#Quirky beach towels
noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
"Make This Christmas in July Special with Gingerbread Delights"
"Gingerbread Christmas in July" brings a whimsical twist to summer by infusing the warm-weather months with the cozy charm of winter holidays. This concept playfully merges the spicy sweetness of gingerbread with the sunny vibes of midsummer celebrations.
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Imagine pool parties featuring gingerbread-flavored cocktails or ice cream, and barbecues serving gingerbread-crusted grilled treats. Bakers might create summer-themed gingerbread houses adorned with tiny sunbathers and palm trees instead of snowmen and fir trees.
Decorations could include gingerbread-scented candles in beach-inspired holders, or strings of lights shaped like classic gingerbread men wearing sunglasses and flip-flops. Crafters might design "sand castles" made from gingerbread dough, complete with seashell decorations.
This theme offers a refreshing change for those experiencing holiday fatigue in December, allowing them to celebrate Christmas spirit without the pressure of the actual holiday season. It's an opportunity for creative marketing, unique product launches, and themed events that stand out in the summer calendar.
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"Gingerbread Christmas in July" appeals to those who love the holidays year-round, as well as anyone looking for a novel way to beat the summer heat with a dash of winter whimsy. It's a concept that invites creativity, nostalgia, and a touch of humor to the dog days of summer.
"Funny Beach Summer in July" evokes images of lighthearted seaside antics and comical vacation mishaps during the peak of summer. Picture sunbathers with ridiculous tan lines, beachgoers struggling to apply sunscreen to hard-to-reach spots, and sandcastles that hilariously collapse just as they're finished.
Imagine beach volleyball games where players comically dive for the ball, only to face-plant in the sand. Visualize the chaos of families trying to set up complicated beach umbrellas in gusty winds or the sight of seagulls boldly stealing snacks from unsuspecting tourists.
This concept might include humorous t-shirts with beach puns, inflatable pool toys in absurd shapes, or beach games that inevitably lead to laughter. It's about embracing the joy of summer, complete with melting ice cream cones, awkward tan lines, and the inevitable sand that finds its way into everything.
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Celebrate your love this Christmas with the perfect gift for two. Whether you're looking for something romantic, adventurous, or simply cozy, there's a perfect present out there for every couple.
Experience Gifts: Create lasting memories with shared adventures. Think weekend getaways, spa days, or concert tickets. For thrill-seekers, outdoor gear or experiences are perfect.
Cozy Home Essentials: Transform your space into a love nest. Indulge in plush blankets, scented candles, and cozy loungewear. Board games or puzzles are great for quality time.
Culinary Delights: Share the joy of cooking and dining. Explore gourmet food baskets, wine subscriptions, or cooking classes. For coffee lovers, a stylish coffee maker and assorted beans are a perfect choice.
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Personalized Keepsakes: Express your love with custom gifts. Create personalized artwork, engraved jewelry, or a photo album. For a unique touch, consider monogrammed mugs or blankets.
Tech and Gadgets: Elevate your shared experiences with tech gifts. Explore wireless headphones, smart home devices, or a portable projector for movie nights.
Remember, the best gift reflects your partner's interests and personality. Choose something that shows your love and appreciation. Merry Christmas!
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sheepnerd · 3 months
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Did ewe stub your toe? 😫 Somebody upset ewe? 😡 Pretty sure this “SH*#P” beach towel will get your message across.
Available for purchase
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abeautylives · 2 years
Maybe One More Day
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a/n: This was a little Beach Josh scenario I had cooked up and it got wildly out of control. Oops.
This is set in the summer of 2019, refer to the picture (no seriously, refer to the picture)
pairing: Joshxfemale!reader
word count: just under 5k
summary: Josh has been your best friend for years, and a short beach vacation with the group is about to take a turn.
warnings: 18+ minors stay far away, language, some friendly fluff, allusions to sexual situations, graphic sexual content, unprotected penetrative sex, some pining? unrequited… ya know what, just read it
update: read part 2 here
You bury your toes into the sand as the late afternoon sun beats down on them, the only part of your body not currently shaded by the beach umbrella planted between your chair and Jita’s. Jake's girlfriend is stretched out beside you, curves on perfect display and Sam’s girlfriend is to her right, looking quite like the model that she is. You always find yourself here, rounding out the group to make it an even number, though you’re not anyone’s girlfriend.
Smiling to yourself, you watch as Sam and Jake pass a soccer ball back and forth over the dips and mounds that make up the shoreline, and laugh with the other girls when Jake rounds off a kick that has Sam diving, landing face first in the sand.
In front of you, laying stomach down across a beach towel that’s longer than he is tall, is Josh.
Josh. How would you describe Josh?
Small, quirky, adorable. Probably one of your best friends.
You’ve known the guys for what feels like forever now but it’s closer to almost four years, since you all were practically still kids. Shit, Sam and Danny were actually kids. Growing close with the twins had been easy, and watching them flourish into men and talented musicians has been a pleasure. You feel pretty fortunate that they’ve let you tag along on their journey, which has included meeting girlfriends, and subsequently never talking to them again when they became ex-girlfriends. The group you have now though feels solid, the girls are fun… but you’ll always kind of be one of the guys.
Toes wiggling, sand shifting around and between them, you look down to watch your pastel toenails peek through the surface. Periwinkle. You’d asked his opinion and Josh had chosen the color because he liked the word, then he’d insisted you let him paint them during “film night” the night before you all had left for the beach house.
Lifting your gaze to him, you find him propped up on his elbows, also watching the purpley-blue polish poke through the granules. Never one to miss an opportunity, you kick that same foot out, spraying sand over the top corner of his towel and jerking him violently out of his trance.
“What the hell Y/N!”
“Oops, sorrryyy Joshua!” You’re giggling at him as you pull your foot back and into the shade. “How are you not frying right now? You probably need more sunscreen, your face is red.”
A pink tint is spread over his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose, but he swears to you that he just put some on twenty minutes ago. “Can you do my back though?”
With a dramatic sigh and not without making a spectacle out of lifting yourself from your chair, you grab the sunscreen from your bag and walk to stand over him, your shadow stretching across his body. “You gonna stand up?”
“Just come down here, straddle my butt.”
“Absolutely not,” you feign offense.
“You’re absolutely no fun, my dear,” he jests as he pops up into a crouch then stands, lifting his arms to stretch out the stiffness from leaning on his elbows for too long. You avert your eyes from watching the way his skin moves over his torso as he brings his arms back down and turns his back to you. The sunscreen is rubbed into his warm skin as quickly as possible before you ask him to do yours in return.
When your back is facing him and your hair is gathered and pulled over your shoulder, he squirts it directly onto you from the tube.
“Shit it’s cold!” You jump but he keeps you close with his hands on your shoulders before he starts to rub the lotion in.
He only chuckles at your discomfort, “Sorry princess.” He knows you hate when they call you that. The twins both do it, to get on your nerves, because you’re the exact opposite of a princess. You’ve always held your own, especially with two teenage boys having become your closest friends years ago.
Josh knows that you hate it even more right now, with his hands rubbing firm circles into your skin, his fingers tucked under the straps of your bikini top in front of all of your friends, his family. He moves his hands lower, below the band of your top, to rub the remaining sunscreen into your lower back. The tips of his fingers dip under the top edge of your bikini bottoms and they linger there for just a beat too long before you’re scolding him quietly over your shoulder.
“Josh. That’s enough.”
He drops his hands from you completely and you turn your face back to assess the group’s reactions, but none of them are looking at you. Jake and Sam have laid out on their own towels, Jita is reading and Joy looks like she may have fallen asleep under her umbrella.
“Hey, I’m sorry… Do you wanna go walk down the beach? Would be a shame to waste this fresh sunscreen, let’s find some seashells.” He offers the olive branch with innocence in his voice as you turn back to face him. The look on his face is sheepish, you think to yourself that he looks so boyish, young and guiltless. His curls are grown out and a little wild from the salty breeze and seawater you’ve been living in for the last three days. His skin is glowing, tanned from the sun. How could I say no?
“Yeah, let’s do it. I need more sunscreen though.”
“Want some help?” His smile is full of mischief, his top row of teeth on full display with his bottom lip tucked beneath them, his eyebrows raised suggestively.
“Shut up dummy,” you're smiling with him, laughing at his quip, which is exactly what he wanted. After you feel sufficiently protected from the sun's rays, you call out to the rest of the group. “We’re going for a walk! Anyone wanna join?” You’re met with mumbles and murmurs, an overall “no, go ahead”.
Josh walks ahead of you toward the water and lets the break of the small but steady waves wash over his feet when he reaches it. You stand by his side and do the same when you reach him.
“It’s calm today.”
“It’s perfect. The waves kinda kicked my ass yesterday,” you both snicker a little, remembering Josh getting tossed by one particularly rogue wave that had scooped him off his feet. He hadn’t been able to touch the bottom when he resurfaced. “Let’s walk?”
Nodding your head in agreement, you head south down the beach. Stopping every once in a while to examine a shell, you deem the majority of them unworthy of keeping and move along, chatting easily with each other. You know one another well and conversation has always been comfortable. You pause suddenly, bending down to take a look at a shell that you think has potential and picking it up to show Josh. He disagrees, thinks that the perfect shell is still waiting for you further up the shore. As you agree with him and toss it into the break, you look past him to gauge how far you’ve walked. He glances back to evaluate the distance as well, then turns back to you with a grin. He moves to keep walking and as you fall in step with him, you brush his knuckles with your own. Before your arm can swing forward he grasps your hand, intertwines your fingers, and brings them up to his lips.
After placing a kiss to the back of your hand, he keeps it against his mouth and says, “Thanks for taking a walk with me babe.”
“Of course,” you turn and flash him a beaming smile as you keep strolling, linked together by your joined hands, you think that all of these strangers must assume you’re a couple.
“It’s been difficult to get you alone in that house. Someone is always around, next time we should go somewhere, just the two of us.”
