#Punz fic
loremann · 18 days
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More!! Fanart! Of the fic "White Noise" by @robinthinkstoomuch
A scene in chapter 2 where dream is absolutely not sulking nope (it was so so soso cute and punz's smile aufhhdhshs dead on the floor)
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(not sure I got Punz's smile quire right but eugh I need to sleep)
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swordfright · 9 months
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stagger | read on ao3
SUMMARY: Punz and Dream are in their unethical science arc! The rituals are not intricate. The rituals are brutal and unpleasant.
STATUS:  Incomplete, 2/6 (?) chapters, 11k words so far
WARNINGS:  Human experimentation, necromancy, canon-typical violence, descriptions of corpses. A guy being really weird. Detailed warnings in chapter notes.
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dnftopia · 3 months
remember when sapnap showed up at punz’s apartment randomly and he like would not leave? and how it happened to be the same day dream used a screen shot of sapnap’s tweet saying “YES YES YES” to reply to velvet who asked what nosies are coming out of dnf’s bedroom. that was so foul of dream
😭😭 Poor fucking sapnap his stupid ass life. every time he sees a sock on dreams doorknob He heaves a sigh and starts packing a bag
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victoriacoffee · 3 months
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Since I've been drawing Punz' chain a lot (and redesigning it a lot) I figured this was a good time to write down some c!Staged Duo headcanons I have about c!Punz' chain
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catsandgoodbooks · 11 months
No. 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”
“Careful, it’s hot.” Philza passed Dream a cup of tea, who took it cautiously. Dream wrapped his hands around the cup; his hands were cold and the cup was warm. It was nice. “It went well, mates?”
“We got everything we wanted done, so I’d say yeah, it did,” Technoblade answered, hanging his cape up on a hook. 
Punz scoffed, rolling their eyes. “You don’t say, Technoblade.” They looked back at Phil and Dream. “I mean, he’s dead now and the whole place’s burnt to the ground. It’s taken care of.”
Niki smiled at the two of them brightly. “It’s safe to say we won’t have to worry about them anymore, right?” she asked, sitting down on the couch and narrowly avoiding sitting on Dream’s toes.
“Thanks, guys.” Dream knew they wanted him to say that, and he didn’t want to disappoint them. “Like, that’s great, thank you, but did you have to do that–”
“He hurt you,” Techno interrupted. “Quackity hurt you, and we needed to make sure that he would regret that.”
“Exactly,” Punz acquiesced. “We might not of had to do that, but we fucking wanted to, Dream.” (“My poor monetization,” Techno grumbled.) “He deserved it, and there needs to be consequences sometimes or everyone’s going to be running around doing whatever the hell they want.”
“I can’t speak for everyone here, but I think it’s safe to say that we care about you, and, uh, we don’t like people we care about getting cut up by people we don’t,” Ranboo volunteered from where he was hovering. 
(Phil offered Punz a cup of tea as well, and they took it. “Thanks.” The mercenary pulled out a chair and settled down)
“I couldn’t of said it better myself,” Techno agreed, and Ranboo puffed up a little bit at the approval. “We care, Dream. Even if you don’t want to admit it, it’s the truth.”
“Uh-huh.” Niki smiled over at Dream. “We care, and that’s the important thing here. We’re family at this point.”
“You have a point there,” Techno commented. “A very good point.” He glanced over a Dream. “You hear that? You’re never gettin’ rid of us.”
“Nope,” Punz remarked, smiling crookedly. “Not even this ‘until death’ shit. We all know that’s stupid.”
Dream rolled his eyes. “You know that I’m the necromancer here, right? I could just, like, not bring you back.” 
(He and Punz still hadn’t told the rest of the Syndicate about the Revival Book situation. They didn’t need to know about it. It would just invite too many questions)
“I think it’s a bit late for that, mate,” Phil told him, smiling faintly. “You wouldn’t still be here if that was actually a possibility.”
“Fine, fine,” Dream compromised. “I’ll stop. I’d totally bring all of you guys back if you died.”
“Good to know. Now I don’t have to worry about losing any of my lives,” Technoblade joked. “I can do as much stupid stuff as I want now.”
Dream glared at him. “That’s not what I said, Techno.”
“It basically is,” Punz responded. “Also, there seems to be a bit of double standard there, you know, considering the fact that you literally locked yourself up in prison.”
