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bunny-jpeg · 4 months ago
i'm holding your hand when i'm saying this. as a veteran of rpf writing and shit-posting. the number one rule of rpf in any context is, do not make it the person's problem.
do not be in any driver's dms or anyone in their lives' dms (friends/families/significant others). if they stumble across it, that's fine. but don't be in their business and expecting a response. this also means not asking formula one as a organization if lestappen is real or whatever other ship. let's just have our fun and let the boys race, and we can all exist as a network. and YES, we've seen the posts that "hint" are lestappen or landoscar. but it's all tongue and cheek. this is not a reason to get in people dms about it. you should be writing for fans, not the crack the code if two people are fucking. - and if they are, good on 'em. it's not for us to know. we don't owe any driver of past, present or future's coming out. whenever or however that may be.
i know some folks are new to rpf, but please, please, please, remember that these are REAL people. and think about how you'd feel if people were sending you fan fiction of someone you loved and their teammate/rival. we can have our little fun on tumblr/twitter/ao3, but please don't be bringing it to the attention of these people. especially like siblings and partners, leave 'em out of it.
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am4riloves1x1x1x1 · 4 days ago
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I love hate mama and his hatelings do u guys hav more ideas for hatelings
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mekkyz-dubz · 11 days ago
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Here is the evolution of Sparklecare Hospital Tumblr layout throughout the years in case she's going to deactivate her blogs to run away from her responsibilities. If you have any image you want to add, reply here with a link.
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phenomenal-savage · 3 months ago
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butthead7 · 1 year ago
guys I need to get as many notes on this post as possible due to the fact that my friend thinks they can beat me in amount of notes on a post. They cannot win.
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mashedpotatoesandgravyx3 · 4 months ago
This is me Aya.. ‏🇵🇸
Imagine you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams, memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over. 🙏🏻🍉
hello please help anyway you can possible, it's genuinely so terrible that these innocent people are going through this
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themostsanebug · 8 months ago
putting my head in my hands. guys can we. not? be bitches under peoples askblogs that they created for fun. they created that with the intent of sharing their joy of a character or characters with other people. not to get stressed out over the thing they created because SOME of you cant fuckin control yourselves when you see the little ask button on the blog of your fav. just learn self control. learn to think before you speak. REALIZE there is an actual human behind that screen who is likely just trying to have fun. remember that person has boundaries. remember to actually listen to what the mod might say in the tags or in the rules or in mod notes. just LISTEN to the person behind the character. im seriously starting to hate some of the anons ive seen. some of you are actually so bad. the mod should NOT have to apologize for your actions going too far. the mod shouldnt apologize for you overstepping their boundaries. jesus christ. just keep the people in mind okay?
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did-sm1-say-catfish · 2 months ago
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neothalamus · 2 years ago
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werbert hest
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communistcatboi · 1 year ago
I need your help for my school presentation about Oscar Wilde !
Please reblog this for a bigger sample size !
Thank you for participating:) please reblog this for a bigger sample size<3
(sorry for all the tags I'm trying to reach as many people as possible)
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ponyboi-69 · 8 months ago
Help a queer anti-Zionist Jewish trans man pay for medical bills and housing
I hate to have to do this but I’m low on funds due to having to miss work for medical appointments and I need $60 to pay for said appointments plus I’m short for my housing payment for next month. I have $30 to my name and really need to get $150 to make sure my check doesn’t bounce and my bank account isn’t overdrafted. I’m going to be selling my pottery at some craft fairs coming up but that isn’t happening for a couple of weeks and my housing payment is due on the 10th. I can provide receipts if you’d like proof. Please reblog this or donate if you can.
Thank you
V*nmo: @weird_kid_pottery
P*ypal: at: gayspacealien
C*shapp: $weirdkidpottery
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zombiepoe · 9 months ago
Tag anyone too make them link a song
@fymo-blogs @dhampirdreamerz
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redd-byrd · 2 years ago
Oh sweet jesus I finally finished it
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Close ups below the cut :p
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Commission me pls I have WAY too much free time
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theavatar-asami · 2 years ago
The 2023 AO3 stats just came out, and it doesn't look great diversity-wise. User centreoftheselights/@centrumlumina has conducted yearly reports on the top 100 ships, the characters in them, and amount of racial and gender diversity overall. She also included one for the top 100 femslash ships, and conducts a census on ao3 users themselves. Below is a direct quote from the overall August 2022-August 2023 study:
"There are 58 M/M relationships on the list, 11 F/M, 8 F/F, 18 Gen and 5 Other... Of the 204 names on the list, 30 are women, 2 are non-binary, and 3 are characters of ambiguous gender, compared with 25, 1 and 6 in the 2022 list. In total there are 102 white characters, 67 Asian characters, 6 Latino characters, 6 Middle Eastern or North African characters, 4 Black characters, and 2 Indigenous characters, as well as 10 racially ambiguous characters and 8 non-human characters. There are 84 total Characters of Colour, which is 13 more than the number listed in 2022."
I'm pretty bad at analyzing but I also know this means we need to do better. Only 8 F/F relationships? POC ships in the minority?? There are more non-human characters than the total number of black and indigenous characters COMBINED. We need to uplift media and fandoms that cater less to a white, privileged audience and support small projects that maybe don't star A-list celebrities. Also, support the strikes- there would be no content without our working class writers, actors, and artists. Fandoms aren't for everyone if they're not about everyone.
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scottbaiowulf · 1 year ago
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