#vix darling
devilbunzz · 24 days
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character ideas for a lesbian housewife horror
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Vix approached the Ubuyashiki estate, intent to meet the one who is the master of the manor with the intent to offer assistance with the threat to their world as a first step to establish that she only wishes for peace. The High Queen would knock on the entrance of the manor awaiting for someone to answer.
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"With all due respect your Highness, are you sure it is wise to meddle in the affairs of another world? We only just gained the ability to travel and this seems a tad hasty in my opinion." Friedrich was ordered by the High Queen to come which he was more than happy to do, though this seemed a big step.
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"If we are to make peace with other worlds then we must waste little time in acting. Besides, dealing with these creatures known as Demons here would be ideal as to prevent them from becoming a problem in our world." Vix had heard many stories about them, yet hadn't come across one as of yet.
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florainkingdom · 7 months
“Wrong Number!” Vix to Tangle
HighQueenVixDarling: I am aware that Tween was upset, though destroying the east wing of the castle was already an appropriate response. HighQueenVixDarling: Not to mention the fact she injured several guards who attempted to calm her down forcing sleep potions to be used on her. HighQueenVixDarling: Oh, forgive Tangle. Dealing with a troublesome family matter. Tween didn't have the best chat with our father, and, well, as you heard she became rather destructive. Currently she's confined to her room with her magic sealed and the guards are fine. Minus the various broken bones, yet we have top of the line healers.
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atangledfate · 7 months
💕Dealers choice if you want.
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Tangle Heart and Vix Darling has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.
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" REALLY! i mean course its that high! hehe...heh... "
She was kind of excited! why did she care? cause she did damn it!
" Score one for the Tangle--- "
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" also who gave this thing my last name... "
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Continued from X @atangledesire
Vix seemed to not be completely accustomed to visitors given how she casually walked into Tangle's temporary room, something she'd have to work on it seems. Regardless the fennec would focus on the topic at hand, though may have given the lemur a glance over before they faced her. "While I do have my own training I do need to spar with other's to properly keep my skills sharp. Believe it or not me and Kong have sparred more times than I can even count so it is rather common here." She may be a royal, though knew one can't truly progress without a challenge. The High Queen couldn't help let out a small chuckle at the other hanging upside down as she found it cute how they did that.
"Of course I seemed to have caught you in the middle of your own workout routine. If you'd like I can wait a bit for you to finish up. It would allow me to get some stretches in." Vix always liked to have make sure to properly stretch before any form of regulated combat to avoid sore muscles and cramps. "Unless you'd like to preform your own stretches before hand as well. I do recommend it as it really does help prevent any soreness afterwards and is good for your body overall." The fennec may or may not have another intentions beyond the rather simple advice.
For now Vix would simply wait for Tangle to give her answer on what she wishes to do be it finish her workout or take a moment to stretch.
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gothamsglam · 2 years
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“Oh, yeah!” Tim suddenly says, stopping his long tangent. He pokes Jason’s shoulder, as if Jason isn’t already looking at him, and does a little spin. “Do you wike my dwess?”
~ Darling Boy by @deitybird
a little de-aged tim in his little strawberry dress for my favorite bird boy's (late) birthday
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koushuwu · 1 year
You should read fangs!!! There isn't much out atm but it's so good
it looks so good honestly! i’m gonna have to look into it for sure. the artstyle looks really pretty 🥺 have you read it all so far???
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fuckmymunson · 1 year
I know I’ve already wished you a happy bbday in dms but happy birthday!!!💕 wishing you an amazing day
I had an awesome day, thank you so much babygirl, i love you so much 💛💛💛
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vixstarria · 5 months
Down by the river
Stand-alone, but takes place immediately after Mark me as yours
Astarion and Tav spend a night by the river, away from camp
Astarion x f!Tav, Astarion x f!Reader
18+ but I wouldn't call it smut, fluff and humour until you get smacked in the face with some trauma I guess, banter, pining, sexual references, oral sex
TW: trauma
I couldn't decide on a POV so I alternate Tav and Astarion in each section. "But Vix, why didn't you just write in 3rd person?" you might ask. Well, because I like really getting into their heads, and because shut up, that's why. It's pretty obvious which section is whose. You got this.
