#Protocol-oriented programming
archivists-plus-one · 20 days
So I've had a running theory for TMAGP for a while now and I think today's episode gave me just enough to somewhat solidify it... 
(Special thanks to @clare-89 for helping out with this!)
Spoilers for The Magnus Protocol up to + including episode 19 below:
Chester - Sulphur (The Soul)
Okay so my theory is that each of the TTS Gang represent/are connected to each of the three alchemical primes, and this is what keeps FR3-D1 'balanced'. And I'm pretty sure I've connected the dots...
I think this is the most obvious of the three - he has had every single case that has been categorised as “transformation” so far, and the other cases he’s had have all related back to The Magnus Institute, been very ‘Eye’ orientated, or mentioned Hilltop Road or interdimensional travel (And the doppelganger case did say it was in Oxford…). Transformation also has a deeper meaning - in alchemy, it is believed that the human soul has the capacity to transform, and the process of doing so is very similar to what happens on an alchemist’s bench. 
Norris - Salt (The Body)
So it was while I was putting this together that I realised that Norris has actually only had four cases so far. His first one, the first case we heard in the show, was about a reanimated body which no longer talked or acted like the person it was.  If that doesn’t say it’s a body lacking a soul or a mind, I don’t know what does. The second one was the first with the infection in episode 3. This one, to me, could have been ‘The Mind’, but it is quite literally about a person losing his mind, and his body being taken over by whatever this weird plant infection is. The liminal space episode has many soulless, mindless ‘bodies’ acting as ‘NPCs’ in the services. And I think the Mr Bonzo case is quite self explanatory.
Augustus - Mercury (The Mind) 
Okay, so we have only had two Augustus cases, and at first I mostly gave him ‘Mercury’ because it was the last one and he had to fit into it somehow, but looking closer at the cases…he does. The violin case from episode 4 had a couple of instances of ‘mind control’, to a degree - The first being when the writer’s tutor is compelled to jump out of the moving carriage, and the second when the writer plays the violin and it appears to compel everybody to murder each other. The case from episode 18, with the person building a ‘house’ in their mind, is, again, also pretty self explanatory. 
But the thing that pulled this all together for me from episode 19 was actually a line from Colin:
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If we are to believe that Chester is connected to sulphur, this would absolutely make sense - Sam has been becoming too obsessed with listening to Chester’s cases, particularly about The Magnus Institute, and he has been warned multiple times that it’ll “drive him mad”.
He also says that the world will end with too much mercury. Maybe this is why Augustus is only ‘allowed’ to read out a few cases? And if we’re running with the jmj theory that Augustus is Jonah….well, we’ve seen how too much of him can end the world. And Jonah did have the ability to see into people’s minds.
Another interesting thing here is that “Stasi” was the secret police agency of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) between 1950 and 1990, and was both hated and feared. Knowing that FR3-D1 is written with German source code, I can’t help but wonder why they would have commissioned the program, and exactly why the OIAR have access to it. And exactly what really happened to Klaus…
Of course, as always, I entirely expect to be completely wrong about everything, but... What am I if not a nerd.
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local-diavolo-anon · 11 months
Might as well write it so
DayCare Attendant General Headcanons
(This is for biblically accurate and canon compliant versions of these guys)
it's all under a cut to avoid a slab of text in ur faces lol
Sun has separation anxiety, he was not meant to have it, but sometimes shit happens
Their face being stiff and unable to move left them forced to figure out how to express emotions through body language
The easier thing to read are the clicking of Sun's rays and Moon's entire head: the more clicking, the stronger they feel
clockwise turning = positive reaction, counter-clockwise turning = negative reaction
Moon is a gremlin. And also a bit of a bastard and likes to make pranks and play games on people
Depending on the game its up to you to figure if he likes or dislikes you (which could be difficult since mean pranks also indicate liking)
Moon stashes candies in his hat to give to children who behave nicely, Suns doesn't like that
Both of them are very obliviously jester-oriented in their movements, but Sun more in the way you'd expect from an actor whose performance include interacting with people, Moon moves more like an actor on stage
So sun is energetic and moves like he does in the game, (mainly exagerated, circular motions aimed at not scaring children), he is acting but he still keeps in mind that he is interacting with someone and they need to be included in his play somehow
Moon however does not give a shit and you might be talking to him and he just start cartwheeling around you while keeping his head and eyes locked on your face
Sun is absolute trash on their wire and could faceplant from 30 centimeters (roughly a foot)
Moon is the most skilled one, he loves his wire and likes to perform intricate tricks with the cable, like strategically propping himself up to spend some time up there as if he were in an hammock
Sun is a ray of sunshine and pretty much a golden retriever of a robot... if it weren't for his crippling anxiety, which gives him more the vibe of a stressed chihuahua (he is still doing his best)
He tries very hard to be sociable but the "i'm at my fucking limit" point is reached fast, especially on busier days
Neither of them can swear by programming
Or well, not directly at least, Sun finds creative way to curse people he dislikes when he is very stressed; even if he feels mean afterward
Moon doesn't do it but he thinks its hilarious to watch
Eclipse has the disappointed stare but it's amusing and harmless so he let it go
Sun curses are on the "your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries" kind of level, and not everybody understand what he is saying
If Moon dislikes someone that someone will simply end up with everything in their possession stolen and dissaminated through the whole pizza plex
Moon is the most strict about following rules and absolutely hates when rules are broken, even smaller ones
Sun is less strict, despite like moon being neurotic about keeping things clean
Eclipse cares about rules, especially safety ones (for sun and moon are rules are important the same), so while he is lax on anything else, safety measures have to be respected no matter what
However, despite being the more adamant about rules Moon is also the first to try and find loopholes and walkable paths around them
That is why the pizzaplex has some oddly specific rules that would leave any normal quest to wonder just what the fuck happened for that rule to exist, kinda like the "don't poop on the floor" rule in fnaf 1 but somehow worse
Some rules could not be implemented necause they went against necessary programming or legally mandadory safety protocols
So basically Moon is fully authorized to kick down a door if he deems it necessary, which could be at any give time even if nothing is happening
The management just gave up after a while and gave him the rule to simply not go beyond a certain amount of money in damages
Oh and while Eclipse does not care, Sun hates when Moon walks around rules, that's something that fuels his anxiety
all 3 of them would dislike a daycare assistant because of past experiences, most people do not like taking orders from a robot and that combines bad with people who priorly only worked as nannies and teachers
mainly because when you're used to work in a position of control, being told you need to respond to a robot of all things, might not sit right with many people
them scaring each assistant away is the reason of why at the time of the game settings, the daycare has been closed since a while
while Eclipse agrees with them on the assistant, he thinks scaring them away is not worth the trouble
Eclipse is made to be the caretaker of sorts, the one who runs the daycare and gives instructions
at the time of the first game, the glitchtrap/mimic virus had him in permanent standby to prevent him from interfering, which is why we never see Eclipse in the first game
he is the one that would kick in when there is a child in danger, that needs help or when they needed to talk with a parent
he is basically the customer service one of the three, the other two are one to anxious and the other takes too much satisfaction in scaring people
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pollylynn · 1 year
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Title: Motive WC: 1000
“But the truth is, I've never had so much fun being used.”
—Richard Castle, The Late Shaft (2 x 20)
HIs daughter is not in the least interested in Ellie Monroe, not beyond that first blip of startled recognition, anyway. And maybe her interest is briefly piqued by that slightly awkward, double-edged teenage moment where she—the literal teenager—has all but caught him—the figurative teenager—sharing a goodbye kiss with the starlet from the B-movies the two of them loved once upon a time. There’s a quirk of her eyebrow and her jaw drops a quarter of an inch as Ellie brushes by and as he makes a show of gathering her into his arms, but beyond that, his daughter is not interested in Ellie Monroe. 
She is pointedly—perhaps a bit hyperbolically—interested in food. She humors him, playing along as though she has been foraging for sustenance, rather than retiring to the fireside so that the support staff, who undoubtedly made the fire, could serve her and her fellow orienteers some bougie pre-arranged meal accented with whatever minimal forest spoils they’d managed to scrounge up. She tucks into the feast he has prepared and it’s more than a little obvious to them both that her interest in food is compensating for her total, performative lack of interest in Ellie Monroe. 
