#R: Law of Gravity
loverdotpng · 2 years
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Happy birthday!!!! 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 
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shopcat · 2 years
you having siblings makes sense
LOL hey... i'll do you one better i don't just have siblings i am the youngest of 9 o_<✌️
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cardansriddle · 23 days
"You know how to ball, I know Aristotle" - (tom riddle x fem!reader)
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Summary: Tom finds himself harbouring a small crush on the Slytherin Chaser.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff. As always, not proofread, so apologies for any mistakes.
A/N: First post in months, hi, hello, I'm alive!!! This one is heavily inspired by the lyrics "you know how to ball, I know Aristotle" from so high school by taylor swift (obviously). And we all know Tom is the nerd in any scenario.
The players soared through the azure sky, their movements orchestrated with precision and grace as the game began. Quidditch had never held any allure for Tom; he deemed it brutish and an unworthy diversion from his personal pursuits. After all, he would rather spend his hours on research to further his magical skills, become the most powerful wizard of all time and accomplish his one ultimate life ambitions.
Yet he had been dragged to the game by his persistent, relentless Knights. Half of them had already taken to the field, while the remainder bellowed raucous cheers from the stands. That is, if one could call creative chants being hurled at the Gryffindor team cheering.
With a disdainful curl of his lip, Tom reached for the book nestled at his side, fully intending to pass the time by reading. Yet, before he could even read a word, a chorus of gasps pierced the air, followed by a rush of wind that tousled his dark locks. Startled, he glanced skyward, just in time to witness one of the Chasers of his house team swooping gracefully to intercept the Quaffle hurtling towards an unsuspecting bystander behind him.
She shot a cheeky smirk at whoever she had just saved before gliding away. Something within Tom stirred—an unexpected surge of fascination seized hold of his senses and he found himself tracking her every movement with a newfound intensity. For a moment his scholarly mind analysed her movements with the same meticulous scrutiny he applied to his studies. She moved with a fluidity that seemed to defy the laws of gravity, her every manoeuvre executed with a finesse that demanded attention.
As her lithe form weaved through the chaos of the game, Tom couldn't help but lean forward to pay attention to the game. He was transfixed, his gaze glued on her as she scored a goal after goal.
"See! I told you Quidditch was fun!" Orion Black exclaimed from next to him, hand moving to pat Tom on his back before realising who he was speaking to and forgoing the action all together.
Tom did not bother acknowledging the boy.
The game came to an end as the Slytherin Seeker deftly caught the snitch after a particularly intense dive, and soon enough the entire crowd of students were rushing to congratulate the victorious team. Just like that, Tom was snapped out of his daze. He gathered his belongings and decided to leave.
The party in honour of the Slytherin team was in in full swing by the time Tom set foot in the common room. He cursed under his breath as he navigated the crowded space, desperate to retreat to his dormitory and escape the chaos that engulfed the room.
Pushing his way through the throng, he passed by the large emerald couch when his eyes caught sight of her. She sat with her friends in a small circle, an amused smirk playing on her lips. The boisterous energy of the celebration seemed to ripple around her. Tom's ears perked up as someone called her name, attempting to draw her attention. He quickly noted the name, etching it into his mind with the same precision he used for memorizing spells.
"It's your turn!"
She waved a hand in dismissal. "I'm good."
"Oh come on! It is not fair for you to give out the most ridiculous dares then run away when it's your turn. Come on, don't be a coward!" Her friend goaded.
"Perhaps if I were a Gryffindor I would be insulted." she replied with a shrug. Despite her nonchalance, her friends’ uproarious protest began to wear down her resolve. Tom could see the determination flicker in her eyes before she finally relented. "Okay, fine! I will play this once!"
"Truth or dare?"
Tom resisted the urge to scoff at the ridiculously childish game they were partaking in. He should have left right then, but he could not deny that something tugged at his curiosity despite his best efforts to remain aloof.
"What happened to you were not a Gryffindor?"
"I'm just trying to determine if I would be a lousy one or not."
Her friend’s eyes narrowed in thought, clearly plotting the perfect dare. Tom was about to move away when her friend's eyes landed on him, and he saw them sparkle in mischief. He was quick to turn away, pretending he could not hear them.
Just as the girl was announce the dare, a couple crashed into him in their impatience to get through, fingers weaved together, jostling Tom and forcing him to step aside. He grimaced as they hurried past, clearly headed for the dorm rooms. When he turned his attention back to the group, he noticed with a start that the girl had disappeared.
Trying ignore the bizarre pit of disappointment in his stomach, he turned on his heel to head up to his room for the night. He had already lingered more than enough. Just as he turned, another figure crashed straight into his chest. With a string of colourful curses under his breath, he automatically grabbed to steady the person. Tom had lost all his patience, and he was about to snap with something mean when his gaze landed on the Slytherin Chaser.
Whatever sharp words he’d been preparing evaporated in an instant. His focus shifted entirely to the pair of wide, doe-like eyes staring up at him innocently. Too innocently. His instincts told him it spelled trouble.
"Oh, Riddle! I'm sorry, I tripped over my own feet." She said with a sheepish smile, a feigned apology dancing on her lips. Tom narrowed his eyes. She was an athlete, her entire existence on the pitch was defined by her precision and grace. He knew well enough she wasn’t the type to stumble over her own feet.
He opened his mouth to retort but she beat him to it. "Did you watch the game today?"
"Yes," he responded curtly, his gaze never leaving hers, trying to decipher her game.
"Really? I thought you never attended the games. Well, what did you think of it?"
The corner of Tom's lip curled as he replied. "First and last time. Your Quaffle almost disfigured my face."
She raised a brow. "No, the ball almost disfigured Adrian. Your charming smile was in no danger, I assure you."
"My charming smile, yeah?"
A delicate blush crept up her cheeks, turning them a pretty shade of pink under his teasing gaze that she was trying—and failing—to conceal. Tom felt a wave of smug satisfaction at the reaction he had drawn from her. Slowly, he twirled his wand between his long fingers, savoring the moment, letting the tension simmer in the air between them. His movements were slow, deliberate, before he lifted her chin ever so slightly with the tip of the wand, the cool wood brushing against her skin.
"Well, in any case, congratulations on your victory," he murmured, his voice low as he held her gaze firmly in his. "Disfigured smile or not." Then, with the faintest smirk tugging at his lips, Tom broke away to walk past her, heading toward the dormitory.
He was halfway across the common room when a sudden shout rang out amidst the loud crowd.
"Tom!" Her voice rang out, and just as he was about to glance over his shoulder, a hand reached out and grabbed his wrist, turning him around with unexpected force. His brows knit in confusion as he looked down at her, words forming in his mind but never reaching his lips. Before he could react, her arms were around his neck, pulling him down in one swift motion. Her lips crashed against his, bold and unapologetic, her kiss catching him entirely off guard.
Tom stood frozen, momentarily stunned, every thought, every calculated plan vanishing in the instant their lips met. For a man who prided himself on control, it was the first time in a long while that he felt completely unmoored. The kiss, with its suddenness and intensity, left him reeling in ways he hadn't deemed possible.
He tuned out the instant cheers and whistles breaking out in a wave of noise at the display, his thoughts consumed only by the soft lips moving over his own.
But the moment was over a moment far too soon. her breath uneven, eyes gleaming with nerves. Tom’s heart, which had betrayed him for just a moment, slowly began to settle back into its steady rhythm.
She bit her lip, a sly smile forming as she met his gaze again. "Sorry… I was dared to do that," she said, almost apologetically.
Tom’s expression didn’t falter, but a flicker of irritation crossed his mind. The kiss, the boldness—it had not been her choice. “Of course,” he replied coolly, his voice measured as he ran a hand through his hair. "A dare.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Tom leaned in just enough to let his words hang in the air between them, lips brushing against her cheek, his voice low and filled with a subtle challenge. “Then… I dare you,” he began, his gaze locked on hers with a teasing intensity, “to do it again.”
He smirked as her eyes widened, clearly caught off guard by his response. Her gaze flickered to his lips for just a second before she pulled back, her smirk widening. "Careful what you wish for, Tom. You might regret it.”
"Only if it results in your Quaffle flying at my face again."
"If you refrain from reading your book at my game, I promise to keep it away from your vicinity next time." She rolled her eyes, but before either of them could speak again, she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him again, this time softer, slower, the lingering laughter fading into something sweeter.
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nomercymaster11 · 9 months
Delicate Mornings
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I found this photo in Pinterest. I'll try my best to find the artist and properly credit him/her.
A/N: R-18! Law x Fem reader. A continuation of Tender Nights.
You awoke in the dimly lit Captain's quarters, the soft glow of the lanterns casting a warm ambiance. As you stirred, a gentle kiss on your left shoulder and the sensation of being pulled closer roused you from your slumber.
"Good morning, sexy," Law's deep, velvety voice whispered, sending shivers down your spine. The intimacy of the moment hung in the air.
"Good morning, babe," you replied, turning to face him. Your fingers intertwined with his, bringing his hand close to your face. Nestled against his chest, his body warmth enveloped you in a comforting embrace.
Leaning into his touch, you pressed your right cheek against his left palm, lips brushing lightly. The surprising tenderness in Law's demeanor towards you never failed to catch you off guard. His typically stoic exterior melted away in these private moments, revealing a side of him that was exceptionally gentle and caring.
The room held a quiet tranquility, with the ship's gentle creaking serving as a lullaby. The soft glow accentuated Law's features, highlighting the lines of his face and the subtle warmth in his eyes. In that serene moment, the connection between you and Law transcended the chaos of the pirate's life, creating a sanctuary in the heart of the turbulent seas.
The atmosphere in the Captain's quarters grew increasingly charged as Law closed the distance between you. His lips met yours in a slow, tantalizing kiss, setting off a cascade of sensations that left you feeling like you were melting into the moment. The intensity of the kiss deepened as your tongues entwined in a delicate dance, a passionate rhythm that seemed to echo the beating of your hearts.
The subtle dance of his lips on yours only fueled the fire within you. He moved with purpose, his body hovering above yours, and you willingly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His eyes, dark with desire, locked onto yours, speaking volumes without uttering a single word.
"You suddenly fell asleep on me last night," you told him, a playful accusation in your tone.
"I know, let me make it up for you," Law responded, his voice a seductive promise.
Passionate kisses continued to cascade down your jaw, leaving a trail of warmth that sent shivers down your spine. As his lips reached your neck, you could feel his warm breath against your skin, heightening the anticipation.
Your fingers traced patterns on his back, reveling in the sensations he ignited within you. His kisses go down to your breasts. He swirls his tongue over your nipple. He gave the same attention to your other breast and he sucks it harder. You slid a hand in between your thighs, cradling your clit between your fingers.
"I want you... now,"
he whispered, his words sending a jolt through your entire being as he delicately licked your right ear. The urgency in his voice spurred a newfound desire that coursed through your veins. With a deliberate yet sensual movement, he placed a pillow beneath you, offering support to your lower back.
