#Quirk Ideas
jayeenvy · 2 months
stupid quirk ideas pt. 1
i just thought of the dumbest quirk for an oc and thought i’d share with y’all.
y’know when people put socks on their hands and pretend to talk with it?
imagine if someone, somewhere in the world was born with their left hand having a mind of their own and actually being able to talk on its own without it’s human acting for it.
everyone would just think they were a lunatic. no one would believe them.
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(I drew it in case I worded it terribly, which I probably did)
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ace-touya · 8 months
My Favourite Quirk Ideas I’ve Come Up With for OCs
The user has the ability to solidify the water in the area to a pink material than can be formed into any shape, meaning it can be used as a shield, armour, a weapon, etc. quirk obviously cannot be used if there is no water around. It also doesn’t wear off - the water stays in the solidified form.
By repeating a person’s name, the user is able to freeze, speed up, or slow down that person’s movement. It only works for as long as the user is able to continuously repeat their name. As soon as they stop saying it, the effect ends.
The user has the ability to amplify the sound of anything they touch with all five fingers. They cannot amplify their own voice, but they can amplify musical instruments that they play, including ones that use breath. They can also amplify other people’s voice. My oc used this on my friend’s oc who is related to Present Mic.
Sleep Paralysis Demon
A sentient quirk. The user has an 8’0 demon with enhanced strength that follows it everywhere. The demon’s strength depends on how much sleep the user gets - more sleep = weaker demon, but if the user hasn’t slept in ages, the demon becomes angry and attacks the user. My oc’s demon is named Shy.
Another sentient quirk, a being that only the user can see and hear. The being can interact with physical objects and therefore can communicate with other people by writing. If the user doesn’t eat enough, the being disappears.
The user has a resistance to heat and is sensitive to cold temperatures. They cannot get burned. Anything they touch with the palms of their hands sets alight
The user shoots golden strings that vary in length from their knuckles. They have electrical properties, so can be used to electrocute people, but my oc mainly uses them as a capture weapon instead.
Based on the game Alice: Madness Returns, when the user is experiencing a lot of physical pain, they get a power boost. Their eyes go red and their skin goes completely white, and they get enhanced strength and can’t feel pain. They cannot die while hysteria is active, but it doesn’t heal wounds, so when it deactivated, if fatal wounds are left untreated, the user will still die.
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kaytaygay · 2 months
I like making picrew for my oc’s and I found this rpg stats picrew so I made a couple for different oc’s of mine and added pictures
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This is O.B she’s overpowered so nat twenty’s seem to fit 🔝
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Mei Himiko! I included an eyepatch for her inventory in case she wants to hide her white eye 🔝 thought it’s not in the picrew cuz not all picrews have that option
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The art in this one is not a picrew credits to @inkalight 🔝
I did ask for permission to post include their art in my post though they have yet to answer if they say no I will delete izuku from this post
Edit: they gave permission so he’s staying!
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kaytaygayquirks · 26 days
My mom gave me this idea when she found out about my werewolf quirk
Awarewolf: this quirk gives its user a wolf head along with heightened visibility, hearing, and smell, which makes them constantly aware of their surroundings. Given that the users head is of a wolf the user can only verbally communicate with the noises that wolves can make which means the user has to use sign language in order to communicate with humans, however this does mean that they can communicate with wolves without a problem. The downsides of this quirk are, the user cannot speak in any human languages and must use sign language, busy places can be overwhelming due to the amount of different sounds and smells that they have. The quirk cannot be overused given that it is purely a mutant quirk with no emitter type abilities.
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Quirks based off of videogames: Part 1!
Slime Rancher - Emitter/Transformation type Slime Rancher causes the user to generate a buildup of a slime-like substance on the lower half of their legs. When enough slime has been generated, the user creates a slime creature, which will have different attributes based on the colour of the slime generated. Creating a slime consumes a large amount of energy, so the user will need to rest and recover after creating one. Additionally, the user can transform their arm into a vacpack-like machine, which only sucks up slimes, and certain foods. For example, the vacpack could be aimed at a bowl of grapes, blueberries, and strawberries. Only the strawberries would be pulled in, and when ejected from the pack, they will have been transformed into Cubeberries, an item that any slime that eats fruit will consume. They are favoured by phosphor slimes. Also, the user takes hits differently- they will be injured and function completely normally, until they reach a certain threshold, at which point they will collapse and remain unconscious for 12-24 hours. They will also collapse upon being submerged in salt water, or being burnt. Slimes of all kinds will cease to exist upon contact with fire or salt water. Slime types (examples, not complete list): - grey substance = Tabby slime - pink substance = Pink slime - blue substance = Rock slime - purple-blue substance = Crystal slime - red substance = Boom slime - caramel-coloured substance = Honey slime - green substance = Rad slime/Radioactive slime - luminous, light blue substance = Phosphor slime - teal substance = Tangle Slimes Drawbacks include: - exhaustion after creating slime - dehydration after creating slime - hunger after creating slime - pain transforming vacpack when tired/weak/injured - dizziness after overusing vacpack
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selfixsworld · 2 months
I´m bored...
so i´ll give some ideas for quirks for BNHA DRs or OC:
Script Template: @/mx.levias on TikTok — linktree (NOT MY SCRIPT)
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Quirk Inspired By: Fallen Angels (Christian Mythology)
¦ ⌈Quirk Type⌉ ⩵ Emitter - Transformation
Lunar Manipulation
Darkness Weaponry
Darkness Manipulation
Shadow Teleportation
Umbrakinetic Combat
Darkness Solidification
Umbrakinetic Creature Creation
Beauty Embodiment
Umbrakinetic Wing Manifestation
Shadow Generation
Enhanced Combat Mastery
Battlefield/Combat Adaptation
One Man Army
Enhanced Unarmed Combat Mastery
Enhanced Wisdom
Leadership Mastery
Tactical Analysis/Genius
Enhanced Instincts
Fighting Instinct
Enhanced Body
Riders Aptitude
Empathic Conversion
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Special Moves:
| ⌜Eclipse Blade⌟ ⋯ Forma un arma que combina la energía de la luna y la oscuridad, creando una hoja que puede cortar tanto defensas físicas como místicas.
| ⌜Nightmare Construct⌟ ⋯ Crea construcciones sólidas o criaturas de pura oscuridad para luchar junto al usuario o actuar como escudos.
| ⌜Moonlit Strength⌟ ⋯ Potencia la fuerza y durabilidad física utilizando energía lunar, haciendo al usuario más resistente al daño y capaz de realizar ataques poderosos.
| ⌜Lunar Eclipse⌟ ⋯ Envuelve el campo de batalla en una neblina oscura iluminada por la luna, reduciendo la visibilidad para los enemigos mientras mejora las habilidades del usuario.
| ⌜Shadow Cloak⌟ ⋯ Envuelve al usuario en un manto de oscuridad, haciéndolo casi invisible y permitiendo movimientos silenciosos y ataques sorpresa.
| ⌜Lunar Barrage⌟ ⋯ Dispara múltiples proyectiles hechos de energía lunar y oscura condensada, golpeando a los enemigos desde la distancia con precisión.
