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pop-shocks-remade · 6 years ago
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ghosted-jazz · 3 years ago
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Joel why are you like this
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rnelodyy · 3 years ago
slash ar pee, hot fucking take, c!techno's "The only universal language is violence" speech is the most selfish, cowardly thing I've ever heard anyone say.
Like, imagine being so emotionally incompetent that you start fucking swinging as soon as anyone challenges you on anything.
Imagine being so afraid of the possibility of being wrong that, instead of thinking about whether or not executing a teenager on stage may have been morally wrong, you beat the absolute shit out of that teenager's best friend and pretend that solved the conflict.
Imagine thinking that, as soon as someone wrongs you, no matter their reasons, or whether it was a misunderstanding, or anything you may have done, that's a free pass for you to absolutely fucking destroy their home, their life, everything they care about.
Imagine destroying someone's home, blowing them up with fireworks, justifying everything by saying some bullshit about peer pressure and how violence is the only universal language, and then when THEY become violent towards YOU, talking to you in the only language YOU seem to understand, you become so fucking furious you destroy everything they love AGAIN!!!
Imagine being such a violent, vengeful maniac that the only people who don't run for the hills as soon as they catch wind of you are a fucking immortal creature married to a literal goddess who doesn't ever challenge you on anything, a walking anxiety disorder with a spine made of marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti who is so terrified of upsetting you he won't even confront you about the fact that you MURDERED HIS HUSBAND, and the former tyrant of the server with a god complex the size of the fucking sun and an ego even bigger, who has been in solitary confinement and hasn't had a normal conversation with another human being for the better part of a year.
Imagine thinking that you NEED violence to communicate because it's the "only universal language" when YOU and LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYONE AROUND YOU SPEAKS FUCKING ENGLISH!
Tommy Fucking Innit, an at the time 16 year-old boy with a long, LONG track record of uncontrolled emotional outbursts, learned this bullshit! Tommy has been through three wars, two exiles, he's been abused, he's developed severe PTSD, he's tried to fucking OFF HIMSELF, and even HE realized that hurting the people around him, regardless of his trauma, or what they've done to him, is a SHIT thing to do!
Meanwhile Techno The Blade, a grown ass man, decides to throw a fucking hissy fit, TWICE, the first time because Pogtopia didn't fucking read his mind and create an anarchist paradise in L'Manburg ten minutes after the end of a literal war, the second time because L'Manburg tried to execute him for murdering their president and destroying their country, failed, and then mildly inconvenienced him by hiding his stuff from him.
Imagine how much shit could've been prevented if Techno had just used his fucking words! The whole wither thing, L'Manburg being terrified of this looming threat and the Butcher's Army would've been COMPLETELY PREVENTED if Techno had just said "hey uhh the last time you guys had a president it didn't end well, how bout this cool idea i have called anarchism!" Obviously not everything would've been sunshine and daisies what with Dream being around, but things would've been SO MUCH more chill if Techno had just relaxed for a singular second and actually explained what he wanted and why, instead of just shooting the newly appointed and pretty reluctant teenage president in the face with a rocket launcher and screaming at him that he's a tyrant.
Techno LOVES to preach for freedom from tyranny and everyone being able to live in peace without oppressive governments, while he stockpiles WMDs for fun, runs basically the Secret Police, and everyone except his closest friends is TERRIFIED of what happens when they BREATHE at him wrong. Dream may be a child abusing supervillain who doesn't even see the people around him as human anymore, but at least he still has a fucking handle on his temper!
Techno is the most volatile motherfucker on the entire server, everyone is scared of him, and yet he seems so allergic to, nigh incapable of introspection, he doesn't even seem to realize it. He expects everyone to cater to HIS emotions, HIS wants and needs, while he so blatantly does not care about anyone else, he went around to the community of the child he physically and psychologically scarred for life, looking to see if he could find an excuse to nuke it, WHILE SAID CHILD WAS GRIEVING HIS RECENTLY MURDERED FRIEND!
Violence is not the only universal language. Fucking BABIES understand what you mean when you give them a bottle, or kiss them on the forehead, or sing to them. There is not a single human being on this planet who doesn't understand a hug. You could put twenty people, all speaking wildly different languages, in a room, and none of them would understand shit, but as soon as you put on some music all of them will vibe to it all the same.
The only thing Techno's brand of violence communicates is "I am going to hurt you. I am bigger and stronger and there is nothing you can do. Don't make me upset." And then he walks away, pretending they've learned their lesson, while the only thing he's done is make everyone just a little bit more terrified, a little bit more miserable, and a little bit more angry.
He's a fucking coward, too scared to engage with anyone properly, for fear of the possibility of being wrong. He builds up concrete barriers around himself, and sits there, his hand on the big red button, ready to press it as soon as someone trips within 3 feet of his wall.
Violence is the only language c!techno is willing to use, because he's too much of a coward to use his fucking words.
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 years ago
zutara and romantic coding
so i was scrolling through the zutara tag earlier when i came across this gif: 
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and for a minute it took me a bit by surprise because i felt as though it was reminding me of something else, but just...wrong, somehow. and then i realized: this is what the lightning scene should have been, if zutara was never supposed to be canon. 
the basics of both scenes are the same. zuko throws himself in front of a water tribe sibling to protect them from a firebender, knowing that they would be helpless to block the strike on their own. he takes the blow himself, and manages to deflect it (though he’s far more successful here than with azula’s lightning, for obvious reasons). 
but compare that scene to the lightning one and there are some very glaring differences: 
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i know the romantic coding of this scene has been talked about to death, but seriously. the soft lighting, the sudden slow-motion, the sad violin music, the close-up on both zuko and katara’s horrified faces? all completely unnecessary. this scene could have been written the way zuko saving sokka above was, as an action scene, but the writers chose to write and direct it as a dramatic, emotional, and yes, romantic one. 
and you cannot tell me that that was an accident. 
