#Public Security
Rape disproportionately affects Brazil's black population
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Almost 62 percent of children and teens who were victims of rape in Brazil in 2022 were black. The racial disparity is replicated across multiple age groups and has deepened in the past decade, according to a study by the Racial Studies Center at Insper, a São Paulo-based business school.
According to the survey, black girls were victims in 50.6 percent of registered rapes of children and teenagers in 2010, while white girls represented 34.6 percent of those victims — a percentage that fell to less than 31 percent in 2022.
Considering all age groups, most of the almost 40,000 cases registered in 2022 (a number that has increased fivefold since 2010) involved black girls up to 17 years of age as victims (40.1 percent) — who represent only 13 percent of the Brazilian population.
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A global technology outage that's grounded flights and delayed border crossings is also challenging health-care services in the country, as issues with Microsoft services persist. According to cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, the problem was caused by a faulty update to computers running Microsoft Windows – which was neither a security incident nor a cyberattack – and has affected Microsoft 365 apps and services. [...] Here is the rundown for how health-care services have been affected.
Atlantic Canada Newfoundland and Labrador's health authority reported that its main information system has been affected by the outage. It is used to manage patient and financial data. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
What's your opinion on Kuroda Hyoue being the disguised Tsutomu Akai?
I think it would make his character even more interesting, but if he isn't I don't know where and who Tsutomu could be.
And if he is did he meet his kids? I think he met Sera but I am not sure.
"Kuroda Hyoue = Akai Tsutomu" Theory (Updated)
This is my current speculation on Kuroda Hyoue's identity, I will keep it updated as we get new developments.
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I think that Kuroda Hyoue is indeed Akai Tsutomu's current identity. Kuroda shares many similarities with Akai Tsutomu and especially his son (Akai Shuuichi). They both have similar fashion sense, with a contrasting white-coloured tie to a dark shirt and a brown overlay, and when it comes to Shuuichi, we got visual cues where they not only stood the same way with hands in their pocket, but also demonstrated the same leg sweep technique (File 989 & 1016), which is most likely intended to indicate that they share the same martial arts (Jeet Kune Do) that Akai Tsutomu was revealed to have mastered (File 1099 & SDB 90+).
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Kuroda was also especially interested in the Kohji case, to the point of seemingly noticing a dying message-like name in the news (File 980 & 987). This fits with Akai Tsutomu's interest, that started after Haneda Kohji's father (Haneda Yasuharu), who is Tsutomu's friend, requested that he solved his son's murder (File 1037).
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Here is how I currently suspect he turned from a seemingly deceased MI6 agent from Britain to a member of the NPA's Public Security in Japan in the last 17 years.
We know from File 1048-1049 that Tsutomu had a confrontation with Vermouth 17 years ago after his investigation on the Kohji case, and that clash lead to him being presumed dead by the BO. We then learned in File 1099 that Wakasa and a "monster" (Rum) was involved in what potentially was that same incident that lead to his presumed death 17 years ago.
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As I speculated before, I think that Tsutomu's investigation lead him to finding out that Kohji's dying message revealed "Karasuma" to be the culprit, and that the prime suspect Asaka is innocent. I think that Rum found out about Tsutomu's investigation and baited him to a location using Vermouth, who disguised as "the innocent bodyguard Asaka" and carried Kohji's shogi piece charm as proof to convince him. Before going to the meeting location, Tsutomu warned his family about making enemies with bad people and told them to move to Japan, so that his family's whereabouts aren't discovered (File 972), in case he doesn't survive the planned meeting with "Asaka" (similar to Mary's contingency plan of having Masumi contact MI6 about fake Tsutomu in case Mary didn't make it back in File 1049).
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That lead to Tsutomu finger jabbing Rum's left eye (as hinted by Gosho in the OdaxAoyama interview and File 972) and ultimately getting defeated by Rum after letting his guard down around Vermouth (Fake Asaka/Wakasa).
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I suspect that Tsutomu's confrontation with them lead to him surviving (like Mary) and changing his identity and appearance (likely through plastic surgery). Afterwards, to pursue the organization further, it makes sense that he would have moved to Japan, where the culprit(s) "Karasuma" originate from, just like the other overseas agents (i.e Hondou Ethan from the CIA). Just like Mary, who got ahold of a fake pass to fly to Japan (revealed by Gosho in SDB 100+), Tsutomu had also gotten ahold of a fake pass with the alias "Kuroda Hyoue".