Niki grimaced. “Not your greatest moment, was it?”
“Let’s not talk about it right now. Doesn’t matter.” Dream really didn’t want to talk about that right now. (Or ever, really) 
“Thanks, I guess.” Dream pulled the blanket tighter around himself. He wanted to just make sure about one thing, but it would be showing vulnerability, opening himself up to admitting that he cared and getting hurt…
“Just checking but…you’re not going to leave, right?”
“Of course not, Dream. You’re one of us now. Yes, yes, I said it chat, you can stop screaming now.” Techno rolled his eyes but sobered up quickly. “You’re family, Dream.”
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bleue-flora · 5 months
at least cpunz has cdream to comfort him if they feel bad about the ctommy and ctubbo stuff /j
[context] & [other context]
You joke but like…
When clingy duo hurts them, they got eachothers’ backs. When clingy duo fails to see how cpunz could even be hurt, cdream is there with sandwiches to confront him…
‘I just don’t want to ever be excluded.'
(Side note, anyone ever notice how cdream says they are going to go listen to some music in that clip?… now that’s wholesome. What song do you think they go listen to? Cat? Mellohi? Pigstep? Maybe one of the discs he got from cTommy?………. ya know it’s crazy that the villain also just likes to vibe with his best friend and listen to some discs… almost like he’s just some guy or something…)
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mistythedritten · 6 months
*c!Dream and c!punz, looking at how things are going down with their counterparts*
C!punz, tuning to c!dream: if I *ever* act like this, don’t you DARE apologize.
C!dream: …okay
C!punz: slap some sense into me instead. I don’t care how long it takes, SLAP SOME SENSE INTO ME
C!dream: …okay, but you have to admit, this Dream is the kindest person ever
C!punz: sure, I’ll admit that. Still. Slap me as many times as it takes. Kill me if you have to.
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skullsnbruises · 7 months
Hello welcome back to my autism decided today was the day I’d finally work on NAW and so here’s the FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER!!!
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @data-expunged-0 @da3dm
Noms Are Weird
[2248 words] [full tw list on ao3]
Tommy had the misfortune of being born right into the first generation of giants integrated into human culture. Which for him, meant all sense of a previous culture and country he could’ve shared with other giants was a far fetched fantasy now, unlike his father, Phil’s, life. This didn’t mean anything to the blonde growing up, until teenage years brought hormones and odd feelings. Not those feelings, weirdo.
The types of feelings that burrow deep into your soul, and stomach, and gurgle and squeeze anxiously. The type that make you realize how dumb you fumble around and how much space you take up as a giant in the small world around you.
Hyperawareness. Discomfort. Some secret third thing Tommy spent the majority of his time trying to identify now. It was an odd sensation that came up anytime he was around, or thought of, a human.
He didn’t dare bring it up to anyone, worried in the back of his mind what it could be. He wasn’t stupid. There were stories and fears about how giants sometimes ate humans. That’s something Tommy definitely didn’t have any mixed feelings towards whatsoever, nope! It wasn’t like every moment he came into contact with his peers at school, his stomach churned hungrily and intrusively snuck thoughts of slipping them into his mouth- not at all.
But just in case, Tommy decided it was best to isolate socially from humans. Completely ignore and avoid them, because that’s definitely healthy and the right way to cope.
Clumsy, uncomfortable Tommy stumbled through the hallways, rushing his way to the last class of the day.
The only luck Tommy had was his school being more developed than when Wilbur was taking classes. The blonde’s school was actually suited for giant students and housed them comfortably.
But now the teen had made it to the class, stupid math. He carefully stepped past the front side of the room, which seated the human students, and made his way to relax in his own seat.
Classes could snugly fit about three giant students each, while dozens of humans could fit. Meaning, if you didn’t like your same-sized peers, you’re not only a giant blemish to the humans, but to the giants as well. That was typically Tommy.
In math, he was sat beside Punz, and only Punz. He was a senior, contrasting Tommy’s being a freshman.
The brief consideration passed Tommy to try and make friends, though Punz had a cold hard face that told him he was not at all interested. So, of course, Tommy struck up conversation with the platinum blonde.
“AYUP, how do?”