He pulled down your delicate lingerie in one smooth movement. He did the same with his boxers and tossed it on the floor.
Your breath caught in your throat as Law's toned, chiseled naked body revealed itself to you. The sight of him was undeniably alluring, a testament to the physical allure that had drawn you closer. It was a surreal moment, and you found yourself momentarily taken aback by the intensity of the connection you were forging with him.
"You seem really quiet now, what's wrong?"
Law inquired, leaning down to get a closer look, his concern evident in his expression. His eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.
"Uhm, no... I'm just savoring this moment with you," you replied, your hands gently cradling his face.
You offered him a reassuring smile, your eyes locking with his. The gravity of the situation didn't escape you, but in that moment, there was a shared understanding that transcended any words that might have lingered on your lips.
With both elbows supporting his weight, Law's face hovered just inches above yours. He slides his hand over his member and positioned it between your legs. He dragged the length of his member over your sensitive core, teasing it and gently sliding it in your folds. The head of his member nudges to your entrance.
The atmosphere shifted as he slides into you, filling you completely. He holds still, giving you time to adjust on his size.
He started to kiss you with a newfound hunger as he pulls his cock out and slams back in, pushing you higher with every thrust. Each touch of his lips leaving you breathless and craving more.
Your insides clenching around him, a mix of pleasure edged with pain racing through your nerve endings. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a world where time slowed, and every sensation became heightened. You moan as he drives in you again, raising your hips to meet his thrusts.
His kisses were a dance of passion, rough yet filled with an undeniable hunger, and you responded in kind, your fingers trailing along the contours of his back. The connection between you deepened with every touch.
In that intimate space, all that mattered was the heat of the moment and the shared connection between you and Law. The world outside ceased to exist as you surrendered to the intoxicating dance of passion and desire, a moment suspended in time.
“Turn over” Law's commanding tone sent a shiver down your spine, and without hesitation, you turned around, positioning yourself on your knees with your torso pressed against the mattress. The air thickened with anticipation as Law slid his left hand to your stomach, pulling you in and sliding his member into you, leaning down with his chest against your back. His lips found the nape of your neck, a tender prelude to the passionate encounter that unfolded. “Fuck, <y/n>-ya!”
He groans as he keeps his pace. You whimper as the head of his member continue hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
“Tell me what you want, <y/n>-ya”
He breathes into your ear, pulling back and punctuating each word with a hard thrust. His breaths coming hard and fast.
"Please, touch me," you implore, the urgency and desperation evident in your voice. “Here?” He slid his finger in between your legs and circle over your clit.
You dropped your forehead to the bed and clenched on the sheets. The sensation of his touch ignited a fire within you, and your abdomen tensed in response to the pleasure he skillfully bestowed upon you. Your cry of pleasure echoing in the intimate space.
"Lower your voice," Law whispered to your ear, his breath sending tingles down your spine. Despite his command, your response was a ragged breath, the pleasure he provided making it challenging to keep your voice in check.
"But I... can't...!" you admitted, your words punctuated by the pleasure that coursed through you.
"You're making me feel so good...!" you added, your voice a mixture of desire and desperation.
Even without seeing his face, you could sense the smirk playing on his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the satisfaction he was bringing you.
The intensity reached its peak as you felt the impending climax approaching.
"Law! I'm getting close...!" you gasped, your voice a breathless whisper.
Law swiftly turned you around, his eyes locked onto yours.
"Come for me," he urged,
He pulled your hips up, lowered his weight and slide his entire length into you. He slows and pulses in and out. Bending down to suck a nipple into his mouth. His pubic bone rocking back and forth over your clit.
You clawed at his back, moaning as your body convulses and, in that moment, you surrendered to the wave of pleasure that washed over you.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, the final thrust brought you to the pinnacle of ecstasy. With arms tightly wound around each other, Law kissed you passionately, as if capturing the essence of your shared pleasure with each lingering kiss.
As the aftershocks of pleasure subsided, Law collapsed beside you, both of you catching your breath in the aftermath of the intimate encounter. Satisfied and sated, you held onto him, feeling a sense of contentment in the warmth of the afterglow.
You lay on his bed, covered only with his blanket, while Law sat beside you on the edge.
"Are you going out now?" you inquired, breaking the post-coital silence.
"I want to stay longer, but this ship still needs its captain," Law replied, his fingers gently brushing against your forehead as he kissed it.
"You may rest here," he added, leaving you with a tender promise.
Law gathered his clothing, wrapped a towel around his waist, and with a final glance, he left the room to take a shower. As the door clicked softly behind Law, you found yourself enveloped in a quiet afterglow. Alone in his room, wrapped in the warm embrace of the pillow, you couldn't help but smile. A blush adorned your cheeks as you recalled the features of Law's face, etched in your memory.
With a sigh, you allowed yourself to sink into the bed. As you closed your eyes, a serene satisfaction settled within you, knowing that the world outside could wait for now. The room held the residue of passion, a secret shared between the two of you.
You drifted into a peaceful reverie, eagerly awaiting the next adventure that awaited you on the turbulent seas with your captain.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 6 months
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💗This post is inspired by Bob Proctor videos on PARADIGM SHIFT and how loa works . He was more into law of attraction.I really felt that his teachings were very amazing & it resonated with me . However, if this post doesn't resonate with you , you can ignore it. Since you are the creator of your reality so you create your own rules.
🦄Just like gravity , the law of assumption / attraction is always working. Our body is a molecular structure, if you look at your body through a microscope, you 'd see that energy dancing right before your eyes. It's how you use your mind which will dictate the vibration you are in.
💗When you were a little baby , your subconscious mind was wide open , everything that was going on , it went in there all the energy that went in there formed something called paradigm . Paradigm is information , it's multitude of habits. ( see the diagram 1 below) . Paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior.
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(Sorry I misspelled subconscious)
🦄You are the product of your environment, prior to that , you are the product of genetic string that goes back to generations. On a conscious level, you have the power to think, you can think anything you want to. As you think , you build ideas.
💗Imagine a imaginary line which separates the conscious mind & the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has been reprogrammed. Let's say the paradigm is X type energy, you will think X type thoughts so you will get X type results. The thoughts that you are thinking that control the vibration you are in, but it also dictates what you attract . Here vibration is nothing but an idea ! You attract energy and people that are in a harmony with you. You got to change the paradigm to change your results. It
Let's see this diagram , it will help us to understand this in more depth.
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🦄This diagram 2 may seem complicated , but you will understand it as you read this post. As you can see that there is an imaginary line separating your conscious and subconscious mind. As I mentioned earlier , if paradigm has X type energy , you will get X type results.
💗What we want to do is program in postive information & eliminate the negative.
🦄" Do just once what others say you can't do , and you will never pay attention to their limitations again " - James R . Cook . We are in charge of how we feel but we let other people upset us , but we don't have to . We can listen to what they are saying & then say, " Well you are entitled to your opinion, but that's just not how I am like ". We can hold our own idea of ourself
💗The sensory factors ( see the diagram 2 ) are hooked up to the conscious mind.The conscious mind has the ability to choose thoughts and originate ideas. It can accept or reject ideas. If somebody tells you a bad story , you have the ability to reject it. Those thoughts turn into pictures. We turn the pictures over to the subconscious mind & then the subconscious mind expresses the action. The subconscious mind has no ability to reject . It cannot determine the difference between what is real & what is imagined.
🦄We think thoughts that are in harmony with the paradigm. The paradigm controls our behaviors. Consciously , you can think of one thing. For example , we read self help books or watch self help videos and say to ourselves " yeah I can do that , it makes sense " but then we can't do it . Why? We believe something on a conscious level but the subconscious believes something else.
💗Paradigm was formed through REPETITION. The ideas being planted in your subconscious mind. Your paradigm dictates your logic, how you utilize your time , perception of situations , your effectiveness , productivity, creativity and the amount of money you make. In order to change your life , you must change your paradigm.
🦄Praxis is the integration of belief with behavior. We have got to take the beliefs that we have consciously that we determine by thinking & plant them in the place of the old belief.
💗Paradigm is formed through REPETITION OF INFORMATION & it can be changed through REPETITION OF INFORMATION. Suppose you are having a difficult time with money, you have got to change your concept about money. How to do that? REPETITION of an idea. That's where affirmations comes in.
🦄Videos you should watch to understand it better- video 1 , 2 , 3
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magicalbats · 5 months
Oh, Captain (Luffy x reader)
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 5222
Warnings: Afab!reader, gendered language, noncon, physical coercion, outdoor sex, inappropriate use of 5th Gear
A/N: My second ever commission and the lovely donor was kind enough to give me permission to post it for everyone else to read. Thank you for a great experience, @avidbroswer!! 🩷🩷🩷
Let’s help Luffy, they’d said.  
We’re a crew, they’d said. Family. 
You don’t feel very much like family when you’re running for your life from the very captain you’d sworn loyalty to. Or at least, you’re pretty sure that the strange figure with white nimbus cloud hair is your captain. You’d watched it happen from a (questionably) safe distance, when he suddenly transformed in a surge of sparking static electricity that made your skin crawl like it was trying to escape from your bones but it’s still hard to believe that it was really him. Even having seen the reality of it with your own two eyes doesn’t make it any easier to accept. 
Luffy was supposed to be a dark haired, dark eyed youth in the prime of his life. Not this uncanny version of him that giddily laughs with boisterous amusement while he ping pongs about so violently within the craggy mess of scorched earth in the wake of his battle with Kaido that you can feel the massive chunks of rock slamming into the ground as much as you can hear it. One after another, from the left and then the right, they just keep falling in an almost continuous rain of rubble and ruin. The resulting shockwaves very nearly take you off your feet more than once but you force yourself to keep running even when your sore legs scream in protest, aching from the exertion. It was the only choice you really had at this point. 
And it’s not lost on you that this is technically your own fault for getting so close to the fight but you’d wanted to help. All that talk of family and crew, and unwavering allegiance to the Straw Hats had clearly infected your brain because you’d rushed straight into the danger zone despite knowing good and well that you were the only one close enough to make it in time. Now you were the one who needed help and it wasn’t going to arrive soon enough to do you any good. 
What an idyllic fool you’d been. 
“Ah!” You suddenly get tripped up in all the rocky debris laying across the ground and fall to your knees with a seething hiss. Your palms come back scraped where they’d shot out to catch you but you’ve managed to avoid taking the brunt of it to the face. Thank the stars for life’s smallest miracles. 
Panting heavily, you just sit there amongst the broken wreckage and detritus for a harrowingly long beat, trying to catch your breath. You can still hear the chaotic destruction of Luffy — or the man who had once been Luffy — bouncing around like a rubber ball behind you, completely unimpeded by the laws of gravity or common sense. It sounded like he was having a blast. 