Approx. 2,000 words
“Come see me later tonight, there’s something I want to show you,” Astarion murmured to you as he passed by, lightly brushing your hip with his hand.  
You thought you’d already seen all he had to show by then. Still, you were curious.  
It turned out to be a ‘where’, not a ‘what’.  
“Stay here,” he told you, at the edge of the bank. “Don’t turn around until I tell you to.” 
He then disappeared somewhere in the trees behind you. Or so you assumed. He could be eerily silent when he wanted to be. 
You were a bit perplexed, truth be told. Astarion had turned out to be all talk and no show when it came to any kind of romantic gestures that didn’t directly involve sex. It couldn’t be that. Were you supposed to see something out on the water? It looked perfectly ordinary. Some kind of ridiculous prank, perhaps..? That would be right up his alley. 
You were starting to feel a bit stupid standing by yourself at the edge of the bank. Did he just walk away..? 
“Astarion, if you’re about to make another dramatic shirtless appearance from behind a tree, I swear-” 
It was dramatic alright. You didn’t hear him until he was a step behind you, flying towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind mid-sprint and sweeping you sideways into the river along with him. He’d taken the time to take his own clothes off, of course, and yours were now drenched. The prick.  
“You asshole, what if I didn’t know how to swim?!” you spat as you resurfaced next to him 
He just laughed. 
“Why I’d swiftly come to your rescue, darling.” 
Realization hit you.  
“...Shouldn’t you be melting..? Or disintegrating, or whatever it is that happens to your kind in running water?” Another gleeful toothy grin. “...Tadpole?” 
“Tadpole,” he nodded, making his way towards a spot shallow enough for your feet to touch the riverbed, as you followed. “I only discovered this earlier today.” 
“Awww... And you immediately had to find me and go ‘Mom, mom, look what I can do!’”  
You dove again just as he went to splash you in the face.  
“Adorable,” she smiled, once she re-emerged in front of you. 
“What is?” 
“You in moments when you look genuinely happy,” she said, removing her clothes and throwing them onto the bank. “Fangs peeking out from behind your lips, all murder and mischief.” 
You found yourself at a brief loss for words as she finished taking her clothes off and turned back to you, throwing her arms around your neck and wrapping her legs around your hips, clutching on to you weightlessly in the water. 
“I like seeing you happy...” 
Something in your chest clenched. 
No, no, no, no, no, this is not how this is supposed to work. 
Your body followed its instincts and you drew her into a kiss, hands roaming her thighs and hips under the water. 
“You know, you really didn’t need to go through all that trouble, getting my clothes soaked through, to get me to take them off,” she murmured as your lips broke away from hers to trace her jaw. 
“Oh I know...” you purred. “I didn’t need to throw you into the river to get you soaked, either.” 
You kissed her mouth again, grinning, to muffle the sounds of her annoyed protest. 
Your usual script, all your usual lines had been rolling off her like, well, water. Frankly it was a breath of fresh air. She picked apart your words, expressed exaggerated dismay or tried to one-up you, turning it into a game – but still, she did exactly what you needed her to do. All that mattered was the end result, no? And if you could have fun with it, all the better, you thought. Even if it was... different. 
You hand slipped further, between her legs, teasing her exposed slit as she gasped and clung to you tighter. 
Yes, you thought. This was familiar. This you knew what to do with.  
“Let’s get out of the water,” you murmured to him.  
Sex in lakes, rivers and hot springs was much more appealing on paper than it was in reality.  
Apparently Astarion had taken the time to prepare a few things this time, including some sheets and blankets that laid next to a prearranged campfire. 
‘Ignis!’ He lit it, immediately setting it ablaze. Warmth at last, you thought, wiping yourself off.  
“Thoughtful of you to get some blankets this time,” you said, sinking down next to him, close to the fire, letting him pull you against him. 
“...Is this about the night at the clearing again?” he asked, his eyes narrowed. 
“What else?” 
“I’ll have you know, I am civilised and had a whole spread all of five meters away from where we ended up! We could’ve moved there if you’d only stopped being a complete animal for a few seconds,” he said with a mixture of amusement and indignation. 
“No, no you didn’t... Did you? Oh gods... Why didn’t say anything?!” You burst into laughter, sinking against his chest. 
“The way you were carrying on, I figured you must have been half wood elf and enjoyed having needles stuck in your ass!” 
