproductive cloning, where the genetic material of one creature's somatic cells (body cells) are put into the egg cell of another creature, that zygote is transplanted into a surrogate animal where it's gestated like average, and bing bam boom when it's born there's an almost perfect copy of the original! And, this method means the resulting clone technically has three parents! Though, some catches do occur here. All three individuals involved kinda have to be female, it needs cells, and well gametes have to be involved which are a major part of sexual reproduction. That's why you'll see it in species that used to reproduce sexually, or species that use asexual and sexual reproduction.
There's genetic cloning, which we have precedent for in canon considering Shockwave's predacons,, bayverse's introduction of Galvatron, the majority of the protoform stuff, and tbh tbh the scanning of altmodes in a way. The most popular example of such would be you guessed it Jurassic park, which as someone who plans to major in biology is Highly inaccurate to how cloning, DNA, and dinosaurs work. Less well known. This is how viruses work. The problems we run into is our favorite paradox, which came first the chicken or the egg. "Where did the first set of genes come from???" Exactly. You could argue that Cybertronians are technically derived from an altered genome of a species that sexually reproduced that Quintessa found, artificially creating a biologically asexual race. The catches? It's damn hard to do this kind of reproduction without a container for said genetic material. We see this with the human scientists using Megayron's CNA as a building guideline, and with the protoforms. Iicr, in bayverse we see that the autobots were essentially visually the same before scanning altmodes. This may very well be are most canonically compliant answer right here actually. But... again, this does not explain them being called eggs and doesn't explain where protoforms come from at all. You could say "But Riot, the protoforms are made of Senti Metallico (however you spell that lol) " and my answer is what technically is that and where does that come from? The movies also refer to it as Cybertronium which??? Is considered an element but it's clearly somewhat alive but anyways we get no answers.
Unknown form of asexual reproduction is goddamn unknown, making this category purely speculative. Perhaps as I've mentioned the terms eggs and hatchlings, and are glyphs that didn't have an Earth equivalent so the translators chose the next best options. Maybe cyberforming material is on its own self replicating, which raises questions of its own. Mayve it's extradimensional supernatural bullshit which i don't like this answer as it's equivalent to "suspend your disbelief' wHich I don't like i like answers.
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sepublic · 2 years
In criticizing Megatron for his treatment of non-Cybertronians, I should also clarify that his policy on actual Cybertronians themselves could use a little improvement, to put it lightly. Sure, he rightfully recognizes the caste system of the Functionists as corrupt and confining, but by the end of the day... He’s still fairly authoritarian himself.
Megatron’s promise could be interpreted as “Under my rule, you will all be equally oppressed!” and you wouldn’t be too far off. Pal, you’re already on the right track please take your progressive politics a step further, you’re basically saying “I can excuse a dictatorship but I draw the line at discriminating based on alt-mode!”
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a--ttano · 2 months
cybertron's next prime: ravage
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cognoz · 3 months
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Please don’t drain my account 🥺
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elfdragon12 · 5 months
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So I've drawn Leadfoot/Leslie and Manta Ray/Mitchell, so now here's Ransack/Rory! Like the other two, more info will come in the future.
As for a quick basic: he's a guy that can keep a cool head in most situations (have to when you work as part of a pit crew), but fully knows how to get serious.
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 9 months
Youtube Essays Shill Post
I'm getting close to 1000 subscribers so I'm gonna make a shill post for my channel. I make videos on independent RPGs (no D&D/Pathfinder etc), highlighting narrative moves, the intersection of mechanics and themes, and analyzing them in parallel with books, movies, and game theory. I've had a really great crop of essays this year, and I bet at least one of them will do it for you:
Spire RPG & Babel: The Monstrosity of Empire, the Necessity of Violence (52 min)
I read Spire: The City Must Fall in parallel with RF Kuang's Babel: An Arcane History, and try to make the connection between Spire's worldbuilding and the British Empire's historical methods of extracting labor and resources from its colonized subjects. I'm especially proud of how I work through the ways in which Spire's Drow are treated as commodities, emulating how Britain's most valuable resource was human beings, and discuss why there's not an alternative available to the Drow except for violent uprising.