Maybe that was good. Maybe he hadn’t even noticed you yet, so lost within the mess of demolished land and too tiny a speck to even draw his attention. You had a chance to escape then, if that was the case. 
Any such hopes quickly fizzle out when his uproarious hooting and hollering abruptly rushes towards you, getting louder and louder until your eardrums start to vibrate. You suck in a sharp, nauseated gasp and slap your hands over your ears as you twist around to look behind you. Just in time to watch Luffy sail overhead like a shooting white comet. The kickback from his high velocity speed hits you seconds later, tearing a shriek from your mouth when the wind hits you full force and as solid as any wall. 
Too busy ducking down with your head between your knees to protect yourself from the sting of flying rocks, you don’t get to see how he manages to pivot his momentum mid air and land a couple hundred yards away. You hear it though. You feel the shock of impact too, when it races through the ground to make the rubble underneath you tremble. It goes quiet then, and unnaturally still. Suddenly all you can hear are your own labored gasps. 
You hesitate to do it but, realizing you have no other option, you slowly lift your face to peer out over all the fallen debris. Standing at a distance, Luffy just looks at you with a fiercely manic edge in his now golden-yellow eyes that makes your veins ice up. You’re more certain than ever that this cannot be your captain. He should have been giving you the usual bright faced, happy go lucky grin he always did when he inexplicably came out on top against all the odds that were stacked against him. Not this — viscous leer of victory. 
But if this wasn’t Luffy then who in the seven seas was it? 
“Have you come to celebrate with me?” 
His voice isn’t quite the same either. More raspy, like the weight of immense power flowing through him was putting strain even on his vocal cords. You don’t think you like that any more than you like the way he’s eyeing you up as if you were a stuffed pig on a roasting spit. Even for his bottomless pit of an appetite, you’d never seen him look at another person quite like that. 
Cautiously slow, you straighten up out of your defensive huddle. Work to get your feet under you without taking your attention off him for even a moment and then stand so you can prepare to … what, run again? A lot of good that had clearly done you. 
“I don’t think it’s time to celebrate just yet.” You tell him softly. “We need to find the other Straw Hats. Make sure they’re all okay. You still remember them … don’t you, Luffy?” 
Your emotional plea only succeeds in giving him a momentary pause. “But I have so much energy left. I just want to dance and shout, and jump into the air! You’ll join me, won’t you?” 
He takes a step towards you, a rather aggressive one at that, and you quickly back up. Something told you if you didn’t agree to go along with this he was going to try and force you into joining in on whatever constituted his idea of merrymaking. Unfortunately you weren’t sure if you’d survive that, given the state of all the crumbled boulders littering the ground on this now desolate stretch of land. 
“No, Luffy. Not right now. We have to - -“ 
With an abrupt jerk, he lurches forward as if to launch himself at you. His rubbery legs momentarily struggle for traction on the ground, as if they couldn’t quite decide what consistency they wanted to be, but you don’t plan on sticking around long enough to find out. Feeling like you’ve forgotten how to breathe, you spin around and make a mad dash for it, barreling straight into a dead sprint. 
It’s a resounding effort in futility. 
You don’t even make it three whole steps before he slams into your back hard enough to take you right off your feet. 
There’s a split second moment of shock at how fast he’d managed to close the distance, and then the ground is rushing up at your face again. 
That dizzying blur of vertigo inducing free fall coupled with the way your vision tilts on its axis very nearly has you spewing your guts right then and there. But if Luffy picks up on the dire, sickened tinge coloring your wounded grunt he certainly doesn’t act it. He just flings his arms around your middle, alarming in their fleshy elasticity and yet still familiar to you, then hauls you up against his front before you can slam into the rocks. 
Everything happens much too fast for you to keep up with any of it. Your brain is reeling, still trying to recover from the impact of his body colliding with yours and the subsequent head rush that followed. So stunned you can’t even find the wherewithal to protest his treatment of you let alone try to fight your way free. Unable to do anything else, you simply allow your limbs to bonelessly flail when he takes a handful of eager steps forward with you in his arms. 
In the next moment Luffy spins you out away from him, snagging your wrist to stop your momentum and make you jerk to another abrupt standstill. The yank on your shoulder causes it to pop, splintering pain racing up your arm as you cry out. He doesn’t care though. He either doesn’t care or he doesn’t notice, because he just pulls you right back into him again, hard enough to make you collapse with a teeth rattling jolt against his chest. 
“Come on!” He laughs, loud and frenzied, his hold on you much too tight where it’s shackled around your wrist. “Dance with me! Aren’t you having fun?” 
Teeth gnashing to fight back the nausea, you bring your uncaptured hand up and brace it against his shuddering frame. You’re more than just a little surprised to find his heartbeat hammering out a sharp, almost violent staccato against his ribcage, so powerful you can feel it thrumming through his skin. It reminds you of an endless procession of war drums. Too many to count and impossibly loud, their ferocity equally intimidating and awe inspiring. 
What in the world had happened to him? 
You don’t have the privilege of lingering on that question for very long. Couldn’t afford to, as you try to get your tired legs situated under you again so you can stand on your own. “You’re hurting me, Luffy. We don’t have time for this right now. Just let me go. Please.” 
But he doesn’t even seem to register what you’re saying as a plea at all. 
A snickering, raspy laugh rattles up out of him, and you vehemently push at his narrow chest with your uncaptured hand. Shove him as hard as you can. He still doesn't budge though, simply reaching up to snag that wrist too so he can forcefully spin you around in his arms. You feel sick with the rush of motion coupled with the fatigue and throbbing pain in your body but there’s nothing you can do to stop it. He’s too strong, too wild, too lost in whatever manic high he’s slipped into after his fight with Kaido. 
Tightening his grip to lock you against his front, Luffy moulds himself to the line of your back with such an unnatural, rubbery motion that you find yourself fighting not to wretch even as his mouth finds your neck. He nuzzles at you for a brief moment, just brushing his lips over your jackhammering pulse before angling his nose towards the spot just behind your ear. The breath he draws is slow and savory, and he seems to hold it in his lungs for an unnecessarily long time. 
When he at last sighs out, displacing some of the loose flyaways in your hair, an unmistakable rumble low in his chest accompanies it. “Mmm, you smell good. Like victory.” 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? “Luffy, just listen to me … don’t do this. I - I don’t really understand what's happened to you but we can figure it out together. We’ll fix it. I promise. But you need to let me go or - -“
“Let you go? But we’re having so much fun. I want to have even more fun with you but you’re not a fighter, not like he was. And you don’t want to dance with me either.”
He sounds dangerously close to pouting when he says that last bit and you give a halfhearted twist in his hold, testing for any slack. It’s no good though. For as little effort as he seemed to be putting into it, his arms were like iron shackles where they’re criss crossed over your body. Dammit. 
“Why?” You seethe in frustration and fast mounting panic. “Why won’t you just go back to normal, Luffy? This isn’t like you!” 
His frame shakes behind you with the giggles that rise within him, making his whole body vibrate like a mercilessly shaken soda bottle. It quickly grows, rapidly multiplying and expanding until he at last throws his head back with a cackling peel of laughter aimed up at the sky. It’s much too close to your ear and deafeningly loud, reigniting your desperation to get away from him, but your wild thrashing just causes him to laugh even harder. Like he found it hilarious that you were scared and trapped against him. 
“I can’t!” He howls, belly laughing so ferociously it makes you jerk in his hold. “I can’t go back until I’ve used up all of this energy! It feels like I’m going crazy but it feels good too! Amazing even! I’ve never experienced anything like it before! I want to keep going but you can’t fight and you won’t dance with me … but there’s something else we can do together, isn’t there?” 
“What are you ta - -“
He releases you so suddenly you don’t even realize you’re crumpling to the ground until your butt has already hit the rocks, surprising a yelp out of you. Fresh pain immediately races up from your backside in a blinding starburst and you outright hiss as you gingerly start to angle yourself onto your hip in hopes of taking some of the pressure off of where it hurts the most. You don’t quite make it that far though. 
Luffy’s hands are suddenly on your shoulders, shoving you forward to sprawl out rather inelegantly on your front. He follows you down, pinning you to the destroyed ground with his body weight, and you immediately start to panic in earnest. Your captain didn’t look like much more than a lanky beanpole at first glance but he was so densely packed with muscle that he felt like a sack of bricks on top of you. It makes it hard to breathe and the quickened, gasping lungfuls of air you suck in don’t exactly help. Your chest constricts painfully tight as you struggle against him, forgetting all logic and reason in your blind desperation to get away from him. 
He doesn’t even seem to notice though, still just as unbudging sprawled out over top of you as he’d been when the two of you were standing. No amount of kicking your legs or bucking up underneath him even gives him pause, and his greedy hands fumble down to your waist where they squeeze tight enough to rip a hurt shriek from your throat. This doesn’t cut through the manic haze spurring him on either. He doesn’t even waver. 
“What are you — stop that! Have you lost your mind!” 
“I’m sorry.” He snickers, not sounding very sorry at all as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck again. Another deep, savory inhale. Another rumbling exhale right against your pulse. The faintest growl that trails afterward is new though and you go painfully still under him, hardly even daring the blink despite all the grimy dust kicked up in your desperate fight for freedom. 
You’d never, ever heard such a sound come out of him before. It scares you perhaps most of all, and you’d seen many a frightening and unsettling thing since stepping foot into Onigashima. Somehow this just really took the cake though. 
“I’m sorry,” He says it again. Contradicting this, his callous worn fingers dip into the hem of your pants and start to tug at them, jostling you with each insistent pull. “I’m sorry, heheee. I just can’t help myself. If I can’t have you I don’t know what I’ll do. You’ll help me calm down, won’t you?” 
Your mind struggles to process that. He was asking you to help him? Not with words or medicine, or even the endless supply of food he would have otherwise asked for had he been in his right mind. He wanted your body. 
So that’s what it was then. What it all boiled down to. 
If he couldn’t fight you and you refused to dance with him then that left only one other option. He was going to fuck it out of his system. Anything to get rid of all the excess energy running through his body, making him vibrate like a lit fuse on top of you. It made a certain amount of sense, you supposed, but that didn’t mean you had to like it. 
Curling your hands into tight fists against the rocks, numb to the abrasive sting, you draw a rattling breath to center yourself. It doesn’t do much in the way of good. “Please don’t do this.” 
It’s like he doesn’t even hear you, a grunt of victory puffing out of him when he finally manages to get your pants tugged down over the curve of your ass. 
“Please.” You gasp, the sound wet and faltering. 
Completely ignoring you now, Luffy reaches further down to fumble with something lower while his opposite hand possessively curls around your hip to keep you in place. You hiccup rather sadly at the distant sound of rustling clothes, almost completely lost under the violent pounding of blood in your ears, but there’s no missing the fleshy nudge against the back of your thigh that soon follows. It leaves a sticky smear where it touches you, inspiring an eruption of horrified goosebumps in its wake. 
