#Queen of Beast Island AU
icdrawings · 1 year
Material list/art work
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My character info
~ art work
Gold Treasure
Jewel Treasure
Coin Treasure
~ interaction with other characters
Doll Dolly interaction 1
Doll Dolly interaction 2
Allie interaction 1
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Corpse puppet au by @sketchquill
~ art work
Gold Treasure
Jewel Treasure
Papa Eddie
Backstory comic
Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Comic 5
~ story
Gold's backstory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Beauty and the Puppet au by me
~ character designs
Wally Darling/prince
Wally Darling/Beast
Neighbor's dress outfits
Poppy Partridge/Ms.Pots
Julie Joyful/Babette
Barnaby B. Beagle/Lumiere
Frank Frankly/Clogsworth
Eddie Dear/Maurice
Sally Starlet/LeFou
~ art work
Beast Wally Darling
Beast Wally's teeth
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Nightmare before Christmas au swap au by @cloudy-dreams
~ art work
Sally & Jack version of Wally
The Sally ver of the Treasures
The Treasures
~ The Mayor
First sight
~ The Witch
~ The Pumpkin King
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Island of the slaughtered swap au by @eavee-ry
~ story
Why Mclean
Eva's anger
Crooked Katie
Duncan's lighter
Jungle queen Izzy
Witch of the woods
Blind Leshawna
Creepy Cody
The end
~ deaths explained
Day 11
Day 17
Day 22
Day 25
Day 28
Day 30
Day 34
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Bigger body survivors au by me
~ The team
Huggy Wuggy design
Mommy Long Legs design
Catnap design
Player design
~ Smiling critters
Dogday's design
Craftycorn's design
Bobby Bearhug's design
Hoppy Hopscotch's design
Kickinchickin's design
Bubba Bubbaphant's design
Pickypiggy's design
~ Q&A: Smiling critters
~ Q&A: The team
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Rock siblings au by @rocksibblingsau
~ art work
Feral Branch
Memory drawing
Branch ready to attack
~ Barb and Branch
Sleepy Branch
Holding Branch
Barb's design
Branch's design
~ funk family
Funk Branch's design
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mrsbenesova · 1 year
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David Haller lives with his father on a Greek island called Krakoa and basically can't complain. He's young and healthy, a very strong telepath. He's going to marry the girl he loves. Everything seems to be perfect. Except one thing. Since David remembers he could feel some sort of loneliness and emptiness from his father's mind. Like Charles is missing something deep inside. Something or someone. When David finds his father's old diary, everything becomes obvious.
So he sends wedding invitations to three past lovers of Charles Xavier - Erik Lehnsherr, Logan Howlett, and Hank McCoy - to see which one of them will fill the hole in his father's heart.
This is your X-men Mamma Mia AU which includes Sophie!David, dilf Charles, ever dilfier Erik, sassy Logan, and very spontaneous Hank "The Beast" McCoy. With special guests of crazy aunties Emma and Raven from "Professor X and the Dynamos"
Hold on tight and bow to your Dancing Queen
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prue84 · 8 months
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Siblings socials: The beast's lair
Fandom: BBC’s Merlin (post-canon, modern magic) AU AU: The Pendragon siblings return (sequel: modern magic) Series: Siblings socials — [ Reblogs > Likes | No AI involved ] —
You thought Arthur, being a former king, would always be the master in any couple or pairing? Well, think better. Morgana is more than willing to prove the world that is Merlin the serval who commands between the two.
Morgana, the famed once Queen of Camelot and socials star, has taken her duties of chronicling her brother Arthur's adjusting to the modern world very seriously. If she has a chance to humiliate him, in face of the legendary epitome of noble warrior built around him during the centuries, she will do it gladly, not even hiding a smirking during the whole time. As socials love cats, who is she to deprive the socials from pics of Merlin the grumpy serval? The fact that Arthur is sleeping in an idiotic pose on the background is just a bonus point.
More about the AU under the cut. (More fanworks from this AU at the links above) (More fanworks about the prequel here)
About the AU The story is a sequel to the The Pendragon Sibling. Eventually, the druid give the royal couple a serval as gift for their renowned peace between the throne and the magic people. The servan turns out to be a very magical boy. At the same time Morgana acquires a puma, who happens to be the disguise of an High Priestess. I elaborated a bit here. * Not even the union of the Pendragon siblings, as King of Lands and Queen of Avalon and royal couple ruling over Camelot, with Morgause the High Priestesses of the old religion and Emrys the immortal dragonlord as their shadows and mates, is enough to prevent Arthurs tragic end at Camlann at the hands of the traitor Mordred. After Camlann, Merlin withdraws in his own pain, while Queen Morgana rules wisely for the next decades, assuring that the golden age of Camelot continues. When the time to retire from the mortal life comes, Morgana, with her loyal companion Morgause and Merlin, retires on the island at the center of the lake Avalon, taking residence in the tower standing there. Centuries pass, between long sleeps and new lives in the world outside. But magic, for a series or undisclosed circumstances, have been slowly fading in the lands outside of Avalon since the Siblings balance was lost with the death of Arthur. The more they are away from the island, center of the Old Magic, the more the contact is faint, and both Morgause and Merlin feel the need to stay in their animal forms. Until magic is so weak that they are stuck in their animal form even when staying at the tower. In the 21th century Morgana is following an academic career. Every morning, during breakfast, she keeps the tv on to make some background sounds. One morning the BBC's morning program suddenly switches to a live from the town of Avalon, for news about some odd happenings at the lake. The country wonders if this is the day when King Arthur will finally raise. There has been many false alarm. This morning is different, though. Morgana, with her two felines, rushes to the lake through magic and is there to see Arthur emerge from the waters. Merlin, a one-century-and-half ancient serval, attacks everyone present, Arthur included, and Arthur himself is forced to draw Excalibur to suffuse the situation, before his sister is arrested and his feline mate put down as the rabid cat he is. After the necessary time to familiarize with a world that is completely different from the one he remembers, Morgana introduces Arthur to the marvels of the socials and together they become Twitter stars, entertaining people with their commentaries on Arthurian-related productions and their bickering. Between Morgana's interviews and bits shared by Arthur on socials, the world is revealed that the Matter of Britain is mostly made of lies and exaggerations. BBC reaches out to Morgana to collaborate to write a series that would tell the true story of the Pendragons. Morgana launches herself in the project with eagerness. As the search for a proper location to set Camelot is about to start, Morgana hints that she might has the original castle miniaturized and preserved by magic and she would be amenable to make available as set, as long as the production covers the costs of restoration. Thus the Pendragons get their old nest back restored to its golden days free of charge, and Arthur can return to live in his natural habitat. Eventually, the true identity and nature of the felines, believed to be just animals given immortality by magic and relics of the golden age of Camelot, will be revealed, But that's another story for another time.
Notes Initially, this - the original screencap minus the serval - was supposed to be an Instagram-mock shared by the Merlin of the National Treasure instagram AU, but I didn't have the text ready and was thus stuck since 2018. Some months ago I decided to switch the poster from Merlin to the Morgana of this AU. It made no sense for Morgana to share a pic of her sleeping brother without Merlin the serval around, so the idea of putting a serval on the bed came. Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) A nightmare. I couldn't find a serval pic that fit with the perspective required. And when I did, they came with dark shadows on their legs I couldn't fix. So I had to use the blankets to mask here and there, which came with another challenge on its own. Instagram graphic made all by-hand, with much moving/copy/pasting and, especially, a wearying research to find out which font the website used. No template site. Since I created my own template, it won't reflect any future changes the platform might make (I have no intention of modify my template).
Crossposted: Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/103011.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/94038.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-beast-s-lair-instagram-1015696733 (instagram post), deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-beast-s-lair-photo-1-1015696691 (photo 1), deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-beast-s-lair-photo-2-1015696758 (photo 2)
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itsyamajesty · 1 month
[I don't know how to do a masterpost, so this is going to get ALOT of edits]
The way this went is just that one ProZD skit (alternatively, "we doing circles now?")
I be thinking about all this stuff for Curse of Freedom (story based AU)
Then brain latches onto Rising Charcoal AU
"Guess this is happening now"
Rising Charcoal AU
Cookie Run Kingdom AU by (ya) Majesty
Based on 3 original what ifs:
Dark Enchantress wins
The Ancients are gone (missing, trapped, dead? Who knows, they aren't here to save anyone)
The Beasts have awaken, much weaker
(more below)
'Proper' Plot Description
(some things are ommitted because this is WIP, plus there's some stuff I want to be mysteries)
Most cookies have lost count of how long ago it happened.
The Ancients lost, they were split apart, and she took over.
Despite best efforts, the fighting was in vain. Are the Ancients dead... or simply captured? For some, the answer is clear, but with only the words of the darkness to listen to?
Is it true all hope is lost?
The Hollyberry Kingdom has been invaded by deadly poisons and crimson curses, all cookies who escape the jungles fall to the puppeteered Pitaya Dragon. The biggest settlement remaining is in a deep ravine, everyday spent planning against the fruit dragon, with the expectation of some trying all they can to free them from a hopeless spell.
