mvqodir · 2 months
MuhammadLoiq Qori , Azhob surasi.
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benom6 · 8 months
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If in bed I say, "When shall I arise?" then the night drags on; I am filled with restlessness until the dawn.
Job 7:4
The holy text knows what's up
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loonymarshian · 8 months
Into the Woods
Day 5 of #BG3FicFeb - "First time seeing companions/LI fight in battle" Tragedy struggles to sleep, her feelings conflicted after her first battle with her new companions.
It was a beautiful night. The moon shone brightly, and the stars glittered in the velvet tapestry that was the Faerunian night sky. Beneath it all, Tragedy Quron lay awake in her bedroll. It was surely past midnight by now, and all her companions had been asleep for quite some time. That made sense of course - they’d fought quite the battle earlier that day, and were rightfully exhausted. Yet Tragedy couldn’t sleep. Her mind kept lingering on the battle from earlier. It had been the first time she’d seen Astarion fight. It was breathtaking. He wielded his twin scimitars with practised ease, his movements taking on a dance-like quality as he slashed his way through goblin after goblin, a dark grin widening on his face each time he was splattered with someone else’s blood.
The sight had both terrified and entranced Tragedy. The rogue was stunningly beautiful when he fought, yet she could also see the joy he took in such extreme violence. But what really scared her was the way she felt about it. She’d always considered herself to be a good person, though there were many who would disagree simply because she studied necromancy. Yet there was something about Astarion’s bloodlust that was alluring to her. 
Sighing, the tiefling gave up on sleep, and climbed out of her bedroll, determined to take a walk in the woods to clear her head. The forest surrounding the Emerald Grove was so full of life during the day, constantly filled with the chatter of birds and small woodland creatures, the sunlight filtering through the leaves creating beautiful patterns on the ground. It was an entirely different experience at night. The woods were silent, save for the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. The moonlight was soft and diffused, the shadows slowly fading in and out as opposed to the sharp edges they had during the day.
Tragedy walked slowly through the fallen leaves and brush underfoot, taking her time to enjoy the crisp night air. It didn’t take long for her to reach a stream, and she stopped on its banks, dipping her hands in the running water and enjoying the cool sensation. But her tranquility didn’t last. A twig snapped somewhere behind her, and Tragedy leapt to her feet, necrotic energy gathering in her palm instinctually. She strained to see what had made the noise, but she could only see in the dark so far, and she was unable to make anything out. The tiefling crept towards the source of the sound, her tail sweeping behind her cautiously as she went. Nothing else made a sound though, and before she knew it, she was back at camp.
Straightening up from her half-crouched position and dispelling the energy she’d gathered, Tragedy shook her head at herself. She’d probably just imagined the sound, she thought, and decided it was time to finally get some sleep. The tiefling crawled back into her bedroll, rolled onto her side, and quickly fell asleep, the walk in the woods having been successful in clearing her head. 
She never noticed that Astarion was not in his tent when she returned.
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444namesplus · 2 months
Eek Ziuqo[11] Eel Huy[12] Eem Garha[13] Een E(n)[14], Uqoe[11], Sneha[15] (Gao elda "Xiem") Eer Garvant, Sneha[16] (Gao elda "Xiem") Eev Boun[15][17] Eez Cercy[17] Eg Wurn[5] Eh Nunvir[18]
Ehkwon Guinigi[15] Ehqek Garcohi[12] Ehjul Nustind12 Ehnien Weind[11][16] Ehrk End[14][5] Ehpal Rill[19] Ehst Et[11][5] Ehbuud Moer (harb)[20] Ehpod Kitvir[12]
El Qostpayor[12] Erok Ewoga[14][15] Ejon Ohar[12] Em Mean[20] Ehubuv Andord[11][16] Etmuni Etmuni[21] Ei An[5] Eis Zefker[18]
Tih Wnith[18] Tihneen, Tineen Werthy[11][16] Tihrok Nungir[14][15] Noun Cail (edj.)[14] Nol Cail (v.)[20] Nox Akun[22] Noyn Sgurn[15] Kiu Bjoo[20] Ma Frow, Fly, Muha[11][16] Maquus Marpaw[12]
