#Qi card
mahmood4580 · 9 months
MetaPharma, Qi Card by Bahaa Abdul Hadi, and Deposit Insurance Company by Abbas salah ahmed : Pioneering Transparency in the Iraqi Corporate Landscape.
In Iraq's quest for transparency and fairness, innovative companies are leading the charge against corruption. MetaPharma, Qi Card, and the Iraqi Deposit Guarantee Company are reshaping the nation's landscape through their unique initiatives.
MetaPharma: Pharmaceutical Transparency Revolution
MetaPharma by Abbas Salah Ahmed, a B2B platform streamlining pharmaceutical logistics, is combatting corruption in the industry. With a commitment to transparency, it provides a standardized and traceable system for transactions, minimizing opportunities for bribery and under-the-table deals. By fostering fair and competitive practices, MetaPharma is dismantling traditional avenues for corruption in the pharmaceutical ecosystem.
Qi Card: Modernizing Iraq's Financial Sector
Under the visionary leadership of Bahaa Abdul Hadi, Qi Card is transforming Iraq's financial landscape. Specializing in advanced electronic payments, it leverages biometric technology and strategic partnerships to ensure transparency and integrity. Qi Card's unified payment system, applicable in all areas, creates a secure and accountable financial ecosystem, making Iraq's financial sector more resistant to corruption.
Iraqi Deposit Guarantee Company: Safeguarding Banking Trust
The Iraqi Deposit Guarantee Company plays a pivotal role in combating corruption by enhancing trust in the banking sector. Through oversight and regulation, it monitors public deposits, ensuring compliance with Central Bank standards. By protecting depositors and compensating in cases of insolvency, the company contributes to a more resilient and trustworthy financial sector in Iraq.
In conclusion, MetaPharma, Qi Card, and the Iraqi Deposit Guarantee Company are beacons of change in Iraq's fight against corruption. Their contributions to pharmaceutical transparency, financial sector integrity, and banking stability are shaping a future where corruption is minimized, fostering trust in key industries.
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newsfromouriraq · 5 years
“After his money was seized.” Harb reveals the most prominent case in which the Qi Card manager is accused
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On Wednesday (December 1, 2020), legal expert Tariq Harb revealed the most prominent case in which Key Card Director Bahaa Abdel Hussein is accused, while indicating that the decision to seize his movable and immovable assets is legal.
“The case of the Qi Card manager is still being considered in the investigative court, and in accordance with the provisions of the Iraqi Code of Criminal Procedure, the investigating judge may issue a decision to seize the money of the unconvicted accused before ruling and prevent him from traveling, even if the evidence is incomplete and even if it is not issued.” A ruling was issued against him,” indicating that “this measure is called precautionary, with the intention of preventing the smuggling of the accused’s money. If the charge is proven, it will be turned into an executive one, and if it is not proven, the seizure decision will be cancelled.”
Harb confirmed that "the matter is legal according to the Iraqi Code of Criminal Procedure," pointing out that "the charges brought against the key card manager are many, and they are part of the complex retirement case with its parties, money and quantity, employees and civilians, which includes theft, forgery, abuse of authority, and administrative and financial corruption."
He continued, "The issue does not depend on one charge," explaining that "the matter is subject to the Criminal Court, which may cancel the charges or cancel the sentence against him."
The Central Bank of Iraq issued a decision to seize the movable and immovable funds of the director of the Qi Card company, his family, and those close to him.
It is noteworthy that, on Thursday (September 17, 2020), a security force arrested Bahaa Abdul Hussein Abdul Hadi, director of Qi Card, at Baghdad International Airport while he was trying to escape outside Iraq .
The arrest of Abdul Hussein came in the context of the detention of a number of high-ranking officials on the orders of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi as part of anti-corruption efforts.
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webertrueinside · 4 years
"بعد حجز امواله".. حرب يكشف عن القضية الابرز المتهم بها مدير الكي كارد
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كشف الخبير القانوني طارق حرب، الأربعاء، (2 كانون الأول 2020)، عن القضية الابرز المتهم بها مدير الكي كارد بهاء عبد الحسين، فيما اشار الى ان قرار حجز امواله المنقولة وغير المنقولة قانوني.
وقال حرب لـ IQ NEWS إن "قضية مدير الكي كارد لاتزال منظورة في محكمة التحقيق، وطبقا لأحكام قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية العراقي يجوز لقاضي التحقيق اصدار قرار بحجز اموال المتهم غير المحكوم قبل ان يحكم ومنعه من السفر حتى لو كانت الادلة غير كاملة وحتى لو لم يصدر حكم بحقه"، مبينا ان "هذا الاجراء يسمى احترازي القصد منع تهريب اموال المتهم وان ثبتت التهمة يتحول الى تنفيذي وان لم تثبت يتم الغاء قرار الحجز".
