#Denki needs a hug
lollieskk · 4 months
Denki angst
After the war Denki’s scars stopped disappearing, they became permanent and tripled in amount.
During his second year, lichtenburg figures started appearing on his arms after high quirk usage. It wasn’t a problem in the beginning, he even thought they looked cool. Showed them off even. They usually disappeared within a day or two, he didn’t even notice when that timespan increased into a week. Or maybe he did but didn’t want to  acknowledge it, ignored the fact that his arms were throbbing.
The summer between second and third year the scars stopped fading. Permanent scars, every time he used more than 0.7 million voltage. Honestly he could probably make do with that. Get some scars, save some people, be a hero. That was his thought process, that’s why he didn’t bother with recovery girl. He was fine.
His arms started hurting more and more. He was nearly two months into his third year when he wanted to cry every time he lifted his arms. Aizawa had them training on upping their quirk limit, and Denki couldn’t even reach his usually most powerful attack, 1.3 million voltage without wanting to scream. It felt like his nerves were burning, like lighting and fire running up and down inside his arms. A pain he couldn’t see or touch, he wanted to claw at his arms, he wanted to rip his flesh and bleed. He wanted to see it, to know were the pain was coming from, to see the damage.
Aizawa seemed disappointed in him, he didn’t outright say it. But Denki saw it in his eyes, heard it between the lines when he scolded Denki. Every sigh when Denki nearly got up to 0.5 million voltage without tears welling up in his eyes. He must have looked pathetic to everyone.
Everyday now he looked himself up in his room and weeped he tried to be as quiet as possible, afraid Koda or Lida would hear him. Pain killers did nothing for his pain, everything he saw on Google that seemed like it would work had to be prescribed by a doctor.
Soon his arms were covered from the top of his fingers up to his armpits and down his chest.
The others in class tried seeking him out, he knew that. He wasn’t blind nor as stupid as people may think, he got the social cues. But it honestly took everything inside of him not to completely collapse everyday in class, and he could not keep that act up longer then a school day. Just the thought of being in the common room with the others make him fill up with anxiety.
One day he woke up with a fever of 40° C, he didn’t leave his bed at all the whole day. He could of easily if he wanted to, to at least get some food or water. But he had his water bottle from the day before and he simply didn’t want to get out of bed. His fever dragged on for another day and around the time class would have ended there was a knock at his door.
He could hear Shinsou’s voice through it. A soft, “Denki? You okay?”
He stared at the door, waiting to see if Shinsou would walk in. Denki didn’t know if he wanted him to walk away or open the door, and it felt so exhausting to move with mouth and tongue. He slowly blinked, unmoving from his bed.
“Denks? Aizawa said you were sick, I brought you some food,” food sounded good, it really did, but the thought of getting up and going through the process of acually eating sounded like hell. Having to put his arm muscles to use to cut the food, or just moving his hand up from the plate made him even more exhausted then he already was.
“Okay,” the voice behind his door sighed, “I’ll leave it outside if you want it.” The was a clink and then footsteps.
The weeks passed and eventually Denki could not move anymore. The pain was to great, he couldn’t get up out of bed. Not only were his arms on fire but now his hips and legs as well. The worst were his joins; his knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and neck. The pain hadn’t reached his feet, yet, and he couldn’t even feel his fingers anymore.
He stopped showing up to class all together and he could barely tell day and night apart. He slept when he felt like it, and he always felt like it.
Most from his class had tried to talk to him. Asked if he was okay, if he was sick again, if he’d eaten while they were in class. It got more aggressive as the days passed, people jiggling the door handle, pounding at the door to open up, threatens that Aizawa was furious at him.
Denki couldn’t bring himself to care, it felt like he was dying. He barely moved, the pain was numbling and tiering and felt drowsy from just breathing. He couldn’t tell what was going on even when Aizawa opened his door. He had a key probably, it made since. Obviously their teacher would have a key to all their dorms. Denki was to out of it to see his teachers face, to see how it changed from anger and frustration to scared and panicked. He didn’t see his classmates faces’ either. He missed Bakugou’s -once in a lifetime- utter terrified face, Kirishima right beside him, hand over his mouth. Midoriya’s tears were nothing new, but Shinsou’s was. He could see the purple of Shinsou’s hair, I could see everyone really but at the same time he didn’t. It was more like his brain couldn’t register them, could comprehend that there were people and sounds around him.
The pain that shredded through him suddenly was unbearable. He probably let out a horrid scream from the way everyone around him froze, it was quiet now he realized. Oh, right. Mina was yelling before, how could he not see Mina?
The pain was back a minute later, and it kept going this time. Somewhere in the back of him mind he realized he was moving. Aizawa was carrying him.
Denki woke up in the hospital, he had almost immediately gotten a scolding from recovery girl. His groggy brain slowly realized that he acually comprehend recovery girls scolding.
“Usually lichtenberg scars disappeared within 24 hours, but in your case it seems that the constant usage of your quirk has made them permanent. You should have come to me the second you saw these scars Kaminari…” he zoned out a bit, blinging at the short woman, her face twisted in irritation. She eventually took a breath and her features smoothed out.
“…it’s called neuropathic pain it comes from the nerves that transmit pain signals from the body to the brain. People often describe the pain as burning, stinging, or shooting. It may radiate from one area of the body to another and may be accompanied by numbness and tingling.” Seemed about right Denki concluded.
“There are two typical nerve medications to help with this thankfully. The first is called anticonvulsants. These medications were developed to control seizures, but they also help to blunt pain signals in the nerves. Several are in wide use for chronic pain. This is what I have put you on right now. The scars won’t disappear and you may still feel numbness and a shooting pain up and down your limbs.” The elder woman sighed again, looking at Denki with sad eyes.
“There is also antidepressants. Certain types of antidepressants also help to control nerve pain. They may have a synergistic effect in people who experience depression along with chronic pain. Chronic pain often causes depression, and depression can intensify a person's sensitivity to pain. However I cannot prescribe these to you outside of the hospital. I strongly advise you to go to a therapist my dear.”
Denki felt overwhelmed, like she had just stuffed his brain with a bunch of information. “You may experience some side effects of anticonvulsants, such as dizziness and drowsiness and in rare cases tremor, weight gain, gastrointestinal upset and rashes.” Oh god, Denki felt worse than before, if even possible. He let out an annoyed groan, his jaw still felt stitched shut.
“Yes yes, groan and moan all you want. This could have been much minor have you come earlier.” She scolded him yet again. Right then the door to his room opened, in stepped a tired Aizawa. One look at his student opened eyes and he seemed to relaxe, even if just a little bit.
“Ya’ scared everyone half to death kid.” He sighed, walking closer to recovery girl. Both on his right side of the bed. Denki simply hummed in response, Aizawa shot the woman a quick look to witch she sighed.
“The non verbal response has nothing to do with the medication Aizawa. Although I can imagine if he hasn’t talked in the four days he didn’t leave his room for, he has simply gotten used to not moving his jaw or tongue.” Four days? He had laid in bed for four days without moving? Jesus fuck.
Aizawa nodded and then looked back up at Denki, “Depending on how your recovery will go your future as a hero may very.” What?
“So long as the medication does it’s job without a much to big physical and/or mental backtrack then you can go forward as you see fit. But if you still have nerve pain to this point again I cannot let you purse a carrière as Pro Hero.” What the fuck.
Only a few minutes after half the class bursted through the doors. Recovery girl had to quiet them down with a hit with her cain before she and Aizawa stepped out.
“Fuck Denki are you okay?”
“You scared the shit out of us!”
“You looked like a fucking corpse spark plug!”
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!
“Kaminari you really should have told someone.”
“Denks how do you feel?”
They were all talking so fast and over each other, Denki could barely possess what they were saying. There was a second, five minutes into their ramping, when they all when quiet. Staring at him.
“Say something dunce face!” Bakugo I finally screamed, earring a scolding ‘Kacchan!’ from somewhere in the room.
“So-“ two letters in and he was already coughing at his dry and unused throat. “Haven’t ta’k’t in a w’ile.” They all stared for a second, Hanta and Eijirou almost immediately bursted into tears, hugging him on his bed.
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writersmorgue · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 9 - alt. Lightning Strike
I legit couldn't think of anything to do for bees that wasn't too similar to something I've already written, so here's this instead.
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 1,063
“What kind of ugly ass scars are those?”
Denki hides his body for a reason. 
“It looks like you were struck by lightning, is it from your quirk, Kaminari?”
They’re ugly, he knows they are. 
“Kaminari, can you move? Your skin is freaking me out.”
People with mutant quirks are treated well at UA, especially the powerful ones like Shouji and Tokoyami. Physical differences mean little to nothing when you can kick anyone’s ass who gives you crap. 
But Denki’s scars are different. They’re completely his fault. 
Every time he goes stupid with overexertion, his quirk fires off at random intervals. Since he’s not conscious to prepare for it, it creates these lines in his skin. Lichtenberg figures, they’re called. 
They’re raised, dusty pink lines on his skin, wrinkled and perpetually tingling. They stretch out all over him, centered on his inner forearms and chest, where his quirk focuses on output. They follow a senseless pattern, weaving across his skin. He used to have a lot of freckles on his body, but many of them have been overtaken. 
When new electricity pulses through them, they get hot and irritated for days after. Denki has to sleep sitting up, leaning over his giant Pikachu plush. It’s tear-stained, looking just about as miserable as he feels on those nights. 
He changes in the showers in the locker room, hiding away from his closest friends. People he trusts with his life. 
Bakugo always looks at him weirdly when he refuses to take off his long sleeves. The guy has some pretty gnarly scars himself; All won in hard-fought battles. Each one tells a story of badassery that Denki could never dream of reaching. 
Just yesterday, during training, he’d overworked himself again. The figure going up his back took the beating and crawled up just past his costume collar. Good thing Todoroki has single-handedly made turtlenecks come back in fashion. 
He’s angry at his weakness and frustrated at his lack of control. 
Shoving his costume in its case, he tugs his long-sleeved sweater down self-consciously.
A gruff voice calls his name, and he curses when the sudden movement his neck makes sends an arrow of pain down his back. 
“Hey man,” He smiles, “what’s up?”
Bakugo’s eye twitches, and before he can so much as breathe, Denki is dragged to the empty offices in the gym. 
“Uhh,” He falters, tripping at the last step before he’s gently (for Bakugo) shoved into a wall. 
“Roll up your sleeves.” His classmate sneers, crossing his arms and glancing to the door as if expecting someone to interrupt and ruin whatever intervention is happening. 
Denki frowns, tucking his hands behind his back and trapping them against the wall. “Kind of a weird request, dude. Do you mind explaining before I strip for you?”
Bakugo flushes, eye-twitching, “You’re stalling, fuckface. I’m not- fuck,” He sighs, glancing to the door again, “I’m not letting you walk out of here if you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“Oh,” Denki blinks slowly. He’s not wrong, but he’s only doing what they all do during training, “It’s just collateral. I’m fine, Bakugo.”
That was the wrong thing to say.
“What the fuck about cutting yourself is collateral, you fucking moron!”
“Cutting my-” Denki mumbles, looking down at his arms. Is that what Bakugo thought?
