#caleb is my favorite pc
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utilitycaster · 10 months ago
I was asked by several people to elaborate on why I thought people hated Essek and specifically treated him as some spontaneous disruption rather than a choice driven by cast members, and so here it is.
An overarching theme is this: Matt, the creator of Exandria and DM for Critical Role, created Essek. The entire cast of Critical Role likes him. Liam O'Brien, as Caleb, chose to romance him. Now, none of this prevents you from disliking him, but I think people pile their hate on Essek because they don't want to admit they are upset with choices the cast members have made. (For what it's worth, this is why I think it's healthy to be able to express that you are frustrated with a cast member's character choices or with developments in the campaign or creative choices generally, and treating expressions of dislike as taboo or worse, inherently problematic, ultimately makes for a far more toxic fandom than one in which people can comfortably say "I don't like this"). Essek is an NPC, and as the post that led me to write this up states, he is a character who represents Matt's narrative decisions and the cast's choices in Campaign 2. To be mad at him is to be mad at a puppet because for whatever reason you are unwilling to admit a dislike for what the puppeteer is doing.
Now: why Essek specifically?
People who shipped Caleb with Jester do this a lot. I'll admit to my own biases re the C2 ships but I do reject this being pure fanwank because people who shipped other Caleb ships and were still around in the late campaign either mostly acted like adults, or just kind of threw Essek into the mix. The thing really is that a lot of people who shipped Caleb and Jester are very big fans of Liam specifically, and Liam and Laura's dynamic, and are loathe to say that Liam decided not to have Caleb significantly pursue the relationship; that Laura chose to have Jester act utterly unaware of the relationship; and that Liam decided, instead of having Caleb pine endlessly, to pursue another potential romantic interest. I also suspect that some abuse of power in specific fandom spaces gave people false hope and inflamed resentment. A lot of these people also hate on Fjord but tend to be quieter about that because it's harder to pretend a PC isn't deeply tied to a cast member.
There is a subset of fans who treat mlm ships and wlw ships (or male and female characters) as locked in some kind of zero sum game in which the existence of one dims the light of the other. This is preposterous. I cannot imagine a more wretched and unhappy fandom experience than miserably tallying up fics and art and judging success not by quality and enjoyment of what content there is but rather whether there's more for your ship or more for other ships. I have joked that when my favorite character is popular I enjoy that they're popular, and when they're not, I enjoy that I clearly have refined and superior taste and I recommend others adopt this mentality. I also have half-joked that it would be fascinating to do a survey tallying the quantity of posts complaining about, say, Caleb and Essek's relationship someone has made, vs. how many posts they've made about (for example) Beau and Yasha's relationship, because a lot of the time the energy spent complaining, or worse, harassing others over their preferences could have addressed the problem had it instead been devoted to creating fanworks for your ship of choice.
Also very generally, while it's true that there's no shortage of annoying fans of Essek, I promise, there's no shortage of annoying and shitty fans of basically every character and ship including the ones you like.
For his appearance in Campaign 3 specifically, I think people are blaming Essek for the fact that this is the Chickens Coming Home to Roost, Avengers Assemble campaign. If you take issue with the characters of Bells Hells being overshadowed by those from past campaigns, the time to make that complaint was when Laudna and Orym showed up as PCs with strong ties to Delilah and Keyleth, or at the very least when Keyleth was brought in as a ringer to help resurrect Laudna (and, as someone who did make those complaints at the time and has since accepted this is the Past Campaigns Campaign...this has not been the case). Multiple party members (as played by cast members) expressed interest and excitement in Aeor before Essek (even as Seth) was mentioned. Bells Hells (as played by the Critical Role cast) want to go to Aeor. You do not have to like it, but this is not Essek's fault, as he is an NPC as part of the story driven by the cast's choices.
I've said this before but it bears nonstop repeating: when the CR cast says it's their table, it does not mean "it's their table and above criticism." It means "they are making the choices they make to play a game that they will enjoy." You can and should say that you're not enjoying it. It won't change what they do, but you'll feel better. But Essek isn't a real person with real agency. If his appearance is upsetting you, you need to attribute that to Matt's choices and decide if this campaign is still something you wish to watch and if this fandom is still something in which you wish to participate. Acting like Essek is some kind of horrible natural disaster ruining your lovely picnic and not a very deliberate choice by Matt is a transparently absurd denial of reality.
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burr-ell · 2 years ago
"the tendency of this fandom to only engage with what THEY want these characters to be#as opposed to what their creators are trying to do and the stories they want to tell" slap this on a bumper sticker, you just summed all cr discourse (about PCs at least) in 2 sentences
It truly is maddening (and it's not by any means exclusive to the CR fandom). The reason why the discourse always goes the way it does is that at the end of the day, the loud fanwanky people only see what they would do, if they were self-inserted into the story, as a valid choice; and they are, more broadly, fundamentally disinterested in what others think or feel. There are several examples of this, and the variety of spaces within the fandom that produce these ideas is an indicator that this isn't endemic to one specific group of people.
-Keyleth is an important character whose feelings and choices are validated by the other PCs and cast even if they still disagree with them, in spite of how she and her preachiness get in the way of the Murderhobo Jubilee? It's not because the cast are all friends and they genuinely believe Keyleth is valid and are interested in how these discussions and choices can guide the story. It's because Marisha is the DM's girlfriend, and also here's my totally unbiased theory that my pet favorite players Sam and Travis secretly hate Marisha and Keyleth.
-Vax's presence is still felt and nodded to in the post-canon VM oneshots? It's not because he was an important character who mattered. It's because Liam wants to make everyone talk about his tragedy because he has Main Character Syndrome. Scanlan Wishes for Vax to appear at the wedding? It's not because he cares about Vex or because Sam and Liam wanted a sweet tribute to Vex and Vax's relationship and by extension Liam and Laura's friendship. It's because Liam thinks Vex's life should always revolve around Vax, and Sam wants to enable him and jerk himself off as the one who facilitated it.
