#high queen
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reblogandlikes · 6 months ago
And to THINK Amarantha could have continued to basically be High Queen of Prythian with possible expansion, but her hots for Tamlin was too strong that he eventually became her demise with the help of a human.
This bitch had everyone on lock and stood on business for 50 years. A notorious no-nonsense, spiteful, vengeful general turned conqueror, and she fumbled for a music loving, limerick speaking, powerful and kind-hearted male with beautiful green eyes and luscious blond hair.
Damn. Ladies, never let a man distract you from greatness 😂
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atlanticum · 2 months ago
A rundown of my favorite "The Queen of Nothing" moments<33333
• Does he have a new seneschal? Does he have a new lover? <…> Does he talk about me?…
• “Love is stupid. All we do is break one another's hearts.” I feel like Jude agreed with Heather at that moment:/
• “You,” I say to my twin. “Get out.” YOU GO GIRL
• The very thought of being there, of seeing Cardan, speeds my heart. Oh juuuuude
• "I knew you liked her," says Locke. "That's why I had to have her first. Do you remember the party in my maze garden? How I kissed her while you watched?" "I recall that your hands were on her, but her eyes were on me," Cardan returns. I FUCKING LOVE THIS
• "I loved him." "Sometimes I believed that you did, yes," Cardan says absently. AND THE FACT THAT HE KNEW IT WAS JUDE
• "Jude never loved Locke." "She loved someone else. He's the one she'd want dead.” —or in her bed who knows;)?!
• “Well, didn’t you get my letters?” “What letters?” THIS LITERALLY RIPS MY HEART OUT AND TEARS IT TO SHREDS
• "Jude, you can't really think I don't know it's you. I knew you from the moment you walked into the brugh." *Crying, screaming, throwing up*
• When Cardan tries to explain the exile to her and that it was all a trick that she was supposed to figure out and be proud of him, but he doesn’t have enough time… :(
• I am the Queen of Elfhame. Even though I am the queen in exile, I am still the queen. And that means Madoc isn't just trying to take Cardan's throne. He's trying to take mine.
• The fact that even when The Ghost betrayed her, when Jude found him she still wanted to save him!!! SHE’S THE BEST
• I'm not going to let myself get distracted by letters I never received or the way he looked at me when we were alone in his rooms or my father's theories about his weaknesses. I’m a tad speechless…
• “That boy is your weakness” OH WOW stupid Madoc is right about one thing. SHOCKER.
• Let Cardan not be shot. Let the Ghost be clumsy. Let me get inside easily. Let me stop him.
I do not pause to ask myself why I am in such a panic to save someone for whom I swore I rooted out every feeling. I will not think about that. Oh, sweetheart.
• “Do not touch her. She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. “The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." CHILLS. literal chills.
• Cardan stands over me. <…> His white sleeves are rolled up, and he’s washing my hands with a wet cloth. My gods, i’m dying, he cares about her so much
• (about the gown)>> It is perhaps too plain for a queen, but Cardan is extravagant enough for both of us.
• “And the next thing we know, the High King is on our doorstep looking ready to tear down the whole apartment complex to find you” AAGHAHAHA I LOVE HIM
• “It was terrifying watching you fall. I mean you’re generally terrifying, but I am unused to fearing for you. And then I was furious. I am not sure I have ever been that angry before”
• “I was afraid of you when I had a knife to your throat” this tore my heart open
• “This is my room” he points out, affronted “And that’s my wife”. FUCK YEAH “So you keep telling everyone” the bomb says AAAHAH LOVE HER
• “Oh, I don’t know,” I say “Maybe he’d like to hear me scream”. oh he would “I would” Cardan says “And perhaps one day I will” I’M FOLDED.
• “Unlike Locke, I never thought love was a game” he says “You may accuse me of much, but not that” oh boy
• “I offer my queen’s hospitality. The hospitality if knives” ah, yes, badass jude
• “You looked like a knight jn a story tonight” I’M ON MY KNEES CRYING. THIS IS TOO CUTE.
• “By you, I am forever undone” I AM SCREAAAAMINGGGGGG
• “My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned”
• “It’s you I love” he says “I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours” ABSOLUTELY MELTINGGGGG
• I can’t believe he said that and then just walked out, leaving me reeling. I am going to strangle him. I adore her
• When the bomb hugs her once they see each other, when Cardan was turned into a snake.
• “Please. I will do whatever you want. I will give up the crown. I will make any bargain. Just please fix him. Help me break the curse” im gonna cry
• I was happy, just before everything went so terribly wrong. This is gut wrenching
• They won. Everything was going to work out. AND HE LOVED HER
• “I would settle for even his worst self, his cruelest trickster self, if only he could be here” THIS IS ENEMIES TO LOVERS AHAAHAHA
• The Ghost’s eyebrows rise, and he glances at me. I grin.