Mak Egi[14] Maneev Gnint/Gninvid[12] Marog Nog[17] Mavoer Numbna[15] Marhuh Putzar[17] Masil Fnao[5] Mapouk Mald(ly)[14], Nish[11] Btenxen Skucvir[12] Bwou Noeity[12]
Bwouvoh Lusvir12 Bwouvoriu (car zar) lusvir's [5] Bwouvohhuer Lusvirlaad Bwot Noeiburel[16] Bpad Cnen[12] Bpam Xurth[12] Bpan Xurd[12] Bpankan Turl (met. "Xurd Qing")[11] Bdifuuk(pe) Fivagi(s) (elda e teketenhi zu Esecowo)[11]
Qael Tetorn[15] Qaen, Qaefuu Xeam[11][15] Qaefuk Xeaced [17][5] Qaer Tris/Tzaga[23] Qah Lesh[18] Qahhuen Tecemnor[11] Qalk Kfuke[24] Qoun Peop (v.)[23], Zierd[23] Qounhuer Peokur[20] Qovuk Daul (n.)[12] Qoxus Qocmevu (n.)[20] Qoy Pulga (Neigdubly Pulga)[25] Qoyni Qaodni[26] Qoyzu Wury[20] Qoz Puvi[11] Qowa [27]
Quu Qevu[15][23] Quul Inqoed (Gao elda "Quron") [18] Quun Fteosa[18] Quuv Wyrm[28] Quufen Sdolrow [14] Quron Qoed[11][17] Quros Qoedly[20] Quxuk Qoeth[17][5][29] Quxukgabuud Ond af buce (met. "Qoeth af buce")[11] Qur Quo[15][17] Xe Af (Gao elda "Ga") [5]/Emait[12] Xek Laind[12] Xev Dnicunqind,[14] Dnicun (nihi)[28] Xevah Dnicun[14] Xevahculz Dnicunszuvu[12] Xevahqiun Dnicunmarn (met. "Dnicun-Marn")[12]
Xevahkwoud Dnicunsneyor[20] Xevahpon E Dnicun voce [27] Dniel Pniy[12] Dteh Xe (v.)[11] Dtem Kuehi[11][18] Dtey Qud[15][5] Dpag Rord[12] Ddin Bwong[16] Ru Qofeir[12] Ru'il Cpawn[11] Rueen Qofeited[15] Ruseen Quslaxur[5] Run Gnihi[18] Rur Birga[30] Dveun Sviol[12] Dveupak Lirha[12]
Ok Zar[12] Oxuak Oech[12] Ondalun Novetch[12]
Oteu Inbul[12] Odifes Yoer[20]
Ohavoer Oxbunziush[12] Ovgor Gaedan[12]
Pued Dormth[12] Puel Tza[14] (gao elda "Min"; "Puel" us nass gummun tdun "Min") Pues Keer[18] Puesso Keernass[12] Puez Raun[17] Puh Car[23] Puhxen Fwoond[11] Puhneh Fromor20 Puhmeul Olf[5] Puhjoeen Farqovur[26] Punien Cartovu, moelth[20] Keum Puqo[18] Kel Kenil[12]
Ken Vell[14][15][23][29] Kenkanbuud Vell af Esezush (met. "Vell-Qing-Buce")[27] Kent Sdull[14] Key Gpaha[25] Keykpa Catest[12] Keyn Tivu[14] Miuk Qerpar[12] Mirok Osliku[23] Min Tza[14] (gao elda "Puel") Ca Fpast[18] Cad Wzan[14] Caquuz Laer[12] Canees Wpang[12]
Caroak Duint[12] Cavoer Cdurgi[12] Fwon Lat[5] Fwofu Oegirvuss[16] Fpad (Tittna)miold[5] Fpan Qin[14]/Tenevid[12] Fdil Opzacenil[12]/Vimtaniry[18] Rel Da[11] Ren Zuld[14] Renqoun Inrerl(od)[12] Rent Puul[11] Renje Puunad[20] Res Carhi[18]
Faef Glast[15][5] Faen Sjeqevo[18] Faer Innaesh/Tenaega[28] Fahpat Sviel[5] Fahfen Yuold[29] Famek Lovu(n.)[20] Gih Yos[12] Giun Avu[14][16] Giunhuer Avugalf[12] Cugol Cubmen[12]
Cul Oerth[16][28] Cuneh Stobmarn[20] Cult Gpaind[12] Culz Szuvu Cunien Yaing[11][20] Cuhay Temuha[5] Gnieg Gteon[20] Gnien Pait[12] Gnih Tittna[11][18] Gnih-Sayhuhpon Elly (met. "Tittna-Bpatzar Laxur")[30]
Gnihqenxel Stnijegim[16] Gnim Croid[20] Gnisiin Eitomn[5] Gwok Zech[11] Gwond Ceot[16][5] Gpa Maind[15] Gpariuk Welf[12] Gpan Kind[18] Gdith Notniyel[20] (gao elda "Fuhnsay") Zit Pur[18]
Duel Dund[18] Duelsit Zuich[5] Dues Zaelth[18] Dudwom, Duhdwom Qend[11] Duh Qend[28] Duhgen Ehe[5] Duhso Dteem12 Duhsiron Fughthute20 Dun [27]
Zaum Cargi[5] Zat Zate[16][5] Zavxu Bdijel[12] Zavxuniek Bdijemety[20] Zayv Ruty[11] Ri Yai[15] Rim, Rin Yair[15][23] Rind Vesh[12], Laku[15] Laf[31] Lafseh Sviequng[19]
Lafsehgakan Ranehi (met. "Sviequng af Qing")[11] Lafqiun Lace[20] Lawipan Ovumy[14][5] Lan Zaer[11] Larsit Jote[11] Larsijeh Tnipkud[16] Nun Zapa[11][18] Nunfaer Zapauc[20] Nuznih Zaerpen[14]
Uuz Uhi[18]
Un Husvir[12]
Unnus Husviry[13]
Tueg[31] Bar Oest[12] Koud Muan[25] Bol Insviedy[25] Boar(te) Murjel(s)[15][18]
Bot Huw[14] Kad Deoon[12] Kal Hun[14]/Hunqind/Nuhuns[12] (Gao elda "Juz")
Kan Qing[14], Meght[11] Kavoer Qingxem/Qingsrip[13] Kanvugabar Qings af tza Oest[12] Kanbuud Esezush (met. "Qing Buce")[27]
Seel Cdumloan[18] Seen Kyvu[18] Seez Lit/Kdukout[12][27] Seh Pwoqo[15] Peun Dor[14] Peuxiel Skywom[14] Pel(na) Scpall(s) (es un Olqor Scpall)[14] Penxev Dorwoar[17] Pest Vimkust[18] Pey Larga[12] Peyn Encol[12] Qium Veke[20] Qiun Marn[12] Qiur Crild[15][5] Qinmak Naeqor[12] Qinpin Sdurp [5] Qip Caad[20] Qipnien Ceel[20] Kro Find[18] Krov Zaed[5] Wi Un[5]
Wid Veold[14] Wiqaev Noer[16][5] Wifaen Bnaslungs (tdunks)[11] Wihg[31] Wil Cnig[12] Wiros Un wrich[20] Wiceyt Uszeo[14]/Nat roaga[12] Wivohwok Dorrord[12] Wiar Zemcer[18] Wipnien Mady[5] Winiev Gao[11] Wis No/Ete[14][15][29] Wilul Unvur, vetrin[20] Wibun Unzu[16] Knih Guld[18] Knifier Luckvuss[5] Knisxuvaer Qugaega[20] Kteh Nond[12] Kteun Zen[14] Kten Bteek[11][17] Ktent Bpapen[12] Kwoeen Qilnad[20]