He looks up at Bakugo suspiciously, “Are you the one who stole my exacto knife and my scissors? Bakugo, I’m not doing that. It’s just scarring from my quirk, like Kirishima’s eye.” He sits on that for a second, “Well, I guess Midoriya’s arms would be a better analogy.”
He brings his arms forward and tugs his sleeves up, exposing his wrists for Bakugo to inspect. “See? From the electricity.”
Bakugo squints, aggressively taking one of his wrists as he’s been given a time limit. 
“How come you cover them then?” He grunts, letting go when satisfied. 
Denki rolls his eyes, “They’re ugly, Bakugo. I’m not blind.”
“Well, as long as you fuckin’ know. Loser.” Imaginary Bakugo jeers, shoving Denki into the wall again and exiting swiftly… Probably giving him a middle finger. 
In reality, he just kind of… stands there. 
After a few moments of silence Denki is far too weirded out to stay quiet. “Uh… dude?”
Bakugo blinks, looking back down at Denki’s arms and grabbing at one to pull up to his face again. He investigates them, eyes darting over the skin, where the thickest of the figure is. “It’s not ugly.”
Um, what?
“Um, what?”
Bakugo tsks at him, waving his own arm in his face, “I said they’re not ugly. Where’d you even get that idea?”
Denki sweetie, Haru’s mom said your arms scared him, so you have to keep the jacket on for the whole play date, okay?
What are you, fifty? What’s with the gross wrinkles?!
Do you, like, wear a full surfer suit when you swim?! If I were you I wouldn’t let anyone see me without a shirt!
No, you sit by him! If he shocks me I’ll look like that!
Denki sighs, leaning back against the wall, “Everyone says that, dude. Since my quirk manifested and I went stupid for the first time.”
Bakugo’s nose scrunches like he smells something bad, “They’re fuckin’ stupid. You’re just like anyone else with scars. Everyone in our class has some, it’s part of the damn job.”
“Yeah, but mine are-”
“Normal, dipshit.” Bakugo interrupts, waving his hand at Denki, “If anyone in our class says shit, I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘em. Only thing ugly about you is your stupid face. Always smiling. It’s gross.” 
Denki can’t help but blush in response. He thinks that’s the closest Bakugo’s ever come to complimenting him! Even if it was just followed by an insult. 
“Aw, thanks Kacchan,” He grins when the tips of Bakugo’s ears pinken. 
“You’re fucking stupid. Are you gonna quit moping now?”
Denki nods, grinning eagerly, “You bet, and I’ll show some skin just for you!”
Bakugo flushes bright red, “Wh- that’s not! Fuck you!!”
Denki giggles, skirting around his fuming classmate before he blows up the office they’ve borrowed. “See you, Kacchan.”
He pauses by the door, catching his hand on the frame, “And thanks, by the way, I appreciate it.”
Bakugo shakes his head, shoving his hands into his pockets, “Whatever dunce face, I better see you in the locker room tomorrow.”
“You know it!”
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Chapter 2 of BibliophiLe is up!
More Monoma and Kaminari fan fiction goodness wherein Monoma wants to learn about Electrification, but has some trauma preventing him from interacting with the one person he needs to.
A classic, "You're probably wondering how I got here..." chapter.
There are nervous boys. There are skateboards. There are delicious coffee drinks. There are references to classic literature. There is an achingly slow burn.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
hello friend!! if you’re still wanting/taking requests for the valentine candy heart thingy, i have one :
hug + adore for ler kirishima and lee kaminari
if you don’t like the pairing or don’t want to write it just delete this. thank you for being such a sweet and happy writer on this hell site!! <3
Heyo friend! :) Thank you for the kind words! I definitely try my best here, akjejarjke I'm more than happy to write this for you! :D This got a tad more angsty than prepared, but it leans for towards the comfort side of things! I hope you like it!
CW: Nightmares, light angst
Hug ("I just want a hug!") + Adore ("Your laugh is adorable")
“Denki, what do you need right now?” Kirishima’s voice was soft and low, as if he were handling a spooked animal. Given how Kaminari was acting right now, he probably was. “I’m here. What do you need?”
“I-I don’t.” He sobbed, trying his hardest to make his voice work. “I do-don’t know. I don’t kn-know, Kirishima!”
“It’s okay. That’s why I’m here.” Kirishima took his hand, running his thumb against his knuckles. “Come back to me, Denki. It was only a nightmare. Just a bad dream. Can you feel me? I’m solid flesh. Do you want a hug?” When the other nodded, he gently pulled him into his chest, letting Kaminari cling to him as he cried. “There we are. See? I’m alive, and so are you.”
“I-I’m sorry! I’m so-sorry. I’m a me-ess!” Kaminari wheezed out, feeling himself start to calm down as Kirishima ran his hand gently up and down his back. “God, I-I’m such a b-baby.”
“No, not at all.” Kirishima hushed him, setting an easy breathing pattern for Kaminari to follow. “You’re not. I promise you're not.”
Eventually, the tears stopped, and Kaminari could breathe again. Wiping his eyes, he remained against the redhead’s chest, too tired to move. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. We all have nightmares.” Kirishima reassured him, squeezing his friend gently. “You don’t have to, but if you want to talk about it, I’ll listen.”
Denki only shook his head, his thoat too sore from crying. “I don’t. Just…hold me?”
“Okay, bud.” The redhead smiled, running his hand up and down Kaminari’s back as he closed his eyes. A small smile started pulling at his lips when his hand dipped near his ribs, but he didn’t wiggle away. If anything, it seemed to relax him.
“Hey, do you want me to tickle you?” Kirishima asked, his hand resting on his ribs. “I won’t if you don’t.”
“...Yes please?” Kaminari nodded, giggling softly when the fingers against his side moved. “Ahehehhehhe! Kihihihirishihihihma, gehahhahahhaha!”
“There it is. There's that adorable laugh of yours!” Kirishima smiled, gently pulling his friend into the bed as he carried on his gentle tickles. “Let’s get you feeling better.”
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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made some fan art for this fic of mine :))
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rumisgf · 2 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: y’all wanted a part two i shall give a part two
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ includes: katsuki bakugou, hitoshi shinsou, shoto todoroki, denki kaminari, iida tenya, kirishima eijirou
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: black!reader obv, cursing, mentions of drug usage/marijuana, suggestive if u squint, fem reader implied, mentioning of babies/children
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✮ wipes your tears sort of aggressively but only because he’s so urgent to comfort you and take care of you
✮ always hugs you by your lower waist
✮ when you go to the gym together, he’s the type to always say “c’mon, you can do one more.” or “do three more”
✮ ruffles your hair/flicks your forehead in a teasing way
✮ “act right.”/“watch out.”
✮ doesn’t remind you to drink water— he simply justs brings water bottles up to your mouth and tells you to “open up”
✮ if you have any, he cares for your pets like they’re his own
✮ just something about the sight of him holding a baby
✮ bites you just because he can
✮ pulls you into his lap whenever he’s tired of your attitude
✮ gets super close to your face like he’s gonna kiss you but pulls away just to mess with you
✮ “that’s my girl” in the most proud voice ever every single time
✮ any time he does get high he’s all over you and staring at you with half lidded eyes
✮ it’s just something about the way he curses man.
✮ loves falling asleep on the phone with you and takes facetime photos of you sleeping because he thinks you look like an angel
✮ runs his thumb over your hand whenever you hold hands
✮ loves giving earlobe kisses
✮ will casually be like “when we have kids,”
✮ sends voice memos ranging from something funny that happened in class to how much he misses you and needs to see you
✮ kisses your lip gloss off every chance he gets right after complimenting how nice your lip combo looks
✮ sends you pictures of yourself and says “you look so pretty in this”
✮ him whispering in your ear.
✮ has your contact as the only one pinned in his messages
✮ pats away your tears with his finger instead of wiping them (those who watch love island usa and are kordell + serena fans know what i’m talking about)
✮ places his hand on the small of your waist to guide your somewhere or move you out the way
✮ constant forehead kisses
✮ lifts you up and spins you around when he’s excited to hug you
✮ guides you into the right form when you workout together
✮ runs his hands down your waist and hips when he’s checking you out while you’re right in front of him
✮ him around kids. that’s all.
✮ gives you flowers pretty much every week— and one time he gave you a money bouquet for your birthday
✮ flexes for you when he feels you staring at him and pretends he’s not doing it on purpose
✮ throws his arm around you and presses you flush against his chest when you go to sit on the couch next to him
✮ refers to you as his “wife” to his friends
✮ you could have been rotting in bed all day and when he facetimes you he always greets you with something along the lines of “hello my beautiful princess” with a lovesick tone of voice
✮ calls you “mama” and “ma”
✮ obsessed with skinship because he aches to be able to “crawl inside your skin” and just needs to be close to you
✮ blows kisses at you from across the room
✮ for comfort, he runs his fingers through your hair and rocks you back and forth while hugging you
✮ his morning voice :)))
✮ lets you bite him and encourages it
✮ gets very touchy when you’re on his lap
✮ the king of “i know you’re probably asleep, but” texts
✮ goes on rants about how gentle and how well he would care for you when you’re one day pregnant with his children
✮ always calling you his “pretty baby”/“pretty girl”
✮ always posts pretty candid pictures of you and makes heartfelt story posts for every birthday, anniversary, and valentine’s day
✮ has read for you + sung you to sleep on multiple occasions
✮ grabs you by your chin to force eye contact
✮ “say please”
✮ checks you every time you have an attitude with a smirk on his face
✮ has a habit of biting his lip
✮ says “there you go, babe” way too much.
✮ glares at anyone who flirts with you while tightly wrapping an arm around your waist
✮ has made multiple shared playlists for the both of you
✮ says he’s “gatekeeping” you because you’re just too pretty and he has to keep you to himself
✮ plays with your fingers when he’s bored or nervous
✮ buries his face into your neck to bask in your scent when he hugs you
✮ randomly stares at your for a full five minutes when you’re talking, barely listening to a word you’re saying, then lovingly sighs “i love you so much…”
✮ always opens every door for you
✮ holds your hands while walking across the street or through the hallways
✮ very protective over you and will respectfully cuss anybody out who disrespects you
✮ pretty much has replaced your name is his vocabulary with “honey” and “sweetheart”
✮ never calls you hot— he always calls you beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, or stunning
✮ grabs you by your sleeve or your belt loop to take you somewhere if you don’t hear him call your name the third time
✮ the thought of ever calling you his “bitch” disgusts him, he calls you his lady or his love instead
✮ will immediately grab the nearest box of tissues to wipe your tears or your nose whenever you’re crying
✮ kisses your cheek to greet you and say goodbye
✮ has deep conversations about your future together when you get to that point in the relationship, and is open about how much his heart swells at imagining you as a mother
✮ kisses your forehead when he notices you asleep on his chest
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© rumisgf
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veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys with a s/o who is clingy when sleepy」
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⤷ Bakugou
he would act like he was angry about it; the kind of jokingly complaining like “why are you getting clingy all of a sudden?” “what are you, a koala?” “hey, if you sleep like this, you’ll drool all over my shirt.” but as soon as you pout and walk away, he rolls his eyes and pulls you back to him, trapping you in his arms or with his body. “where do you think you’re going? get back here,” then happily he cradles you and places soft kisses on the top of your head.