The Dark Cacao Kingdom appears safer than ever before. Ruled by duel tyrants, the manipulative poisoneer and possessed knight. Together they've achieved a balance between protection of the public and the posh, a paradise most chose to reside. In truth, the smile of the snake and the sayings of the sword are not safe to believe.
The Golden Cheese Kingdom are wastes from which the licorice scented dead rise, clawing their way towards a small settlement of the Sand Slices, protected by shredding sandstorms caused by a surviving deity and the purple smoke of a revived advisor.
The entirety of Beast-Yeast has turned into various factories of unknown products, all being sent towards a laboratory on the island south. Some of these factories however are in ruin, covered by twirling vines and the aura of faerie magic.
In the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Enchantress rules over it all.
Most other settlements have already been stampeded over by cake monsters, the larger being taken down by large creatures even the best will struggle to clash against.
It should have been this moment that all faith left- and yet hope had returned.
For unknown reason with unknown creators, the Beast Cookies awoke in bodies for their own. They had many new abilities with their vessels, but they were all much weaker overall.
In a fight for the world's fate, the Beasts' wish for conquest fades.
Guided by shards of their lost power, holding the memories of kings and queens who gained their power after, and now before, them.
Fighting it or not.
Their original selves are destined to return.
If they don't, the fate of Earthbread is sealed.
At some point, there will be a "key posts" list here:
For now, I don't know how to actually do the embed link stuff so
There are posts for Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour, and Burning Spice as of now- everything can be found with the Rising Charcoal AU tag
I didn't originally have anything big for it beforehand, but I'm getting ideas, Plus, Curse of Freedom is very story based, and I want to try (and fail) to write it, I can't make half of the posts I want to without spoilers. So I can post this instead. There is still a story to it, but I don't plan on writing more than a couple oneshots or short non-serious series, so there's no pressure for me to keep things secret (although there is some things I'll keep in more mystery for awhile)
Also with school I have a lot of drawing opportunities, I already got some stuff, but nothing post worthy yet
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kmomof4 · 2 months
Happy Birthday, Joni!!!
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Today is the birthday of one of my fandom besties, @jrob64!! Joni, I love you so much and I so hope your birthday is filled with every good thing!!! You are a tremendous blessing in my life and I hope this gift tells you how much you mean to me!
Unfortunately, I didn't have an idea for a fic to write for you this year 🥺. I think it was the year before we met and became friends that I made fic rec lists for birthday presents, so I thought I'd do the same for you this year! So, in no particular order, here are my favorites of all the fics you've written.
Devastation and Healing- the fic we became friends over when I apparently yelled at you for something in it - I do not remember what that something was, because there were a lot of somethings in that fic... but you do remember what that something was, as you've occasionally reminded me. This fic will always hold a very special place in my heart, though, as the fic that brought you into my life!!! Summary: Sergeant Killian Jones has had more than his share of tragedy in his life. When he’s injured in an IED explosion, he’s assigned to a physical therapist named Emma Swan. While she tries to help him heal physically, can they help each other heal emotionally? Rated M, 24chs, almost 90k
One Thrill Ride Leads to Another Inspired while on our very first vacay together with Marta and Jen, you wrote this one for Marta's bday!! And what a ride it was!!! Just delightful in every way!!! Summary: While working at Universal’s Islands of Adventure, Killian Jones meets Emma Swan, slips his name and number into her phone, and later sends her a text asking her out. His snap decision could lead to her blocking his number, or to an adventure much more thrilling than a ride on a roller coaster. Rated M, 6chs, 42k
Rescuing the Princess This one was SUCH FUN!!! How you managed to include elements from so many fairytales is still just astounding to me!!! Summary: Twenty-eight years after Princess Emma of Misthaven is kidnapped by the Evil Queen, Pirate Captain Killian Jones attempts to rescue her in order to earn the substantial reward offered by her royal parents. A CS Fairytale Mash-up AU featuring Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty & Tangled, with a sprinkling of The Princess Bride thrown in for good measure. Rated T, 3chs, 19k
Sowing Seeds of Trust Such a BEAUTIFULLY written, tugging on the heartstrings tearjerker!!! Love this one soooo much!!! Summary: Emma Swan is a young woman without a family, friends, a home, and now a boyfriend after he tries to pin his crime on her. When she goes looking for help from a local charity at a church, she ends up meeting a group of people, including a handsome blue-eyed man, who offer her friendship...and a whole lot more. Rated M, 19chs, 120k
Silly Songs with Killian Of course you know about my Captain Cobra weakness, and this one just checks all the boxes. Too adorable for WORDS!!! Summary: After a frustrating and exhausting day, Emma Cassidy is relieved when her little boy, Henry, is entertained by a gorgeous musician at a restaurant, giving her a chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy the music (and the view!) It gets even better when the singer, Killian, sings some of Henry’s favorite Silly Songs from his favorite videos, Veggie Tales. Rated T OS, almost 4k.
For the Sake of Henry Another fic featuring Captain Cobra pretty prominently that tugs on the heartstrings RELENTLESSLY!!! BEAUTIFULLY done!!! Summary: Killian Jones is a third grade teacher concerned about one of his students, Henry Cassidy. When he has to make a report to the Office of Child and Family Services about the possible neglect and abuse of the boy, the person sent to investigate is Emma Swan. While both of them have Henry’s welfare at heart, there may be other matters of the heart involved neither one expected. Rated M, 11chs, 71k.
Where Her Heart Belongs Series The first fic in this series was absolutely BRILLIANT, and then the second one for my bday was PERFECT in EVERY WAY!!! I love them both SOOOO MUCH!!!! Summary: In the Land Without Magic, Emma Swan is quietly living her solitary life. When she finds a unique storybook in the library, strange things begin to happen. A canon divergent story which started out based on the movie "Somewhere in Time", but evolved into something else entirely. Two OS, Fic 1 is rated T, 2 is M, combined word count is 15k.
The Mystery Carver of Storybook The first fic you wrote for my birthday was such fun!!! Just a glimpse of their happy beginning that made my heart sooooo happy!!! Summary: Killian finds ways to cheer Emma up after Henry leaves to seek his own adventure. In the process, he creates a huge mystery for the residents of Storybrooke. Rated M, OS, 4k
Lunch Is On Me Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know... I wasn't happy that this one had such a sad premise, but the whole thing really is just soooo sweet and beautiful! Going back to visit Liam at every stage in their relationship was just so precious, its place in my heart is cemented. Summary: Emma Swan makes a mistake when ordering a DoorDash delivery and tells the driver to keep the food for himself. The response she gets moves her to tears and has her hoping to meet the man in person someday. Rated T, OS, 3500 words.
Of course our Girls Vacay Fic Collection is a favorite... 😏😜 I'm sure you're completely surprised by that... Summary: When Emma Swan and her friends go on their annual girls’ vacation, they meet a group of guys who seem to keep turning up in the same places. Pranks, yearning looks and romance ensue.
A collaborative story by snowbellewells, jdmusiclover, kmomof4 and jrob64, based on our very own girls’ trip (without the guys, sadly). 3 fics are now in the collection, all rated T, combined WC 39k
I Loved You First I know you're so surprised about this one, too... a birthday fic for me featuring my second favorite relationship on the show... absolutely precious. Summary: Emma and her father share some special sentiments with each other before he walks her down the aisle to marry her True Love. A canon compliant missing moment for 6X20, just prior to Emma and Killian's wedding. Rated G OS, 1100 words.
Long Overdue Conversations are just long overdue and are very much canon in my mind. Summary: A series of conversations between characters of Once Upon a Time which I wish we would have seen in canon, but didn’t. Ratings will be stated in the author's note at the beginning of each part. Different ratings for each of the 4chs, almost 7800 words.
And finally, this years CSSNS fic, Ghosted, even if it's not finished yet... is SO COMPELLING, and while I pretty well know what's going to happen just from all our conversations, I am on the EDGE OF MY SEAT and SCREEEEEEEEEEAMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNNNG for Neal's blood now for how many chs? I can't WAIT to see how you finish it all up!! Summary: When Emma Swan’s ex-boyfriend dies, she’s haunted by his ghost. Her neighbor, Killian Jones, a ghost hunter who has a YouTube channel, realizes what’s happening and offers to help. However, there’s more at stake than simply helping the apparition move on. There’s also the matter of Killian telling Emma he’s in love with her. Rated M with 3chs posted so far, 20k.
So there we go, my friend! A birthday fic rec list of all my favorite of your fics!! All of your fics are absolutely wonderful, but these are the ones I love the most. Happiest of birthdays, my friend!! Love you!!!
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I watched Rise of red and have some complaints/thoughts:
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Some of the songs were good, but the soundtrack wasn't as good as the others in my opinion.
LOVE the outfits, hints and the heart card skirt is fucking adorable!