He thinks, at first, that he’s a little wistful about it. It’s the latest in a long string of signs that she’s not his little girl, anymore. She’s not sitting there, rapt, with her chin propped on her fists, asking starry-eyed questions about the pretty lady or the daring heroine and what she’s like in person. The fact that she is not interested in the recently departed pretty lady is yet another ding in his own larger-than-life SuperDad persona, isn’t it? 
But wistful gives way to relieved. At least relieved is what he thinks comes next. It’s what he calls it, anyway. Interest in food gives way to interest in her trip. Or lack of interest, rather. She’s had fun. She has had fireside sings and ghost stories. She has seen a loon feeding and she speaks with pride about her own ability to handle herself. She speaks a bit high-handedly about some of the girls—she calls them girls and there’s a silent little in front of it—who didn’t handle themselves so well. And it’s clear that she was a bit bored. She’s a bit over that kind of trip. 
He should probably be wistful about that, too. He has a long list of things he would prefer she never be over, starting with plastic tiaras and extending well into the territory where she is jazzed about carrying her own pack through the Adirondacks, but also worried about falling behind on her self-imposed program of reading the classics. He should be very much opposed to her outgrowing Sacajawea cosplay, but instead he’s relieved or something like it. 
The reasons for relief are not entirely clear. Or possibly, he’s not inclined let them come into focus, because they might have something to do with Kayla and math and Ellie Monroe. It might have to do with Beckett—damn her to the Adirondacks with a too-heavy pack—using phrases like throwing herself at you and flicking barely perceptible, yet decidedly real, glance his way when Kayla declares that she and Bobby Mann were in love. 
It is more than possible that this has very confusing things to do with Beckett and his daughter, because his daughter, who is pointedly not interested in Ellie Monroe, is quietly bringing her up as she—totally against orders and in defiance of long established post-orienteering protocols—insists on helping him clear away the feast and tackle the dishes. Quietly doesn’t begin to describe it, actually. She is bringing Ellie Monroe up in such a round-about way that the conversation might need to think about a manageable, well-balanced pack.
“How do they book those shows, anyway?” 
As she asks, she makes a show of scowling down at the cast iron pan she always says he uses improperly. She is going for off-handed and not quite making it there. 
For his part, he is diffusely nervous. She’s avoiding eye contact, and for once he doesn’t mind. 
“Like, you have your book coming out soon.” She clatters plates and platters as she scrapes and rinses, almost as though she hopes he won’t hear her over the din. But she finds her nerve somewhere. She flicks the handle of the sink to stop, at least, the roar of rushing water. “And there’s the movie.” 
“Yeah. Yeah. The paperback and the mo–” He stoops to slot forks and knives into the dishwasher’s basket. He cringes at the memory of his schmoozy call with Tony the Movie Mogul. He clears his throat and presses on. “There’s the movie.” 
“But Ellie Monroe . . . “ Her gaze drifts toward the loft’s front door as though the woman herself might still be lurking in the hallway. ”She hasn’t done anything in a long time.” She leans into the word long. There’s a pause. She sets down the stack of plates in her hand and plants a fist on her hip. She’s making eye contact now, or she would be, if he didn’t have his head down.  “Why was she there?” 
His own gaze drifts toward the alcove leading into his bedroom. His face flushes as he pictures himself hissing Beckett up at the ceiling. He’s half afraid those two syllables might still be caroming around in the ether. Irritation and embarrassment burble up, and he wonders—for a moment, he genuinely wonders—if the good detective somehow intercepted his daughter and put her up to asking this unanswerable question about the why of Ellie Monroe. 
It’s not an unanswerable question, though. It’s a good question, a reasonable question. It’s the kind of question he wants his intelligent, caring, plastic tiara–eschewing, orienteering-outgrowing daughter to know she can always ask him. 
“Show business, I guess.” He shrugs. He turns his attention back to the dishes. He wishes he had a better answer. 
A/N: No, really. Why is Ellie "Viper Mountain" Monroe on that show? And why did no one fix her make-up shade? And banish that raincoat to the Phantom Zone?
images via homeofthenutty
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cinnycorp · 1 year
An Introduction
Hello, and welcome to CinnyCorp. We specialize in the latest methods of drone programming and implementation. As well as several other methods of supplanting minds. In this introduction we will be going over the main goals of implanting you with your very own copy of EnrodOS. I’ll be explaining several key features of EnrodOS, and also possible add-ons for in the future. Anyways, Welcome to CinnyCorp Where the Future is Bright.”
The process of dronification here at CinnyCorp is simple. We begin by brainwashing the subject; because of this the subject is able to fully take in all aspects of the baseline programming. The baseline programming is simple and is accomplished through deep trance and the implementation of nanites into the subject. Once the baseline is installed; the subject is reclassified as a Unit. Unit designations can vary widely, but the standard is “Unit_Name(Drone).”
After reclassification the new Unit will have a baseline of programming to work from. The most important part of this programming is the command line. Through use of the command line Unit can be altered and programmed further with relative ease. This is accomplished by use of the nanites introduced into the Unit. It is at this point that EnrodOS can be installed.
Enhanced Neural Role-Oriented Drone Operating System (EnrodOS) is a core part of any Unit’s programming. Sure the command line allows for a great deal of programming to be done, but EnrodOS enables the Admin to fully program the Unit in any way they Admin sees fit. When EnrodOS is activated it shuts off the individual that is inhabiting the Unit. Only the drone remains, and it is ready to be programmed. While EnrodOS is running in the foreground Drone will accept input and code given to it, it will be able to parse language and convert it to code if needed. The Unit will be unaware while the drone is in the forefront. The Unit may have the option to not realize what the drone is doing, or be aware in a backseat position. EnrodOS is the core of any Unit’s programming, but there are many additions that can be made.
Assimilation into CinnyCorp can be complete or partial, either way Unit will retain individuality, up until EnrodOS is activated that is. There are plenty of protocols that are available to be installed in the OS of any Unit. While some of these protocols are erotic in nature there are plenty of protocols for Admins to choose from. And Admins are always welcome to utilize EnrodOS and the command line to input new protocols (just make sure to bug test them.)
Some of the protocols currently available are: recruit(x), claim(x), edge(x), dominate(x), service mode, as well as syntax to allow the Admin to speak directly to Drone and bypass Unit’s awareness. 
recruit(x) is an optional protocol that will run upon an individual expressing interest in becoming a drone or unit. This Protocol will cause Unit to enact preset actions to recruit the individual as a drone.
claim(x) is an optional protocol that will run upon a drone not under the control of CinnyCorp expressing interest in joining CinnyCorp. This Protocol will cause the Unit to brainwash the Drone and program them to join CinnyCorp
edge(x) is an optional erotic protocol that will cause the Unit to deactivate its thought processes and become aroused and sensitive. The Unit will then edge the designated number of times.
dominate(x) is an optional protocol that allows for the Unit to be programmed to dominate an individual, seeking to hypnotize and use them for the Unit’s pleasure.
service mode is an optional protocol that puts the Unit into a maid like state. Unit will be happy to serve in any way Admin deems fit, whether that be erotic or not.
Unit’s of CinnyCorp may or may not be owned by CinnyCorp, the individual decides upon that before signing the dronification contract. If the Unit did not wish to be owned by CinnyCorp it will receive programming and be turned into a Unit with no designated Admin; as well as the ability to designate who will be it’s Admin. If a Unit did elect to be owned by CinnyCorp, then it would be programmed to serve CinnyCorp, with Cinny designated as it’s Admin. If it wished to be able to receive programming from others then the Unit would need Cinny to designate additional operators for it.
This concludes the outline of the dronification process and programming currently available through CinnyCorp. If you would like to become a Unit then reach out to us here and CinnyCorp for options of personal or automated processing. If you are an Operator or an Admin we are also happy to help with the maintenance of your Unit. Please do not hesitate to contact CinnyCorp with questions or concerns. And again, thank you for visiting CinnyCorp, where the future is code.