You don’t have to look to know what’s touching you. The innate knowledge of what’s happening and who is responsible for this paralyzing fear that grips your aching heart in a chokehold is horrible and suffocating all at once. Stinging tears spring up and well in the backs of your eyes but you clench your teeth to try and stifle the terrified wail threatening to claw its way up your throat, knowing it would only sound hysterical. 
On one hand you almost couldn’t believe this was really happening, even though the reality of the situation was staring you right in the face. It just seemed almost too implausibly awful to be real. 
But on the other, Luffy wasn’t exactly known for his self control or restraint. You knew this. Had even found it charming at one point or another, so you brace yourself for the worst. It just might be the only thing that ends up saving you. 
“Captain - -“
“I’m sorry.” 
He’s suddenly between your legs, pressing up into you from behind. You go ramrod stiff against him, your whole body clenching in genuine distress, but it does very little to stop him. Like he’s done it a million times before, or perhaps thanks to the instinctive muscle memory bestowed upon every man with a working cock, he pushes right in on your entrance until cunt slips start to part under the pressure. A thin, tremulous groan escapes him at the first kiss of your hot guts against the tip and then he just keeps pushing. Even when your muscles tense up and try to keep him out. Even when he meets a great deal of resistance as your body tries its best to reject him. If anything he almost seems to take it as a challenge the same way he would another combatant or a roadblock standing between him and his goals. 
In this case his goal is clearly to sink himself in you right down to the hilt, and he just puts more effort into his cause the more you try to fight it. Leans his weight into you until it feels like your poor cunt is taking the full brunt of his mass. The resulting stretch of your inner sleeve is painful and drawn out, taking much longer than it otherwise would have had you been even slightly prepped for this. 
Your mouth hinges open but nothing comes out for a prolonged moment as the tears break loose to streak down your face. It feels like he’s tearing you in half! Either he was much bigger than you’d assumed he’d be or by virtue of how tightly your interior walls were squeezing him — or even some terrible combination of the two —  it was like you were being split down the middle. You couldn’t even breathe through the choking discomfort of it and a threadbare, sobbing little mewl dislodges from your throat when he at last manages to shove himself past that first barrier. 
Full penetration is much easier for him to achieve after that but it’s no less painful, and you cry out when he snaps his hips forward once, twice, and finally lodges his length the rest of the way in on the third. A pleased huff slips out of him as he settles on top of you, a fresh wave of giggles quickly following suit. It was like he’d gone mad. So wrapped up in the raving power that had turned his hair white that he can only laugh about it even while he’s buried balls deep in your body. 
That short lived pause is all the respite you get though and Luffy is soon moving, rutting into you with quick, sharp little jabs up into your guts. You shriek at the top of your lungs, clawing at the ground while you kick out behind you, but he ignores this the same as everything else. Lying prone and trapped under him, all you can do is take it. 
“Waah — why are you doing this, Luffy? It hurts! If … if the others find out about this - -“ 
“I know, hahaaa. I know. I’m sorry, but I can’t stop. You feel … this feels amazing! Almost as good as fighting Kaido did!” 
You seethe at that, trying your damndest not to get caught up on it right now but that proves to be more than a little difficult. He really didn’t see any difference between fucking and fighting? Somehow that seemed so typically him, and you think you would have probably joined him in laughing about it under better circumstances. 
But better circumstances wouldn’t have found you being roughly jostled back and forth on the ground by his eager, jack rabbit thrusts. The motion of his hips lacks any and all refinement with no technique to speak of, and yet that doesn’t stop you from seeing stars every time his cock blindly rams into your upper wall. It punches the air from your lungs and materializes out of your mouth in the form of heaving, strained bleats of distress that quickly climb to a higher and higher pitch with each second that goes by. Not for the first time today, you feel like you really might throw up. 
“Ooh, that’s …” He suddenly gasps, lets out a half strangled groan, and drives himself into you even harder. Faster. The force of his pelvis slapping against your upturned ass rapidly grows to a steady, almost constant blur of stinging swats — plap, plap, plap, plap — and you shriek at the rapidly swelling pressure on your gut. “Ooh, that’s good. That’s good! It feels so good! I - I can’t - -“ 
Without warning, your pussy abruptly floods with wet, sticky warmth. He hadn’t even given you a chance to beg for him to pull out. 
Your eyes widen to the approximate size of dinner plates but he just keeps pistoning his hips even as the rest of his shuddering frame gives a series of little jerks to thoroughly empty his balls into you. He shows no signs of slowing down or tiring any time soon though, his limitless energy evidently far outpacing his obvious lack of experience. 
It’s a hard thing to wrap your reeling head around just how quickly everything has happened and yet there’s no mistaking it for what it is. The sensation is completely foreign to you but you innately understood it for what it represented, what it could potentially mean for your future. You’re not half as relieved to have it done and over with as you are terrified of what it meant. 
Even more confounding, however, is that it doesn’t so much as make Luffy slow down let alone stop now that he’s painted your inner sleeve a thick, creamy white. Not the orgasm itself which, considering how much he fills you up, should have thoroughly drained him for the time being, nor the possible repercussions of allowing himself to shoot off inside of you like that. He just keeps going without a care in the world, like it wasn’t his problem and he still had more than enough stamina to keep up the harried pace he’d settled into for the foreseeable future. The only sign of it burning up any of his energy at all is the slightly labored quality his breathing takes on, but that’s it. 
Realizing that this ordeal is still far from over, you give your body a twist and try to angle your cunt away from the constant attack of his cock. “H - hold on a minute, what … aagghhh, what are you doing, Luffy? You - - you can’t just cum inside like that, you idiot!” 
“Can’t stop! Heheehe, I can’t, I can’t, not when you keep squeezing me like that!” 
All but wheezing at the intense pleasure of thrusting into the sticky mess he’s made of you, Luffy presses himself flush against your sweaty back and circles his arms around your middle. You brace to shove him off, or at least try to, but you don’t quite make it that far. 
Catching you completely off guard, he yanks you up against him and practically throws himself back onto the ground. The sudden lurch lodges your stomach in your throat, and you let out a frazzled scream as you land on top of him. That he cushions the impact with his rubbery body only comes as a slight relief when you were struggling just to get your bearings straight, disoriented and stunned in the aftermath of his impulsive decision when you unexpectedly find yourself blinking up at the sky. 
You start to pull yourself upright, wincing, only to quickly realize he’s still got one arm looped around your waist to keep you held in place on top of him. The other is — you gasp when you glance down to see him already fisting his cock in hand, guiding it back to your entrance where it had slipped out in that rush of movement. It’s still achingly stiff and unrelenting, like he hadn’t already spilled his seed in you only moments ago, and your heart painfully wrenches with the fresh wave of dread that comes over you. 
“W - wait, please don’t - -“
The head of him finds your cunt, pressing back up into you again, and you outright sob when he mercilessly snaps his hips to impale you on that stiff length once more. You sway unsteadily at the fresh stretch, trying to decide if it’s better or worse in this position, but gravity soon proves itself your enemy when the weight of you on top of him firmly sinks his cock even further into you than before. It feels like he’s tickling at your ribcage like this, but all you can do is give a wounded little mewl and try to steady yourself. Undaunted, he reaches up to tug your pants the rest of the way off. 
“Luffy,” Sniffling sadly, you fight him as much as you can in your physically exhausted state but it’s no use. Your bottoms come off to leave you bare and exposed from the waist down, sitting upon his cock like a whore on her rightful throne. 
The tears quickly start up again, streaking hot tracks down your flushed, sweaty face while he gets himself situated underneath you. His hips lift, nudging you just a pinch higher so he can brace his feet underneath him while his hands come around to anchor around your love handles. Then, he’s moving again. 
Completely unconcerned by your crying, Luffy flexes his legs to thrust up into you and the same fleshy slap as before quickly rises loud in the air again. Plap, plap, plap, plap. The wet squelch of your seeded cunt sucking him in deep on every upward plunge joins in, adding to the obscene cacophony of noises even as you toss your head back to sob at the sky. You can hear him grunting underneath you, clearly enjoying himself quite a bit, but you couldn’t say the same. Your body was already a sore, achy mess of bruises and scrapes, and this certainly wasn’t helping. You were just getting more and more tired by the minute. 
“Nnghhnnn, please, captain. Please don’t cum inside again, I … I’m begging you!” 
The only response he gives is a low, rumbling groan that seems to bleed into you and reverberate endlessly inside your belly, making you squeeze your thighs together as if to block him out. But of course it doesn’t work. Given the way he stutters over a raspy hiss of your name he actually seems to like the way it makes your walls tighten around him, unintentionally though it may have been. There was really nothing you could have done to dissuade or stop him once he’d set his mind to something, and it seemed he very adamantly had his sights set on using your cunt until his energy reserves finally wore out. 
Distantly, you wonder how long that will actually take. 
“You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine,” He chants underneath you, again and again, even when his hands tighten around your hips to guide you into bouncing right along with him. Having no other choice, you snifflingly spread your legs wide and brace your feet on the ground, moving with him despite the throbbing ache in your muscles. “Mine, mine, mine. My prize. My treasure. My woman!” 
He viciously slams his pelvis up at the end, further punctuating his claim on you, and the sharp stab of his cock rips a wild shriek from your mouth. “N - no, captain, please! I can’t — I don’t want it! Not like this! You’re not … aaghnn, you’re not Luffy! You’re not!” 
The only response he gives is a deranged little laugh that makes his cock jump where it’s wedged inside you. That push on your upper wall makes the tension running through you double and then triple, your heaving gasps coming a little quicker now even as his hands travel up your body. You can’t stop him like this when your own were propped behind you along his flexing stomach to help you maintain your balance in this precarious position. It’s not hard to figure out what his intentions are though, and you screw your eyes shut so you don’t have to watch him grab hold of your top. 
A deafening riiiip tears through the air when he shreds it, the poor cotton helpless before his far greater strength. He leaves it hanging from your shoulders in tattered pieces as your tits bounce free, the stiffened tips already aching and strained long before he greedily palms at them like a starved man clutching at a lifeline. The blinding friction of his calloused palms and fingers on your teats makes your cunt spasm around him and you wail, screaming for someone, anyone to save you from your captain. 
Unfortunately for you, help was still a long ways off and Luffy wasn’t even close to running out of steam.
Crossposted: here
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
Let's talk about the first look at Avatar 3 (pt 2)
Next up, I want to talk about the next two images I saw from D23: Neytiri riding on her ikran, and the sky ship.
You can read my post discussing Varang and the Ash People here.
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In the first image, we see Neytiri flying at night on her banshee, with what appears to be several large flying ships behind her, and in the second image, we have a clearer shot of the "sky ship" in daylight.
