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whereserpentswalk · 25 days ago
Tbh, even though I'm no longer an atheist, I still think the 'angry atheist' stereotype just comes from anti-atheist bigotry. It's the same as the 'angry feminist' stereotype; an archetype created to shame marginalized people who don't properly center the feelings of those with privilege over them in their advocacy.
Regardless of what you think of atheism as a philosophical position, atheists are still a marginalized religious group. If you're more concerned about the possibility that they'll be mean to Christians, then the possibility of Christians doing real material harm to them, you're just advocating for their oppression.
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degeneratedworker · 2 years ago
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“No God here!” USSR 1975
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gryficowa · 11 months ago
The strangest thing about being an agnostic is the fact that you don't just piss off Christians, but also atheists, because you honestly criticize the faith you grew up in (For me it's Christianity, that's why I mentioned Christians) and how fucking hypocrites they are, and talking about it out loud makes Christians angry because it is an attack on their faith, or "Not all Christians are like that!" because according to them, being a bigot and trying to force God down your throat in order to "convert you", or treating you like shit because they think you're stupid is something God told them to do
And less daring to explain why you don't like God himself (Because of his narcissistic personality, if you don't obey him, you are evil, even if it's an order to kill someone, and you have too much empathy, it's bad because you disobey the order) then you they will come and say that you have to criticize Judaism and Islam, yes, christians still deny that all three faiths have the same God, but from different time zones
You piss off atheists because you talk about Christians and how they frustrate you, or because you don't attack Islamists, please, I won't attack a faith I don't know, I have some inhibitions
Christians and atheists have one thing in common, they are Islamophobic (Not all of them, but it's something they both have in common and it's terrifying), and yet they attack each other, which is comical
I also met atheists for whom you are not religious enough if you do not obey the church 100%, so my mother is not Catholic although she is older than these freaks in cassocks
This pisses me off, Christians and atheists think that if you are religious you automatically have to listen to people who lie about the Bible, my mother believes in God, not in the church, so according to them she is not religious -_-
Moreover, according to Christians, you are an atheist, but according to atheists, not so much
As an agnostic, you don't need God to live, you won't say 100% that he doesn't exist, because let's face it, we don't know the world 100%, although he may not be the only higher being, because it should be mentioned that Judaism was the first faith with one God , and Yahweh was not entirely of their faith, in short, they took one God from paganism and began to say, that he is the only God and the rest are impostors
So yes, we cannot confirm or deny whether there is a God or whether he is the only God as the Abrahamic faith says
Since there are hints of reincarnation, or the existence of spirits themselves, and this is not from any Abrahamic faith, you can guess that we cannot 100% say whether things from other faiths are lies or not, you can believe in one God , but don't harass others for believing in more, even if it's a sin, it's none of your business, because it's their life and you have no right to interfere with it with your shoes
So yes, being an agnostic is just weird
You are pissing off both, believers and atheists, because you have the nerve to talk about what you don't like about the behavior of believers, just as you are talking about atheists, it pisses me off because Christians used to persecute atheists (And tortured them in order to convert them), so that's it sucks that atheists do the same to other people today
And that's depressing
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madame-helen · 2 years ago
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vincentstlouis · 6 months ago
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theinvisibleforce · 1 year ago
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Looking through my old stuff and found this shit I did in like late high school. It was before I was even close to being an exvangelical. I did this blasphemous shit while I was a hard core evangelical lmao
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dagenspear2-blog · 5 months ago
I prayed for help from God in my sickness and God blessed me with relief
I was sick last night, headache, fever and fatigue, so I prayed to God for healing in this and promised I'd give praise and thanks, so I am. I praise and thank God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for my healing!
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jesusislord3333 · 1 month ago
“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭
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batboyblog · 2 years ago
Why are you jumblr assholes so fucking obsessed with atheists? My guess is you found a group of people more despised than you and decided to join in on the atheist bashing. And you can hate on with impunity because no one else cares about us. And you have this build in defense where if anyone calls you on your bullshit you can just cry “antisemitism” and shut down the discussion. Because no matter what you’re always the victims. And then you wonder why we hate you!
So you just found a random Jew to yell at? thats nice.
I don't think I've ever said anything about atheists, and indeed I myself am much more an atheist than I am a believer in a God.
any ways some classic antisemitism in here, lets see, all Jews are responsible for all other Jews, hmmm we got "all accusations of antisemitism are a cover for something else" and of course "how dare you make us hate you, look how much you deserve it!"
oh and also Jews spend 0% time thinking about you, you are not relevant to us, you do not matter, we don't care if you live or die, you are obsessed, as all antisemites are, with us, die mad about it.