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Chloe and Red and fucking enemies to friends to lover lesbians I HOPE cause I will scream if Disney doesn't do that
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I feel like the setting of the time travel is weird. Like, they go back in time when the adults are teens, but they're all in high school??? In a world I thought we at most confirmed to be mostly canon in animated movie timelines????? I mean, the villains who died in their movies are brought back to be banished with no magic on the Isle, so like...why???
Also, it adds a bit more levels of fucked up with the idea Belle and Beast are SOMEWHERE in the past and maybe grew up with everyone and then somewhere along the way when a new country/era was made with them being the rulers but basically shoved a lot of their old classmates onto a literal island with no magic cause "living with no magic is a fate worst than death".
All in all, it's a good movie. Did it have to been promoted in trailers and ads with Uma, implying she's a main focus, when they could've done either just the film as a fun in universe movie with the same plot of maybe a lil' book series that plays with the lore? I'm more upset with the fact we didn't get the original casts much and when we did it was very slim even though their faces were all over this project.
If I had to do a rating system of all the movies counting the Royal Wedding with ten being the highest and bestest film ever, I'll say:
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Descendants - 8/10. Great story idea, soundtrack always slaps even if you were like me at the time and heard it like a million times if you live/work with children, and all the characters have changed a bit throughout the movie!
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Descendants 2 - 9/10 Same for the first one, great plot. It's a good sequel. It gave me one of my favorite plot tropes of identity crisis and being comfortable in your own skin in Mal, the songs are so good to the point I still add What's My Name in my playlist, the costumes (minus Mal's wig but it gets a pass) are amazing as fuck, Uma and her crew are just *chef's kiss* Also this movie was just a lot of bi/pan energy and you can't convince me other wise! China was one of my earliest girl crushes and of course she's an amazing character, Harry Hook made me physically stop at my tracks when I first watched the movie, the kind of funny tension between any guy with Harry or any girl with Mal and of course THIS THING-
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Descendants 3 - 6/10 It's not bad but it's just not as good as the others, ya know? Some of the costumes were weird, what was Doug's hair????, Jane and Carlos are just the fucking CUTESTS ever, while I was upset the songs didn't stick as hard, I do love Queen of Mean and Do What You Had To Do, the plot was sadly not a good one to follow even though there were so many things that were a good idea. Alas, so many good ideas yet so little time. But I think it has a higher ranking in my heart simply because this one was the main one that started my Disney Villain Recruiters Descendants AU that I still love so much
Speaking of which, I think since I wrote the one with Dalmatia not that long ago I'll try and see what I can do with the AU with all the movies, not just Rise of Red. I already have an idea of Jack Heart in this world since watching it, I still have drafts of certain events such as Apple seeing Snow again, I also think I need to cause I found out Harry and Audrey, a ship I grew to love over time since first watching it (Literally I was very into Harry and Uma and was at first annoyed when they baited and switched me in the end but I LOVE these two more!!!), are apparently not together in this! Now this is rumors I think but like I think someone confirmed she's engaged or married to a prince and Harry is sailing with his own crew.
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I'll see what I'll be doing! I'm a little curious what they'll do from here is they do anything even if I personally didn't like it. Maybe we'll see the bad choices of the time traveling? I would like an idea of what if Red's mum wasn't evil then her and her dad may or not met, since in the original Disney Alice In Wonderland our lil king LOVES his wife even when she's scary! I personally think that would be a fun idea. And I seriously can't be the ONLY ONE who thought we were gonna have some big reveal that Cinderella was mean or ghosted to Bridget (love the pun name btw, good job Disney) in the past. Cause like her rage was a lot more than just they were friends when a prank happened and suddenly she's evil now. Like I was expecting a reveal like Cinderella went to the party and either knowingly knew but didn't stop the prank or unknowingly helped. Or maybe even had them be friends but she left Bridget alone/didn't stop the bullying in a kind of early Amity and Willow situation from Owl House with maybe Tremaine doing something to cause that to happen like a rumor Bridget is a bad influence, that could give her a edge as an adult of "you want mad, I'll give you mad" kind of scene.
Also the timeline of the film is a little weird minus the whole high school thing. They did a throwaway line of Chad being in collage which made me pump the breaks a bit. I assumed first Descendants they're all 14-16 years old, Descendants 2 takes place a year or so later, and Descendants 3 taking place another year or two depending on how I viewed the timeline of the Wicked World show with everyone being graduated and doing their parts in society and helping the school cause more kids from the Isle are added in, ending the series with the cast being mostly 18-19 years old at least with maybe Carlos and Jane being 17 since they may be younger in the cast. Yet with this line implies to me Mal and Ben got married right after graduating from school, and while we don't know what was happening during the moment of the wedding and the other movies, Uma being in charge would be rushed and sudden for everyone even herself since she should be the same age as the two who got married not that long ago. Also adds a interesting question of when did Carlos die within the timeline? Cause now I'm scared we got that cute moment with him and Jane having their ship name necklace and just all that sappy sappy cuteness and just afterwards Carlos died off screen before Royal Wedding which I'm guessing takes places the same year at least since everyone's designs imply so with hair and wardrobe.
I literally just wrote a fic of Dalmatia grieving Carlos on the same night of the wedding and I wasn't thinking much on timeline until NOW!
Ideas I have before I leave:
Instead of going back in time in the time your parent(s) are in highschool, I would've liked if it was before the Isle was locked away, like starting off. We could have an excuse to see younger casts of the Villain Kids and maybe even get more hints of who the other parents are, maybe even reveal some kids from the books even if it's a cameo in the back.
Have Red be more conflicted of how she rules. Her being scared to be like her mum is great, and her being a rebel is amazing, maybe show her be a great ruler in the rebellion and have a scene afterwards of her complaining about being a ruler. I would write her with that fear with maybe her seeing throughout the story that maybe there's a reason her mum was a little mad.
Have Chloe's struggle of what to do and break out her shell a bit more and not rushed??
Maybe do a reveal of Bridget being the Queen of Hearts later if you want to do that. Like, have a character fans assume is her and then like a saying happens and we get that plot twist.
That's all for now, I'd like to hear other's thoughts and ideas tho!
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pansyfilia · 2 months
welcome to my blog!!
you can call me pansy or rina (she/her)
fandom list
greek mythology/epic the musical (save me penelope save me)
the marauders
dungeon meshi my beloveds
tma (currently on s2 so NO SPOILERS)
X MEN i love you jean and ororo and rogue and mystique pls marry me + jubilee can tag along too
i have like one thg post so yk... it was for an au who am i kidding
my ao3 is @green_starss, where i have a few odypen fics brewing
and ive got a bit of an organising system which is pretty ridiculous soooo
"the little white maggot tag" is just generally rosier twins/ pandora/ evan, whatever really
"the wild hyena at the door tag" is all things barty crouch jr, gay twink and mcr enjoyer
"the scarlet fox tag" is the woman, the MILF, the legend lily evans (she ate btw)
"the magician's rabbit tag" is mary macdonald <333333
"my weaver wife" is PENELOPE OF SPARTA yes i do know she is ody's wife and i would never dream of taking her from him (im stealing her from him respectfully as we speak)
"the green mamba that bites" is dorcas meadowes (we love a mean queen)
"the black cat that haunts" is regulus black, wet dog man and also brother's best friend survivor
"the lovegood moths tag" is essentially the lovegood family, pandora, xeno and luna
"the island and his freshwater pearl" is just odypen, pretty much the only straight pairing on here
" the two rabid beasts" is bartylily (essentially emo/preppy at core)
"the rotting hyena tag" is rosekiller (tee hee)
"the bunny corpse" is my marydora stuff
"pansy's aus" is what it says on the can
"ask pansy anything" basic comprehension skills yall
"pansy rambles" essentially the same vein, see above, etc
I think???? i have an au list somewhere in here so ill put it on here as well
odyssey thg au, where ody and polites go into a war-torn arena and only one returns home (alr a wip)
odyssey modern au, where ody is enlisted in the war and needs to get OUT. dio actually pops in and checks in on him from time to time and calypso is just a super weird flight attendant
odyssey lotr au, following the whole arawen/odypen parallels that have me gripped atm (and also penelopes half divine side as well because the POTENTIAL aghh) jsyk legolas and gimli are perimedes and elpenor :))))))
idk why but like odyssey roleswap au, where eury and ody stay at home while their wives are away on pilgrimage or wtv the equiv is in ancient greece and circe and calypso r just super hot evil minor gods. OMG WAIT tiresias is the same but its his cursed-by-hera woman form (long story, will explain in a later post)
iliad/odyssey college au where theyre all just here and there and also everyone who dies either gets sent away or yk runs away from the shitty ass ilium university (helen is the art major queen and calypso stalks ody which we love/hate)
THE ILIAD/ODYSSEY RENAISSANCE COURT AU which isnt realy plot,,, its just fluff and fake dating and secret dating and also lady thetis who hates her sons prince consort patroclus and theres rlly just a lot of love and drama
[self-indulgent one comin in hot] single parent ody with calypso's kids nausithous and nausinous who has penelope as his kids' babysitter (not canon timeline-complicit bc who needs that shitfaced angst blast)
and ofc a hogwarts au just for funzies
just tag me on either ao3 or on here if u use these!
anyways,,, have fun! pls enjoy my half-asleep crazes
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
👻Parent morph!🌫 au🤝wings of fire au🐉
So you know how moonwatcher got left in the rainforest by her mom?