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Physical Side Effects: Manifesting wings and other physical constructs of darkness can overtax the user's body, causing muscle pain, joint stiffness, or even injury if overused without proper rest.
Energy Consumption: Creating and manipulating weapons and structures from energy can consume a large amount of the user's own energy, leaving them exhausted or weakened if overused.
Lunar Dependence: Abilities linked to lunar energy may be weaker or unavailable during the day or when the moon is not visible. The user's overall power may fluctuate with the lunar phases, being strongest during a full moon and weakest during a new moon.
Increased Metabolism: Using the Quirk can significantly increase the user's metabolism, requiring them to consume more food and rest more frequently to maintain their strength and health.
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anotherquirkhelpblog · 5 months
Grants the user psychokinetic control over their surroundings, but only in the form of a spiral. The user can control the size of their spirals, as well as the speed at which they turn.
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probablybadquirkideas · 3 months
Quirk: Sauce
Effect: This Quirk allows the Holder to bust it down sensual style, as if goated.
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pearl-d1ver · 2 years
superpower ideas ✦・゚* .•
I’ve been writing a novel about some characters with some powers, and I thought I’d share those powers if anyone needs inspiration for their own characters !!
I tried to make sure each one isn’t entirely overpowered and if it is it has major drawbacks. I also wanted them to be unique, and to my knowledge none of them are copied from already existing characters. Hope these help with anything you may be writing!!
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Power Name: Sunspot
This is a healing power that converts light/heat energy into usable energy for the human body for healing. The user of the power can heal people or accelerate the healing time of a wound as long as they have access to a natural light source (sun, fire, etc.) The bigger the wound the more time or energy it will take to heal
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Power Name: Bloodhound
This power gives the user the ability to see people’s trails/paths, as long as they have an object that belongs to the person they’re tracking or have interacted with them recently. Things like water, snow or certain weather can wash away a trail, so there may be gaps or parts of that person’s trail entirely missing. (for the purposes of my novel the power works on ghosts or long dead people as long as the trail isn’t washed away and the user has the person’s possession, but it can also work only on living people if you’d like) 
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Power Name: Dreamwalker
This person can explore/live through the dreams of people they are near and “catalog” them for later use. They can then bring elements of those dreams into reality, things like objects or events. The larger the element the more power it takes to use, and the more severe the drawbacks for the user. Overuse of this power or overfilling their “catalog” can lead to amnesia, drowsiness, and in extreme cases physical pain. 
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Power Name: Sweettalk
This person can influence other people’s thoughts and feelings based on their tone. If they express a certain emotion in their voice, others will also experience that emotion. It is very powerful but also highly uncontrolled. The user has to be incredibly careful to not drive people to depression, uncontrolled anger, or even a state of happiness in which they can feel nothing else.
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Power Name: Shade Speaker (this one is more supernatural, and may not apply to whatever you’re using these powers for)
This person hear the voices of the dead, as long as they are in darkness or shadow. These voices can be helpful or misleading, and it’s up to the user to decide whether or not to take the advice of these voices. 
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s0larts · 5 months
I had an idea-
Quirk: Narrator
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fountainofrubies · 1 year
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I love your quirk! - Tamaki x Fem reader 18+
A/N: I adore Tamaki. He is one out of two of my favorite characters of all time. His quirk is wildly hot.
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, No protection mentioned, Quirk fun, tentacles,virginity, genital descriptions, She/Her
🍋 You work up the courage to ask Tamaki out. He is always the perfect gentleman. Things take a spicy turn when you eventually visit Tamaki at his place. You work up the courage to ask for a lot more. Feeling touched by how sweet you are to him, Tamaki is willing to deliver everything that you ask for.
It’s been a couple of weeks since you approached Suneater in the street. You know quite a bit about Tamaki, so knowing that he struggles with social anxiety, you had come up with a plan in order to ask him out but also to remove as much stress for him as possible, Your plan to run into him on a day where he was making his usual rounds actually worked out smoothly! When you saw him, you approached him with a smile and you handed him a note, vaguely saying to him, “It’s up to you” as he took it from you. “I really hope that I hear from you though. Have a good one!" you wave as begin to walk away. He looks away, blushing, but removing the need for him to come up with a response suddenly did allow him to release the tension in his body rather easily. He looked at you as he took a smooth and deep breath. As you turned the corner, you fanned yourself with your hand, even though it was rather cool day today. Amused by that, he smiles softly, feeling flattered as he opens the piece of paper.
It read: “Hello Suneater, My name is y/n. I really wanted to talk to you today, but I also know that you have some social anxiety, or so I have heard! Just in case that was true, I didn’t want to spring a sudden interaction on you in public, especially while you’re making rounds. Hopefully, this approach is helpful! I do want to be straight forward though, the reason that I am writing to you is because I am very interested in you. I’d like to go on a date with you even, if you think you might like that. Of course though, all of that's up to you. You can text me if that’s better for you, you can also just throw this away if you’re not interested.. or if you're taken. In that case, I'm sorry. Still, no response required, although I would be ecstatic if you did. :) At the very least, I hope you have a great day and a smooth day at work, handsome hero.” Beneath the message, you wrote your phone number.
Tamaki was thinking to himself as Kirishima jogged up to him, bringing him some yakitori that he just bought. “You gotta try this one, it’s great!” he stated as he handed Tamaki the stick. Tamaki took it from him, holding the note in his left hand. Kirishima eyed the piece of paper curiously, seeing the numbers at the bottom. “Phone number?” he asked with raised eyebrows. After Suneater nodded to him, Kirishima clapped his hands in excitement. “Tamaki! You’ve got yourself a date! Are you going to call her?”
Tamaki answered him, “I think I will. Well, really the note says that I can text if I prefer to. She was really cute..” he said as he opened his phone and typed in your number. In that moment, he felt calm, brave even. He sent a short and sweet message “Well since I’m working right now, I’m quite a bit busy, but I would like to talk to you. Texting works great for me.. So I’ll talk to you in a few hours or so? Thanks for the letter. I really like the way you went about this. It was thoughtful. -Tamaki Amajiki”
He received a text back within a minute or so that read, “I’m so thrilled to hear from you! I’m very much looking forward to that! Thank you! -y/n”
Ever since then, you have both sent texts to each other in your free time. After a few lunch and dinner dates out in public, which you offered, so he could eat whatever he wanted to eat for that day, he invited you back to his place to watch a movie with him.