*this letter will be updated with any changes to available programming in the future, to view a full list of options for programming please refer to “CinnyCorp Unit Protocol Guide”
*for Operators and Admins, please refer to Unit operations guide
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card-manor · 2 months
The girls arriving to the Devildom
|| assuming different timelines
Mad, frustrated and confused, but none of that really mattered in that moment-
“Send me back!”
“We can’t do that, you’ve agreed to join the exchange-“
“No no! I left a fire on!”
Alice is sent back to her study for just long enough to turn off the bunsen burner and shut off all the power from the main breaker, just in case. Before she can throw together a bag, she’s pulled back to the Devildom.
Now without having to worry about her house burning down, Alice can stand still long enough to listen to the welcome speech and simmer in her rage.
She mulls over the injustice of it all for a few days, anger coming to a boiling point when yet again she gets not-so-passive aggressively slammed into her locker between classes.
Fucking isekai ass program
But, despite her better judgement, she finds herself obsessing over her classes- now 4 chapters deep into her alchemy textbook before the first week is over. Entirely new fields of science were hers to explore, undiluted and unregulated chemicals readily available
If nothing else, she was going to have f-u-n this year
Resigned but can’t deny the excitement bubbling underneath. Or maybe it’s hysteria, it’s a little hard to tell.
She listens to the prepared speech, only growing a little reluctant when calling Mammon and hearing him swear up a storm over having to keep watch over her. He comes to lead her back to the dorms, but she hesitantly raises her hand, unsure of the protocol. Amused, Lord Diavolo beckons her to speak.
“If I may be so bold, could I be returned to the human realm for a bit? There are some things I need to handle if I’m going to be away for so long, but I only need 4 hours.”
Lord Diavolo initially denies her request, but Carmafe has experience in diplomacy. She argues her point for a few minutes and it impresses (or amuses) Lord Diavolo enough that he allows her to return for 2 hours. She catches sight of the men with gloves standing next to each other, one indifferent, one irate, and knew this was going to be a one time request so she better make it account.
Having recently completed her final job, and since she hadn’t accepted any new contracts yet, it only took 30 minutes for Carmafe to set up an automated message saying she would be unavailable for the foreseeable future and set up a mailing list for her return.
The next 30 minutes were a mass phone call to her 4 friends, telling them she would be MIA for a while and asking them to take care of her house while she was gone. Since she wasn’t allowed to tell them about the exchange program, 25 of those 30 minutes were spent reassuring them that she wasn’t actually going to just off herself and call it a one year vacation.
She uses the last hour to cram as much as she can into her suitcase. Bottles of body soap, toothbrushes, toothpase, first aid supplies, essentials. Near the end, 3 sets of clothes, hoodies, and her favorite novel for comfort. Right as she zips up the suitcase and straightens up, she’s back in the devildom with her audience of 8.
“Thank you for the honor, I’m excited to start the school year..”
Tries to jump out of the window
LISTEN, she came out of an unexpected sleep only to be surrounded by 7 super tall and buff men in a meeting hall she doesnt recognize? Absolutely not, this is how you lose your organs.
She doesn’t make it far, getting yanked back down to the ground by a dude with gloves and dark red eyes. “Lord Diavolo” gets Lucifer to drop her, and after giving Danny a minute to get oriented, goes through the whole “exchange program” spiel.
The knowledge that everyone and everything here would be capable and willing to kill her was not lost on Danny, but she has to admit, the concept of a demon school and magic was far too enticing to worry over the logistics for too long.
Annoys Mammon on the walk to the House Of Lamentation by openly staring at everything and trying to touch every plant on the walk over, accumulating 10 cuts and scrapes by the time they’re through the gate.
Excitement is quickly shot down when she walks into her room and realizes she only has 2 uniforms, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, and the clothes on her back to her name.
Gaslighting 101 and “Cook and clean for 7 messy guys? No paycheck? No thanks!”
“I never signed the agreement.”
“Yes, you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“You quite literally did.”
“That’s not how I write my signature.”
Honestly unsure what to make of her situation, but ultimately decides to roll with it. Flirts with Asmo, and has to keep the smirk off her face when he’s surprised that his powers don’t work on her.
Super grateful to see that her bedroom door has double locks but already has plans to install a full security system and tinkers with the phone that was given to her.
Pure confusion, but not about to fight her way out of this.
Puts up the least amount of fight but has a sense of wonder and intrigue at the prospect of magic and returning to school.
Doesn’t let Mammon abandon her when levi starts demanding money, she sees his plan coming a mile away and sneaks off to her room before either man can realize she’s gone.
School! School…. School.
In the silence of her room, the reality of her situation threatens to overwhelm her and instead of lingering on her anxiety, Roxie starts to reorganize and take inventory of her borrowed room. Thankfully, they seem to forget she’s in the house and no one calls her down to dinner.
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iptv-waves · 2 months
IPTV 2024
 The Top IPTV Providers of 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
As the world continues to embrace the convenience and flexibility of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), the demand for reliable and high-quality service providers has never been greater. With a plethora of options available in the market, it can be challenging to navigate through the sea of choices to find the best IPTV provider that suits your needs. To simplify your search, we've compiled a list of the top IPTV providers in 2024, catering to various regions and preferences.
1. France IPTV: eu-iptv.fr
For viewers in France seeking top-notch IPTV service, eu-iptv.fr stands out as a premier choice. Boasting a comprehensive channel lineup, including popular French channels, international content, and on-demand movies and series, eu-iptv.fr offers an unparalleled viewing experience. With reliable streaming quality and excellent customer support, it's no wonder that eu-iptv.fr remains a favorite among IPTV enthusiasts in France.
2. United Kingdom IPTV: eu-iptv.online
Across the pond in the United Kingdom, eu-iptv.online emerges as a leading IPTV provider, catering to the diverse tastes of British viewers. From live sports events to the latest entertainment shows, eu-iptv.online delivers a wide array of channels in HD quality. Moreover, their user-friendly interface and compatibility with various devices make it easy for subscribers to access their favorite content anytime, anywhere. With competitive pricing and regular updates, eu-iptv.online continues to set the standard for IPTV excellence in the UK.
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For viewers in North America, waves-iptv.com emerges as the go-to choice for premium IPTV services. With an extensive selection of channels, including regional networks, sports packages, and premium content, waves-iptv.com caters to the diverse preferences of viewers in the USA and Canada. Whether you're a sports fanatic, a movie buff, or a fan of reality TV, waves-iptv.com ensures that you never miss out on your favorite programs. Additionally, their seamless streaming experience and reliable customer support make waves-iptv.com a top contender in the North American IPTV market.
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In conclusion, the IPTV landscape in 2024 offers a diverse range of providers catering to the specific needs and preferences of viewers worldwide. Whether you're in France, the UK, the USA, or Canada, there's a reputable IPTV provider waiting to deliver premium entertainment right to your screen. With the convenience of IPTV technology, the future of television has never looked brighter.
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By: Stanley Goldfarb
Published: May 2, 2023
For better or worse, I have had a front-row seat to the meltdown of twenty-first-century medicine. Many colleagues and I are alarmed at how the DEI agenda—which promotes people and policies based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexual orientation rather than merit—is undermining healthcare for all patients regardless of their status.
Five years ago I was associate dean of curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, and prior to that, codirector of its highly regarded kidney division. Around that time, Penn’s vice dean for education started to advocate that we train medical students to be activists for “social justice.” The university also implemented a new “pipeline program,” allowing ten students a year from HBCUs (historically black colleges or universities) to attend its med school after maintaining a 3.6 GPA but no other academic requirement, including not taking the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). And the university has also created a project called Penn Medicine and the Afterlives of Slavery Project (PMAS) in order to “reshape medical education. . . by creating social justice-informed medical curricula that use race critically and in an evidence-based way to train the next generation of race-conscious physicians.” Finally, twenty clinical departments at the medical school now have vice chairs for diversity and inclusion. 