Unbelievable... How bloody absurd. 
You lifted your head once you’d finally regained your composure, grinning at him. The way he looked back at you was so full of tenderness that you were momentarily taken aback. But it couldn’t be. Not with him. 
“Tsk... ‘Civilised’,” you murmured. “Who wants that?” 
You caught his lips in a kiss, then dipped lower, starting to slowly trail open-mouthed kisses down his neck and past his collarbone, leaving gentle teasing bites on your way down. His breath hitched as he sank with his back down onto the blankets, his fingers tensing on your back.  
You ran your tongue between the ridges of his muscles as you went lower, idly wondering what kind of magistrate kept in this kind of shape, if this really was the way he looked before he was turned. His skin felt like silk over the hardness of his muscles. 
“What are you doing, you naughty thing..?” he breathed, hoarsely. 
“What do you think I’m doing?” you purred. “Or is it that you don’t like it..?” He was already hard for you. You teased his cock with just your fingertips before taking it into your hand, continuing to slowly kiss and lick your way down. “But I think you do.” 
“Oh you have no idea...” he whispered. 
It’s not that you haven’t been on the receiving end of this before. It’s that when you were, it was usually some slobbering drunk that reeked of piss, whom you wouldn’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole, much less have any body part inside of, disgusting and unpredictable, or when you were ordered to participate in some deranged bacchanalia you wanted no part of, with all its abasement and humiliation and having to act, always having to act, always the pretty boy, pretty 200 year old boy being passed around like some kind of doll, or the time with the- 
Oh for fuck’s sake, I just want to enjoy this! 
No one was forcing you to do this, this was your choice.  
‘...I like seeing you happy...’ 
It was her hand, it was her mouth, this was your choice. 
She wanted to pleasure you. She would never hurt you.  
‘...I like seeing you happy...’ 
Just fucking enjoy it, why can’t you just fucking enjoy it?! 
“Look at me, darling...” you reached down to touch her cheek with your fingertips.  
Anchor me... 
Astarion watched you for a while through his lashes, holding eye contact as you worked his cock with your mouth, before ultimately falling back and shutting his eyes. His hand moved to your hair, gripping it tightly. 
His whole body was wound up tight like a coil. You started to get the impression that he might push you away at any moment. Was he just over-sensitive..? You eased up the intensity of your motions – you would have stopped entirely, only he started to buck his hips, fucking your mouth as he groaned, the hand in your hair pushing and pulling on your head. 
Alright then, maybe not... 
You followed his lead until he started whispering something incoherent, jerking his hips more erratically. Before long, his grip on your hair tightened further, and he gasped your name several times, before finally spilling in your mouth.  
Never before has anyone made it seem like they were fighting for their life through what you thought was just a routine blowjob. You knew you weren’t that bad. Nor that good.  
Something told you you should call it a night.  
“Kiss me,” he whispered, pulling you back up, his hands wandering down before you stopped them. “No..?” 
He looked dazed. 
“Another time,” you said, kissing him lightly, before lying down in his embrace.  
“If that’s what you want,” he drawled. 
Nature got you there in the end, but the whole act was tainted, no matter how much you wanted to want it. You couldn’t ignore it or pretend you were unaffected anymore. Free, relatively safe, walking in the sun, leagues away from Baldur’s Gate, and still you were in a chokehold.  
You wanted to want it, gods how you wanted to... Maybe next time would be better? There would have to be a next time, wouldn’t there? 
You also wanted to scream. You hugged her tighter against you instead.  
Now put all this behind you and act normal, you wretch. 
You laid on his chest, gazing into the fire, edge of the blanket folded over the two of you. It was cozy and peaceful, and you could almost pretend that there was a semblance of normalcy to your life, and that you were just having a pleasant night with a lover. And that maybe you’d just imagined anything was off earlier.  
"You’re awfully quiet, what’s on your mind?” he asked, lightly tracing circles on your back.  
“Just contemplating the fact that blowing a vampire isn’t even the strangest thing I’ve done today,” you lied.  
Close enough. 
“We should head back I suppose, I doubt it’s safe out here in the open,” you said, reluctantly.  
“Darling, I assure you, I am the most dangerous creature to stalk the night in these parts,” he said in his usual flippant manner. 
“Yes, yes, you are a vicious, deadly beast,” you smiled. 