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paulnrobbins · 3 months ago
To anyone who don’t know Jesus. I love you, and Jesus loves you so much. More than you can ever imagine. His love goes beyond fear, circumstances, past experiences, pain, suffering, anger, and insecurities. His love for you is Him on the cross, suffering and bleeding out, blood and guts exposed- just for you. His love for you is Him giving you shelter, food, clothes, family, friends, transportation and entertainment. His love sets you free from anxiety, depression, fear, anger, bitterness, and hopelessness. His love gives joy, peace, healing, restoration, strength, courage, hope, purpose, meaning, and life. He loves you so much! No matter what you’ve done, who you are, and how others or yourself view yourself- God sees you as fearfully and wonderfully made, a child of Him, and forgiven if you turn to Him. His love for you is so great that He forgets all the wrong we commit and gives us grace and mercy when we follow Him! If you haven’t asked Jesus to come into your life, I dare you too. I promise He will absolutely transform you from the inside out if you give Him a chance. The worst that could happen is nothing! Just you feeling better and waiting on Him to reveal just how much He cares about you and loves you. If you seek Him, you will find Him. If any of you have prayer requests or any questions. Feel free to reach out 🙏🏼 Love you all!
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literalyelliewilliams · 2 years ago
I was recently watching a video discussing obscure religions, and cults, when I thought of something that was one of the reasons I originally turned to atheism. What makes a cracker sacred? Or a glass of wine? If these can be seen as for example, the body of Christ, why can't another man-made item resemble the body of some other God? These items aren't, (how do I say it?) natural... they aren't naturally occurring, so how does a man-made item, become sacred, if you don't bake a cracker properly is it not sacred. If you do not ferment the wine long enough, is it not the Christ's blood? What makes a sacred item, a sacred item? Or is it just idea, of mind a hallucination created by our manmade urge to see more in this universe, thousands of years ago, derived by our ancestors.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year ago
"Atheists/Pagans/Witches are cringe sometimes" and "A vast plurality of the Christian community support genocide as part of their religious belief" are not in fact similar issues, nor do they make the two sides equally bad.
Non Christan anger is anger at the fact that we're marginalized in a Christian world. Christian anger is anger at the fact that they believe non-Christians (and usually a bunch of other groups) have more rights than they'd like. Just because both express anger at the state of the world does not mean they're the same.
"All strong religious beliefs, or political goals tied to religious beliefs are the same" is something that assumes an entirely individualistic world of pure philosophy, which isn't the world we live in. You just can't view the things non-Christians say and do, and the things Christians do, as the same, in a society where Christianity is so dominant.
Like, an atheist saying they hate their Christian family members probably is saying that because they're a threat to their safety. A Christian saying they hate their atheist family members hates them because they believe they shouldn't have rights. They aren't the same.
We need to stop having this hyper-individualist view of religion, and we need to stop acting like religion exists in a philosophical void. The rights of non-Christians have been put aside for the feelings of Christians for far too long, even among people critical of other systems of oppression.
Edit: I put some atheist tags because I feel like this is as relevant to them as it is to me. However, if there's any tags religious people shouldn't put on their posts please tell me.
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thediaryofarevolutionist · 5 months ago
What do you do if someone suddenly dies? Do you run to the next person and tell them you love them? Do you forgive someone you had an argument with? Do you cry afterwards and then feel completely empty? Do you sleep and then forget everything ? Or do you sit on your bed, eat chips and drink energy drinks because you want to feel immortal? People are so delusional, they dream of immortality and a heaven because they can't cope with death. They invent immortal gods and imagine themselves to be one. As humans, we don't want to be reminded of our mortality because it makes us weak and vulnerable. We ignore war and dissociate ourselves as much as possible from things that are truly human. It shows us that nothing really matters and at the same time everything matters and we should live in the moments. It also shows us that we cannot escape from death and that the only true fair thing in life death is. He doesn't choose who he gets.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months ago
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worldlywritr · 4 months ago
A Journey Beyond Atheism: Seeking My Own Divinity
Atheism, for many, begins with the rejection of religious doctrines and beliefs. It often comes after deeply engaging with sacred texts...texts that, ironically, can sometimes spark the very skepticism that births atheism. The contradictions, inconsistencies, and historical baggage inherent in these religious systems can, for some, be too much to reconcile.
But after years in the place of atheism, I find myself at a different crossroads. The certainty that once defined my rejection of divine presence is slowly giving way to a deeper search, a quest not for the familiar gods of Abrahamic traditions, nor for the constructed deities of other organized faiths. Rather, I seek a divinity of my own, one that transcends conventional definitions and dogmas.
It’s a personal journey toward understanding, where spirituality becomes an individual exploration of the sacred and the profound, outside the confines of what’s been passed down for generations. I echo the sentiments of philosophers like Carl Jung, who suggested that divinity is not something external imposed upon us, but something deeply personal...a force to be experienced directly.
Now, I walk not just to understand the world, but to understand myself, to discover a divinity that is as fluid and evolving as my own existence. This journey is mine and mine alone, and it holds the promise of something more meaningful than the absolutes that once ruled my worldview.
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1tz-4ll-m3 · 2 years ago
Unpopular Opinion: Anyone of ANY religion, can be LGBTQIA+ and still be faithful in what they believe in.
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