#Prythian OUT
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merymoonbeam · 2 years ago
The Morrigan
In this post I'm gonna talk about how Mor is going to be the High Queen.
So let's start.
The Morrígan or Mórrígan, also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The name is Mór-Ríoghain in Modern Irish, and it has been translated as "great queen" or "phantom queen".
her name already goes as phantom queen or great queen.
In myths it is talked about Morrigan is described as a trio of individuals, all sisters.
The Morrígan is often described as a trio of individuals, all sisters, called "the three Morrígna". In mythology membership of the triad is given as Badb, Macha, and the Morrigan, who may be named Anand It is believed that these were all names for the same goddess. In modern sources Nemain may also be named as one of the three Morrigan along with Badb, Macha, although her inclusion is unclear The three Morrígna are also named as sisters of the three land goddesses Ériu, Banba, and Fódla. The Morrígan is described as the envious wife of The Dagda and a shape-shifting goddess, while Badb and Nemain are said to be the wives of Neit. She is associated with the banshee of later folklore.
So I went to look at those names. Macha is what we are going to focus on.
Macha was a sovereignty goddess of ancient Ireland associated with the province of Ulster, particularly the sites of Navan Fort (Eamhain Mhacha) and Armagh (Ard Mhacha), which are named after her. Several figures called Macha appear in Irish mythology and folklore, all believed to derive from the same goddess. She is said to be one of three sisters known as 'the three Morrígna'. Like other sovereignty goddesses, Macha is associated with the land, fertility, kingship, war and horses.
Macha is connected with horses. So is Mor. In acofas. The bridge book between the og trilogy and the new books.
And as Mor galloped over the snowy hills, her mare, Ellia, a solid, warm weight beneath her, she remembered why. Early-morning mist hung between the bumps and hollows of the sprawling estate. Her estate. Athelwood. She’d bought it three hundred years ago for the quiet. Had kept it for the horses.
also side not Athel means : noble; nobleman, hero...her estate is called Athelwoold.
Another thing about Macha is that she is the only high queen of Ireland.
Macha Mong Ruad ("red hair"), daughter of Áed Rúad ("red fire" or "fire lord" – a name of the Dagda), was, according to medieval legend and historical tradition, the only queen in the List of High Kings of Ireland.
and lastly...King of Hybern's words.
She froze. Stopped a foot from the throne. Her knife clattered to the floor. The king rose. “What a mighty queen you are,” he breathed. And Mor backed away. Step by step. “What a prize,” the king said, that black gaze devouring her.
this post is dedicated to @seerelain ✨
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lainalit · 8 months ago
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Elucien Fashion Magazine Cover
🎀 Artwork by @vellaryss For Day 4 High Society @elucienweekofficial
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queercontrarian · 2 days ago
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final one! elain and nuan for @sjmprideweek - this was a really half-baked idea i had around elain week last year. there's barely even a story, just the vague thought that instead of being lucien's ex-lover, nuan could be the hot autistic lesbian to his mean adhd bisexual. and maybe when elain tries to find her way and travels to dawn to learn more about the healing powers of the plants that grow there, nuan is very interested both in teaching her about the world of plant magic and also about the wonders of sapphic relationships.
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shittalkingwiththesuriel · 8 months ago
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how Cassian bought Nesta the first book in existence and then threw it into the Sidra
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praisethelorde · 1 year ago
I'm just going to come out and say it: I don't understand the world building in the ACOTAR series. Isn't it supposed to have a medieval setting? That's how it was in the first book. So why did Feyre make soup FROM A CAN? Why was she wearing a turtleneck and leggings? Why was she using a baby stroller? Those are all relatively modern inventions as far as I'm aware. It also seems like all the other courts and the mortal realm have strictly old fashioned/medieval settings except the Night Court. The Night Court's themes (their buildings, the way they dress, etc) seem futuristic. Except Velaris. It has a very modern atmosphere. So altogether, I've noticed medieval, modern AND futuristic themes in the ACOTAR series. Has anyone else noticed this? I think it's very creative but I don't think it makes much sense. Idk maybe I'm wrong.