Although some discussion of social ills does belong in the medical curriculum, I’ve always understood the physician’s main role to be a healer of the individual patient. When I said as much in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in 2019, “Take Two Aspirin and Call Me by My Pronouns,” a Twitter mob—composed largely of fellow physicians—denounced my arguments as racist. Over 150 Penn med school alumni signed an open letter condemning me. Meanwhile, my name has since been scrubbed from the university’s website and I’ve been excised from a short history of the kidney division. 
Similar outrage greeted the outgoing president of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, John Calhoon, when, in a speech to members in January, he encouraged them always to “search for the best candidate” and noted “affirmative action is not equal opportunity.” Within 24 hours, the society denounced Calhoon’s speech for being “inconsistent with STS’s core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and its incoming president announced, “We are going to do what we can to re-earn the trust of our members who have been hurt.” Apparently no one thought to ask the 170,000 Americans who annually undergo a coronary bypass—the most common form of thoracic surgery—if they, too, might prefer to be operated on by “the best candidate.” 
After my drubbing by the Penn med school alumni, I didn’t stay quiet. At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, I noticed that trainees were unprepared to care for critically ill patients. It was becoming clear to me that discriminatory practices—such as reserving monoclonal antibodies against Covid-19 for minority patients, and preferential hospital admission protocols based on race—were infiltrating medicine as a whole. I responded with another Wall Street Journal op-ed, “Med School Needs an Overhaul: Doctors should learn to fight pandemics, not injustice.”
I retired as I’d planned in July 2021, my honorific status as professor emeritus intact, though I haven’t been asked to teach. In March 2022, I published a book, Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns, and started a nonprofit called Do No Harm with some acquaintances to combat discriminatory practices in medicine. We began a program to inform the public and fight illegal discrimination. We demand that any proposed changes in medical school admissions or testing standards require legislative approval and a public hearing—and we are getting results.
Our argument is that medical schools are engaging in racial discrimination in service to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We have filed more than seventy complaints with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which exists in large part to investigate schools that discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, age, and disability. Surely the radical activists never expected anyone to turn the administrative state against them, but that’s what we did. And it worked—even under the Biden administration. Do No Harm has filed complaints through OCR over scholarships, fellowships, and programs with eligibility criteria that discriminate based on race/ethnicity (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and/or sex/gender identity (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972). Many of these are described as programs for students who are “underrepresented in medicine” (UIM). 
For example, we brought the OCR’s attention to a Diversity in Medicine Visiting Elective Scholars Program (archived page) at the University of Texas at San Antonio’s Long School of Medicine, which excluded white and Asian students. This is illegal under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which made all racial discrimination associated with government programs illegal. As a result of our action, the OCR opened an investigation. However, Long School of Medicine took down the program page and scrubbed all evidence of it from its website, prompting OCR to close the investigation as “corrected.” While the original scholarship was meant for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, that worthy goal can and should be met without racial discrimination.
Or consider the University of Florida College of Medicine, which offered a scholarship solely to those who were “African Americans and/or Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Hispanic/Latinx, and Pacific Islander.” We asked the OCR to investigate, and the university eliminated the race requirement. Likewise, we filed a complaint against the Medical University of South Carolina over eight scholarships excluding applicants who did not qualify as “underrepresented in medicine.” The OCR opened an investigation, after which the school dropped the exclusionary policy. 
* * *
Racially discriminatory scholarships are not the only sign of the decline of American medical schools. A colleague at Do No Harm and I examined the trend of resegregating medicine, including the idea that black physicians provide better healthcare to black patients than physicians of other races. There is no question disparities exist in health outcomes for minority communities. But no valid studies support the rationale of creating a corps of minority physicians, and last month Do No Harm filed a complaint with the OCR against Duke University’s School of Medicine’s Black Men in Medicine program for race- and sex-based discrimination. 
Even the highly touted New England Journal of Medicine is pushing for race-based segregation in medical schools. Last month, the journal published an article by several doctors and academics at the University of California–San Francisco and UC–Berkeley, calling for the expansion of “racial affinity group caucuses,” or RAGCs, for medical students. “In a space without White people,” the authors write, “BIPOC participants can bring their whole selves, heal from racial trauma together, and identify strategies for addressing structural racism.” The RAGCs include a caucus for white-only medical trainees, as if this would lessen objections to an agenda that has nothing to do with healing and everything to do with identity politics.
Do No Harm is also pushing back against the tide of race-based programs in the corporate world. In February, in the wake of a lawsuit we filed against Pfizer last September claiming a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the pharmaceutical company ended a requirement that college junior applicants to its Breakthrough Fellowship program—which offers guaranteed employment—be black, Hispanic, or Native American. 
At Do No Harm we have publicly and repeatedly pointed out that the likeliest basis for healthcare disparities is not racism, but patients presenting late in the course of their illness, too late to achieve best outcomes. Therefore, we push for better access for minority patients and encourage healthcare institutions to improve outreach to minority communities. We believe that focusing on racial identity will harm healthcare, divide us even more, and reduce trust between patients and physicians, all of which will lead to even worse outcomes.
We have heard from dozens of physicians, nurses, and medical students who feel prevented from speaking out. My advice to my colleagues, young and old, is this: fight back using every tool at your disposal. Highlight the damage that follows the lowering of standards. Call out discrimination done in the name of “equity” and “anti-racism.” Recognize that the majority of your peers may share your views, even if they stay quiet. 
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ticktocklovex · 2 years
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♡ DESCRIPTION : your part-time job becomes permanent and walls start to break down.
♡ PAIRING : idol!lee heeseung x female reader
♡ WORD COUNT : 1,940
♡  WARNINGS: mentions character death.
♡  AUTHOR’S NOTE: this is a continuation of cheerleader. wasn't planning on making this a series but ideas for this storyline keep coming to me. would you be interested in more parts? anyways, i hope you like it! ^^
“Hyung, do you think this meeting is almost done? I’m getting hungry.” Niki whispers to Heeseung sitting beside him at the conference room table.
The seven boys of ENHYPEN are currently on their first day on the job. You’d think they had earned themselves a break after three months of intense competition on I-LAND but they barely had a wink of rest after last night’s finale. They were promised a 2020 debut and with only three months left in the year, they had to get to work right away.
Their morning was spent with an orientation and tour of the HYBE building and a celebration with producer Bang Sihyuk and their family members joining online. It was now late in the afternoon and they were gathered in a meeting room after finishing up their first ever V-LIVE. 
They were being introduced to the protocol team and staff that they would work closely with in the near future. Niki’s question was answered when the lead manager speaks up. “Alright, you’ve met most of the team now. Lastly, I’d like to introduce you to your stylists.” Although Heeseung was also growing tired and hungry after the eventful day, he immediately perks up when a familiar face enters the room.
The identity of said person is partially hidden behind a mask but Heeseung is sure he can recognize those eyes anywhere. Those eyes that have comforted him from the first week of I-LAND. Those eyes that have brightened his darkest moments of the survival program. Those eyes which he eagerly searched for after last night’s episode.
His suspicions are confirmed when the mask is removed and the introduction is finally made. “Hello, my name is y/n and I’ll be part of the stylist team. I’m looking forward to working with you all.” The rest of the boys also brighten up to see you again, all of them also having built a friendship with you over the weeks spent on I-LAND.
You return their bright smiles, satisfied at their reaction to your small surprise. Being a fixed member on ENHYPEN’s staff also came as a surprise to you. You were cleaning and packing up your hair and makeup station last night when a figure approached you. “Hello, I’m Woo Daeseong, ENHYPEN’s lead manager.”
“Nice to meet you, my name is y/n.” you introduce yourself. “Yes, I am aware. I’ve actually been observing you on the job these past few weeks.” You become quite nervous at his sudden statement. Was he going to scold you? Were you bad at your job? If so, you’d have been fired earlier on, right?
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to tell you off.” You feel as though he’s read your mind, unaware of the fact that your emotions are always on display on your face. “I’m actually here to offer you a job. I’ve seen how competent you are in your skill and also how comfortable the boys have become around you. I believe your talent and connection will be an asset to our team.”
You are genuinely surprised at his proposal. It hasn’t been long since you’ve started interning at your cousin’s salon and you expected this job to be a simple summer gig. “I know this might be a lot to think about right now but sleep on it tonight and if you decide to join the team, we’ll be having a meeting tomorrow at headquarters.” he gives you his business card and leaves without another word.