It sounds nice, lovely even, but, “That would seem awfully suspicious, don’t you think?”
“I guess, but… Y/N why don’t we just tell them?”
You and Josh have been sleeping together for maybe six months, no, probably eight by now. It’s been extremely fun, and sneaky, and as far as you can tell it hasn’t changed your friendship at all. That’s all you are, good friends who sometimes see each other naked now.
When you don’t respond, he continues, “I don’t think they would care. And it’s been killing me, you’re walking around in that scrap of fabric you call a swimsuit and I’ve only gotten to take it off of you once, the whole time we’ve been here.” He tugs you closer by your hand and slips his from yours to wrap an arm around your waist. His skin against yours has you feeling hot and you know it’s not from the sun.
“Yeah, but that time was good,” you’re laughing as you think back to two nights ago. Everyone was exhausted from traveling here and hauling their stuff inside, then instantly heading to the beach and spending the whole day in the sun and water. You’d all had the time of your lives, then settled in on the back deck that night, lit only by the ambient light coming from inside the house. You, Joy, Jita and Sam had gotten comfortable in the hot tub while Jake had perched himself onto one of the huge Adirondack chairs, smoked a couple cigarettes and played his acoustic. Josh had joined him and sipped his drink, uncharacteristically quiet.
Two by two, the others had claimed overwhelming tiredness and slipped off to shower and claim their respective shared beds, leaving you and Josh alone in relative silence. The sound of the waves hitting the beach in the darkness had been your only background music. You’d left the hot tub when everyone else did and stood leaning over the railing of the deck, sipping your own drink and watching the moonlight ripple over the ocean.
When Josh had slid up behind you, caging you in with his arms on either side of your body and gripping the bannister beside your own hands, it hadn’t been a surprise. When he’d pressed himself into you with his face nuzzling into your hair until he could reach the bare skin of your shoulder, kissed you there, you hadn’t been shocked. When you could feel him, hard and needy and already rocking his hips against the swell of your ass, you had wanted him too.
He took you there just like that, outside in the moonlight, under the cover of dark and hush of secrecy after sliding the bottoms of your bikini down your legs and slipping himself between them.
“Hmm it was good, it’s better in your bed though. Or on your couch. Or in your shower. Or-“
“I get it!” You reach across yourself to swat a hand at his chest, which he grabs and holds there for just a moment before releasing it. He has you laughing as usual, as he always has even before you’d ventured into this new part of your friendship.
“I’m just saying, they probably wouldn’t care. And if they knew… I could fuck you in a bed later.” He’s dropped the volume of his voice as if anyone around could hear him over the sounds of the water, the atmospheric music from various spots on the beach, the kids playing and digging holes in the sand.
“I’m just not ready yet. I like that it’s just us, it’s just ours. I dunno…” You’re chewing your bottom lip in contemplation. “Let’s give it one more day maybe?”
“Sure, princess. Whatever you want.” He says it affectionately, no sign of disappointment in his tone. “Wanna go swimming? It’s so fucking hot out here.”
You agree easily, you’re sticky and sweating and figure you’ll be heading back to the house once you get back to the others.
Wading into the water, now hand in hand again, you walk out until the small waves are lapping against the bottom of your rib cage.
“C’mere, I need a kiss.” He’s already tugging you to him, lifting you effortlessly in the water and wrapping your legs around his waist. He drops you both down so you’re submerged up to your shoulders.
“Josh, there’s people all over the beach!” You resist but in truth, the beach is starting to clear as the sun begins its descent, your arms are draping themselves over his sun kissed shoulders.
Faces already so close to each other that you can see every freckle that the sun has coaxed from his usually near flawless skin, he says, “They don’t know us, they’re not even looking. Kiss me…”
And you oblige, hardly needing to move closer before your lips are slotted together. His skin is salty from sweat and his earlier dip in the sea and you can taste it on his lips, you open yours and slide just the tip of your tongue over the fullness of his bottom one. A quiet sound akin to a growl rumbles in his throat before his own tongue slips against yours and he deepens the kiss. With his bare chest moving against yours, barely covered by the scrap of fabric you call a swimsuit, floating in the ebbing water you forget for a moment that this is supposed to be a secret. It feels good to be kissing him in the open for once.
The lower halves of your bodies are pressed tight together and you can feel his dick getting hard in his swim trunks.
“Josh…” you break away but stay very close.
“Y/N…” he mimicks. “I could fuck you right here, in front of all these people and they wouldn’t even know. Still our secret.” He presses another quick kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Absolutely not, water sex isn’t even that good anyway and I’m definitely not having ocean water shot up my-“
He cuts you off with his lips, giggling against them.
“You’re vulgar. Fine, but if I don’t get inside you at some point tonight, my vacation is ruined.” With that, he releases the grip he had on your ass, grabs your waist and pulls you below the surface with him.
You’re sputtering and spitting water when you come back up, but you watch as he emerges casually, eyes closed as he runs his hands back over his hair, pushing all of it away from his face. Maybe he’s onto something. He looks beautiful like this, totally in his element in every version of nature, and you’re not sure when exactly you started to see him that way.
He’d made the first move that pushed you toward the place you find yourself now. It had been a night of celebration, the guys had just found out their album had been nominated for a Grammy and regardless of their nonchalance about it, excitement had been high and drinks were being handed out and passed around their parents’ home. Out on the back porch, he’d watched Jake go back inside after the three of you had smoked, you and Josh having shared a cigarette. Once the door was closed, he’d offered you the last hit and then taken it when you declined. Very focused on where he was stubbing the butt out on the wooden railing, he asked you simply, “Hey Y/N… you ever hooked up with a rockstar?”
It was a joke, but it had taken little effort to transition it into a serious proposition. Your curiosity had gotten the best of you and combined with the affection you’d always felt for him, you’d let him kiss you there in the cold. Then you’d let him sneak you back inside, past the slightly inebriated members of his family, and up into his bedroom. It was there that he truly surprised you with talented fingers and a skilled tongue, and an honestly perfect cock. Beautiful, even. You should’ve known, based on the rest of him. I guess that was when I started to see him that way.
“Ready to head back?” He’s watching you watch him, you think he can probably read exactly where your thoughts have wandered off to.
Leaving the water, you ring as much of it out of your hair as you can and comb it out with your fingers as you walk before reaching down to hold Josh’s hand in yours again. You spend most of the journey back in comfortable silence, each thinking about the other in only slightly different ways. You’re trying to figure out how you can get him in your bed later; he’s wondering if you’ll give in and let him tell the others about your little situation, so he doesn’t have to sneak into your bed later.
You’ve almost reached the part of the beach where the rest of your group is camped out before you realize you’re still holding hands. Snatching yours out of his more abruptly than you intend to, you quickly meet his eyes. “Josh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
He cuts off your apology with a shake of his head, a gentle smile gracing his lips. “It’s fine, princess.” He’s not upset and you’re not embarrassed. You’re just not… ready.
You reach the others as they’ve started to pack up, the sun dipping farther to the west quickly.
“Jesus, I thought you guys got kidnapped, or eaten by a shark. I was hoping it was the shark,” Sam offers up his speculation on why you’ve been gone so long. “Help us grab this shit, I’m starving.”
Once you’ve made it back to the house you each take turns rinsing off in the outdoor shower, the couples hopping in as pairs to save time. When they’re done, Josh lets you go in before him as the others migrate indoors to start prepping dinner. From outside the wooden shower stall, Josh speaks so quietly you can barely hear him over the sound of the water hitting the concrete at your feet.
“Can I rinse off with you? No one’s out here. They probably wouldn’t even think it’s weird anyway…”
You pop your head out from behind the plastic curtain to find him leaned against the stall and he raises his head up immediately. The look on your face is one he appreciates, you look like you’re up to no good. A hand shoots out to grab the front of his swim trunks, fingers instantly tucking into the waist and pulling him past the curtain and into the stall, your mouth seeks his out as you pull your bodies under the stream of tepid water. He’s kissing you without question, never passing up an opportunity to have his lips, tongue or teeth on you.
Pulling away, breathless, your hands are already moving to untie his trunks.
“Whoa whoa, out here? They’re waiting on us ohh fuck.” He cuts his concerns short when your hand, now down the front of his shorts, grips his half-hard dick. You give it a few strokes, you need him all the way there.
“You better make it quick then, huh Josh?” You murmur into his ear.
It’s not his favorite way to do things, but you’re persuasive. “Ah, heh, yeah okay,” he stammers out as you continue to work him with firm strokes, now fully hard against your palm. “There’s- shit, we don’t have enough time for me to get you off.”
“Don’t care, later, fuck me or get out.” It’s the last thing you’d want, for him to leave now. You know he won’t. His hands are at your hips instantly, pushing you back against the wood and untying the strings that hold your bikini bottoms together, letting them fall to the ground; you’re pushing his shorts down his body just enough to allow his cock to spring free.
“Let me touch you first, make you feel good.”
“I’m ready, c’mon-“
“Shut up, Jesus okay.” Reaching down he cups you with his hand anyway, before sliding his first two fingers through your lips and finding that you’re correct. His eyes shoot up from watching his own hand, to your face.
Your eyebrow quirks up, a smirk on your face. “I told you. Let’s do this, hurry up.”
He slips his fingers through you one more time before rubbing the slickness of your arousal over the head of his now throbbing dick. “Okay come here,” he reaches down again, this time to grip the back of your thigh and lift your leg to wrap around his hip. His other hand has found the side of your neck where it slips back into your hair and holds tight. Forehead pressed against yours, you’re both looking down, watching as he steps forward just a bit and moves his hips in toward you. One of your hands is on his shoulder and you slide it up to tangle your fingers into his curls, the same way he’s done to yours. Your other hand moves down between your bodies to grip him again, guide the tip through your wetness once and line him up with you.
He pushes his hips into you again, his cock sliding easily past your entrance and bottoming out with a thrust and a quiet grunt let out through his nose. He wishes he could savor the moment like he usually does but you’ve already demanded urgency from him, so as you both continue to watch where your bodies are connected, he begins pumping into you rapidly.