Punz gave him a bewildered side glance, before fully turning, expression clouded in disgust at the very fact Tommy was even acknowledging him.
“Who,” Punz bared sharpened teeth, “are you?”
“They call me Tommy,” he nodded, “most people say I’m annoying, but only at first, nice to meet ya, what’s your name, mate?”
Punz’s expression returned to normal; normal being incredibly bored and done-with-people looking, but still.
“Punz,” he answered. Tommy smiled, despite already knowing from the older one's reputation that spread like wildfire around the school.
Punz. He was a monster. Every giant stereotype Tommy could really think of was true for him. Loud, brash, violent. Punz was the type to start fights and he was certainly strong enough to have people wishing themselves dead. Tommy heard Punz had once broken someone’s arm! He was a threat of a giant, strong and cruel. And Tommy was all the more concerned with befriending him.
It was simple, having friends was good anyway. But having someone tough on your side always played to one’s advantage. As well as the fact Punz was a cold person who needed a heater to warm him up, metaphorically. If Tommy could be that, letting the giant trust someone, he’d consider himself having done a good job. Plus, softening Punz would do all the much to push giantkind in the eyes of acceptance.
Maybe Tommy was considering too much.
“You’re staring.”
“WHOOPS,” Tommy laughed it off nervously, “Sorry, big man, sometimes a boys gotta stare, ya know?”
“…What are you talking about?”
Tommy continued to chuckle, playing off his discomfort, “Ay, big guy, maybe we could spend time together after school, yeah?”
The giant’s nose curled and the word ‘no’ was on his lips, but a sudden thought took Punz aback, and he softened his face again, “Actually, I was spending time with some friends after school, you can come,” there was something dark in that invitation, but Tommy couldn’t detect it.
“Hell yeah!” His voice was a bit loud, the teacher hushed him.
Tommy smiled and quieted, flashing his toothy grin to Punz before focusing on maths.
As much as Tommy was a klutz and a social embarrassment, he still wanted to try with giants. Humans were completely out of the picture; his feelings and intrusive thoughts messed him up too much to bother, but at least he could talk to giants. They were on the same level, literally, and he felt all the more comfortable just in their presence than the small little breakable creatures that were humans. It was too dangerous to allow himself by them. And Tommy would avoid humans, he swore upon it, for his and their sakes.
Class went alright, and Tommy kept serving one liners and quips to Punz to butter him up. He really wanted the older one to like him. It meant so much with every giggle and small twitch of the corners of Punz’s lips he caught. The blonde didn’t think he’d be able to stand being an extrovert with no friends.
Maths was over soon enough, and the two giants parted ways, walking down the giant sized hallway to their lockers. The humans walked along a small, lifted up, walkway that was guided by a railing. They were high enough that they walked the same height up to an average giant’s chest. The school feared if they were waking down too low, they’d be stepped on, so everything for humans was raised more or less.
The freshman tore his gaze from the small walkers. He didn’t want to tempt the nagging urge anymore than it already ached. It was a foggy sensation that was trying to overtake his logistics, that settled unkindly in the back of his head. Stupid foggy feeling, ruining his high school experience.
The blonde met his locker shortly after leaving the class, as the hallways for giants were quite short and twisted in loops around previously human-built rooms. Tommy input his combination, fumbling slightly with recalling the exact numbers, before swinging open the door. Inside was nothing but his backpack, blue and plain. He’d meant to decorate it with patches, pins, and whatever else he could get his claws on, but had yet to do so. He ignored that his wish was to do so with human friends.
Tommy slipped the bag over his shoulders and walked back through the hallway. Slight anxiety met his mind when he realized Punz never told him where he’d be waiting for the younger.
It didn’t matter, as Punz turned the corner immediately, a duo of giants behind him.
“Hey, ready?” Punz offered a clawed hand.
Tommy beamed, “Yep!”
“This is Quota,” The brunette one raised a polite hand, “And Jake,” The one with glasses smiled, baring teeth.
He’d seen these two as passersby in the hallway before. He knew every giant’s face at this point, by how much staring he’d accidentally done. It was easy though to know every other person of giantkind, considering they were still a minority, especially in this school.
“Hello!” Tommy tried his best to make a perfect first impression, grin wide as day with an outstretched hand to give out handshakes. Quota shook his palm firmly, but Jake denied the contact. Tommy cringed internally, but coolly played it off.