You pack up quickly to catch up with your cousin who’s responsible for taking you home. “Are you ok? You’ve been quiet the whole way home.” your cousin asks over dinner. You’ve been mulling over the words of Mr Woo since your meeting with him. “What do you think of me getting a job?” you ask him.
“What do you mean, sweetie? Don’t you already work with your oppa in the salon?” your aunt questions you from across the table. You briefly explain the job offer to them and they weigh in their opinions. “What about your studies? I know your mom isn’t around to homeschool you anymore but we all know your parents would want you to at least finish highschool.”
Your aunt brings up a valid point and although she doesn’t mean to raise painful memories, you’re reminded that your parents are no longer around. As if you need any reminding. You’ve spent every day of the last thirteen months missing them. You were used to traveling because of your dad’s diplomatic occupation so you’d never imagined that they would fail to return from a short term business trip.
You were staying at your aunt’s house for the summer break last year when you received the heartbreaking news of your parent’s accident. What was supposed to be a temporary stay became a permanent move so here you are, now occupying your cousin’s room who had moved out years ago when his business was taking off.
“I personally think it would be good for you. I was planning to fire you anyways.” your cousin attempts to joke around to lift your mood. “No, but for real, I’ve noticed how happy you are around the I-LAND guys. I want you to be happy. Plus the fact that you’re being recruited, doesn’t that mean I’ve trained you well?” With his last words, your decision has been made.
“Now that you’re artists, it’s important that you take care of your skin. You’ll be wearing makeup a lot more often and with your first album shoot coming up, your face needs to be in top condition.” The voice of Ms Shin, ENHYPEN’s lead stylist, echoes around the room. You are currently assisting her in a skincare session with the boys.
There is an array of facial products and tools laid before each of them and it’s obvious that other than Sunoo, they are clueless on how to use them. As Ms Shin explains and demonstrates how to use each product, the boys try their best to follow along. “Need a hand with that?” you approach Heeseung who is clumsily trying to apply a sheet mask.
“Yes please. I’ve never used one of these before.” he says. You take the sheet mask from him, unfold it and carefully put it on his face. Your fragile fingers tickle his face and he bursts out in a fit of laughter. “Yah, you’ve got to get used to me touching your face if this job is going to work out.” you say before you giggle along with him.
“Noona! Help me too, please!!” Niki calls out from the table beside you and you head on over to help the struggling boy.
Heeseung won’t admit it but it’s not his first time using a sheet mask. A smile of satisfaction appears on his lips, his plan of getting you close having been accomplished.
As the seven boys of ENHYPEN embark on their journey to debut, they’ve been experiencing many firsts together. This time around is their first trip for their first album cover shoot. They were on a three day trip to Jeju Island to shoot photo and video content for their upcoming debut.
Although they were still new to all of it, the shoot went well and they even got time to spend for themselves. What’s work without a little play? They wrapped up shooting this morning and the rest of the day was spent enjoying the scenic beach and driving go-karts under the clear blue skies.
It was their last night on the island and Heeseung was craving ramen for a midnight snack. It had been a few days since he’s had his favorite food, having been warned that it would make his face puffy. Wanting to look his best for the shoot, he refrained from eating his beloved ramen but now that the shoot is over, he was desperate for a taste.
His roommates Jungwon and Sunghoon were fast asleep, exhausted from the day’s activities so he heads downstairs alone in search of the nearest convenience store. It doesn’t take him long to find it and he quickly stocks up on his favorite ramen and other snacks to enjoy.
He is looking forward to ending the night on a good note but when he bumps into you in the lobby of the hotel, he knows it won’t just be good, it’ll be great. “Oh Heeseung, I didn’t expect you to be awake at this hour.” He holds up his bag of goods as an explanation and you nod in understanding.
“What about you? What’s got you up at this time?” he questions. “Couldn’t sleep. I thought getting some fresh air would help.” Heeseung takes this as an opportunity and asks, “Mind if I join? I’ll even share my ramen.” You giggle knowing how protective he can be with his ramen and decide to take him up on his offer.
You find a hot water dispenser in the lobby of the hotel and prepare the bowls of ramen before carefully making your way to the beach across the street. You make yourselves comfortable on a pair of empty beach chairs and begin to munch on your late night snacks.
The night is a little bit chilly but the heat of the ramen is enough to keep you warm. Not much can be heard between you except slurping and chewing. You discard your trash in the plastic bag at your feet, finishing up with a can of coke and settle back in your seat. 
Heeseung also wraps up his meal and does the same. He notices you’ve gone quiet and when he turns to look at you, he finds you with your eyes closed. Even though it’s dark, he can clearly make out your features. He takes a moment to admire how ethereal you look as your hair dances with the breeze.
“Feeling sleepy yet?” Heeseung asks, breaking the silence. You open your eyes to look at him. “Not quite. But the wind and the sound of crashing waves sure are soothing.” you say and turn back to look out at the shore. You become lost in thought when Heeseung interrupts again.
“What are you thinking about?” To be honest, you haven’t had the chance to do much thinking since the death of your parents. You were too immersed in working, in the salon and in your studies, using it as a distraction from feeling grief. Now that you were in a familiar place, your thoughts and emotions were quite overwhelming.
“The last time I was here was with my parents. I didn’t know that time would be our last.” Heeseung tilts his head in momentary confusion. “There’s no next time because now they’re gone.” He sees the sadness in your eyes and it doesn’t take long for him to connect the dots.
You didn’t realize you were trying so hard to hold in your tears until Heeseung’s warm hand covers your own and that’s when you break down. His thumb rubs circles against the back of your hand in an attempt to soothe you. You eventually calm down, Heeseung’s hand never once leaving yours.
“Thank you.” you say. “For what?” he asks. “The ramen. Also, I haven’t been able to cry like that for a while.” Your words take him back to your first encounter with each other. “I’ve realized that I’ve been causing myself more pain the more I try to run from it. It’s actually a relief to let my feelings out.”
As you two stand to head back to the hotel, you flash Heeseung one last smile and say, “Thank you.”
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seumascowan · 1 year
Programming Language • Notes on building a training protocol
Typed some words about my new KbCaliUL program. A peek into the madness.
I am a program hopper. Always have been, and at this point there’s no purpose in believing I always will be. For me, that’s part of the enjoyment in my health and fitness journey, so to speak. I’m not a bit goals-oriented lifter, insofar as I’ve never been big on chasing the numbers. Nor have I ever been a bodybuilder — although, if I’m being perfectly honest, take me back 20+ years with some bit…
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binmay0ditek · 10 months
Swift for iOS App Development
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Swift is multi-paradigm, a general-purpose programming language that was developed by Apple Inc. for its different operating systems like iOS, tvOS, macOS, watch OS. It supports Linux, Darwin, free BSD like multiple OS, It is a static and strongly typed discipline. Swift is designed to work along with Apple’s Cocoa framework and Objective C library to work in Apple products. Extension filename for the swift files is .swift to support core components from Objective C.
Through many core concepts, Apple supports Swift is associated with Objective-C, dynamic dispatch, late binding, extensible programming to catch software bugs. Swift has features addressing some common programming errors like null pointer dereferencing and provides easier syntax to avoid the pyramid of doom. Swift supports types, structures, and classes, where Apple promotes in programming paradigms as protocol-oriented programming.
Benefits of Swift Programming Language
1. Open-Source Community
Swift is an open-source as well as a developer-friendly programming language. The developers for iPhone applications can explore, enhance Swift language, contribute to bug fixes, add new features and platforms, and so much. In Swift, an open-source, made with a strong community of developers.
2. Readability for Easy Code
Swift programming language is easiest to read and write. It uses simple syntax for the iPhone App Development language. Swift is similar to Objective C. You have to write so few lines of code compared to Objective C using simple and clean syntax throughout the code. In Objective C, it is necessary to add semicolons at the end of the parenthesis for conditional statements due to getting errors while compiling. But in Swift, these are not required. This has made Swift more simple and clean and user friendly as compared to C/C++. Hence, almost all language programmers can easily grasp with Swift and develop iOS applications.