• Like the whole thing how the Roach is telling the Bomb that he loves her is hilarious and super cute.
• The way Jude thinks that she can never tell Cardan how she feels is so sad. If Holly black had actually killed him off I would have died with him.
• “With my whole heart, I wish Cardan was here” she is longing for his annoyance I CANNNOT
• “And I saw the way you used to look at him when you didn’t think anyone was watching you” AAAH YESSS
• He’s every bit as terrifying as any serpent. i don’t care. I run into his arms. IM ON THE FLOOR SOBBING
• He holds me as though I am the only solid thing in the world. im absolutely dead in the best way possible
• “You don’t want me dead” “If you joke about this, I am going to—“ “Kill me?” I think I might hate him after all Thin line between love and hate, right Jude;)
• “I knew little else, but I always knew you” MY HEART IS EXPLODING
• And when he kisses me, I feel as though I can finally breathe again. MY HEART SQUEEZED IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY
• When Cardan silences Randalin when he interrupts Jude. You tell them KING
• When Cardan adjust his crown and she rolLs HeR eYeS and HE GRINS.
• To family and Faerieland and pizza and stories and new beginnings and scheming great schemes. I can toast to that.
i’m absolutely in love with these series🤍
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primulagoldworthy · 2 months ago
queen material - an actual queen
their names an anagram.
Think about it.
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oh-my-wolfstar · 10 months ago
I just had a realization. So in acotar, we learn from Alis that Amarantha had declared herself high queen of Prythian. Later in acosf, Rhys is advised by some of his inner circle to take over Pythian and become the high king. I just realized that they were asking him to take on the same position as the woman who tormented him for 50 years. This just further shows how disconnected the inner circle was from Rhys’s trauma from those 50 years he spent as Amarantha’s sex slave.
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merymoonbeam · 2 years ago
The Morrigan
In this post I'm gonna talk about how Mor is going to be the High Queen.
So let's start.
The Morrígan or Mórrígan, also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The name is Mór-Ríoghain in Modern Irish, and it has been translated as "great queen" or "phantom queen".
her name already goes as phantom queen or great queen.
In myths it is talked about Morrigan is described as a trio of individuals, all sisters.
The Morrígan is often described as a trio of individuals, all sisters, called "the three Morrígna". In mythology membership of the triad is given as Badb, Macha, and the Morrigan, who may be named Anand It is believed that these were all names for the same goddess. In modern sources Nemain may also be named as one of the three Morrigan along with Badb, Macha, although her inclusion is unclear The three Morrígna are also named as sisters of the three land goddesses Ériu, Banba, and Fódla. The Morrígan is described as the envious wife of The Dagda and a shape-shifting goddess, while Badb and Nemain are said to be the wives of Neit. She is associated with the banshee of later folklore.
So I went to look at those names. Macha is what we are going to focus on.
Macha was a sovereignty goddess of ancient Ireland associated with the province of Ulster, particularly the sites of Navan Fort (Eamhain Mhacha) and Armagh (Ard Mhacha), which are named after her. Several figures called Macha appear in Irish mythology and folklore, all believed to derive from the same goddess. She is said to be one of three sisters known as 'the three Morrígna'. Like other sovereignty goddesses, Macha is associated with the land, fertility, kingship, war and horses.
Macha is connected with horses. So is Mor. In acofas. The bridge book between the og trilogy and the new books.
And as Mor galloped over the snowy hills, her mare, Ellia, a solid, warm weight beneath her, she remembered why. Early-morning mist hung between the bumps and hollows of the sprawling estate. Her estate. Athelwood. She’d bought it three hundred years ago for the quiet. Had kept it for the horses.
also side not Athel means : noble; nobleman, hero...her estate is called Athelwoold.
Another thing about Macha is that she is the only high queen of Ireland.
Macha Mong Ruad ("red hair"), daughter of Áed Rúad ("red fire" or "fire lord" – a name of the Dagda), was, according to medieval legend and historical tradition, the only queen in the List of High Kings of Ireland.
and lastly...King of Hybern's words.
She froze. Stopped a foot from the throne. Her knife clattered to the floor. The king rose. “What a mighty queen you are,” he breathed. And Mor backed away. Step by step. “What a prize,” the king said, that black gaze devouring her.
this post is dedicated to @seerelain ✨
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citizensofeggtonarchived · 2 years ago
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Vix approached the Ubuyashiki estate, intent to meet the one who is the master of the manor with the intent to offer assistance with the threat to their world as a first step to establish that she only wishes for peace. The High Queen would knock on the entrance of the manor awaiting for someone to answer.