Punz nodded to the three of them, “Let’s get going.”
Tommy nodded back, bold expression all proud of himself and totally not lame looking. The two giants beside him gave glances and turned away.
As the group made their way along to the front entrance of the school building, Tommy found that the rest of the giants were taking small glimpses over on the railings where the humans were walking. Tommy swore for a second he caught sight of Jake licking his lips just for a split moment, and his heart sank in the way of the possibility they might, too, understand this cruel feeling inflicted upon him.
It was a great deal of time later they had spent just walking and chatting, casual topics, that Tommy’s legs were just starting to pang after having used them for so long straight. He was about to speak up and protest, when his complaints were shot down by Punz taking lead talking instead.
He said, “Here we are,” And Tommy looked up to see the movie theater. Shit, he never brought money to school, they were gonna have to pay for him. How much more awkward could the teen get around his peers?
The group piled into the theater, and Tommy bashfully peered down to the floor, embarrassed to admit that he couldn't afford anything. Before he could say a word, again, Punz was first to open his mouth, “I’ll buy everyone’s tickets. Tommy, you’re new, want popcorn?”
Tommy blushed, “Uh, yes.”
“Are you the kind that likes lots of butter…?” The question was so simple, but felt like if he ‘got it wrong’ he’d be kicked out of the building quicker than he joined the trio.
So honest it was, he wasn’t Honest Tom for no reason (nobody called him that).
“Painfully buttery.”
“My man,” Punz approved, and as he handed over the money and was given the striped bag, he gave the honor of buttering it to Tommy, who absolutely slathered that delicious yellow all over the little buds of delight. Hell fucking yeah.
Jake and Quota got their candies, which Tommy politely asked not to have (he already felt guilty spending Punz’s money on popcorn and a ticket), they all made their way deeper into the building. Punz had bought them all tickets to whatever the only giant starring movie there was. It was rare to see a movie even about giants without them being demonized, so supporting them when they were correctly shown in the media must be important to Punz. Tommy respected that.
Tommy had the important job of carrying the popcorn in and they filed into the room, where they took their seats around the back, where the giant sized seats were. Jake scrunched up his nose, pushing his glasses up at the same time.
Punz groaned, “Don’t you hate that we’re stuck back here?”
Tommy was being stared at, “Y-yeah!” He didn’t have that strong of an opinion, but it must matter to Punz a lot. Jake and Quota seemed to profusely agree.
Quota echoed behind him, “It’s not fair that we’re treated like ‘others’, look not a single human even wanted to see a movie about giants!”
Tommy hadn’t noticed. Now that he was looking at the dozens of rows of empty spots, he realized the situation. At least, he thought hopefully, now he wouldn’t have to worry about the mind-numbing sensation of the ‘desire to eat people’ thing, which he totally wasn’t dealing with behind the scenes.
“It’s disgusting,” Jake curled his lip upwards, “How are we meant to trust the narrative of ‘accepting, welcoming’ humans when they don’t acknowledge we even exist?”
“You’re right…” Tommy felt uncomfortable in the knowingness. Like it was some type of poison traveling down his throat to be so hyperaware of a human’s discomfort with the idea of him. It made the odd intrusive thoughts seem even worse. How evil was he for wanting to eat those who turned their back on him?
Punz lifted his soda, “To giants, and each other, the only ones we can trust.”
Jake and Quota cheered with Punz, and a duo of giants that were also in the building smiled at the scene. Tommy reluctantly joined, afraid of sticking out like the sad, sorry, red thumb he was.
It was a few previews in, and a human entered the building, to every giant’s surprise. Punz jeered at the poor thing as she walked in and chose a seat closer to the screen. She whipped around all nervous, but ultimately ignored Punz’s distasteful choice of words.
Tommy suddenly felt like a stranger to his own skin, tenfold of what he normally experienced. It was like he wasn’t even in his body, viewing from a distance outside himself. It was nauseating, and so he excused himself away to the bathroom, leaving the bucket of buttery popcorn there with his new friends. If he could call them that, yet.