⤷ Deku
he gets even more smiley and embarrassed when you start clinging to his arm as you walk back home. “sleepy?” he ruffles your hair lightly before placing a soft kiss on top of your head; and honestly his heart is melting. he offers to give you a piggy back ride so you can take a nap. “we are almost home; hang in there,”
⤷ Todoroki
he’d be a little surprised at first, especially if you’re not normally clingy or as affectionate, but he’d get used to it; if you were sleeping on the couch he would take you to bed carefully and when you refuse to let him go he tries to playfully argue with you and say he has work to do but honestly he thinks you are very cute and doesn’t have the courage to refuse, so he would bring everything he needs to work so he can do it on your side. he also likes you to pet him while he reads a book or watches something on his phone or something and looks at you adoringly with a smile or a small laugh before continuing on what he was doing before.
⤷ Denki
“awn, cuuteee-” he would say, his voice almost a scream as he hugs you and pulls you closer; he was really very quiet afterwards, just stroking you while you slept, not thinking, running his fingers down your back, drawing little patterns or letters. it would be a blissfully quiet time, just enjoying each other’s presence and warmth. then he opens his mouth to say, “hey babe, why are you so cute all the time??”
⤷ Tamaki
you are in the backseat of the car when you suddenly approach him, practically clutching his arms, almost dozing; he puts down the phone he was scrolling and looks at you, “are you sleepy?” he asks rhetorically with a chuckle, you gently tilts his head so that it rests on his shoulder, “go ahead and take a nap; i’ll wake you up when we get there,” he says and holds your hand the entire way and kisses it a few times.
⤷ Shinsou
he would be calm outside, but his heart would just melt; he’s reading in bed when you sleepily tug at his sleeve, a silent line for him to crawl under the covers and approach. he puts his arms around your shoulders as he lets you sleep; you try to move his hand to your head. he is a little confused at first, but laughs when he realizes, “like this?” he says as he strokes your hair. he looks at you with a big smile on his face as you mumble contentedly and hug his waist tighter.
⤷ Hawks
would he be a little confused at first and look at you as if to say what’s gotten into you? but in all honesty, he would be the softest being ever; he would make videos and photos of you, with his hands poking or playing with your cheeks because he thinks you are the cutest thing in the world. he would also 100% let you hold his hand and use his arm to hug. he kisses you on the forehead and chaste kisses on the lips when he thinks you’ve fallen asleep, but suddenly you open your eyes and he backs away so quickly, the blush creeping up his cheeks; and blush even more when you snuggle closer and press lazy little kisses to his cheek.
⤷ Dabi
he’s watching tv when you arrive and lazily sits on his lap, resting your cheek on his shoulder. he kind of freezes up at first because he doesn’t know what to do but relaxes right away and asks if you’ve had a tiring day. then moves to get up but stops and laughs when you hold him tighter, “i’m just taking you to bed; it’ll be more comfortable there,” “who said?” you mumble. “…okay,” he says, wrapping his arms around your waist and shifting a bit to find a more comfortable position for the two of you; in the end, he didn’t wake you up because you were so cute and comfortable that he just wanted to keep holding you in his arms, and that’s what he did.
⤷ Shigaraki
he’s in the middle of a game when you whimper sleepily for hugs as you drag him to bed. he holds the controller out of your reach. “wait, y/n, i’m about to – fuck no!” he groans when he loses before shooting you a look and basically tackling you on the bed, suffocating you with a bear hug. “you made me lose, i’m not gonna let you go now; this is your punishment,” despite your drowsiness, you laugh and tighten your embrace, suffocating him in an equally eager hug until both of you relents at the same time. you then slowly drift off to sleep in his arms and he soon follows suit.
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cvnt4him · 2 months
can i req izuku x masochist!gf !! how would that go
Hmmm.. we all know this guy as a sweetie pie cutie patootie [who can kill but chooses not to] I wonder if he even has the balls to do anything to us chat
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Izuku as your boyfriend is nothing more than pure bliss. He's such a sweetie pie like actually, he buys you flowers when you first start dating, he buys you snacks constantly, makes sure to have things on him that he feels you'd need and so much more.
He's a good boyfriend overall, the first month of your relationship is when he gets kind of okay it's the idea of public PDA. Izuku doesn't mind when you hug him or kiss his cheek in front of others, especially if he's feeling overstimulated and just needs to get away, hugging him from behind usually calms his nerves a bit, he admires you for knowing how he feels. One thing that could make him blow his pants or burst into tears is when you hold his hands or kiss them. Just showing his hands love basically.
One time the two of you were studying in the library alone at one of the more hidden tables, it was quiet and you two weren't really talking to each other either. He was writing something in his notebook and you just couldn't stop staring at him, specifically his hands. They were so thick and some veins trickled across it, his hands were much bigger than yours. The thought alone about how much smaller you are than his hands really did something to you, you started imagining his hand wrapping around your neck, and with how thick his fingers are how much better they'd feel inside of you than your own. How they'd find such a sweet home inside of you.
Your thighs clamped together to satiate the burning feeling starting to grow inside do you, you slightly bit your lip and moved your hand closer to his before you held it gently. Izuku nearly jumped out of his seat at the contact, his confused wide eyes searched your face that didn't even notice he was staring at you, you traced his scars with your fingers and a smile went to your face.
A wobbly smile appeared on his face with tears filling his eyes, you looked at his hands, his scars so lovingly, it was like you truly loved all of him and he's never felt this loved in his life. Honestly izuku feels as if he doesn't deserve a girlfriend, he always thought he'd never get one so trying to obtain one was never a priority. When you asked him to be your boyfriend he actually cried in your arms, it was the most adorable thing you'd ever seen.
Once you were about 3-4 months in your relationship izuku got comfortable with the idea of you cuddling him or him cuddling you, just you two holding each other. He was more okay with the idea of you guys being alone in either of your dorms. Some people didn't really notice you guys were dating due to lack of PDA, specifically denki. He'd flirt with you and you'd simply giggle and tell him you had a boyfriend, however he always assumed you were just saying that. Denki never really pushed you beyond your comfort zone, he knew you likes the flirtatious jokes, izuku however did not.
He assumed that denki was bothering you and making you uncomfortable. Izuku didn't know how to go about making your relationship seem more... More? Just more visible to others. He didn't really want to make a huge scene over you two but he wanted others to know that you were his and he was yours. Happily.
When you two were cuddling and watching a movie he kept sighing dramatically and glancing at you to see if you'd noticed. It was so cute, he wanted your attention so badly but you wanted to hear him just for a bit longer. He knew you were ignoring him based on how you would smile every time he sighed. His brows furrowed and his lips turned into a pout, this time his sigh was a desperate whine. He laid his head in your lap and looked up at you with those big wide emerald green orbs of his.
You giggle and run your fingers through his messy curls, he leaned his head into your hand and closed his eyes, his pout disappearing as a smile formed instead. He looked up at you with his glossy eyes and pretty smile on that adorable freckled face of his. You leaned down and kissed his forehead gently, making him blush intensively.
"what's the matter baby?"
You ask still curling his forest green locs around your fingers while staring down at his beautiful face.
He hums sits up to face you, he sighs trying to find the correct words. He didn't want to appear jealous or anything but.. he hated how denki was towards you. It just ticked him off.
"I just don't like how some people flirt with you despite us being together.."
You him and kiss his cheek making his pout that was becoming visible again, disappear. He whined again trying to hide his face with his hand, you knew how to fluster him terribly and it always got you going. He was so easy to tease.
You pull him into a soft kiss, gently moving your lips against his slowly. His eyes widened before they fluttered shut, he let out little noises inside of the kiss that began to be fueled by something more; passion. You pushed your body against his which made him lean back into the bed, he moaned as he felt your breasts against his chest. You move this kiss down to his neck and gently nipped and placed little kisses at it.
He let out little mewls as his eyes fluttered, you guys had always made out but It would be ended by izuku whenever he found himself getting hard. He didn't want to push you past your comfort so he never initiated sex. You grinded your hips into his and a whiney moan ripped out of him. You chuckled in his ear and continued your swift motions making his arms go weak, he was holding himself up on his elbows but the more you rubbed your clothed cunt across his hard cock he just felt as if he were going to collapse.
That's how you both lost your virginities, it was a magical way to have both of your first times. His moans were heavenly, if you could mast recall.
The more you two got comfortable with it, you started having a whole lot more sex. It's like izuku was so addicted to it, you could have sex one day and like 2 days later he's ready to go again. It was so easy to get him going, really it was.
Izuku always knew how to please you in a good way, but recently you've been wanting... More.
You find yourself underneath him as he grinds his growing cock into your thigh, he was suckling and licking on your boobs and leaving hickies all over them. It was feeling so good but you craved more, a thirst for sexual gratification.
"izuku.. can we uhm.. try something new maybe?"
You ask hesitantly, he hums and lifts off of you onto his knees. He turns his head to the side like a puppy, he's curious on what exactly you want to try.
"maybe like.. you be a bit tougher with me?"
"li.. like I.. choke you? Or something..."
"yeah! Exactly that! And just a bit.. more?"
"well... What do you mean by more?"
Izuku had your hips lifted and your back arched into quite a painful way, he was pounding into you at an insane pace making his bed creak, it normally didn't but with how hard he was rocking his hips into your ass the bed couldn't help but to move akong with you.
His grunts and moans were quieted with how he bit into your shoulder making you cry out loud, you cried his name in slobber filled sobs that had his cock twitching inside of you. He slapped your ass which made your body jolt forward only for him to pull you back by your hair, one of his hands that was on your hips snuck it's way to your neck, applying light pressure to it.
You couldn't help but to squeeze around his cock from how gentle he was still being with you despite rocking your body. He kissed your shoulder where he bit at and whispered such filthy things that didn't even sound like him.
"you-- shit.. fit so perfectly around my cock sweetheart.."
"god..~ you were made for it.. fuck-- made for me.."
He groans deeply into your ear, a snarl pulling at his lips as he looks at the way your body bounces back to him after he thrusts, the way you moan and cry out for him. It was all stroking his ego in the best way, you wanted him in this way. you wanted him to fuck you like a slut.
"f- fuck..,"
He growls lowly, your eyes rolled back at how gutteral and deep his voice sounded, such filthy words leaving his innocent mouth. It's like you'd turned him into a completely different person.
Izuku stops for a second making you whine, he pulls out leaving you empty and clenching around nothing, he flips you into your back in one swift motion before planting his feet into the ground and slams his fat cock back into your warm cunt. A moan ripped out of the both of you as he leaned down into you, kissing your lips gently before he started moving. He wanted you to know despite everything going on right now he still loves you, more than anything in this world.
You give him a weary smile with dry and crusted tear stains painting your face, before you knew it izuku rammed his thick cock into your cunt once more, knocking all of the wind out of your body, your lungs desperate for air. He greedily thrusts in and out of you, trying hard to hold his whimpers in but your cunt was dragging across his leaky cock so deliciously, you twitch and convexed around his cock making him whine, his stupid thick cock was stretching you out so perfectly, new tears appearing at your waterline and prickling down your cheeks, the immense pleasure overstimulating you and causing a tinge of pain inside.
