#Puppy crow
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xvampiresimmerx · 1 month ago
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@trillyke’s Viola Dress
Recolored in the Candy Shoppe Collection & JewlRyBox & Puppy Crow palettes
Mesh (Required)
Download (Under the Cut):
Simfileshare - Recolor
Patreon (Always Free) - Recolor
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@berrygameplay @thejewlbox @puppycrowrecolours
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ezrelea · 4 months ago
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Hair Recolor / @simstrouble / Susan Hair
Requested by @jossysims
Base Game compatible
Patreon ALWAYS free !
Katson by me, Sorbet Remix by @noodlescc & Puppy Crow by @simandy
Download : SFS / Patreon
You can find the repertory of my recolor right here : *clic*
Don't hesitate to say if there is any issue
Thanks for the like and reblog have a wonderful day/night !! ♥
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puppycrowrecolours · 1 year ago
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Hi everyone!
Welcome to Puppy Crow Recolours! This is a side blog reblogging cc and game recolours in @simandy's 40 Puppy Crow Colours.
MANAGED BY: Maggie / @incandescentsims
If you would like to start recolouring in the Puppy Crow Colours you can download Simandy's recolour actions from her simblr HERE
Tag @puppycrowrecolours, or use the hashtags #puppy crow, #puppy crow colours, #puppy crow colors and I will reblog your recolour posts.
💜 Happy Simming!
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invisiblesimsberry · 1 year ago
Moonlight Chic Kit - Silk Dress, Puppy Crow
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Recolored in Puppy Crow palette (40 colors!)
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Moonlight Chic Kit (Required, EA Kit)
Custom Thumbnail!
Download ↓
SimsFileShare - Download here (still waiting on SimsFileShare, sorry :<, hope its will be soon ♥)
Patreon - Download (always free)
Palette: @puppycrowrecolours 
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livecrow · 30 days ago
Gundog!Soap's errand gets derailed when he catches your scent.
A retriever "retrieves" a plump bird.
Shifter/Hybrid Dark!Soap x fat reader
(cw: kidnapping)
Soap’s popping down to the shops.
He just needs to pick up an ingredient for dinner last minute. Ghost isn’t home yet, so he’s off the lead. Unsupervised. Normally, they’d get the messages together, but he only needs one thing. He could manage it. It wouldn’t be more than a wink.
But as he mills about, he can’t help feeling off.
Like he really is a dumb dog wandering around without his owner, his lead might as well be dragging on the floor behind him, collecting lint and stray bread ties—
It’s turning into one of those days where he feels far more mutt than man. 
Without Ghost’s firm hand grounding him, the place is a cacophony of input. Too many smells, too many sounds, too many colors, too much movement—all melding together into a murky emulsion of stimulus under the glaring LEDs. 
He squints down the vast row of isles for longer than he’ll admit.
He should have written a note.
Thought he could have remembered one bleedy thing. You dinnae need a list for one thing—
Feeling frustrated and dafty, he resigns himself to traipsing down each aisle and hoping something jogs his memory. Pride wouldn’t let him call up Lt. He’d never hear the end of it. He’s a birddog for chrissake, proper braw at findin’ things—when he knows what he’s fuckin’ looking for. 
Least he can skip the sundries. He knows that much. Soap’s more than happy to avoid the detergent aisle. Stuff is bowfin. Stings his nose, makes his heid ache.
Lot of good his heid was anyway, feeling fuzzy, like it was packed with cotton. Might as well be. Nothin’ else between his ears. Certainly not the one fuckin' thing he pulled on his gutties and left the house for—
He let's loose an irritated huff and it's probably a bit too close to a growl than is wise.
Soap's trying to make good time, but he's a solid four isles in and hasn't had any luck. Eventually, he finds himself staring down a sea of tins. Fruit and veg, beans, and the sort. His eyes scanned the labels, but even readin' was a real Herculean task when he's feeling so out of sorts.
The canine part of him can't be convinced deciphering rows of little lines and squiggles is a proper use of his time. Especially when he could be usin' his nose instead.
Some wee bairn has starts greetin’ a few aise down.
—Green beans, peas, sliced carrots, corn, diced potatoes. Nae, that wasn't it—
....who in their right mind buys tinned tatties?
A passing trolley is making an awful racket. Discordant shrill squeaks and clunks of a stuck wheel scraped against his ear drums.
—It’s definitely not the asparagus—shites mingin’, and that’s fresh. Wouldnae faff about with a recipe that called for that. Cannae think how foul tinned would be… 
Soap sighs in exasperation. As he goes to abandon this aisle, he steps back to turn and bumps into something.
Soft. Soft, soft, softness presses into his hip—
The kind of softness that cradles, that molds around him. Softer than any of his toys. Soft an’ cozy as his own bed, maybe—nae, softer. His bed didn't have the same give, the same wobble. It was a softness that sent a literal shiver up his spine, saliva pooling in his mouth. That smell—
Not something, someone then.
