beedreamscape · 1 month
I'm pretty much the worst person to even weigh in on this topic because I've been partial to Suvi since day one, but in my opinion there wasn't ever a need to explain or justify Suvi's choices/reactions.
Not because she's perfect, never wrong (though in my heart I know...) but because I'm very certain that the people that keep on hammering on her mistakes/shortcomings/tendencies are people that already dislike Suvi (or don't like Aabria very much, I wish this wasn't a topic of consideration but even 30+ eps in there's still people like that around) for whatever reason and gather excuses to justify their bias against her and no amount of explanation will turn their hearts in her favour.
It really feels like a parallel to the way Suvi herself tries to be understood by her friends and yet she fails time and time again.
And people insist on forgetting that Suvi is not the Citadel, she's just one young wizard of the Citadel.
And it's gut-wrenching how much I relate to that feeling of alienation before every corner she tries to fit in: amongst her citadel peers she's othered by her position and privilege, and now by her friendship to a witch and a spirit; between her friends she's the odd-one-out because of her Citadel connections and the nature of her power; and now amongst the witches she stands out by being the face of the "enemy".
I don't blame her for clinging to the little corner of the world that has not made her feel foreign despite the very nature of her presence: in Steel's family whom she's not related to by blood, yet completely by heart.
And it'll never be a fair game. The girls especially are very young and with new-found independence, they're given colossal decisions to make, and that before beings older than three generations of them combined and incomprehensively more powerful and less empathic.
As much as Mirara wants there to be a good witch and bad witch, there's no such thing as black and white, there are decisions and consequences, what one does with the power they're given. There is no right or wrong in a fight filled with so much heart, there was never a world where a fight between Ame and Suvi would be clean.
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sailorgundam308 · 4 months
I truly must have a “oh sweet summer child” kind of brain, cause I realized a long while back that Karlach seemed to tell 2 completely different backstories for herself pre Avernus.
Still, in my naïveté I was gaslighting myself, thinking things like “oh, no way Larian and the writers would have let this pass! I must be confused. Maybe I read one of the backstories in the parsed dialogues file, and then saw another one in the game, and got confused. They wouldn’t have put BOTH in the released game - they had a writer just for Karlach, didn’t they? Why would that person forget what they themselves wrote? Nah. I mean, lol, even I would’ve noticed this glaring mistake! No, not a huge team of professionals.”
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Honestly, this and the painting of Karlach in the original soundtrack art being flipped wrong will forever leave a bad taste in my mouth 👀
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pineappleparfaitie · 2 months
Person made response and mentioned me so ya
Lots of shit under cut
lets go
Screenshot from OPs post
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Person is refering to this
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My takeaway:
While I think this specifically was blown out of proportion by op who ill call Vee - I do agree this isnt the best way for Suzy to conduct herself. However this isnt like the torture commentx i use slapping someone with a wet fish as a joke and its exaggerated. This also applies to Suzy here however hers is much more violent and no one expects her to be able to pulverise anyone into red paste. However i admit it isnt a good look.
Screenshot of Vees post:
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my takeaway:
While i agree however most NSFW blogs use tags that are only used by nsfw vore accounts and dont use stuff like extreme cuddling for example to separate themselves from the SFW crowd. Most people who are artists are well aware that genitals ≠ NSFW , ive seen many statues, paintinfs ect as part od my school program with genetelia. Does that make it porn?No . Thats the first bit
Second bit is if the OP INTENDED for this to be sexual they should use nsfw tags or sexual ones if thats their goal. Seriously why tf would a fetish acc tag their shit as anything other than kink,fetish amd nsfw?Your example doesnt make sense as ive stated genetlia isnt a good comparison here. Its a fetish.Its on THEM to tag their shit accordingly.
Third. Yeah no i agree with the 2nd half of the post most of it anyway. The reason they say well respected person i. THe community is cause I said that in my previous posts regarding this. I said that not Vee
Screenshot of Vees post
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my takeaway:
Heres why /why not:
Vore is a latin word first of all. Its used as a slang term for vorarephilia. Its in reference to the act of eatinf another.
Heres where stuff is different.
Eating someone alive is a trope used in cartoons for ages , Tom and Jerry, Miss Frizzles magic school bus, Disney shows have it, Nick shows act ect ect. Its a trope in media.
Diapers ,Feet, Pee is not a trope in media. These are not thinfs that are tropes and common accurances thag are explored. If its used its for comedic purposes in kids cartoons.
Vore is one thing as it can be nonsexual and sfw.
Diapers ,Feet and PISS fetishes should not be exposed to minors - sexual or not these are not things minors would even remember seeing in csrtoons growing up.