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I think that he then decided to investigate the Karasuma Group/Black Organization, by becoming a public security officer of the Japanese police (in order to extract information easier, as referenced in File 1033).
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In order to get a pass into the police academy in Japan (disregarding of his blank background), I suspect that Kuroda/Tsutomu secretly relied on his relationship with the head of the Ōoka Group (who is currently retired) that was revealed in File 1088, similar to how his friend Haneda Yasuharu did in File 1039-1042.
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The Ōoka family has been shown and hinted to have great influence and connections with people in high positions, like the Tokyo governor (File 992), making them more than capable of helping Kuroda/Tsutomu join the japanese police.
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In other words, the same time as his eldest son started to work towards becoming an FBI agent 17 years ago (File 972), Kuroda started to work towards getting accepted by the National Police Agency (File 913). He then built himself up and became what I think is the backstage administrator of the NPA's security planning division (who recieves all the classified reports of their NOC:s), all within 7 years.
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Seven years later (since his disappearance), Kuroda/Tsutomu has made a name for himself within the NPA and has diligently kept his safe distance from his family, but before the status quo with his family could change, an incident took place around 10 years ago, that lead to his 10-year-long coma (File 914). We recently learned that Iori Muga, the current butler of the Ōoka family, was a former coworker of Kuroda within the Public Security, who went with the alias "Sakakibara" while undercover, which was likely before Kuroda's 10-year coma (File 1090).
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I think that what lead to Kuroda's burn-scar-causing and right-eye-losing incident 10 years ago was that Iori Muga (who is actually Rum's true appearance) deemed Kuroda as a threatening and formidable enemy to the black organization. He therefore secretly orchestrated the incident that made Kuroda fall into a coma. Kuroda's hair colour changed due to the stress of the incident (his hair was perhaps shaved off for surgery purposes and white hair grew instead) and he didn't wake up until 10 years later (File 914).
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I suspect that when Kuroda/Tsutomu woke up from his coma, he suffered actual memory loss to an extent, which is why he was perceived to have become a different person (As Yui mentioned). This concept was already foreshadowed as a possibility through Vermouth's disguise cover story when she faced Mary as Tsutomu (File 1048).
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This would also explain why Kuroda immediately reacted to Wakasa Rumi in the news in File 980, while also still acting unaware of her identity as if he is trying to confirm suspicions of her being a criminal tied to the Kohji case in File 987-989, despite potentially having met her 17 years ago as Tsutomu. The amnesia could have made him forget her potential role in his demise 17 years ago, but he still found her familiar enough to the point of investigating her and making the connection between her name and Kohji's dying message.
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While he may have forgotten significant things from his life as Tsutomu, his goal to take down the BO and find out who Kohji's killer is hasn't changed. Although the NPA had him move to Nagano to ease back into his work (before he moved to Tokyo MPD as the new superintendent), I think they gave Kuroda permission to still keep his Backstage administrator role active and stay in contact with their NOC ("Bourbon"/Furuya Rei) by Kuroda's request (File 1017).
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2023 PSB to HK Activist: Propaganda Trip then Return Passport
Hong Kong activist Agnes Chow Ting, in a letter circulating on Twitter, described how she got out of Hong Kong to study in Canada. The police demanded that she make a propaganda trip to the Mainland, write them a letter of gratitude in return for her passport. They returned her passport on the day before her flight. After going through many hurdles, in early July this year, the National Security…
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heintzmagic · 11 months
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mexicanistnet · 2 years
Learn about the crucial role of Jesus Reynaldo El Rey Zambada in the ongoing trial against former Mexican Public Security Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna. Follow the latest developments as Zambada takes a stand and sheds light on corruption allegations.
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reportwire · 2 years
German police arrest 25 on suspicion of an armed coup led by suspected far-right extremists
German police arrest 25 on suspicion of an armed coup led by suspected far-right extremists
BERLIN (AP) — Thousands of police carried out a series of raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state in an armed coup. Federal prosecutors said some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany’s 16 states against adherents of the so-called Reich Citizens movement. Some members of the grouping…
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lady2nope · 1 year
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Asa prosthetic arm confirmed?