-Beauyasha and Fjorester become canon? It's not because the players wanted it and it happened naturally. It's because there was a secret behind-the-scenes push to "force" those ships to become canon instead, and like, Dani Carr is some sort of shipping puppetmaster who made the players do it, and "they" (whomever "they" is) decided to sink Beaujester or Widojest because it was "obviously" going to become canon before the pandemic hiatus gave them time to "make the corporate-approved ships happen".
-Beau and Caleb try to reform the Empire and dismantle the Cerberus Assembly from within? It's not because it makes sense for their stories or that people who would take this position regarding a corrupt government might have a valid perspective that differs from your own. It's because the people at Critical Role Productions LLC are all spineless neoliberal cowards who won't commit to real activism. The best activism, after all, is violent, and violent revolutions have always resulted in stable aftermaths, and the real world has never demonstrated that this mindset is foolish.
-Relatedly: Caleb doesn't kill Trent personally? It's not because the most poetic justice would be to deny Trent the thing he wants most from Caleb. It's because "Limo Brain" is too obsessed with tragedy to have the stones to do "what needs to be done".
-Asmodeus, DnD Satan, turns out to also be CR Satan? It's not because it fits with the cosmology and the lore; it's because Matt Mercer is too attached to the "establishment", and the Prime Deities should have actually turned out to be the bad guys because of my personal baggage about Western religion and Christianity they're a little mean to my blorbo sometimes.
There's a pattern here: fans had expectations that they'd built up for themselves after projecting and building up fanon and deciding what players meant before they explained themselves fully, and when the players strayed from that, they were derided for all manner of reasons. I think we're seeing that same pattern play out in C3 as the story progresses in a way that fans dislike, and in fact we have seen fanwank spread whenever someone does anything that interferes with personally catering to a) the favored ship and/or b) the favored philosophy. (Orym, Ashton, FCG, Percy, Pelor...all valid when they affirm the Fandom Opinions and all disdained when they don't.)
Don't get me wrong, I think there's a place for comfort stories that deliver a personal catharsis. And I'm not going to dismissively say "well if you want it so bad make your own" because, as an artist, I am very familiar with the fact that creating is hard and draining and sometimes you just need to consume instead. But when you become so wrapped up in yourself and your feelings to the point where your perspective is the only valid one, someone else's feels like a betrayal when it isn't. It's always "They aren't doing what we wanted and here's why they're terrible people because of it" and never "Hmm, why is this what the cast wants? Let's examine that."
This isn't a new phenomenon, but I think it ultimately stems from not assuming that other people can differ from you in major ways in good faith. There are a lot of reasons for that (some more understandable than others), but I think you rob yourself of the potential to enjoy something new when all you do is demand what you already want. No matter what you're doing or where you are in life, you tend to become a better and wiser person when you open your mind to what other people have to say, no matter how mundane the subject matter. Sometimes the stories people have to tell are challenging—and the only healthy way to deal with that is to engage with them on their own terms.
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mentally-unwell666 · 5 months ago
"yes, I am of the Empire, but I am no friend to the Empire" CALEB WIDOWGAST THE MAN THAT YOU ARE!
I’m on episode 64 of campaign 2, Caleb is my favorite and that fucking line won’t get out of my brain!
Liam O’brien PCs 🔛🔝
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cringefaecompilation · 6 months ago
for character questions: veth, jester, caduceus
First impression
also found cr through an animatic and the guy who made it made nott/veth curvy and sexy, and that disappointed me because i thought it was her canon design. i'm so happy it was just that guy being weird about women.
Impression now
genuinely my favorite pc sam has ever made. knocked scanlan right off his perch
Favorite moment
the scene where she's in the invulnerable vagrant with luc and yeza is so fucking cute and heartwarming every time.
Idea for a story
i would put this in the headcanon section but i'm saving it for another thing. god it would be so funny if at the end of this mn interlude after they kill the weavemind veth says "hey so um... we're having another kid..." and the rest of the nein LOSES IT
Unpopular opinion
i don't think there's anything inherently bad with widobrave as a ship. i personally prefer vethyeza just because if a guy ever said to me "i don't want a poem, i want a wife" with the same tone that yeza did i'd love him for eternity, but widobrave being treated like it's a morally wrong ship because it'd turn caleb into a homewrecker or whatever feels odd to me.
Favorite relationship
her and jester and her and caleb! also honorary nod to the fjord/nott love-hate relationship
Favorite headcanon
veth also has picked up on some zemnian while traveling with caleb!
First impression
i was worried i would dislike her. something about her seemed disingenuous compared to the rest of the nein and i guess i was worried her kindness and sweetness would be revealed to be a front or she would stick out like a sore thumb.
Impression now
i've never been happier to be wrong, jester you are my darling angel princess cinnamon apple and i love you
Favorite moment
jester's massive 700 hp point heal in the reunited special was so cool to see firsthand
Idea for a story
i think arty should keep fucking up and nearly getting killed so she can have more excuses to keep saving him
Unpopular opinion
i don't think she has autism/adhd. runs away
Favorite relationship
her and her mama and arty.
Favorite headcanon
i think if they had gotten tossed into jail instead of caleb showing off the beacon she would have been able to charm the guards and get them out. the power of jester.
First impression
i got spoiled on him because i went out of order but i thought he was cool and loved his design
Impression now
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Favorite moment
the comparatively underrated (according to fandom trends) scene where he reunites with his family
Idea for a story
i want him to see that orb vision of the gods destroying aeor so bad rn because i feel like it might make him trust melora MORE but i wanna be sure lol
Unpopular opinion
i sort of wish he'd stayed more morbid. taliesin went for the creepy vibes hard in the liveshow and then he fell off it just as hard and leaned into hippy. and that's not bad, and i get that he did it on purpose to push himself out of his comfort zone but it does make me curious as to what a "taliesin-friendly" caduceus would look like
Favorite relationship
finally giving fjord something with wildbrothers. i know a lot of people looking back on it now have problems with the portrayal of gods as wholly 100% good compared to "false" deities but hey, if going off the pact = addiction route, i think that's it's fair enough for fjord to recover from his addiction with faith and caduceus doesn't force his beliefs on him or imply it's the right thing to do
Favorite headcanon
intersex caduceus is real to ME
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genrebender · 2 years ago
There’s something that has been buzzing around in the back of my head for awhile now that I finally figured out how to articulate.