“Just like that, don’t stop,” you’d been a little desperate to have him inside you since your moment in the ocean, the feeling is electric enough to hold you over until you can get him alone again. “It’s so good, fuuuck!”
He pulls his hand from your hair and slaps it across your mouth. Your praise has only encouraged him to go harder, faster, but you’re too loud. “Wish I could do better but you’re fucking rushing me,” he spits out but doesn’t break his rhythm. He’s already close, wishing he had the freedom to hear all the pretty sounds he’s used to drawing from you. “Tell me where you want me, where do you want me to cum? Quietly,” his tone has your eyes meeting his and you nod your head in understanding so he removes his hand from your face then shoves it back into your hair.
“Inside,” you whisper, out of breath.
“God you’re perfect,” he grunts out and thrusts hard, only a few more times before he’s spilling deep inside you, his hips pushed flush against yours and his head dropped to your shoulder.
“Mm I know I am,” you joke, slipping your hand down from his hair and running it down his spine, causing him to shiver under your touch. With a soft tap to his butt before dropping your leg from his hip you add, “you’re not so bad yourself.”
You're both laughing quietly, as always the tone is lighthearted, even when he’s easing himself from your cunt. It’s never that serious.
“Let’s get cleaned up handsome, I’m starving now too.”
“What the fuck is taking you guys so long to do anything today?” Jake is the first to call you out once you’re walking into the kitchen. Damn I really thought that was a quickie.
“My hair was disgusting from the saltwater, needed some extra tender loving care Jakey. You understand, I’m sure,” you’re brushing him off but you throw a wink Josh’s way. Otherwise occupied, Jake doesn’t see it.
“Sure princess, so what’s the annoying one’s excuse?”
You scoff in faux offense for your friend. “He is not annoying, he was being responsible enough to rinse the sand and saltwater off of all of your belongings!” Hoping that’s a decent enough cover, and also tiring of the discourse you leave it at that and ask the girls what you can help with after you change. Running up to your room for a clean t-shirt, you remove your bikini top and throw the shirt on, coming back to assist in just that and your bottoms. Everyone else’s state of dress or undress is pretty similar.
Dinner is casual, most of you eat sitting at the kitchen island while Sam opts to stand against the counter and eat from his plate while it’s still sitting in his hand. You all stay in position as the food disappears and the drinks begin flowing freely. You’re a few glasses into a bottle of red wine, various other bottles litter the island. More wine, clear liquors, dark liquors - everyone is sipping on their drink of choice. Conversation flows easily, usually multiple happening at once and currently you’re telling the girls a story about something or another from when you’d first met the guys. Having picked up on Josh’s dramatic flair over the years, your storytelling is animated and wild, earning genuine laughter from everyone.
Except Josh.
You hadn’t noticed that he didn’t return to his chair after slipping back into the room from a trip to the bathroom. Instead he’d moved through the kitchen and past the island altogether, taking a seat in a chair at the unused dining table. He’s turned the chair so he’s still within the sphere of the group but on the outskirts enough, behind you and slightly to your left, that he feels like an observer more so than an active participant. That’s what he wants, to observe you, watch you blend so flawlessly into his life - making his brothers laugh, making their partners feel included. He’s intrigued by your talent for storytelling, though some of the punchlines are at his expense. He’s in awe of your appearance - carefree and beautiful in his eyes, sun kissed skin and hair wavy from the salt and sea.
You hadn’t noticed him sitting back there, but someone had.
Jake is across the island from you, leaned against the kitchen counter an arm’s length or so from Sam. He’s been enthralled in your tale, though he’d lived the story in real time, but he notices Josh walk by and past the rest of you when he returns. He watches over your shoulder as his twin takes a seat at the table and doesn’t take his eyes off of your back. He catches it when you stand from your seat, reenacting something with your whole body, as Josh’s gaze lands on your still exposed legs and, Jake can only imagine, your ass cheeks peeking out from under your oversized shirt as you move.
Huh. Isn’t this an interesting development?
He’s missed what you said but everyone around the island laughs suddenly, so Jake uses this opening to excuse himself. “Hey Josh, join me for a smoke?”
Josh doesn’t respond, doesn’t even acknowledge that he’s heard his brother speak.
“Josh. Smoke?” Josh reacts this time, shaking out of his silent contemplation and standing to follow Jake out the door to the deck. You react too, Jake having raised his voice to get Josh’s attention. You watch them head outside and move down the deck, out of view before you pour yourself another glass and listen as Sam is now elaborating on something you’d said.
Outside, Jake offers his twin a cigarette and lights them both when he accepts, passing one to him. Josh is leaned back in an Adirondack while Jake posts up against the railing across from him, examining his face closely.
“What are you staring at?”
“Hm, I could’ve asked you the same, inside just now. What were you staring at?”
Josh’s face blanks, rid of any type of reaction, but it’s too late.
“What’s going on with you and Y/N?”
There’s panic rising to the surface, only because Josh knows you don’t want the rest of them to know about you guys. Yet. “What are you talking about Jake?”
“Don’t give me that shit, you’ve been staring at her like you want to eat her alive. It’s so obvious, I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner. How long has this been-“
“Nothing is going on.”
“You’re fucking lying,” Jake’s not believing a word of it, he knows his brother better than he knows himself sometimes. “Are you fucking her, or do you just want to?”
“She’s my best friend-“
“Not what I asked. Also, irrelevant. So which is it?”
Josh looks away, past Jake, up at the moon. It’s not sitting in the same place in the sky as it had been when he’d been alone with you out here, too early in the night still.
“Well? Are you fucking her? How long?”
Josh drops his eyes back to his twin’s face, so similar to his own, and sighs. He’s not getting out of this, and he almost doesn’t want to. He can feel the relief within reach, at the tips of his fingers, the release that he’ll feel once the words leave his lips.
On a whisper almost so quiet that Jake doesn’t hear it, he lets it go.
“Eight months.”
“EIGHT MONTHS?” Jake whisper-yells, his eyes bulging out of his skull.
“Eight months, two weeks and three days.”
Oh. Ohhh.
They sit in silence for a few long moments.
“How long have you been in love with her?”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Idiot.
Josh leans forward in the chair, elbows on his knees and drops his head into his hands. He rubs them over his face a few times then back over his hair, curls flopping back over his forehead.
“A long fucking time, Jake.”
Part 2 🤍
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midwest-quill · 4 months
chat hear me out… DPS at a waterpark! (if it hasn’t been done)
Thank you for this cool idea!!
Anyways thank you for giving me some ideas like that’s so kind of youu 🫶🫶
If the poets visited a waterpark!
Neil: He is the one who will make fake excuse to his parents just to come with everyone else. He would take aLOT of pictures (guess who would be the subject in most of them! 🤭) Also you would probably see him drinking a fresh coconut juice (I need someone to draw this please)
Todd: Would probably stay in the poolside where there are less people… He is a decent swimmer for me but I think he would just prefer sitting by the poolside instead of having to communicate with some strangers
Charlie: Looking for his next victim (someone to flirt with, he is such a quirky bisexual) probably good at entertaining the elder people he sees! Would do canonball ALOT and will always go to the longest slides
Knox: Probably just laying down in a pool lounge chair with a sunglasess and a complete set of sunscreen, other shades of glasses, floaties and etc. Stack of canned drinks are besides him waiting to be taken to the trash can
Pitts: Probably the one who would still have their head up on the deepest part of the pool and he would often try pulling everyone’s bottom just to play with them and would challenge Neil, Meeks, Charlie and Cameron on who would last longer under the water
Meeks: Idk but he would probably wear a rashguard and swimming trunks that covers his entire body (would probably also wear goggles??) The first one to get out of the pool once they get too tired and you would see him wrapped in a towel drinking something!
Cameron: Does freestyle as if he was at the contest and would menacingly laugh if he saw someone that could be drowning (Yeah he’s a bit mean in my headcanons) Pitts would also probably drag him down 😭😭
That is all I have for this I think, I haven’t really tried visiting a waterpark since we only visit resorts and beaches which.. has no slides at all 😔😔 so pardon me if somethings actually takes place in a different area I have no experience at waterparks at all HAVDJBSJSBSJNS
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qe-podfic · 6 months
Check out @lexarturo's FUNKTACULAR cover illustration for Chapter 1 of Quantum Entangled.
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Excerpt below cut:
Gosh, he was late! Anathema—Aziraphale’s formidable but quirky supervisor—was going to wring his neck like a repressed housewife in the 1960s, squeezing the last remnants of dirty dishwater out of a hand towel. Only, instead of soap bubbles, it would be Aziraphale’s bloodied guts spilling out onto the linoleum floor. Anathema was a kind young lady, but there was an unmistakable fire in her eyes. It was the fire of a girl who had gotten her doctorate in her mid-twenties. And, with nowhere else for her limitless passion—and it had to be limitless, because writing a PhD at forty wasn’t an easy feat; doing the same, in half the time, required about as much mental fortitude as one might expect (ergo limitless)—to go, she had adopted Aziraphale as a kind of pet project. If you knew her, and you were gifted with any sense of self-preservation, no matter how small, you wouldn’t willingly get between Anathema and her latest pet project.
Aziraphale was currently getting in between Anathema and her latest pet project.
Never mind that he was the pet project, he wouldn’t put it past her to learn the lost art of necromancy in the wake of his recently corpse-ified body, post-murder on account of tardiness. A trivial little thing like death couldn’t put a stop to Anathema Device. Perish the thought!  Supposedly—on account of some author or another—there were only two constants in life; death and taxes. The first of these we’ve already discussed. The second, according to Aziraphale’s blurry memories of the Device estate and its subsequent callous disregard for bookkeeping—books of prophecy excluded—was no obstacle either. In the wake of such revelations, Aziraphale wished to propose an amendment to the popular idiom. There were only two constants in life; ‘were’ being the preliminary condition. Because, once Anathema Device was born, death and taxes both tendered their resignations and held hands while they skipped gleefully into the sunset. Aziraphale hoped they had a holiday house, somewhere near the beach, where they could grow old together. He would do the same if he didn’t fear Anathema finding his proverbial vacation-inn and thoroughly beating the—proverbial or otherwise, Anathema wasn’t much fussed—ever loving crap out of him.