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destielmemenews · 1 month
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"In their statement on Friday, NPD warned that the “the information that was suspected of being breached contained name, email address, phone number, social security number, and mailing address(es).” It recommended the public to take a number of steps to safeguard their identities, including freezing their credit and putting fraud alerts on their files at big credit bureaus.
The breach came to public awareness after a class-action lawsuit was filed August 1 in U.S. District Court in Florida, which was first reported by Bloomberg Law.
National Public Data did not share how many people were at risk, but hackers, who have been identified as part of the hacking group USDoD, have been offering, for sale, what they claimed were billions of NPD records since April, though the Washington Post reported that “security researchers who looked at the trove said some of the claims were exaggerated.”"
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free database created by Pentester to see if your information has been leaked
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Why Brazil's Draconian Abortion Bill Amounts To Child Abuse Of Underage Girls
Brazil may become the last in a long list of countries to restrict legal access to abortion. However, the consequences here would be devastating for girls aged below 14, who represent more than 60% of victims of rape.
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It took just 23 seconds: on June 12, the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil’s lower house, approved bill 1904/24, which equates abortions carried out after 22 weeks of gestation, even in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, to the crime of simple homicide. That would carry a penalty of six to 20 years in prison.
Pushed through under the urgency regime, the project can be approved in a short time, without being discussed by the parliamentary commissions. The bill is inhumane and irresponsible. It demonstrates the total disconnect between the daily demands of the people and the agenda of the legislature, which is supposed to be the house of the people.
How can fast-tracking this new law be justified? How many girls under 14 that became pregnant after being raped were heard by the members of parliament? What data was collected to understand the barriers to accessing legal abortion in cases of rape?
The only urgency on this topic should be in punishing rapists and in protecting children and teens.
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada's decision to ban TikTok on government-issued mobile devices could be the start of a further crackdown on the video streaming platform.
"This may be a first step, it may be the only step we need to take, but every step of the way we’re going to be making sure that we’re keeping Canadians safe," Trudeau told reporters on Monday shortly after the government announced it would block the app on government devices.
"Obviously we take very seriously the freedom of expression, the freedom of Canadians to engage how they want online," he added. "But we also have very important principles around protection of data, protection of Canadians’ safety and security that we will always step up for." [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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masterdetectivexx · 1 year
After the last manga case, what do you think Muga Iori will contribute to the show?
Do you belive he is Akais dad? Is he just a random former psb? Will his character be more important in the future, what are your thoughts?
My thoughts on Muga and predictions for his future remains the same. Updates to my ongoing Rum arc theories are always available in my pinned blog archive. Here are my ongoing Iori Muga speculations:
I don't think he can be Akai Tsutomu without not only involving APTX side effects into the picture, but also disguise/plastic surgery, since he doesn't resemble him whatsoever. There are currently no indications to both.
I don't think Gosho would randomly introduce a former NPA agent, have him become at least on par with Furuya Rei and then have him not serve a vital role in the main plot whatsoever.
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swan2swan · 4 months
Hey, CampFam, so...a thought just occurred:
Kenji isn't calling his mom this week.
There's gonna be a news story about how Daniel Kon died in a dinosaur attack, and his son was unavailable for comment. Also that Yaz's campus suffered a dinosaur breach and three people were killed or wounded, also there was a van that got rammed off a bridge. A van whose plates will be matched to a Ben Pincus, whose friend was living on the campus, and who was spotted with Sammy Gutierrez a day or so prior at a roadside show disruption. No bodies will have been recovered, but neither will at least one of the bodies from the campus.
Obviously DPW will provide forensics on the Becklespinaxes' waste (assuming the PH level is low enough), and probably find that only two humans were devoured (maybe even positively identify whom), but the fact remains that for at least a week....
All of the Nublar Six's families are going to think their children are dead. Again.
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2023: Let Me Leave China to Embrace My Children
[From Radio Taiwan International] The independent bookstore “Ji Feng Book Garden” closed its last branch in Shanghai in January 2018 due to political pressure from the authorities and the landlord’s refusal to renew the lease; however, it is now rumored that the authorities want the last operator of “Ji Feng Book Garden”, Yu Miao, to return to China from the United States to undergo an…
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
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I made a bloodmoon shimiji!
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gleamer · 2 months
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just pretty & deranged
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