I have a lot of favorite characters, comfort characters, and characters I kin/relate to. One of the characters that fits all three categories is Caleb Widogast, but there is something extra that I just learned to express. Something about him that if I ever meet Liam O’Brien I might start sobbing about how much this character means to me.
He is the only character I’ve ever seen that loves the same way I do. I don’t just mean that he’s a chaotic bisexual disaster or that he’s polyamorous; it’s how deeply and widely he loves, how quickly he comes to care about those around him and how deeply his well of love to give is. It’s his hard to define and place relationship with Veth/Nott. How he falls in love with Jester; how whether it became platonic or is still in some way romantic, when life shows that isn’t what their relationship is going to be they’re dear friends. It’s that regardless of exactly what that love is he, still loves her. The flirting and tension with Mollymauk, and later Lucien. How he sees himself in Essek; though all the trouble in the world hangs around them he falls deeply, even if he holds it back behind the walls of his heart. The way early in the campaign he thinks he should leave the party while they’re all asleep; but he doesn’t, he sits there and lists all the reason to go but he doesn’t. There’s of course the doyelist explanation that the PC needs to stay with the party for the campaign and story, but the Watsonian that he’s already come to deeply care about these people. Even as he tries to keep his heart closed and cold he can’t. Caleb’s heart was designed to love fully, widely, deeply, and passionately. He and Essek are able to fight and stand beside each other as they start to heal. He works to put away his abuser so he can’t do that to anyone again, he becomes a teacher who questions authority and fights against the corrupt parts of the institution, and he continues working to put other corrupt authority figures away.
Even with all Caleb’s been through, all the pain of his past, self loathing, and assholery he works to make the world a better and brighter place. One of the people he once considered abandoning became his sister, the person who helps uproot corruption. This man loves so wholly; familiar, romantic, platonic, and all the messy complicated gray alcoves and variations on that spectrum.
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Who are your top 3 CR PCs?
Okay, I have a few different answers depending on whether guest characters, EXU, or Candela Obscura count.
If we're counting everything:
1. Sean Finnerty (Candela Obscura, Circle of Needle & Thread): I love characters who put a comedic veneer over being immensely fucked up, and I love when that veneer drops. His arc was so sad and I loved it so much
2. Jester Lavorre (Mighty Nein): She is the chaos I want to see in the world. She's such a fun character, I love how she's both a genuinely nice person and someone who will permanently superglue a golden dick to someone's hand, and there's definitely something about her that resonates with me as someone who grew sheltered with a creative outlet. Also the Cupcake is iconic.
3. Nydas Okiro (EXU Calamity): Of course there's gonna be someone from Calamity on here. A lot of people focus on Zerxus, Quay, or Laerryn, and I love all of them, but Nydas was my favorite from his introduction. He's one of the top two examples of blind ambition in the Ring of Brass (along with Laerryn), and his reaction to the prophecy was SUCH a good character beat. His stand at the Golden Scythe and rallying of the constructs in episode 4 still makes me tear up every time.
Honorable mentions: Shakaste (Mighty Nein guest character), Kerrek (Vox Machina Guest character), Dariax Zaveon (EXU original/Kymal)
If we're just talking core campaigns (I am very behind on Bells Hells, so there won't be anyone from there, but I do very much like Imogen and FCG)
1. Jester Lavorre (Mighty Nein) (see above)
2. Beauregard Lionett (Mighty Nein): Listen, I'm a library information professional, I am legally obligated to love her and the Cobalt Soul. I appreciate the amount of bullshit she refused to take, I feel like she got to fully in-character make use of Marisha's note taking skills (which is one of her biggest strengths as a player, imo), and I can't think of a single dynamic she had with another member of the Nein that I didn't have fun with.
3. Percival Frederickstein von Musel Kollowski de Rolo III (Vox Machina) (I hope I spelled that all correctly): I am not immune to sadboi. Percy had one of my favorite arcs in Campaign 1; there's something to be said for revenge arcs that do eventually answer the question of "so now what?" and I enjoyed that Taliesin never cut him a break for his shit. I'm also a shameless Perc'ahlia shipper, and I would be lying if I said that didn't influence my choice.
Honorable mentions: Caleb Widogast (Mighty Nein), Vex'ahlia (Vox Machina)
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sweetarethediscords · 10 months ago
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You're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration...
The Maiden of the Barren of the Rime wouldn't exist if it weren't for Critical Role, Liam O'brien, and most importantly Caleb Widogast.
I'm sure every Critter out there has asked themself the question: 'What character would I play if I ever got to play at the table?' My answer was Mina.
Mina, originally, was a ranger/bard eladrin cursed to stay forever in the winter season. Specifically made with Campaign 2 in mind, I wanted to design a PC that would create a good juxtaposition to those already at the table. A literal iceblock that the Mighty Nein could chip away at as they often did with too-serious NPCs, and someone who could be mirror to Caleb, my favorite PC from Campaign 2.
As Campaign 2 steered it paths towards Aeor and the Eyes of Nine however, Mina didn't fit in the campaign any more (as most fandom OCs will do as canon goes along) but I couldn't abandon her. Couldn't throw her into my constantly growing pile of character sheets.
And she wouldn't let me forget her. In fact, her and her eventual counterpart, Sebastian, are some of the first characters of mine in recent memory to invade my dreams.
There was something in her I had to explore. Her rage echoed my rage. Her want to overcome her trauma, but fear that she would always be chained by it, mirrored my own healing journey.
Other characteristics of myself and themes I wanted to explore became the other characters. Sebastian became the other side of Mina's coin, someone who met inconveniences with relentless optimism instead of rage. A self-sacrificing people-pleaser against a self-preserving misanthrope, whose flaws both came from coping with past hardships.
A dirty little fire wizard sparked a rich story exploring the societal expectations of womanhood, the nature of generational trauma, and the complex journey of learning how to love one's self through others (among many other themes)...
...and a incredible talented singer/songwriter from Ireland helped hone them.
When I first started writing The Maiden of the Barren Rime in 2021, Hozier's music played an important, but minimal roll in providing emotional clarity for the characters. "Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene" helped to color the more ethereal and deadly nature of Mina, the fae part of her that lures people in, while "Nina Cried Power" grounded her fury, and helped to shape the larger world of Mina's story that will be revealed in later books.