The ships are clearly Na'vi-made, since we see the natural weaving pattern and no metal. They have a large sail-like structure on top, and behind Neytiri we see a flying stingray-like creature that appears to be harnessed to the sky ship and pulling it along.
This was really exciting for me to see because I never imagined we'd see the Na'vi creating actual flying vehicles rather than just riding on the backs of flying animals. Most interestingly, even though these sky ships are more complex technology than anything we've seen from the Na'vi before, they appear not to break any of the laws of Eywa. They don't appear to be made of stone or metal, and they don't use wheels. I really like seeing this because I hate that one theory that Eywa intentionally keeps the Na'vi from technologically advancing out of some malevolent goal. Eywa doesn't have any problem with technological advancements, she only prohibits things that would harm the balance of nature, like mining metal and tearing down the forest to build roads for wheeled vehicles.
I believe that these sky ships belong to the Windtrader clan James Cameron has hinted at. These ships look pretty different from anything we've seen from the Ash People, plus Neytiri is flying alongside them like they're allies. It would also make sense based on the name for people called "windtraders" to fly through the sky using the wind and also have large ships capable of carrying material to trade with other clans. I can't wait to see what a windtrader Na'vi looks like and if they have unique adaptations to set them apart from other clans! Perhaps they would be smaller in order to be lighter on the ships and have bigger lungs to process oxygen at such high altitudes.
Now to talk about the sky ship itself, it appears to have three main components: the cabin, the steed, and the sail. The cabin is the woven part of it that is the actual ship where the Na'vi would ride and store their goods. The steed is that stingray looking creature behind Neytiri that looks like it's harnessed to the cabin and pulling it through the air. I would really like an in-universe explanation for how in that giant stingray thing is flying. It looks HUGE, maybe a little over half as long as tulkun. I know Pandora has lower gravity and a thicker atmosphere, so the physics are different, but come on that things has to weigh a hundred tons! They better have a sci-fi explanation for how that big thing flies. And if you look closely, there seems to be a na'vi riding on it's back, implying it has kurus to plug into up there. From what I can see of its back, it looks blue with white spots, kind of like a whale shark.
The last part of the ship is the large sail-like structure that appears to be keeping the whole contraption buoyant. I saw folks on the r/Avatar subreddit speculating about what it is, and I believe they had the right idea when they guessed it was a Medusa.
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The medusa is a giant, flying jellyfish-like creature that James Cameron dreamed up many years ago. Here are some old concept arts for it, and as you can see, they look quite different. Cameron never settled on a final design for this creature, just that it was a flying carnivorous jellyfish. He wanted to include it in the Avatar universe, but never had the chance to. He recently said in an interview a few months ago that Avatar 3 would finally include his alien creation, but he didn't say how. Since the Na'vi would lack the ability to create hot air balloons or zeppelins like humans, I believe the windtraders are using a creature from their environment to lift their ships, and that creature is the medusa, given a final design by James Cameron and his creative team. The sails are a pale purplish membrane like in the concept art, and if you look directly behind Neytiri's head, there seem to be tentacles hanging down from the ship, implying it is a medusa.
So it seems to me like the windtraders weave their boats out of the same material that maruis (Na'vi homes) are made from, then they attach it to a medusa to lift it into the air, and then they harness it to a flyinf stingray to pulls the boat where they want to go. The windtraders must be super smart to come up with all this! I cannot wait to see it in action!
And the way Neytiri is flying with them gives me the vibe that she and Jake have been reaching out to other clans to join the fight against the RDA and the windtraders agreed to team up with them and now they're flying off on a mission together!
What do you guys think of all this? Did I miss anything?
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prudentfolly · 6 months
Prudence Dubois -- [ B A S I C S ]
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Name: Prudence Dubois
Nicknames: No. 
Age: Late Twenties
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the Umbral Moon
Race: Hyur
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Retainer & Machinist
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Dark brown hair is worn practically. Short with a hacked at fringe. She doesn’t do much with it, thinking of it as more of a hindrance than a tool to express herself with.
Eyes: Watchful, hooded, hawklike. Like burning coals with none of the heat.
Skin: Pale white, covered in freckles.
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos. A gnarly scar at her left collarbone, and follows through on her back. A smattering of other, less important scars. 
Parents: Her father is deceased, aided by gravity. She does not speak of nor to her mother who still lives in the Brume. Their names are unimportant.
Siblings: N/A. 
Grandparents: Long dead, likely insufferable judging by how their children turned out.  
In-laws and Other: No In-laws to speak of. She has many romantic entanglements that usually end messily. So far, her relationship with Ibant is the only one to have stuck.
She and Gerry, one of her Lady’s wards, have an on-again-off-again toxic yuri relationship that will eventually settle into a steady friendship or explode in an awesome and destructive display.
She respects and, to some degree, loves her Lady.
A’vyra is the nearest thing to a friend she has outside the House. Not that Prudence would ever utter such a thing aloud.
The rest of the House’s odd assortment of characters are kept at a distance. Prudence is fully aware of her prickly personality and the strength of her bite. These things serve her well; she will not dull them to appease others, so she does not let others in. For their own good, of course.
Pets: No. Prudence technically owns a Chocobo, a gift from her Lady, but Bird is not a pet. Bird is a stalwart companion.
Abilities: Prudence is a capable young woman. A skilled machinist with a sharp eye it is rare for her to miss.  She knows her carbine better than the skin of her hands, knows the bark of it as her voice.
Her duties as a retainer have sent Prudence to the far corners of many maps. She’s resourceful for all the traveling, with a genuine willingness to embrace local customs. She can chameleon her way through social situations; smoothing the barbs of her generally terrible personality and avoiding unnecessary conflict on the road. 
Hobbies: Tinkering, fishing, painting. 
Most Positive Trait: She’s so cool. 
Most Negative Trait: Everything else. 
Colors: Deep greens, browns and blacks and greys, a very particular shade of blue. 
Smells: Coffee, warm bread, turpentine. 
Textures: Canvas stretched taut, the cool side of the pillow, the crunch of snow beneath her boots. 
Drinks: Coffee, black. Wine, she’s not picky. 
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Almost constantly.
Drinks: Heavily. She’s a functioning alcoholic.
Drugs: Yes. Mostly for fun. 
Mount Issuance: Prudence is only insured because Bird was gifted to her via legal means. Is he the only thing she trusts enough to ride. Otherwise, she would be walking everywhere and hitching rides where she could.
Been Arrested: Several times! No charges seem to stick, even the most dangerous of heresy. 
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][Tagged by:][ @this-is-ris @iron-sparrow @cindernet-explorer!][ Thank you all so much! ][
][ Tagging: ][ @ibant-gleacame & @cindernet-explorer (You have alts!) & You (: ][
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willtheweaver · 1 month
AITA tag game
Cheers for the tag @mk-writes-stuff this is a fun one
Rules: Make an Am I The Asshole post (look at r/amita for examples if you haven’t seen them ) for an OC
Alright, here it goes then:
AITA for speaking out in front of the elders?
I recently had an altercation with the elders of Fernatan village. I am a hunter for the village and had been out for several weeks. The hunt had proven fruitless, and my partner and I were heading back when we came upon a destroyed camp. Birds had infiltrated our lands…likely they were the losers of a dispute and were seeking refuge. Their enemies found them and put the camp to the torch. There was only one survivor; a newborn crow.
The gravity of the situation was immense. Neither of us knew what to do, so we wrapped the crow in a blanket and brought it back to the village. I went before the elders to discuss the matter. Most of them were not happy. In fact, some had suggested that the bird be put to death. I was appalled. I know our laws, I know that they stated that no bird was allowed within our territory as set out by the boundary stones. But this was a newborn; no threat to anyone. And yet, to hear from some of the elders, this infant was worse than the Roost Lords that committed so many atrocities during the Autumn Blood War.
I could not keep quiet. I let everyone in the hall know that I would not stand for any of what they said. I might have been a bit too forceful with my words, but I have a firm moral compass, and I do not bend easily. I should have gotten in a lot of trouble for what I did, but Opal was more inclined to listen to me. After hearing what I had to say, she allowed me to raise the crow as my own ( Please keep this a secret, technically no one outside of the elders, myself, and Caine are to know). Thinking about what happened, I probably should have stopped and thought before I spoke…I said some stuff that I shouldn’t have, and by all rights, I should have been flogged (or worse) for my insolence. But what do you think? AITA for getting into a shouting match with the elders?
Tagging @roselinbooks @glasshouses-and-stones @jev-urisk @the-golden-comet @winglesswriter
@mysticstarlightduck @poethill @jay-avian @lavender-gloom @rotting-moon-writes
@wyked-ao3 @theink-stainedfolk @paeliae-occasionally and open tag
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Best post ever seen on r/characterrant
Recently watched Gravity Falls. Great show. Great ending. I shed a tear, that doesn't often happen. Then after I woke up the next morning I saw some jujutsufolk slander on reddit and my brain just made a connection.
This shit is hilarious. If Gravity Falls was a manga, people would've hated the shit out of it. It has the same problems as all the other ones- rushed endings, "deus ex machina", incompetent villain whose pride is his downfall, lack of payoff for certain things (although it does generally do a pretty good job with it) not having every character be relevant, not explaining worldbuilding stuff (It's never elaborated what the law of magnetic whatever that was keeping Bill inside Gravity Falls is.)
Hell, Bill himself basically does the same thing as Sukuna where he gives a single line of backstory. "I was born a cursed, unwanted wretch, I can tell you that much' vs "Do you know what it's like in a world of 2D? Flat dreams. Flat people. Flat everything!"
Mabel and Dipper? Frauds. Grappling hook merchants.
Stan would've gotten a fuck ton of hate because the chapter probably would've ended off with him fucking up the zodiac. Not to mention him getting his memory back almost immediately after getting his memory erased.
Side characters don't get their arcs fulfilled.
Oh, by the way, I don't consider any of these bad things. In either JJK or Gravity Falls. I think that both stories are pretty good overall with some minor hiccups and that most criticisms of this nature come off as hatred and agenda from people who've never paid attention to high school english. Although Gravity Falls likely will have the better ending by far.
Anyways, which manga do you think will get hit by the slander train next? I'm guessing Chainsaw Man. Fujimoto's been setting a lot up without any payoffs, and I think this is his Culling Games. Ever since the chainsaw church arc, honestly.
I mean those things did happen to some extent when it was airing. Time has chilled people out a bit. Like it wasn't rampant but it got brought up.
I also think some of it has to do with GF in specific in that it. It sets up pretty decently a 'weird shit happens we don't need an explanation for every single thing'
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zeestarfishalien · 1 year
Part 12: Share with Silence of the Trees
Master post
Jason has found a way to cross their language barrier! Danny still remembers how to spell things…he thinks he does at least. He knows letters and that’s important. There’s so much paper taped to the floor just so Danny can get across some sort of message.