The giant felt sick, tumbling his way into the stalls, he bent over and kneeled there. Over the toilet, he just sat on his knees, and waited. It was a few minutes ticking slowly and painfully by, that nothing ended up happening. He was thankful at least, his breath wouldn’t be rotten when he got back to the trio, but the sensation of dizziness and the urge to vomit didn’t let up. It lessened slightly after a dozen more minutes, and Tommy felt fine enough to stand once more.
He couldn’t explain what had just happened. Something about the way Punz was cussing out that human for what seemed like merely entering the room disturbed Tommy greatly. He’d have to ask about what that was for at some point, if he planned on even making friends. It was starting to seem a little foreign to him. Maybe he was in the wrong for thinking like that, though. He should, as Punz said, support his fellow giantkind. It was only fair.
As he abandoned the bathroom, Tommy slowly made his way back to the theater room, begrudgingly tracing the striped walls as he walked.
Upon turning the corner into the room, the first thing Tommy realized is that the human was gone. He hoped that she hadn’t ditched the movie over Punz’s jeering.
Tommy reached the back of the room with the giant seats, and took his place beside his new friends like he was before. He didn’t notice the way Punz proudly displayed his hand upon his stomach, which was being pushed against furiously, acting like he just had a wonderful feast, meanwhile the popcorn was untouched.
The movie had since started, and was about a third into it when Tommy sat back down. He felt bad for missing so much of what Punz had paid for, but the platinum blonde didn’t seem to mind.
“Psst, Tommy,” Quota whispered over, “We’re gonna ditch this place, the movie is awful anyway.”
Tommy made an audible ‘oh’, and stood as the trio did, making their way out of the building and down the next few streets.
Punz explained, leading the group, “We’re going over to my house.”
The blonde nodded back, “Oh, uhm, I might go home actually. I wasn’t feeling that great back there, uh…”
Punz huffed, “After school tomorrow?”
“Yeah! I can do that,” He smiled brightly, happy they’d still accept him even if he left right now. Maybe he wasn’t the total loser he thought he was, and actually proved he could make friends with people, specially, the scariest giant who might have a secret soft spot. Tommy vowed to find that special little spot, and worm his way into Punz’s heart.
He waved a giddy goodbye to Quota, Jake, and Punz, as he turned and headed the opposite direction, down and over a good amount of streets. He eventually made his way to Allen Drive, where his house was. The bright wooden shingles welcomed him home as entered through the front door. It was a tiring and long day, and even though dinner smelled good in the kitchen,
Tommy took instead to upstairs, where he flopped onto his bed. The cushion caved beneath his weight, and happily accustomed to his body laying there. It was incredibly comfortable, the sheets, blankets, and pillows all piled around him. Tommy sighed out, happy how the day had ended up. Maybe tomorrow, he’d successfully join a social group with Punz and the gang, and learn how to be a person like everyone else.
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i-pogchamp · 8 months
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error-dream-was-found · 3 months
Monsters don't deserve hugs but you aren't a monster - new chapter coming soon :)
What is it that I see? Dream in distress? Impossible!
Everything after that was a bit of a blur. All he could focus on was Patches and his own ragged breathing. Karl had left him, and Sapnap was gone too. He was all alone again. Left with Puffy, who’d likely kill him if he looked at Tommy the wrong way, and Tommy, who probably wanted nothing more than to kill him or put him back in prison. But even they were trying to leave. Puffy was trying to drag Tommy out of the room while the teen was frozen in place … soon he’d be alone with Quackity. Again. The realization filled him with an unbearable dread and he felt himself slip all over again. He didn’t hold it against his friends, or he tried not to. He really did! He couldn’t expect them to just drop everything for him. They had their own feelings and problems and this had to be so hard for them and he should be a better friend and not feel like this but- but why did they leave him here with him!? They promised! They promised that’d never happen again …
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snakeunderyourboot · 9 months
guys I need help
I remember there was a post from someone where they explained how every character on dsmp talks and behaves in different situations and I need this so badly but I cant find it anywhere
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productofaritual · 8 months
After killing c!Dream and running around to tell people about it, c!clingy actually makes it to c!Punz in time.
They see him in the middle of reviving Dream. They realize what he's doing. Tommy tackles Punz, Tubbo grabs the revival book. Punz is knocked out. They don't know what to do.
They talk about it. Figure out what he was doing from the half written "Dre" in the pages. In a fit of rage, Tubbo beats Punz to death with the revival book.
Fucking ironic.