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"With all due respect your Highness, are you sure it is wise to meddle in the affairs of another world? We only just gained the ability to travel and this seems a tad hasty in my opinion." Friedrich was ordered by the High Queen to come which he was more than happy to do, though this seemed a big step.
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"If we are to make peace with other worlds then we must waste little time in acting. Besides, dealing with these creatures known as Demons here would be ideal as to prevent them from becoming a problem in our world." Vix had heard many stories about them, yet hadn't come across one as of yet.
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readallnightsleepallday · 2 years ago
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variant covers:
Widowland & Queen Wallis (Sourcebooks Landmark editions) Widowland & High Queen (Quercus editions)
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florainkingdom · 5 months ago
🎀 ― a childhood memory
for Vix
Vix stood in the training hall, watching another 'mentor' being dragged out of the room. "Father, I mean no disrespect, but it seems the mentors are rather... lacking these days. I was promised when I turned fourteen, I'd have some true mentors."
"Yes, well, it seems your magical and physical abilities are far above what that quack expected. Ha, I told him he underestimate's a true mage! Certainly not one with my blood running through her." Renard knew his first born would be strong. Especially being born under the Lucky Star: Nature's Guidance. "I suppose training will fall to me," the fennec said before hearing the door open.
"Ah, finally found the right place. You guys seriously need a smaller castle or something," an averaged height fennec said as he closed the door. It has nearly impossible to see his face, his fur a dark red, and he certainly have a few scars on his arm. "Heard you need a mentor. Guess I'll throw my hat into the ring."
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Renard asked, walking over to the fennec, towering over them. "My daughter just finished beating the last mentor I requested for the day. Explain yourself."
Vix would peak around her father, looking at the stranger curiously. She sensed no magic from him, which was odd. Only opossums gave no magic off because they had anti-magic. "Father, I wish to see what he can do. I promise not to hurt him."
Renard turned around hear that. "Vix, he clearly has a condition that causes him to have no magic. You may hurt this poor fellow," he said before watching the fennec walk past him. "Excuse you, what do you think you're doing?"
The fennec would approach Vix before squatting down to be at eye level with Vix. "Oh, I don't think you can hurt me. You're strong, quick to learn, and certainly have the magic and Lucky Star to match. Though you won't hit me."
Vix squinted at him before throwing a fast jab, though was shocked how he dodged by a simple tilt of his head. The fennec swiftly releasing her power and throwing out punches fast enough that they could barely be seen, yet he continued to dodge so simply.
"You know the basics of fighting and magic, you have fairly good experience with for your age, and you can clearly keep a calm mind. Though all that's pointless if you don't understand why YOU fight. You can say it's for you father, you can say it's for your kingdom, and you can say it's for glory. However." The fennec would watch as Vix huddled over on the floor. "Didn't even see my gut check you. You've got a lot to learn."
Renard would tower over the fennec once more, though this time was far more menacing as his enveloped him. "You shall regret that you-" The King stopped seeing his daughter hold up a hand as she got up with a struggle.
"I want him to train me father. He's the first ever to land a solid hit on me other than you and mother. I also want someone who won't hold back," Vix said standing on her feet once more.
"Well now, you recover well too. That's good to have in battle. Never know when you may have the wind knocked out of you," the fennec said standing up. "What do you say Renard? Unless you want things to be East again."
Renard was about to attack him, though then heard his last comment. The fennec would calm down, letting his body relax. "Well, if it's what my little Vix want's. I'd better see results."
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laurenillustrated · 8 months ago
I started drawing the Ever After High girls in random historical fashion eras… why? I have no idea
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Raven Queen in 1890s, Apple White in Italian Renaissance.
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Briar Beauty in 1920s, Madeline Hatter in 1880s
No particularly reason for the eras, just the vibe I get from the characters and their designs!
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 2 months ago
Gaston is such a funny choice for a disney villain. everyone else is a ruthless despot or a dark sorcerer being evil on purpose. and then there's just this guy, the village asshole
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dayo-seign · 9 months ago
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Deadass thought this was so funny at one point in my head
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rbfannee · 8 months ago
this is my roman empire.
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atlanticum · 2 months ago
i just stumbled upon this and i’m feral—PLEASE FORGIVE ME?!— I’M DYYYIIIING
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so hyacinthe toward tiernan I LOVE THEM
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lebudasz-blog · 8 months ago
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Oh yes , my favorite drawing, i gave my soul for this one
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ruerock · 9 months ago
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predetermined and inescapable
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mttonex · 2 months ago
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they are sooo gelphie coded u guys
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