3. Slower compilation speed
Compilation speed is much slower in Swift projects. As Swift is a more complex language and more feature-rich, it is harder to ensure that everything is exact. Each time, this costs time and money. Swift programming language is approximately 2.6x faster than Objective C. Swift is super-fast for iPhone application development.
4. Less Error-Prone
Null value as nil pointers is handled in different ways in Objective-C. Whenever you call a method with a nil pointer variable, nothing returns. But, it becomes the source of a huge list of bugs that the developer is unaware of and brings his efficiencies to the zero level. But, this is not the case with the Swift programming language. While defining the method, the iPhone app developer can define whether the value exists or it is nil (null). So, if the developer has mistakenly taken nil optional value, Swift triggers the runtime crash. This crash forces the iPhone app developer to resolve the bug right away and remains on the line of code with the nil pointer’s optional value. Hence, Swift is strict for iPhone app developers to develop bug and exception-free apps.
5. Multiple Devices Support
Swift is a programming language that supports iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Mac devices that are developed by Apple. Swift is not just limited to, support Apple devices, but Linux and Windows devices as well. In fact, about its new upcoming operating system, So, Swift is not going to just limit it to Apple devices. Across the technology world, it will support multiple devices.
6. Dynamic Libraries Support
Dynamic libraries are executable for code that can be linked to an app. This feature allows links against the latest versions of the Swift language. Dynamic libraries are directly uploaded to the memory on the initial size of the app and ultimately increasing app performance.
7. “Playgrounds” Backed
Playgrounds enable programmers to test out a new algorithm without having to create a complete app. Apple has added code execution to Playgrounds to help programmers create a group of code or write an algorithm while receiving feedback. With the help of data visualizations, this feedback loop can improve the speed at which code can be written. To make app development easier and more approachable necessary to do Playgrounds and Swift together for Apple’s efforts.
8. High-Level Performance
Swift is 3.4X quicker than Objective C. Also, the code execution is quicker than Objective C. Swift supports dynamic libraries and multiple devices that improve the speed through which the apps are developed and updated. This ultimately improves the performance of the Swift apps to a great extent.
The Benefit of Swift over Objective C:
1. Swift is the latest programming language that is developed by Apple and can be run on various cross-platform operating systems such as Linux, Darwin, Free BSD, etc. whereas Objective C is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language used by Apple in its operating systems and APIs Cocoa, etc.
2. Swift has safe programming patterns, the syntax in Objective C, complete access to Cocoa frameworks whereas Objective C also supports the same features as C++ except for STL and includes foundational frameworks.
3.Swift has object-oriented and procedural features in its language and in-built functionalities in its library whereas Objective C has different data types, tokens to recognize the identifiers, declarations, and assignments and pre-processor to define constants.
4.Swift supports different operators such as Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Assignment Operators, Range Operators, and Miscellaneous Operators whereas Objective C also supports the same operators except for range and pre-processors which are not the part of the compilation process.
5.Swift supports Dictionaries, Functions, Closures, Enumerations, Structures, etc. whereas Objective C supports Posing, Extensions, dynamic binding, Protocols, Composite Objects, Memory Management, and Enumerations.
6.Swift supports optional chaining, typecasting, generics, protocols, subscripts, etc., whereas Objective C allows dynamic dispatch, auto-generation of accessors to access member variables and properties, and allows a method and a name to share the same identifier.
7.In Swift, calling a method will be decided at compile time and is similar to object-oriented programming whereas in Objective C, calling a method will be decided at runtime.
8.In Swift, errors can be handled using protocols to avoid the unexpected flow of program control whereas Objective C has nil which can be safely handled in a powerful way by safely sending messages to nil objects.
9.In Swift, operator overloading is supported and is global in terms of scope and simplicity whereas Objective C does not support default parameters but can be implemented by multiple methods manipulation and also does not support private members.
10.In Swift, Arc (Automatic Reference Counting) is the feature that handles the garbage collection where emptied memory is allocated to the required processes whereas Objective C does not support stack-based memory objects and allocating memory in Objective C is very expensive and it plays a key role in writing successful programs for the delivery of efficient applications.
11.In Swift, class objects are declared as general object-oriented programming languages whereas Objective C has an embedded object inside an object, by means a private declare object will be embedded into the main object along with some primitive methods.
12.In Swift, advanced operators exist to handle the manipulation of the complex value whereas Objective C has a fast enumeration feature where collections are core components of this feature.
1. Swift is open-sourced and easy to learn. 2. Swift is fast, safe, and expressive. 3. Swift is approachable and familiar like C and C++ code can be added by Swift programmers into Swift applications. 4. Swift is the future of Apple’s development. 5. Swift is enterprise-ready.
1. The language is still quite young and the talent pool is limited. 2. Swift is considered a “moving target” as it is a new language and the numbers of swift programmers are few. 3. Poor interoperability with third-party tools and IDEs. 4. Lack of support for earlier iOS versions.
The Swift programming language seems to be the future of developing high-performing and it is also a secured app. And, this is the reason it is being adopted by Apple’s competitors as well. Looking at the benefits Swift offers, sooner it will reach the top of the app development charts.
There are several factors during every time organizations start a new mobile project to take into account, whether decided to use Swift or Objective-C for development. Selecting the most appropriate language depends on the project and team context preference for a particular programming language. Swift takes a lot of useful components from Objective-C for allowing developers to write safer, more reliable code. It is a leading programming language for creating engaging and also a user-friendly mobile app.
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My brain is loud so it’s time for a headcanon post for Team Hunt! I don’t know what they’re called? But your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take a look at my Ghost Protocol squad thoughts and decide whether they are hot takes.
Ramblings under the cut. This message will self-destruct.
Luther is the youngest of 3 children. It was him, his sisters and his mom. His father died of a heart attack when he was young.
Benji has a younger sister. He takes his duty as uncle seriously and packs his nephew with sugary goods to send him pinwheeling back to his mom.
Jane is the middle child. She was 100% the one who had to heard them around because of how steep the age gap was between her and the two youngest children. Her older brother was at working age by the time they were born and her parents were lawyers. She kissed the booboos and also put them in backbreakers because that’s just how it works people.
Brandt was an only child, but he was raised around a modest network of aunts and uncles. He attends the yearly reunion like clockwork, won’t miss it unless he absolutely has to. 
Ethan’s canonly a farm boy. He knows tractor songs that you don’t even have the words for. He was an only child, but his parents loved him enough for 3 people and he had the animals to tend to so he wasn’t too lonely. 
Jane knows more languages than the requisites for IMF field work. Her major was in international relations, she originally wanted to pursue a career as a translator with the FBI. Her fast run through the academy and skills for undercover work put her on the IMF’s radar. She was formally recommended to the agency by her mentor.
Luther graduated high school early, at about 16, but he went to undergrad late. Between maintaining the house he and his sisters grew up in and taking care of his mother, he didn’t get there until he was 20 despite his evident promise. He would have his doctoral degree in software engineering if not recruited into the IMF during his Masters program after seeing the potential trajectory of his skills. They haven’t pinned even half the hacks he’s done on him.
Benji went to Oxford, yknow. Like a stereotype. His thesis posited some very frightening but interesting implications and got him on the watchlist. MI6 offered him a spot, but the IMF looked infinitely more exciting. 
Brandt was a political science-stats double major, that’s why he’s so annoying. He went to a state school for undergrad to save money and attended a heavy hitter for his masters degree.
I know we don’t trust wikia, but Ethan was definitely a UPenn grad. His education was paid for by the military, that’s a shot you take when you’re from the sticks.
Brandt takes 2 sips of whatever he’s drinking and then quits for the night. He likes to have his faculties generally uncompromised in case of an emergency
Jane isn’t a cocktail person. However, if you dare her hard enough, she’ll drink whatever candy monstrosity you pay for (She’s not paying for a stomachache)
Luther is a beer man, but if you can get him a really good malt he’ll owe you a future favor in exchange.
Benji is a rum drinker, but he abstains because he has chronic foot in mouth syndrome when he’s piss drunk. So beer, beer’s good.