Kwof Might[15] Kwou Qill[18] Kwoud Sneyor[12] Kwoun Sney[20] Kwoust Sjend[12] Kwouvaen Jurqoter[20] Kwouvah Jurqor[20] Kwol Bniha[12] Kworot Vameent[11] Kwon Guinigiais[12] Kpa Darhiter[12] Kpan Coczury[11], ven, gundeor[20] Kpangnih (Gteet) Coczury[11] Kpafuud Gundeopar[12] Kpalus Darpaw (Etarogoos, Tegtet, Loty)[11][17][5] Kdipouk Enciont[14][5] Gel Dan[14] Geneen Pwonhi[12] Genees Pwonhiss[12] Gen Muanmeght[25]
Neen Dont, Tedeost[16] Neer Dovir[20] Nees Meke[18][23] Neet Nest[12] Neh Hugocse[18] Nehvuy Meha[12] Nehvnien Jusvited[16] Nehsi Ermy[12] Nah Nast[12]
Naun Werld[14][15] Meuk[31] Meuv Vetzar[5] Meuvnih Quqefush[11] Mengnih Rong[11][14] Mer Werm[17] Ro Qohiuha[12] Rok Woga (v.)[25], Sky[16][18], sky[20] Ron Mist[20] Roast Duth[12]
Ros Us (Gumkivu veth atzar harbs car ptegant vinga: "us zallong", "us swern")[14][23] Rogau Yai ete[20] Rost Dos[14], Duha[11], Dus, Dud, Mote Rot Gteet[11][14] Rovaes Juluc/Dang[12] Joft Puhi[12] Jomvoer Valnay[12] Jon Naoch[5][18] Jov Vier[12]
Huer Virpar[5][18], es zefmix: -laad, -galf Huh Pull/Kell[5][29] Huhpuoniek Catehar[14] Huhneen Pulnan[20] Hul Mettna[17] Hulbuud Bwoof20 Ced Mepe14 Cey Caal[18] Ceyz Guce[12] ("zu noguce"/"guce zu no") Qed Royel[16][28] Qedxevah Elly20 Qedpat, qerun Royelty[29] Qeun Oyo[12]
Qeur Rath[20] Qeunied, Qenied Xear, xeardoy[16][20] ("qenied" us e tyta) Qeuniek Tarjel[23] Qenqun Efvir[20] Qenxek Kxuw, Kxuwn, Kxudobna[11] Qenxel Twock[20] Qenxenien Kxuwnadgiebna[20] Qer Elnagoenhi[18][29] Muh[31] Mun Qaighvir[20] Muvoh Mutzar[11] Muvohhan Thpaet af tza Werld (met. "Mutzar Vend")[11] Munih Cabis, tlaight, gunhintnibuan, etvinbuan[11][20] Mupa Grory[11][5]
Mupapeu Growoais[14][5] Mujeed Snudqor[14] Muthuh Smep[12] Muthunus Smepkury, Ojoluha[11] Ju Mo[16] Jul Stpang,[11][29] Sttength[28] Juneeg Sttength[11] Julduen Inmucong, incdungong, sbull[20] Jun Hun[12] Juvox Cdiol[5] Juz Cen[14] (gao elda "Kal")
Voek Oet[12] Voewi Oevin[12] Voekbuud Nogon20 Voel By[5] Voen Eny[15] Voer Zemqet[20] Voes Zuath[20] Voh Rery[18] Vohfahquxuk Vucpahunhir[12] ("Quxuk" ceefung "qoeth", "vohfah" huy no oxtnitanevid zu ceen "vexird") Vohqip Keod[11][15] Vohkwoun Hangienhi[12] Vohl Mecong[12] Vohnees Emeha[11], Meha Vohrot Lunanhid[14]
Voll By my[20] Voi An[14][16] Vox Cdiolty[12] Vuh Vuhar[30] Vul[31] Vuy Math[14] Fu Xut[5][23] Fud, Fuud Xu[12] Fuhnsay Notniyel[20] (gao elda "Gdith") Fuu Ut[11] Fuun Tzam[20] Fuktent Inbpapen[27] Fukwoun(vu) Gudord(s)[15] Ful Feud[20] Fuhuer Utgalf[12]
Fun Sbung[12] Fur Nunt[18] Fus Linxut[12] Fuvahwoun Gudordly (met. "Xut Swern")[12] Xuk Meo[14][5] (Ceefung meo math es e harb end xuin; "Zu meo xewn" end "Zu vill e meo") Xul Fpam[14][5] Xunsil Xubna[12] Xupak Miorhist[12] Xus Stwope[28] So Xuw[14][16] Soxun Anly[29] Sos Sjetoo[18] Sost Tzay[12] Soz Wut[14][5]
Abneen Ond (xuin)[5], Us ahar, Us onqod[13] Ad Sxuw[14][18] Arus Sxuwy[12] Apuel Tehiuha[20] Apun Goha[12] Agoum Arc[12] Ak Ris[14][5]
Aseez Gae[12] Al Es[14][5] Am Duur[12] An Slowot[25] (Qoscwonod es luqener zu "dail," wut ompty; mekenass) And Ro[12] Afuk Vega[11] Afuqiv Onmeghvincent[20]
Afuseen Vesxem[11] Ant Anhi[11] Awon Ohan[16] Adas Dace[12] Ath Arpdun[20] Av Tdist[18] Aponhay Ufery[20]
Raek Sduce[11][17] Rael Cao[12] Raer Emkibuan[12] Raez Puur[11][14] Rah Ell[14][16] Rahkrok, Rahrok Erpafanhi[11] "Rahkrok" us e tyta[27] Kul Wwovi[20]
Kuneen Wpavi[20] Kuyt Paga[12] Lonqaer Pneun(s)[12] Loniek Tasgass[20] Tafaen Huny[11] Tafaes Juch[12] Taak Sbunk[12]
Pniel Lut, fit[20] Pnien Test[12] Ppaqah Catezuld[12] Pdixien Nost[12] Pdixih Cuad[16]
Foh Ermur[28] Fohvoer Vandeush[12], Qofuel[11] Fohvoenin Us vandeuszad[20] Fohvoewon Vandeuszar[30] Foros Zuich[11]
Xath Mavu[12] Xathgacul (Werd Doll) Szuvu (met. "Mavu af Oerth")[5] Deothgacul Gnifuvi[19] Jauneen Maw (harb)[15][17]
Ho Meghtfung[18] Honees Zanild[12] Hosbuud Ppapzacy[11] Hoth Zumb[18]
Niel Zercoha, nest (v.)[20] Nien Efuhul[18] Nih Cuds[11] Nihcul Nigi[12] Nihcut Engir[12] Nith Wohar[20] Teun Paer[14] Tek Sza[12] Tel Xeqevobuan[11] Tevak Ficted[11] Teymeuk Nihi(s)[14]
Teyth Tteo[20] Wou Osganhi[18] Wouk Fana[12] Wous[31] Wofuk Hary[16][5] Pa(h) Tinenhi[18] Pak Za[14] Pan Niun[25] Pavoen Erczar[12] Pavoez Erpaw[12] Pavox Tegocent[12] Pafut Woval[14]
Pas Roha[IAL 2] Pat Werd(s)[11] Path Covu[25] Patjuneeg Werd af Tamor[11][13] Pavaen Donqor[12] Di Din[18] Dil Wzan[14] Dith Nigi[15], Birgas/Qamn16 Divaek Nihan[12] Diz Tzan[14]