Now that you’ve arrived, Tamaki welcomes you inside. “Hey Bunny” he says cheerfully, even though his hand trembles slightly as he waves to you. You make your way to sit down on the couch, smiling at him as he joins you. He sits down beside you, holding his arms in his lap, shoulders hunching slightly, looking at you sideways in an attempt to read your body language. He has already kissed you after your last few dates, and his kisses were small, sweet and simple, but he hasn’t touched you much outside of that. He wants to touch you now though.. but he doesn’t know where to or what way would be best.. what places touches are okay for this level of your relationship.. what’s considered more polite as far as places go.. He also wonders if it would be wanted or not. He even worries about the fact that he wants a lot more with you than might be appropriate at this stage in the relationship.. what if that becomes clear and it puts you off!? OR!!! What if he is worrying too much, sitting here like this, looking weird and you move on because he doesn’t seem interested!? Oh no! Now he is very worried, because he’s just frozen here, doing and saying absolutely nothing.
Learning his mannerisms and his habits, you notice his stiffness. He looks stressed, so you reach over and run your fingers up his leg, starting from his knee, ending at the top of his thigh, calling his attention to the sensations. He breathes in sharply but quietly, he peeks over at you, shyly watching you. You always smile at him and touch him softly when he seems nervous. Even when it’s just the touch of your hand on his, like you’ve done on your dinner dates. He doesn’t ever thank you for that specifically or anything, but he really likes that about you, it’s very comforting. You use his leg and the back of the couch to lift yourself so that you can kiss him on his cheek. Flushed, he turns to look at you more directly. You brush his collarbone and his shoulder with your fingertips, making your way back up his shoulder in order to put your hand behind his neck and ease him forward towards you. You kiss him softly. He is holding his breath as he kisses you again, this time slipping his tongue into your mouth. “Mmmm” his voice is deep and sensual. These moments really draw him in, it’s all that he can think about as he focuses on how you feel, how you taste, where you’re touching him. This particular kiss is the deepest one you two have shared thus far, becoming a very passionate kiss, lasting a lot longer than the usual two to three second kisses after your previous dates. After your lips part, he exhales, his breathing rapid. Exhilarating. Grabbing his thick, messy, beautiful hair, you hold him still, pulling his head backwards tenderly as you begin kissing up his jawline repeatedly, stopping at his ear.
“You are delicious, Tamaki.” you whisper softly into his ear. The soft air hitting his ear makes him tense up slightly, he whimpers quietly as he responds by squeezing the wrist of the hand that you’re using to hold his hair. . Breathy, blushing and thinking, he strokes the back of your head, running his fingers softly through your hair. You gush at him, “I really could do this with you all day, I love it when you touch me.” Touching his other cheek gently, you shower the side of his face and his jaw with more short, but soft kisses. Then, you sit back down completely and snuggle in close to him, pulling his arm around you. You begin doodling circles into his chest through the fabric of his hoodie, enjoying the many small affectionate touches that you’re giving him. You get comfortable pretty quickly, he snuggles towards you as well. Holding you close with his arm still, he reaches with his other hand and rests it on your leg, near your knee, petting you with a repetitive motion.
Eventually he gets completely still, as you both check out a few scenes from what you are watching. Some time after that, you hear him breathing deeply. He breathes with such calmness that you know that he has fallen asleep. He does work hard, and he is very active, so you stay still, just enjoying being with him. Maybe in this moment, he is showing you how comfortable he is becoming when he is close to you. These moments are so beautiful for you, after all, Suneater has been your crush ever since he became known as a hero so you feel extremely lucky. You love to soothe him, hold him, be beside him. You adore him, he’s strong, he is inspiring when it comes to how he refuses to let his own personal struggles stop him from doing hero work. As he moves a bit in his sleep, his head rolls slightly backwards. After he repositions himself, still sleeping soundly, he rests the back of his head on the couch behind him. You look up at him, to see if he is awake or not. He isn’t, but as you enjoy the sight of him, he subtly squeezes the couch arm as he moans deliciously, yet softly, grabbing your attention immediately. He mumbles something, so you listen carefully. Whatever he’s saying, it’s too low for you to make it out, but next thing you know, he inhales rigidly and moans your name. Your eyes widen, you can feel arousal prickling you all over your body. Your nipples stiffen, you even feel wetness between your legs. You look down and see his pants pulled tight against his apparently large erection. You want to touch him so badly, but you’re definitely unsure about how he would feel about that, so you decide to wait, especially since it would be the first time you have touched him in such a way.
Instead you get up slightly and lean forward to him. As he moans again, you start softly kissing his neck, with slight suction but plenty of tongue. Hopefully, he won’t mind. As you do so, he moans a bit louder and begins to breathe harder, squirming a bit, as he moves his hips forward smoothly. His response is driving you wild. You lose some of the control you had as you imagine him being inside of you with his big, hard cock. You grab the front of his hoodie, fighting the urge to grab his cock as he squirms and you grip the neck of his hoodie into a handful instead, holding in to his chest. Then, instead of kissing him softly on the neck, you press into his neck roughly, sucking his milky skin quite a bit harder than before. You’re getting sloppy now and you’re also making noises of your own as you eagerly make out with his neck. Your actions stir him awake. He is still moaning as he comes to. Then, he realizes that he just woke up, that you’re kissing his neck deeply.. that he’s so hard.. that his lewd dream was pretty much apparent.. Before he even gets the chance to process any of it, he gasps, worrying about what you might think of him, pulling away from you suddenly in a panic. His blush reaching even his ears now, looking embarrassed and horrified, wide eyed, touching his neck where you were kissing him, trying to hide his boner with the thick hoodie sleeve on his arm. He was not sure what to think. Breathing hard, he rushes his words, “I’m.. I’m sorry!”
Seeing him this way only pulls on your heartstrings though, so you reach towards him and rub his arm, trying to soothe him. “No, no, no, You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s my fault. I mean, yes, you did moan in your sleep while you were dreaming.. but I just want you so badly that I basically jumped all over you. I’m the one who is sorry, Tamaki. I didn’t even know if you’d even want that from me.. I’m sorry.”
Although his mind is racing, you insisting that he didn’t do anything wrong does help. He takes deeper breaths, clearly calming back down. As usual, his mind shuffles through and assesses his every action quickly, criticizing every perceived mistake, almost looking for something to apologize for. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, “if I startled you by reacting like I did.”
You encourage him, “You don’t have to apologize, I mean, maybe it’s just what I think, but you don’t have anything to apologize for. I’m the one that startled you, if anything.”
He bashfully smiles at your kindness towards him, he silently ponders the situation again, but then he looks at you directly as a look of surprise washes over his face. “Wait.. you said.. wait… Okay, okay.. Sorry, but did you just say that you wanted me so badly that you just jumped all over me?” he asks, eyes wide again, but looking deeply curious. He’s obviously interested in discussing this further. He’s waiting patiently for your answer.