“Rawr,” he said matter-of-factly, as you buried your face in his neck in silent laughter. 
You slowly made your way back to the camp.  
You didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to lie awake, alone with nothing but your thoughts. She was contagious with her levity in her sweet ignorance, you didn’t want to part from her.  
“Did you end up fixing that teddy bear?” she asked. 
“Of course I did, did you think me incapable of mending a stuffed animal?” 
“Ah right, that’s why Karlach was chasing you around, threatening to hug you...” 
You chuckled. You’d never admit it, but you were actually growing fond of the hellish tiefling. She at least didn’t give you a wide berth like the others. 
“Can you do us all a favour and not leave me in camp wasting time on things like that all day again? I’m sure my skills would be more useful elsewhere.” 
I missed you. 
“Yes, Wyll and Gale did mention you were completely useless, if not downright destructive,” she smiled.  
You reached the camp and stood in front of your tent. Hers was further along.  
“I better go get some sleep,” she said.  
You gently pulled her against you by her waist, kissing her. 
Please just come in, stay with me, please... 
“Good night then,” your mouth said. 
“Night,” she whispered, before placing another soft kiss on your lips and walking away.  
Why didn’t I just pull her in after me..? Wretched idiot. 
Should’ve just made myself at home... Sigh. Fucking idiot... 
PS Astarion saying "rawr" is canon and I will stick it wherever I please.
Next in series - Something real
This work is part of a series - here is the master list
Tags: @littleenglishfangirl @something-pithy @darlingxdragon @tallymonster @tragedybunny
Pst, anyone else - feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to be added to a tag list
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Continued from X @freaxshow
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Vix had to admit the reaction was unexpected to say the least, yet didn't show any sign's that it surprised her. Were teenager's always this aggressive or was she simply out of touch with today's youth? Regardless, her priority will be to see what the teen was doing here. Normally the fennec wouldn't bother, though as of late some trouble makers had been making a mess out of the castle court yard. The Darling Family has always kept it open to their people and didn't wish to restrict it over a few hooligans.
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"Well, to answer your question you happen to be wandering around the castle court yard of the Darling Family, not that I mind of course. We allow everyone the right to do so as long as they are civil with each other and don't attempt to break into the castle. My reason for approaching you with such a question is you appear to be a bit young to be here without some form of adult supervision." Vix wasn't going to accuse them of anything without proof so would simply state what she saw for now.
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florainkingdom · 9 months
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At the Mayor's Manor in Eggton
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"I feel like this isn't meant for us, though I ain't one to turn down free food."
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"Just, try to not pick any fights. I know you don't care why people think of you, though I can't afford to get on anyone's bad side."
In the Industrial District
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"Don't see why I gotta go. I hate parties."
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"I for one can't wait. I've always been a fan of social events, and this seems high class."
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"Just remember, we'll need to do some business as well. That means don't cause any problems."
At the Castle of the Darling Family
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"This will be a good chance to make more allies from other worlds. We shall attend."
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"Oh, sounds like fun. I can't wait to learn more about another world and its people."
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"I'll just mingle and let you two do all the political stuff. Unless I end up dragged into it somehow, which I doubt."
Meanwhile in the Veil
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"Ugh, gotta find someone to send to keep things in order. This'll be a pain, though can't have Chicadino get his way. Not to mention Poppy could end up starting a fight. Best bet is to let the Darling siblings do their thing while keeping the others busy."
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thebestofoneshots · 2 months
Gilded Constellations | THE INTERLUDE Part 2
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Summary: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally see Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Mostly canon-compliant. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode | The first Interlude
You guys know I wanted to make another interlude, but upon lack of time, and because I don't want to have you wait another week to read the next chapter (darling @aremuslupinsimp for sure needs someone to vent about the absolute rollercoaster of emotions that it is) I've decided to make it a WEEKL-LONG EVENT!
But Lilly, What does that mean? It means you can send as many questions as you might have and I'll try to address all of them within the week. Including anything related to last week, this week's, and the next week's chapter (although I will not spoil that one).
Adding a few questions here, just as a start:
Have you always known where the story is going or have you kind of figured it out along the way? do you have the ending planned?