Fixen Gniy (edj.)[12], roga (v.)[20] Fih Pdunzum[12] Fihro Moek[12] Fihho Ted[5] Fihhon Cwomdan[12] Fihpat Qeghty[11][14] Fihzevoer Colnegir(s)[12] Fihfet Puuth[26] Finien Mirst[11], Edouts[15][17] Ficouk Ficoar[14] Ga Af[12] Sduen Unslote[28] Slar Slar[21] Snul Zen[18] Luuv Mind/Caind[5] Lul Dail[12]
Lulnagaboar Murjel Dails[15] Luvok Mingir(s)[5] Lunrufahfen Inyuolqung[32] Luxun Unsvied[5] Luvaes Noest[11] Luxien Rost[29] Snan Fnash[18] Smumeun Rasluan[5] Da Darpaw[11] Dad Oxprout, qood, keet[20] Davoen Tird[12] Davoek Dnicun Pwoost(s)[26] Das Broad[11][5] Dasqer Broad Elnagoenhi[27] Dafiel Bnaod[17][23] Dat Wrivi[12]
Dav Slack[25] Davnihwan Cerhivory (n.), lercduga (n.)[20] Sraen Sriold[12] Sjeedvoi Inmaind[14] Sbun Fteo[14][16] Sbungarok Sky's fteoxem[20] Stdin Szurm[18] Stdinru'il Szurmcpawn[33] Stdinhuh Muinjeun[12] Ze Eur[18] Ze'im Bteeth[11] Zel Qay[14][15] Zenayk Tamor[14][34] Zenaykgakan Xeqefuan(met. Tamor af qings)[13] Zenvaer Noest(s)[12] Zesineen Tvemeght[20]
Jeepiseen Jemwool[14] Jemiur Triof[5] Jeh Rack[18] Jehpaquus Tteeczapais[11][5] Jehpacon Tteeczary[13] Viy Jena[14] Tduen[31] Tduern Anoquonhi[20] Tnu'im (Dnicun) Slait, Feuhi[12]
Tnur Aharrord[23][29] Tnurwo Rord[20] Buud Buce[18] Buuniz Fid[11] Bunvaek Jelk, Skuoch[11] Bul Tzate[20] Zufaet Etvimpt[5]
Zul Tdut[14] Zuar Unkerxu[18] Zucovoen Gaerczar[20] Zucot Gaerch[20] To Dumcer[12] Tom Xewn[20] Toz Bneqo[14]
Imiuk Tpall[20] Il Ovirfuty[18] Im Tven[20] In Air[12]Igad nass afvin tdun tza -i zefmix.
Inniek Hurwoegi, hurry, hurwood.[20] Insneed, Ivohxiel Ivunqung/Hieganass/Ovirvol[17][12][34]Insneed us tza mute gummun carm. Int Try[12] Is Nocate, un fpant af[17]Xut "nocate" chpaxurogolilly. Jaunen is quron: maw nocate tza qoed.
Ith Gumhund[16], Arqor[23] Iv Ar[15] Izvohfaer Inbwodnad[12], Ivunqung[11]
Vael Tiy[12]Es un "lald et tiy".[20] Vaet Smoer/Swete[12] Vaez Vier, wop[18]Xut necryhul viers. Vah Spwong[18] Vahqun Huuqon[12] Vahrok Zierquen[12] Vahwoun Swern[12] Vahdiqiv Gumcemunivi[5] Vahdikt Cemury[11][5] Vahxih, Vaxih Tdio[16] Vahsan Tdith[11] Had Bneck[12] Han Vend[28] Hanvugabuud Tza birtents af Buce[11] Hay Bit[14] Hayxe Gniss[20] Hayzen Srip[12]
Couk Qokeet[18] Coun Srivu[15] Coung Veng[18] Count Srivu[20] Counjees Srifung[12] Cour Dyung[30] Conqahlzaum Catehar[20] Coth Garkunt[12] Fe… Aptaluvi af…[12] Fetineen Inwerthy[20] Fed Ecu[14] Feqahqen Intecemnoted, carcutvin[20] Feqiun Inmarn[11] Fekwo, Fekwou Teszute[11][20] Fegel Ocol[12] Fegen Sduxew[14] Fel Larpar[12]
Feneen Untdiqor[17] Feqenxek Inkxuwn[11] Feqenxenien Ungumptezanlubna uqoe[11] Feson Ingaon[20] Fesoz Uncolubna[20] Fecusbuud Zerpwogad[20] Fes Cnew[20] Feth Veth[14][15]Slaild no efeuqod. Fetduern Qudanoquonhi[23] Sipeun Gumtit[5] Sil Qark[14] Sirom Qarkvuss[12] Siron Fught[12] Sin Zunzio[12] Sir Varor[28] Sis Furn[35]
Doh Zu[14] (math es ptetalubuan end harb unmifubuha carm) Dohl Wuuld/Cteevi[12] Dohneen Niuga[5], Wuult/Cteevid[12] Mon Wlaga[12] Mowod Pniuga[12]
Veux Tnip[25] Ven Dogi[12] We Wla[15][5] Wel Aek[20] Suld Wrirlvend, Fervix[11][18]
Suldga Fervix[20] Sunrun Tnihal[16] Sunrufuuk Tnihanar[11] Suth Ald[11]
Yeh Gaok[5][18] Yal Mite[18]
Yaros Fnece[20] Yawouk Hurch[12]
Yifen Culd/Culqon[12]
Xiem Sneha[18] Xiemnus Snehary[13] Xien Slait[12] (es un "yoll", xut "Dnicun Slait") Xih Mifuvi[18] Xihkwou Swerd[5] Xihnihqeuk Ficwomihi[12] Saum Thpaigh[11][14] Sayhuh Bpatzar(s)[11]
Sayhuhpon Gumrafuan20 Pou Slowot[18] Poul Dail[15] Pon Laxur[11] Pond Twoimph[12] Pondpa Twoimph's[12] Pipues Keerrel[11] Pinunfaer Zapaulilly[12]
Pik Must[15][16] Pil Must[29], Pimkio[18] Piar Nagind[18] Pipax Cteevi[20] Wa'i U[15][29] Wal (murjel) Feuhi[14][18] Wan Moetan[18]
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readwithmiaa · 4 months
The Monastery Of Solitude ~ 𝑨 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝑰𝒏 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 𝑶𝒇 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚
Author : Moin Mir
Pages : 344
Published by Roli Books
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Book Description:
In 242 CE Gordian III, caesar and emperor of Rome marched out at the head of his glorious army with the objective of defeating Persia in war. Embedded in the army was Plotinus, a philosopher who nurtured a secret dream - one of reaching India. Plotinus had long yearned to study the Upanishads and he saw an opportunity to reach as far as Persia with the army and then make his way into ancient India. But his dream lay shattered on the banks of the Tigris.