You blush quite a bit yourself, “Um.. y-yes, Tamaki,” you stammer just a bit, “that’s how I feel about you. I mean, I do want you, I want you so badly.. I love everything about you.. being with you.. the way your kisses taste.. the way you feel in my arms..”, you grab his hand, rubbing it with your thumb, “I think about it all the time now. I mean, I wouldn’t ever want you to feel rushed. That’s important to me.. but yeah, I feel hot just thinking about being with you.. in that way, even right now. I’d give you all of me.. right now, if you wanted it.”
With a blush filled face, he admits his thoughts and feelings, “I want you too, Bunny. I can’t believe I’m saying it out loud to you though..” He tugs at his hoodie around his neck. “I feel really hot too..” He blinks, looking at you with timidly innocent eyes. He’s so gorgeous. You move towards him slowly, and he watches your hands carefully as you begin to lift his hoodie, raising his arms as you take it off of him. You hold the back of his elf-like ear in your hand and lick it softly around the edge, from it’s lobe to it’s pointed tip. You pull it forward, very gently, so that you can press your kiss into it with more pressure. After you twirl your tongue around on different parts of his ear, you begin to kiss his neck, trying to give him as much pleasure from the act as possible. As for Tamaki, he just keeps breathing faster, the exhilaration he is experiencing is clouding his mind. It’s like he’s forgetting to be nervous in this moment. His hands begin to roam. With one, he grabs your waist, then, with his other hand, he runs his fingers up your leg, stopping at your outer thigh. He is watching you closely and you run your fingers down his stomach, then reaching down in between his legs. The anticipation is filling him up. He squeezes your thigh without thinking as he braces himself the second your hand spills into his lap. He whimpers and whines immediately as you firmly rub his throbbing erection through his pants. He’s big. Watching him bite his lip and whine like this is enough to drive you crazy. You begin to undo his belt, but before you unbutton his pants, you look at his face. Still breathing hard, he looks at you passionately, blushing. “If you want to, I’m not going to stop you.. I mean, if you want me, you can have me….”
You remove his pants, with his help. You pull his T-shirt off of him as well, exposing his skin. His cheeks are still light pink, and he is rather tense, but he is very much aroused. You push him back down into a seated position in a very flirty way and then you begin to remove your clothes as well. He looks into your eyes for only a couple of seconds at a time while you’re undressing. You sink down to your knees in front of him, tuning the tips of your fingers up his thigh as you reach forward toward his hard cock. Watching him watch you as he breathes heavily, you lick his cock from the base to the tip, while it throbs in your hand. You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock. He arches a bit and moans your name. A drop of precum is pooled up at his slit. It begins to run down the side after a few more licks and kisses, you lick upwards again, this time licking up the precum that was running down the side of his shaft. You suck on the end of his dick, alternating between mild to moderate pressure. His hands grab the couch roughly, squeezing the handfuls with intensity. He groans, looking up towards the ceiling. He is trembling now as he moans breathily, “That feels so good, bunny, so good..” he gas ps, “so good. Ohhh you have no idea how good that feels.” He moans softly every time you lick, kiss or swirl your tongue around the head of his dick. It makes a popping sound as you pull him out of your mouth. You love hearing him moan so much, he hasn’t been holding back. You stand up, looking at him.
“Tamaki, please, make love to me…” you say while you are touching your body softly, dragging your hands from your stomach up to your breasts. He processes what you just asked of him and it doesn’t take him long to nod and begin to move. As he stands up, he grabs your hand politely and then he pulls you a few feet to the left of the couch and steps off of the small platform that the couch sits on. With one foot still on it, he pulls you toward him, picking up your leg to place it over his, helping you climb up onto him.
Tamaki’s body moves fluidly as he lifts you up and props you up temporarily on his raised leg. He wastes no time as he begins to guide his length inside of you. He slips right in at first, your hot wetness surrounding the head of his dick. He moans softly, biting his lip as you take his inches in. You moan as you work yourself down his shaft until you are sitting on him, facing him, in his arms. When he pushes into you the rest of the way and gets completely inside, he moans louder than you have heard him moan before, making you want to fuck him hard. The way he embraces you however, is delicate and smooth and he sets the tone pretty quickly. He very gently holds you as he moves his hips slowly forward while firmly pulling on your shoulders so that he can push himself deeper into you as he moves. He grips you and holds you still as he slowly pulls back out, grunting softly with his strokes. After ten or so pumps, he holds you still as he pulls out halfway. He rests his forehead on your collarbone and groans breathily. He pauses, breathing a little less heavily with each breath he exhales. You run your fingers through his hair and engage your core, humping him deeply. He grabs your thigh and breathes hard as he whispers “No, wait.. please..”
You express your concern. “Tamaki? Everything okay?”
He looks at you, you see a flash of nervousness for a split second, and then he just stares at you, slightly slack jawed, blushing, not moving much at all. You can see the gears turning in his head, he’s thinking and it looks like he’s consumed by anxious thoughts. You continue, “Tamaki, it’s okay”, you coo. “You can tell me whatever you need to tell me or ask for whatever you might be wanting.”
He smiles weakly, and seems to be debating whether or not he wants to say it, but finally, he says “I don’t want this to end right now. I want it to last for a little while longer..” He pauses and takes a deep breath. “It’s my first time really.”
The moment quickly becomes all the more precious and special. You had no idea that you were his first. You touch his face by cupping his cheek in your hand and smile at him as you inform him warmly “Do this however you want to do this, Amajiki. You feel amazing. I just want to be with you and I’m loving every second of this.” You kiss him sweetly, feeling the softness of his lips, gently pressing and pulling yours all at once. “You are perfect.”
Now he is the one touching your face, looking relieved. He looks as if he is very touched by what you’ve said. He says “After this, I’m going to give you everything that you could possibly want from me, exactly the way that you want it too.” He looks at you seductively, clearly turned on by what you two are doing and how you are treating him. He kisses you deeply, moaning and whining softly as he continues the kiss. His right hand touches your neck, his left arm still holding you, he kisses your neck and your collarbone. “I’ll give you everything.” he whispers. He holds you in place and begins to slowly move in and out of you, moaning louder as he reaches into your depth with his throbbing dick. You feel him moving against your inner walls, every stroke reaches far inside of you and he reangles himself every time he pushes in again. Every few pumps, he pauses for a short break, breathing heavily, clearly fighting the quickly approaching orgasm. During these short breaks, he kisses you and his kisses only grow more sloppy and wet. He kisses all over your cheek and neck when he’s not reaching into your mouth with his tongue. He whines as he takes longer and slower strokes, “You feel so good.. you feel amazing..” He moans deeply, but softly as he breathily admits. Ehhnn Ahh mmm.. He looks at you with eyes half closed, wincing as he pushes inside again with a struggling moan. He pulls out halfway and pushes in faster. “Oh!” He pulls out quickly and rushes in again, “AH!” The sound of his moans becoming stronger and louder. He is breathing hard and he moans urgently as he suddenly begins to thrust as fast as he can, squeezing your hips hard. He can only manage a single word at this point “Coming!”, he moans as his muscles go rigid and he begins to smack into you quickly. “Coming!” he repeats shakily as he begins to spasm, pressing his mouth against your neck as he moans loudly, pulling you down hard onto his cock as his movements become short, greedy and explosive. His moans are a sweet, deep, muffled sound. He continues to hold you gently but firmly as he continues to breathe deeply, showering your neck with hot air. He instinctively moves just a bit while inside you, but it becomes apparent to him that he is too sensitive to do much more of that for the time being. He pulls out of you and grabs your legs in a way that makes you easier to carry and he carries you to the bed to lay down on top of you, holding himself up as he looks deep into your eyes. He seems to be enjoying being close to you, silently looking at your face carefully. He smiles when his eyes meet yours and he blushes slightly. He goes to look away like usual, but stops himself, even though he feels blood rush to his face.
