| Addercloud AU
12 posts
Warrior cats rewrite AU inspired by Bonefall and The Erins Forgot
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addercloud · 4 months ago
Listen I can't speak on the issues related to schizophrenia/DID because I don't know enough about the book yet to make a comment but I do know that I don't like the idea of Moonpaw's "twin" having a soul/consciousness because that was never a cat. That was a clump of cells that fused with another clump of cells.
And if you think that clump of cells has a soul that implies some fucked up things you think about what people should be allowed to do when said clumps of cells are in their body and they don't want it.
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addercloud · 8 months ago
Addercloud AU Ranks
First of all, the three main differences:
Medicine cat -> Medic
Queen -> Nurturer
Kit -> Kitten
These were changed because of uncomfortable cultural implications, a lack of gender neutrality and just not liking the word respectively.
Any rank left blank is either the same as it is in the books, or the same as it is explained in an earlier paragraph.
Knight - Similar to the senior warriors in canon, but with an official rank and ceremony. This rank is earned after a big accomplishment - such as saving another cat from death or gaining a huge scar - and proving that they have wisdom and experience. A cat doesn't have to be a Knight to be made deputy, but they almost always are.
Apprentice - Apprenticeships start at 6 moons, with a few exceptions: unusually large kittens may be apprenticed early or weak, sick or injured kittens may be apprenticed late.
Nurturer - Very similar to the permanent queens in canon, but slightly different. These cats are trained in basic herbs as well as physiotherapy and counselling. Essentially, the medic recommends a treatment, the nurturers make sure it is seen through. They take care of the kittens, elders and anyone who is sick or injured.
Elder - A quirk of Thunderclowder early on is that cats cannot just retire, they have to wait for the leader and deputy to deem that they have earned it. Thankfully, Bluestar and Redtail were very lenient about this, granting permission to all who asked, but previous leaders like Oakstar haven't been so kind.
Wrangler - Shadowclowder's territory is the most prone to beasts (we'll get there when we get there), so specific cats are trained in knowledge of the many kinds of creature and how to deal with them. Wranglers are well respected because their job is just as, if not more, dangerous than being a warrior.
Camp Guard - These cats are similar to warriors, but they stick close to the camp, keeping it safe from beasts and other clans. Some of these cats are also diurnal, unlike the rest of their clan who are nocturnal, and watch over the camp during the day. Despite the importance of their job, there is a stereotype that cats choose to become Camp Guards because they're too scared to fight in battles.
Apprentice - Apprenticeship age is not fixed, and instead being decided by if a kitten can complete a series of small challenges set by a few of the warriors. This usually resulted in apprentices being 5-8 moons when they are ready. Brokenstar encouraged his followers to declare kittens ready even if they didn't complete all the assessments, pushing the age lower. Apprentices typically graduate after 7 moons of training, so 12 to 15 moons.
- You'll notice that there's no Nurturer rank, this is because all cats are expected to help take care of the kits and elders to equal lengths. However, there is a growing idea among the warriors that they shouldn't have to, which Brokenstar exploits.
Shore Warrior - Due to their close history with Windclowder, Riverclowder now shares the separated warrior roles. Shore Warriors live in the Shore Camp with the medic, younger apprentices, nurturers, kittens and elders. They specialise in hunting on land and defensive battle moves, protecting the weak in the clan. Most can swim, but being on dry land is what they prefer. Leopardstar was an unusual example of a Shore Warrior who preferred to attack instead of defend.
Tide Warrior - Tide Warriors live in the Island camp with the leader, deputy and older apprentices. They specialise in hunting in water and offensive battle moves, and are usually called on when Riverclowder attacks another clowder. They are fish-like swimmers, who sometimes even claim to prefer being in the water than on land.
Apprentice - Apprentices can start shore training at 4 moons old, but are forbidden from starting tide training until 6 moons old. When an apprentice is 8 moons old, they are given the choice of whether they want to finish training to be a Shore Warrior or a Tide Warrior. Apprentices typically graduate at 12 moons old.