Heart RPG, Annihilation, and Sangfielle: Brainworms all the Way Down (38 min)
I follow the themes of compulsion, infection, and dissemination of a supernatural intelligence that I found both in Heart : The City Beneath and in Jeff Vandermeer's Annihilation. It's kind of gross, but if you like reading about parasites, strange urges, and transformations that destroy the self, you'll probably be into this. I also make a few references to Friends at the Table's Sangfielle season, if you're a FATT fan.
Apocalypse Keys and Desperation to Belong (15 min)
Apocalypse Keys is a really interesting game, but it's also the most emotional game I read this year? It's all about heartbreak, longing, and trying to hold on to the people you love, even though you know you'll lose them in the end. The essay is also very much tied up in my feelings on diaspora, faith, and what it's like to be excluded, except for the home you make for yourself. It's also like, undeniably queer in a way I think a lot of folks will relate to.
The Endings of Hellwhalers and the Fewness of the Saved (28 min)
Okay I actually talk about being an ex-Catholic a lot, but this is my most explicitly religiously-inspired essay. I compare the text of Hellwhalers and its interpretations of Christian hell to the actual Catholic doctrines of hell, including the sermon that eventually made me break away from the Church altogether. If you like whales and religious trauma, please check this out.
Please consider taking a look at my channel! I hate having to beg for viewers, but there's just no other way to build an audience, and I'm really proud of the work I've done this year!
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dragonfly0808 · 7 days
Drabbles + Lost Moments!
Hey guys so, I finished my little drabble about Bloom and Radius being goddaughter and godfather and it will be chapter 3 of Lost Moments which, you guessed it, will be the compilation of a bunch of drabbles and other stuff I’ll be doing for the series
Here is the link; now on AO3!
And here is the poll for the next little drabble!
Oh also! If you have suggestions for a better title than just: Lost Moments I’d love to hear them!
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valmillion · 3 months
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It's amazing how a little bit of decals and weathering will completely transform a model!
Featuring my new RF&P caboose :)
Here's some close ups of each side:
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uncannyalien · 7 months
uncannyAlien Masterpost!
Here's my turtle art outside of RF!
Fuck You Krang panel color (Tapah's Jacob's Ladder AU)
Let's Play God panel redraw (CAS)
Leo in xmas dress
Donnie x Dr Horrible
Rise movie Ghost edit
Rise movie Thriller edit
Rise movie AMV
Remember Forever ROTTMNT AU Collection!
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Remember Forever follows the adventures of Mikey, Donnie, Leo, Raph, and the rest of the Hamato family with their latest guest: Jade. Jade is an alien with a mysterious past who crash-landed on Earth and is just trying to survive and figure out all the weird things about this planet. And hey, these turtles are pretty chill, too
TMNT AU Competition 2024!
Intro Comic
Multiverse Identification Cards
Jade's Adventures: 1 2 3
Silly art: 1 2
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shitpostingperidot · 8 months
Kamala Khan’s bookshelves
Kamala’s room in The Marvels is an absolute treasure trove of little details to zoom in on, and I’ve identified so many books on her shelves!
Shelf 1, top to bottom:
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1. Landmark Experiments in Twentieth Century Physics by George L. Trigg
College-level book about experiments that helped us learn about x-rays, lasers, isotopes, superconductors, and all kinds of other things I don’t understand. Meant to be more practical than theoretical since it talks about the actual methodologies of these experiments. Could be for school, or for Kamala and Bruno to run their own tests of Kamala’s powers. The first of many books in the Khan house that come from Dover Publications.
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2. Space Time Matter by Hermann Weyl
“An esoteric initiation into space time physics” -Amazon reviewer. I’m gonna be real, I don’t understand half the words in this book description, but apparently it’s famous for introducing gauge theory, which was later reborn as phase transformations in quantum theory. I can see this being something Kamala reads to try and understand the bangle transporting her to the Partition. Also from Dover.
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3. A Map to the Sun by Sloane Leong
A graphic novel about a high school girl’s basketball team learning to work together despite their many differences and conflicts. Also it has a gorgeous color palette. Seems fairly self explanatory why it’s in this movie. I’ll definitely be borrowing this from my library! Like my friend Kamala recommended a book to me herself.