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years ago
Noone Should Be Named As Villain for the Rest of Their Lifes
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This line is so so fcking important. Not just for bnha but also other series and even such a good lesson for real life too.
Yeah people make mistakes, sometimes those mistakes are so messed up, a kind of mistakes hurted many many people, kind of mistake that crossed the line, unreturnable but even so, people's desire to change or their suffering means nothing?! Because we all can fall into despair very easiely, we all can make horrible decisions, we can be 'villain' in someone else's story but does that mean we always have to live our lifes like that?
You will see two general reactions to someone messing up. Whether they ignore the mistake and justify it or they will tell how awfull you are and justify every bad things happens to you and say "you deserve it".
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Even in many so called redemption arcs, villain gets killed or to live his life as inferior to "hero" of story. People's idea of giving someone a chance is most of the time making that person as inferior. Like, villain, even after redemption can never be "good and pure" as hero because heroes never messed up, they were lucky enough to stay as "pure" so even villain try their best, even they actually feeling guilty, even they take full responsibility, they still somehow has to live their lifes as inferior. 
Yes, i am saying "luck", this is not me being ignoring people's effort to be better, this is me being empathizing people's pain and understanding that people can express their pain with destructive ways. That they act as awfull as hell because THEY ARE IN PAIN AND THEY COULDNT HAVE A CHANCE TO LEARN TO COPE THIS TRAUMA WITH HEALTHY WAY.
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Yes, people might act as awfull but when they realize it, when they really geniuely want to be kind person, should their titles and awfull past  always hunt them down? That they can never actually seen as "good person"? Do they not deserves to be loved and live normal life?
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Yeah, this is how Deku acts, he is not one of those "kind" main characters who shows superficial empathy to the people he reach out.
Deku understand himself, his own suffering, his own flaws, his dark sides and he accepts that that part of him is exist. He knows that he is lucky enough to not fall into "villain path" and he just looks at Aoyama and see him as person too. He doesnt looking down on him for messing up. He just reach out to him with pure empathy, noticing that Aoyama's goodness and telling him that he can still be hero.
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This is what actually giving a new chance to change to be better means. Deku is starting to understand that he can be easiely in Aoyama's place and instead of ignoring the fact that he was lucky enough to not messing up like most people do, he just puts himself and Aoyama on same place, that they both can be equally good, that they both can be heroes, despite him not making the same mistakes Aoyama did.
This kind of mindset that will save villains like Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi too. Yeah, they made horrible things but if anyone who desire to be kind person, anyone who geniuely wants to change, anyone who desire to take responsibility, anyone who actually feels guilty, they deserves to be happy, have normal lifes, they shouldnt be called as villain for the Rest of Their lifes because their suffering and effort for changing matters. Because yknow what? Awfull people dont change. (Not saying that anyone who dont change is awfull cause its not that simple but anyone who actually does the things i mentioned is definitely not awfull. ). Being"kind/good" doesnt mean always stay as pure, it means doing your best to be better person, its effort for changing, thats the point.
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And btw, Spinner taking care of Shiggy was cute ^^.
(I am sick and should resting rn, but get excited after seeing Deku's speech and get up to write this meta. I AM ON FIRE NOW. I know that Deku still didnt reach that point, he still has way to go but this is such an important point and people should really take a lesson from it. I especially calling out other authors for this.)
Yeah, Deku is main character so of course, he would reach out to Aoyama with this idea but i never thought it will be this important. Its amazing, This is why he is my favorite character with Shigaraki. :))). If you think that i am overreacting, you are wrong cause i am sick of hyprocy of stories. Finally a character said this. Deku is amazing.
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catjacket-scribbles · 4 years ago
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"My interests leave me trusting no one." // "Our paths crossing has shaken me to the core."
whatever else happens i’m proud of him
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shurisneakers · 4 years ago
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i feel like this is what we deserved
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multivstx · 3 years ago
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sweet face🍬
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swagginmun · 3 years ago
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Just felt like cleaning up a warm up doodle ✨
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cadaceus · 4 years ago
watching early campaign Essek like oh my god. he doesn’t know that these wonderful, messy people are going to be his friends. he doesn’t know that they are going to care about him until it hurts. he doesn’t know that he’s going to shift the fabric of time itself to help them. he doesn’t know that he’s going to fall in love with the man from his enemy nation who returned the beacon he traded away. he doesn’t know that he’s going to cry over the loss of a stranger. he doesn’t know that these people will make him feel guilt and regret and shame. he doesn’t know they’re going to save him. he doesn’t know
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wichitalk · 4 years ago
People on tumblr be like “Wilbur isn’t a redeemable character because he was a bad dad and also mentally ill” please just say you don’t know how redemption arcs work and move on
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blossombloodcurse · 4 years ago
people will be like “i love redemption arcs” but hate characters who have ever done bad things before. what are they being redeemed from?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years ago
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Saw them chatting when I logged in today and I wondered....what did this edgelord say to make this heavenly child smile?
Then I had an idea
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The aftermath vvvv
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coldcigarettes · 4 years ago
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Peaceful 🌱🌾☘
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owlwinter8 · 4 years ago
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[ the first rule of archery ] This is fanart for "what i love and what i've lost" by Treis (Deinde), an INCREDIBLE fic feat. the best characterized c!Dream you'll ever read and a forgiveness/healing/redemption arc that legitimately manages to rival Zuko's :D 
Be sure to check out the fic here!!! 
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ablazenqueen · 3 years ago
When you somehow enter an alternate dimension in which your Best Boy becomes your Worst Boy and your Worst Boy becomes your Best Boy:
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