1,780 years after Plotinus’ failed attempt at reaching India, Moin Mir travels in his footsteps fulfilling his dream of reaching India and reading the Upanishads. Through his travels across India, Egypt, Italy, Greece, and Turkey the author tries to understand the core concept of Plotinian thought - ‘Unity and oneness’. He uses Plotinus’ philosophy to observe how the free will of intellect uses ‘unity’ for good and evil. Intimate conversations with refugees escaping war, innocent boatmen drifting down the Nile, simple farmers, and monks in Greece along with observation of ancient art and architecture inform his thoughts and writing on the concept of the oneness of humankind - its immense power to bring good and yet its vulnerability to the stealth of intellect to destroy and self-destruct.
Book Review:
"𝙔𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙫𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣, 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙧"
The book starts with important dates & references to Plotinus's travels and also a brief introduction about Plotinus and his works and how it's connected to this book. The author took his time in elaborating the basic principles and teachings of Plotinus and his dream in the introduction itself. To tap into the thoughts of an ancient period is one thing, but to explore the brilliant mind of Plotinus is utterly incomparable.
"So the inmost self of all beings dwells
Enwrapped in every form, and yet remains outside"
Certainly, a book that will make you think, however, it is probably not just for the casual read. To get the most from this book you need to set aside the time to fully digest exactly what it is. It is certainly easy to read and with each chapter representing a different journey and topic following along is easy. Those Greeks were always the ones who intrigued and amazed me, I got to know a few more things about them along with the Egyptians.
"To place being happy in actions is to place it in externals rather than in the virtue of soul"
Well-written and easily readable for those acquainted with philosophy and also for those new to the study. I loved the enthusiasm shown by the author throughout the book, I never expected it to be a super fast read.
Have I been born fated to live in exile."
"What is it with me that I endure a long estrangement from my homeland?
Have I been born fated to live in exile."
Through each journey the author keeps the readers hooked to the book. He started his journey from Rome, visiting important places, following the footprints of Plotinus. He covered Italy, Egypt, Greece and Turkey. Communicating with native people, analysing his own inner thoughts and comparing them with Plotinus's thoughts.
The author did a commendable work in giving us insights from Upanishads, Enneads and Quron. I'm very much interested in that part, as everything is interconnected with each other. The author carefully curated the pictures for the readers to get the visual effects of his descriptions. 
Rating : 4.5/10
Use Code "ramya25" to get a 20% discount!!
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444names · 2 years
arab and quenya names BUT excluding "a"
Beger Begil Benel Bessë Bidil Blumo Boothróme Breemeel Brelex Brender Brohil Cendi Chirimo Cilinë Cleed Clofi Colkin Colloseed Comen Commen Compid Comright Condo Conds Condórë Copul Coreent Corge Corin Cormë Coughold Courwë Coute Creemoom Crelië Crodil Cuino Cuivenórë Cuivil Cunif Dended Derónë Desset Dhehtele Dirinwë Dondort Duler Duren Dussë Ekenel Elcom Eldië Eldor Eldórino Eldórë Eledeed Eleght Elehdir Elemen Elemo Elessë Ellonótë Ellory Elloud Elows Elped Elpeo Elper Elperien Eluen Elómë Eminelped Emort Eneeft Eneld Enewet Enise Erelindor Ernin Erning Erondë Erson Estengwif Ester Estim Estlen Etion Evendil Evester Eärrey Eärwë Findul Findórë Fingdo Fingsli Finity Firindo Foldusno Follorded Folwë Foosto Formo Foron Forondë Forower Frield Frimë Frulegh Frundómë Fírik Fírië Fíroieldo Geruil Geshid Ginwë Givingo Glindil Greleght Grerodō Heilquing Heing Heldë Helon Hemendu Hereem Heril Heruh Herus Hestion Hince Hinwë Hipbu Hirráto Hisherver Hismil Hoinwë Holicon Homed Homúr Horeng Hormed Horni Hornë Hosen Hossë Hostesse Hrilmith Hráto Hrónë Huship Ielion Ielven Ienniends Ilimë Ilótë Imouq Indil Indorge Indossë Ingindor Initë Insody Intir Inwil Inyon Inyávë Iondo Isechor Ishil Isimo Ising Isinë Jesseem Jewem Jewer Jewerwel Jewest Jindi Keemer Keept Khidi Khiry Kiendle Kilim Kinendë Kinetto Kotteri Legolon Leneld Lesil Lesseck Lessil Lewedil Liele Linds Lingbeem Lingendo Lingens Lingë Liond Liondess Lioned Liouq Liset Londiq Londo Lount Luftemesi Luindo Lumenons Lurgil Lámon Lólinwil Lómirië Lómirost Lóridel Lúner Meeben Mehte Mened Mileht Milónë Mindirë Mindorger Mineler Mingivine Minquen Minureed Mirnil Moher Mondow Moonder Morlil Morondil Mosnil Mubil Mudgen Muhdil Munewo Muntur Murnë Mussë Musturil Míright Mírin Míringwë Mírion Ndóred Nellë Nelpeem Nermel Nerus Nesionet Nessë Neyformë Neyindo Niend Nobre Nohee Noion Nomernë Nonsil Nordi Noren Normë Noron Norook Notteldes Nulerel Nísildë Nísir Númed Númel Númelpë Ockly Ofiry Oldil Olielped Olótë Ombetten Ondilduin Ondinelen Ondórë Onsim Orele Orniestif Oronol Oxfor Peerus Peler Pelled Perun Perusni Perónë Pirion Plessë Pluncir Possecil Queef Queem Quelvesto Quencë Quendeh Quron Quáried Reled Rellimoon Rello Remort Rents Reroron Rerron Riccor Rieneloft Rilelil Rilim Rimendil Rinórë Riondoldë Riter Rohil Ronelpil Rátompien Ráton Rúmeht Rúmir Secir Secorë Serulë Sherumo Shiefiry Shilinór Shilmo Shist Shtelen Shuruzi Sicon Sildome Silim Sinwë Siond Sirds Sirnorond Sivinoron Skyed Soder Soody Sormendë Sorto Sostwinds Sought Spinórë Stimiter Stnelve Stollë Stomen Stoodi Strinónë Subil Sudén Suled Sundi Supir Susefuls Sussë Sworis Syerel Teelem Teldo Tendler Tercil Theem Thelrondo Therni Theru Thielder Thopetur Thseil Tiler Tingivin Tinies Tiondil Tiones Tivië Torië Tummirion Tumorri Tures Turni Turnor Turukots Turukr Turumá Túrighty Túril Uillof Uithollë Uivis Ulerey Ulerië Ulron Umbeght Undoror Undúri Unien Ustir Vicor Vicoreor Vindi Vindil Voiont Vorlië Voted Vánoht Wendi Wends Wenduriel Whilover Wifem Winqurië Wiondo Wombë Womed Womet Youse Yuled Yuskinsef Yárider Yáristo Yénid Yénitë Yésuft Yésuh Zeinquë Zendils Zubir Zukor Zukyed Zukyesh Zulih Zulms Írifts Ñgolimë Úneen