Your eyes cross and your mouth falls open as his cock continuously pistons in and out of you, making your bodies rock together in a messy uncoordinated motion. the sounds were so lewd they were staring to get to him, you had came so many times that you honestly couldn't stop, izuku hadn't cum once, he wanted to assure that you were having the time of your life before he spilled his messy white cum inside of you.
The noises of your own sloppy, squelching cunt was too much, your cum had started frothing at the base of his girth cock, he looked down at where you two met and just couldn't hold himself back, the sight the noises, it was all too much for your poor izu to handle. His hips stuttered and sheepishly jerked against yours before he emptied his nuts inside of you. His body jolted forward and he moaned sluttyly. Izukus cum was reaching so deep inside of you, you sighed when you felt the hot cum enter you.
He collapsed onto of you, his sweaty body tired and spent from fucking you so roughly, his bed had never creaked or moved like that before so he was sure that something might've been broken or out of place.
Izuku fell asleep on top of you, his soft cock still twitching lightly inside of you. You whimper at the thickness of him still being plugged deep into you.
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AN: this one was posted at quite an early time, I nearly missed yesterday 💀 so glad I got this out of the way instead of waiting until the very last minute like a fucking idiot
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r4spb3rr13s · 4 months
juicy couture + shinsou please !! love your blog 🎀💖
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real or cap??
♱ shinsou x reader, fake dating stylez 🫢
♱ 1000 follower special ♱
♱ 2.2K words!
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Hitoshi had so many other things he could be doing - studying for a class he actually took, for example. Instead, he sat stuffing his face with chips as you ranted at him about something called 'The Doppler Effect'.
This poor psych major's head was about to explode.
You faltered at the bewilderment on your friend's face and slumped down next to him with a groan. "I'm so fucked, 'toshi."
"You're notttt," He yawned. Hitoshi lifted his arms up to stretch, and you looked away quickly - ever since Mina pointed his happy trail you crumbled a little inside.
It was extremely distracting.
You cleared your throat, and pushed yourself up, snatching the bowl away from him.
"'Scuse me?" You huff, "I need to eat too so I'm not drunk after two shots tonight."
Hitoshi froze. There was a pause. His voice came out meek, like a scared mouse.
You snorted at his blank face. His eyebags weren't as bad today, but they still cast a shadow on his pale face. The panic on his face made him look like a horror movie character at that moment.
"We're going out tonight? With Mina and Denki?"
Hitoshi's eyes widened, and let out a small 'fuck' under his breath. He desperately avoided your gaze, but still he shook his head in protest.
"Fuck you mean 'nope'?" You scoffed. It was a struggle getting Shinsou to come out with you all, but you knew he did actually enjoy everyone's company. His intense lack of energy balanced the other three of you surprisingly well.
He slumped back into the cushions and smothered himself in one of the pillows, groaning into it like a teenage girl. You chuckled at the adult baby and poked his shoulder. "You're coming. You even agreed on the group chat!"
As Hitoshi stood at the entrance of 'The Three Boars' he'd never wanted to turn into a turtle and sink into his shell more.
You, on the other hand, stood beside him with a bright grin. And a very small outfit, he'd noted when he picked you up. He'd spent the Uber over gulping every time your skirt rode up and good god when you walked in front of him-
He broke out of trance and looked at you. A frown crept on his face, but no real ill intent sat behind it because the smile on yours stopped it. He nodded.
Your hand brushed against his, and for some reason the hairs on the back of his neck stood attention. Your fingers reached out hesitantly, like you wanted to curl them into his palm and tug him along. But you didn’t.
Instead, you strode forward in front him and he found himself staring up, because he know if he didn’t, his eyes would find themselves glued to the backs of your thighs.
It was loud in the bar with music thrumming through the floor and people hollering at each other at the tops of their lungs. Two people managed to stand out in the crowd though - those two obviously being your two friends.
Mina and Denki are scream-laughing at strangers dancing, clearly already off their tits. Mina catches your eye and screams - the whole bar jumps at the shrill sound, but she pays no mind and hurtles towards you.
You laugh and hug her. "Y/n, I have a secret, c'mere," she mumbles. You stifle a laugh and lend her your ear. She cups her hand around your ear and... makes a fart noise.
Denki comes up behind up the two of you and cackles at the both of you. Shinsou can't help but let out a little snort at the sight. Seeing you smile would always make him the smile, anyways.
"Should we get drinks?" You ask. It's pointed at Shinsou, but Mina screeches 'yes' and drags you to the bar. You send a ‘sorry’ look at Hitoshi, and he just shrugs with a smile. You order your drinks and sit with Mina at the stools.
She's patting her hair back into place, eyes searching for the yellow-haired boy in the crowd. God knows where he's taken poor Shinsou.
You can see the look on her face - it's more obvious now she's drunk. Furrowed brows, jutted out lip and she's curled into herself a little bit more. "You still haven't told him?" You pry.
She jumps at your question and moves a pink curl from her eye. "No..."
"He's crazy about you," You sigh. The bartender puts your drinks down, you thank him, and take a sip- fuck, it's strong.
She raises a brow and rests her clumsy head against her hand. "Nahhhhh, he isn't."
"Yes, he is!"
"No, he isn't!"
"Plus, can you even talk?"
That shuts you up, and your face twists in confusion. You let out a breathless laugh, "You're so drunk, dude-"
"Okayyy?" She says, an evil grin lighting up her dark eyes. "Hitoshi still has a big, fat crush on youuuuu," she sings. Her finger comes up and boops your nose, much to your dismay.
You waft her finger away and take a glance at the boy across the room. Both boys are sat down, Denki on some rant that includes waving his arms around like a car dealership blow-up. Your eyes drift to the purple haired boy.
He's sat back in his chair, his jacket off and arms straining at the short sleeves of his cotton shirt, and he does his signature stretch - the one that you 'hate' so much. Your eyes betray you, and your glancing down at the dark strip of hair leading to his belt-
"Jesus, just ask him out already. The whole room can feel you eye-fucking him, Y/n," Mina slurs. You snap your attention back to her with hot cheeks and shove her lightly. She's stuck between giggling at you and looking at something behind you.
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump out of your skin. You let out a small shout, and spin around. A tall guy looms over with a leering smile - it makes your skin crawl - and eyes drawing everywhere but your face.
He’s got dark, greasy hair and black eyes that look like pits into whatever ‘soul’ he has. There’s an air around him filled with arrogance, douchery, and frankly, danger.
"You single?" He drawls. He's uncomfortably close - nearly caging you in against the bar, with one hand on the counter behind you. The other hand is busy holding an empty pint of beer that you're thinking hasn't been his first.
Mina's watching the both of you with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You shake your head and laugh with anxiety. "I'm not interested, sorry," You mutter and slide off the stool.
Mina joins you and you're pushing through the crowd. She's in front of you, and you're nearly at the table, but there's a hand on your arm. It's holding tight.
A yelp leaves your lips but Mina's already through the crowd, probably at the table. You’re pulled back into the chest of the guy, and his face reeks of alcohol. A horrible grin spreads across yellow teeth and he flips his dark hair out of his face.
"I asked if you're single, so answer the question, sweetheart." He slurs, nose almost touching yours.
You tried to wrench your arm out of his grip, panic rising. The thrumming in your ears is getting louder, but your throat is so dry that nothing will come out. The few sips you had of your drink are making you foggy, but you know you need to move.
You managed to push some words out. "Listen, I just wanna sit with my friends-"
He presses himself against you, and your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest when he moves his mouth next to your ear. "Why can't we be friends?"
There’s a beat where you’re not really sure what happens, but something does.
You blink and you're free, a waft of air making you shiver for a second.
There's a back in front of you - a back you recognise immediately as Shinsou's, and his familiar smell of lavender and cedarwood fills your brain with the same feeling second-hand smoke from Denki’s blunts do.
The guy scoffs loudly and peers around Shinsou, gesturing at you with a pointed finger.
"She didn't fuckin' tell me she had a boyfriend! She was leadin' me on-"
Hitoshi let’s put a groan and puts his hands to his temples, “Shut the fuck up? Please?". He’s scowling, arms crossed, looming over Creep Mcgee. It's apparent he's a foot taller than the moron, the width of his shoulder making the two of them look like a comical before and after gym-plan ad.
If you hadn't been so shaken, you'd have laughed.
Instead, you found your hand subconsciously wrapping around Shinsou's bicep and glancing up at him. His gaze was steely and dark through narrowed eyes, and his tongue poked through his cheek.
The guy moved to say something again, but Shinsou shook his head. It was a warning, if anything.
Creep McGee just sighed and left, muttering things about you.
A few people had been watching, but they got bored and went back to their dancing and drinking. He looked down at you and his face softened, clenched jaw turning into a small smile on his lips.
"You okay?"
You nodded and tightened your grip on his arm. Your legs were shaking a bit, but you were alive so you couldn't complain.
He gave you a once-over and took your hand off his arm, holding it instead in his own. He looked at it for a second, and Mina's earlier words flashed in your mind.
"Hitoshi still has a big, fat crush on youuuuuu."
The memory made your face go hot again. Shinsou huffed, and started leading you to the door.
"No- I don't want to ruin it, I wanna stay for a bit-"
Hitoshi let out a chuckle in front of you and looked back with a smile you thought you'd swoon over. "We're jus' gettin' you some air, kay?"
His voice was soft and warm and felt like a million hugs and lit you on fire. You nodded obediently and let him lead you outside to sit on the curb a few steps from the door.
You sat clumsily, tugging your skirt down while Shinsou shook his head at you.
"Why do you even wear that stuff? It's always stressful for you," He asked as you finally sat next to him.
"'Cus it's cute? What, do I look bad?" You asked with a cheeky smile, nudging him.
He went quiet for a minute and looked out into the street, eyes following the passing cars. "Nah. You look beautiful." He admitted quietly.
Your heart jumps into your throat at his words. Your hair stands on end, and you feel like you've been electrocuted by Denki with the tingles and shivers flying across your skin.
You turn into Mina for a minute, and open-an-close your mouth like a fish. "...Thanks, boyfriend."
Hitoshi snorts and pushes your shoulder with a teasing smile. "Yeah, you wish, Y/n."
"Yeah, I do," you reply without a beat. You don't even realise what you've said before Shinsou turns to you with wide eyes.
Your hands fly up to smack your mouth in panic. What the fuck? Why would you say that! Y/n, for fuck's sake-
But a grin breaks out on his face, lighting up his violet eyes and they shine in the lamppost's light above him. Fuck, he looks like an angel with the white light halo-ing him, outlining his silhouette like a movie screenshot.
"Yeah?" He asks, and his voice has lowered a bit. His teasing tone is gone, and there's something different, you've never heard before - it's electrifying.
Hitoshi's inched forwards, and his eyes are flitting from your eyes to your bitten lips, making your body shake in anticipation. You know you're doing the same, watching his gaze on you darken and his lips form a shit-eating smirk he'll use to annoy you later.
But you don't give a fuck, because you nod.
He moves fluidly, hand snaking up to cup your neck, half in your hair, and rush you towards his lips. A muttered 'fuck' leaves his mouth before he kisses you, and it's everything you've ever imagined.