You kiss him passionately, lightly caressing his body. His muscles are tight and well defined, his skin smooth and creamy. He breathes deeply and exhales as you give him goosebumps with the sensations you are giving him. You feel the urge to shower him with kindness and care. You encourage him, “Rest for a little bit, Tamaki. When you’re ready, we can definitely continue.” You pull him closer, laying him down on top of you, guiding his head and to rest on your chest. He complies with no resistance, you feel wrapped up in his company. He’s heavier than he looks like he would be, but you don’t mind that. You stroke his hair and lightly drag your fingernails across his back and massage his shoulder and neck muscles with small squeezes. He relaxes and makes satisfied noises as you touch him. You say to him lovingly, “That’s it, relax. Just like this.” As you stroke his hair and pet him, he drifts off into a brief sleep, snoring slightly every now and then. You drift off too.
Tamaki is looking at you when you wake. You stirred as you opened your eyes, and then you yawned. It woke him up. He smiles as he looks up at you and speaks softly “I love being with you.” He’s delightfully cute. He gets up and goes to use the restroom, coming back with thin, black, loose fitting pants on.
When he returns, Tamaki runs his fingers up your calf muscle and your thigh, grabbing you firmly where your thigh meets your hip. With his other hand, he gently rubs your stomach as he travels down, stopping just shy of your pussy. His eyes look unsure as he asks you, “Is this okay?”
“Oh yes!” you instantly reply, “Yes, yes.” you whisper, so he moves the rest of the way to run his fingers over the outside of your pussy lips. He cups it with his hand, applying pressure and he rubs it in a circle as you gyrate your hips, your chest rising and falling due to your large breaths. Then, he bends down and opens his lips as he reaches forward and kisses your pussy, using his tongue to part your lips. He pulls it open with his other hand and he flicks his tongue on your clit, sending continual ripples of pleasure through your body. He moans softly as he licks faster and faster. You grab his hand that is holding your thigh and pull it until his arm is extended and you place it on your breast. His tongue moves sideways a few times and then swirls around your clit. His hand squeezes your breast and he whines, his hot breath caressing your sensitive opening. You tremble, wanting to pull his face back into your warm center roughly, but instead you squirm and whisper to him “Amajiki. I want you..”
He raises himself to look into your eyes and smirks at you. “You’ll have me alright. Is there anything in particular that I can do to please you?” he asks shyly but seriously. “Now it’s your turn to tell me what it is that you want.”
You’re breathing hard now, wondering how Tamaki will react but getting turned on more and more at the very thought of it, so you ask him for what I want. “Your quirk, Tamaki. Will you.. or do you want to use it on me?”
Tamaki looked surprised, a little confused but he still put in the effort to look warm and kind towards you. His blushing cheeks revealed his nervousness. He answered surely, “Of course I want to.. I’ve thought about it.. but are you sure that you would like that? Some say it’s.. some say I look like a freak.. or that I’m gross..”
You answer immediately and reassuringly, “Tamaki, I have been masturbating to the idea of you fucking me and using your quirk on me ever since I found out who you are and even more so ever since I met you. Daily even.. Literally this entire time.. I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable, but oh yes baby,” you say in a sexy voice, “if you’ll give it to me, I would love it.. I want it bad.”
He blushes slightly again but is already moving towards you to kiss you. You feel his arms trembling slightly. You look at him to check on him when you notice he’s trembling, but he sees your concern. “Yes, I’m shaking, and I am nervous,” he admits, “my heart is beating so fast… but don’t you worry about that right now. I really want this with you. I would love to do this to you. I honestly can’t believe that I’m about to do it though.” he laughs nervously. He offers you a choice, “Bunny, would you like me to get you some options, I have all sorts of food here. Do you know what you want?”
I laugh and look at him, flirting as I kiss him and bite his lower lip, not too hard, just a bit. “No baby, just give me your daily special. I want to see what you felt like having today.” You rub your breasts, kneading them with your hands for his viewing pleasure.
Tamaki looks at what you’re doing and as he gets closer to your face, he makes eye contact with you. He runs his tongue across the bottom of his teeth and then begins to stares at you, blank faced, but intrigued. Him looking at you this way feels intense, usually he’s the one blushing this hard.. He blinks slowly, tilting his head slightly to the right while maintaining his eye contact with you. He watches your face, as his mouth slowly stretches into a smirk. You feel tentacles lightly touching and crawling up your midsection, moving up towards your breasts, lightly stimulating your sensitive skin, grabbing onto your skin here and there but letting go soon after. You gasp, while looking at Tamaki, who is biting his lower lip, savoring your facial expression. He whispers a breathy “Yes”, his voice deep and sexy. Full of passion, he grabs hold of you with his other hand, squeezing your shoulder. He continues on to whisper to you, “Is this what you want?” His lips part into a smile that reveals a glimpse of his white teeth as you answer him with a passionate yes. A wing suddenly stretches out from his back and reaches towards the ceiling, only to gracefully fold back down towards you, reaching for you. He strokes you with it’s feathers in one long and smooth motion, softly caressing the left side of your face, the left side of your neck, your breast, your ribs, your stomach and then your hips. You gasp as the sensation tickles you and makes you feel even hotter.
You feel his cock pulsing through his thin pants as you grope him, he takes a sudden and deep breath. You immediately beg him for the rest of your fantasy. “Suneater, I have a request. Please baby, oh please.” He raises an eyebrow at you, looking oddly confident, regardless of his obvious blushing. You can’t help it, you’re breathing hard now. “The cape, the hood, the purple mask. Wear it, baby, please, please, pleeease.” you plead.
Tamaki answers, “Sure, you don’t have to beg me. Wear just that?” His eyes look around nervously and then come back to you, he smirks bashfully as he sees you shaking your head yes urgently. “Okay.” He agrees simply, still speaking softly. He returns, as agreed, wearing the same loose pants, his hooded cape and his mask.
“You are so fucking, hot, Tamaki.” You say, your nipples erect, your skin flushed and your breasts rising and falling as you breathe deep, rigid breaths. “Oh yes, Suneater, bring that hard cock here.”