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mocha-rebirth · 2 years
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con·tent·ed /kənˈten(t)əd/ adjective happy and at ease; satisfied. A weekend of fullness…full of smiles, community, beauty (both artistic and natural) and ease. Thank you Quron, Glen and Vuong for all that you bring to this work. #bbmoves #content #touring #pride #queer #narrative #dance • @bb.moves Queer Mvmnt Festival + San Diego owes us nothing! Our first company tour in a great while was a beautiful experience. We participated in providing a workshop, two panel discussions and two performances. Our work, “The Sweetness of Sweat” (an extract of “Processing Sugar Notes”), was well received. Thank you @vuonguyen_, @maximalyght and @qualified_q for your visceral and spirited performances. Big Thank You and Congratulations to our new friends @disco_riot, @desdance411 @trystanmerrick on a wonderful festival, which in our opinion will be a first of many. #bbmoves #dance #sugar #sweat #Black #queer #pride #losangeles #sandiego #movement #tour #intimacy #resistance #dancefamily (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZX7DDJoQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jasper-rolls · 4 years
Would you please unblock me on Deviantart, Twitter and Furaffinity please? What happened wasn't my fault, it was MrDrawingLover's fault for harrassing me over one story that I did. I wouldn't do anything to me, please just unblock me already. If this is about me not telling you how old I was when I was joining the character tf server, i'm in my 20's, I was just too shy to enter it on the server.
for my regular followers: sorry, this is some shit that’s like...completely unrelated to anything you would be aware of. this dude has been harassing me on several other sites and i’ve kind of had it. feel free to skip past this post, or...if you care, ask me for more details, but they’re mostly here
i’m gonna clear this up, because you seem to have gotten the completely wrong idea about why i blocked you
i did not block you because i thought you were fatphobic for whatever reason - i’ve never thought that about you and had no reason to. i didn’t block you because of anything mrdrawinglover did, that all came after. the server had nothing to do with it - in fact, as i remember it, we told you that you needed to enter your age, and you left without saying anything. you didn’t have to say it in the server, you could’ve sent a message to the mods and we would have let you in, but frankly i’m glad in the end we didn’t, because the reason i blocked you and have continued to do so was entirely done by your own hand.
the initial reasoning for blocking you was how you acted in the wake of bernadonner no longer wanting to be friends with you and trying to make it at least be a clean break, because you decided instead that you wanted to be vindictive and write creepy stories where you...punish her for that. and don’t pretend those don’t exist because you deleted them or whatever - i saw the tepig one where you use her older username. this isn’t a particularly good way to act, even towards people you hate! it’s deeply creepy and unpleasant. this isn’t how you act when you want people to like you, it sends a message, and the message is “i am vindictive and i will punish you for any perceived slight against myself”. i saw the shit you wrote after she no longer wanted to be friends with you, and i thought, “hm, this guy is kind of weird and creepy. block.” and really, we could’ve just left it there.
but, no, you didn’t want to leave it there, because then you started writing this kind of shit about me and my friends. i saw quron. i saw the rants about me. i saw the weird...fucking, lyrics parodies that did nothing but creep me out. i saw the rants about mrdrawinglover, and the stories you wrote about Definitely Not Him I Swear, and the extended stuff about bernadonner too. i fucking saw you trying to report her to the discord reddit?? what the fuck, dude?? i saw the shit you posted on quora where you re-write the conversations they had with you to make you seem calm and clever and collected while they splutter hypocritically, and i saw the actual conversations they were clearly based on, which really don’t make you look so good, so obviously you’d want to re-write them.
and i know your favourite excuse is “it’s not them because of this minor detail that’s different”, and...man, if you wanna keep believing that excuse for you own sake, then go right ahead, but i’m going to tell you right now: master of subtlety you are not. it is painfully obvious who you are writing about when you write that shit, and it’s not cute either
and that’s enough for a block for life, but then you had to go and rope my boyfriends into it too? acting all simpering and apologetic and trying to butter them up, like they couldn’t just turn to me and ask “hey, what’s the deal with this weird guy?” like i wouldn’t tell them? they have fuck all to do with any of this drama, and i deeply resent that you tried to go around behind my back to them.