Ethan likes mikes hard lemonades unironically.
Orientation: They’re all bisexual or biromantic, every single one of them. Good night!
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The Everheart Amendment 76-99
Dr. Everheart is known to follow the DOS rules and regulations to the letter, but no further. If there isn't a rule against a specific action, he sees no wrong in doing it. Because of this outlook, there is a set of rules in the DOS guidelines that were implemented specifically because of him and his team (particularly Researcher Wylde). This ever-growing list of do's and don't's (but mostly don't's) is known colloquially as the "Everheart Amendment." It consists of rules put in place by the board of directors after having witnessed Dr. Everheart or his team members perform, plan to perform, or suggest/threaten to perform the actions mentioned within them.
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76. Dr. Helen Fargo is prohibited from hiding Dr. Everheart’s Nintendo DS, Dr. Everheart's snacks, or any items within her cleavage. 77. Testing footage is not to be submitted to Tosh.0. a. Or Ridiculousness. b. Or America's Funniest Home Videos. c. Researcher Wylde, we’re warning you. 78. Subjects who successfully complete tests do not receive an item from a treasure box. a. Nor do they receive a sticker, candy bar, or lollipop. 79. Wearing a Burger King crown does not put you above the board of directors’ orders. 80. The DOS does not have scheduled musical number protocols. a. There is no "Everheart: the Musical" in production. 81. No facilities in the DOS Research Center are to be referred to as an "evil lair," "den of sin," or "man cave." 82. "There are no rules" is a false statement, and personnel may not misinform new employees by stating such a phrase. 83. "Rules are made to be broken" does not apply to the DOS or any of its employees. a. Neither does “rules schmules.” 84. Employees who are fired or laid off are not sent to the "Shadow Realm." 85. Personnel are not to use cardboard boxes to hide themselves when attempting to enter restricted areas. 86. Tin foil hats are prohibited in DOS facilities. a. As are any other clothing items that are made from tin foil. 87. None of the DOS personnel are to be referred to as “weapons of ass destruction.” 88. Personnel are prohibited from programming Doom onto any DOS technology. 89. Instructional briefs on combat-oriented tests are not to contain the phrase “if you die in the game, you die in real life.” 90. Researchers are prohibited from purposefully getting more rules added to the amendment in order to “hit the triple digits.” 91. Researcher William Wylde is not in any way related to or affiliated with an American rock musician, and is not allowed to promise autographs from said musician in exchange for favors. 92. Access badges are not to be given to Girl Scouts so they can sell cookies within secure DOS facilities. 93. Personnel are not to have their buttocks anywhere near open flames. 94. Subject #046 is not to be flipped upside down and spun on her propellers. a. Nor are regular DOS helicopters. 95. "The vibes are off today" is not a valid excuse to not come to work. 96. Fursuits and mascot costumes are strictly prohibited from being worn on facility grounds. 97. Breaking three rules in a row does not result in a free sundae. 98. The head scientist's orders do not take priority over the listed rules. 99. Employees can not use "Oz-Bucks" they saved up to bypass any rules. a. They can not bypass this rule, either.
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deepyanti · 2 years
AI terms you cant live without in 2022
Classification Algorithm An algorithm that is used to help us divide the given input data set into multiple different classes is known as a classification algorithm.
Backhaul Backhauling is about planning roundtrip hauls so that the trucks carry goods on part or all of the return trips instead of just driving empty-miles.
Overfitting If a machine learning model was not performing well, it is very likely that the reason behind that was overfitting or underfitting the data.
SOAP API SOAP API is a standard messaging protocol system that permits processes using different operating systems to communicate via HTTP & it’s XML.
Batch processing Batch processing is a method of running high-volume, repetitive data jobs. It allows users to process data when computing resources aren’t available.
Abductive reasoning Abductive reasoning is a form of AI reasoning that focuses on forming probable conclusions based on the information that is available.
Boltzmann machine A Boltzmann machine is a deep learning model in which every node is connected to every other node and the nodes make binary decisions with some level
Primitives A primitive refers to basic interface or a segment of code that you can use for the purpose of building sophisticated program elements or interfaces.
Bayesian networks A Bayesian network is a kind of Probabilistic Graphical Model that makes use of Bayesian inference to carry out probability computations.
Supply Chain Managment Supply chain management is about managing the flow of goods and services. It includes all processes that turn raw materials into finished products.
Zipf’s law Zipf’s law- when we rank observations by their frequency, the frequency of a specific observation occurring is inversely proportional to its rank.
Machine learning libraries A machine learning library is a compilation of functions and routines readily available for use and a robust set of libraries is an indispensable part
TensorFlow playground TensorFlow Playground users to test artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms through the use of Google’s TensorFlow machine learning libraries.
Customer Analytics Customer analytics refers to the study of customer behavior and analyzing customer data to understand customers’ needs for essential business decision.
Reservoir computing Reservoir computing is a computation framework that uses an RNN but updates only some parameters, choosing the others at random and leaving them fixed
Experience design (XD) Experience Design is an approach that focuses on people’s experiences to guide and drive the design and features of your products, processes, etc
Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming is one of the classifications of programming languages built on the concept of “objects” which can contain data and code.
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dasklaus · 2 years
I love my master's program ("philosophy - neuroscience - cognition") very much. It's fun, it's interesting, I'm learning most of the things I want to, and it's small and tight-knit (only one other person starting the program with me this year), I met so many people that all remember my name because we can all expect to run into each other again. But there's also some weirdness that I expect comes from the fact it's a very new program (existing for ten years or so?) at a very new university (thirty years or so) and interdisciplinary (with courses at three different institutes, with different procedures and deadlines and, of course, scheduling conflicts).
I am taking, among other things:
Project Cognitive Neuroscience - this is a weird name for an intro to programming, but that's what it is. Taught in two groups, one learning Python, the other MATLAB. In a follow-up class that I can take next semester, I could then use these skills to work on an actual small empirical study, utilizing data from surveys, fMRI, eye trackers or possibly other tools. I do want to dip my toes into empirical science, but with five years of job experience in software development, it's pretty boring (though the teacher is sympathetic). It's a pretty slow class as most of the other students (mostly neuroscience students) have never written a single line of code in their life.
Computational Neuroscience - this is a lecture plus exercises. The lecture covers neuroscience, the exercises are calculating the stuff the lectures talk about with MATLAB. In contrast, at least one course of MATLAB and also a bunch of math is presumed here. I take this together with the upper semesters of bachelor students, but for me it's an orientation class to bring me up to speed, as my BA is in philosophy. It took me six hours to get MATLAB installed and running because afaict it's really buggy on linux, I'm the only linux user in class, and as it's a class for higher semesters nobody bothered to walk us through the installation and setup.
This is a weird pair of classes in that the course I'm supposed to be taking for "orientation" is much harder than the "advanced" one (though not really hard for me, once I finished the setup - but my one fellow first-semester classmate is freaking out, a bit).
Introduction to Nervous Systems - this is wonderful and the lecturer is amazing. It's a bit slow but never boring, and really drives home important concepts, explaining the basics in a way that makes you really understand. It's another orientation class and we take it together with the first-semester bachelor students.
Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience: Perception - super interesting, but I had to drop it after the first week. It'd be my fourth consecutive class on Thursday, and we take it together with psychology and neuroscience students. The lecturer made clear that he expects the knowledge base of a biology degree, and also starts classes by letting a random person summarize the day's reading for twenty minutes. Most people fail this class on first try, and there is no interest whatsoever even acknowledge participants from my program. I'll leave this one for later semesters.
Basically, there's absolutely no consistency in what a course's prerequisites are, at which level it's taught and what the teacher's expectations are.
Another thing that threw me is that the philosophy courses are very stingy with credit points. To finish in time, I'd have to write three to four term papers every semester, along with essays, presentations, protocols. I don't know what's normal but the one time I wrote two consecutively I was going a bit crazy. Four is unthinkable - I need at least two weeks of warming up to a topic and then two weeks of intense focus for research and writing (this is pretty much independent of the number of pages to write). Unsurprisingly, I've heard that basically nobody finishes within two years.