The dark storm cloud of his—Anathema themed—violent musings had brought Aziraphale all the way to the faculty staff room. Its thin pine door was a wooden board lacking stature, opulence, and foreboding, but trying its best to make up for it by acting as the sole barrier between Anathema Device and the outside world. It was a futile effort as Aziraphale, easy as anything, pushed it open—the lock had broken an indeterminate number of months prior, and no one was bothered enough to do anything about it—entering the domain of his supervisor.
“Ana? I know I’m late, but I’m here now if that counts for anything!” Aziraphale called, wafting the gift of crappy university coffee towards the hunched pile of sweaters sitting at Anathema’s desk. The sweater pile turned to look at him, revealing circular spectacles that enlarged the eyes beneath them. Her elk-fur coloured irises, blown out to proportions more fitting for an alien, or an animated bug in a Disney classic, were not tempered by the human habit of blinking. Anathema had mastered the unmoved stare by the age of four, she was not going to let her streak—almost three decades unbroken—end now.
“Aziraphale,” she said in a tone that implied that it could list your sins verbatim, without need nor want for breath. There was a moment of silence. Then, unlike herself, she sighed.
“You don’t even have a paper for me to demand a draft of yet. Neither of us have any work to do. For all intents and purposes, this is a social call. You can’t be late to a social call, Azzy. It begins precisely when it does, with no interest in the time it was planned for.”  Anathema explained, making Aziraphale feel a mite foolish, as she was often wont to do. Having deposited the lukewarm beverage onto her workspace anyway, he made himself comfortable in the cubicle-desk hybrid opposite her; where she was regarding the cup with the conditioned wariness of someone who had already known the taste of the grim sludge TadU had taken to calling ‘coffee’ these days. Her first sip wrestled a grimace onto her typically calm features, but by the time the second sip hit her tongue, she had acclimatised to the amalgamation before her. She continued drinking it, her exterior, at least, affecting unperturbed. Anathema was always more for the content than the aesthetics. In this case, the content was caffeine and the aesthetic was the offensive chemical concoction that contained said caffeine.
“I spoke with Crowley today,” Aziraphale remarked, apropos of nothing.
Anathema hummed appropriately, if not disinterestedly, before actually processing what he had said.
“The thesis guy you were so excited about? The one with the dissertation on primate social behaviours and their implications for modern notions of evolution?” Anathema probed, suddenly interested in the conversation.
“The very same.” 
“Holy fuck, Azzy. You’ve had the biggest crush—” Her words were interrupted by the swift interjection of one—rather embarrassed—A.Z. Fell.
“Academic crush. I value his unique perspectives,” he didn’t need to say more on the matter. It was a well trodden argument.
“Fine, you’ve had the biggest academic crush—” She coughed something that sounded an awful lot like ‘bullshit’ before continuing. Aziraphale offered her his handkerchief, regardless. Politeness was something he prided himself on, even when his friends were being obstinate hecklers.
“—on him for ages! This is big news! What did he say?”
Aziraphale floundered for a moment, unsure how to distil their brief meeting into something comprehensible. While most of Aziraphale’s conversations strayed into the territory of ‘a bit odd’, his exchange with Crowley was more than ‘a bit odd’ even by his—somewhat unusual—standards. No, the banter between him and Crowley ventured past the ballpark of ‘a bit odd’, beyond the neighbourhood of ‘somewhat peculiar’, and landed straight in the realm of ‘Weird Nerds saying Weird Nerd Things’—capitals included. Not that Anathema wasn’t a Weird Nerd herself, it was just that her particular brand of Weird Nerd veered more towards occult philosophy and historical chronology than it did towards quantum mechanics.
“He recognised me, actually. He mentioned my Master’s in passing and even asked for my number.”
Anathema knew all about Aziraphale’s MDiv, having friended him doing a joint research project on the Salem Witch Trials. This meant that she also knew, more intimately than most, how utterly boring his thesis was. Well, boring to anyone who wasn’t specifically that brand of Weird Nerd. It both surprised her and didn’t surprise her that Crowley was exactly that brand of Weird Nerd. Surely, for as prolific and expansive a researcher as Dr. A.J. Crowley was, it wouldn’t be beyond justification that his interests swept the dusty niche of Pauline Christian theology. But, on the other hand, it simply didn’t fit the vague sense of academic identity he carved out for himself. His debonair leather jackets and faux-suave saunter never seemed like a natural counterpart to the stuffy rigmarole of pastoral philosophy.
“Did he ask for your number? Or did you bluster your way into his contacts?” Her tone was suspicious, and not unwarranted. Aziraphale had—mostly by accident—ambushed himself into the texting roster of many a fellow bar patron, classmate, and—on one notable occasion—a critical care nurse. It was an unfortunate habit of his, coercing people into adding him as a new contact. Therefore, Anathema was not unfounded in her doubts.
Finding himself unwilling to explain it, Aziraphale just handed her his phone. Letting Anathema draw her own conclusions was often the best option available when she scented a curiosity. Upon viewing, she grimaced. First at Crowley’s comment about wanking on Bohr’s grave, and then at something she alone could parse. It was the kind of double take that only she could do. One where the art of it was that she could present the aura of looking away without actually taking her eyes off of the chat logs.
“He sends an awful lot of kisses, doesn’t he?” was the sole comment she graced him with.
“I think that’s just how he types,” Aziraphale returned, for lack of a more poignant remark. Anathema nodded solemnly, like the text chain in front of her was instead a trial record straight out of Salem. It was oddly familiar, an absurd echo from their early post-grad.
“Angel?” Anathema questioned—something wicked about her—as she reread the nickname, thinking that she might have misinterpreted.
“Oh! I’m afraid that’s an in-joke of a sort. Nothing as untoward as what you’re implying, dear girl! Ho ha!” Aziraphale chuckled with the odd inflection of a bad liar, even though he wasn’t—technically—lying.
“Sure.” Anathema snorted, as unconvinced as a woman of her intelligence should be when faced with such an awful performance. 
It was in the ensuing silence (an intentional silence, on Anathema’s part—she could break even the toughest of method actors with her intentional silences) that the telltale ‘bzzt’ of Aziraphale’s phone brought news of an incoming text. Faster than Aziraphale by whatever metric you wished to measure them—other than, perhaps, the metric of who could devour a pie, éclair, or other sweet treat fastest—Anathema ducked under the desk to read what she hoped to be another message from Crowley. Lady luck, as it appeared, was on her side (or was just pissed with Aziraphale for no particular reason).
“Angel?” she recited with all the dramatic flair of a thousand William Shatners thrown into a Kugelblitz black hole.
“Did your supervisor…” she paused for effect, and also to kick away Aziraphale’s reaching hands as he tried desperately to get the phone back.
“Actually kill you?!” she squealed, peals of laughter interrupting her very serious and not-at-all-over-acted sobs. Steadying herself with a slow breath, she retreated further into the cubicle half of the cubicle-desk hybrid.
“I might just have to avenge your death,” she read, voice gravelly as she felt the ‘script’—or ‘Aziraphale’s private texts’ depending on whom you asked—required it.
“—if they’ve truly gone and skinned you alive.” The message ended with two obscenely wet kissy sounds, paying homage to Crowley’s typical sign-off. Then, prim and proper as anything, she got up from the floor under her desk and handed Aziraphale his phone back. She had the grace not to laugh outright as he hastily scoured the message with greedy eyes of his own.
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trendinbags01 · 3 months
Tote It Up: 5 Stylish Ways to Rock Your Tote Bag
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Tote bags for women are more than just shopping bags. They've transcended their utilitarian origins to become a fashion staple. With their spacious interiors, comfortable handles, and endless design possibilities, tote bags offer a perfect blend of practicality and style.
The core appeal of tote bags lies in their functionality. They are the ultimate carry-all companions, ideal for everyday errands, work commutes, or weekend adventures. Whether you need to pack your laptop for the office, groceries for the week, or a beach towel and sunscreen, a tote bag can handle it all. Their open design allows for easy access to your belongings, and the wide, sturdy straps ensure comfortable carrying, even for heavy loads.
5 Wys to Style your Tote Bgas: 
Dress Up Your Denim: Pair a classic canvas tote in a neutral shade, like beige or cream, with your favorite pair of jeans. Elevate the look with a crisp white button-down shirt tucked in and a pair of pointed flats. Add a pop of color with a statement necklace or a brightly colored scarf tied around the tote's handles. This is a perfect outfit for a casual brunch or a day of shopping.
Monochrome Magic: Create a sleek and sophisticated look by playing with a monochromatic color scheme. Opt for a black tote bag and pair it with a head-to-toe black outfit – think tailored trousers, a black turtleneck, and pointed pumps. Break the monochrome with a pop of texture, like a chunky knit cardigan or a faux fur vest. This outfit is perfect for a work meeting or a night out at a fancy restaurant.
Play with Prints and Patterns: Don't shy away from a patterned tote! A tote with a bold floral print, geometric design, or quirky slogan can be the star of the show. Keep the rest of your outfit simple – a solid-colored dress or a plain t-shirt and jeans – to let the tote bag take center stage. Finish off with a pair of sneakers for a casual vibe or some statement sandals for a dressier look.
Beyond the Basics
While the classic tote bag design reigns supreme, there are variations to cater to specific needs. Some totes come with zipper closures for added security, while others feature interior compartments and pockets to help you stay organized. Detachable straps allow you to switch between a shoulder bag and a tote, offering versatility in how you carry it.
Styling Your Tote Bag
The beauty of tote bags lies in their ability to complement a wide range of styles. Here are some tips on how to incorporate them into your wardrobe:
Casual Chic: Pair a roomy canvas tote with your favorite jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers for a laid-back yet stylish look.