But it's over. It's done, well and truly done. Dream is dead. They have the revival book.
It's time to plan their trip to L'Moonburg
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bubble-popping · 2 months
Does c!Punz feel guilty about what happened to c!Dream in prison? Do they feel at fault for it, on some level? That they didn't try to come up with a different plan? Or at least stop Dream from going through with this one?
Obviously neither of them could've predicted or prepared for everything that happened, but it never would've occurred if Punz didn't feed Dream's self-destructive tendencies. Would seeing Dream in such a sorry state after prison change their mind on 'the ends justify the means'? Or, since Dream hides how much the prison really affected him, would they downplay it in their own mind as well?
He's definitely angry about it, shown by how he takes getting revenge for it into his own hands. But, is it anger on Dream's behalf or because they blame himself and need to take it out on someone/something? A mixture of both, perhaps?
Punz is such an interesting character to analyze because, much like Dream, we see so little of his perspective. His only known motivations are money and Dream, but those are vague and we all (hopefully) know people are more complicated than that.
Does anyone have thoughts on this?
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dreamsclock · 1 year
I don’t know if you know the Dreams Chat as butterflies Headcanon but I am literally in love with it. So combined with the protégé AU I think that could make a pretty cute situation?
Hope you have a nice day!
Tommy wakes up to a beautiful orange butterfly perched on his nose.
His gut reaction is to slap at it, but it flutters high above him before his hand connects, and so he only really succeeds in hitting himself in the face.
“Dreeeeeaaam,” he groans, head flopping back against the bed, “go the fuck to sleep, man.”
warnings: ambiguous / hurt/comfort ending
His only answer at first is the sound of a man at the end of his tether turning over in bed.
“How’d you even know I was awake?” A familiar voice grouses from across the room. “You’re so creepy. You’re like— stalking me or something. Monitoring my breathing.”
Resigned to the fact he won’t be sleeping any time soon, Tommy flips on the light beside him. He doesn’t particularly care if he wakes Punz: Punz is an idiot, and he sucks, and yesterday he’d tripped him up and made him look like an idiot in front of Techno, so yeah, Tommy hopes he wakes up. And he hopes he’s pissed.
But thoughts of smug vengeance die quickly when his attention is drawn to something much more pressing instead: namely, the roof of their base.
Or what had been the roof of their base. Tommy can’t actually see it anymore because it’s become the joke of thousands and thousands of tiny butterflies, fluttering their wings innocently, but he’s certain the roof is still under there somewhere. Hopes it is, anyway. Last thing he needs is for their roof to have been completely destroyed by a bunch of stupid ugly butterflies he doesn’t even like.
“Your fuckin’ Chat,” Tommy scowls, “don’t blame me. Maybe if you had a normal fucking version of your Chat that wasn’t seventy thousand butterflies— Jesus Christ, man, they’re just creepy. They’re everywhere and they’re creepy and they’re fucking orange.”
“They’re not all orange.” Finally gracing Tommy with his presence, Dream sits up in bed. His eyes are bloodshot, and there are dark rings under them. There’s a butterfly nesting in his unruly hair that he gently lets land on his finger, a small green one, lined with silver spirals. “Nat isn’t. Don’t tell me you’re colourblind or something.”
Tommy stares. “You named them?”
“No— what?” Dream splutters. “Tommy, it’s— Your Chat all have names. You’re not being serious. You knew that, right?”
From underneath Tommy’s bed, there’s the sound of a mechanical, sad whir from his Chat. He tries not to think about it too much. “I— Yeah, course I knew,” he says, breezily, “they— all of them? Like there’s multiple names?”
“You’ve been neglecting your Chat.” Incredulously, Dream shakes his head. “That’s fucked up, Tommy.”
“Not neglecting!” He protests. “Just not—”
“Jesus Christ,” Punz snaps, “can both of you shut the hell up?”
From the doorway, Punz appears like a rabid animal, arms crossed, tapping his foot as if he’s the most long-suffering person on the planet, which in all fairness, Tommy thinks, he might just be. Dream takes one look at his ally and flips back down into bed with a groan, hands covering his face like he’s the second most long-suffering person on the planet, which in all fairness, he might just be. “Sorry,” Dream mumbles, “Tommy is just—”
“Don’t speak.” Punz tells him. “I don’t wanna hear the kid’s name before eight tomorrow morning. I want a— these are my Tommy-Free hours, okay. You wanted him here, so you keep him for the night.”