He tastes like tobacco - a habit he pretends he doesn't indulge in - and minty gum, making your head spin more than it already is. He's soft, moving with your mouth slowly and taking you in.
Your hand rests on his chest, and you can feel his heart hammer at an unhealthy rate. Air is rushing out of you, so you force yourself to separate from Hitoshi. It’s reluctant, and you wish you could spend all your time against the soft pillows that are his lips, but unfortunately you require oxygen to survive. A cruel reality.
You're both panting into the cold air, staring at each other. A little giggle escapes you, and Hitoshi laughs, and then you both end up in a fit of laughter with your hands still cradling the other.
"Boyfriend?" Hitoshi asks contemplatively, pretending to think it over. You snort and hit him on the chest.
"Take me out on a date, first, pushy."
He grins and pecks your nose, hand still cradling the back of your neck. "I guess I'll have to, then."
"Well, in that case... can you go get me another drink? I left mine on the bar-"
"Good God, Y/n."
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taglist: @todoslutbyheart @aespie @itzlittlemissperfect @im-so-tired-sorry @mangalovesanime-blog @livingmydreamlife5555
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
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in which : you and your classmates surprise katsuki for his birthday !
day seven of the explosive birthday collab event hosted by @queenpiranhadon !
fem reader, i dog on kaminari a lot in this one lmfao sorry kami fans i promise i luv him, kissing, lotsaaaa fluff, mentions of food, mentions of drinking but its not specified to be alcohol or anything ! cuddling, teary eyed sentimental katsu, soft katsu for the soul, teary eyed reader, class A bein silly, lmk if i missed sum else !
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and so, finally bakugou’s big 18th birthday party had arrived.
and you could absolutely not be more nervous.
you’d barely slept a wink, too giddy but also terrified as you kept on thinking about everything that could happen that you lost track of time. you'd checked and rechecked to see if the gifts you'd prepared where ready, checked with your classmates to see if all the decorations in gym gamma where still okay and checked the fridge five times to see if the cake was still intact aka if kaminari or mineta hadn't gotten their grubby little hands on it. tokoyami had told you not to “let the chains of anxiety shackle thy restless soul”, which you think meant you didn’t need worry yourself too much. you didn't quite get it at the time but you were thankful nonetheless.
you’re in bed now. nervous, sure. but you can’t help excitedly kicking your feet nonetheless. you were so excited to see katsuki’s reaction to the surprise and to your gifts, of course.
you check your notifications one last time, smile at your homescreen picture of you and your boyfriend, and turn on your side to finally go to sleep.
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the day goes by with no hiccups. despite your friends wishing katsuki a happy birthday, with him grumbling in a sort of appreciation, he didn’t seem like he’d caught on. and he hadn’t noticed the sneaky mischievous glances you sent your friends every once in a while, everything was going off with a hitch.
you’d, of course, waken up extra early to be sure you were the very first person to send him a happy birthday message, getting ready at lightning speed to greet him at the door with a warm hug and plenty of kisses. which he reciprocated after quickly getting over his stupor.
the day had gone well, but now it was time for the surprise. and while you gather up the last finishing touches and finish bringing the food, operation : extract the payload was a go.
kirishima had been tasked to go retrieve katsuki and drag him over to the gym, claiming he wanted to try a brand new move and knowing katsuki you knew there was little to no chance he’d pass up training. but just in case, you’d encouraged kirishima to egg your boyfriend on a bit, that usually gets him going and you smirk proudly at your phone when you get a text from the red head himself.
“he took the bait ! the payload is on the way >:)”
and there you have it.
“alright guys, payload’s on the way !” you exclaim. your classmates start taking action, there aren’t many places to hide in the gym even with all of the changes you’d all made, but everyone had managed to find a pretty good hiding spot. some, like kaminari following others because they had nowhere else to hide and exchanging whispered complaints of “why’d you follow me ?!” and “ow, don’t step on my feet !” you giggle at how much your friends treat this like a game of hide and seek rather than a big surprise, before bounding away to find a hiding spot for yourself near the entrance.
it's so quiet you can hear a pin drop. denki clear his throat and yelps immediately afterwards, you assume someone must’ve punished him for the noise and you almost snort. until you hear voices approaching.
you recognize the loudest one clear as day. your heart starts racing when you hear the door open and kirishima and katsuki sounding impossibly close. katsuki’s complaining, as usual and it should be about time for—
“let’s hurry this up shitty hair, got other shit to do later.” you hear your boyfriend grumble.
“yeah, yeah i got it man.” kirishima replies “i’ve been working on this move for a looong while, so i think you’ll definitely be in for a treat.”
the trigger word.
“why’d you put so much emphasis on the—“
bakugou’s next words get caught in his throat and he makes a little spluttering noise when all of his classmates pop out from almost every single crevice, nook and cranny in the room. his eyes are wide as saucers and his stance screams he’s on high alert, ready to fight, only to be met with his entire class screaming at him.
he stays frozen in his spot, eyebrows twitching and you all silently wait for him to react until denki shouts “kacchan’s shut down, guys !” in an instant time restarts its course and while you all burst out laughing katsuki splutters again.
“shut the fuck up dunce face !!” he shouts, but it doesn’t hit the same as it usually would, he’s just a bit quieter “w-what the hell is all this ?!”
“obviously it’s a surprise party.” sero sasses with a smirk, mina rubs it in by adding a snarky “duuuh !”
kirishima takes pity on his friend and places a hand on his shoulder comfortingly "we knew your birthday was comin' up, so we wanted to throw you a birthday party !"
"and actually keep it a secret this time.." kaminari snickered not so quietly. him, and the majority of the class side eyeing todoroki and mineta, the smaller boy immediately spluttering out excuses while the other only tilted his head in question.
katsuki's flabbergasted expression has settled just the smallest bit, his eyes shoot over to you and you offer him a sweet smile "18th birthday's are special, y'know ? they should be celebrated with class." you joke. the redhead next to your boyfriend nods aggressively fast. you feel a hand on your shoulder and turn to see kaminari again. you snort when he opens his mouth to speak again—does that guy ever stop talking ?
"i helped plan everything." he smirks, leaning against your shoulder and nodding proudly. only to wince when jirou materializes behind him, accompanied with a fist to his head. "we all did, idiot."
"hey, don't go taking all the glory for yourself !" mina chimes in a little further in the crowd, shoji places a hand on her shoulder in support.
you can't stop your lips from forming into a silly smile at your friends antics, and you giggle when katsuki only rolls his eyes, trying to hold back one of his own.
"you guys are idiots..complete fuckin' morons.." he mutters under his breath, shaking his head and rubbing at his nape almost shyly. he looks up at the red head next to him, then at the rest of his class with the faintest of pink on his cheeks, hand still pressed awkwardly on his nape like he doesn't know where to put it.
"i-i appreciate you guys..or whatever..thanks."
a beat passes. and then squeals resonates throughout the room.
"AAAWWWW—" kaminari and mina both squeal.
"aww man, you're blushing !" kirishima laughs, his cheeks also tinted pink.
"S-SHUT THE FUCK UP. NO I'M NOT—yer seein' things, you fuckin' weirdo.." katsuki spits, but his embarrassment and appreciation refrains him from insulting his smiling friend too agressively.
"aaand he's back.." sero quips, causing absolute choas filled with laughs and screams..the screams coming more from your boyfriend but you digress.
you're all smiles, this couldn't have gone any better for you and you feel a little silly for feeling emotional. katsuki's absolutely not the first person others would call sweet, but him actually putting in the effort and putting his feelings into words make your heart grow more than three sizes.
"alright, enough with the mushy stuff. let's party an' eat cake !" kaminari, always being the life of the party, exclaims. you're thankful that he's so aware and always able to set everything back on course so naturally, you almost envy him for it. you and your classmates excitedly cheer. between the cheers you lock eyes with katsuki, who was already looking at you. you smile at him brightly because you really can't help it and you feel your heart beat and dance around in your chest when he offers you a handsome smile in return. not his usual boastful one, the one only reserved for you. the one that makes your heart beat intensely, but more sweetly and makes it melt like liquid honey.
this is the best.
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you're a few hours ( and a lot of slices of cake) later into the evening, when you lean against the wall to take a breather. you're cheeks hurt with how hard you've been laughing and you sigh happily, the noise being drowned out by the loud speakers booming as you take a sip of your favorite drink.
"yo." you turn to see sero right next to you, "hey !" you chirp loudly, trying to get him to hear you over the music. he smiles easily at you, taking a sip from his drink before he continues
"looks like blasty's havin' fun." he chuckled, pointing his cup to where your boyfriend had been dragged into an impromptu conga line. you burst out laughing, pulling out your phone to record. and while you're recording he notices and glares right at you, you offer him a taunting little wave and cheer him on. and his narrowed eyes need no words as his hands tighten on deku's shoulders in front of him. the green haired boy's eyes widen in surprise as his mouth open in surprise.
"you're gonna pay for that." you chortle.
"looks like this party was a succes, huh ?" sero utters softly, going to take another sip before leaning his red cup over to you. you laugh with a shake of your head.
"yep !" you agree, knocking your cup against his.
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a warm hand wraps around your wrist. you don't know if you ever stopped smiling since the beginning of the evening, but you smile wider when his warmth practically engulfes you, his chest pressed to your back as he pulls you against it. you look up at him to see him trying to supress a smile, not well, but he's trying. "finally caught you." katsuki growls.
"you havin' fun ?" you sing. he scoffs "bein' dragged around playing limbo with those fuckin' cheaters ? yeah, plenty." the words come out bitterly at the memory of kaminari 'setting him up' during your game of limbo, competitive as always. you laugh at his sarcastic remark.
"i think you looked real handsome during the conga line," you sigh sweetly to sell the act, "so dreamy.." his words get caught in his throat and he pokes at your stomach in punishment to make you squirm around, then he's reaching to grab your hips shuffles around in your pockets while you try to keep him away. "i saw you recording me, freak ! gimme the phone."
"no !"
"give it !"
"leave me be, it's a m-momento for your 18th birthday !" you wheeze, giggling and shrieking as he takes his chance to tickle you. you hear him chuckle into your ear and he finally relents. "m'getting to that phone while you're asleep." you fake gasp in shock, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"you wouldn't !"
"don't test me." he snarks, throwing you a teasing grin. however, his expression morphs into a soft one, he shoves his hands into his black baggy jean pockets.
"heard you planned all this, huh ?" your eyes widen.
"no, no we all did."
"but it was your idea." he insists, and cuts you off before you can continue "don't bother, kirishima already told me." as thankful as you were for his help, you cursed kirishima in your head for throwing you to the explosive wolf like this. it's not like you were angry, but you really couldn't have done all of this on your own and it was definitely a team effort.
"well, i mean..yeah.." you admitted shyly, fumbling around with your hands. it's silent, then he chuckles at your humbleness and you're slowly, agonizingly slow at that, being backed up against the nearest wall. and his forehead maes contact with yours, you're tucked away into a corner of the gym where the rest can't see you, he places his arms against the wall next to your head.
your eyes dart from his to the floor "i just thought..it could be fun, you know..? m'sorry for lying to you about the bookstore.." you spilled, trying your best to stutter out an apology, until he stops you, raising your head up with his finger.