An incidental collision, a bird had been trying to slip by him just as he stepped backwards.
The touch was there and gone in a second but he was mournful for its absence. The scent lingered at least, soothed the whine that crawled into his throat. There was no artifice to it, no acrid chemical edges that came with any fragrance found in a bottle.
You had actually managed to catch him off guard. The shiver that rattled through him began with a slight jolt of surprise at the two of your union. He must have been more out of it than he thought, he hadn't even noticed anyone else in the aisle. He'll never get used to being startled, but he wouldn’t hold that against you.
“Oh, sorry,” you muttered apologetically as you stepped back, embarrassment coloring your face. The contact clearly ruffled your feathers a bit.
Soap’s mouth shuts with an audible click, he hadn’t realized his lips were parted. He hurriedly swallows a completely unadvisable pant in your direction.
“Nae bother, hen,” he blinks. Finally finding his human voice, responding like he's supposed to when he's out and about on two legs. It’s a little breathier, a beat later than he should have responded, lower too. There's a rasp there that chafes the very air. 
...Maybe his head wasn't packed with cotton.
Maybe it was your soft, downy feathers that was muddling him up, making itself a sweet little nest in his cranium—
The bird sends him a polite, restrained smile as it scurries off.
His world narrowed, like he was watching through a spyglass. Or was it a scope? Regardless, everything else but you dissolved into blur, even his peripheral was swallowed up. Framed you in a vignette. Every tiny aspect of the minute interaction seared painlessly into his mind.
A pretty, fat partridge.
Wandering too close.
Game like that, ambling by all round and plump, right under his snout? Feathers close enough they almost tickle his nose—
It's instinct, ya ken?
Mind, for a dog that retrieves quarry, it’s in his nature. Cannae help it anymore than the shade of his coat. So, is it the dog's fault then, when he lunges? Snatches the bird up, into his warm mouth? Firm and soft all at once. The delicate control from a pup that can cradle a raw egg without fracturing the shell. When he brings it back to his master, tail waggin’ as he’s done a hundred other times?
Nae. Noone’d blame him.
He can already practically feel the pantomime thumping of your frantic heartbeat in his mouth—echoing his own excited pulse. 
Soap’s keen eyes never left his prey, even as your back was foolishly to him. His hind paws were already ahead of his brain, he followed, trailing at a distance. Stalking.
Thing should know better, he might have been a wolf. You’d have waddled straight into it's gaping maw, mistake the canines for stalactites and his tongue for a cozy spot to lay your little head.
But no, he’s no wolf. He’s safe. Won't take a bite out of you. He's a good boy— 
Good dog.
Bird dog. A Gordon Setter, Si says.
A jack of all trades, proficient at tracking, pointing, and retrieving. A soft-mouth breed. That’s very important. Most dogs cannae do what he can. Pick up a bird without pricking it. Ghost has been working with him, trainin’ him up. Helping him be more patient, learn new tricks.
Your scent—it was so hard to describe, but he luxuriated in it, nose twitching. It was warm, but not torrid. Sweet, but not cloying. Rich, but not heavy—
Familiar, somehow. Like a childhood lovey. Cheek-worn and supple as a lamb's ear. 
He’s struck by a piercing déjà vu.
It should have confounded Soap—but it didn’t. It just was. The strange mix of familiarity and unfamiliarity that shouldn’t normally coexist. He didn’t know you, nae. But it felt like he should. Maybe he’d seen you in a dream? Some sticky remnant from a past life? Nothing else could explain the strength of the reaction that gripped him by the scruff. Commanded him to “fetch”.
...He’s doin’ so well. Being so, so careful—game’s normally still, after all. Not wriggling about anymore. Is much more effort to control his grip on a bird thas tryin' to fly away.
Thing squealing like a squeaky-toy doesn’t help, zaps somethin' in his brain, even though he’s hardly pressing. Ghost will look at you an’ see there’s no teeth marks on you. He’s being good. Knows better. Not even a tiny nibble. 
Soap's so pleased.
Only wish he'd had his tail out, so he could articulate his excitement properly.
He’ll take you home and keep you. Rest a heavy paw on you when he wants you to stay put. Carry you round the house with him. Share his food with you. Show you his other toys. Only roughhouse gently, like he would a puppy. Bat you around a bit. Paw at you real gentle like. This soft, living squeaky-toy that he can nap with. Even let you nest in his own bed, tucked under his chin. He’d only ever mouth at you gently, you'd learn you wouldn’t have to fear his teeth. He’d rasp his tongue over you, help you preen yer pretty feathers.
