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karvoja · 4 days ago
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valokuvapaivakirja · 2 months ago
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grrl-beetle · 2 months ago
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tilbageidanmark · 7 months ago
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חלת שבת
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tavernkeep-fenne · 1 year ago
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I've been learning Finnish on Duolingo, and I came across a word that doesn't translate. "Pulla". Apparently, it's a traditional Finnish cardamom bread, or at least that's what Google told me.
So I tried to make it! I don't think I used enough flour and the dough was really soft because of it, and hard to work with for braiding.
It smells great, though, and it's nearly cool enough to cut. Once I get it worked out to where I can make it consistently, I'll share the recipe. There are variations of it I'd love to make for yule ❤️
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stairwaytoparis · 1 year ago
Pulla Finnish Cardamom Bread
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Suomi Pulla + Figgy bebes
pulla is a Finnish sweet bread, and figgy pudding is a western(?) Christmas sweet
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jintrovert · 1 year ago
Pulla Finnish Cardamom Bread
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hehkuvamyyhapero · 2 years ago
ja tänään leivon pullaa
kuus kpl laskiaispullia ja loput kanelipullia
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niuniente · 1 month ago
Some other pulla types:
Rusinapulla - Raisin pulla
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Boston pulla
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Kanelipulla - a classic cinnamon roll
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Pullapitko - long pulla
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Laskiaispulla - a seasonal pulla filled with whipped cream and either strawberry jam or almond paste. There's a national discord every year which one is the right Laskiaispulla.
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Viineripitko - a long pulla filled with custard, typically strawberry and apple, or rapsberry and vanilla
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Perinteinen mustikkapiirakka - Traditional Finnish blueberry pie is made with pulla dough. We only had this type of blueberry pie at my childhood's home.
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I FORGOT THIS QUEEN! Voisilmäpulla - a pulla with melted butter center.
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Hii I'm asking you this because I've seen you post about Finnish grammar and stuff before. So I'm learning Finnish, and I also use duolingo because like free practice and duolingo keeps giving me this word but they refuse to translate it. Please I need to know what pulla means because in my native language it means dick and the duolingo characters keep asking for this mysterious pulla item with coffee and until I find out all my brain can hear is "i want coffee and dick please"
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It's a type of finnish pastry, traditionally offered to visiting guest with coffee. A type of sweet bread roll made from wheat flour and flavoured with cardamom, generally with nib sugar sprinkled on top, as pictured above. They look and sound very simple, but they're surprisingly hard to make. Much like in baking bread, you've got to get the temperatures just right for the dough to rise, because yeast will die out of pure spite rather than let you succeed.
One particular reason why they're so iconic and beloved in Finland is because they take skill to bake and also don't keep well. They're delicious when they're fresh from the oven, but in 48 hours that delicious steaming roll is a solid dry rock that you could use as a makeshift hammer and tastes like crumbs and sadness. So in order to have them fresh, someone has to have baked them specifically for you, or at least the same morning.
You probably would have been satisfied with just the first sentence of this post for explanation, but I got started running my mouth and I'm having fun so I'm going to go on.
Pulla is one of those distinct cultural things that one grows up with that is so mundane and commonplace where you've grown up that it surprises you to hear that it's not universal. In finnish the term for a stereotypical idealised maternal domestic goddess housewife is "pullantuoksuinen kotiäiti" - literally "stay-at-home mother that smells like pulla". I've heard the expression used both as genuinely praising and snidely dismissive way to describe a woman who wants to be a mother and homemaker instead of having a career, but that's how much of a deal pulla is to finnish culture.
You can describe a person as "pulla-scented", and everyone can immediately picture what kind of a person this is. Someone who is a skilled enough homemaker to make good pulla, whose home is warm and welcoming because it smells like freshly baked pulla, which she has baked for you because she loves you.
I have plenty of things I was planning to do today and writing an essay about pulla was not one of them.
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moochilatv · 6 months ago
Girl K-Adams presents: PULLA
Pulla Pulla Pulla !! catchy song !
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Girl K-Adams is An African American songwriter , artist, activist, humanitarian , Texas Born and Raised.
She is also the CEO of New Sell Group The Marketing/Advertising Company That Promote Music Lyrics/Concepts.
"I'm all about living, exploring ,learning new people, new things and new journeys.", Girl K-Adams.
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featheredbeardog · 7 months ago
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some artfight drawings I did this year.
AquaDraws's Bling
Papermonkey's Pulla
JadieBean's Bea
Siruwolf's Rogue
SonderCerebro's Marr & Divo
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grrl-beetle · 3 months ago
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castellsipalaus · 1 year ago
Castel del Monte
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A la regió de Pulla, que ve a ocupar el que és el taló de la bota que conforma la coneguda silueta d’Itàlia i la seva prolongació per la costa adriàtica amunt, es troba un castell de proporcions si més no curioses, ja que Castel del Monte té una planta octogonal les arestes de la qual resten connectades per vuit torres, també de forma d’octàgon.
El castell va començar a ser construït pels volts de 1240 per ordre de l’emperador alemany Friedrich II Hohenstaufen, doncs la Pulla formava part de les seves possessions, com a rei de Sicília que era des de l’any 1198, quan va ser coronat sent un infant.
La construcció del Castel del Monte es va fer probablement sobre l’emplaçament que prèviament havia tingut una fortalesa llombarda i més tard una de normanda, i molt a prop d’una antiga església, ja desapareguda, que també feia palesa al seu nom la ubicació a sobre d’una muntanya.
La Pulla va ser feta servir per instal·lar-hi població musulmana procedent de Sicília. El motiu d’aquesta deportació va ser una revolta, que va impedir que Friedrich enviés forces a la Cinquena Croada, tot i que va participar més tard a la Sisena, potser més motivat després d’haver-se casat amb l’hereva del regne de Jerusalem, Violant de Brienne, cosa que el convertí en monarca de la ciutat i el seu reialme, cobejat pels sarraïns.
Es va veure implicat en els conflictes entre güelfs i gibel·lins, en el que dues gran famílies germàniques, els Welf (defensors del Papat) i la seva pròpia, els Hohenstaufen (defensors del Sacre Imperi Germànic), van fer de la Península Itàlica un camp de batalla al llarg dels segles XII i XIII.
Friedrich va ser elegit rei d’Alemanya a Frankfurt amb només dos anys, però les lluites dinàstiques per la corona germànica van fer que fos allunyat a una mena d’exili a Sicília. Cap al 1215 va ser coronat de nou, però aquesta vegada com a emperador germànic, essent confirmat com a tal pel Papa Honori III el 1220. No obstant, va preferir quedar-se a les seves possessions sicilianes. Va morir a la Pulla cap al 1250, després de lluitar contra papes, rivals que també volien ser reis o emperadors i cabdills sarraïns que tenien l’ambició de fer-se amb Jerusalem.
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littlemyinvadeshighbury · 1 year ago
Just made pulla in my thumb-sized kitchen on my roommates cookie sheet hell yeah
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Size references (the 2 pulla loafs on their cookie sheets)
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traduzioniamazzoniche · 2 years ago
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A furia di collezionare ‘ste descrizioni il mio unico neurone mi sta chiedendo pietà... :-D 
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