Tommy squawks. “I’m not a pet!”
“Shut up, Tommy,” Dream and Punz say in tired unison, before offering each other a reluctant grin.
By the time they actually settle down to sleep again, the butterflies have settled down. They’re calm, shrouding Dream’s body in a soft multicolored glow that surprisingly, doesn’t annoy Tommy as much as he’d assumed. His own Chat has fallen asleep again, making soft little hums as it sleeps, and, heavy-eyed, Tommy finds himself following suit.
“Dream?” He yawns. “Why were you still awake earlier?”
For a moment, he thinks Dream might already be asleep. But then his voice rings out in the darkness, quiet, tentative.
“I… was thinking,” he admits, “about tomorrow.” And then he says, “I… was scared.”
Tommy’s eyes snap open.
Dream doesn’t reply. For once in his life, Tommy doesn’t push the subject. But he doesn’t fall asleep that night either, plagued with thoughts of the morning to come. Because the morning brings a new day with it, and the new day brings the staged disk finale with the rest of the server.
Which brings with it, the prison.
When dawn breaks, Tommy sits up in bed, quietly, and locks his gaze on Dream’s sleeping form across the room. Without his mask, in the pale light of early morning, he looks vulnerable. The butterflies crowding round him aren’t beautiful, anymore. They’re protective.
I was thinking. About tomorrow. I was scared.
Tommy’s lips pull themselves into a tight, tight frown.
When Dream wakes, he says nothing. But before they part ways to play their respective roles, Tommy seizes his arm roughly, pulls him close.
“You’re gonna be fine,” he says, voice thick, “trust me, man. You’re gonna be fine.”
Dream, expression hidden behind his mask, doesn’t speak for a long moment.
“I know,” he says finally, and the words come out resigned, tired, “I’m always fine, Tommy.”
There is a lone butterfly in his hair when they separate, and Tommy hides it under his helmet. The rest remain with Dream until the bitter end.
Tommy’s butterfly stays with him when Dream is locked away, and Tommy keeps it safe, fluttering right over his heart.
send me prompts via my askbox!
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romanticizedwil · 1 year
Puppy Love
SUMMARY; Wilbur loves to buy you flowers, jewelry, or any item your heart desires. He adores the style ‘old money’ , always buying you items that were inspired from it.
PAIRING; Wilbur x f!reader
(added the music inspired by it :3)
As usual, you and wilbur went on your daily stroll through the city every night. It was winter, and so the days were colder than usual. The lights of the buildings were quite cool-toned, so nothing too bright to blind anyone. It was the day before Christmas, so wilbur decided that for today instead of your stroll, you’d be receiving a vinyl of a song he chose for the two of you, your favorite flowers, and some jewelry.
The buildings have beautiful items on display, ranging from clothing, to accessories, and shoes.
“Oh my gosh Wilbur look at this!” It was a pair of silver earrings shaped like a bow. They happened to be on sale at an antique shop, the one you always wanted to visit. “Those suit you really well sweetheart.” He grabbed the handle to the door, opening it for you. “Well thank you kind sir!” you giggled as you entered the shop, Wilbur following behind.
The shop had so many items on display, it’s like you’ve fallen in love again. You find the pair of earrings and notice it comes with a matching bracelet and necklace. You didn’t really wear bracelets besides the pandora one Wilbur gifted you on Valentine’s Day. You had enough necklaces from how much Wilbur had gifted you; you had enough to open a necklace shop.
“Is that all you want?” Wilbur asked, eyeing around the other items he’d thought you like. “Hm, yeah.” He took the pair of earrings from your hand and went up to the register. You looked out the window, as it started to snow. Wilbur grabbed your hand from behind and the two of you walked out the shop.
You guys headed home because it was starting to get late, and you were exhausted from walking around. Wilbur got up the stairs, searching for his keys in his pocket. He unlocks the door to the apartment, and you both take off your shoes when you enter. Wilbur starts to lit the fireplace, while you go place your newly bought earrings in the bedroom.