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4. The Good Immigrant anthology edited by Nikesh Shukla
21 essays from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in the UK about their experiences. It was crowdfunded initially, extremely critically acclaimed, and has gotten spinoffs and sequels. Riz Ahmed, who is British Pakistani, is one contributor, and a fun fact is that Rish Shah (Kamran from Ms. Marvel) worked with Riz Ahmed in an Oscar winning short called The Long Goodbye. Also, the editor, Nikesh Shukla, is currently writing the Spider-Man India comics series!
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5. Bright Lines by Tanwi Nandini Islam
A coming-of-age story about 3 young adults with complicated family, friend, and romantic relationships between them. They have to travel from Brooklyn to Bangladesh together one summer and thereby discover a lot about themselves. I haven’t read it, but there seems to be a ton of complex representation of LGBTQ, POC, immigrant, and Muslim characters. I wonder how much the three main characters can be compared with our three characters with complex relationships in The Marvels, and I wonder which character Kamala most relates to!
6. I can’t tell! The font is bugging the hell out of me because theoretically, with that amount of contrast, I should be able to read a word when I get two inches from the TV and mess with the settings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. I also can’t tell, but I’m being easier on myself because the title is written in white on a yellow background. It’s not the only book I know off the top of my head with this color scheme (Yellowface by RF Kuang) because the title is definitely multiple words. Help!
Shelf 2, right to left:
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1. One Night that Changes Everything by Lauren Barnholdt
A YA romance where, through a convoluted series of events, a teenager must face all of her insecurities in one night. I can see Kamala devouring this as brain candy after wrestling with those advanced science books, or using it as fic inspiration!
2. Can’t tell, but love the color scheme!
This next one is a weird one, because I am 100% sure of what book it is, but I cannot find a picture of a matching edition.
3. Wizard at Large by Terry Brooks
It’s definitely, without a doubt, this book (where a character and a magical medallion are accidentally transported to Earth from another realm and switches places with an evil genie). Like those are the words on the spine and the plot of the book is an obvious choice for this movie. The fonts match on the audiobook, the ebook, and the next two books in the series. But try as I might, I cannot find any proof on the internet that the physical book that appears in Kamala’s room, that uses those two fonts and that spine formatting, exists. This is haunting me…
4. (On the other side of the box) It’s not The Twilight Saga Eclipse, but I definitely thought it was before I could watch in high definition. I think it’s a journal or sketchbook of Kamala’s; there are a bunch scattered throughout the room.
Shelf 3:
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I’ve only identified the bottom book, which is Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by Max Born (Dover Publications). The third one up is HAUNTING me, it looks SO identifiable and yet!
Living Room Side Table:
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1. Amateur Astronomer’s Handbook by JB Sidgwick (from Dover Publications)
2. Cosmology by Hermann Bondi (also Dover)
Both of these seem less difficult than the science books in Kamala’s room, but reviewers note that it helps to know calculus when reading Cosmology. Idk which member of the Khan family is reading these, but I love their family’s connection to the stars 💫
Tbh I’m having so much fun doing this! And I really wish we got to see Monica’s living space so I can analyze her books 😭
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The Curse of Magical Girl AU
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So as I mentioned before I talk with some ppl on discord and we might see more Robins. As I said, I was open to add more Robins if ppl had ideas and followed the design conceptions of the AU. You all are free to add more as long as the ideas are talked about and communicated so no overlap happens. Draw and design away; alternative form for the ones I've done too is okay too. I know someone is working on; Mia Mizoguchi AKA Robin Morganite | Robin Mort | RM and I think jar juggling is one of the weapons considered. I got provided video proof of how sick it is. If you wanna know the design conventions, they are: They must have 3 forms. One is base form, and the second is alt, aka princess/prince. And last is the lethal mode. They gain a white streak in their hair after a stroke with death. Shown in Jay's example. Babs will gain one after her tango with Joker to, just wanted to show what she og looked like. They