Yeah imagine that happening to nightwing dragonet!reader and their found by a random raining to be brought to queen!morph, who is like "huh....AWESOME FREE EGG"
Granted the nightwing mother will come looking for her egg BUT queen morph and their harem aint Givin no baby back, especially if reader hatched before the mom came looking for them.
Oh. Oh, you got quite the idea. Yes, we're doing it.
I imagine the NightWing parent in question is either grumpy, tired, panicking dad dragon Wolverine, or the annoyed, cunning, fearful NightWing version of Mystique. I'm gonna go with Wolverine right now.
He had his egg, he hid it, amd he kept checking it over and over again, so it wouldn't be raised on a death trap of an island where the other NightWings (ferals and more muderous/dangerous mutants) were. Yet did it work? No, because some sorry, eel-minded, son of a slug eggnapped his baby. And he will NOT stand for it. So he hunts down the scent, tracking it...
RainWing Queen Morph had quite the odd discovery by one of their guards tonight! A cute little egg! It's all silvery, which isn't normal... but the poor thinh must have been abandoned! But no worries, it has a new mama/papa: Them! Of course, they'll have to make sure the dragonet inside isn't hurt or sick once it's hatched, as they aren't sure how normal a silver egg is, or if it's even a RainWing inside... And ooooohhhhh, what's this? Someone says they had an intruder, in their kingdom? A large beast of a dragon? Humph! Well, they'll see about that!
Cue slender, majestic, shimmering RainWing Queen Morph meeting burly, strong, brooding NightWing Wolverine... And now they're trying not to blush, and trying not to show weakness, especially when they ask about an egg, which, um, that's THEIR egg, large dark and handsome!
NightWing Wolverine: Who the... fr*ggin bloody mooons are y'u..? is recovering from a few RainWing sleeping darts
RainWing Queen Morph: Hello there! Why, I should be asking who YOU are! But, well, you can call me, Your Majesty~ If you don't want to be dunked in quicksand!
NightWing Wolverine: ... Wh't...?
RainWing Queen Morph: And you can't have that egg back! Its mine now! How dare you abandon it?! It's just a small, tiny thing! It's too small for an egg! What did you do to it?!
NightWing Wolverine: Dragon, I brought it here so it wouldn't die! Our home is full of ashes and death! If I left it there, it wouldn't have made it! So yeah, sorry, I brought it here! You can fo what you want with me, but if you so much as crack it's fragile shell, I'll make you wish you were dead and buried in lava!
RainWing guards: 😱😨😖😠
RainWing healers: 😰😥😢🥺
RainWing Queen Morph: ... You poor, sad, stoic dragon... I'm still not letting your egg go back to that... death trap of a home you have... but... I could always use one more loyal guard~ What do you say? Join me, and you and your egg can live long, happy, death-free lives here, in our paradise of a home! Just... no more rotten dead things, please. The smell is gross...
NightWing Wolverine: Deal. Now give me my egg!
RainWing Queen Morph: Our egg!
NightWing Wolverine: 👀🤨 Ookay... our egg...
RainWing Queen Morph: 😁😄😃🥰😍💖💛💜
(And then they end up falling in love, and oh, what's this, another dragon partner for Morph? Oh well, apparently every adult (except maybe Xavier and Magneto?) likes them, enough to marry them, for convenience, for love, or to be closer to Reader-)
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wilygryphon · 1 year
Princess of All Evil (Kingdom Hearts AU)
Rather than being caught by Xehanort and sent to Destiny Islands in the lifeboat, Kairi is caught by Maleficent, who takes the young Princess of Heart on as her apprentice.  The witch trains Kairi as the girl grows up, becoming a powerful sorceress and a clever schemer by the age of fourteen.  She meets and develops a bond with the rest of Maleficent’s council, though she avoids Ansem (who is not happy about not being able to follow her to find a Keybearer to use as a pawn).  In the present day, she is sent to lead a Heartless attack on Beast’s Castle to kidnap Belle, which she accomplishes by twisting the castle’s enchantments to immobilize the servants and shift Beast���s animalistic form to prevent his attacks.
When the Heartless attack Destiny Islands, Riku hears a voice in his head calling him to the play island, and he goes in spite of the storm.  Sora sees him outside of his window and follows him out of concern.  When Heartless swarm them both, a Keyblade appears in Riku’s hand, which he uses to defend Sora and fight the monsters.  They are unable to stop the Darkside, and the islands crumble while the boys are sucked into the chaos orb and wind up in Traverse Town.  Riku ends up in the First District and encounters the Heartless and Leon while searching for Sora, while Sora ends up in the swamp outside of Merlin’s house and he meets the old wizard and starts to learn magic from him.  Sora heads to town to look for Riku after a few lessons at the same time that his friend was sent to track down the Heartless’ leader.  Sora and Riku bump into each other just before Donald and Goofy crash on top of them, and they all fight the Guard Armor.  Wanting to help out and see the worlds, Sora and Riku agree to go with Donald and Goofy to fight the Heartless.  Leon gives Sora a sword to use in battle, and Goofy and Donald begin tutoring both boys in combat and magic, respectively.
Kairi trails Alice through Wonderland, only for the younger girl to be put on trial for a Heartless’ attack on the Queen of Hearts.  As she tries to come up with a plan to extract her, Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy show up and intervene in the trial.  Seeing an opportunity, she waits for her chance and creates a Corridor of Darkness in the cage Alice is in when it is raised and the curtain is drawn.  Taking an interest in the “cute boys with the Keyblade”, she reports what she saw to Maleficent and later heads to Traverse Town with Maleficent, where she approaches the party posing as a civilian refugee.  She endears herself to the group easily, though Donald is suspicious of the magical energy he is detecting around her, and she finds herself genuinely liking them in return.  When the Guard Armor attacks the Keyhole, she tests the party’s abilities by transforming the Heartless into the stronger Opposite Armor.
Kairi joins Jafar in capturing Princess Jasmine, stealing Genie’s lamp, and locating the Agrabah Keyhole, as she wants not only to supervise Jasmine’s capture but also to get her hands on the lamp when Jafar uses up his wishes.  When Sora, Riku, Donald, Goofy, and Aladdin show up, they see Kairi and realize that she is working with Maleficent.  Kairi joins the ensuing fight and fends off anyone who attacks her, but she is content to let the fight play out.  When Jafar becomes a genie and is subsequently defeated, she sneaks off with his lamp, preparing her wishes, and she also takes Jasmine to Hollow Bastion.
It is here that it is revealed that Kairi has been waking the captured Princesses up to talk for most of her life and has genuinely befriended them.  Emboldened after capturing Alice and having learned more of what Maleficent and Ansem intend for them, she left her awake and woke the others up, keeping them in a room adjacent to her own.
Ansem and Maleficent put Kairi with Captain Hook to travel around and gather the materials to forge the Keyblade of Hearts.  Kairi convinces Maleficent and Hook to let her take the Princesses on as crewmen, knowing that Ansem plans to use the Keyblade to steal the hearts of all seven of them, including her.  She teaches the girls magic and convinces them to help with her plans.
While digging for ore on an asteroid, Monstro attacks, forcing the Jolly Roger to flee which results in Kairi being swallowed by the whale.  Intrigued by Pinocchio’s existence, she lures him away so that she can study his magic (and maybe also play some games with him).  When Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy appear to take Pinocchio back to Geppetto, she teases the boys and makes them chase her through the whale.  She decides that Pinocchio won’t be able to offer her any benefits, but she still helps the party rescue him from Parasite Cage, then takes him and tries to heal him when he is injured by the Heartless and appears to have lost his heart, even considering using her first wish to help him before Sora and Riku confront her and it turns out that Pinocchio is alright.  When the Parasite Cage returns, she makes her escape through a Corridor of Darkness to the pirate ship.
When the heroes storm Hollow Bastion, Ansem talks Maleficent into fighting them in the chapel.  When the witch is injured in the fight, Kairi goes to check on her mentor, and Ansem manipulates Hook into stabbing Kairi with the Keyblade of Hearts, reasoning that Maleficent will not be able to protect her charge.  However, the “Kairi” they target was actually Snow White with an illusion spell, and the real Kairi uses her first wish to Jafar to have the Keyblade of Hearts appear in her hand, which she stabs at Ansem, trapping his heart within the weapon.
It is then that Kairi makes her case.  The worlds will remain safe, but she will be in charge, with the Heartless under her control; she will be a hands-off ruler, but if she makes a decree, it will be law, and the Heartless will enforce it.  If the Heartless step out of line, they will be slain in droves.  Sora insists that he and Riku want their islands and the other worlds back, to which she agrees.  Maleficent protests at her wicked work being undone, but Kairi warns that she will strike the witch down without hesitation if she stands against her.  She guides everyone up to the Grand Hall, where she and the Princesses cast a spell with their light to complete the Final Keyhole, then instruct Riku to seal it.  She informs them that the Door to Darkness will appear on End of the World, and that sealing it with the Keyblade from both sides will cause all of the worlds to be restored along with their inhabitants.  Sora and Riku agree to help Kairi while Donald and Goofy go along with it until they can find a solution that they are both satisfied with.