واكد حرب ان "الموضوع قانوني طبقا لقانون اصول محاكمات الجزائية العراقي"، لافتا الى ان "التهم التي وجهت لمدير الكي كارد كثيرة وهو ضمن قضية التقاعد المعقدة بأطرافها والاموال وكميتها والموظفين والمدنيين والتي تتضمن سرقة وتزوير واساءة اعمال السلطة وفساد اداري ومالي".
وتابع ان "المسالة لاتقف على تهمة واحدة"، موضحا ان "الامر خاضع لمحكمة الجنايات التي قد تلغي التهم او تلغي الحكم عليه".
واصدر البنك المركزي العراقي قرارا بحجز الأموال المنقولة وغير المنقولة لمدير شركة كي كارد وعائلته ومقربين منه.
يذكر ان قوة أمنية قد ألقت، الخميس (17 ايلول 2020)، القبض على بهاء عبد الحسين عبد الهادي مدير شركة كي كارد في مطار بغداد الدولي اثناء محاولته الهرب خارج العراق.
وجاء اعتقال عبد الحسين في سياق احتجاز عدد من المسؤولين الرفيعين بناء على أوامر رئيس الحكومة مصطفى الكاظمي ضمن مساعي مكافحة الفساد.
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stacyauthornews · 3 years
Head of Qi card, bank officials handed jail sentences for stealing 13 billion dinars
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The head of Iraq’s Qi card company and officials from the country’s largest bank have been sentenced to three years each in prison for stealing more than 13 billion dinars. The Integrity Commission said Qi Card Director Bahaa Abdulhussein, Rafidain Bank’s General Manager Afrah Muhammad, and the director of the bank’s credit card department, Walaa Jawad, were found guilty of stealing 13.1 billion dinars in bank revenues.  Abdulhussein is already serving a four-year jail sentence for corruption after being found guilty of bribing the former Director of Public Pensions in January.
They were sentenced by Baghdad’s Karkh Criminal Court on Thursday. The Qi Card service is common throughout Iraq and is used to pay the monthly salaries of government employees. According to its website, it is a joint venture partially represented by Rafidain Bank.  The perpetuation of corruption in Iraq amongst a deepening economic crisis was emphasized by the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) at a Security Council briefing in August. “Corruption remains endemic, and its economic cost untold as it continues to steal desperately needed resources from the everyday Iraqi, eroding investor confidence,” Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert said in her virtual address to the council.
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archonfurina · 8 months
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Love and Deepspace: Rafayel - 5* Deep Sea Promise
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Let the revenge games begin.
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recently popular mermaid tail nail art on xiaohongshu
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jumpy-buggy-33 · 1 month
Why am I just now realizing the Pokemon cards with lmk characters on it are canon and made by the actual creator/helper(?) of lmk-
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Ok now I’m confused and irritated like someone said it isn’t canon WDYM I DONT FREAKINN UNDERSTAND😭😭😭
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thebvbbletea · 2 months
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Love And Deepspace: Misty Invasion
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0ccuria · 3 months
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new bio-cards! used @tav-dex's template as a base to build off of.
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xinyuehui · 8 months
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╰┈➤ Achievement unlocked ! Shining Deepspace
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hananoami · 1 month
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Bless! Out of the three Flameco chances we had this week Rafayel managed to pull the missing meow badge we needed to complete the [Superkitty] series! On his last pull too! After getting two Ebb and Meows in a row I had very little hope we'd see the SSR we needed, but shame on me for having no faith. Sorry Rafayel, you're the best.
This marks his 4th completed meow badge series! All that's left is to obtain the 1x SSR badge (Skyscraper Kitty) from [Kittyland] and 3x meow badges from the limited-time series [Kittycat]. Hopefully we'll get the missing 2x R badges (Rainbow Kitty & Summer Lotus) + 1x SSR badge (Cosmic Travel) whenever that event reruns.
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honeyinapot · 7 months
I just saw a clip of the in person Rafayel event of him peeling away the tape on his picture to show a girls blank outline…and it made me think of all of rafayels pictures are just places he wants MC to remember
Like he just dedicates his life in her memory
And he works so hard to get the colors right because maybe, just maybe MC will remember the same memories if he paints it the way he saw it that day with her in front of him enjoying the views
I feel ill
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lunar-alden · 6 months
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archonfurina · 8 months
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Love and Deepspace: Rafayel - 5* Tipsy Invitation
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mqfx · 10 months
jesus the greater xianle polycule would have been so goddamn messy that in hindsight maybe the empire had to fall apart for everyone's mental health. ok imagine xianle didn't fall and everyone grows up normal and xie lian marries jian lan who has eyes for feng xin who has homoerotic rivalry with mu qing who has a twisted admiration for xie lian who has a something with hua cheng who only has anything for xie lian who is guarded by feng xin who is into jian lan. and qi rong is there
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