Guide - Windclan's religion is very important to them, so the job of being a spiritual guide has been separated from the medic. with their spiritual guide being even above the leader in power. This is one of the major weaknesses of the clowder, as a guide with malicious intentions can easily declare anything they want to be the words of the earth, making it law.
Council - Previously, Windclowder had the typical deputy system, but after Mudclaw's rebellion this was changed to the Council system. Instead of a single deputy, the leader and the guide have a group of cats they can turn to. This ensures that there is less bias in decisions and the clan always had a plan for if the leader dies.
Medic - Same as canon, but they are not required to have any sort of spiritual connection.
Moor Runner
Apprentice - Apprentices begin training at 6 Moons. This is a hard rule, with exceptions only being made to delay a severely injured kitten's apprenticeship only until they are healed. Apprentices decide whether they want to be a Moor Runner or a Tunneller at their apprentice ceremony and rarely switch afterwards. Apprentices are expected to train in all four seasons, making them late bloomers who typically graduate at 18 moons.
Knight - Modern era Skyclowder borrows the knight rank from Thunderclowder, since they're so closely linked. However, Skyclowder is much more lenient with who gets the position, going to any decently experienced warrior.
Daylight Warrior
Apprentice - Apprenticeship age is not fixed, instead being decided primarily by the kitten's parents and secondarily by the clan as a whole. Apprentices do not have assigned mentors, instead the whole clan mentors them.
Daylight Apprentice
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addercloud · 9 months ago
A quick clarification because people are talking about it
My bad, inbreeding doesn't cause chimerism. I swear I remember reading somewhere that it increased the risk but I can't find the source again so 🤷
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addercloud · 9 months ago
Adder Rambles 1: Clan Territories
These ramble posts will be me trying to sort out my thoughts before making any 'official' additions to my AU. Any suggestions or feedback - especially if it involves sensitive subjects - would be greatly appreciated.
The first big thing about the clan's territories I'd that: this isn't the UK anymore. Hell, it's probably not even earth. These are silly fantasy cats living in a silly fantasy world and I get to put them in any environment I want. So, they're not just going to live in different locations but in completely different environments. How does that work? Idk, it's cool
Starting with Thunderclan: the forest aesthetic is iconic, I can't take it away, but that doesn't mean I won't make tweaks to it. Since they're closer to the mountains now there's a few caves for them to explore. Also, bigger trees like the huuuuge ones. Idk I don't have much else to say.
Shadowclan: Their marsh/pine forest deal is iconic and yet so incredibly underused in my opinion. I want stinky gross cats eating frogs and rats and getting sick from it. Their territory would also be home to many of the new monsters (not cars, actual monsters, we'll get there when we get there) the clans will encounter
Riverclan: I'm putting them next to the ocean. Yes, I know that makes it kind of weird that they're named RIVERclan but idk... Maybe there's a river nearby. They probably have legends about not straying too far out into the water or you'll encounter terrifying ocean creatures.
Windclan: Woe, snow be upon ye. Windclan is at a much higher altitude now so its snowy all the time with a mix of flat plains and precarious cliffs. This actually keeps the safe from some of the new creatures - as it is too cold for them - but not from others, especially the flying ones...
Skyclan: Oh, Skyclan... Canon Skyclan's territory is literally just Thunderclan in a slightly different coat of paint, I'm sorry. Plus, I haven't read that many books that have Skyclan in them yet (only the manga). I feel like a mangrove forest would be interesting? That means they have to be up in the trees constantly so as to not fall into the water which could make them more unique.