After everything is restored, Kairi looks over Ansem and Xehanort’s research one more time before her date with Sora, regards the Keyblade of Hearts which holds Xehanort’s Heartless, and remarks: “You’re Darkness Number One.  That means I have twelve to go.”
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havendance · 5 months
Jumping off of @zahri-melitor to categorize all of my titles (which now that I'm sitting down to do this is a lot...) I've also included series titles in here because that also involves agonizing and I quite like a number of them (they'll be marked with an *) In no particular order:
Tongue in cheek titles where I’m trying to be funny
Batman for Dummies
Fatherhood for Dummies
So, the Dragon of the West walks into a bar…
You Can’t Spell Kuzon without Zuko
Brothers Have the Worst Timing
Robins Don’t Make Great Roommates
Robins are an Invasive Species*
Bus Buddies = Pilgrimage Buddies (?)
Nobody has a good day (but it gets better)
Non-Existent Extradition Treaties
Song Lyrics/Titles
Let the Sunshine in
MAD World
Slightly MAD
World Gone MAD
Desolation Row
Why you wanna fly, Blackbird?
You Will Live Forever
The Rhythm of the Night
do you like the person you’ve become?*
A Fleeting Dream
Other quotes/stealing other titles
The Prince Who Runs Through the Night 
Blood for Blood
The Kindly Ones
No Truce with the Furies*
Loved by the King [this is technically the name of a font I ran across in google docs while writing the fic and decided that it worked well enough as a title]
Misc Allusions/references
The King is Dead, Long Live the King
Thou Shalt Not Kill
See Spot Run
One Scar to Find Them
Stealing Fire from the Gods
Oedipus Regina
A Rose Bride by Any Other Name
Those who walk away from Ohtori
Let’s Steal a Fire Prince
Sing, oh Muse*
Truth, Justice, and Horde Politics*
Live Fast, Die Young
Emulating canon or other naming conventions:
Top 10 Secret Identity Fails
Remembering the End of an Era: Collected Media from the End of the Hundred Year’s War
The Fire Prince Job*
Turnabout Traitor!
One Word ‘What do you mean fics need metadata? I give up’ Titles:
Pretty Bird [This may be 2 words, but it belongs to this category in spirit]
Titles that have been intensely brainstormed/Trying to be nice and thematic without a nice quote to steal
to fail, to fall, to fly away
Hot Girl Shit (The Feminine Urge to Die Young)
Neither Heir nor Spare (The Sole Survivor)
Red Threads and Distant Stars
Wild Seeds
Gotham: Hell on Earth
Man as a Living Weapon
Death: The Final Puzzle
Former Hopes and Future Scars
I just keep falling now that you’re gone
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)*
End of the Line*
What it says on the tin
Bat + Girl [This one also feels in the spirit of the one word category, but I feel like it's a little more clever than most of those]
The Peasant Queen of Nohr
A Princess of Hoshido and a Prince of Nohr
Reunion on Beast Island
The Last Stop
Nana Lives in Connecticut
Death of the Endless
On Death’s Door
Holly, Afterwards
Tough Guy & Tiny Girl
A Second Chance at Love
The Definitions of Us
Distant Soulmates*
How do I tell you?
The Distance Between Us
Looking for You
After the Storm
What it says on the tin (literal version)
Various Batman AUs
No Man’s Land Timeline
Kwami Swap Week
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Either Namor or Attuma fic ideas. Pls tag me if you write or get inspired by any of these. Like always, there are no rules. (Warning: Some of these may possibly have Dark! Fic leanings/potential and will be marked with 🥀. If Dark! Fics aren’t your thing, that’s okay. Just ignore those prompts. Please don’t harass me or others or start arguments in the comments. Thank you.)
1. While scuba diving in an underwater cave system full of beautiful stones and underwater plants, you get lost. Trying to escape, you find a trident. Upon touching this trident, millions of voices ring out, "The Princess/Queen has returned." (up to you if familial or romantic story).
2. The Blue Lagoon AU where you and Attuma/Namor are just humans who get shipwrecked and stranded on an island. You fall in love as you build a home there over the years. Possibly takes place in the Victorian era.
3. You work as a mermaid performer for an aquarium, and on your day off you take your tail out to the beach to play in the ocean. You're soon surprised by a group of Wakandans, who, having mistaken you for an actual mermaid, are begging you to help them rescue their kidnapped princess from Talokan. Wait, what? You’re struggling to process any of what was just said. You can hold your breath for a long time by human standards, but not that long.
4. Ponyo AU where either Namor or Attuma have a very small daughter who’s curious and in love with the surface to the point she slips away from the sea and befriends a human child. Namor or Attuma tries to bring his child back to Talokan, but the girl is like 😠 because she likes this human!! The human is her best friend now!! “Daddy go away can’t you see we’re sailing in a boat, eating ham sandwiches, making sand castles and other fun kid stuff!!”
🥀5. You're a deep sea welder. You've noticed a hatch on the seabed through which a light flickers for a while. One day, you check it out. To your surprise, you see the panicked face of your friend who went missing, through the hatch glass. They’ve been kept prisoner in Talokan all this time and you offer to take their place. Beauty and the Beast AU
6. A woman gives birth to a girl who's been cursed to slowly transform into a “sea monster”. She tries desperately to make her child normal, to the detriment of her daughter. As reader grows into an adult and continues to change, her mother fears the day that she will leave her for the ocean, especially when she goes off to college and meets a man who claims to be from the sea. Sort of Hades/Persephone AU.
7. Ever After “a bird may love a fish, but where would they live?” AU
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8. Period drama AUs. Bridgerton, Jane Austen, victorian AU, regency AU, gimme that good stuff but with Namor or Attuma.
9. After getting shipwrecked on an island you’ve never heard about, you meet a princess who asks you to help her take back her kingdom. She mistook you for a warrior, and misunderstood everything you said. You have never fought a battle in your life. You just wanna go home. You’re far too tired and hungry for this.
10. Creature from the Black Lagoon AU. During an expedition, reader is noticed by Namor or Attuma, who admires her beauty and falls in love with her from afar over the course of however many months. I just want to fall in love with and be carried away bridal style by a fishman to his underwater home, my dudes.
11. Shape of Water AU where Attuma/Namor is held captive in a facility and over time forms a special bond with reader, eventually falling in love with her. They bridge their language barrier and when reader helps him escape, oh fuck turns out he is a god.
12. When you were a child, you had an imaginary friend around your age who lived in the sea. You used to go on adventures with him. The last time you saw him was when you were teenagers, when you shared in a strange personal ceremony where you joined hands. Now, after all these years, a hooded Attuma/Namor arrives on your doorstep claiming to be your betrothed and tells you that you must come to Talokan with him at once. It’s not safe here. (Could take place in a different time period/timeline. Either way, let’s pretend reader and Namor/Attuma were either born around the same time or age at about the same rate/speed so the age gap isn’t weird and we divert the creepy “adult Namor meets reader when she’s a child” thing. Maybe reader isn’t exactly human. Maybe she’s a mutant too. Idk. Don’t think too hard about it.)
🥀13. A scuba diver was in the middle of exploring a shipwreck when they discover a body. It’s the body of a young woman and it looks oddly intact. Like she just fell asleep. But the ship’s been down here for years. The diver is in the middle of contemplating this when the body’s eyes open. The woman is you, and Attuma/Namor is furious that someone dare disturb his love while you were resting. Why are you in this situation? Who knows. Maybe you were dying from an incurable disease, maybe Namor/Attuma was faced with your mortality after a near death experience. The why and the how is up to you. Sort of Sleeping Beauty AU.
14. You kayak every day, and over time some of the dolphins in the bay have started swimming along with you as you kayak. One day, the dolphins are acting oddly. After much chattering, and bumping into your boat, three of them push you and your kayak out to sea, as if commanded to by an unseen presence. Suddenly you’re surrounded by blue skinned people and they all have weapons pointed at you. A man with wings on his ankles hovers above you. Well, damn. This was not in your summer getaway plans.
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15. You are stranded on a gloomy beach after a shipwreck. The only other survivor is your loyal dog after you saved it from the burning ship. The full moon shines on the dark water, where debris of the wreckage are floating. Suddenly, you hear something in the woods. You turn around and see someone walking towards you... (Possibly Little Mermaid AU? Idk. I just love that scene when Eric stays on the burning ship to save his dog, Max.)
16. Pirate AU? You were born with special eyes. The sea is as clear as glass to you. By the time you’re old enough to join a ship’s crew, you’re smart enough not to tell them about everything you’ve seen below the waves.