all have an individual style R with a gem * as it's a play on a contract clause. R* Their weapon transforms, but it's generally good to keep it close in function/appearance to keep them on the theme. Only lethal for may use a deadly weapon. Weapon for Normal and Alt mode must be an item a person can perform with that could be considered acrobatic. Hence, the reference vids. All hololigth details but for the glasses must go into the weapon in lethal mode. The undersuit is always the darkest and lightest of the gem colors. One Guy and Girl will have matching details, such as bows, as they are dance partners and can do a unique combo move together if they dance. Notably Babs & Dick, Stef & Tim. My plans for the rest are as follows: Jay & Cas, Harper & Duke. Dami is doing solo, but I have Carrie in mind for later, possibly. Each of them has A full hero name: Robin Gem-name. One shortened version, that's a "fake name" using Robin as a last name. And the first name is the derivative name of either the initial name or the gem. Robin Gem or Robin Argi. RG is the initial name. Robin is first on the fake name cuz it mimics Anime naming conventions to refer back to the maho shojo genre and the naming tradition of anime's home country. For nontransparent gems, you can color pick from other gems of the color. The gem's name is something they chose not to be called Robin. So, they chose a gem most people are more likely to recognize. So Babs decided to go by Jasper when her Gem colors are lifted from a Citine Gem. Hair must change in some way; making it longer or shorter is up to you, regardless of Sex. Robin gets gender swapped by the curse. If a person is intersex, the curse will get confused and only transform the outfit and hair but leave the body alone. As it's based on bio-gender and not what gender one identifies as. The curse is not that smart to figure that out. The OG Robin Bracelet is always safe in the music box, but phantom versions appear in the Robins, so they can summon weapons out of it. They can be present one moment and be gone the next; think nanotech transforming. I have on hand a list of possibilities (But there is no way I'll make the whole alphabet alone)
RA, Amethyst (Purple) RB, Beryl (Idk got options) RC, Celestite (Denim) RD, Diamond (White) RE, Emerald (Deep Green) RF, Fluorite (Idk got options) RG, Garnet (Idk got options) RH, Heliodor (golden chapange) RI, Iolite (Indigo, Blue-Purple) RJ, Jasper (Orange) RK, Kunzite (Pinky-Purple) RL, Lazulite (Blue-Black) RM, Morganite (Peachy) RN, Nephrite (Super pale mint) RO, Onyx (Black) RP, Peridot (Grreen-Yellow) RQ, Quarts (Light-Blue) RR, Ruby (Red) RS, Sapphire (Deep Blue) RT, Topaz (Yellow) RU, Ulexite (Eggshell, White-Yellow) RV, Väyrynenite (Brigth Pink) RW, Weloganite (Soft Yellow) RX, Xonotlite (Super plale blue) RY, Yugawaralite (White-Gold) RZ, Zircon (Brown)
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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IMAGES: South Korea retres F-4 Phantom jets
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/08/2024 - 20:00in History, Military
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The Air Force of the Republic of Korea (RoKAF) has officially retired its F-4E Phantom II fighter fleet, marking the end of an era in the history of the country's military aviation. For about a month, the retirement of the iconic combat jets generated a series of beautiful images in flight over South Korea.
The retirement ceremony, held at the 10ª Fighter Wing in Suwon, Gyeonggi province, was attended by the Minister of National Defense, Shin Won-sik, and featured the final flight of two F-4E jets. Ten Phantom II were operational to date, marking the end of the 55 years of F-4D/E operations at RoKAF.
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The ceremony, which took place on Friday (07/06), included commemorative flights of a series of modern fighters, such as the F-16, KF-16, FA-50, RF-16, F-15K and F-35A, symbolizing the transition from air defense duties to newer aircraft. These demonstrations highlighted South Korea's ongoing commitment to maintaining a robust and modern air force.
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In his remarks, Minister Shin reflected on the history of the Phantom and its impact on the defense capabilities of South Korea. "The noble spirit of the Phantom, dedicated to safeguarding South Korea's airspace, will remain with us forever," said Shin, emphasizing the role of the aircraft in achieving air superiority over North Korea.
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#PhantomFriday#PhantomPhriday#PhantomForever#PhantomPhorever pic.twitter.com/VcQFbYHw48
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The ceremony also paid tribute to the pilots and patriots who sacrificed their lives in the service of the country. This dark moment highlighted the deep respect and gratitude felt by those who operated and maintained the F-4 Phantoms over the years.