He’d make an ouija board joke, but he’s more worried about Jazz right now, her blurry face and cries of pain are all he can think about. The sounds of his memory-nightmare repeat over and over in his mind.
Consequently, ‘Jazz’ is the first word he spells.
And of course Jason doesn’t know what he’s trying to tell him.
‘Help’ is the second word but that just makes Jason more confused. After some questions he narrows it down to a person named Jazz, but he’s not quite getting the picture. Jason thinks that Jazz is someone who can help Danny.
“U H-E-L-P J-A-Z-Z”
After a second, he tacks on, “P-L-Z”
There’s more questions and Danny doesn’t know the answers, he just keeps hearing her cries of pain in his mind and they need to make sure she’s okay.
Something in his eyes must spur Jason on, because he decides to tackle the questioning a different way. He has Danny describe Jazz.
“R-E-D H-A-I-R G-E-N-T-L-E H-A-N-D-S F-A-M-I-L-Y”
“What about a last name? Do you know their last name?”
And Danny tries. Oh does he try but his mind won’t give him that.
“D-O-N-T R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R”
“Okay,” Jason let’s out a reassuring hum. “That’s alright let’s see if we can’t figure out any details that might help me find her.”
“B-I-G-G-E-R T-H-A-N M-E” Danny roots his nose in the direction of his real body.
“Do you remember who you are?”
“S-O-M-E” Danny only hesitates a moment before adding “I A-M D-A-N-N-Y B-U-T A-L-S-O P-H-A-N-T-O-M.”
“Do you know where you came from? Gotham?”
He shakes his head. “N-O-T G-O-T-H-A-M I D-O-N-T K-N-O-W”
They go through a few more questions, most of which Danny doesn’t know the answer or has only a vague niggling memory he can’t access. It’s frustrating for both him and Jason. That Jason is so patient with Danny’s non-answers has him feeling grateful. He knows his faulty mind is not helping. He has memories but no context, no names and blurry faces and gaps where he has no clue what happened.
Their charades/ouija board session is interrupted by one of Jason’s phones going off.
“Ugh, Christ on a cracker…Firefly broke out of Arkham,” he says, looking up from the phone with a sigh. “I better make sure they get him roped in before he burns down half the alley.”
Danny nods. He hates that Jason goes into such danger, but he understands that he would be just as bad if their situations were reversed.
As such, when Jason leaves, he settles into his routine of pacing the border closest to where he can feel Jason. He flows down the side of the building and into the alley, then back up again. Crossing gaps that mortal creatures would never dream of leaping. He’s dead though and the dead don’t heed the laws of gravity or pesky things like physics. He’s dead…
…and why does that sit wrong in his mouth, on his brain?
Because he’s not.
His hackles flare as rage and panic flare from Jason. That he can sense it so strongly from this far away speaks volumes to how strong Jason’s emotions are raging right now. They hit him again, stronger.
Failed once. Never again.
Danny bolts towards Jason only to dissipate at the edge of how far he can be from his body. He growls at the invisible edge of the barrier as he reforms but it trails off into a whine as Jason’s panic escalates. There’s only one way to reach Jason.
To protect…
He doesn’t hesitate this time, when he dives into his body with the intention of coming back up with bipedal limbs and a mouth that can use words. He doesn’t get lost in the melded and warped memories that bombard him. He fights through emotions both new and old, fighting through his old self and swimming ever deeper into his body and mind.
He gasps awake with a sound like a drowning man coming up for air or the dead rising to life. It’s a breath that rattles his ribs and aches across those muscles between each one. His eyes flash open and his body feels wrong wrong Wrong but Jason’s call to protect is louder and more important than this minor inconvenience.
He can sense it better now, the details of Jason’s angry war cry. His brother, his kin is in danger.
He flexes fingers just to feel them working and he bolts. He doesn’t bother to go around anything, not when he’s used to being mostly incorporeal. The scenery blurs by as he races on and on, hoping beyond all hope that he can make it in time.
The smoke lingering in the air is the first sign of trouble. The second being Jason trying to throw himself into the burning building. The building his kin is most likely in.
Danny doesn’t hesitate, he takes barely even a second to get a sense of the most likely locations to search based on the flames and to decide the best way to sweep the warehouse fully before diving into the smoke.
He can’t miss. He can’t fail.
Not again.
Intangibility keeps the flames from burning him but the heat of the air is still stifling and the smoke tickling at his nose, daring him to breathe it in. He’s lucky he doesn’t need to breathe like this. It still burns his eyes but that’s fine because crying from smoke will hide the tears of fear. Fear that he won’t find Jason’s sibling in time.
The fear only grows the longer he searches without result. The creeping dread of what he will or won’t find crawls up his spine, and he has a spine it can crawl up now. He would almost rather go back to his spectral form, save for the fact that he would be unable to touch Jason’s brother.
On another pass, he spots Jason struggling through the smoke and flames. He shoves him back out of the building with stinging eyes and tear stained cheeks. He cannot fail but he also cannot lose Jason so he returns to his search with a dogged determination.
He’s nearly keening aloud by the time he finally stumbles across Red Robin crumpled in a storage closet. He can hear his heart beating and it looks like he’s breathing. Danny doesn’t have a good way to cover Red Robin’s nose and mouth. Neither of the fabrics they’re wearing are conducive to breathing through and it will take too much time to rifle through all of the pouches on the bird’s belts intangibly. He finally decides on covering the little exposed skin with his cloak and rushing out, hopefully fast enough to avoid damage.
Humans can’t take heat like he can. How hot does the air have to be before it burns the lungs inhaling it?
He flies straight up and through the ceiling. There’s more smoke but it’s safer in Danny’s eyes. Once they’re clear of the building and the reaching flames, Danny darts towards Jason. He can sense him trying to climb back in and then he can see it.
His feet make no sound as he lands on the street behind Jason, so he lets out a crooning sort of croak.
Jason spins, eyes wide and searching, landing on the glowing white haired teen and his unconscious brother draped across their arms. Even with the cape still covering Tim’s face, he knows it’s Tim.
And the teen…
The teen is Spooky, Danny. He’d recognize that funky jumpsuit anywhere and those eyes are the same Lazarus green eyes he sees on a canid face every damn day.
He’s frozen mentally. Physically he’s moving forward to check Tim’s vitals and look for any obvious signs of injury but it’s all autopilot, all things that were drilled into him so that it became second nature, so that he could function even when his emotions are running wild like they are right now. He’s furious and relieved and anxious and surprised and ecstatic and so much more nuances of the same. It’s a cyclone of vicious emotions attempting to claw their way to the surface, fighting each other for the top spot.
His instincts purr, they’re safe they’re safe family is safe, while he gets on coms with Oracle to make sure she knows they’ve got Tim and that he’s alive.
He gently takes Tim off of Spooky’s hands and hoists him onto his hip like he’s a sleeping toddler so he can free one of his hands.
He gently reaches out to ruffle hair that has the same wispy feeling as before.
“Thank you,” he says quietly. Family, his instincts say. I love you, says the odd rumbling tone that ripples out from somewhere in his chest.
Danny clicks and a similar rumble in higher pitch comes from him and somehow Jason knows that it means, I love you too. Family.
Sooo… hey…
Life has been crazy for me this past month and a half and I’ve barely had any time off between taking care of my mom who’s been injured (broke her back), working a lot more hours bc my mom can’t, and then just a whole slew of family events, weddings, funerals, the whole shebang. I quite literally skipped a funeral this weekend so I could actually rest for a sec (to be fair it was set on a Sunday afternoon at a place thats like a 4-6 hour drive away and I can’t really afford to miss work since, well…my mom broke her back (she’s fine and recovering well so far we think). Gods I feel like one of those ao3 authors that shows up out of nowhere with some wild story but like this is my life rn.
But yeah, I’m still working on this and I have a plan for where I want this to go so it’s gonna keep going. I’ll either get way more productive in October/November or way less productive since I’m prepping for nanowrimo.
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loverdotpng · 2 years
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Cheap horror movies
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kbrick · 2 years
Peak Drarry: Celebrating Incredible Writers - lettersbyelise
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Peak Drarry is a series of posts celebrating the absolute treasure trove of talented writers in this fandom, and a reminder of how lucky we are to have them here with us. Find last month’s post featuring @aibidil​ here. This month features a fan-and-personal-favorite, @lettersbyelise​.
I was introduced to Elise’s writing when they returned to the fandom in late 2021 after a little haitus. Being fairly new to Drarry at the time, I had not yet heard of Elise, though plenty of other readers were chomping at the bit to get their hands on Elise’s new work. I kept hearing good things, so I figured I’d check it out—and immediately fell in love after reading Burn the Witch. The fic was poignant, exciting, and, above all, full of dreamy, delicious romance. So, why should you read Elise’s fic? Here are a few reasons:
The ungodly levels of UST
Elise’s Harry and Draco are fully in lust from the first, even if they still despise each other. In Unfold Me, Harry hates his roommate Malfoy so much that he can’t stop thinking about him or the smell of his laundry detergent. And then, when Malfoy accidentally includes his own t-shirt in Harry’s clean laundry pile, Harry has had enough. He sleeps with Malfoy’s t-shirt under his pillow (and does other, unspeakable things while sniffing it) as retribution. In Cabin Fever, Harry doesn’t like Malfoy or anything, but he can’t help but notice when a sudden gust of wind “whipped through Malfoy’s burgundy, standard-issue Auror cloak and exposed his shapely posterior for Harry to admire.” Okay, and fine, he’s also noticed the way Malfoy laughs, how he strides “through the Auror department corridors like a young prince perusing his future kingdom” (Harry’s words, not mine), and sometimes runs a hand through his “short, stylish, impossibly blond hair.” But don’t worry! Malfoy’s also lusting over Harry, a fact that he accidentally lets slip when he calls Harry ‘pretty’ out of nowhere (which obviously makes Harry lose his damn mind).
Sometimes Harry and Draco’s lust is very inconvenient, like in Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar, when Draco recalls a time Potter was pressed against him in the lifts and afterward, Draco had to “walk around with a manila folder held in front of his crotch for a good fifteen minutes.” Poor Draco. Sometimes, Harry is so hot that Draco’s body can’t handle it, like in Burn the Witch, when Draco sees Harry for the first time in years and his heart skips a beat. Literally, “[s]kipped a fucking beat, like in a cheap romance novel.”
Thankfully, Harry’s usually in the same boat. He’s cursed with having a sort of sixth sense when it comes to Malfoy. He can “walk into a room and know Malfoy is there before he even sets eyes on him.” (Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar). The back of his neck prickles whenever Malfoy’s around, okay? It’s not his fault. Malfoy only encourages it, doing things like wearing body-con leggings during a play (Upstaged) so that Harry is basically forced to go and see him perform a bagillion times in a row.