17. The red string is tied around your finger and lets it lead you to your soulmate, someone who understands you. You’re a navigator and a cartographer, so when your string leads you to an unexplored part of the sea not marked on your maps, you think it must be a mistake. It’s not.
🥀18. You and your parents are labeled eccentric. You’ve all avoided the ocean, yet when they’re killed, you arrange a sea burial for them. As their bodies sink, you watch the rest of your family swim up from the murky depths below to take them home, and some of them pause to wave at you. How is this happening. Is this a vivid nightmare or a haunting reality? Are you in the twilight zone?
19. You're a novice shipwreck treasure hunter. One day you dig up a map that seems very old, all of the continents and islands are correct, but the map ends at places with waterfalls or hidden underwater cave tunnels. You see an X that reads "only way out". Only way out of where? What’s down there?
20. You are riding your boat through a fog. Suddenly, you come upon an island ringed by shipwrecks. On closer inspection, the entire island is an overgrown pile of ships, all from different cultures and eras. As you near the shore, you see a bunch of blue skinned people and a man flying above them. They seem to be burning something. They spot you. Oh no.
21. You’ve just survived a shipwreck and pull yourself onto a small island. From the shade of a palm tree a man steps out and says “Well well well. We meet again. But this time the advantage is mine!” You have no idea who this guy is or what he’s talking about.
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22. You’re a young Aztec woman. Your canoe gets caught in a torrent and you black out and wake up alone on an unknown beach, where you see a golden glow in the distance. Describe the first year of your life in Talokan. Could take place centuries in the past before the canon timeline.
🥀23. You’ve just inherited a mysterious Aztec looking, revolving puzzle box from your late grandfather. In the note that came with it, it states, “this puzzle box will reset every hour, each time to a new sequence, but the prize inside will change your life forever. Good luck.” Sort of Hellraiser inspired.
24. You’re an archaeologist studying the Aztec and you’ve just uncovered an artifact with your newborn child’s name and birthdate on it.
25. You love building sand sculptures on the beach, but recently someone has been changing your sculptures, moving them, or making copies. This time, you are going to hide and watch, to see what is happening.
26. After you finished college, you went on what you thought would be a dream cruise vacation. Instead you were the sole survivor of a sunken ship. Despite many difficulties and challenges, you managed to find some comfort and joy on a deserted island. Fish and crabs seemed to wash up on shore daily, providing you with food and you kept finding useful items you could create clothing or other supplies with. On the tenth anniversary of your life on the island, you find the following words written on the sand on the beach: “I’m a friend. I think It is time we finally meet.”
🥀27. Your dad always said that putting your ear to a conch shell sounded like the ocean. While walking along the beach, you come across one such seashell. You decide to relive childhood memories of listening to the sound of ocean waves, but are frightened by what you hear. “Help me!” A distressed voice calls. “Help me! Please!”
28. Iron Giant inspired AU. The “Hey Dean, watch this!” scene except it’s Reader who’s swimming in the water and being like, “Come in, the water’s great!” While failing miserably at hiding the fact it’s freezing. Meanwhile Namor is sitting smugly in the sand, just trying to relax like “Haha no thanks,” until a HUGE wave crashes over him, leaving him totally soaked and dampening his mood (no pun intended) 😂
OR reader is a single mother and waitress and Namor is an artist who comes into the diner and over time falls in love with reader and bonds with the kid, becoming their dad. Possibly modern AU.
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wistrea · 3 months
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current verses: main lore, modern au, magic shop au, dragon age, house of the dragon, resident evil, star wars, love and deepspace, stardew valley, marvel / x-men verses to be added soon: fire emblem (3 houses, awakening, fates), mass effect, skyrim
v. MAIN LORE witch ( half - human and half - fey ) / sorcerer + rogue / the chaos witch
the horikoshi clan is a prominent bloodline of warriors within the empire of hazakura. their estate is found on an island off the east coast of hazakura known as anmatsuri, of which their family had long since protected. they were most known for their remarkable combative ability throughout history, though was not a noble house of the empire themselves. they often operated separately. hanshiro horikoshi was a man who could make a single blade feel like a hundred in battle, the sentinel of anmatsuri who wielded the greatsword blessed by the primordial moon, who battles monsters and creatures from the depths tirelessly, keeping them from treading into the mainland.
masako was the daughter born between a forbidden affair between the unseelie king and the seelie queen, raised in the seelie palaces despite her status as half - blood. her mother had seen her as little more than a tool to be used as leverage against her former lover, not even granting her the permission of the family name to use. she was talented in spirit magic and healing, arts tied to the life domain, and a part of the high court of thaumaturgy amidst the animosity she experienced. having grown bored of the perfectionism in the seelie high courts and their traditional outlook on established magic principle, she left the feywilds to explore the material plane, known as the realm of hiraeth. she would push the limits of thaumaturgy and create several healing spells from scratch under a pseudonym that revolutionized magic forged in the life domain.
in her travels, she would eventually meet hanshiro horikoshi in her travels, whom she would take as her lover and husband. together, they would have three children: matsuko, the eldest. ashitaka, the second son. and kira, their youngest and only daughter. when she would turn eight, her mother and father rought home an infant they had adopted that same year: a boy named yuuichiro who had no magic of his own and yet had a familiar with a strange magical nature.
kira horikoshi had manifested magic at a young age, being able to summon storms whilst she lay in her crib, leading her family to discover their infant daughter giggling and laughing in the midst of the tempest. unbeknownst to her family at the time, they would raise the child who was the first in centuries who was born with the affinity for chaos magic, and in a vessel with unbridled ambition. in the tradition of her clan, she was trained to hold a blade the moment she could hold a training sword, all the while learning magic with her mother. with two older brothers who excelled in the art of combat, she had always been eager to prove herself, competitive ever since she had taken her first breath.
many who practiced the art of swords would travel to anmatsuri and challenge the horikoshi clan, who were known masters of the blade. it was said that her father enjoyed sending out his daughter to meet challengers, finding their cocky demeanor entertaining when faced with their opponent: a small girl, wielding a naginata. it was all the more entertaining when she bested them in three swift moves.
when beasts from the abyss had swarmed anmatsuri after the wards around their waters had been broken, she knows sacrifice for the first time, and grief wears anger's face as she witnesses the death of her mother and father. it is said that a much more terrible monster was born that evening : the girl who acquainted herself with slaughter, praised for the killing because of the lives it had saved, not knowing what kind of hunger they had just introduced her to. she was more monster than girl, with wings like a raven sprouted from her back, surging towards every beast to devour and kill. those who carry the armor and blades of the dawn had mistaken her for one of the abyssal creatures and cut off the wings from her back, bringing her back to their keep where she was experimented on for two years until she would break herself out and fight her way home.
the years that had passed only aimed to further kira's ambition, as she had soon awakened the depths of her chaos magic and the tides of another age of calamity drew near. there is a cycle of self - sacrifice that she subjects herself to, in order to earn the power she so desires. she journeyed throughout the realm in search for answers regarding primordial chaos, as she becomes one of the four omens of calamity, alongside: the dragon of ruin, the false king, and the sovereign of light. she pursued power, at the risk of all she had ( even bargaining her own life in a tie to necromancy in exchange for more space to fill herself with magic ), and kira horikoshi would be known as the most powerful witch throughout the realm of hazakura.
prologue arc ( 18 - 24 years old ): shortly after finishing her studies at the isles of lore where she had extensively pursued the arts of levin and hail, along with alchemic arts, kira had set off and founded the band of corvids, a traveling group that started with her and a handful of her childhood friends, including ryoma kaneshiro, silao isagani, thais of lakandula, and theoden rosgrave. kira is a mercenary and traveling witch, continuing her study on artifacts from the age of ancients, occasionally found performing displays of magic akin to a mini theatre in the streets where her wanted posters are blatantly displayed on the city walls.
present arc ( 25 years old + ): the chaos witch is a being that has become a living myth, in a mask with raven - like features and the power of the primordials radiating off them. in the wake of silao's betrayal and reveal as the false king, the blame for the summoning of the third age of calamity has been placed on the chaos witch, a conjured villain that kira intended to make her own, fueled by her desire for power after she had killed the exalt of order. they frame her as a false god, the incarnation of primordial chaos who had claimed the dragon of the ruined lands. only a handful of people know that kira horikoshi is the chaos witch.
meanwhile, kira is known as the strongest witch in the realm of hiraeth, as she continues to travel in pursuit of her own ambitions and left the band of corvids to the command of ryoma as they have gone to follow their respective paths in the wake of silao's betrayal of them all and his ascendance. she is an assassin under the alias of the raven when the role suits her, and other times can be found teaching children how to perform magic within the schools of the isles of lore.
epilogue arc ( late 30's to 40+ years old ): coming soon.