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fallingintheforest · 5 months ago
One of my favourite hc's I like to world-build is the idea that Lucien belongs to a super exclusive scholarly society.
It sounds dorky, but stay with me on this. This society holds access to powerful, protected texts long thought to be lost or forgotten. But the catch with this is that members are not able to use that knowledge for personal gain
There is no straight forward way to join. Instead, the group—or perhaps, the magic that binds the knowledge and rules within the society itself—chooses its members. Anyone can be selected—whether they are a high fae or lesser—because the magic doesn’t care about status; it cares about the worthiness of the individual to protect texts and their ability to contribute to the base of knowledge.
I imagine that Lucien was chosen by the magic when he was fairly young. I think that Lucien likely never told anyone about this, except perhaps Jesminda.
There is a way for Fae outside of the society to gain access to the protected texts, and that's through a bargain. The bargain that is required comes at a high price. Its never more than what a fae is able to offer but it's enough that most do not attempt it for fear of the cost required. Even more, the scholar summoned by the bargain can still choose to deny whether to provide the information if they find the seeker unworthy.
Now imagine, the HL's are in dire straits and decide to bargain with the scholars for information from a powerful text, then boom Lucien shows up like, whats good y'all??
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elrielffs · 8 months ago
Elain and Azriel are each other's light and make each other happy.
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thatpurpledudetrey · 1 year ago
nesta literally telling feyre that shes going to fucking died from the babe in an unpleasant way is literally just an argumental point for rhys stans to use to cover up the fact he LITERALLY hide a medical information from feyre?!?!?!? bro HE was the on who started this shit not fucking nesta????
it was rhysand's fault, he started this shit by being a stupid bitch who decided to not tell feyre
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 2 years ago
acowar au where the high lords were only able to resurrect the part of rhys’ power that makes him high lord and it searches for the closest vessel that has the same magic signature, feyre. there, now she’s an actual high lady, and not just in name. rhysie poo is gone for good. all is right with the world.
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huntquinlan · 7 months ago
do you guys ever wonder if mor’s heavy drinking and partying is an outlet for how little power she has in her own life
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I'm sorry but this just pisses me off (Not Hunt obviously, but Bryce)
Bryce rant incoming which you can just ignore and I'll probably delete later
But Bryce just puts all the blame on the Asteri. And yes ultimately they are to blame in the larger sense of things. But Bryce plays a direct role in leading them down the path that results in Hunt, Ruhn and Baxian being caught. It was her need to find out Danika's secrets with no thought to the consequences, her idea to go to the Eternal City. And she takes NO personal responsibility for it at all!
Hunt is blaming himself for everything that's happened. Even when it's not his fault at all. When we're in his pov he's constantly drowning in guilt, thinking about how he should of done more, he should of tried harder, he should of been better, how it's all his fault this happened and that his friends suffered.
And then Bryce does none of that. When we're in her pov she doesn't really show any major guilt. I can't think of any times when she blames herself like Hunt does. And I'm not saying she should be wracked with guilt. But a normal person, a good person, will usually feel bad and will feel guilty and blame themselves to some degree when something bad happens and people they care about are hurt, regardless of how big or small they're involvement is, or even if they're not at fault at all, case in point Hunt being wracked with guilt even when it's not his fault.
And to make it worse she acknowledges that Hunt warned them, warned her. But that she disregarded it and would of done it no matter what.
And then she has the audicity to say she doesn't regret it. And she thought they were on the same page. ON THE SAME PAGE!!?? Hunt made it clear in hosab that he didn't want to go down this road again, that he didn't want to get involved. YOU just didn't listen Bryce. And yeah Hunt's an adult, he can make his own decisions and he could of said no and not gone. But of course, OF COURSE!! he wasn't going to let Bryce go down that road alone, because he loves her, and doesn't want anything to happen to her, and wants to protect, so of course he would never desert her. But that doesn't mean he wanted to do it!