i am sick of you trying to evade my blocking you by going to other sites, i’m sick of you trying to harass me and my friends and my boyfriends because you have this fucking unhinged obsession with me. take a fucking hint. stop.
i don’t want to know you, and i don’t want to be friends with you, not when i’ve seen how you treat the people you think are your friends. you’re crying crocodile tears about how sorry and sad you are for what you’ve done, and then maybe a day or so later, if we’re lucky, you keep on being the vindictive little shit you apparently always have been.
that’s why i blocked you, because who would want to be friends with a person like that? i’m fairly sure the only reason anyone deigns to spend time around you is because you hide what an asshole you are from anyone new you meet, re-editing and re-writing and deleting the bad stuff to make you seem like you’ve always been in the right. if anyone cares to ask about the evidence, i have like...plenty of your creepy shit archived and capped. if anyone ever wants to know what a weird little shithead you are, i am flooded with evidence i can show them. you did this to yourself.
don’t talk to me. don’t talk to my boyfriends. don’t talk to my friends. stop contacting us. stop contacting me stop trying to evade blocks, stop trying to act like you’re really sorry when i know you’re going to turn right around and write some other creepy minific that’s Based on a concept, where the concept is me and my friends, and you doing whatever creepy shit you want to do to punish us for daring to slight you.
if you take one lesson from this experience - at the very least, just keep that shit to yourself. like if you have to write it to get it out, then write it, but when you post it publicly, you show your hand as to what a little shithead you really are, and its because you do that that i learned the kind of person you are, and subsequently have absolutely no desire to ever unblock you or have any kind of cordial relationship with you. you dug your own grave. you did this to yourself. the only way this stops happening to you is when you stop doing this shit.
now go...fucking, re-write this or whatever in an sad attempt to make me look bad. whatever you need to do to cope. but just know that you're only winning inside your own head.
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benom6 · 8 months
Be namoz Hukmi Quron Xadisdan dalil
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loonymarshian · 8 months
Tragedy Quron and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Day 1 of #BG3FicFeb - "What was Tav doing when they were abducted?" An introduction to my tav, Tragedy, and a small peek into what her life consisted of prior to her adventures in BG3.
Stepping out of a grand building and onto the streets of Baldur’s Gate, Tragedy yawned and stretched her arms above her head, trying to loosen the stiffness in her back from a long day of research. She’d been back in the Gate for a few weeks, and had yet to find any new leads on the kinds of necromantic magic she was looking for. The library in the Upper City was a helpful resource in seeking out potential liches and other powerful necromancers to consult, but she hadn’t had any luck today and she was exhausted. 
Her last little adventure had proven useful however. Just last month, Tragedy had been able to track down the lair of a powerful lich who had been terrorising a handful of small villages up north. With some effort, in an epic battle of necromancers, she and her hired mercenaries had managed to come out on top, and the young necromancer had made sure to scour the entire lair for the lich’s spellbook and any loose spell scrolls she had yet to use or transcribe. The lich’s spellbook had been rendered unreadable by moss and mildew, much to Tragedy’s disappointment, but there were a few spell scrolls that remained intact and usable. 
All in all, it had been a successful trip - among the lich’s hoard had been a scroll of Blight, and Tragedy had been impatient to get home to her humble apartment in the Lower City so she could transcribe the spell into her grimoire. It wasn’t the most powerful magic she was capable of, but it was the best she’d managed to find in the way of necromancy, unfortunately. Nearly 10 years of research based in this city, and she’d only now found Blight. The world really did make it hard to study necromancy. 
It was understandable, of course. Death, and its associated magics, scared people. But Tragedy thought it was beautiful. The cycle of life and death wasn’t something to shy away from, it was necessary. Her parents had always been insistent that death wasn’t as sad and scary as everyone else seemed to think. After all, her mother was an elf, and would far outlive her human husband and half-elf children.
Well, most of her children were half-elves. 
Tragedy was a tiefling. Her bubblegum pink skin, pointed tail, and slightly curved horns would have been more than enough to distinguish her from her two older siblings, but she also added to the look by dressing mostly in black and smearing plenty of dark makeup over her delicate features. She’d been picked on a bit by the other students at the academy of magic she had attended as a teen (with free tuition too, as her parents were both professors), but her big sister Lariette had always stood up for her and made sure she didn’t feel like she didn’t belong.
Wandering through the streets of Baldur’s Gate as she reminisced, Tragedy hadn’t noticed that she was almost home. Something had snapped her back to reality as she turned the corner onto her street, but she wasn’t sure what, until she heard the bells. She looked up into the fading orange glow of the late evening sky, ready to start slinging spells if necessary, and saw what she could only describe as an abomination. It appeared to be some kind of great skyship, except for the fact that it was covered in undulating tentacles. It took her a moment, but eventually she was able to recall what this beast was - a nautiloid. Mindflayers. What were mindflayers doing in Baldur’s Gate? 
Tragedy gripped the straps of her leather satchel until her knuckles turned white. She was frozen in place for a moment as panic set in, before the screams of her fellow Baldurians cut through the haze. Down the street, a number of long black tentacles slithered their way down alleyways and into side streets, seemingly on the hunt. Each time a tentacle touched someone, they vanished in a puff of smoke, which only made the people around them scream louder.
Finally realising the danger she was in, Tragedy spun on her heel and sprinted up the street to her home. It was still a couple hundred feet away, and those tentacles moved faster than they ought to. The wizard would have been able to cut down the distance some by casting misty step, but in her panicked state she wasn’t thinking clearly, and just kept running instead. 100 feet, 70 feet, 40 feet. She was so close, but she could sense the tentacles catching up. She wasn’t sure if she was going to make it.
The last thing Tragedy saw was the welcoming sight of her front door, her pink, freckled arm reaching out with clawed nails -
And then, nothing.