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v. MODERN AU witch / professor of osteology + magic ( specifically spellwork and alchemy ) full time, part - time assassin / the chaos witch
in which kira is a university professor who lives in an apartment with her cat and 37 ravens who hang out on the rooftop. she teaches osteology, archaeology, alchemy, and a variety of spell - related subjects, taking extra time after the usual school hours to be able to hold night classes for people who cannot afford to pay the usual tuition for the curriculum, funding it with her own money. this is important to her because she knows the risks magic users who do not know how to control their abilities can pose to themselves, not only to others. she has a part time job as an assassin.
alternative no - magic version: everything is basically the same except she doesn't get to teach magic now :'(
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v. " THE WISTERIA GARDEN " AU witch ( half - human and half - fey ) / owner of a magic shop called the wisteria garden
kira owns her own magic shop in a small seaside town called the wisteria garden! it's a small building where you can always see ravens perched or flying in and out, carrying parcels for delivery. a large wisteria tree grows on the right side of the building, intertwining with the brick as if it was growing into the foundation. she sells potions fresh from the cauldron and tomes of all kinds! the more difficult order the better; she loves a good challenge. owning her own shop gives her the advantage of enough free time to be able to focus on her own experiments.
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v. DRAGON AGE human mage / arcane warrior + battlemage + rift mage / the inquisitor
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v. HOUSE OF THE DRAGON kira of house dayne, the stormsinger, lady of high hermitage / human ( witch ) + assassin / daughter of a lord in house blackwood / head of the corvids
verse post can be found -> here!
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v. STAR WARS former jedi sentinel turned bounty hunter / captain of the spider lily / from the planet of hazakura
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v. RESIDENT EVIL human (bioweapon) / BSAA agent + mercenary / code name: the witch, of project wisteria
verse post can be found here -> can be found here :)
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v. LOVE AND DEEPSPACE words / more words / yahoo
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v. STARDEW VALLEY words / more words / yahoo
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v. THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM human (breton) / executioner of the dark brotherhood / the chaos witch
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v. MARVEL / X-MEN mutant + sorcerer / alias : khaos / former experiment of the hand turned vigilante
disclaimer: unaffiliated with the mcu rpc + i don't support marvel studios itself.
verse post -> can be found here!
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addercloud · 3 months
Addercloud AU Ranks
First of all, the three main differences:
Medicine cat -> Medic
Queen -> Nurturer
Kit -> Kitten
These were changed because of uncomfortable cultural implications, a lack of gender neutrality and just not liking the word respectively.
Any rank left blank is either the same as it is in the books, or the same as it is explained in an earlier paragraph.
Knight - Similar to the senior warriors in canon, but with an official rank and ceremony. This rank is earned after a big accomplishment - such as saving another cat from death or gaining a huge scar - and proving that they have wisdom and experience. A cat doesn't have to be a Knight to be made deputy, but they almost always are.
Apprentice - Apprenticeships start at 6 moons, with a few exceptions: unusually large kittens may be apprenticed early or weak, sick or injured kittens may be apprenticed late.
Nurturer - Very similar to the permanent queens in canon, but slightly different. These cats are trained in basic herbs as well as physiotherapy and counselling. Essentially, the medic recommends a treatment, the nurturers make sure it is seen through. They take care of the kittens, elders and anyone who is sick or injured.
Elder - A quirk of Thunderclowder early on is that cats cannot just retire, they have to wait for the leader and deputy to deem that they have earned it. Thankfully, Bluestar and Redtail were very lenient about this, granting permission to all who asked, but previous leaders like Oakstar haven't been so kind.
Wrangler - Shadowclowder's territory is the most prone to beasts (we'll get there when we get there), so specific cats are trained in knowledge of the many kinds of creature and how to deal with them. Wranglers are well respected because their job is just as, if not more, dangerous than being a warrior.
Camp Guard - These cats are similar to warriors, but they stick close to the camp, keeping it safe from beasts and other clans. Some of these cats are also diurnal, unlike the rest of their clan who are nocturnal, and watch over the camp during the day. Despite the importance of their job, there is a stereotype that cats choose to become Camp Guards because they're too scared to fight in battles.
Apprentice - Apprenticeship age is not fixed, and instead being decided by if a kitten can complete a series of small challenges set by a few of the warriors. This usually resulted in apprentices being 5-8 moons when they are ready. Brokenstar encouraged his followers to declare kittens ready even if they didn't complete all the assessments, pushing the age lower. Apprentices typically graduate after 7 moons of training, so 12 to 15 moons.
- You'll notice that there's no Nurturer rank, this is because all cats are expected to help take care of the kits and elders to equal lengths. However, there is a growing idea among the warriors that they shouldn't have to, which Brokenstar exploits.
Shore Warrior - Due to their close history with Windclowder, Riverclowder now shares the separated warrior roles. Shore Warriors live in the Shore Camp with the medic, younger apprentices, nurturers, kittens and elders. They specialise in hunting on land and defensive battle moves, protecting the weak in the clan. Most can swim, but being on dry land is what they prefer. Leopardstar was an unusual example of a Shore Warrior who preferred to attack instead of defend.
Tide Warrior - Tide Warriors live in the Island camp with the leader, deputy and older apprentices. They specialise in hunting in water and offensive battle moves, and are usually called on when Riverclowder attacks another clowder. They are fish-like swimmers, who sometimes even claim to prefer being in the water than on land.
Apprentice - Apprentices can start shore training at 4 moons old, but are forbidden from starting tide training until 6 moons old. When an apprentice is 8 moons old, they are given the choice of whether they want to finish training to be a Shore Warrior or a Tide Warrior. Apprentices typically graduate at 12 moons old.
Guide - Windclan's religion is very important to them, so the job of being a spiritual guide has been separated from the medic. with their spiritual guide being even above the leader in power. This is one of the major weaknesses of the clowder, as a guide with malicious intentions can easily declare anything they want to be the words of the earth, making it law.
Council - Previously, Windclowder had the typical deputy system, but after Mudclaw's rebellion this was changed to the Council system. Instead of a single deputy, the leader and the guide have a group of cats they can turn to. This ensures that there is less bias in decisions and the clan always had a plan for if the leader dies.
Medic - Same as canon, but they are not required to have any sort of spiritual connection.
Moor Runner
Apprentice - Apprentices begin training at 6 Moons. This is a hard rule, with exceptions only being made to delay a severely injured kitten's apprenticeship only until they are healed. Apprentices decide whether they want to be a Moor Runner or a Tunneller at their apprentice ceremony and rarely switch afterwards. Apprentices are expected to train in all four seasons, making them late bloomers who typically graduate at 18 moons.
Knight - Modern era Skyclowder borrows the knight rank from Thunderclowder, since they're so closely linked. However, Skyclowder is much more lenient with who gets the position, going to any decently experienced warrior.
Daylight Warrior
Apprentice - Apprenticeship age is not fixed, instead being decided primarily by the kitten's parents and secondarily by the clan as a whole. Apprentices do not have assigned mentors, instead the whole clan mentors them.
Daylight Apprentice
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licncourt · 2 years
In the modern AU what are Louis' and Lestat's favorite books, movies, shows, atc? Are they in any fandoms? What about when they were younger? How cringe were they?
This is such a cute question omg
Adult Louis is an avid but secret watcher of trashy reality TV. His favorite is Real Housewives or anything on TLC, but he's been known to enjoy an episode or two of KUWTK, Love Island, and Big Brother. Lestat also likes these because it's hot people being mean, one of his favorite things. Cooking shows are Louis' favorite little treat for bad mental health days too. He's not picky, but it has to be something soothing.
He'll tell you about the long-winded classics he's read until you're ready to blow your brains out, but he is also a harlequin romance enjoyer and semi-regular erotic novel consumer (he thinks it's more respectable than porn). You couldn't waterboard that out of him though.
His favorite movies are mostly romances, especially older ones like Casablanca, Roman Holiday, and Gone with the Wind (and Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast like his canon counterpart), but also 90s tearjerkers like Shakespeare in Love, The English Patient, and Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet (also like in canon).
If you ask though, his favorite movie is Citizen Kane. Shut up Lestat.
His taste in media has been pretty consistent throughout his life. Louis is nothing if not a lonely, daydreamy little guy in every universe, so he was definitely watching those same movies as a teenager with his nose pressed against the TV after everyone went to bed, wanting to feel love and be loved like that. He'd watch those mind-numbing historical epics like Cleopatra and Ben-Hur too. He loved the history and spectacle, but also the fantasy of it, the strength and escapism he wanted for himself.
In reality though, he was definitely writing porny gay fanfic in a super secret notebook, but weird Louis shit like Dorian Gray/Henry Wotton and Maurice Hall/Alec Scudder. It was kinda sad.
The soundtrack to his crying and gay porn writing was basically just The Smiths, The Cure, Tori Amos, and depressing 60s folk albums (Simon & Garfunkel got a lot of play time in his bedroom). He still likes that sort of thing, but 90s singer-songwriter and acoustic sort of confessional songs are his favorite.
I think for both of them this post applies as far as music taste.
Lestat is also an appreciator of shitty media, but he likes so-bad-it's-good franchise movies like Twilight, Superman, Transformers, and Saw. Whether he likes them ironically or sincerely is anyone's guess. At the very least he throws in some decently respectable choices like Star Wars.