Hey love! I do have a base idea of where GC is going. I've had these big plot points thought out from the very beginning to the part where they all start dating. Having said that, a lot of things that happen in the story, and that are in between those points, are just me letting my imagination soar, and a lot of those chapters end up being some of my favourites.
I wanted to end the story either before they end school or before 1981, but now that I've gotten so attached to the characters, I've honestly thought of writing past that, and "fixing" some of the things that happen in canon. But who knows, that's like a whole other fic just on how much plot it would have.
SoIi can’t really remeber if the ‘prank’ that Sirius pulled on Snape had already happened in Gilded Constellations, if it hasn’t will it be happening or will it just get skipped over?
It's happened already (in 5th year). That's the reason Snape is weary about leaving Vixen in the Shack in "Bad Moon Rising". He knew she would be in danger because there was a werewolf inside. He couldn't say anything to them because of the young twisting charm Dumbledore put on him, and he's never been brave enough to stand up to the other Slytherins, so he went straight to Lily and told her Vix was in danger.
That's why Lily knew about Vixen being in danger when Sirius showed up with a fox in his hands and was livid about it.
Tu penses prévoir combien de chapitre pour GC si tu sais sinon si tu sais pas une estimation de chapitre que tu aimerais écrire pour GC ?
I'm terrible with estimations, originally it was going to be a short 5 chapter-long series. And then I wanted to end it at thirty, and then at forty. So far I've written 55 chapters, but I'm thinking of ending before chapter 70. (That's IF I don't get carried away).
Do we get to know if Sirus ever got that necklace back from the first few chapters?
Oh, the necklace is still on Vix's neck and it's going to be HUGE in the next couple of chapters. I've been building on is for a while and I'm really excited about it finally happening.
How is it going with Remus' and reader's fireworms?
They are amazing! They've implemented a whole system that helps them get fed automatically. They're probably going to ace that test.
Are we seeing more to Nina?
After they come back from winter break will the study group start again?
I mean, there're going to be a LOT of things happening after the Winter Break, but I assume yes. Also the reading club, the reading club is going to happen.
How long do we have to wait 'till Remus, Reader and Sirius go out?
I think I'm about one or two chapters away from writing that, but I'm a few chapters ahead. But it's waaay less than before.
Does Nina have a little crush on Reader or is it just me?
I mean, there's a reason why the ribbon she tied on her quidditch gear was enough to defend Vix from Barty's spell. And why, more than once, Nina's love has proven to be a strong protective spell over the reader.
Are we getting more lessons like some of the first chapters?
Yup, not very soon, since the next few chapters will all be happening over the winter break, but once they're back in school, certainly.
Further questions will be answered directly on asks as they come.
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I'm really excited about the questions I might get, also a bit terrified about the questions I'll get after Chapter 44, but of well, the show must go on.
Love ya lots, Lils xx
Series Masterlist | First Interlude
Taglist: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @mothraantics @maqqiekwon @desikudisworld @pastelorangeskies
Leve a comment telling me if you wanna be tagged on Gilded Constellations
Want to support me? Like and reblog this post (reblogs are extra nice since they help me get my work to more people), also guys, I absolutely love reading your comments, so do throw them my way if you have any!
Read more Marauders Fiction
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👗 - Clothes off or on during sex?
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"Clothes off cause cleaning clothes after having sex in them is a pain."
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"Clothes off as well as scientifically it's easier to please your partner that way. Also cause I can't see shit with clothes on."
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"I'm fine with either way as both have their own benefits at the end of the day, though if I were to pick one or the other then clothed sex."
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"I have no clue how Poppy got me to agree to this, though clothed. Please don't tell the press about this."
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"Clothes or no clothes, I'll rock anyone's world in the bed, OH YEAH!"
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"As much as I hate to agree with that opossum, I prefer clothes off as well. Takes hours to get all the sweat and stains out and I have an imagine to keep up."
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"Come now, a woman must keep her modesty."
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"Though clothes if I do say so myself. Gotta look good on stage and in the bed after all."
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"I refuse to take part and I'm going home. If you have a more civil question then you can ask me that, though what I do in bed is my business and mine alone."
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"Don't be like that. If I answer, then-"
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"Hey, don't you ignore me! Get back here!"