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444namesplus · 8 months
Aacaz Aadaj Aalae Aatu Aauq Aaviw Abluk Acjot Adar Aebhe Aelnoc Aerec Aexeg Afaa Agib Agkoh Ahdeg Ahzaz Aiead Aiin Aityo Aiwin Almev Ameb Aomuf Aoseq Apem Aqbu Aqfu Aqji Aqvi Aran Arha Aruh Arzub Augdu Aumor Awga Awok Axjas Axxef Bafa Baur Bawih Besla Bessu Beyeq Bifca Bimaw Bireq Biris Biug Bixek Bocul Bufuh Butyor Buup Cajij Canye Cehij Cejbiv Cejir Cenyod Cepec Cite Comni Cujej Cutop Dajja Damfas Daxie Demkuc Deuu Diag Dofo Dogmed Dudoq Ebrac Edqu Eeih Eereu Eesi Efhih Efuj Egil Egooq Egxu Egyuv Ehih Ehiif Ehun Eicip Eipu Ejlu Ekwi Emqi Enbi Enec Eogyij Eohix Eoje Eoni Eopeb Eqic Eqta Erat Erqi Ertu Erum Esav Esju Etda Etuq Eufoq Eumpel Euow Eurus Evgi Evsa Ewod Ewpun Ezag Ezef Fapeu Faqax Feek Fexxit Fifi Fiik Fimup Fohna Foiv Fopeo Fovjo Gakid Gata Gaxra Gazfep Gejaj Getees Gioi Giyow Gueog Guzpom Helik Higluj Hiov Hipoq Hoej Hucbe Husgom Iagtox Iagyuv Iahvun Ianuan Ibter Iciv Icos Idaib Iego Ifqoz Ifse Igal Iibaa Iiqe Iiul Iiziv Ijah Ikoo Ilib Iltiw Imai Imsub Inha Inyix Ione Iosbox Ioseh Iprus Iqgik Irez Irli Irnid Isua Itak Itiv Iuhu Iulon Iuxec Ivjan Ixbev Ixoi Ixok Izef Izki Izwoc Jawno Jeaa Jelek Jeog Jibfog Jigim Jizgu Joua Joue Juroh Juul Juva Kaob Kaul Kavej Kikiv Kiuo Kokuc Kokxi Kowuz Kunul Kuvno Kuyug Lazban Licog Licve Liob Liom Lono Loteb Loun Ludup Luuo Luzu Majnow Masos Mawaj Mawur Meaof Melac Mesgiv Meuw Meya Migo Miyoq Mout Mucel Mukit Nabef Najes Nampol Naok Nauq Nelil Neluej Neno Nevvu Nidoj Nilef Ninud Nite Niuo Nocvo Notej Nuqe Oaeg Oagxic Oaneop Oanmeh Obbi Odeeb Odyub Oete Ofbuh Ogsiw Ohoig Oiaap Ojex Okod Olod Omao Oncej Ondu Onow Onzi Oogu Ooie Opak Opzow Ovgad Oviic Ovit Ovnig Ovoon Owliv Owot Oxcuc Oxnu Oxpil Ozvip Pagbe Pahov Pazgin Pegir Penii Pesa Pijei Pimaa Piux Piyo Poted Pugub Pushug Qaaad Qaaef Qanu Qapa Qeju Qenen Qetot Qikod Qiol Qoduaw Qoit Quar Quron Quxzul Raod Reez Reio Rida Rijer Rolduk Ruan Rujiev Rukow Rulnis Runguc Rupor Saov Sefu Seoz Sewe Sewuq Sibtar Sifoe Sojon Suiut Suxjel Suyo Tanhic Taqec Teqix Tiut Tofo Togoh Toyil Tuya Uaxu Ubgi Ucug Udpi Ueaf Ueldo Uewuh Uhed Uhvuz Uiuuh Uivaiw Uixlap Ujba Ujex Ujie Ujiq Uked Ukom Ukyu Ulti Ulxes Umah Uoftup Uohet Uoog Uozqa Uqguj Usfum Uson Ussok Usum Utar Uuep Uulci Uuxop Uvbu Uwuup Uxae Uxqut Uxuf Uzih Uzni Uzot Uzpo Vacqi Vapux Vesbev Visad Vivib Vupi Waal Weuk Wihob Wokem Wuzya Xakrom Xaqet Xarub Xeuj Xeut Xexup Xicxof Xikan Xizuz Xovav Xudxos Yafqa Yele Yeltu Yetiam Yevud Yeya Yiij Yowwef Yoxuf Yudou Yutez Zalram Zeied Zelow Zepo Zied Ziib Ziscu Zizal Zobheb Zomsa Zozre Zuruw Zuvan
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lowellstephens · 2 years
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mrjellybeanz · 2 years
Howard Law Student Quron Payne Drops Off Latest Visual For "Be Something"
Howard Law Student Quron Payne Drops Off Latest Visual For “Be Something”
Howard Law Student Quron Payne released an inspirational single titled “Be Something” for the dreamers. After taking a break from the music scene, to pursue an education, Quron Payne said, “I always planned on returning to music. It’s my passion. It’s my love. But being astute in the music business has taught me that “education” is an important part of the business”. The multi-talented artist not…
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mocha-rebirth · 2 years
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con·tent·ed /kənˈten(t)əd/ adjective happy and at ease; satisfied. A weekend of fullness…full of smiles, community, beauty (both artistic and natural) and ease. Thank you Quron, Glen and Vuong for all that you bring to this work. #bbmoves #content #touring #pride #queer #narrative #dance • @bb.moves Queer Mvmnt Festival + San Diego owes us nothing! Our first company tour in a great while was a beautiful experience. We participated in providing a workshop, two panel discussions and two performances. Our work, “The Sweetness of Sweat” (an extract of “Processing Sugar Notes”), was well received. Thank you @vuonguyen_, @maximalyght and @qualified_q for your visceral and spirited performances. Big Thank You and Congratulations to our new friends @disco_riot, @desdance411 @trystanmerrick on a wonderful festival, which in our opinion will be a first of many. #bbmoves #dance #sugar #sweat #Black #queer #pride #losangeles #sandiego #movement #tour #intimacy #resistance #dancefamily (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZX7DDJoQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tajviddanqoida · 2 years
#osontajvid #tajvid #tartil #tarteel #learntajvid #learnquran #qiroat #quron #quronikarim #tajviduz #quranrecitation #tajvidquran #tartilquran #tajviddars #tajvidqoidalari #learntoday
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