As the core of the novel was written and finished in January 2023, the editing and refining process became my next great beast to slay. A huge slab of marble that with my fantastic editor and outside readers I was able to carve away at, but Hozier's Unreal Unearth steadied my hands.
It was already a wild enough coincidence that 'Blood Upon the Snow', a song meant to capture the brutality of winter in God of War: Ragnorak, released during writing MBR; eerily capturing exactly how I pictured Mina's upbringing. Hearing Unreal Unearth, a beautiful album about heartbreak, healing, death, and grief among other things, while I was writing an novel about heartbreak, healing, death, and grief among other things was surreal. And wonderful.
It helped to inspire the words I was missing, helped me carve out more cutting prose to capture the depth of my characters' emotions, and most importantly gave me the reassurance that the themes and emotions I was exploring were not singular, but shared. In different shades and presentations, but all coming from a same source of universal human truth.
I can not thank these two enough for the inspiration they've given me, and I can not thank you enough if you've read this much of my ramblings (and suffered my cheesy use of a Chicago lyric.)
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realm-of-the-mad-god · 6 months ago
omg i always love seeing people get in to critrole for the first time. is caleb your favorite? do you have a least favorite so far? youre pinned says youre only on epsiode 5 what are your first thoughts on the series? im sorry mighty nein is a hyperfixation. hope you have a swell day\night and welcome to the critter fam
I'm not really sure how long this has been in my inbox but I'm actually on ep7 now!! Right now Caleb is my definite favorite though for sure. Quiet, mysterious magic wielder who has an orange cat named Frumpkin, is scared of his own shadow, and loves books? Sign me the FUCK UP!!!! Uhhh I honestly don't have a least favorite. They're all super unique and have their own little quirks and goals, and I like all of them! I really wouldn't be able to say "I like this PC less than the other ones" because besides Caleb who I adore, I like all of them pretty equally!
First thoughts on the series: Love Matt's DM style, love the DM/Player chemistry, love the Player/Player chemistry. Love the collaborative storytelling. Love the descriptions of the spells and moves they're doing instead of saying just "I cast X on this guy."
This isn't my first D&D podcast type thing, I used to listen to The Adventure Zone pretty regularly, and there's just no comparison.
I loved the story like of TAZ, but I definitely have begun to like Critical Role a lot better for several reasons.
Anyways, thanks for asking and if you wanna come off anon and shoot me a message I'm more than stoked to talk about it some more! Though please no spoilers I'm begging you
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streamdotpng · 2 years ago
This is my first time writing on PC! It's so much easier :)
Okay, remember how I wrote the bit about Enid going through a depressive episode in 2nd year?
This is my first time writing on PC! It's so much easier :)
What if I wrote the episode and Wednesday taking care of her? :)
Streamer Enid AU.
Also! I have a song recommendation! Love Like You from Steven Universe. Specifically the duet of Ashe and Caleb Hyles! :)
(They aren't dating yet.)
"Are you alright?"
"To be honest? No. Not in the slightest. Feel like dogshit."
"Is there anything I could do to help?"
"No, not really."
"Do you have... do you know why you feel this way?
"Melancholy, then."
The werewolf lifts up her head from it's spot of a disgustingly pink pillow.
Enid blinks at her.
"I might be fruity but 'm not a fruit, Willa."
Wednesday feels like she's been shocked by Uncle Fester.
"You said I have Melancholy. I'm not a fruit."
"Melancholy is sadness without an apparent reason," she wants to add venom to her voice. Call Enid Stupid and idiotic.
But it's Enid.
"Not a fruit, Enid.'
The blonde pouts, drops her head and lets out a pathetic sigh.
"Watermelon is my favorite fruit."
"I'm fond of Belladonna berries, personally."
Enid lifts her head again, this time turning on her back to face Wednesday properly.
She smirks. It's the closest she's been to a real smile since Monday.
It's Thursday.
"How are they named both so young and so old? I hear Bella and I think of Twilight- I hear Donna and I think of this old baker-lady from San Francisco who smoked like crazy and yelled at everyone. She beat a- did I ever tell this story?" Enid's grin is small. She has told Wednesday this story. Enid was tired.
She must've forgotten.
"Never." She lies.
"Well, she- she got robbed- attempted-ly robbed- is attemptedly even a word? Anyways- she almost got robbed, got the guy that broke in, and beat his ass with a rollin' pin. The cops had to pry her off!"
Enid's smile is bigger.
Her scars are lit up by light of the moon that peaks in from the window.
Her eyes glow in the dim lighting.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"A pleasant story," Wednesday pretends she's never heard it, "what happened to the baker?"
"She's still alive! When I went home over break, she was still kickin'! I think she started smoking more, which is horrific- seriously, this woman smokes like 2 packs a day. It's nuts."
Wednesday hums.
She stands up and walks to the door.
Her head snaps back so fast she can hear the pop that sounds in her neck.
Enid's hand is outstretched, and she's standing now, when Wednesday turns around she's retracting it in embarrassment.
"I- there's not really anything you can do to help, but that didn't mean I wanted you to leave." She flushes and looks at the floor.
"I'll only be gone a moment. I'll need Thing's help, also."
Thing runs to Wednesday's feet.
Enid's face is red. Wednesday can see her eyes get glossy with tears.
"Promise you'll both come back?"
Wednesday's hand tightens on the doorknob.
"I swear on Thing's life."
She faces the door again.
"Swear it on my life too."
Wednesday turns fully at that.
"Swear it on mine too. You care about both of us too much to lie."
Enid swallows harshly. She doesn't move. Her arms are behind her.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"I swear on the life of Thing Addams and Enid Sinclair that I will only be a moment."
Enid stares at the ground. She turns back to her bed.
Enid's on her stomach when Wednesday reenters the room.
Their room.
"Enid." Wednesday speaks quietly.
She spent time on this, but Enid needs rest.
She'd feel awful if she woke her "roomie."
"Yeah?" Enid rolls onto her back again.
What if Enid didn't like it?