You changed out of your clothes into some warm pajamas, then removing the headband that completed your hairstyle. You walked out the bedroom, and walked down to the living room. Wilbur was making hot chocolate since you didn’t drink coffee. You sat on the couch, wrapping a blanket over you and turning on a show the both of you enjoyed.
Wilbur walks over to you and hands you the mug, then taking his own spot next to you. You shifted closer to him, sharing the blanket between you two. You sipped the hot chocolate, which had a bunch of tiny marshmallows. Placing the mug on the coffee table, you felt even more sleepy after drinking it. You rested your head on Wilbur’s shoulder, drifting off to sleep.
Wilbur had finished his mug, but didn’t want to disturb you by placing the mugs in the sink. He simply just placed it along with yours and carried you to your bedroom. The sheets were comfortable and warm, but you opened your eyes as you heard footsteps fading away. “Wilbur?” you call out. He moves back to glance at you, “Don’t worry love, im right here.” He was putting away your bracelet and earrings, then removed his own jewelry.
You felt the weight on the other side of the bed, moving over to wilbur. Wilbur kept looking at the details of your face, how your eyelashes were a bit long, and how your nose scrunched whenever you got cold. He wraps his arm around you, bringing you into a sweethearts cradle. He moves the wisps of your hair that fell on your face. “I love you.” He whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead. you were a bit awake, spitting out an ‘I love you too’.
You woke up due to the smell of breakfast, and the pots clattering mostly. You rustled in bed, stretching your legs and arms. You sat on the edge of the bed for a minute or two, trying to wake up completely. Once you did, you changed into something pretty, and did your hair half up and half down. You grabbed a star hair-clip, and your bracelet. You did the bed, fixing the pillows and blanket.
You headed out the room, towards the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and washed your face and hands. It was finally Christmas, the last holiday of the year you’d been waiting for. You cleaned up whatever mess you had on the counter by the sink, then shutting the door to the bathroom. You walked into the kitchen, seeing wilbur happily hum to a song. You went and hugged him from behind, being careful not to burn yourself or him with the hot pan. He smiles and turns around. “Good morning love. Did you sleep well?” He asks, pulling you closer. You rest your head on his chest, “besides hearing you drop the pans a couple times, yes, i slept wonderful.
You let him go and sat on the stool by the counter. “I have a gift for you, it’s right there.” You notice a vase full of your favorite flowers, white roses with some blue ones. They were wrapped neatly, with a lace ribbon. You gasp at the sight of the beautiful flowers. “Wilbur I think I love you even more.” You say, examining the roses. He chuckles, “that’s not all. I have two more gifts.” You smile more, knowing you bought him a ticket to a show he’d been wanting to see for forever, and some other luxury items.
You two finish breakfast , and it’s still dark outside from the snow. Wilbur re-lits the fireplace, and you two sit on the chairs. Wilbur grabbed a box from the table, placing it in your hands. “Go on, open it.”
Inside the neatly wrapped box was another bracelet, but this bracelet was beautiful. It was a light pink with white, gold band, two little charms; one a moon and one a star. Where the charms hung there was one gold bead. You put on the bracelet and hugged wilbur. “Oh my gosh I love it!! Thank you Wilbur I love you!” Dragging out the ‘u’. He hugged you back tightly, feeling his warmth.
When he had opened his gift, he looked at you shocked. “Is this-“ his sentence was cut off by the gasp from his mouth. “Oh my god!” He got up and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Oh my god thank you love. Oh my gosh- you have no idea how much I love you for this.” He hugged you once again but more tightly. You could feel the smile on his face. He let you down so he could give you his last gift.
He picked up a thin squared gift, wrapped in your favorite colour. “I got this vinyl for us, I’d thought you like it since your into oldies stuff.” You guys had a record player by the lamp in the living room, so wilbur gave you the gift to open. You opened it and it was a vinyl from Paul Anka. You adored his songs because they were oldies love songs. You read the title, ‘Puppy Love’
“Wilbur I love Paul Anka, but I don’t think I’ve heard this one before.” You walked over to the record player and put the vinyl on. He walked over and placed you right in front of him, “I bought this one because it reminded me of us.” You waited for the song to play and you fell in love with it. Wilbur loved seeing you smile, and he decided to spin you around. You laughed at his action, dancing with him.
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mistythedritten · 3 months
Fic Monday!
I know it's been forever, but life got busy
Happy reading!
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