For Bryce to be that unaware of Hunt's feelings, when he explicitly stated them. For her to be that disconnected from her mate's feelings that she's surprised that he wasn't really on board is kinda unfathomable to me. Just that complete lack of awareness really does make her look quite selfish/self centered.
Anyway sorry, this post is a mess but I just had to vent
And then when Hunt mentions the consequences he and his friends faced, Bryce makes it about her pain. She's hurt that Hunt mentioned that they suffered. And the worst part is, Hunt then regret's it, he regrets saying something that hurts Bryce, because he cares about her and feelings. And she does not consider his feelings to the same degree
It just pisses me off
#honestly with bryce's lack of feelings of guilt her lack of consideration of other people's feelings and her lack of taking responsibility#for her actions i think sarah has unintentionally written her as kinda a bit of a sociopath#anyway like i said in a previous post *sigh* i miss hoeab bryce my beloved#hoeab bryce had gone through so much and had a lot of growth through the first book and had so much potential for more#but then it just stopped. went backwards even. in fact i think hofas bryce has gotten worse#she's had no development for 2 books now and the further i get into hofas more and more apparent it's become how flawed#and one dimensional her character is#her being in prythian and the acotar characters carried her early chapters but now that she's back in midgard her lack of growth and#maturity is starting to grate on me. literally every other pov character has had more development then her#in all the other character pov's they are constantly self reflection they feel guilt they blame themselves they consider the feelings#of those around them. they consider how their actions have affected those around them. they take responsibility for their actions#bryce's pov does not do that to the same degree. if at all#there's minimal critical thought. no self reflection. a lack of taking any responsibility for her actions and the consequences#she's really is a very flat character. what you see is what you get#and her 'sassyness' (that was fine at first when there actually was more to her character) which is supposed to come across as#witty funny badass who takes no shit ect. more and more is just comes across as annoying and immature#and often inflammatory in situations that require maturity sensitivity and tact#her disrespect for the ocean queen who is helping you and is super powerful and not someone you want to make#an enemy of was just unnecessary and not smart tactically#and this is super nitpicky but I'm getting so sick of bryce's clothes. please get her out of those ridiculous leggins and pink sneakers#they were fine when she was going to the nail salon and the gym but how am i supposed to take her seriously on a world saving#mission in those clothes. how am i supposed to take her seriously as a queen (ugh) conversing with the ocean queen#in those clothes#and I'm loath to say it because i love hoeab quinlar with my whole heart but hofas bryce doesn't deserve hunt#the devotion and consideration hunt has for bryce and her feelings is not returned to the same degree to him#anyway i was hoping to get my hoeab bryce back but it hasn't happened but hopefully the second half of the book#can turn things around for her#pleaseee
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emiliosandozsequence · 9 months ago
nah. not buying that feyre archeron, whose key to healing from her own trauma was having some semblance of choice, would force her own power upon her sister in an attempt to force her to heal. especially with the catalyst for such an event being something as inconsequential to the night court coffers as money
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shittalkingwiththesuriel · 1 month ago
Crack theory time:
Literally EVERYONE knows that Lucien is not Beron’s son EXCEPT the IC
So, when Feyre points it out for the first time and Rhys is like “how did I not know that! My girl is so smart! 😏”
It’s just like common sense for anyone not in the IC
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yaburnaee · 11 months ago
nesta's still gonna be mean to you even when she likes you. the difference is that she's the only one allowed to be mean to you and she will start a physical altercation if someone dares to open their mouth to say some shit against you.
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Without spoiling anything. This is how I feel after reading the end of Chp 24 of CC3
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velidewrites · 2 years ago
Hi Velide! I remember you talking about an evil Lucien fic for Elucien week. Has that been posted or are you planning to post it? If not, totally okay, I was just wondering. 🖤
Hi!! It has not been posted yet but I actually have it scheduled for later today, so your timing is perfect 🤣
It was originally going to be a long shot but the plot sort of got away from me as I was writing so now it’s a multi-chapter LOL - the first chapter will be up tonight (after I update LMITL), and then posting will continue from Sunday on.
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