He's also a big slasher guy, especially the iconic killers like Michael Meyers, Freddy Kreuger, Leatherface etc. Louis pretends not to like them, but he always lingers in the living room when they're on. On the flip side, screwball comedies are a favorite of his as well, the highest repeat rate going to Dumb and Dumber, Anchorman, The Big Lebowski, and Strange Brew. He's got t-shirts for them too.
Soaps are his go-to for TV, the longer and more convoluted the better. He knows ALL the Days of Our Lives lore and he's seen every episode of Grey's Anatomy twice. He's going to explain it to you if you let him. And if Louis complains, Lestat can reminds him he knows all the Kardashian-Jenner baby names and watches the old episodes of Project Runway Lestat pirated in the bathroom with the door locked.
Reading independently isn't a big thing for Lestat, but he loves to be read TO. High and historical fantasy are his favorites, and Louis has read him all the LotR and Outlander books out loud during their cuddle hours.
He's an easy sell for music, really anything extremely stimulating. His favorites are glam and 80s rock like Bowie, Queen, T. Rex, New York Dolls, Kiss, and AC/DC, but also glittery hyperpop-ish stuff like Grimes, Poppy, Charli XCX, and Rico Nasty. Whatever scratches his little rodent brain. His playlists are sensory overload and they make Louis shake like a chihuahua.
Teenage Lestat was surprisingly subdued because of his home life. He liked to watch movies and television that took him out of reality and fed his fantasies of running away and becoming a star. Velvet Goldmine and Party Monster were frequent fliers, but lots of fantasy and sci-fi that was an escape and daydream fodder as well.
Most of his music was showtunes, all songs he could sing under his breath while he imagined he was a beloved theater actor instead of a kid trapped in rural France.
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blankdblank · 9 months
Vampire/Mermaids/Werewolves/etc Masterlist
CREATURE OC/character
Fin - Alone on an island for most of your life you find yourself coming to the aid of a young Prince. One catch, he’s a Merman, and in your attempt to save his life you’ve unknowingly engaged yourself to him. Trouble follows through the time and distance separating you, until one day a storm leaves the stranded Prince and a few of his kin in need of your protection. Mermaid AU – Star crossed lovers – Reader Attacked – hurt/comfort – smut – culture clash
Pt 1  - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - 
Up – Coming from the sunken kingdoms of Valinor an unusual courting ritual lands you in the path of an Elf who enjoys terrible pick up lines who instantly falls for you. Only the ship you are on to cross the oceans goes down and in saving him you pay the price of having to leave him after having gotten wet before sealing your bond forcing you back into the watery kingdoms below. Soulmates – mermaid reader – angst – humor - fluff 
Howl – A child stolen able to create gold and gems by a sorcerer is traded in place of a dragon to guard the new hoard said child had created for them. When time comes for the Durins to wander home the enchanted chains on the now grown stranger are broken unleashing an old curse upon the Durin clan she is in need of breaking to free her new friends. Cursed oc – Wolf Durins – Song – Dwalin Pining
Durin Sitting - Your first day at a temp job seems to have landed you right in the attentions of the man who would inherit the Company one day. The only catch, he’s a werewolf and has no clue how to let you know after he falls head over heels for you. (Re-Edited) Skin changer/Monster AU – Werewolf Durins - mutual pining – inter-office romance – Angst – Drama – lost loved ones
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6
Vampire – The need for an umbrella leads to a misunderstanding of infuriating proportions. No Pairing – Dwarf Culture – Assumed Vampire – Helpful Dwarves – Humor
Only Human - A hard won relationship with the stubborn Dwarf King finds itself at an all time dismal place when miles apart one of you is clearly a King and on his way to being married while the other is so clearly a horse. But a gift for the new Queen of Erebor finds a certain Mare in a cage being brought for display for the King and future Queen. Tempers and magic flies when Gandalf is called for to right a confusing wrong. Cursed oc – Fallen to ME – Drama – angst – Injured OC – humor – hurt/comfort
Pt 1 - Pt 2 – Pt 3 – Pt 4 – Pt 5 – 
** Beauty & the Beast – Durin the Deathless in a ploy to have his bairns loved truly by their Ones an enchantment is welcomed that can be broken by discovery of said One before a certain point of their young adulthood and for generations Prince after Prince have led their populace between nightly shifts to the other selves for those unbound to their Ones. Young Prince Thorin is next in line to be bound and a certain Princess set upon pouncing on him in a hunt and chase game to test the prowess of the majestic Dwarf clan plays a much larger part in his life than he expected.
A bond that is threatened in an unexpected snake bite that drives an emotional blade in his chest in the assumption that his One died saving him. A Princess with an enchantment all her own finds herself Queen and invited to the courting games for Prince Thorin’s hand in marriage and soon after requiring a place to hide when a coup for her throne lands her on the Durin borders badly injured.
Cursed oc – assumed dead – mistaken identity – mutual pining – angst – humor – injured oc – MC Death/Rebirth
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - 
It’s a Head Scratcher –
Death was meant to bring peace. Not when you wake up with paws. The lifelong wonder as to where his One has been is finally silenced as now she is holding his leash. The plushy life assumed with the title of his One is anything but when an imagined dead enemy of old is still fighting and darkening this new world Thorin has awoken in. He wishes he could help more but that certainly would require thumbs. Trapped oc – soulmates – drama – angst – lost loved ones
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 – Pt 4 – 
Giants and Gems
A flare of a temper brings an unlikely creature into the life of the young Elf Thranduil, one that shapes his life and nearly breaks him when faced with the chance of losing them. Hurt/comfort – Bonding – Courtship – OC child of stone giants – love at first sight - battles
Pt 1 - Pt 2 
Twice Upon A Time – Once upon a time a Dragon fell in love. Taking mortal form to be with his mortal love. But with marriage comes babies and with any forbidden love comes a price. Twice upon a time, heir to a forbidden affair is known only to those old enough to remember as something sinister, but useful, cannibal. Some secrets are too big to hide and when they are exposed unexpected reactions are given. Dragon shifter oc – Twin sister to oc x Thorin – hurt comfort – Depressed/Injured oc – Twin shared healing/pain – battles – pg/birth – angst - drama
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - 
Deceiving Star – Fallen Star presumed face thief you find yourself trapped in the dungeons of Iron Hills with an odd mix of companions. You must now escape and find your way back to Erebor to help a Dwarf King in much need of assistance to reclaim his lost homeland. Fallen Star/Reborn OC – Shape Shifter OC – Trapped in Iron Hills – Escape – Destroy the Ring – Hurt/Comfort – Reclaiming Erebor – Trial - Thranduil x oc
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azure-wolf-227 · 1 year
Eda Befriends The Owl Beast Early AU
Eda and the Owl Beast befriended each other after Eda’s first transformation; what basically happened is that, instead of chasing Eda through their mindscape, the Owl Beast went ‘Hi new Roomie!” Eda was a little uneasy, at first, but quickly rolled with it.
This early friendship led to many things changing, though some things remain similar to canon:
Harpy Eda was unlocked when Eda is a teen much to teen Raine’s awe.
Eda still drops out of school as many of the other students and some of the teachers were jerks towards her because she is ‘cursed.’
Eda does not injure her father, so Dell never has to give up Palisman carving and his relationship with Eda isn’t strained. He still works with the Bat Queen to plant new Palistrom trees because I feel that is something he would have done anyway.
Eda’s relationship with her mom still deteriorates because Gwen still becomes obsessed with ‘curing’ Eda, despite Eda clearly stating she has no problem with the Owl Beast.
So, Eda still runs away, finds the portal door, and becomes a Wild Witch.
Because Eda is comfortable with her “curse”, she never develops the cagey attitude that lead to Raine breaking up with her. They do pretend to break up because Raine wanted to teach Bard Magic and they couldn’t be publically associated with a Wild Witch, while keeping their continued relationship a secret.
Eda and Raine form the BATTs together and the group is even more effective because Eda is a part of it from the beginning.
The pair practically adopt Derwin, Katya, and Amber as their own kids.
I’m toying with the idea of Eda and Raine having a biological child, but it’s not really something necessary.
Eda still finds King on his island and takes him home. She acknowledges him as her son from the beginning with Raine as the other parent and the BATTs as his older siblings.
King may or may not still believe he is the King of Demons. This Eda wouldn’t lie to him about his origins, but maybe she still told him stories about kings and King ended up believing they were true. The rest of his family would think it’s just some elaborate game and play along, unaware that King thinks is a real.
Because Eda and the Owl Beast don’t fight for control, the transformations never take a toll on Eda’s body, so she still looks her age: red hair with a couple of gray streaks, and barely any wrinkles. This also means that Eda never loses her magic, so she is stronger than she was in canon.
Luz still chases Owlbert into the Demon Realm and convinces Eda to become her mentor. Raine and the BATTs would also interact with Luz more, as will Dell.
Lilith is still determined to capture Eda so that Belos can heal her. She is convinced that Eda cannot be happy with her ‘curse,’ that even if it never caused problems before, it could change.
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