He ached to sigh happily against you, rut his face against you. Wanted all the rest of his sighs to be against you, pressed into your skin. Nose at your crown, in your soft neck, on your squishy belly. He’s curious where on you that scent would be the strongest.
Ghost will be so proud when he sees, when he proudly lays you at his boots—
You'll like his owner. He'll pet you real nice. Ghost always knows the right spot, even before you do. Thoughtful.
So thoughtful that he won't even mind that he'll have to sort something else out for dinner.
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barrenclan · 1 year ago
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"Issue #34: Sunset Days"
Here we are! The start of something great and terrible! Defiance has arrived, and we have no choice but to wait and see if anyone makes it out alive.
I never quite got to work Hush Puppy's fate as much into the comic as I wanted, so I'll go into it a little more here. She did starve to death, like Egrettail says. As Thrasher put more time into "training" his growing kits and less into hunting, Hush Puppy got less food and gave up a lot of her own for the kittens. A combination of that and pure stress just sapped everything from her.
Also, I feel this may need to be said; yes, the dream canine with blue eyes is Rainhaze, not Prowl, but Pinepaw doesn't know that. It is dramatic irony.
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thorough-witness-enjoyer · 5 months ago
I‘m sorry, but Crow‘s compassion towards the Eliksni and his belief of „They are our people too and they need our help; we will feed them“ in response to the scorn crisis is so endearing. Just his push to ignore xenophobia and take care of refugees with his position of power makes me like him even more now.
(And the way this is an uncommon belief in today‘s time is kinda despairing)
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xvampiresimmerx · 1 month ago
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@marsosims Hot Or Cold Set Hair
Recolored in the Noodles Sorbet Remix & Candy Shoppe Collection & JewlRyBox & Puppy Crow palettes
Mesh (Required)
Download (Under the Cut):
Simfileshare - Recolor
Patreon (Always Free) - Recolor
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@berrygameplay @noodlessorbets @thejewlbox @puppycrowrecolours
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ezrelea · 3 months ago
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Hair Recolor / @thatonegreenleaf / Jane Hair
Base Game compatible
Patreon ALWAYS free !
Katson by me & Puppy Crow by @simandy
Download : SFS / Patreon
Download in the Sorbet Remix Palette : *clic* made by @momtraitrecolors
Day 13 / Day 15
You can find the repertory of my recolor right here : *clic*
Don't hesitate to say if there is any issue
Thanks for the like and reblog have a wonderful day/night !! ♥
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screebyy · 1 year ago
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Part 4
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I really thought there were only going to be 2 more parts but the """finale""" is rapidly spiraling out of control so I think there will actually be 4 more parts (at which point I will probably switch to primarily written fics bc I am Sick In The Head and this AU I have established has given me a powerful outlet for that sickness)
ID below cut
Panel 1: Wide, side view of Crow and Jolyon walking up a set of white stairs on a mountainside. Jolyon is in front of Crow, and glancing back at Crow over his shoulder. Crow is looking up at him, a couple of steps behind. In the background, many mountains in the dreaming city are visible poking up out of the mist. It is dusk, with just a bit of a pink glow from the sunset illuminating the scene. Jolyon: “I’m sorry about the other day. This is… difficult, for me. I guess you understand why.”
Panel 2: Mid-shot from in front of Jolyon and Crow. Jolyon is looking back at Crow over his shoulder with a neutral expression. Crow is looking up at him attentively. Jolyon: “To tell you the truth… I had kind of decided to hate you.”
Panel 3: Jolyon turns ahead and continues walking, looking down with a passive expression. Crow glances down and away from Jolyon, looking unsure. Jolyon: “That would simplify things, at least.” Crow: “...”
Panel 4: Side view of Crow and Jolyon. Crow stops walking suddenly, looking down while Jolyon carries on ahead. Crow: “Listen…”
Panel 5: Shot from behind Jolyon. Jolyon stops, half-turning back towards Crow. He looks mildly confused. Crow (offscreen): You don’t have to do this, you know.
Panel 6: Front view of Crow. His head is tilted down and he is looking up at Jolyon with a serious, guarded expression. Crow: “I remember how it felt, watching the traveler resurrect our friends as Lightbearers. For it to be him, after everything… I’d understand if you never wanted to see my face again.”
Panel 7: Close up of Crow’s eyes as he glances away with a sad, distant expression. Crow: “If you’d rather hate me… that’s fine. Really- I’m used to it.”
Panel 8: Close up of Jolyon, staring back at Crow over his shoulder with a neutral expression. Jolyon: “... I don’t hate you.”
Panel 9: Jolyon turns his face back towards the front, away from the viewer. His expression looks distant and sad. Jolyon: “I don’t have it in me.”
Panel 10: Mid-shot from in front of Jolyon and Crow. Jolyon is turning ahead, continuing to walk up the stairs as he glances back at Crow with a grin. Crow’s expression looks guarded and uncertain. Jolyon: “And if I didn’t want to do this, I wouldn’t have asked.”