Work Ready: Opt for a structured tote in leather or a sturdy woven material for a professional vibe. Team it with a tailored skirt or trousers and a crisp blouse.
Weekend Vibes: A brightly colored or patterned tote can add a pop of fun to your weekend outfit. Throw it on with a breezy maxi dress or a cute romper for a carefree feel.
Night Out: Don't underestimate the power of a small, elegant tote for an evening out. Choose a sleek leather tote in a rich color or one embellished with metallic accents to add a touch of sophistication to your look.
Tote bags by Bags Etcetera are more than just a passing trend. They are a timeless investment piece that offers both practicality and style. With their durability, versatility, and endless design options, tote bags are sure to become a staple in your wardrobe for years to come. So ditch the flimsy plastic bags and embrace the girls tote bags – a bag that's as fashionable as it is functional.
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ronaldanthony4 · 3 months
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The week had been a whirlwind of activity. Each day brought a fresh burst of energy and creativity, making the hours blur. Amidst this bustling schedule, I found myself yearning for a project that would allow me to delve deeper into character design. I wanted to study the outfits of my original characters (OCs) and create a new digital artwork. The characters in question were the female members of a close-knit group of friends known as ASLEEP. Sandra, Liliana, Evelyn, Ella, and Penny were the dynamic, vibrant personalities who, along with their only male friend, Arlon, made up this intriguing ensemble.
My focus was on a specific kind of attire for this project: the pareo. The pareo, also known by some as a sarong, is a piece of fabric that can be wrapped around the body in numerous ways. For this artwork, I envisioned the girls wearing pareos that were plain and simple, unlike the patterned ones often seen in tropical settings. These fabrics, while resembling towels in their form, were thin and fluffy, offering a different texture and appearance compared to the thick bath towels we use daily.
I already had the croquis which I drew last March, the basic outlines of my characters. With each stroke, I brought Sandra, Liliana, Evelyn, Ella, and Penny to life. The process of superimposing the pareos onto the croquis was both challenging and exhilarating. I had to ensure that the fabric draped naturally around their torsos, much like a towel would. The girls were experts at wearing pareos in different styles, but for this piece, I wanted to focus on a simple wrap around the torso. This style exposed their shoulders and arms, giving them a daring, yet elegant look.
The gang of girls often wore pareos during their summer retreats. These were times of relaxation and fun, where the carefree atmosphere allowed them to experiment with their clothing. Although they owned both long and short pareos, they preferred the shorter ones for their comfort and ease of movement. The shorter pareos accentuated their youthful, playful nature, making them ideal for their day outs and night outs. The vibrant colours and patterns of the pareos added a touch of personality to each girl's outfit, reflecting their styles.
As I worked on the digital artwork, I recalled how pareos had featured in some of my previous pieces. Some were inspired by some of the paintings of Léon François Comerre and Vladimir Gusev. Both artists influenced my style and approach to portraying fabric in my art. Drawing inspiration from these masters, I paid careful attention to the details of the pareos. The way the fabric folded and fell, the subtle play of light and shadow, and the texture of the material—all these elements were crucial in bringing the artwork to life.
Sandra’s pareo was wrapped tightly around her torso, highlighting her confident posture. Liliana’s pareo had a softer drape, reflecting her gentle and introspective nature. Evelyn’s pareo was tied in a way that allowed for easy movement, perfect for her active lifestyle. Ella’s pareo had an artistic flair, with one side slightly longer, creating a cascading effect. Penny’s pareo was tied in a quirky, unconventional manner, mirroring her inventive spirit. All had a solid colour, simple and elegant, reflecting their classic style.
As the artwork began to take shape, I could see the personalities of Sandra, Liliana, Evelyn, Ella, and Penny shining through. The simple act of wrapping a piece of fabric around their bodies revealed so much about who they were. It was a testament to the power of clothing in character design—a visual language that spoke volumes without the need for words. Each girl's unique approach to styling the pareo showcased their individuality and creativity, making them stand out in their way. The way they effortlessly incorporated their personal touch into something as simple as a beach cover-up was truly inspiring.
Creating this digital artwork was a deeply satisfying experience. It allowed me to explore the intricacies of character design and the role of clothing in storytelling. The pareos, in their simplicity, provided a canvas for me to highlight the unique qualities of each character. Through this project, I gained a deeper appreciation for the art of draping fabric and the subtle nuances that make each character come alive. I also learned how small details in clothing can speak volumes about a character's personality and background.
In the end, the artwork stood as a testament to the creativity and individuality of Sandra, Liliana, Evelyn, Ella, and Penny. The pareos, though plain and simple, were a powerful tool in conveying their personalities and stories. As I looked at the finished piece, I felt a sense of accomplishment and joy. It was a reminder of why I loved creating art—the ability to bring characters to life and tell their stories through every brushstroke and pixel. To be able to share that joy with others was truly special.
Reflecting on this journey, I realised that art is not just about the final product but also about the process of creation. Each step, from the initial sketch to the final digital rendering, was a part of the narrative. It was a journey of discovery, both for myself and for the characters I brought to life. The week-long tour of activities had culminated in a piece of art that was more than just an image—it was a story, a glimpse into the world of ASLEEP, and a celebration of the beauty of simplicity.
As I prepared to share this artwork with the world, I felt a sense of pride and fulfilment. The girls of ASLEEP, with their plain pareos and vibrant personalities, were ready to make their debut. Through this project, not only did I create a piece of art but also deepened my connection with my characters and the world they inhabited. In doing so, I also discovered a new facet of my artistic journey—a journey that continues to evolve with each new project and each new story waiting to be told.
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Our 6 Favourite Beaches in the South East
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With the temperature rising and summer nearly upon us – who doesn’t love a trip to the coast. Here are our favourite spots.
Camber Sands, East Sussex
Camber Sands is a truly gorgeous stretch of golden beach and sand dunes. At nearly 5 miles long, there will always be somewhere to lay your beach towel. The best section of beach is the western end, near where the River Rother empties into the sea. Here it is wall to wall sand, whilst further along the beach it becomes more shingly.
It’s a popular windsurfing / kite-surfing spot which might suggest it is worth packing a windbreak! Despite its fantastic natural assets, Camber Sands remains largely unspoilt. For the larger part of the year, there is a good chance of finding some solitude here and even in the height of summer the crowds are bearable.
Dog friendly? – Dogs are allowed all year but between May and September they must be on a lead and restricted between beach Zones F & H.
Travel time – Approx 1hr 30mins from RH2
West Wittering, West Sussex
A firm favourite with most of the office is the beautiful beach at West Wittering. Unfortunately, it is also a firm favourite with most of the south-east so make sure you set off early to avoid the traffic.
Offering wonderful views of Chichester Harbour and the South Downs beyond, the natural and unspoilt sandy beach of West Wittering is the perfect spot for a day at the beach. The extensive acres of neatly mown grass close to the beach are perfect for parking and picnics. The sea is popular with wind and kite surfers, while shallow lagoons are left on extensive sandy flats at low tide. The whole area is internationally recognised for its wildlife, birds and unique beauty.
Dog friendly? Bins are provided and dog free zones are in place from May to September.
Travel time – Approx 1hr 30mins from RH2
Ferring, West Sussex
This is one of our closest beaches and it’s a real hidden gem. Located between Worthing and Goring on the Sussex coast, Ferring is primarily a pebbly beach but if you go at low tide the sands seem to go on for miles. The beach starts at the Bluebird Cafe a great spot for brunch / lunch or a sundowner – you can also park here. The beach is very dog friendly with no restrictions at any time of year. This part of the coast is popular with kitesurfers and windsurfers and you can swim here. There are no lifeguards on duty, but coastal wardens are on patrol in the holidays. You can ride horses on this beach, and you will often see them riding along the seashore.
Dog friendly? Yep!
Travel time – About 50mins from RH2
Broadstairs, Kent
On the East Coast of Kent Broadstairs is a gem a town, full of seaside charm mixed with seaside chic and it boasts an impressive seven sand-filled beaches and bays. Head to Joss Bay to learn to surf, or rural Botany Bay to saunter amid towering chalk stacks. At the town’s main beach, Viking Bay, discover children’s rides, beach huts, Kent Surf School, a harbour and cliff-top promenade. Check out Morellis, the retro ice cream parlour along the promenade which has been open since 1932.
Dog friendly? During the summer months there are time restrictions on most of the beaches between 10am-6pm
Travel time – About 1hr 30 from RH2
Whitstable, Kent
The chic seaside town of Whitstable, on the North Kent Coast, has been a longtime favourite location for Londoners to get away from it all. The beach itself is a long stretch of shingle divided up by wooden groynes. It runs from just south of the town’s harbour to neighbouring Seasalter -a distance of around a mile, where you will find the The Sportsman, the well renowned and Michelin starred pub.
Despite the lack of sand Whitstable is still a fantastic spot. It represents the best of the traditional British seaside; not piers and donkey rides, but quirkiness and charm. There are beach huts, weatherboard cottages, fishing boats pulled up on the beach and the Neptune pub sits practically on the beach. There are a few other places to grab a bite to eat along the beach too, including the Whitstable Oyster Company restaurant if you fancy something a little upmarket.
Whitstable beach is popular for windsurfing and sailing, with the Whitstable Yacht Club located at the northern end.
To top this all off Whitstable beach faces west meaning it is a great place to catch a sunset.
Dog friendly? Yep!
Travel time – About 1hr 30 from RH2
Dungeness, Kent
Don’t expect your usual ‘beach trip’ as it’s impossible to escape the sense of having reached the end of the world when you get to Dungeness. This tiny fishing town, at the southernmost point of Kent, is very different from the ‘Garden of England’ of the imagination. Instead of bucolic homes and village greens, you’ll find a stark, wild landscape. The vast shingle desert headland is overlooked by the imposing Dungeness Nuclear Power Station but is renowned for its unique beauty, from its weathered wood cabins to its abandoned fishing boats – not to mention the wildlife that thrives there. It is also home to Prospect Cottage and its beautiful garden – former home of Derek Jarman, the film producer. Its bleak, beautiful and I love it.