And Sadomasochism/sadism/masochism is just NO. This is not okay this is shit kids should not look at as it will cause them to see this stuff as okay and fuck them up it is the pleasure in ones or another pain its fucked kids should not even know about this
Alao this is so stupid its not a kink or fetish anymore if its nonsexual its a different thing for God sake. Kink is something that has to do with sexual fantasies and whatnot. Fetish is simmilar but its more to do with objects and certain situations.
If its not sexual, then you dont have a fucking kink or a fetish you just enjoy that shit.
Screenshot of Vees post
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My takeaway:
Yeah this is true Suzy did do this however i wasnt able tk find any dates on the archived posts that could help me see how recent some of this stuff was. One post/reblof a friend helped me out with was from June 27th . However if Vee can provide dates to the archived posts or tell me howtl to see em on the links provided that would be great.
Screenshot of Vees post:
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My takeaway:
Vee, thats not ableism
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Ableism definition
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When i said that both sides were not the sharpest tool in the shed- i meant this.
Vee youre anonymus i dont know if youre disabled or not.
It is mot ableist to call someone stupid for doing a stupid thing. It is not ablesim if i say a commonly used phrase to say someone isnt very bright.
Im not saying this cause i think people with disabilities are lesser ik for a favt that byllcrap ik multiple disabled people who sre smarte than me and better than me. But by your logic if i aay the word IDIOT its ableist?
Idk how Suzy feels about me rn, i still have respect for her and see her in a positive way but i will call my friends stupid when they do something stupidm i will say they werent smart for doing something idiotic.
As for the last bit while your intent was good Vee you are deflecting from the main issue if you not reaching out in DMS before making shit public and adding baseless accusations of ableism to actually suported claims.
I will say it AGAIN
Intent was there but the execution was shit.
Both of these people fucked up but one left to take a breather and maybe even process everything while the other keeps postinf amd reaponding to people.
If you WERE concerned about the safety of minors- Vee ehy did you ONLY focus on where i wasnt on your side when i AGREED with you on others?You are nitpicking and trying to still come out on top or at least make yourself seem smarter.
Was that your intent?Probably not but thats how youre coming across.
That was the end of the post i am so tjred GOD FUCKING DA-
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animationismycomfort · 5 months
why do people act like just because someone doesn’t want kids society is gonna collapse
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edensrose · 1 year
A small little update on my life because I desperately need to rant
For all of you who saw me pop back up yesterday and announce that I'm back, that was because I decided to do away with my exams and instead write them next year ( basically, postpone my exam date so that I could study more and get a better mark )
Yesterday was nice, I relaxed for the first time in about two weeks and had a lot of fun. . .
And then today happened.
I won't get into all the details but let's just say I'm being pressured into following through and doing the exam anyway even though 1. I am stressed beyond measure, 2. I'm not going to get a good mark because of all the cramming I've had to do because of the educational department bringing the exam date nearer, and 3. I could easily do the exam next year and probably not give myself multiple panic attacks, get myself some actual good marks and all around just make things easier for myself
The exam is on Friday. I've been sick from last week Friday or Saturday ( can't really remember ) and thus cut down on study days ( which by the way, I really really need ) because I was in so much pain I could barely stand or see straight
So, tldr:
I'm beyond stressed. It feels like everything did a full 180 from yesterday, I have a constant feeling of a rock in my chest / chest aches in general and to top it all off it seems like those around me thought I was trying to give up! For merely pushing the exam date back
I wanna say I'm okay but honestly, I'm not. Mathematics has ruined me in so many different ways and coming from a person who gets straight A's in every other subject except this one? The self loathe is real
As originally planned I'll probably officially be back by the 8th of May. Take care everyone ❤️
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randommothxd · 1 month
Small rant:
Don't read if easily mad,this is just my opinion/pov :)
Sorry if this sounds rude
but I just wanna say,hypothetically,let's say God is real.. who says I have to love him?
I'm not a Satanist,dont get confused.
from what I've been told,being gay is a sin!
God forbid you fucking dare to like two genders,you'll be put in the same place insane serial killers are and be tortured forever and ever.being burned because you UNWILLINGLY do something a bigot (aka god) doesn't like!"GOD" MADE WOMEN HAVE CRAMPS AND BLEED EVERY MONTH OVER A APPLE!?
(Source:Wikipedia) "international law posits that no person may be punished for acts that he or she did not commit. It ensures that the collective punishment of a group of persons for a crime committed by an individual is forbidden" those words exactly ^^
"oh but it's god,it doesn't matter" would you still love God if he stole someone's rib?
"And from the rib that the lord God had taken from the man,he made a woman and brought her to him" - genesis 2:22
It's kinda like cult
"He's aways watching,he made us,he decides where we go,he is all holly,we do what he says"
Which I find werid
When are they going to realize about dinosaurs and the millions of evidence we have of evaluation...do they just ignore it?