Wednesday wants to vomit and scream and run away.
She doesn't.
"I have something that requires you to close your eyes and follow me."
Enid laughs- a puff of air, really, but it's better than her downcast face.
"First you're gone for 11 minutes, now you want me to follow you blind?" She stands and closes her eyes.
Enid counted.
Enid smiles.
Thing runs to his box.
Wednesday grabs her backpack.
She takes Enid's hand.
Her hand is warm. Her fingers are pink from the cold.
They start moving.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're 'bout to bury me alive!"
She sounds playful.
"If I wanted to kill you, I'd have used one of your revoltingly pink scarves to strangle you."
Pink scarves.
Her fingers are pink.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
They're outside now.
"Nice to know you have it planned. Though," Enid almost trips over a tree's root. She barely slows in following Wednesday, "I can't help but feel hurt that you'd be so..." She doesn't need to look back to know the smug shit is smirking, "barbaric! That's the word!"
Wednesday considers letting Enid hit a branch head-on.
She moves Enid out of the way of the branch that she can't see.
"I mean, I figured after being besties for so long you'd at least think about giving me some kinda dramatic death. Throwing me into a fire as my lover begs for my life? No? You have no taste, Willa."
She imagines Enid with burn scars. She thinks they'd run up her arms like sleeves. Maybe splashed across her ribs and stomach.
The scars would be pink.
Her eyes would still be blue.
"I'd kill your lover first. No witnesses."
"You wouldn't grant me my final death-wish of being dramatic as I go?"
'I'd join you in the fire. I'd burn with you because to lose you would kill me in a different way.' It climbs up her throat and sets on her tongue.
She doesn't let it leave her mouth.
"I'd write something funny on your urn."
"Make it a pun," they're nearing the spot now, "and I'll consider forgiving you for not giving different-timeline me a death worthy of being on a K-drama."
She leads Enid to the spot.
"I'm not a dog, Willa-"
She sits.
"-I take offense."
"Open your eyes."
Enid opens her eyes.
They're on a blanket in the forest. Wednesday has the laptop the sat delicately on the blanket.
The blanket's big.
"Wednesday..." she breathes softly.
"You always wanted a girls night." She sets her backpack down, zips it open, and pulls out her supplies.
Nail polish.
Cans of juice and soda.
A another blanket.
"You are the best roomie." Comes out soft. Like it left her mouth without her knowledge.
"I thought... if ever I should indulge you." She pauses.
The stars are bright, so far out from the light pollution. It illuminates them both.
Enid stares straight up to the sky.
The colors of the stars reflect in her eyes.
Her face is lit up, just barely.
There's pink in the blue of her eyes from the stars.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"It should be now."
Enid stands suddenly, faces her roommate, grabs Wednesday's face and kisses her.
Her lips are warm.
Her lips are pink.
They both stare at each other when Enid pulls away. Neither making a sound.
Enid sits back down.
Wednesday stands.
It's quiet.
Enid gasps sharply, and turns her head up to face Wednesday.
"OMG! Can we watch The Sunrise Paradise? Please?!"
Wednesday blinks.
"The... Sunrise Paradise?"
"The K-drama? It's sooooooooo good! Swear on Thing!"
Wednesday presses her lips into a line.
Enid's warmth sits on them like the taste of red wine.
"Swear both on Thing and me."
Enid's face drops, and for one, dizzying moment, Wednesday wonders if she's said the wrong thing.
But then Enid grins. Bright and blinding and beautiful and Wednesday understands why humans love.
Enid, still grinning, places her right hand over her heart.
"I, Enid Sinclair, swear on the life of Thing Addams and Wednesday Addams that The Sunrise Paradise is the most incredible show ever."
Wednesday joins Enid in her sitting.
"I trust you."
The show is good, Wednesday loathes to admit. The characters are well-written and the cinematography is great and the actors are a perfect cast.
"It's adequate."
Enid has a smile on her face. She hasn't stopped smiling.
"That's Wednesday for 'you're so correct that it's embarrassing me, Enid.'!"
"That's... That's 'Wednesday'?"
"It's how you talk; I wouldn't force you to talk differently, so I learned how to speak Wednesday!"
"I- uh..."
A gasp.
"Do I have the Wednesday Addams lost for words? Oh, I feel powerful!"
Wednesday wants to slap the smile from her lips.
She wants to kiss them.
"You mentioned a "Twilight" earlier."
"I don't think it's your kinda movie. It's like watching Tyler and-"
"You don't need to add more. Tyler's essence being in that movie is more than enough to sway me away."
Enid nods.
Then flops backwards, starfishing herself.
Enid looks at the stars.
The stars light up her eyes.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"I was wrong. earlier."
"What'da you mean?"
"About my favorite fruit."
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"They're strawberries and blueberries."
She lies next to Enid. Shoulder to shoulder.
She looks at the stars.
There's green.
"Yes, Enid?"
"Do you think... do you think we'll be together forever?"
Wednesday's heart beats harder.
"In what way?"
"Like-" Enid sticks her arm up so Wednesday can see her hand flip about. "-like friends?"
'Why just friends?' she wants to say.
She doesn't
"I meant it in first year when I said your mark was indelible. Even if we grew apart, there's no doubt in my body that I'd remember you."
"How did I leave an inedible mark on you? You never told me."
"Answer the question."
Wednesday takes a deep breath through her nose.
She pushes it out through her mouth.
"I think... I think to lose your mark would be to lose my humanity. The compassion you taught me."
A huff.
"Everyone's got some compassion."
"Maybe. But I've always been told that I needed to express it by people who faked theirs-" She turns to look at the side of Enid's face.
She's still looking at the stars.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"-You live by compassion. You exude it."
Wednesday turns to face the dimmer stars above her.
"I've always learned better by example."
She feels a hand brush hers.
She takes it.
"If we were to grow apart, how would you want it to happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like. Would you want to go our separate ways hating each other? Slowing losing contact and not doing anything to get it back?"
"I would want to lose you through your choices."
She can hear Enid shift to look at her.
She turns herself to look at Enid.
The stars are brighter.
"What?" It's breathless.
"You're important to me, Enid. I want what is best for you. If we were to grow apart, I'd want to be from you deciding it's what's best for you."