Dog friendly? Yes
Travel time – Approx 1 hr 50 mins from RH2
Original article - https://www.robertleech.com/our-6-favourite-beaches-in-the-south-east/
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pimpyourworld · 11 months
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Wednesday Beach Towel
Looking for a fun way to add some personality to your beach day? Check out our Wednesday Beach Towel! Perfect for kids and adults alike, this towel features everyone's favorite dark and quirky character. Whether you're headed to a tropical paradise or just lounging in your backyard, this towel will make you smile. 
We've designed this towel with your comfort in mind so you can soak up the sun in style. Choose from three different sizes to find the perfect fit for you. The towel is made with a soft cotton back and a durable polyester front, 
So why wait? Grab your Wednesday Addams Beach Towel today, and prepare to make a statement in the sun!
Wednesday Beach Towels product details:
.: 100% polyester blend front  .: 100% cotton back .: 0.16" (4mm) thick fabric .: One side edge-to-edge print
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Scene: Edmund, the vampire anthropomorphic cockroach, finds himself exposed to the sun, much to his horror.
Edmund: (panicking) "No, no! This can't be happening!"
Narrator: The sunlight bathes Edmund in its harsh glow, causing him to recoil in pain.
Edmund: (grimacing) "It burns! The sunlight… it burns my skin!"
Edmund desperately searches for shelter, his wings fluttering frantically.
Edmund: (struggling) "I need to find shade, quickly!"
Narrator: Edmund scurries toward the nearest dark corner, seeking refuge from the relentless sun.
Edmund: (breathing heavily) "Nighttime… I must wait for nighttime."
Narrator: As he hides from the sunlight, Edmund's red glowing eyes dim in distress, a reminder of his vulnerability during the day.
Montage 1: "The Beach Blunder" Scene: Edmund at the beach on a sunny day.
Narrator: "Edmund's attempt to banish the sun begins at the beach."
Edmund: (holding a tiny parasol) "This should do the trick."
Narrator: Edmund's parasol is comically inadequate, and he still gets sunburned.
Montage 2: "Solar Blocker Shades" Scene: Edmund wearing oversized sunglasses.
Narrator: "Edmund's next strategy involves oversized sunglasses."
Edmund: (struggling to see) "I can't see anything, but at least the sun can't get me!"
Montage 3: "Under the Beach Umbrella" Scene: Edmund under a massive beach umbrella.
Narrator: "Edmund seeks refuge under a massive beach umbrella."
Edmund: (cramped inside) "It's a bit snug, but at least I'm in the shade."
Montage 4: "Sunscreen Shenanigans" Scene: Edmund covered in excessive sunscreen.
Narrator: "Edmund goes overboard with sunscreen application."
Edmund: (covered in goo) "I'm practically a sunscreen vampire now!"
Montage 5: "Sunglasses at Night" Scene: Edmund wearing sunglasses at night.
Narrator: "Desperate times call for nighttime sunglasses."
Edmund: (bumping into things) "Who needs daylight vision anyway?"
Montage 6: "The Beach Burrow" Scene: Edmund digging a hole in the sand to hide in.
Narrator: "Edmund tries to burrow his way to safety."
Edmund: (partially buried) "I'm halfway to China by now!"
Montage 7: "DIY Blackout Curtains" Scene: Edmund fashioning curtains from towels and beach blankets.
Narrator: "Edmund's crafty attempt to block out the sun."
Edmund: (struggling with drapes) "I hope this works!"
Montage 8: "Tunnel Vision" Scene: Edmund digging a tunnel to escape the sun.
Narrator: "Edmund's ambitious tunnel-digging project."
Edmund: (emerging into a cave) "I've made it to my secret hideout!"
Montage 9: "Sunblock Fortress" Scene: Edmund building a fort from sunblock bottles.
Narrator: "Edmund constructs a sunblock fortress."
Edmund: (inside fort, sweating) "No sunbeam shall pass!"
Montage 10: "The Solar Eclipse Scheme" Scene: Edmund attempting to create a fake solar eclipse.
Narrator: "Edmund's daring plan for a fake solar eclipse."
Edmund: (holding a cardboard cutout of the moon) "Alright, time to eclipse that sun!"
Montage 11: "Sunbed Obsession" Scene: Edmund on a sunbed, trying to tan himself to match the sun.
Narrator: "Edmund's peculiar obsession with sunbeds."
Edmund: (lying on the sunbed) "I must become one with the sun!"
Montage 12: "The Super Sunblock Suit" Scene: Edmund wearing a suit made entirely of sunblock.
Narrator: "Edmund's invention of the super sunblock suit."
Edmund: (waddling in a bulky suit) "I'm invincible! And a bit squishy."
Montage 13: "The Anti-Sun Dance" Scene: Edmund performing a comical dance to ward off the sun.
Narrator: "Edmund's quirky anti-sun dance routine."
Edmund: (dancing wildly) "Begone, sun! My moves are unstoppable!"
Montage 14: "The Sundial Delusion" *Scene: Edmund constructing a giant sundial, hoping to control time.
Narrator: "Edmund's misguided attempt to control time with a sundial."
Edmund: (confused by the shadows) "Is it working yet? Why is it still daytime?"
Montage 15: "The Moonlight Picnic" *Scene: Edmund having a picnic by moonlight.
Narrator: "Edmund's romantic moonlit picnic… for one."
Edmund: (eating blood-filled snacks) "Ah, the moonlight tastes so much better!"
Montage 16: "Sun Chasing" *Scene: Edmund comically chasing the sun as it moves across the sky.
Narrator: "Edmund's relentless pursuit of the elusive sun."
Edmund: (sprinting) "I'll catch you, sun! Wait up!"
Montage 17: "The Sunscreen Water Balloon Fight" *Scene: Edmund engages in a hilarious water balloon fight with sunscreen-filled balloons against the sun.
Narrator: "Edmund's sunscreen water balloon battle."
Edmund: (throwing balloons) "Take that, you fiery ball of torment!"
Montage 18: "The Vampire Solar Panels" *Scene: Edmund installs solar panels to drain energy from the sun.
Narrator: "Edmund's eco-friendly attempt to drain the sun's energy."
Edmund: (checking panels) "Soon, the sun will be powerless!"
Montage 19: "The Midnight BBQ" *Scene: Edmund hosting a BBQ party in the middle of the night.
Narrator: "Edmund's unconventional midnight BBQ party."
Edmund: (grilling blood sausages) "Who needs daytime for a BBQ? Nighttime is the right time!"
Montage 20: "Edmund's Solar Eclipse Spectacle" *Scene: Edmund's attempt at creating a spectacular fake solar eclipse.
Narrator: "Edmund's grandiose solar eclipse extravaganza."
Edmund: (struggling with props) "This eclipse will be epic!"
Montage 21: "The Sun Hat Escapade" *Scene: Edmund donning an oversized sun hat and trying to carry it around.
Narrator: "Edmund's adventure with an enormous sun hat."
Edmund: (toppling over) "It's a fashion statement and a sun shield!"
Montage 22: "Umbrella Jousting" *Scene: Edmund engages in a playful jousting match with a beach umbrella.
Narrator: "Edmund's whimsical umbrella jousting duel."
Edmund: (pretending to be a knight) "For the night, I mean night-time!"
Montage 23: "The Sundial Symphony" *Scene: Edmund trying to play music on a giant sundial.
Narrator: "Edmund's musical aspirations with a massive sundial."
Edmund: (hitting the sundial with a mallet) "Listen to the sweet sounds of night!"
Montage 24: "Sunscreen Slip 'n Slide" *Scene: Edmund creates a slip 'n slide with sunscreen for nocturnal fun.
Narrator: "Edmund's slippery nighttime adventure."
Edmund: (sliding and laughing) "Wheee! Nighttime fun for everyone!"
Montage 25: "Sunbathing with Moonlight" *Scene: Edmund sunbathing under moonlight while wearing sunglasses.
Narrator: "Edmund's unconventional moonlit sunbathing session."
Edmund: (basking in moonlight) "Ah, this is how you tan in style!"
Montage 26: "The Great Sun Snatcher" *Scene: Edmund attempting to lasso the sun with a rope.
Narrator: "Edmund's daring sun-snatching escapade."
Edmund: (lassoing the sun) "Gotcha, you blazing troublemaker!"
Montage 27: "Nighttime Gardening" *Scene: Edmund tending to a garden filled with glowing plants under the moon.
Narrator: "Edmund's nocturnal green thumb."
Edmund: (watering plants) "These moonflowers are blooming wonderfully!"
Montage 28: "Nocturnal Movie Marathon" *Scene: Edmund hosts a movie night under the stars.
Narrator: "Edmund's epic movie marathon under the night sky."
Edmund: (eating popcorn) "Now showing: 'Vampire Roaches Unite!'"
Montage 29: "The Midnight Disco" *Scene: Edmund throws a disco party in the darkness.
Narrator: "Edmund's groovy midnight disco extravaganza."
Edmund: (dancing wildly) "Let's boogie the night away!"
Montage 30: "Sunset Serenade" *Scene: Edmund sings a humorous, heartfelt song to the setting sun.
Narrator: "Edmund's comical sunset serenade."
Edmund: (singing off-key) "Farewell, sun, until we meet again… at night!"
Scene: Nighttime has finally arrived, and Edmund is overjoyed.
Edmund: (looking at the night sky) "Ah, nighttime, my old friend! You've returned to rescue me from that relentless sun!"
Narrator: Edmund's red glowing eyes shine with happiness as he basks in the darkness.
Edmund: (stretching his wings) "The night is my domain, and I couldn't be happier!"
Narrator: Edmund begins to transform into a bat, spreading his newly grown bat wings.