Panel 11: Close up of Jolyon’s face in profile. He is looking ahead with a distant expression. Jolyon: “You’re here now. There’s no point in pretending otherwise.”
Panel 12: Close up of Crow as he listens to Jolyon. He looks guarded and uncertain. Jolyon (offscreen): “I want to know you. Or at least, try to.”
Panel 13: Crow’s expression softens, and he smiles softly as he lifts his head. Jolyon (offscreen): It’s just… A little weird.” Crow: “... Yeah.”
Panel 14: Wide, rear view of Crow and Jolyon as they continue up the staircase, now walking side-by-side. Crow: “If it helps, it’s all been pretty weird for me too.” Jolyon: “I can imagine.”
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eracrow · 1 year ago
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Training day
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invisiblesimsberry · 1 year ago
Moonlight Chic Kit - Jacket, Puppy Crow
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Recolored in Puppy Crow palette (40 colors!)
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Moonlight Chic Kit (Required, EA Kit)
Custom Thumbnail!
Download ↓
SimsFileShare - Download here (still waiting on SimsFileShare, sorry :<, hope its will be soon ♥)
Patreon - Download (always free)
Palette: @puppycrowrecolours 
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somebodys-fairy · 7 months ago
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A recolour dump of some of @aler-ii's breathtaking hairs!
Cakemix Palette - (#130 Swatches)
Eezoshot V5 Palette - (#150 Swatches)
Kaleidoscope Palette - (#42 Swatches)
Poodles Palette - (#45 Swatches)
PuppyCrow Palette - (#40 Swatches)
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You WILL NEED the original mesh(es) for the hair recolours to work!
Afi Hair V1 & V2 — MESH(ES) | RECOLOURS
Anasia Hair V1 , V2 , ASC — MESH(ES) | RECOLOURS
Kitty Fro V1 & V2 — MESH(ES) | RECOLOURS
Wei Hair V1 & V2 — MESH(ES) | RECOLOURS
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For "Afi Hair" I split the 'Cakemix' and 'Eezoshot V5' Palettes into 'Naturals' and 'Unnaturals' as an alternative smaller file size option.
Eezoshot V5's Naturals include the the Eezoshot V5 version of the 24 Maxis Swatches + the Eezoshot V5 Naturals. This totals up to #60 Swatches for the Naturals.
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fiftymilehighclub · 5 days ago
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4 @lama-lama hairs & @waterlily0210 conversions in JewlRyBox & Puppy Crow!
I'm officially a fan of Waterlily's conversions, you really are doing the lord's work kitting out our kiddos :D So here's 4 more of her conversions and the meshes they're based on, given more technicolor swatches as always
Adult recolors and child conversions require the meshes, found here:
Gracie | Madlyn | Rosalie | Sandra
Gracie requires Get To Work, Sandra requires Get Together
Child conversions: Gracie | Madlyn | Rosalie | Sandra
Since the child conversions require the adult meshes, the child recolors are texture-referenced to the adult recolors to save space. Therefore for the child recolors to appear in your game you will need: adult mesh, child mesh, adult recolor and child recolor (and the DLC listed above if applicable)
All recolors are addons. Accessory recolors have been merged with the corresponding hair. Accessories have been recolored in the Gris palette to go with the Puppy Crow hairs.
Patreon Download (always free!)
Alt Downloads: SFS JewlRyBox // SFS Puppy Crow
@thejewlbox @puppycrowrecolours @alwaysfreecc
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
I must admit it exhausts me a bit when people compare the interactions between the companions in da2 and veilguard and complain that the veilguard crew don't argue viciously enough or don't have enough fundamental unbridgeable ideological differences. like yeah it's almost like dragon age 2 is a game specifically about implacable human discord in all its forms and that's the theme the companions also build up under and provide a lens to look at. and perhaps. just maybe. veilguard is doing something different and also interesting thematically if you look at it for what it actually is, and its companions are playing into those themes instead (come become beside me my friend none of us have this figured out but at least we have each other along the way. you must struggle with who you are. despite the high high stakes on paper, veilguard (sometimes to its detriment, often to its advantage once you realize this is what it's doing) is really not that interested in outward conflict, between ideas or groups or individuals -- most of the real meat and potatoes is in the internal struggle of the characters with themselves and their identities, the ways they've been changed and also stay the same, it's weirdly deeply trans all the way to the depths of the narrative that way, as well as fundamentally being about trauma recovery. again, what you're ultimately fighting is not actually in the realm of elgar'nan and ghilan'nain at all, it's on the level of solas' despair and his regret over what he's done and who he's become).
tl;dr why are we pitting two bad bitches against each other etc. they're literally both pretty and I love them
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wrylu · 3 months ago
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more of the boys <3
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