Enid turns to face the sky.
Wednesday's still looking at the stars.
"I'd want to hate you."
"'Cause, I... You mean quite a lot to me too, Willa. I don't ever want to forget you. If we grew apart, I'd want to hold a grudge because those last. Donna still knows that robber's name and she still calls him the scum of the earth. That 30 years ago when he was 15 and she was 35."
"Mother has said to be careful whom I offend. She's said spite can weather time better than love."
Wednesday likes the quiet.
It leaves her less stimulated.
It makes it easier to burn the curve of Enid's jaw into her mind's eye.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"Right and wrong."
"Spite can weather it better. But I think you mistook her words. You think spite will weather time better than love. It's only a can."
Enid's thumb brushes the back of her hand.
"I think it depends on the people with the love."
Wednesday hums.
"What could make you hate me, Enid?"
"Hmmmm. That's tough."
Enid looks at her.
Wednesday never stopped looking at her.
"Set all my stuffed animals on fire and replace all my clothing with black suits."
"Simple enough."
"Are you planning on earning my- my- my ire? Could you really be so cruel?" She puts on a faux shaky tone.
"I'm only saying it's surprisingly easy to make you hate someone. Maybe I was wrong about you being compassionate. Maybe you're as spiteful and vengeance-loving as me."
"Maybe so."
Enid squeezes her hand.
She squeezes back.
"What about you? What could make you hate me?"
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"Make everything pink."
"Hey! Show some respect- pink is an incredible color!"
"Maybe so."
Her scars are pink.
"I just don't think I could bare to forget blue."
Her eyes are blue.
-Writer Anon.
i love the repeating of enid's colors, really slamming it in how much Wednesday thinks they're important. How much Enid is important. Also idk if its just me but the pink dye is enid's hair temporary, the pink tint of the scar will fade to something darker. But blue? Blue is enid's eyes, blue will forever stay, it wont ever change
Just like Enid's presence, enid's mark
anyways, have this lil tidbit
"I think i said i'd rather hate you because it would be easier," Enid says. "but.. i don't think i would hate hate you."
Wednesday eyes her, "What do you mean?"
"Hate means disliking something so much that its all i see." A breath of air comes. "But i don't think a part of me could ever hate anything about you. I'm sure that'll stand even when we're miles apart."
Wednesday stares. Is that.. a good thing? She stays silent but the slight raise of her brow was enough for Enid to explain.
There's a pause and she really wondered if she was really going to say what she's planning to. Well, in for a skip and all for a drop or however it goes.
"Maybe if you asked me last year, i'd consider it but now?" There's a shy smile on Enid's face, her eyes staring onto the curious ones of Wednesday. Its hard to even think that she could've hated the girl lying next to her. Its no wonder the words that come next is easy, like settling into a bed. "I love you too much to even do so."
Wednesday stares.
Enid scrambles for a response, the beat of her heart loud and pounding against her ears. "I mean obviously you don't have to love me back and stuff! its just part of the explanation-"
She's still staring.
"-and like Love means seeing the thing you like and dislike about a person and still willing to care for them despite that! So i could never dislike you enough to hate you because i love you alot more-"
"i think i get it," Wednesday murmurs and its in the silence that Enid realizes just how close the two are.
Now they're both staring and Enid is lowkey losing her shit inside her head because did she just confess?
what kind of dumbass just confesses accidentally!?
Her, apparently, oh my go-
"That would mean i love you too," Wednesday carefully places and just like that, she drags Enid out of the depth she just drowned herself in.
Wednesday has that gift, she supposes. Being there.
"oh," Enid replies. "Cool," she continues, hardly trying to fight back the grin that's growing on her face. "Coolio."
There's warmth in her palms and they're still holding hands.
"Cool," Wednesday agrees and she's smiling.
She's beautiful, Enid notes. If lying down and making an embarrassment of herself means she could see that-
Well, she wouldn't mind doing it for the rest of her life.
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neinofthem · 2 months ago
the irony of liam bowing down to fandom pressure and making such a dull background character, trying to be as uncontroversial as he can and then still getting criticized by the same people that hated your previous character is kinda funny tbh
his previous character is the rocket coaster in this analogy. caleb was my favorite pc. orym can, quite frankly, go kick rocks!
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aura-acolyte · 1 year ago
🎙 Where did you first get the idea for Mare?
//Okay, so, story time. Let me take you back to August 2018. The world had gone to shit, Avengers Infinity War had recently released in theaters, and I was a 14 year old boy (probably) who had just discovered the internet.
//I had taken to browsing TV Tropes in my spare time, still do but not as frequently. Something, something, ruin your life. Anyways, TV Tropes has many pages for many different things, far beyond just TV and Tropes. Among those was fanfiction and through it I discovered a treasure trove of ages long past. That Golden Fandom Era of great cringe.
//You see, most of TV Tropes' pages on fanfiction are for some pretty old stuff. They've got pages on newer fics too, its a great source of advertising, but the website was launched in 2004 it goes back ages and newer fics aren't crosswicked as much. So much of my fanfiction exposure was older stuff. The classics. And, of course, one of the fic types I came across was Nuzlocke fics. The idea of doing a Nuzlocke Challenge intrigued me, and the idea of writing a fic about it more so. And thus, my journey bega.
//I booted up my favorite game in the series, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, and restarted. incidentally wiping several years worth of event legendaries and the event Blaziken I'd carried over from XY out of existance. I'm sorry XY Event Blaziken with Speed Boost and Blazikenite. You will be missed. What was I saying?
//Oh right, I restarted Alpha Sapphire, selected the female pc with blissful ignorance of my own gender fluidity, named her Mare, and began my run... I wrote one chapter and then gave up because I got too attached to the Pokemon and having to release them made me cry. But, while that was the end for that fic, it was not the end for Mare. I tried to write several more fics for her which, uh, weren't good and can hopefully stay buried forever. 14 year old me had a bit of a perverted streak that I am not proud of.