Edmund: (excitedly) "Time for some nocturnal adventures!"
Narrator: Edmund takes to the night sky, soaring among the stars, ready to embrace the pleasures of the nighttime world.
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popupchangingroom · 1 year
Portable Pop-Up Changing Room: Convenience On-The-Go
In a fast-paced world where time is of the essence, convenience and practicality have become paramount in our daily lives. Whether we are attending outdoor events, going on weekend getaways, or exploring new places, there's one thing we all need at some point – a private space to change outfits comfortably. This is where the revolutionary Portable Pop-Up Changing Room steps in, offering a solution that redefines convenience on-the-go.
The Birth of a Game-Changer:
The concept of a portable pop-up changing room was born out of the need for privacy and convenience during outdoor activities, particularly in sports and adventure events. The conventional practice of changing behind a towel or struggling to find a discreet spot often left people feeling uncomfortable and exposed. Innovators recognized this gap and set out to create a product that would alleviate this issue.
Design and Functionality:
The Portable Pop-Up Changing Room boasts an ingenious design that takes mere seconds to set up. Made from lightweight yet durable materials, it folds into a compact form for easy transportation. When unfolded, it springs into shape, forming a cozy, private space to change clothes. The structure is typically tall enough to accommodate most individuals comfortably and is enclosed with high-quality, opaque fabric to ensure complete privacy.
Many models come with additional features to enhance functionality. Some include built-in hooks to hang clothes or towels, pockets for storing personal items, and ventilation panels to keep the interior fresh and breathable. Furthermore, the water-resistant materials make it suitable for use in various weather conditions, adding to its versatility.
Versatility Redefined:
The Portable Pop-Up Changing Room is not limited to a single purpose. While it remains a game-changer for outdoor enthusiasts, it has found applications in various domains:
Sports Events: Athletes and sports enthusiasts can now change into their gear or dry off after a workout without worrying about prying eyes. This adds a layer of comfort and convenience, allowing them to focus on their performance.
Beach Days: Sun-soaked days at the beach are even more enjoyable with a pop-up changing room. Families can change in private, and surfers can put on their wetsuits discreetly.
Camping and Hiking: Explorers can embrace the beauty of nature without sacrificing their privacy when it's time to change clothes or freshen up.
Festivals and Concerts: Festival-goers and concert attendees can confidently change into fun and quirky outfits, enhancing their overall experience.
Photography and Film Sets: Models and actors can have a dedicated space to change between shoots, ensuring a seamless and professional production.
Emergency Situations: In disaster relief scenarios or emergency situations, pop-up changing rooms can provide displaced individuals with some privacy and dignity.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness:
With sustainability taking center stage, the manufacturers of Portable Pop-Up Changing Rooms have also embraced eco-friendly practices. Many products are now made from recycled materials, and efforts are made to minimize waste during production. Their durability ensures they last for years, reducing the need for frequent replacements and lowering the overall environmental impact.
The Portable Pop-Up Changing Room has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we change clothes on the go. Its blend of convenience, practicality, and privacy has earned it a special place in various activities and events. From sports enthusiasts and beachgoers to travelers and adventurers, it has become an indispensable companion for those seeking comfort and dignity wherever they go.
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Making the Most Out of a Trip to the Beach
Nothing quite compares to a trip to the beach. The sun, surf and sand are the perfect ingredients for an unforgettable day of fun and relaxation. But there’s far more to do at the beach than just sitting around and soaking up some rays. Here are some creative ways to make the most out of your next trip to the beach.
Beach Games Beach games can turn a dull day at the beach into one full of fun and excitement. Popular beach games include volleyball, bocce ball, frisbee, paddle ball, horseshoes and soccer. These activities will help keep you active on a hot summer day while providing hours of entertainment.
Picnicking at the Beach Bringing food to enjoy at the beach is one of life’s simple pleasures. Pack yourself a picnic basket with all your favorite snacks and drinks so you can enjoy them in front of an amazing view. Try making sandwiches with different fillings such as turkey, tuna or vegetarian-friendly options like hummus or avocado spread. For dessert, bring some homemade cookies or brownies that you can share with your friends as they come down from their swims in between rounds of beach games.
Exploring Local Attractions Make sure that you don’t miss out on any nearby attractions when planning your trip to the beach. Whether it’s checking out quirky roadside stands or heading out on a boat tour for whale watching, there are plenty of activities outside of tanning and swimming that will help you maximize your time at the shoreline. You may be surprised by how much there is to do once you get away from your towel!
No matter how you decide to spend it, a day spent enjoying all that nature has to offer at the beach is always something special—especially if you take advantage of all those activities mentioned above! So grab your sunscreen and head down for an unforgettable experience that will leave you feeling relaxed yet energized! Have fun!
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Want To Obtain Cute Quality Bulk Kids Beach Towel?
Being one of the most prestigious kids beach towels wholesale manufacturing companies, Towel Manufacturer USA comes with a wow-worthy collection of adorable, comfortable, and skin-friendly beach towels for kids. The ever-increasing catalog displays uncommon pieces in never-seen-before designs, and quirky prints, cuts, and patterns. Using only leading-edge technology and industry-best materials and fabrics, the skillful team of designers makes these products long-lasting, lightweight, and super absorbent. Retailers and business owners willing to stock such splendid towels for your young and cute customers, without wasting time, go to https://www.towelmanufacturerusa.com/manufacturer/beach-towel/ and start shopping now!
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jobvacancyhut · 2 years
Going Away Present For Coworker - Best Ideas with Unique Approach
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Source: ohcanvas.com
Are you going away for a while and want to say goodbye to your coworkers in the best way possible? Well, this article is for you! Here, we will discuss the best way to send a going away present to a coworker, as well as some of the most unique ways to thank them for their contributions. So read on and find the perfect gift for your favorite coworker!
Why send a Going Away Present to a Coworker? 
Going away from work can be tough, but it's important to remember that your coworker is going through the same thing. That's why it's a good idea to send them a Going Away Present. 
There are many options available, so choose something that your coworker will truly appreciate. If you're not sure what to get, consider getting them a personalized gift card or flowers instead. Sending a Going Away Present shows that you really care about them, and want them to stay in your thoughts during their time away from work. 
The best way to say goodbye to your coworker 
The best way to say goodbye to your coworker is by doing something special and unique. Whether it's writing them a heartfelt letter, giving them a funny mug, or even sending flowers, there's sure to be a perfect idea out there for you! Just make sure you don't forget to gift your coworker something - after all, going away is always tough! 
10 best ways to thank your coworker for their contribution 
It's always a bittersweet experience when a coworker leaves the office. Whether they're going on maternity leave or they've decided to pursue new opportunities, it's tough to say goodbye. But to make the goodbye as smooth as possible, there are a few things you can do. 
One of the best ways to show your appreciation is by giving your coworker a gift. There are many unique and interesting gifts you can choose from, and you'll never forget them. 
Additionally, take into account their interests and personality when picking a gift. Saying goodbye in the best way possible should always be at the top of your list. Here are 10 best ways to say goodbye to your coworker in the best way possible: 
State plaques 
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Source: moslowwood.com
State plaques make a great gift for those who have helped out the organization in some way. They can be engraved with important information such as the date, place, and content of the contribution. Alternatively, you could make them into a mug or cake! You could even organize an unofficial farewell party for your state plaque honoree. This would provide an opportunity to thank them formally and also allow everyone involved to share their memories and good wishes with them. 
Throw pillows 
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Source: nymag.com
Thank you gifts are the perfect way to show your appreciation for a job well done. Whether it's a gift, note, or delicious meal - there are so many ways to say "thank you" without going over the top. 
Sometimes the simplest things work best - like throwing them a pillow! When it comes to thanking you for gifts, always aim high and come up with something unique and personalized. This will really make them feel special and appreciated. And last but not least, don't forget that small gestures go a long way! 
Beach towels 
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Source: travelandleisure.com
Sometimes the best way to show someone how much you care is through simple gestures. Whether it's sending them a heartfelt message via email or social media, planning an outing together, or simply buying them something they want - all of these activities will help deepen the bond between you two. 
If giving your loved one a gift is not an option for whatever reason, consider treating them to flowers or chocolates instead! 
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Source: vistaprint.com
A great way to show your appreciation for a coworker is by sending them a personalized calendar. If you're feeling creative, why not send them a quirky or fun calendar idea that they will love? Making sure the calendar arrives on time can be tricky, but it's worth going out of your way to make their day! 
Wine glasses 
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Source: ubuy.co.id
Gifting wine glasses can be a great way to show your love and appreciation for the person you care about. You could also surprise them with a gift basket filled with different snacks and drinks - this would make it easy for them to snack on their work break or enjoy a glass of red wine after dinner. 
Alternatively, you could plan an impromptu lunch or coffee date together - this will let both of you catch up in person! And don't forget the classics like flowers and chocolates! 
Christmas ornament 
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Source: theculturetrip.com
Christmas is a time to be together with family and friends, enjoy the festive season, and celebrate good times. One of the best ways to show your coworker how much you appreciate them is by giving them a unique gift that they will love! Consider something like an ornament made from Christmas tree ornaments. 
Another great idea would be to send them a handwritten card expressing your gratitude for their contribution throughout the year. Alternatively, if you can't think of anything special, consider sending them a festive gift basket filled with delicious treats and drinks! 
Finally, make sure to message your coworker in advance thanking him/her for all his/her help during this holiday season! 
Garden tools 
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Source: ecogardener.com
To show your appreciation for all their hard work, gift them some garden tools! This will help them get more out of their plants and flowers, while also giving them a new tool to use in the garden. 
Perhaps send a bouquet of flowers or chocolates as well - they will definitely appreciate this thoughtful gesture. And if you can't make it to the office, why not surprise them with an impromptu get-together? It'll brighten up their day! 
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Source: forbes.com
Thanks for all your hard work! How about we treat you to an apron- it will show how much you mean to us and let them know how grateful we are. Or, if you're feeling extra careful with the budget, why not get coworkers involved in making their own aprons - this way everyone can feel appreciated and special. 