The last unit to operate the type, the 153º Fighter Squadron of the 10ª Fighter Wing of RoKAF, conducted a farewell flight last month with four specially painted aircraft, celebrating its service over the years, including a camouflage painting scheme from the Vietnam War era.
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The F-4 Phantom jets first arrived in South Korea in 1969, significantly improving the country's defense posture amid threats from Soviet-made North Korean aircraft. In the last 55 years, approximately 220 Phantoms (in three different versions during the heyday: the F-4D, RF-4C and F-4E) have served in various functions, from reconnaissance missions to interception missions.
Most of the South Korean aircraft were former United States Air Force (USAF), with the exception of two plots of F-4E purchased under the Peace Pheasant I and II foreign military sales (FMS) programs. The F-4 served as South Korea's main fighter until the full deployment of the KF-16 in 1994.
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The aircraft were acquired by the U.S. one year after a failed assassination attempt by North Korean commands against then-President Park Chung-hee in 1968, raising the need to strengthen military capabilities to better defend against threats from the North.
The Phantom II was then a state-of-the-art aircraft that set the pace for the purchase of more advanced fighters such as the F-16 amid its transformation into an economic powerhouse.
The four aircraft that made a farewell flight in May paid tribute to several air bases that were part of their legacy of service and were even escorted by two Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-21 Boramae multifunction combat aircraft in part of their final journey.
The decommissioning of the F-4 Phantom fleet occurs at a time when South Korea is preparing to deploy the KF-21 Boramae, an internally developed supersonic fighter, by 2026. The KF-21 is expected to replace the old F-4 Phantom and F-5 Tiger jets, ensuring that the Republic of Korea Air Force remains equipped with state-of-the-art technology to face future challenges.
The South Korean government announced in February that it will build more KF-21 aircraft in 2024 with an allocated budget of about 178 million dollars, although series production should not begin until mid-2026.
Tags: Military AviationF-4 PhantomHISTORYROKAF - Republic of Korea Air Force/South Korean Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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melancholypancakes · 11 months
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RF wally and Brienne sketches, in the RF universe Brienne is a pure blood vampire countess who is a very close friend to Wally.
Brienne Velvet, is the only vegetarian vampire, outcast and exile by the vampire society due to her betrayal to her kind.
Brienne didn’t eat humans like vampires, her parents and younger siblings were haunted down by vampire hunters.
Brienne knew the humans were scared and had no hatred as she would forgive humanity and save it.
Her older sister Brittany had other intentions she wanted to erase humanity and Brienne had no choice but to staked her sister in the chest.
Brienne is 978 years old when she meets Wally when he’s a teenager and was there when he lost his arm.
She wasn’t able to save his arm but healed him back to health, she was somewhat a mother figure to Wally as a boy as he didn’t have a mother and deal with an abusive father.
Throughout their friendship she transform into a bat to watch over him, she was there when he married Julie, adopted Ophelia and lost his daughter and wife.
She help them through so much heart ache and even if he was still cruel Brienne knew he was a good person.
Even after the factory, the experiments, subjects. They were innocent but it needed to be done.
Brienne did attempt to raise wally to have good morals as she did and somewhat worked.
While Wally and Brienne had a family like relationship in the beginning, overtime as wally reach his 40s it got romantic.
Facts about Brienne:
Brienne is weak to sunlight, it could kill, she is allergic to garlic, sucks red color of fruits and desserts as well as food or drinks hospital blood bags.
Brienne can be killed by any regular vampire, a stake to the heart.
Brienne hangs from the ceiling in her bat form
Vampires are stronger and deadly than humans and many other creatures, Brienne is an S class monster in that sense and yes if she did. She could kill wally.
Brienne is an OC and is not canon to @dodozoi canon RF au story and she not canon to suck blood as she doesn’t kill or eat humans aka vegetarian.
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willowsz-plants · 6 months
Chapter four of New Beginnings is up! Check it out here!
Huge thanks to my beta reader, @rfswitchart Love you RF!!
Tags for my mutuals!!
@coffee-n-sleep @cantpickonefandoms @unniebeans @alithetiredartist @karinkamcstinka @daydreams-and-honeybees @fynn-arcana @childlikegoblinqueen @probablyhuntersmom
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