I've seen a video where someone says that God did impossible things and that they "aren't impossible with god" but they also say that they have the holly spirit,shouldn't that mean that you can walk on water?
So yes...
I don't belive in God nor would I like him
So what if I go to he'll?
I've been living there!
It's called Arizona💀
That being said...
Do what youwant!
I don't care if you're Christian,Muslim,Jewish,or anything else
Do what you want! Life's too short!
I encourage you to believe in (insert what you have faith in)!!!
I can't really say much,I believe in erm... some things that not everyone does
And that's OK!
I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist so i can't really say much :/
In conclusion:belive in what you want but this is just what I do,im not trying to be a bitch,I'm simply explaining my pov!
Unrelated: you should listen to "the exorcist" by calypso
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I just LOVE how if you look or click on post even by accident that topic it'll flood your "for you" page
(this is sarcastic if you couldn't tell)
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morrirylet · 2 months
i need to spill it out of my system, so
I've been drawing only my ocs for years + I've never been popular/social medias that i use aren't really popular either + I've been following mostly artists, not people who repost their art, and i feel like it really spoiled me, because i think if you're using someone's art the least you can do is leave a link to their art gallery... idk
I'm okay with people using my art if they credit me and don't edit my work, and the only reason I'm asking for asking me first is because i wanna see whatcha doing (I'm just curious), but i would cry my eyes out if someone posted my art without credit, my art is literally the only thing i have in my life and it's my only way to make a living and i just feel violated... maybe it's stupid, but it makes me feel so frustrated when i see someone making edits with or just using someone's art and not leaving any credits. i see this A LOT on tiktok mhe... it just makes me sad af
i know, not every artist cares about that, and i know that we're on the internet, if people don't care about that in the first place you can't make them, but it's just so sad and makes me wanna hide in the bush or something... because i really care about my art and I've spent my whole life in the shrimp position trying to express myself through my drawings and yeah... yeah....
thinking about this every time i see jegulus posts on tt. i mean. yeah nice angsty post but. yeah. sorry guys it's my whining day 🤲🏻
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elaryz · 4 months
Why is my entire tumblr existence about collecting cc & cc sims for download without actually downloading them cuz i'm just procrastinating fixing my game so i can actually play it, i do have an ungodly amount of cc links saved tho, its a problem, but anyway, not the point-
Doesn't help that what i want in the game is always changing leading me to find so much different (but very amazing) cc i can't possibly force on my pc to handle but kinda do anything
(I mean this is coming from the person who's delsional enough to think my laptop can handle bg3 and cyberpunk-)
Anyway, cheers to the continuance of my procastination to not fix the game i guess
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shannadreamgoddess · 1 year
Transferring the Website Domain Registrar!!
Fun fact: Google Domains sold all of its domains to Squarespace! In the interest of NEVER trusting anything a youtuber promotes EVER (sorry Arlo) I am moving my shit over to another registrar.
I'm hoping this doesn't break a bunch of crap on my website...though I may need to start thinking of how to move over my hosting, too. That'd mean rebuilding the fucker from the ground up, ugh.
It's on Google Sites right now which...yeah, can't trust Google with a damn thing. Ideally I'd love to self-host a wordpress site or something, I don't know...
It kinda sucks. The website is kinda...personal to me? It's the only place on the internet that remotely feels like my space and having to *still* perform a song and dance of packing up and fleeing somewhere else really gives me icky 'nothing is safe, nothing is secure' vibes but...ah, such is the nature of corporatized internet...
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devicks · 6 months
I want ppl on TikTok to know being around alcoholics isn’t as quirky as they think
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stgivesmedepression · 2 years
I’m sleeping so good knowing Byler is happening likee. It’s really happening like for real. And it’s fictional not like real life where there’s 1000 coincidences, everything serves some sort of purpose right? Ok anyways goodnightttt.
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tockamybeloved · 1 year
May we please, *please*, have just one historical drama/comedy whatever that doesn’t get the stays/corsets wrong?? The actual supporting undergarment has been explained over and over. The differences, when and how, the myths. 
But... Whale bone? Non. 
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edensrose · 1 year
woke up from a dream where I stole the show at my piano recital as I was meant to during my senior year music exam before I was robbed of it by my own hands. thank you joint issues ❤️ now I'm sad for the day. I woke up just as I played the last note and gained that feeling of accomplishment — wonderful
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animationismycomfort · 9 months
people demonizing Elliot on YouTube and the mischaracterization of Elliot in the second movie is not what I thought was gonna make me mad today but here we are
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
according to my doc – am "okay"
so explain the motherfucking pain am under day and night asdfgayw
your bitch has not slept right in weeks – she is dying
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