He bashfully approaches you, pulling his cape around himself and wrapping himself up for a moment, soothing himself with its embrace. He lets it go and it falls back into place, revealing his abs as he laughs, rubbing the back of his head in his hood. He looks shy, but he is also clearly excited, his long cock is obviously stiff. You sit up and move yourself to the edge of his bed, making quick work of accessing his cock. You pull it out and let it go, briefly leaving it resting and pointing straight at you. You lick the underside of the head of his dick and suck it eagerly. He rolls his head back and exhales after taking in a long, slow breath. You swirl your tongue around the head, he reaches for your hair but stops before touching you, rethinking the act. You grab his hand and guide it down the side of your head, the side of your face, down your neck and rest it on your breast. “I’m yours to touch however you want, Suneater. At any time too.”
Tamaki jokes coyly with you, “I’m beginning to think you really have a thing for me.” He smiles, as if he almost doesn’t believe it, but as if he really loves that for whatever reason. You seem to want all of him, and badly. “If this is how you’re going to treat me.. You're just.. incredible.”, he says, touching your face. He begins to stretch more tentacles towards you, touching your breasts and your shoulders and your back, using suction cups in seemingly random areas on your skin and breasts. He’s running his fingers through your hair with his other hand as you begin to suck the end of his hard cock continuously, twisting it at the base with a moderately tight grip. He moans, pushing into your mouth slightly, but then stops his hips, not wanting to gag you. You pick up one of his tentacles, he lets you move it with no resistance as the others continue to play with you. You press the tentacle’s suction cups against the side of his cock.
You look up at him, nearly drooling, “Give it some suction, babe.” When he does, you pull his cock to the upwards and to the side using the tentacle. You pull it as far as it will go, holding his tentacle and then he lets go of the suction, letting his cock bounce as it falls back down. He’s biting his lip, faintly whining. You purr, “Oh, I like that. These are fucking hot.”
“If you liked that, then you’ll love this.” Tamaki stretches one of the tentacles that’s touching your back around the other side of you and uses it to very slowly twirl around his cock, moving parallel with the tentacle you were holding until they twist a round and cover his dick, reminding you of some sort of spiraled cocoon. His breath hitches as he begins to feel the sensations. He’s activating the suction cups in waves, which becomes obvious as you watch the back of the tentacles tense up ever so slightly where he uses the muscles and then relax as he lets go of whichever ones he has activated. They ripple upwards and then downwards. His control is impressive, but watching him massage his cock this way, it’s mouthwatering. He is moaning slightly, as another one of the tentacles grows and stretches toward his face. He brings it to his mouth, bending it backwards, and he licks one of the larger suction cups to wet it with saliva. “Mmmmm” he nearly growls, as he latches that same suction cup onto your nipple.
Another tentacle wraps around your waist and continues down, reaching towards your pussy. He dips it inside of you, just enough to wet the little suckers on the very end and uses them to latch on to your clit and the sensitive skin right around it. He smoothly applies and relieves pressure in waves with them too as he unwraps his cock with the two tentacles that were hugging it. They reach for me as well. As the last two tentacles grip each one of my thighs, the one around my waist twists around, growing in thickness and it tightens as I am lifted up into the air. He brings me toward himself until we are nose to nose. I look into his eyes through his purple mask and grab at him as I reach for something to cling on to. You whimper as he stimulates your clit, sucking and moving the tip of that tentacle in a small circle while it stays firmly attached. Your nipple is still being sucked and tugged, and Tamaki positions you perfectly so that he can begin to push his cock deeply inside you. He grunts repeatedly and moans as he pushes into you. At this point, you’re desperate to have him, you scramble to hold on to his shoulders, nearly screaming your moans as he pushes deeper into you while tugging and massaging your clit. You’re tightening your grip as you begin trying your hardest to hump, trying your best to get more of him inside of you as he slowly pushes back into you, his cock just past the halfway point. He notices how desperate you are to get him inside of you, so he pushes the rest in roughly, making you scream his name whilst moaning. You begin humping him so desperately and quickly that you can barely catch your breath. He looks at you, assessing you, looking like a hero on a mission. Tamaki’s face, when he looks serious, makes me wet on a regular day. Im positively dripping now. He smirks, “I see what you want. I’m going to fuck you nice and hard. As a matter of fact, tell me that I’m right.”, he says as he gets as close to your face as he can without kissing you, remembering clearly how you encouraged him to be open and how you catered to his every desire when he wanted to take it slow and savor being inside of you his first time. He roughly pushes into you suddenly again as you gasp and moan loudly. “This is what you want, isn’t it?” he asks, almost hissing through gritted teeth as he begins to roughly pump his cock into you repeatedly.
You moan wildly, “Yes! Yes! Tamaki! Fuck me! Yes!” Your words seem wet and desperate. You squeeze his shoulders as hard as you can as he drills you, “Yes! Oh please! Don’t stop!” you scream as you begin to bounce. His tentacles hold strong as he thrusts into you with force. They give only an inch or two each time his body smacks into you. His moans are throaty and dripping with sex appeal. You feel pressure growing quickly, you begin to tingle. An orgasm is coming.
He is moaning repeatedly as he thrusts. His tentacles all move in unison, each having their own jobs. He leans you back, stretching an extra tentacle forward from his thumb to wrap around your shoulders and upper back, supporting you as he lays you back in the air. He is still drilling into me, “Ahhh, ahhh, hnggh, ah, uhhh.” He’s very vocal, when he’s giving you everything he’s got like this. He grabs your hip with his free hand, squeezing it as he thrusts, moving the tentacle attached to your clit in a circular motion. You tense up, shaking, as you begin to climax. “Ah! Ah! Ah! Tamaki! Yes!”
As you shake uncontrollably, bucking your hips desperately, he thrusts into your harder. As he speaks, he moans and whines in between some of his words, “I can feel it.. ahh! You’re… you’re squeezing me!” He thrusts harder. “You’re gonna.. you’re gonna make me come!” He begins to thrust sloppily, diving into you over and over again with intensity and vigor. “Yes! I’m coming!” He begins to spasm, slapping into you again, losing his rhythm but penetrating you over and over again, as fast as he humanly can. His voice breaks, he lets go. Now he is trembling too, riding out his orgasm. He slowly stops afterwards. He puts you back down on his bed, unwinding the tentacles as he brings them back in. He sits down beside you, moving his cape out from under him and leans forward to kiss you. His tongue dances in your mouth, still moaning lightly.
He blushes as he begins to speak to you. “Umm.. you know, I could work on anything that I need to improve if you.. need certain things when we are together. I could get better.. I hope that you enjoyed your- well, actually how was it for you? Was it like you had hoped?” He hangs his head and then raises it again. “I’m sorry, I told myself I wasn’t going to do this. Rambling.. after everything we just-“
You stop him by putting your finger on his lips. He quiets down, looking up at your eyes. “You were amazing Tamaki. It was everything and more that I dreamt of.