Further complicating matters, Elise’s Harry has typically been thinking about Malfoy for a very long time, in very R-rated ways, like in Laws of Gravity, wherein he muses over the fact that Malfoy kneeling in front of him in a cloakroom is “every fantasy Harry has ever blocked coming to life with an incandescent lack of warning.” Oh, generic gay fantasies, you ask? Hardly. We’re talking Malfoy-specific fantasies that involve “the version Harry’s always kept in the back of his mind, all these years—a hungry, debauched version…” Mm hm. This lust has been brewing for ages.
Occasionally, Elise likes to throw in they-almost-go-there-but-stop-themselves moments that make the UST levels fly off the charts altogether. I literally wrote in my notes on Had To Be You, “oh my god! No!! No! Just have sex! Oh my godddd!!!” (look what you’ve reduced me to, Elise). But Harry and Draco did not have sex at that time. Instead, they proceeded to eat dinner together, sporting what I can only imagine were horrendously painful blue balls. Don’t worry, though—it’s worth the wait when it happens.
Because, listen, if you’re sitting there thinking that all this UST buildup must lead to some scorching hot smut, then you are one hundred percent right. I’m not going to spoil these sexy, delicious, smutty scenes for you here by telling you too much about them, but as a preview, here’s Harry narrating in Had to Be You:
Harry’s heart keeps wanting to escape his ribcage, or at least burst it open, it’s beating so loud. He’s never felt anything like this — this anticipation, like the second before a kiss, only drawn up for minutes, for hours, for bloody months, if Harry’s perfectly honest with himself. There hasn’t been anyone else than Draco for months, maybe years...[T]he back of Draco’s hand brushes his, soft and warm and secret, and Harry nearly gasps, because just that tiny touch of Draco’s is the most erotic thing he’s experienced.
A brush of Draco’s hand does that, ladies and gentlemen. So, yeah, the smut is good.
All that sweet, sweet pining
Listen, I’m not going to say that Elise enjoys torturing readers—I can’t see into their mind! But if I had to guess, I’d say maybe they enjoy it a little? Because Harry and Draco pine so hard in Elise’s fic. Oh, sure, they’ll eventually come to experience a life-changing, soul-filling love for the ages, but first they are going to suffer. If you are anything like me, though, you’ll eat it up because it’s beautiful in its own right, and because it makes the payoff so, so sweet. But first, the pain.
Sometimes jealousy is involved, like in Had to Be You. For years, Draco and Harry watch each other date around and absolutely hate it. This results in various degrees of tantrum-throwing. When Harry makes out with Draco’s friend at a music festival, Harry notes that Draco is in a black mood the next day, and that it has “nothing to do with the weather.” Draco stops talking to Harry for a month after that. A month! When Draco sets off on an Italian holiday with a boyfriend, Harry stomps around until he gets a text from Draco that says Draco misses him (yes, Draco’s texting Harry that he misses him while on a holiday with his boyfriend, and no, neither one of them realizes what this means at this point).
Other times, there is no one else in the picture, and yet our dear boys still pine. They yearn for the thing they think they cannot have (even though they definitely, definitely can have it). In Laws of Gravity, Harry is completely obsessed with Malfoy from the start, although he’s sure it won’t work out because Malfoy’s a pickpocket, and also because he’s Malfoy. Harry thinks maybe the feelings will fade? Fat chance, when he readily admits that his life is “bisected into before and after Malfoy’s mind-boggling blowjob.” Harry. Buddy. You’ve divided your entire life (which included a starring role in a war, mind) into pre-blowjob and post-blowjob. I’m pretty sure your feelings are here to stay.
And the reality is, sex is never enough for these two. Nothing short of lifelong love and devotion is ever enough. After Malfoy keeps putting out for Harry in Laws of Gravity, Harry tells him he’s sending mixed signals. Malfoy points out that he’s given Harry not one, but two blowjobs at this point, and he very clearly wants him. Harry argues that it’s “not the same as liking someone.” Because see, Harry and Draco want everything from each other in Elise’s fic. Not just blowjobs, not just friendship, not just casual dating. They want everything.
They’ll make you believe in true love
Which brings me to my final point. Elise’s stories are about the most unabashedly romantic things I’ve ever read. In their first fic on AO3, Had To Be You, Elise notes that it’s inspired by When Harry Met Sally, a film they admit to having watched ‘a hundred’ times. This is not surprising to me. Because if you love When Harry Met Sally, you are someone who loves love, who has a tender center and a soft heart. And after going through Elise’s fics one by one, let me tell you: Elise loves love. Elise loves romance. And this comes through in all their stories, which are, at their core, tender and beautiful depictions of true love.
In Elise’s fic-universe, Harry and Draco were always meant to be, and literally everyone around them knows it. In Had To Be You, Hermione has a heart to heart with Harry in which she makes him acknowledge his feelings for Draco. “I’ve seen how you’ve been practically drooling over Draco for months now,” she says. “And you’ve been obsessed with him…for years. It was the weird thing you had for him in Sixth Year, and now it’s this very intense friendship.” Harry argues with her about the intense friendship, but eventually has to concede the point. In The Generation Who Lived, Neville and Luna scheme to get Harry and Draco alone in their house so that they’ll reconcile (again, because everyone knows they’re meant to be). My favorite fic in this vein is Re: Harry’s Crush, wherein the entire Ministry is emailing back and forth about how obsessed Harry and Draco are with each other. It’s common knowledge. Everyone else can see it, it just sometimes takes Harry and Draco a while to catch on.
But Harry and Draco do know, deep down, even when they don’t admit it at first. It comes out in flashes, like when they have sex for the first time in Had To Be You and Harry notes that “the connection was something [he’d] never felt, not with any of the many lovers he’d had in the past, and it left him feeling raw, exposed and shy, despite the deep pleasure coursing through his veins.” Or in Paper Rings, when Draco reminisces about his Eighth-Year fling with Harry and how he knew, even at the time, that it had been both “inevitable” and that he would never recover from it, emotionally. Or in Laws Of Gravity, when Harry realizes he doesn’t want Malfoy to go, even though he doesn’t know what that means. (It means you love him, Harry!).
One of the things I adore about Elise’s fic is that there is always this fantastic, pivotal moment when things click. It’s the moment when our guarded main characters let their walls fall, let themselves see what everyone else has known for so long. And then this thing—this love—that has felt so impossible suddenly seems easy. There’s a surety that comes flooding in, a recognition that yes, this is the person for me, and yes, they want me too. It’s even said tongue-in-cheek (although we know it’s hilariously real) in Kill, Fuck, Marry when the boys wake up after their first night together. They’d been playing the titular ‘marry, fuck, kill’ the night before, and Draco says, well, you’ve already tried to kill me and you’ve already fucked me, so “[t]he only thing left to do is marry me, I suppose.” Does this scare Harry off? Not at all. “You’ve already got more birthday presents than you deserved Malfoy,” Harry says. “This one will have to wait until next year. If you’re good.” One date and shag, and they’re already joking about getting married. God help us.
But lest you think this is some sort of shallow insta-love, it’s not. Elise, particularly in their long fic, depicts a love of equals, of two men who root for one another and stand up for one another, who have each other’s backs. It’s lovely, the way they see one another so clearly, the way they advocate for one another. Whether it’s Harry in Burn the Witch fighting against a Ministry that’s unfairly targeted Draco, or Draco in Paper Rings advocating for Harry in Harry’s divorce, these are two people who admire and respect each other. It's evident in Harry’s thoughts about how brave Draco is regarding his sexuality in Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar. Or, beautifully, in Draco’s thoughts in Paper Rings, when he contemplates that “Harry had spent so many years not being appreciated for who he was…not being loved.” He wonders how “blind Ginevra Weasley must have been not to see how good [Harry was]…how utterly perfect in every one of his complicated ways.” They know that the other is not actually perfect (after all, they, more than anyone, are familiar with the other’s faults), but they love them just the same. In Fire Meet Gasoline, Draco spells out his shortcomings to Harry—all of them—and Harry just says, “Do you think that frightens me? ‘Cause it doesn’t. I told you already. I want everything you are.”
Incidentally, after that gorgeous bit of dialogue from Fire Meet Gasoline, Harry asks Draco to stay with him. Draco thinks about how he doesn’t do love, but Potter was the exception (sort of like how Harry muses that he’s “Draco-sexual” in Paper Rings). Then he says, “I couldn’t leave you if I tried…I’m afraid you’re stuck with me now, Potter.” Cue the violins. Le sigh.
Ahhh, Drarry in its best and most natural state. Soulmates, each other’s one and only, together forever and ever, amen.
And one of my favorite things about Elise: they will get you there every time, no matter how improbable it seems at the start.
You can count on it.
Recommended For…
Lovers of love. Connoisseurs of quality, emotional smut. Anyone who wants to get swept up in an epic sort of romance, who believes that romantic partners should lift you up and bring out the best in you. People who believe in soulmates. Those who believe (or want to believe) in happily ever after. Here are a few you might want to check out, but honestly, you can’t go wrong with anything Elise has written.
Top 3 Fics Over 25,000 Words (by kudos)
Burn The Witch (E, 96k) - When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s. A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Had To Be You (E, 59k) - Draco Malfoy is possibly the last person Harry expects to find at the wheel of a Muggle car, on a beautiful summer day on the road to London. This is the story of how Harry runs into Draco once, twice, three times, and how he doesn’t leave their next meeting to chance. A fic inspired by When Harry Met Sally.
Paper Rings (E, 50k) –  When Harry’s in need of a divorce lawyer, he has no choice but to turn to the best in the trade. Draco Malfoy’s reputation for discretion is flawless, and his track record for winning cases is close to perfect. But he’s also ruthless, passionate, and as infuriating as ever, and the brief relationship he and Harry had in Eighth Year still feels painfully fresh despite two decades spent apart.
Top 3 Fics Under 25,000 Words (by kudos)
Kill, Fuck, Marry (E, 4k) -  Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar (E, 2.7k) - Draco Malfoy offers to help his coworkers to improve their seduction techniques, with unexpected consequences.
Re: Harry’s Crush (T, 1.9k) -  Ever get that feeling you're being talked about behind your back? Harry doesn't, he's too busy being stupidly, obviously besotted with the guy in the lab downstairs. A fic where the interdepartment betting war at the Ministry gets out of hand, Millicent and Hermione get scheming, Harry Potter ends up wearing black eyeliner, and everybody ends up getting more than they bargained for.
Kbrick’s Picks (in order of obsession)
Paper Rings (E, 50k) –  When Harry’s in need of a divorce lawyer, he has no choice but to turn to the best in the trade. Draco Malfoy’s reputation for discretion is flawless, and his track record for winning cases is close to perfect. But he’s also ruthless, passionate, and as infuriating as ever, and the brief relationship he and Harry had in Eighth Year still feels painfully fresh despite two decades spent apart.
The Laws of Gravity (E, 31k) - When he runs into Draco Malfoy picking pockets at a charity gala, Harry Potter is forced to face the desires he’s avoided for years — at the risk of shattering the public image he’s so carefully curated since the war.