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ali-da-demon · 5 months
Intro post!! edit: 6-12-24
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• I’m Ali (only online)
• I’m a minor so nothing weird pls :D
• I GOT BY ALL PRONOUNS BECAUSE IM SLAY (mainly she/her bc I’m still trying to get comfortable with other people using the other pronouns. Aka me trying not to go nvjkfnhbfdjhcvgf every time someone uses he/him pronouns or they/them pronouns)
• uhhhhh I’m bi :]
• I love purple
• very traumatized :/
• some fandoms I’m in: Osemanverse, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, pjo, mcu, sailor moon and others I forgot because when I need to actually think about it they escape from my mind
• I will use pooksters, pookie, love, babe, darling, and bbg platonically depending on my mood
• Not mentally stable <3
People I talk abt:
Q/bastard - My step dad
Alexei/brat - Younger brother
Mom/demon/witch - My mom obvi
Asshole/guilt tripper - My dad
Aj/bitch - Older brother
Father - My school dad
K-Friend - My friend Kaiden
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Hello pookie wookie >:3
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Dni if:
• You’re a weird creep that’s an adult
• A homophobe, transphobe, or just a horrible person
• no nsfw <3
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Also some of my amazing moots and pookies!
@bee-saturn-twix @venusplanetoflove2 @megmcmeg @lonelycatsblog @sofiaisanalien @idonoiyo @dobry-slimak @ezraisfallingapart @url0cal-weird0 @ballisticallytestedwensleydale @goosetogoodtobetrue @theshyqueergirl @sleepy-vix @futurecatlady321
this intro post was inspired by: @small-giggle who’s a very amazing pookie just like the others
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koushuwu · 1 year
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people — no skipping!
i was tagged by @vixvaporub thank you so much for tagging me, love <3
been using my liked songs this time, which has like 2.000+ songs.
tagging: @prettyiwa @upperranktwo @darlingheichou @nebulasan @gojosattoru (please do not feel pressured to do this btw, it is okay if you don’t want to or have the time or what not. ily darlings <3)
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
Real One
Vixenne: *Smiles, entering the party with Amara* The main attraction has arrived!
Alastor: *Narrows his eyes, keeping Amara close*
Amara: Oh this looks amazing, demon parties are interesting!
Vixenne: Come on darling, this way! Alastor you can go chat with some of the other guests!
Alastor: I can do what now?
Vixenne: *Walks away with Amara* Darlings meet my friend Amara, ain't she a beauty!
Vixenne: Amara darling, meet Torrent and his friend Dagon!
Dagon: *Waves* Hey..
Vixenne: We're working on a project together! You get to know Torrent, I need to have a word with Dagon
Vixenne: Oh and if Amarillys comes tell her I'll be right back
Amara: *Waves, sitting beside Torrent*
Torrent: How'd you become friends with Vix?
Amara: *Giggles* She found me wondering around and brought me into her shop! I've been friends with her since then!
Torrent: *Chuckles* That's Amara for you~
???: Torrent.
Torrent: Amarillys! Hey!
Amarillys: *Nods to him then eyes Amara* Who's this...
Torrent: She's Vixenne's friend!
Amarillys: *Narrows her eyes* ..I see...
Amarillys: *Grabs Amara's hair forcing her up* I didn't know Vix became friends with an angel....
Amara: *Gasps, her eyes wide*
Alastor: *Perks up and looks over* Lady beauty..
Amarillys: *Tighens her grip on Amara's hair* What's an angel d-
???: *Slaps Amarillys down*
Vixenne: *Scowls, an arm in front of Amara* You bitter bitch!
Amarillys: Vix!
Vixenne: *Grabs Amarillys' hair, hauling her up* How do you like it when I pull your hair like this!? Who said you could hurt my friend!!
Vixenne: *Drops Amarillys and turns to Amara* Oh darling are you alright
Amara: Yes...
Vixenne: Come, I'll take you back to the hotel
Alastor: *Walks over, lifting Amara's head then shooting Amarillys a look* Yes....we should get home..
Amara: Okay
Vixenne: *Walks away beside Amara, Alastor following them* This party is hardly worth it anyway.
Amara: *Lays asleep in bed then flinches awake as screams broadcasted from the radio tower*
Vixenne: *Sits up surprised* Oh my
Amara: What was that?
Vixenne: No idea honey but it seems like a new victim was found
Amara: Oh dear...that's terrible
Vixenne: I know..
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