Tamaki stammered, “It.. it.. didn’t last as long as I wanted it to.”
You stop him again, “Not important. I want to be with you Tamaki. You’ll last longer and longer naturally. You’re looking for negatives, that’s just your habit, babe. For me, there were none. I see you as nothing but incredible. You are the powerful Suneater. You will always be amazing.” You kiss him deeply, pulling his hood to pull him even closer to you as you press into the kiss passionately. “I love you Tamaki.”
He blushes again, looking down bashfully. As he looks back up in your eyes again, he replies, “I love you too, Bunny.”
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elusiveangel-fic · 8 months
For my bare-bones good omens x MHA idea
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lollieskk · 4 months
Denki angst
After the war Denki’s scars stopped disappearing, they became permanent and tripled in amount.
During his second year, lichtenburg figures started appearing on his arms after high quirk usage. It wasn’t a problem in the beginning, he even thought they looked cool. Showed them off even. They usually disappeared within a day or two, he didn’t even notice when that timespan increased into a week. Or maybe he did but didn’t want to  acknowledge it, ignored the fact that his arms were throbbing.
The summer between second and third year the scars stopped fading. Permanent scars, every time he used more than 0.7 million voltage. Honestly he could probably make do with that. Get some scars, save some people, be a hero. That was his thought process, that’s why he didn’t bother with recovery girl. He was fine.
His arms started hurting more and more. He was nearly two months into his third year when he wanted to cry every time he lifted his arms. Aizawa had them training on upping their quirk limit, and Denki couldn’t even reach his usually most powerful attack, 1.3 million voltage without wanting to scream. It felt like his nerves were burning, like lighting and fire running up and down inside his arms. A pain he couldn’t see or touch, he wanted to claw at his arms, he wanted to rip his flesh and bleed. He wanted to see it, to know were the pain was coming from, to see the damage.
Aizawa seemed disappointed in him, he didn’t outright say it. But Denki saw it in his eyes, heard it between the lines when he scolded Denki. Every sigh when Denki nearly got up to 0.5 million voltage without tears welling up in his eyes. He must have looked pathetic to everyone.
Everyday now he looked himself up in his room and weeped he tried to be as quiet as possible, afraid Koda or Lida would hear him. Pain killers did nothing for his pain, everything he saw on Google that seemed like it would work had to be prescribed by a doctor.
Soon his arms were covered from the top of his fingers up to his armpits and down his chest.
The others in class tried seeking him out, he knew that. He wasn’t blind nor as stupid as people may think, he got the social cues. But it honestly took everything inside of him not to completely collapse everyday in class, and he could not keep that act up longer then a school day. Just the thought of being in the common room with the others make him fill up with anxiety.
One day he woke up with a fever of 40° C, he didn’t leave his bed at all the whole day. He could of easily if he wanted to, to at least get some food or water. But he had his water bottle from the day before and he simply didn’t want to get out of bed. His fever dragged on for another day and around the time class would have ended there was a knock at his door.
He could hear Shinsou’s voice through it. A soft, “Denki? You okay?”
He stared at the door, waiting to see if Shinsou would walk in. Denki didn’t know if he wanted him to walk away or open the door, and it felt so exhausting to move with mouth and tongue. He slowly blinked, unmoving from his bed.
“Denks? Aizawa said you were sick, I brought you some food,” food sounded good, it really did, but the thought of getting up and going through the process of acually eating sounded like hell. Having to put his arm muscles to use to cut the food, or just moving his hand up from the plate made him even more exhausted then he already was.
“Okay,” the voice behind his door sighed, “I’ll leave it outside if you want it.” The was a clink and then footsteps.
The weeks passed and eventually Denki could not move anymore. The pain was to great, he couldn’t get up out of bed. Not only were his arms on fire but now his hips and legs as well. The worst were his joins; his knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and neck. The pain hadn’t reached his feet, yet, and he couldn’t even feel his fingers anymore.
He stopped showing up to class all together and he could barely tell day and night apart. He slept when he felt like it, and he always felt like it.
Most from his class had tried to talk to him. Asked if he was okay, if he was sick again, if he’d eaten while they were in class. It got more aggressive as the days passed, people jiggling the door handle, pounding at the door to open up, threatens that Aizawa was furious at him.
Denki couldn’t bring himself to care, it felt like he was dying. He barely moved, the pain was numbling and tiering and felt drowsy from just breathing. He couldn’t tell what was going on even when Aizawa opened his door. He had a key probably, it made since. Obviously their teacher would have a key to all their dorms. Denki was to out of it to see his teachers face, to see how it changed from anger and frustration to scared and panicked. He didn’t see his classmates faces’ either. He missed Bakugou’s -once in a lifetime- utter terrified face, Kirishima right beside him, hand over his mouth. Midoriya’s tears were nothing new, but Shinsou’s was. He could see the purple of Shinsou’s hair, I could see everyone really but at the same time he didn’t. It was more like his brain couldn’t register them, could comprehend that there were people and sounds around him.
The pain that shredded through him suddenly was unbearable. He probably let out a horrid scream from the way everyone around him froze, it was quiet now he realized. Oh, right. Mina was yelling before, how could he not see Mina?
The pain was back a minute later, and it kept going this time. Somewhere in the back of him mind he realized he was moving. Aizawa was carrying him.
Denki woke up in the hospital, he had almost immediately gotten a scolding from recovery girl. His groggy brain slowly realized that he acually comprehend recovery girls scolding.
“Usually lichtenberg scars disappeared within 24 hours, but in your case it seems that the constant usage of your quirk has made them permanent. You should have come to me the second you saw these scars Kaminari…” he zoned out a bit, blinging at the short woman, her face twisted in irritation. She eventually took a breath and her features smoothed out.
“…it’s called neuropathic pain it comes from the nerves that transmit pain signals from the body to the brain. People often describe the pain as burning, stinging, or shooting. It may radiate from one area of the body to another and may be accompanied by numbness and tingling.” Seemed about right Denki concluded.
“There are two typical nerve medications to help with this thankfully. The first is called anticonvulsants. These medications were developed to control seizures, but they also help to blunt pain signals in the nerves. Several are in wide use for chronic pain. This is what I have put you on right now. The scars won’t disappear and you may still feel numbness and a shooting pain up and down your limbs.” The elder woman sighed again, looking at Denki with sad eyes.
“There is also antidepressants. Certain types of antidepressants also help to control nerve pain. They may have a synergistic effect in people who experience depression along with chronic pain. Chronic pain often causes depression, and depression can intensify a person's sensitivity to pain. However I cannot prescribe these to you outside of the hospital. I strongly advise you to go to a therapist my dear.”