"you're really somethin' else, you know that ?" he smirks softly " i knew you were planning somethin', you were being too secretive. hanging out with my mom and shit, sneaky brat."
"i like hanging out with your mom !" you defending the older woman has your boyfriend roll his eyes "should like hanging out with your boyfriend first." he quips. you roll your eyes as well, but it doesn't take you long to burst into a fit of laughter and he follows quickly. your chest feels warm, tucked away giggling in this small corner of the bustling party, just you and katsuki.
"i have something i wanna show you." katsuki raises a brow at your sudden words. "oh, yeah ?" you nod. "but it's in my room." you offer him your hand shyly, and he smiles softly, huffing through his nose. grabbing your hand as you pull him out of the gym and walking silently into the night back towards the dorms.
"hey.." katsuki starts, you hum. "uhm, y'know—fuck.." he fumbles with his words and pulls you along when you stop walking to listen to him, wanting to continue so you wouldn't notice his embarrassed state too hard.
"thanks for this." your eyes widen and it's like he sensed you were about to speak because he interrupts you "yeah, yeah i know you all did." he mimicks your words, squeezing your hand in his warm one "but you thought it all up, so..thanks." he glances down at you " when i said i appreciated it, i really did. i really do."
your heart thump, thump, thumps against your chest, you feel it hammer in your ear. your hand squeezes his and he squeezes a second time. you don't know what you can say, so you smile at him. it's late at night and tiredness has finally started kicking in now that the music fades further and further away, but you're so, so happy and you think he can see it too. his smile slightly dimmer but still there and it makes you feel so warm and loved despite the slight chill of the outside. you wish you could see him smiling like this all the time with all your heart. and you hope he'll like your gifts and all of a sudden your at the entrance of the dorms. you make your way to your room in comfortable silence. your hand getting slightly clammy in his when you finally reach your floor and make your way to your room.
"what did you wanna show me ?" bakugou asks, closing your door behind you. you sit down on your bed and pat the spot next to you. he questions it with a raise of his brow, but doesn't any further and sits down next to you. you inhale, and reach underneath your bed to grab the gift and hand it over to him. his eyes widen, he narrows his eyes at you when your lips curl into a bashful smile.
"i know.."
"i told you not to get me anything, stupid." he utters breathlessly, placing his hand onto your head and noogieing you. you reach up to stop him with a whine.
"i knooow !" you moaned "but just open it, please ?" you give him your best puppy eyes. he scoffs but finally relents. grabbing the thin box from your hands. he shakes it softly and you make a noise, reaching for his wrists.
"katsuki !" you giggle "don't shake it !"
"m'just trynna hear what it is."
"then open it !"
finally, he opens his the box. his eyes widen and he places it down on the bed to get a better look at the book you'd made for him. you perk up nervously when he inspects it thoroughly, running his fingers over the stickers you'd stuck to the front.
"i-it's a recipe book, see ? i know you love to cook so i figured you could add all of your favorite recipes in it." he flips the book open while you explain away, skimming over the pages " you can detach the rings too, so if you wanna add pages you can—"
before you know it you're interrupted and practically slammed onto your bed, a pair of warm bulky arms incasing you into your boyfriends chest. you shriek, but it melts into a giggle when he kisses all around your cheeks and nose softly, causing a ticklish sensation and when he lands a particularly wet kiss against your eyelid you laugh.
after moving his recipe booklet to your nightstand to keep it intact, he places you further onto your bed to kiss you again, obnoxiously loud at that, and you try to kiss back to the best of your ability but constantly huffing through your nose and smiling. he leans up to give you a break from his love attack, only for you to be hit dead on with all the love in his eyes.
"i'm gonna assume you're happy with your gift.. ?" he rolls his eyes at your joke, nudging his nose with yours.
"yeah, happy doesn't even begin to cut it. thanks, babe." he simpers, his eyes are bright and you make sure to commit his expression to memory. he leans down again, promptly kissing you deeply, you let yourself get carried away by his love and affection, kissing him back passionately but you remember your last gift for him.
"mm, there's—" he hums, continuing his flurry of kisses "there's something taped—" one more kiss cuts you off "—on the last page of your book, suki." one last loud peck and he pulls away to stare at you incredulously, you never stop surprising him, do you ?
he quickly retrieves it from your nightstand, and if his eyes widened before they practically bulge out of their sockets at the little holographic card neatly taped in his book. he carefully removes the tape and lifts up the card, looks at you, and looks back at the card in shock causing you to giggle.
"i remember how bummed you were after your card got all messed up during the war, so..." you're heart squeezes at the horrific memories of what had happened those few years ago, and how upset your katsuki had been when the card he'd kept close to his heart since he was a kid ended up crumpled up and bloody. he still has it, hidden in a box under his bed, but he never got to bring it to all might to get it signed. so you decided to do it for him and after racing neighborhood kids to get as many packets as you could get your hands on and a few packet of cards, you'd finally pulled it. you knew what you needed to do and the bewildered look in his eye was most definitely worth it.
"holy fuck..holy shit." he insists "how did you even—i—what ??" you burst out laughing at his disbelief, he could be so cute when he wanted to be.
"i just asked mr. all might if he wanted to, and he happily agreed, by the way." you answer simply with a shrug. however your smile fades just a bit when his eyes turn glossy.
"hey.." you crooned. quickly he shoves his head into his shoulder, furiously wiping at his eyes. he sniffles and grabs your wrist. you think he's about to pull you towards him only for him to crash against your chest again. you let out a 'oof !' sound, chuckling breathlessly. you don't say a word as you feel his arms wrap around you tighter, his face and hands heating up against you and the collar of your shirt growing wet. you don't mind, running your fingers through his hair until he's ready to speak again.
"yer gonna be the end of me, woman." his voice is just a little scratchy and he clears his throat, you giggle.
"this..i know i'm not the best at all this emotional stuff but—m'real thankful y'know.." he rambles against your neck, you nod "mhm." you urge.
"a-an' this is honestly more than i could ever ask for. ever." he looks up just enough to make sure you see his slightly red eyes "this is the best gift ever given to me. you're the best gift ever given to me, and i dunno what i did to deserve you, but i'm definitely not taken it for granted" he half jokes. you feel your whole body heat up and your eyes burn just a bit at the sincerety of his words.
"i love you, katsu. s'the least i can do." you sniffle. he leans up to kiss you almost immediately. it's soft and sweet and so perfect. it's just passionate and slow enough where you can practically feel the love he's trying to give to you, you know what he's trying to tell you without him even having to speak, because you love him and he loves you.
"i love you." he responds against your lips, you love him and he loves you, and you kiss him again. you hope he can feel how much you love him and how happy you are he enjoyed himself at his surprise birthday party. you hope you can keep seeing him smile like he did tonight and enjoy himself and his cake every year. you hope you can try every single recipe he adds to his recipe book and see the way his eyes light up at his signed holographic all might card every single year.
bakugou pulls away to look at you with all the love in the world and he thinks that any birthday he has in the future will be more than perfect if he can have you by his side for as long as he lives, every year.
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aaaand it's done !! tysm to @queenpiranhadon for allowing me to participate in this event, and the last day no less ! such an honor ! i advise you go read my other collab partners chaps to get the context for this one, so please go read their parts as well, cus theyre all so good and so adorable, i had sm fun writing this and i hope yall enjoy <3 happy birthday katsuki !!
taglist *if your name is pink i unfortunately couldn't tag you :(* : @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @wheezdostuff @berryvioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kieran-rhoades @xnorthstar3x @le000xxgrd @tr-mha-fan
day one: you make a birthday gift for katsuki ! - @zanarkandskylines
day two: you invite all of class 1-A to the party ! - @xbabyd0lli3x
day three: you and mitsuki go shopping for decorations ! - @angels-fantasy
day four: katsuki tries to figure out what you’re planning ! - @starieq
day five: you set up gym gamma for the party ! - @lowkeyremi
day six: you bake a cake for the party ! - @queenpiranhadon
day seven: you and your classmates surpise katsuki ! -@cashmoneyyysstuff
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adabird · 1 month
MHA boys- headcannon response to hearing that you’re pregnant
all characters aged up!
fab-reader, message me if you want any-other character and or headcannon response!
Immediately glares at you thinking it’s a prank, you had conveniently ‘surprised’ him once he got home from late hero work with a box placed on your shared bed. After he opened it, he thought you were joking, before saying something like ‘you’re crazy’ or ‘is this a joke’, but soon realized you were before for-reals when your expression changed. He IMMEDIATELY wrapped you in a hug saying that he’s so happy, before ending the conversation with a ‘are you being serious y/n’..
(-he’s deadass so excited!!!)
Katsuki Bakugou, Hitoshi Shinsou, Neito Monoma, Shota Aizawa,
After you had sat him down on the couch you had told him you were expecting.. His faced twisted into joy, before saying ‘No!’ over and over with you responding with a ‘Yes!” (all in a joyful manner not bad!!) He would then proceed to pull out his phone, opening the ‘notes app’ before showing you all the names he had saved up.. ‘and Lane oh oh and Lorelai no no oh wait what about Karmi no wait I know I know what about Vani!!!!’ legit him bro..
level 1000 excited!
Mirio Togata, Denki Kaminari, Kirishima Eijiro, Sero Hanta, Present Mic
“How are you feeling baby”
After telling him the news he immediately thought about your health asking questions like ‘how do you feel about having it’ ‘do you think i’m suit enough to be a good dad’ ‘how are you’ things that show he’s worried about being a bad dad, and caring more about how YOU feel about the pregnancy.. he wants to see if you want to have the baby and wants to make sure you feel ready..
the legit best supporter!!
Shoto Todoroki, Keigo Takami, Tamaki Amajiki, Touya Todoroki, Tokoyami Fumikage
“I’m telling everyone, but only everyone we trust”
So So So excited.. Like the second you uttered the words, nervous and quiet, all scared that he would be mad.. But he was the complete opposite! He was more excited than anything, really. He immediately wanted to contact people that he trusted, if it was up to him he’d contact the entire world about the arrival of his spawn, but thinking logically, he was a hero and needed to be careful.. Loves on you the entire pregnancy, and makes cute little cards, sending them to people you both trusted, to inform them of the new arrival of the baby!
Izuku Midoriya, Inasa Yoarashi, Tenya Iida, Mezo Shoji
I actually love this so much!!
let me know if you have any specific characters or themes in mind! I don’t judge!
#Onie out!
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bubblebitch · 1 month
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Basic BF headcanons // MHA ✧
Gn!reader // can be interpreted as canon ages
Izuku, bakugou, kirishima, denki (not in order)
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Katsuki’s love language is quality time. Even if he’s a dick sometimes he would always make time for you to hang out or go on dates. Feeling upset? He would be by your side in a instant. Even if he’s hanging out with someone he would drop whatever he’s doing to see you.
Not a fan of pda especially in front of people he knows. The farthest he’ll go is holding hands in public and kissing, and cuddling with you in private. Katsuki is known for being very self centered and he doesn’t hide it just cause he’s dating someone, but it also doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.