//Then roleplaying came into the picture. I've been roleplaying for... this'll be my 8th year roleplaying online. Jeez. Anyways, I used to do forum roleplays before I got kind of tired of that and stopped. Takes a lot of effort to maintain a forum roleplay and, honestly, a lot of the people on the site I used were assholes, elitists, gatekeepers, or all three. But I'm not here to trash talk people behind their backs.
//So, I started a Pokemon forum roleplay and repurposed Mare for it. Because my Nuzlocke fic was inspired by classic Nuzlocke fics, Mare could understand Pokemon for no explained reason other than to make it easier for the reader to grow attached to them before they die. I also gave her enhanced strength because I thought a teenage girl punching out Archie would be funny. Now, for the roleplay space, I had to explain it. Luckily, I remembered a movie I'd watched as a kid, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, and also by that point it was 2020 and I was an avid Smash Ultimate player who mained Lucario. So I gave her Aura powers to justify it, added on Aura Vision, discovered Sapphire Pokespe existed halfway through making her character sheet and used her as Mare's faceclaim, and bada bing bada boom, Marie "Mare" Birch was born. But we aren't quite at final form Mare yet.
//In February of 2023 I joined Tumblr and one month later, in March, I discovered Pokemon IRL. Eager to join in, I created a blog for... Caleb Vixen, normal fox guy and intended self insert. I created Mare's blog 20 days later. When I created the blog I expanded her Aura Powers to include durability, healing, and any moves a Lucario can use (Aura Sphere mainly), and gave her the epithet Chosen of Rayquaza. Also, she was the worst. Like, she was still a hero but she was also an asshole. This was true of all versions of Mare up to that point. Its kind of incredible looking at her right now where her defining personality trait is being nice vs back when I started where her defining personality trait was being an asshole. Oh, also, when the blog started it had been six months since her Journey ended not five years I don't know how that happened.
//So, Chosen of Rayquaza, what did that mean? Nothing. I just thought it sounded cool. But, when I had Mare make a little joke about "I don't know what Chosen of Rayquaza means" it quickly gained a meaning, largely thanks to @pinkhairandpokemon, who introduced me to the concept of Chosen AUs which I had no idea existed at the time. Anyways, Mare ended up with Rayquaza powers and a savior complex and also became much nicer. Then a bunch of other stuff happened and a good chunk of it had to be retconned away and now you're here.
//tl;dr, she came from a Nuzlocke fic.
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deathlaw · 7 months ago
get to know your mutuals!
tagged by @jazzmckay , thank you!
Currently Watching: One Piece, Malcom in the Middle, finished The Boys the other week. Also a lot of movies. I started Joe Black last night but fell asleep so I need to finish it later.
Currently Reading: Gotrek & Felix: The Second Omnibus. Specifically I am on the Beastslayer book.
Currently Playing: Deep Rock Galactic, Left 4 Dead 2 & Disco Elysium. Also Lethal Company and Fallout New Vegas / Fallout 3
Current Obsession: Painting my minis, I am on a roll. Also watching Caleb Hammer and RE4 play through (again bc my pc can't handle it and I want to play it)
Sweet, Salty, or Savory: All of them, but if sweet it cannot be *too* sweet.
Relationship Status: Not single
Favorite Color: Black, yellow, blue, idk all of them?
Last Thing I Googled: Hunter Biden - Needed a pic of the guy to make a specific meme for my friend group.
tagging: @sweettsubaki @autistook @petiterusk @misfits-den @someidioticurl
If you guys wanna do it go for it, if not do not go for it xD
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utilitycaster · 2 years ago
Here's a fun game! A while back I talked about how when people choose favorite characters by narrative themes, the two most obvious paths through the campaigns to me were Keyleth to Caleb to Imogen (magic users burdened by talent with high expectations and parental loss/abandonment themes) and Vex to Fjord to [no single obvious answer in C3 but Ashton and Laudna both explore many elements of it] (coping mechanism of suppressing every emotion or sign of vulnerability and developing a mask because you are not enough and also too much). Anyway I got a lot of asks that were like "ooh analyze me" and at the time I did not want to, but now I will! Ask me!
I am going to need at least 3 characters, one per main campaign. You can, as a bonus, send one C3 guest other than Team Issylra (we haven't seen enough of them yet) and/or one EXU main PC you'd consider a favorite.
I am going to operate in good faith and treat you in good faith but also this is about NARRATIVE THEMES so if I really can't find one I am going to say "this feels like an aesthetically motivated choice" or whatever. It's valid on your part but I'm not really looking for an argument. Basically as with all ask memes this is about my opinion; if you don't want my opinion don't ask for it.
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captainsspnanon · 2 years ago
C3E66 reaction
I feel like I don't have much to say about this episode, mostly because I'm writing this nearly a full day after having watched the episode.
Seeing Liam roleplay a PC with very positive family relationships and just the gentle nature of a son visiting his home for the first time in a while was delightful.
Matt having Chetney be the maker of several of Orym's toys is a pure treat! I ain't buying the father theory (I doubt any one is with any level of seriousness) but it's leading to above-table fun :)
Why is it that I've been so much more invested in descriptions of locations when they are NOT on Marquet??? Maybe it's just because we really haven't BEEN many places on Marquet, we've had Jrusar and Yios which are cities, then the forest and place they went for the museum heist, and then Max Max place. For a campaign set here, a lot of aspects of it don't take place there, especially now that it looks like a chunk of time will likely be spent on Ruidus. I'd really appreciate more actual journeying through Marquet and seeing the landscape, though with fast travel now active, who knows.
NEW LAUDNA ART IS SO GOOD i love it so much!
What I don't love? Laudna basically being fully reverted to acting fine. After the kiss from last episode, it seemed that a lot of her behaviors suddenly reverted then as well. I'm HOPING that it's more of a case of her compartmentalizing again, but I really enjoyed the Laudna we had in Issylra and at the beginning of last episode. Her placidity is not necessary enthralling characterization to watch.
Then again, I'm being a tad harsh, as this episode really did end up being the Orym episode in terms of roleplay. Pretty much ALL the other PCs took a back seat in Zephra, which is understandable if a bit disappointing. And then we didn't have much RP in the wasteland/forest/however the hell you describe the lands, as it was stealthing and looking for tracks and then combat. I'll hold off full judgement until another episode or two has passed.