Fire Meet Gasoline (E, 63k) -  When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right?
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she-is-ovarit · 7 months
What do you think about the screenshot in this reddit post? Really grinded my gears, ngl. (like I know it's misogynistic, just curious if you're able to debunk it or something)
"—this is a delusion [women living independently from men] that stems from being in a highly advanced society where all of your needs are being met by strangers". He goes on to say these strangers are mostly men.
Living independent from men is a privilege in many ways. Our sisters in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. are forced to live their lives under the presence and command of a male guardian. Living dependently in men isn't nature, nor is it because we're unable. There are cultures in societies in which women live mostly separately from men and take care of each other. It used to be more this way further back in history. Men are the reason as to why women are unable to live independently—whether it's because of coercive control in Western nations, misogyny enshrined in law, or the threat of losing our lives because men are more prone to violence and committing femicide.
His next line on, "If society collapses and there weren't any men who'd fix the infrastructure and open jars?"...
Women would? Does he know that many of us love alone and single, or raising children as single mothers, work as electricians and engineers, live as lesbian separatists? And you can easily open a jar by running it under hot water for awhile first. Heat shrinks, cold expands, and the reason why jars tighten is because as it cooled it expanded tightly against the lid.
His next remark on if women were to disappear society wouldn't notice since we only fill front facing positions and "the humanities". Having had done both, women's jobs are thoroughly more difficult and detailed than male-dominated fields. I'm reminded by the young woman who published that TikTok while drawing or painting her nails describing how she worked several jobs in the trades and men do the easiest jobs—anyone can figure it out. Regarding his comments on reproduction, women could rely on sperm banks whereas men would completely die out very quickly.
Labor intensive jobs are done by women, too. There's a limit to man's physical strength. They use technology to get around this or simply find ways to lift less. Women would do the same, maybe even more efficiently considering we have a better center of gravity. What prevents women from going into jobs that would "dirty our hands" is because we don't want to work around a bunch of insufferable, testosterone piqued males.
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Sorted alphabetically by band. Please click through to original post to see full list. IF IT'S NOT ON THE LIST, PLEASE SUBMIT IT. NO BAND IS TOO NICHE. Multiple bands from the same media are permitted.
Putting this under the cut because it's getting too long!
4*town - Turning Red
About Gardens - ROGUEMAKER
The Ark - I Was Born For This
ABXY - Splatoon
Arno van Eyck - Disco Elysium
The Band With Rocks In It - Discworld
The Beets - Doug
The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton - The Mountain Goats
The Bettys - Phineas and Ferb
Black Stones (BLAST) - NANA
The Blues Brothers - The Blues Brothers
Bottom Feeders - Splatoon
Boys In The Sink - Veggietales
Boys Who Cry - Spongebob Squarepants
Boyz4Now - Bob's Burgers
Boyz 12 - American Dad
Bunk Bed Junction - No Straight Roads
Cheetah Girls - Cheetah Girls
The Clash At Demonhead - Scott Pilgrim 
The Covey - Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Crash & The Boys - Scott Pilgrim
Daisy Jones & The Six - Daisy Jones & The Six
Damp Socks - Splatoon
De Bois Band - & Juliet
Deep cut - Splatoon
DETHKLOK - Metalocalypse
Dedf1sh - Splatoon
Decibel Jones and the Absolute Zeros - Space Opera 
Dingoes Ate My Baby - Buffy The Vampire Slayer
DJ Octavio - Splatoon
DJ Stylbator - Samurai Jack
Dr Teeth and The Electric Mayhem - The Muppets 
Drive Shaft - LOST
Evar Orbus & The Galactic Jizz-Wailers/The Max Rebo Band - Star Wars
Fig and the Cig Figs - Dimension 20 Fantasy High
The Flaming Creatures - Velvet Goldmine
Fran-Shou-Shou - Zombie Land Saga
Gallifrey Academy Hot Five - Doctor Who 
Gem & The Scotts - Secret Life SMP
Gillion & The Tidestriders - Just Roll With It
Girls Dead Monster - Angel Beats
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Grifters Bone - Magnus Archives 
Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid
Heaven Seventeen - A Clockwork Orange
The Hectic Glow - The Fault In Our Stars
Hex Girls - Scooby Doo
Ink Theory - Splatoon
Jem & The Holograms - Jem & The Holograms
Johnny Casino and The Gamblers - Grease
Josie & The Pussycats - Archie (Comic)
The Juicy Fruits - Phantom of the Paradise
Julie and the Phantoms - Julie and the Phantoms
Kessoku Band - Bocchi the Rock
Killer Boy Rats - Horrid Henry
The Killjoys - My Chemical Romance
Lacus Clyne - Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Lady Parts - We Are Lady Parts
The Last Days - The Last Days
Lemonade Mouth - Lemonade Mouth
Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad Cowboys
Lincoln Hawk - Gossip Girl
Little White Lie - Little White Lie
Loded Diper - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Love Burger - Can't Hardly Wait
Love Händel - Phineas and Ferb
LumberZacks - Milo Murphy's Law 
Mad Gear & The Missile Kid - Danger Days, My Chemical Romance
Maxwell Demon & The Venus In Furs - Velvet Goldmine
The Mechanisms - The Mechanisms 
Milkcan - Um Jammer Lammy
The Misfits - Jem & The Holograms
Muppet Orchestra - The Muppets 
Needy Beast - Hatchetfield
Octoplush - Splatoon
Old Gods of Asgard - Alan Wake
ok, kids - Andre and Karl
Off The Hook - Splatoon
Pink Slip - Freaky Friday
Plasmagica - Show By Rock
Proto Zoa - Zenon Sweep 
The Rainbooms - Equestria Girls
The Rats - Velvet Goldmine
RIP - Ruby Gloom
The Risky Fix-Ins - Buzzfeed Unsolved Franchise
The Rutles - All You Need Is Cash
Sadie-Killer & The Suspects - Steven Universe
Sadgasm - The Simpsons
SCÄB - Home Movies
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
Sev'ral Timez - Gravity Falls
Sex Bob-omb - Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Sing Street - Sing Street 
Soundcheck - Odd Squad
Spinal Tap - This Is Spinal Tap
Squid Sisters - Splatoon
Squid Squad - Splatoon
The Stiff Dylans - Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging 
Sunset Curve - Julie and the Phantoms
The Superconducting Supercolliders - Designations Congruent With Things (Pacific Rim fanfiction)
The Three Lights - Sailor Moon
Trapnest - NANA
Turquoise October - Splatoon
The Vampire Lestat - The Vampire Chronicles
Wonderlands x Showtime - Hatsune Miku Colourful Stage/Vocaloid
The Wonders - That Thing You Do
Wyld Stallyns - Bill & Ted franchise
Wet Floor - Splatoon
w-3 (omega-3) - Splatoon
Yoko & the Gold Bazookas - Splatoon
Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars - David Bowie
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scaramint · 2 years
On Chuuya’s Gravity Manipulation
So I’ve been thinking about For The Tainted Sorrow instead of studying for my physics exam bc thinking abt gravity is just so much more fun than doing math abt gravity but hear me out.
Since this is obviously a fictional show about dead authors who have nothing to do with gravitational physics, this is all unnecessary; he can kick ass bc he’s cool and we can leave it at that. BUT I'm going to dissect Chuuya’s ability and see what he does to actually manipulate gravity.
Let’s take a look at For The Tainted Sorrow through classical physics first with Newton’s Law of Gravitation. This is the theory I'm most familiar with, although I would like to someday do an analysis through the lens of General Relativity.
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[picture from Kleppner and Kolenkow, Introduction to Mechanics, 3rd Edition]
Basically, the gravitational force that anything can exert on something else is proportional to its mass and varies inversely with the square of the distance, and it is always attractive (towards the force center) Now, Chuuya's ability is to manipulate gravity, so he can change what this force is.
We aren’t given much on the principles of how he changes it so let's say that the general relation remains the same.
Assuming that the general form of the force does not change, he can manipulate the force in different ways
He can change the mass of his own body or the target to increase force.
He can change the distance from his body to the target 
He can change the relation from an inverse square law to something else
He can change the value of G (the gravitational constant)
Mass is a fundamental quantity (for our level of analysis) so I don't think it's practical that Chuuya can manipulate mass
We know that Chuuya's ability has a range and activates on touch so he does not have any control over the distance r
Changing the power of r does not seem to have as strong effects as Chuuya's gravity manipulation shows. Take a look at these graphs
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[graphed on desmos]
We can immediately rule out Graph 3 because we know Chuuya has a range. Graphs 2 and 4 are similar enough to Graph 1 that I think there is not enough cause to take them instead of the standard inverse square law. I will have to do some calculations to understand how gravity would work in these wacky potentials, so that'll be a different post, I guess.
One problem I have with this theory is that Chuuya may appear to have a ranged ability, but as far as I know, it activates on touch (correct me if I'm wrong) so manipulating fields of gravitational potential does not seem to be his modus operandi.
He can change the value of G (the gravitational constant)
Now, this is my pet theory because it explains how Chuuya's ability affects only the objects he chooses to use his ability on instead of a general gravitational field around him.
The gravitational constant is really small in our universe and is restricted to a very narrow range. Any deviation from this will cause a lot of problems for the universe as we know it. But, since Chuuya only affects the gravity of things he touches, I don't think his ability will have any lasting effects. This manipulation of G can directly explain how he dramatically changes the magnitude of the momentum of any object he interacts with.
To see the power of this, let's take our friend g, the acceleration due to gravity.
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[once again from K&K, 3rd]
g here is acceleration, so we can see that changing G even a little can dramatically change how fast things move. Chuuya's ability is best described by flashy movements and incredible speed which can be explained by the change in acceleration of the objects he touches and him using his ability on himself.
One more important thing about Chuuya's ability is that it can affect the direction that gravity is working. The minus sign in front of the force equation at the beginning of this post indicates that gravity is an attractive force i.e. it always works towards the bodies and pulls them together. Except we see Chuuya use gravity as much more than just an attractive force.
He reverses the direction of momentum of bullets in the GSS fight scene in the Fifteen arc. 
He regularly walks on walls and ceilings.
He accelerates bullets away from him with his ability in his encounter with the Hunting Dogs.
It would be easy if this was the only thing he could do, as we can amend our argument to include that he can change the sign of G as well to accommodate for this repulsive action.
However, the problem is that his ability does not work only linearly. He can change the trajectories of bullets mid-flight and has a borderline telekinetic level of control of his ability. This cannot be explained with sign changes alone, and there must be something funny going on with the direction vector of the force. I don't think this can be explained with Newtonian Mechanics alone so I am going to shelf this here until I can come up with a different formulation for it.
Of course, none of this applies to Corruption. I think that has to be done exclusively through GenRel so that's a little later on the schedule.
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