Katsuki secretly loves cooking for you even if he doesn’t show it. He loves seeing the faces you make when you enjoy his cooking, it just brightens his day. He makes the best mapu tofu (the recipe coming from fuyumi, he just tweaked it a bit). If you don’t like spicy foods he would make two different pots of food one for him and one for you (but it won’t be completely un-spicy).
Eijiro’s love language is words of affirmation. He doesn’t let you have a day without telling you he loves you or telling you that you’re pretty/handsome etc. he will say it at the most random times too, you’re playing a game on your phone? he’ll be like “have I told you, you look so pretty/handsome today?”
Huge on pda!! Hugs, kisses, holding hands, cuddling you name it. Another one of his love languages is physical touch. He loves loves loves holding your hands it gives him a sense of security, hold his hand and he’ll be the happiest man alive.
Eijiro can babble on and on and on about you. His friends get so tired of hearing about you but they don’t want to say it to his face. He literally lovesss talking about how perfect you are in his eyes and how lucky he is he even had the chance to date you.
Izuku’s love language is acts of service and quality time. He loves doing little things for you even if you don’t need help with it he’ll do it anyways. He just enjoys being around you. Even if he’s just standing next to you he’s a happy man.
He loves pda but he gets flustered so easily, doesn’t matter how long you two have been dating. (Like kirishima) he loves holding your hand, he gets self conscious of his scars sometimes so when you hold his scarred hands he just over flows with adoration for you (not that he wasn’t already)
Izuku literally kisses the ground you walk on. he often catches himself staring at you in class or while you’re talking to someone, once he snaps out of it he gets so embarrassed. You are the love of his life and he will make sure you know that.
Denki’s love language is physical touch. He can’t go a single second without having an arm wrapped around your waist or shoulders. He is not afraid of showing people your taken,
Pda kinda ties in with love language. Cuddles, kisses, and hugs galore. Whenever you go somewhere with him he refuses to let go of your hand, if he does best believe that his hand is either on your thigh or on your back somewhere.
Denki never goes anywhere without you. He follows you around like a lost puppy. He never leaves your side and when he eventually does for patrolling and stuff he’s complaining to everyone about he how he should be with his amazing partner.
Aaaaah this is so long!! I never actually intended for it to be this long to be honest T_T but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!! I love these boys dearly and I might write a part 2.. hehehe we’ll see. But please request something!! I write for mha and South Park so if you enjoy either of those I’m free to write anything!! Okay this is getting too long.. bye bye!! :3
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
— babysitting
Just a silly little piece about Bakugou looking after his nephew when Kirishima and his wife are both working, and him being the cutest little wingman.
Warnings: fluff!, implied!older Bakugou, Bakugou’s behaviour could be construed as stalking but it’s not really, he just proper fancies you.
Pairing: implied!Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 2.1k.
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“Please, Kats. I promise it won’t be for long, we didn’t realise we were both working this afternoon and I can’t take him on patrol with me—” Kirishima pleaded on the phone.
“I’m busy,” Bakugou replied bluntly.
“Busy doing what?” His best friend almost whined, and Bakugou could tell the hulking tank of a man was pouting on the other side of the line.
“None of your damn business.”
Bakugou didn’t want to admit the real reason he was busy today. It was the same reason he was now busy every day he was off.
A few weeks ago he’d made his way into Musutafu mall on his lunch break to pick up a copy of a new romance book his favourite author had just released. And while he was checking out he noticed you filling up one of the displays near the back of the store, giving him the cutest smile when he’d passed you to leave.
Since that day he’d come back every week on one of his days off, just to get a simple “hey” from you as he bought yet another book. Bakugou was certain he’d soon have so many unread books in his house that he’d have to build an extension to store them, but he couldn’t help it.
And today was going to be the day that he was actually going to talk to you— possibly.
“Can’t you reschedule? It’ll only be for a few hours until I can get off patrol and he can spend the afternoon at the agency with me.”
“What about Mina?” Bakugou offered.
“She’s got that photoshoot with Hero Weekly today, remember?” Of course she fucking does, “And Sero’s out on patrol with me.”
“Denks?” Bakugou was certain he already knew the answer to that one though, as he ran a palm down the length of his face.
“You know I’m not allowed to leave him unsupervised with Denki anymore, Bro.” Kirishima groaned, “The wife still hasn’t forgiven me for them almost setting the kitchen on fire.”
Bakugou couldn’t help but snigger at the memory, the panicked phone call that he’d heard coming through on the central emergency line that there was a fire in Red Riot’s neighbourhood, and when Backdraft had turned up at the scene he’d found a singed Denki standing inside a murky kitchen with some burnt cookies. Kirishima had to replace two cabinet units and the oven after that debacle and it was no wonder his wife no longer trusted Denki as a babysitter.
“Please, man. I already told him, and he’s real excited to spend the day with you.”
Bakugou couldn’t deny he missed spending time with his little nephew, and Kirishima knew his best friend couldn’t deny the pleas of his son. Silently fist pumping the air in relief when Bakugou finally responded on the other end of the phone.
“Fine, I’ll pick him up now.”
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“Uncle Kats, let’s get these!” His nephew picked up a water gun from a wire dumpbin of toys outside the toy store, turning around in a crouched motion with eyes squinted as he pretended to shoot Bakugou.
He put his hands up in mock surrender as he grabbed at the plastic barrel, holding it in the air as he took it out of his nephews hands to place it back inside the bin.
“Your parents don’t like you having guns, remember squirt.”
“But what if I need one for protection.”
“You don’t need that shit for protection,” He shook his head, “I’ll be there to protect ya.”
“But wouldn’t it be cool to have a water gun fight outside. It’s summer.” His young nephew whined as Bakugou began to lead him away from the toy store, noticing that your work was approaching on the right side of the mall.
“I’ll talk to them about it.” Bakugou reached down to ruffle his hair as his nephew shouldered his leg wrapping an arm around one thick thigh to squeeze him into a hug in thanks, “How about a book? You like reading, don’tcha?”
“Not really,” He shook his head, immediately making a beeline for the confectionery inside the shop.
“What? Why not.” Bakugou raised a brow before he began to search the store for you, hoping that you weren’t on your lunch break.
You were usually in one of the back aisles around this time of day, tidying the shelves as he pretended to flick through the various hero books that you sold. Like he’d ever actually buy one of them— perhaps the book Miruko had released on unabashedly being yourself despite the critics, or the memoir Edgeshot had put together before he passed away, but never the unofficial Deku books that seemed to line the shelves of your Pro-Hero section and were always on sale. Bakugou snorted when he noticed a large bright red “half off” sticker covering Deku’s face on one.
“It’s too many pages.” His nephew scoffed, picking up a chocolate bar as Bakugou placed a palm on the back of his neck to lead him away from the sweets.
“You just gotta find a book that doesn’t feel like too many pages, that’s all.” He began to walk towards the manga aisle, wondering if there might be something there that would interest the young boy.
“You like reading, uncle Kats?”
“Course I do,” Bakugou scoffed, “Way better than TV. That shit’ll rot your brain.”
He had an entire bookshelf of his favourites lined up at home. All in alphabetical order by author and spines outward facing, a few of his favourite covers turned forward to show off the artwork. Some spines were more worn than others, an indication of the sheer number of times he’d sought comfort in those stories after a long day at work, or a lonely night at home.
“What kinda books do you like?”
Bakugou chewed on the inside of his cheek before answering. It would be so easy to lie and say action or fantasy, certain that half the people who claimed their favourite book was Lord of the Rings or a Game of Thrones had never actually read them. Or the pretentious people who would pretend their favourites were non-fiction books about bettering yourself or hyper-specific topics that would never come up in normal conversation. But there was a part of him that didn’t want to lie to his nephew— the boy was always so open and honest with him, even at his young age.
“Romance.” Bakugou shrugged, leaning forward to pick up one of the new manga books that sat on a top shelf.
“Eww yuck,” Bakugou’s nephew immediately scrunched up his face, making a show of sticking his tongue out in distaste, “I didn’t think you’d like books like that.”
“What did ya think I’d like?”
“I dunno, like action or kicking villain ass.”
“Don’t say ass.” Bakugou frowned, his eyebrows narrowing as he glared down at the young boy.
“But you say it all the time, I hear you.”
“Yeah, because I’m an adult.” Bakugou grinned, “I see enough of that crap when I’m at work, don’t need to read about it too.”
“You say ‘shit’ a lot too.”
“Oi, you little—” Bakugou lost his train of thought the moment he saw you past a corner, words disappearing into nothing as he noticed the same focused look on your face as you sorted through a delivery of new books.
Bakugou was certain you were wearing a new pair of jeans today, or at least a pair he’d never seen before. You looked real good in them. He felt his heartbeat increase when you placed a book back on the shelf, stopping to talk to one of your colleagues as your lips curled in to the prettiest smile, and he couldn’t stop himself as he felt himself beginning to mimic your smiling face.
“Oh,” The kid nudged his thigh, shamelessly standing around the shelves to stare at you, “Is that the real reason why you brought me into a bookstore? Not because you want me to read.”
“What?” Bakugou wasn’t even sure he heard the question as he kept his gaze on you. Feeling his cheeks begin to heat up as you bent over to pick up more books, the angle had your jeans tightening against the curve of your ass and he felt like a pervert for ogling you so shamelessly.
“The lady you’re staring at.” His nephew snorted, pointing over at you “You’re so obvious.”
“Piss— shut up,” Bakugou caught himself, grabbing the kid by the collar of his shirt to tug him back behind the shelves, “I ain’t starin’.”
“Yeah you are!” His nephew sniggered, “You’re giving her the same look my dad gives ma.”
“No I ain’t.” Bakugou almost pouted, crimson eyes still peeking at you through the shelves in the aisle he was down as you continued to place more books onto the table in your section.
“You so are,” His tone increased, and Bakugou had to stop himself from slapping a palm over his big mouth to shut him up, “You’re so obvious. Look how red you are!”
Was he that obvious? Bakugou had done everything he could to be subtle each week when he visited your bookstore, trying to stick to the same shelves and strategically picking up books so he didn’t seem like was just staring at you all the time. Not that it was his fault anyway, you were so fucking pretty.
“Why don’t you go and talk to her?”
“She’s workin’.” Bakugou replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. He’d probably said a total of five words to you since he’d started coming into your book store a few weeks ago, and the thought of saying any more had a ferocious pit growing inside his stomach.
“So? If you like her you should tell her,” His nephew tried to nudge him towards you, “That’s why my dad asked my ma out.”
“That’s different,” Bakugou grumbled, “This is…”
Kirishima knew his wife liked him back, they’d been friends long before they started dating so they had a foundation to build upon. This? This was completely new to him, and the thought of being rejected, especially by a girl as pretty as you, petrified him.
“Wait, you read all those romance books and you don’t know how to ask a girl out?”
“I do know,” Bakugou sneered, “I ain’t a total dumbass.”
“So why don’t you?”
Because he was a coward, that’s why.
Not that he’d even be able to talk to you long enough to do it if he could. His throat seized up and his heart practically ricocheted off his rib cage whenever you were near, your perfume lingering in the air as it had him wishing he could bring you into a warm embrace. He’d ask you out one day, just not today—
“Because I told ya, she’s workin’.” Bakugou began to steer his nephew away from the manga section, trying to get him to leave the store.