Denki felt overwhelmed, like she had just stuffed his brain with a bunch of information. “You may experience some side effects of anticonvulsants, such as dizziness and drowsiness and in rare cases tremor, weight gain, gastrointestinal upset and rashes.” Oh god, Denki felt worse than before, if even possible. He let out an annoyed groan, his jaw still felt stitched shut.
“Yes yes, groan and moan all you want. This could have been much minor have you come earlier.” She scolded him yet again. Right then the door to his room opened, in stepped a tired Aizawa. One look at his student opened eyes and he seemed to relaxe, even if just a little bit.
“Ya’ scared everyone half to death kid.” He sighed, walking closer to recovery girl. Both on his right side of the bed. Denki simply hummed in response, Aizawa shot the woman a quick look to witch she sighed.
“The non verbal response has nothing to do with the medication Aizawa. Although I can imagine if he hasn’t talked in the four days he didn’t leave his room for, he has simply gotten used to not moving his jaw or tongue.” Four days? He had laid in bed for four days without moving? Jesus fuck.
Aizawa nodded and then looked back up at Denki, “Depending on how your recovery will go your future as a hero may very.” What?
“So long as the medication does it’s job without a much to big physical and/or mental backtrack then you can go forward as you see fit. But if you still have nerve pain to this point again I cannot let you purse a carrière as Pro Hero.” What the fuck.
Only a few minutes after half the class bursted through the doors. Recovery girl had to quiet them down with a hit with her cain before she and Aizawa stepped out.
“Fuck Denki are you okay?”
“You scared the shit out of us!”
“You looked like a fucking corpse spark plug!”
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!
“Kaminari you really should have told someone.”
“Denks how do you feel?”
They were all talking so fast and over each other, Denki could barely possess what they were saying. There was a second, five minutes into their ramping, when they all when quiet. Staring at him.
“Say something dunce face!” Bakugo I finally screamed, earring a scolding ‘Kacchan!’ from somewhere in the room.
“So-“ two letters in and he was already coughing at his dry and unused throat. “Haven’t ta’k’t in a w’ile.” They all stared for a second, Hanta and Eijirou almost immediately bursted into tears, hugging him on his bed.
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kaytaygay · 5 months
These are some quirks I’ve already made
Mango Maker: the user has the ability to turn anything into a mango. Whatever was turned will stay a mango until the quirk is turned off or if it sustained a large amount of damage in mango form.
RoseVines: the user has the ability to create and control vines with roses at the tips. that kinda explains it all.
Psycho: this quirk is a lot like Aizawa’s except instead of erasing quirks it makes people go insane until you blink.
Third Eye: this quirk gives its user a floating third eye that they have the ability to freely fly around and see through. When quirk is not in use the user simply has a third eye.
Black Horns: this quirk gives its user two black horns that they can change the size of. That’s it but the name really makes sense for the quirk
Angels Feathers: this quirk gives its user large white wings that allow them to take energy from the surrounding area or people and use that energy to heal others or themself. This quirk also lets its user control and sharpen their feathers much like hawks/keigo’s quirk.
Rapid Growth: this quirk allows its user to cause rapid growth to the flora surrounding them. Thats it that’s the quirk
Rat: this quirk gives its user a pair of rat ears on their head along with, heightened intelligence, the ability to communicate with rats, and finally, the ability to become a rat. This is one of my faves
Squared: this quirk gives its user the ability to turn anything into either a square or a Minecraft like square shape. This quirk can work on anything, alive or not. For people in the Minecraft like shape imagine deku during that fake interview when kiri said “hey! When’d he learn to use my quirk!”
Centaur: if you’ve read Percy Jackson just think Chiron, if you have not then here. This quirk gives its user the ability to become a centaur aka half horse half human. But when quirk is not in use its user is stuck in a wheelchair.
Demonic Angel: this quirk gives its user two horns one white, one black, along with two wings and heterochromia to match. It also allows its user to change the emotions of others both positively and negatively, when others emotions have been upped the effected’s strength and luck improves but when worsened the opposite happens.
Black cat: this quirk gives its user black cat ears, fangs, and retractable claws much like a cat, but also cat like agility and even the ability to become a black cat. Meow :)
Pocket doors: this quirk gives its user the ability to create doors to different pocket dimensions whenever they please, though if overused it’s much more likely to accidentally travel to an unsafe dimension.
That’s all the good ones I have but my ask box is open if anyone wants to send me more quirk ideas!
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This post took so long to make both cuz of the rainbow letters and the fact that it’s just long
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kaytaygayquirks · 4 months
I’m making a stupid quirk that I would not want to have
Glow Stick: this quirk causes its user’s body to glow when a bone it broken. Whenever the user breaks a bone that part of the body will begin to glow a neon color, the user is able to decide what color but otherwise can do nothing with the quirk. The glow will last until the arm is fully healed or the quirk is erased. The downsides of this quirk are, the user has to break bones in order for it to work, the user can do nothing with the quirk other than make their broken body part glow.
Told you it was stupid :)
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secretkittywolf · 5 months
Quirk ideas:
You can shoot marshmallows out of your body and trap your opponent in it. Because marshmallows are sticky inside, it'll be a while for them to get free. Yes, they can eat their way out but these are GIANT marshmallows and they'll probably end up sick afterwards. Downside to this quirk is you can also get sick because in order to make them, you must eat marshmallows on the daily. At least 3 bags full so your body can use it to make jumbo marshmallows.
If you see someone use their quirk, every time you look at them, you can see how their quirk works and their weaknesses. Downsides to it is, you can only focus on 4 people at a time otherwise you become overloaded with information. You need to wear special glasses that blur out people if you're in a busy area.
You have the ability to make people fall asleep by humming a tune. The longer you hum, the longer they stay asleep. A big downside to using your quirk is you're slowly draining your energy. You use your own energy to make people fall asleep.
Kind of inspired by the comic book Hulk's powers: the angrier you get, the stronger you get. You're just an angry, fighting machine. The more people fight you, the more rage you have. A downside to this, it takes you ages to calm down since once you're angry, everything ticks you off.
Guilt trip:
It's in its name: You can make people feel guilty. Anything you say, you can make people feel guilty of what they've said or done. As an example in a fight, you can emotionally manipulate them. "Why are you trying to kill me! What have I done to you?" It fills your opponent with sadness and guilt and they'll start apologising and feeling bad, giving you the upper hand. A downside do your quirk is, you're stuck guilt tripping people for a couple of hours, which you don't mean to.
Ice Mint:
Toothpaste. You can shoot toothpaste out of your hands and when striking an opponent, it hardens and becomes cement-like, trapping them entirely. It really throws off anyone you use it on since at first you hit them with toothpaste but it becoming like cement takes them by surprise. After an hour of using it, you will run out of toothpaste and any you've thrown, will start to break, setting whoever you captured free.
Crystal: You can shoot daggers made of crystals from your hands and can create shields from them too. A downside to it is, the when you fire or hold up your shield for a long period of time, you slowly turn into a crystal statue that is irreversible for 24 hours.
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