And who knows? Maybe someone even comes up with a great idea or design that becomes a company standard! 
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Source: etsy.com
It can be hard to come up with the perfect gift for someone special. However, keychains are a great way to show your appreciation and make them feel loved. Plus, they're small enough that you don't have to worry about overspending! When it comes to picking out a gift for someone, don't forget the little things like coffee mugs or keychains. 
And if making it an event is something you and your friend enjoy doing together, set up a special spot in your office where gifts can be picked up! Make sure to include a personalized note along with the gift so that everyone involved feels appreciated! 
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Source: domestica.org
There's no better way to show your coworker that you care than by sending them a heartfelt letter. Whether it's to tell them how much you appreciate their hard work or just let them know that you're thinking of them, a well-written letter is always appreciated. If the mood strikes you, why not send your coworker a funny card? 
After all, humor is one of the best ways to break the ice and build camaraderie in the workplace. Why not go all out and make breakfast in bed for him/her? It will surely put a smile on their face! And if they're really lucky, maybe even some flowers or desserts as an extra special treat! 
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some creative ways to give my coworker a going away present? 
If you're looking for some creative ways to show your coworker that you care, why not consider giving them a gift that's personalized to them. You could choose something like flowers, chocolates, or even a voucher for your favorite restaurant. 
Alternatively, if you're feeling extra creative, why not make them a cake or pastry? This way, you can show your coworker just how much you care by cooking for them. 
How can I make sure that the gift is unique and special? 
There are a few things that you can do to ensure that the gift you give is unique and special. First, think about the person you are giving the gift to and what they would love. If you don't know, research! Many online shops sell unique gifts for loved ones. 
Second, be creative with your choice of souvenir and find something special that represents your relationship with the recipient. For example, if you are gifting your best friend with a gift card to their favorite restaurant, consider getting them a gift card to a different restaurant than their usual one. 
If you are gifting your parents an anniversary gift, consider giving them a jar of their favorite homemade jam or cookies. Finally, keep in mind that the more thoughtful and personal the gift, the better! 
What should I consider when choosing a gift for a coworker who leaves the office? 
When you're thinking of a gift for a coworker who leaves the office, it's important to think about their interests and personality. For example, if your coworker loves traveling and exploring new places, consider buying them a trip voucher or something similar. 
Alternatively, if your coworker is more of a bookworm, perhaps consider gifting them an interesting book that they'll enjoy reading on their break. If your colleague enjoys cooking and eating out at restaurants often, buy them tickets to their favorite restaurant or create a meal together in the kitchen one day soon! 
Can I send my coworkers flowers as part of their goodbye present? 
Yes, you can send flowers as part of your coworker's goodbye present. The best way to go about this is to either search for online florists who offer same-day delivery or get in touch with the florist beforehand and let them know what time you want the flowers delivered. 
You can also find creative ways to craft a farewell gift that will warm up your coworkers' hearts and make them remember you fondly. 
Is there anything else I should do to make their departure easier? 
One of the best ways to make a coworker's departure easier is by giving them a going-away gift. There are many options available, but some of the most popular gifts include flowers, chocolates, catered food, or any other gift that their personality will love. 
You may also want to consider booking them a wonderful weekend away together. Maybe they've always wanted to visit Paris or Hawaii - go ahead and spoil them! 
What are some popular ideas for going away presents for coworkers? 
Some popular ideas for going away presents for coworkers are a travel mug or a plant. These gifts can be great because they help busy people stay hydrated on the go or help to reduce stress levels at home. More about How to Make a Personalized Going Away Gift for Coworkers
Alternatively, you could get them personalized bookmarks that list some of their favorite quotes from the office. If they're into cooking, you could get them a cookbook or some spices so they can start cooking their own meals at home. Finally, if they've always wanted to go to Hawaii, you could buy them tickets! 
How can I make my coworker feel special without spending a lot of money? 
If you want to make your coworker feel special, but don't want to spend a lot of money, consider giving them a going away present for coworker. More about What Is A Good Going Away Gift for a Coworker? Important Factors To Know
You don't have to go all out and buy them something extravagant - there are plenty of creative and unique gifts that can be just as meaningful. Here are some ideas for you - a mug with their favorite quote, flowers or plants, a fun kitchen gadget, or an adorable pet! 
Employees often go through a lot of emotions while working - from excitement to sadness. Sending your coworker a going away present is a great way to show your appreciation for their contribution and help to ease their transition into the new job. Thanks for reading!
More Related Articles:
What Is A Good Going Away Gift for a Coworker? Important Factors To Know
How to Make a Personalized Going Away Gift for Coworkers
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With a background in set designing, event styling and painter-decorating, Annemarie transformed her Victorian townhouse into an extraordinary fantasy land. Butterfly wallpaper in the entrance hall is La Croix. The woodwork is trimmed in gold and the upper walls are pink to match some of the butterflies.
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This is the “snug,” a small room next to the kitchen. It has an amazing 1950s bar that belonged to Annemarie’s grandmother. The felt flamingos came from a local shop and the pillows were made by Annemarie.
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Annemarie painted and wallpapered the kitchen cupboards. The classical bust is from an antique store and the painted fridge is decorated with pictures of the digestive system cut from old posters.
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The “wood’ walls in the sitting room are trompe l’oeil wallpaper. Annemarie made the pillows.
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She buys her antiques from a favorite shop. 
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The walls of the downstairs shower room are decoupaged with wallpaper samples and magazine pages. It took three days.
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In the main bedroom is a series of pop art pieces by a friend. In every corner of the house quirky finds tell a story.
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The bedside chest was found at an antiques fair.
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The wallpaper in the main bathroom is a bright floral with walls painted blue to match the background. She added contrasting floral towels.
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The guest bedroom has lots of pink and a wonderful antique iron bed. The Warhol print of Jackie O has a family connection – Annemarie’s mother was nanny to Caroline Kennedy’s children.
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Annemarie made the mushrooms for the attic conversion which she has decorated as a bedroom for her granddaughter.
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Everywhere you turn in the house, there’s something interesting to look at.
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The 1950s cabinet contains mementoes from Annemarie’s life.
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Also, Annemarie and her friend just rented and decorated this wonderfully whimsical beach hut.
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homesmithsae · 2 years
Some Incredible Ways of Using a Plastic Laundry Basket
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Plastic laundry baskets are just functional and useful items that you either keep your clean or dirty clothes for storage. It receives attention only on your laundry day. Otherwise, it has its overlooked presence tucked in a corner in the laundry room or bathroom. With a little bit of brains and creativity, there are some amazing ways to transform laundry baskets into items of show and other utilities and we are here to tell you how exactly you can do that. Get ready for some interesting ways that could change the way you have been using laundry baskets so far:
​1) Alternative Storage Solution
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​A plastic laundry basket is a durable and spacious storage item. Why limit it to only laundry? Use it for storing kitchen supplies, toys, cleaners and gardening tools. To amp-up your laundry room organization, use a single basket for a neat arrangement of all laundry supplies like detergents, bleach, etc. If the basket has a hanging feature, put the chemicals cleaners in one place and hang them up high so kids cannot reach them. The baskets are breathable for air circulation and are pitted with ventilation holes. So they can be used for poolside baskets as well. It can be used for keeping wet towels, pool toys, rafts, floaters, etc. Since they are made of plastic, there’s no risk of them getting damaged from being wet. It can be taken along for a similar purpose on beach days to keep toys, umbrellas, towels, sunscreen, bottles, etc. Don’t restrict your basket to only laundry purposes!
​2) Make Wonders for the Kids
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No, we are not talking only about storing your kids’ toys. There are other ways to use the plastic laundry basket.
Use it as a baby cot instead of investing in the fancy and overpriced baby cots available in the market. This is a great option for newborns sleeping half of the day in a swaddle. Soften up the base with baby blankets and towels. The basket is handy, portable and spacious enough for a newborn baby.
Use non-aerated ones as a baby bath. When it’s the first time for your little one to step into the big tub, you can use the basket for laundry as a small bath for the toddler to get comfortable within the bigger tub. It can provide space for toys and the kid to comfortably settle in for a bath.
Did you know that the laundry bucket can become a sports accessory? Use it as a goal for field hockey when your kids are playing outside. It can also be used as a basketball hoop. Fill it up with balls or balloons and make an attractive place for your kids to dunk.
Make your own ball pit at home. A laundry basket is spacious enough to fill it up with balls and make it a fun dive for your toddler.
​3) Gardening Ideas with your Plastic Laundry Basket
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The baskets are well ventilated and so they can be used as perfect containers for plants. Here are some ways to use them apart from just storing your gardening tools:
The plastic baskets can be used for container gardening. If you have some old laundry baskets lying around, instead of disposing them, consider using them as a part of your gardening. It can give protection and yield beautiful plants and produce like potatoes, tomatoes, herbs, etc. With it, you can make great use of a limited garden space.
Try getting creative and use the basket as a DIY planter. You can look up creative ideas and even simple items like burlap and a rope tie can transform your laundry basket into an expensive-looking planter. You can also consider gifting such a planter to a friend or your mom.
Use the basket as a colander to strain your fresh produce. As they have large holes for aeration, these baskets can be easily used as a strainer.
​4) Find Quirky Ways to Creatively Use the Plastic Laundry Storage
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Use some creative hacks to make the laundry bucket transform into a fun object. Transform it into a sailor boat or a pull cart for your kids. It will involve a wee little effort but it will be fun and involve the kids as well in making it. You can turn the bucket into a stand. Use a nice fabric to cover up the body and if you’re good at stitching give it some nice needlework and embroidery.
Before using a laundry bucket for any other purpose remember to wash it to get rid of the lingering smell of dirty clothes. If you’re looking for a new laundry basket, you can find a variety to choose from at Homesmiths.
Source : https://www.homesmiths.ae/blog/post/some-incredible-ways-of-using-a-plastic-laundry-basket
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