I am so excited to see the new Orym and Ashton art I CAN'T. So far, Laudna, FCG, Deanna, and Fearne's new art have been my favorites.
VERY cool combat with VERY clutch spells from Fearne.
OH AND LIAM MADE A MANEUVER THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME. I was always, ALWAYS stoked when he designed new spells for Caleb, or even just flavored them such as his Cat's Claw for Bigby's Hand. So if he keeps making maneuvers??? I am SOLD.
Still would love a guideline of how the fuck Ashton's subclass works. I get Taliesin wanting to surprise people, but I'd still like to have an idea of it, more than just confusing descriptions in combat.
30 flowers filling a third of the bag is way less that I had thought would be needed, that gives me hope of this being resolved in next episode, likely with more Zephra RP and then heading back to Marquet.
I'm a little selfishly disappointed they didn't tell Keyleth about Vax screaming. It makes sense, but look. Sometimes I just like angst for angst, okay?
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cringefaecompilation · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
25+ // neurodivergent & psychotically disordered // CR liveblogger
campaign 2 only critrole fans, essek stans, and exu prime haters dni. talk to me about my nd headcanons!
tags below the cut!
favorite character tags
fav: fearnie bearcub banana (fearne)
fav: hell for some heaven for others (ashton)
fav: i’m tired of running (imogen)
fav: savior blade (orym)
fav: it’s love that makes people (caduceus)
fav: pop pop! (beau)
fav: you can reply to this message (veth)
fav: i have so many flowers to give her (yasha)
fav: you need me more than i need you (fjord)
fav: i have passed through fire (keyleth)
fav: and it was the metric system! (taryon)
fav: guiding bolt up the butt (pike)
fav: safe with my indifference (percy)
fav: dagger dagger dagger (vax'ildan)
fav: i cast blight (laerynn)
fav: last dragon of avalir (nydas)
fav: peach jam! (dariax)
friendship tags
rel: exu trio (dorian & fearne & orym)
rel: hey best friend (fearne & orym)
rel: best of all of us (fcg & ashton)
rel: better tomorrow (imogen & orym)
rel: maybe we can both be broken (ashton & laudna)
rel: captain and first mate (beau & fjord)
rel: our greatest trick yet (veth & caleb)
rel: someone prayed for a miracle (caduceus & fjord)
rel: we’re all all kinds of fucked up (pike & vax'ildan)
rel: original og (pike & grog)
romantic tags
ship: something personal and irreplaceable (fearne/ashton)
ship: tethers (imogen/laudna)
ship: you're his revenge (ashton/imogen)
ship: the most beautiful (laudna/fearne)
ship: first thing that didn't hurt to see again (deanna/chetney)
ship: tusk love (fjord/jester)
ship: drop it! (fjord/caleb)
ship: i don't want a poem. i want a wife (veth/yeza)
ship: sorry babe gotta beat these ninjas (beau/yasha)
ship: and every day that raven comes to visit (vax'ildan/keyleth)
ship: they are not worth you (vex'halia/percy)
other shippy stuff
irl tags
dungeon masters
cr cast
guest pcs
campaign: vm
campaign: mn
campaign: bh
campaign: ck
other campaigns
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sparring-spirals · 2 years ago
It’s about the
We deserve a soft ending my love
We’re good people and we’ve suffered enough
I mean what a fucking end it would be huh
But also I don’t want them to die so close to their goal so I 100% get your point
They didn’t research in all-nighters and worked so hard for it to End Like That.
Well, what I've learned from this ask is that I apparently have an unspoken, maybe unearned confidence that Matt wasn't going to put any of the prior PC-now-NPC's into a significant amount of danger? Or not the same level of danger as the PC's. Like- they're all hanging out trying to prevent the world ending, so there's a kind of inherent level of danger there. But there are ways to handle that that don't involve, like, rolling con saves and attack throws and stealth and death saving throws for each of them for the whole thing. (As cool as that COULD be).
(Also: Failure by no means equates to death! In most cases it probably wont! Im almost certain that, worst case, if the world ends here it will do so in a way that neccessitates folks go save it.)
That said! I could be wrong. So. Exploring that option. Hmm.
(bear with me, this gets a little off topic)
I think there's a kind of love that comes from a PC turning into an NPC, specifically after a whole campaign has concluded, with a happy epilogue. You're right- they deserve a happy ending, a soft epilogue. And the funny thing is- they got one! Technically! They got their flashforwards and the cast painting lovely pictures, and they did their whole. World ending and we saved it and most importantly saved ourselves and each other and augh okay no getting distracted with c2 campaign ending feels.
But technically, they got one, they finished their stories and did their growth and got their soft conclusions. Beau returns to Yasha after hard days and Caleb grows green beans and shares fond stories with Essek when he drops by, and dinners with Veth and Yeza and his tower with all of the Mighty Nein. They got it! They are currently in it.
Matt has now, risen them back as NPC's, and that's both very different and its own form of love, too. Their story ended, but this way, we get this reminder that the characters didn't. My favorite aspect of the epilogues was that they all left room for the characters to keep going. Keep growing, keep fucking up- irrevocably changed by the journey, new paths opened up, better for it. But not crystallized. Their story, the campaign, ended, but they didn't.
and so having them as NPC's is kind of the epitome of that, right? In the same way that my idle headcanon about Beau going with Fjord and Jester and Kingsley on trips under the guise of Cobalt Soul work, serving as first mate, could potentially mean everyone getting snapped up by some fuck all huge sea leviathan. Its nice to think of these characters going on and doing things in the background, things they want to do, and are free to do, even if the things make me go "God DAMMIT what are you doing here i thought you guys were SAFE AT HOME where i wouldnt need to WORRY ABOUT YOU ANYMORE".
You're right- it would be a fucking shame, so close to the end, after all that work and all those all-nighters. But there's something vaguely comforting about knowing that Beau and Caleb chose to do this, that they've had years now, of being happier and free and content and choosing to chase down these assholes and stop them from hurting others and ruin their plans. And that if things go sour- they chose it, they were happier for it, they knew what they were getting into and, backing each other up, walked into it with their eyes open.
But yeah, they better not fucking die.
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