It had been a bad idea to still come to your store on his day off even though he was babysitting, but he couldn’t help it. The routine he’d settled into on his days off no longer felt complete if they didn’t include you, the small time he’d spend in the bookstore each week were enough to become the highlight of his day. And he would ask you out— just not today.
“Don’t tell your parents about this,” Bakugou grumbled, “Your dads too frigging nosy.”
“Alright,” His nephew practically sung the word, and Bakugou knew exactly what was coming, “But it’ll cost you.”
“I’m sure it’s a crime to blackmail a Pro-Hero, squirt.”
“So I’ll just tell the pretty lady you fancy her then.”
“Fine, fine,” Bakugou snarled, the corner of his lip curling to bare his gum, “Whaddya want?”
“That water gun we saw at the toy store.”
God, Kirishima was gonna kill him.
“Fine.” Bakugou groaned, walking towards the cash register to pay for the candy that he’d picked up.
“But you have to get one too so we can play together, alright?”
Two guns. Kirishima’s wife would definitely kill him before he even attempted to sweet talk his best friend.
“I was going to say the loser has to tell that girl from the bookstore that you like her, but you’ll probably lose because you’re old.”
“Oi, you cheeky little shit,” He ruffled his nephew's messy black hair, “Watch who you’re callin’ old, squirt. I’ll kick your ass and ask her out.”
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serxinns · 8 months
Mocha bunny reader Headcanons!
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A yandere class 1a (plus maybe some teachers) x reader
This fic was inspired by my beloved friend and mom @lady-ashfade and her strawberry bunny reader here
Info: Your quirk was a bunny but you were a mocha bunny your ability was speed, Strength in both arms and legs , amazing sense of smell and have super hearing and sharp claws you have 3 forms your normal form (basically a human form) your rabbit form when ur basically a whole rabbit and a gremlin form when ur half rabbit half bun but is smol
•Your classmates are obsessed and abored with everything you do they instantly fell in love with the 1st sight of you
•They would fight over about who would pet your ears or touch your fur or even your little tail (you bite denki hard for pulling it)
• Izuku would research about bunnies and you and would ask you millions of questions about you and the bunnies Ochako and mina would pinch your cheeks too hard which u had to told them off about but dismissed cause you were too cute at times but if you actually wanted them to back off they'll pout whenever you did something cute in front of bakugo he will either call you carrot muncher or cotton bitch and blushes to look away
•You and kota and also kota's bunny are bestie in when nobody is around you and kotas bunny will talk about EVERYTHING even bunny related stuff how hard it is and what delicious food are there
Kota's rabbit: *Speaks,
Reader in the bunny form: THATS WHAT IM SAYING these people have no respect for bunnies
Kotas rabbit: squeak
Reader: Woah woah that's some strong language you have
there dude don't let your owner hear that
•Kota is like your mom's friend since he knows EVERYTHING about rabbits he makes sure you eat the food you need and make sure to slow you down on treats he even makes izukus job easier don't be surprise if these two team up
•Sato will still make sweets for pastries for you but puts ingredients and stuff you like or ur tolerable with and out bunny like puns on there
•Aizawa is the only person you can trust to be in your bunny form he would invite you to cuddle in his sleeping bag or create a best by him so y'all can sleep and cuddle with each other whenever your classmates are overwhelming you Aizawa will lecture the students whenever they give you a hard time
•Mic will make sure to lower his voice because of your sensitive hearing he will make funny bunny puns at you which you'll groan at but he doesn't care he'll spoil you with gifts and hugs and he's VERY overprotective if anyone talk to you in a mean way their eardrums are about to be broken beyond repair
• Mirko is just in AWE she's so glad there's another person with a rabbit-like quirk so it's easier for her to teach you her skills she'll always give you tips about your abilities and encourage you to use every one of them she also give you tips about being a bunny hybrid
Bonus headcanons
•When your Classmates discover you make little squeaks in your sleep the class was holding their selves BACK from either squealing or screaming they all whisper and yelled at themselves to be quiet some tried pulling out their phone but Iida warned them not to since the flash were alert you awake
•Mirko LOVES to talk about you everywhere from her fans to her coworkers even to the number 1 hero Shes always mentions you she even imagines you working at her agency when you grow up you in a copy of her hero costume she's just dying of cuteness
•Denki and Seek love using cheesy bunny flirts to tease you which makes them giggle every time it gets annoying when they spam text over it (denki)
•You and Tsuyu are besties you both chat about your favorite foods and facts about your quirks y'all exchange baby photos of each other and Tsuyu is just dying when she sees you in a cute outfit ur little ears perk up your cute smiling face showing your little tail she keeps these photos to her self tho
•tokoyami is also a great person to hang out as well the two of you would often hang out at a park he would always get nervous about asking you questions that are bunny related afraid that he'll might say something offensive (poor bb) he even let's you sleep in his dorm room whenever you wanted to et sway from your classmates overbearing nature he would even bring snacks for you
•The bakusquad and dekusquad fight over who gets to baby you more which turns into a war when the other students join in Shoji says he wants a turn with you Momo offers to go shopping with her while Hakagure tries to steal you away and attempts to run off it was chaos in the end Aizawa heard and they all got detention while Aizawa was comforting you putting you in your bunny form while having a proud smirk on his face
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mintmatcha · 9 months
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I cant edit my draft on the og ask :(((
cw: cis fem reader, mild pet play
"Sero told me what you said."
You have a tipsy sway in your walk, those sky high heels teetering against your kitchen linoleum. Your drinks have been replaced with water and your make up has been smudged, but Denki thinks you look hotter than ever, lit by the warm lighting of your own home. You place a hand on his shoulder and lean in, eyes never leaving his.
"You wanna fuck me so bad, don't you?" Your eyes are dark with want. Glitter atill clings to your cheeks. "Come on, don't you?"
Sero's down the hall and in the shower, rinsing off the night. He was gracious enough to let Denki sleep on the couch and now that same man is pressed up against his girlfriend. Guilt racks through the blonde's chest as he watches the hallway, waiting to be caught.
You see where he's looking and laugh. "Don't worry. Sero said I can keep you."
Your fingers loop under to strap of your dress and pull it down over your shoulder. The curve of your chest strains against the fabric, pressing your cleavage even higher than before.
"You just have to admit you want me."
Denki can't find the words, as simple as they are. He just acts. He's gripping for your dress, both hoping to pull it down and inch it up, trying to slide his knee between your thighs-
But your hand against his forehead locks him inches from you.
"Bark for it," you say, those pretty lips tugged into a shit eating grin.
"Bark like a dog." You repeat it like it's nothing, "And I'll give you a treat."
Denki hesitates. His heart is thrumming in his chest-- so hard that he can feel it in his cock. His whole body is vibrating for you and whatever you'll give him.
"Uh, woof?" he tries. It's embarrassing, but he almost... likes that.
"Like you mean it.'
The blonde clears his throat, then tries again, deeper, more serious this time. It resonates a bit in his lungs, thrums in parts of his body he hadn't been aware could vibrate.
"Aw, good job, puppy," you coo, "Now get on your knees."
Denki had always considered himself a slut. He was the master of his own sexuality, driven by his own desires and wants, but something in his brain goes pink as he obeys. The leash is in your hands as he kneels, chin tilted to watch you as you gather your dress up and expose your panties. They are nude and full coverage, but the way they hug the curve of you labia makes Denki's cock kick out of pure need.
"Can you smell how wet I am?" You spread your legs slightly as you lean against the kitchen counter, steadying yourself on your elbows.
Denki walks forward on to his hands until he can feel the heat of your cunt against his lips. He can practically taste you, the musk and the sweet and the salt all clinging to the air. He can see the damp stop in your crotch from this angle: either your excitement or Sero's cum from earlier. Without a thought, he buries himself in the plush of your thighs and sucks. Your body tenses and curls at the pressure, a moan punched from your chest, but all Denki can think is how he can definitely taste his best friend's cum on your pussy-
and how much he likes that.
"Oh, good dog." Your fingers curl into his hair and pull his mouth deeper. "Good fucking dog."
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shigarakisbabyy · 2 years
The MHA Boys x A Constantly Cold Reader
I’m always cold, so this is a bit self indulgent lol. Gender neutral reader!!
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Izuku Midoriya
If his hand ever brushes up against yours and it’s freezing, he’ll grab your hands to heat them up and will hold you close
Does a bunch of research on why you might always be cold and ways to help keep you warm
Loves to walk into your room and see you laying under 15 blankets, he thinks it’s so cute and you look so cuddly
Will gladly hug you or cuddle you to help warm you up
Always remembers to make sure you take a jacket whenever you guys go anywhere, even if it is the middle of summer. He’s always prepared
If you’re also in the hero course, he’ll come up with ways to incorporate a heating device into your hero costume so you don’t freeze while on the job
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Eijiro Kirishima
Bear hugs ALL THE TIME
You cannot get this man off of you
“It wouldn’t be manly for me to leave you to suffer and be cold!! Baby lemme warm you up!!”
You’ll cuddle him by shoving yourself inside his hoodie and laying on top of him
Always has an arm around you in public 
Buys you a bunch of hoodies that are oversized and super cuddly to help keep you warm (and he thinks that it’s adorable)
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Katsuki Bakugo
Acts like you being cold is an inconvenience but really it gives him an excuse to cuddle you and hold you without admitting he actually wants to hold you
Always keeps a jacket for you on him at all times
Whenever you shiver he’ll set little explosions off on you to help warm you up
Whenever your hands are cold he’ll grab em and warm em up for you
He’s probably always very hot, so you both even each other out to create a nice neutral temp when you cuddle
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Shoto Todoroki
Always keeps you on his left side. If you try and move over to his right he will simply not let you
You’ll cuddle up to his left side and feel so toasty and warm, it helps him start to appreciate his fire quirk too :)
Will gladly give you his jacket if it means you won’t be cold
Offers to buy you the best insulated jackets and heaters and anything to help keep you warm
He sometimes uses you to cool off
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Denki Kaminari
He buys you an electric blanket that generates heat and powers it up himself
He’s already a pretty touchy guy, but whenever he finds out how could you always are he has an excuse to be hanging off you way more often.
Likes to hold ur cold hands when his brain is fried cause it helps him ground himself
he calls u his il’ icebox
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Hanta Sero
This man loves it so much cause it gives him an excuse to constantly be cuddling you
“My love…. Ur so cold… let me warm you up please?”
Only lightly teases you
He will scream if you touch him with ur cold feet in bed
He loves cuddle dates with you <3
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Fumikage Tokoyami
Dark shadow always cuddles up to you to try and keep you warm, even when Tokoyami tells them otherwise
He will give you his hoodies allllll the time
Writes poetry abt it probably
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Hitoshi Shinso
“Dang, you’re so cold. Mind if I warm you up?”
Always holding your hand
He hates when you touch him with cold feet or hands but he never tells you to stop cause you think it’s hilarious
blanket fort for sleeping. He will cuddle you and not let you go even when ur not tired.
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Tenya Iida
Tries to lecture you on ways to stay warm
Probably tries to get you tested for anemia or take iron supplements
He never lets you leave the house without a jacket, even in the summer time
Just in case
He has space heaters all over the house or dorm in case you need them
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