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addercloud · 9 months ago
Addendum: See Frostfur
5 - Moonpaw <- Thriftear <- Ivypool <- Whitewing <- Brightheart <- Frostfur
6 - Moonpaw <- Thriftear <- Fernsong <- Cinderheart <- Brackenfur <- Frostfur
7 - Moonpaw <- Bayshine <- Dewnose <- Brightheart <- Frostfur
8 - Moonpaw <- Bayshine <- Sorrelstripe <- Cinderheart <- Brackenfur <- Frostfur
Don't even get me started on how Brackenfur's kits are also Sorreltail's who's father - Whitestorm - is arguably* the foster brother of Frostfur AND Whitewing's kits are also Birchfall's who's grandmother/great aunt (yes, really) one of the many Robinwings is also Frostfur's mother
Genuinely, H O W
Take a shot every time you can trace Moonpaw's lineage back to Firestar and/or Cloudtail (don't you'll die of alcohol poisoning)
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addercloud · 9 months ago
This but I used Jake instead of Firestar or Cloudtail because that little shit is the common denominator here:
1 - Moonpaw <- Thriftear <- Ivypool <- Whitewing <- Cloudtail <- Princess <- Jake
2 - Moonpaw <- Thriftear <- Fernsong <- Lionblaze <- Leafpool <- Firestar <- Jake
3 - Moonpaw <- Bayshine <- Sorrelstripe <- Lionblaze <- Leafpool <- Firestar <- Jake
4 - Moonpaw <- Bayshine <- Dewnose <- Cloudtail <- Princess <- Jake
And for all I know, there's more! Something I missed or some other common ancestors
Also a fun fact I learned while tracking this: "unusual prefix" Moonpaw is related to Moonflower AND Ambermoon
Take a shot every time you can trace Moonpaw's lineage back to Firestar and/or Cloudtail (don't you'll die of alcohol poisoning)
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addercloud · 9 months ago
Take a shot every time you can trace Moonpaw's lineage back to Firestar and/or Cloudtail (don't you'll die of alcohol poisoning)
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addercloud · 9 months ago
Modern warrior cats family tree my detested
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addercloud · 10 months ago
Sorry I'd been gone, I'm back and I have... another question! Whoopsie 😭
Does anyone have any good sources on what's problematic about the tribe?
Specifically I wanted to know if the names were bad or not because they're so iconic
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addercloud · 10 months ago
Quick question for the warrior cats fandom: would it be offensive to give made up names to real diseases in a wc worldbuilding context? (Stuff like greencough, but its intended to be one real specific disease)
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addercloud · 11 months ago
Hey there!
You can call me Adder. I'm a queer neurodivergent artist and you've stumbled on my sideblog for my warrior cats rewrite au, which I've called the Addercloud au for simplicity's sake ^^
Some things to know about me:
I use any pronouns
I've read all of the main series up to oots and am currently trying to get my hands on avos as well as bsp, csp, tsr, gsa, rpp, sats, tsas and the original ultimate guide
Like/reblog spam doesn't bother me at all
I don't have a set DNI, but if you're a bigot or support romanticising (not portraying, romanticising) gross content get the hell out
This blog will mostly be dedicated to my warriors au: the Addercloud AU. It's heavily inspired by the Better Bones AU and The Erins Forgot AU, but with different aims. My aims for the Addercloud AU are to:
Expand on the culture of each clan and make them more unique from eachother
World build the land outside of the clans, creating more interesting groups, locations and challenges for the cats to face
Introduce more fantastical elements to the series such as more magic and mythical creatures
Add more and correct inappropriate portrayals of LGBTQ+, disabled and neurodivergent characters
And overall just have fun!
Keep in mind, however, that this blog may go through long periods of activity. This is because if I'm ever busy, this AU is likely to be the first thing put on hold to free up time. Please be understanding and don't nag me for updates.
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addercloud · 1 year ago
The Illusion
Tumblr media
The Illusion is a powerful, magical force that keeps the five clans safe from being discovered by twolegs.
Cats - and by extension any tools or other items created by cats - are inveloped in a mirage which prevents them from being perceived as anything other than normal cats and objects. This ensures their safety, as most twolegs will ignore normal cats, and prevents the clans from being discovered.
It is believed that this barrier is kept alive by Starclan. The Illusion covers all of the clan's territory and a small amount of the surrounding area, but not beyond it. Because of this, cats are discouraged form venturing beyond the territories unless absolutely necessary.
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