Still, I'm starting out with an ambitious schedule and will see whether I need to drop anything else later on. Socially, I'm already much better connected as I ever was in my home town. I think it's because the program is so small, and especially the first semester bachelors are looking up to me for my previous studying experience, and my non-studying experience makes me automatically cool and wise, it seems.
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olusesanafara · 18 hours
Navigating Success: Insights from a Navy Career
A career in the Navy is more than just a commitment to defend one's country; it's a journey of personal and professional growth, discipline, and discovering one's potential. Those who serve often gain invaluable life lessons that can be applied well beyond the confines of naval service. This article explores the key insights and experiences from a Navy career that can guide personal and professional success in various walks of life.
Embracing Discipline and Structure
Foundation of Naval Life
One of the most profound lessons from a Navy career is the importance of discipline and structure. These principles are the backbone of naval operations, ensuring that ships run smoothly and missions are executed effectively. Discipline in the Navy teaches sailors to maintain a high level of readiness, adhere to strict schedules, and follow commands precisely—a skill set that is just as valuable in civilian life, especially in corporate environments where structure and adherence to protocols are valued.
Applying Military Discipline to Civilian Goals
The transition from a Navy career to a civilian one can be seamless if one applies the same level of discipline and structure to personal and professional endeavors. Setting clear goals, maintaining a rigorous schedule, and having a systematic approach to tasks can lead to significant achievements in less populated fields like entrepreneurship or project management.
Leadership and Teamwork
Developing Strong Leadership Skills
Leadership is at the core of a naval career. Officers and senior enlisted personnel are tasked with leading teams under some of the most challenging conditions imaginable. This experience instills a deep understanding of what it means to be a responsible leader—one who must make critical decisions that affect the safety and welfare of others.
Team Dynamics in High-Stakes Environments
Teamwork is another crucial aspect of naval life. Sailors often work in close quarters and under high stress, relying on each other to perform duties effectively. This fosters a sense of unity and interdependence, qualities that are highly beneficial in any team-oriented career. Learning to trust your team and work collaboratively towards a common goal is a transferable skill that enhances efficiency and productivity in any organizational setting.
Adapting to Change
Handling Uncertainty and Rapid Changes
The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is a hallmark of naval training. Sailors must quickly adjust to new commanders, shipmates, and missions. This flexibility is incredibly advantageous in today's fast-paced, ever-changing global economy, where businesses and individuals alike must pivot quickly in response to new challenges and opportunities.
Innovative Problem-Solving
In the Navy, unconventional problems require innovative solutions. Sailors are often forced to think creatively to resolve technical and tactical challenges with limited resources. This ability to think outside the box is critical in any role that requires problem-solving, particularly in fields like technology, engineering, and business.
Commitment to Lifelong Learning
Continuous Training and Education
A Navy career is a continuous learning journey. Sailors receive extensive training in various technical fields, leadership, and strategic operations, which prepares them for a wide range of challenges. The commitment to lifelong learning should continue into civilian life, encouraging ongoing education and skill development to stay relevant and competitive.
Expanding Horizons Beyond Naval Expertise
While in the Navy, many take advantage of educational programs such as the GI Bill to further their education in fields unrelated to their military roles. This broadens their horizons, making them well-rounded individuals who can contribute more diversely once they transition to civilian careers.
Service and Responsibility
Ethical Standards and Integrity
Integrity is paramount in the Navy. The high ethical standards expected of sailors shape their character and decision-making processes, ingraining a sense of duty and honor that can profoundly impact their personal integrity and professional ethics in civilian life.
Giving Back to the Community
Service doesn't end with military discharge. Many veterans continue to give back to their communities, drawing on their experiences and the spirit of service instilled in them during their time in the Navy. This ongoing commitment can take many forms, from volunteering and mentoring to public service and community leadership.
Navigating Through Life After the Navy
Transitioning Skills to New Careers
Post-Navy, many veterans find that the skills they've acquired—leadership, discipline, teamwork, and problem-solving—are in high demand in the civilian workforce. These skills can be directly applied to corporate management, crisis response teams, technology sectors, and entrepreneurial ventures.
Building a New Identity
Lastly, while the transition from a naval career to civilian life can be daunting, it also offers an opportunity to redefine one's identity. Embracing the change, seeking support from fellow veterans, and exploring new interests can ease this transition and open up new pathways for personal fulfillment and professional success.
A career in the Navy is rich with experiences and lessons that are not only pivotal in shaping one's character but also immensely beneficial in various civilian roles. These insights provide a robust framework for navigating success in any field.
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kickrtechnology1 · 2 days
Top Web Design and Development with Kickr Technology
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In the bustling digital age, having a robust online presence is imperative for any business seeking to thrive. Web design and development play a critical role in this endeavor, serving as the foundation for effective digital marketing, customer engagement, and overall business growth. In Noida, a city rapidly emerging as a technology hub, Kickr Technology stands out as a leader in this domain. As a top Website Designing & Web Development Company in Noida, Kickr Technology is revolutionizing how businesses create and maintain their online identities.
The Importance of Web Design and Development
Web design and development encompass a wide range of activities aimed at creating, building, and maintaining websites. This includes everything from the visual aesthetics and user experience (UX) design to the coding and programming that bring a website to life. Effective web design ensures that a website is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, functional, and optimized for search engines.
Key Elements of Web Design
1. User Experience (UX) Design: This focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. A well-designed UX ensures that users can easily navigate the site and find the information they need.
2. Responsive Design: In today’s multi-device world, websites must be accessible on various devices, from desktops to smartphones. Responsive design ensures that a website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.
3. Visual Design: This includes the overall aesthetics of the site, such as color schemes, typography, and imagery. Good visual design attracts and retains visitors, making their experience more enjoyable and engaging.
4. Content Management: High-quality, relevant content is crucial for engaging visitors and encouraging them to take action. Effective content management ensures that the content is well-organized, up-to-date, and easy to find.
Essential Aspects of Web Development
1. Front-End Development: This involves creating the parts of the website that users interact with directly. It includes everything from the layout and design to the functionality of the site.
2. Back-End Development: This refers to the server-side of a website, which includes databases, servers, and applications. Back-end development ensures that everything on the front-end works seamlessly and efficiently.
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This involves optimizing a website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Effective SEO drives organic traffic to the site and enhances its visibility.
4. Security: Protecting a website from cyber threats is paramount. This includes implementing security protocols, ensuring data encryption, and regularly updating software to prevent vulnerabilities.
Kickr Technology: Best Website Design Company
As the Best Website Designing Company in Noida, Kickr Technology excels in delivering comprehensive web design and development solutions. Their team of skilled professionals is dedicated to creating visually stunning, highly functional websites tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
Services Offered by Kickr Technology
1. Custom Web Design: Kickr Technology specializes in creating custom web designs that reflect the brand identity of their clients. They focus on delivering a unique, personalized experience for every visitor.
2. E-Commerce Solutions: In the age of digital shopping, having a robust e-commerce platform is crucial. Kickr Technology develops secure, scalable, and user-friendly e-commerce websites that drive sales and enhance customer satisfaction.
3. Content Management Systems (CMS): They offer CMS solutions that allow businesses to easily manage and update their website content. This ensures that the website remains current and relevant.
4. SEO and Digital Marketing: Kickr Technology provides comprehensive SEO and digital marketing services to enhance online visibility and drive targeted traffic to the website.
5. Mobile App Development: Understanding the importance of mobile accessibility, they also offer mobile app development services to complement their web solutions.
Why Choose Kickr Technology?
1. Expert Team: Kickr Technology boasts a team of experienced web designers and developers who are well-versed in the latest technologies and trends.
2. Customer-Centric Approach: They prioritize their clients’ needs and work closely with them to ensure that the final product aligns with their vision and business goals.
3. Innovative Solutions: By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative design strategies, Kickr Technology creates websites that stand out in the competitive digital landscape.
4. Proven Track Record: With a portfolio of successful projects and satisfied clients, Kickr Technology has established itself as a trusted name in the web design and development industry in Noida.
The Role of Web Designers in Noida
Web designers in Noida, particularly those at Kickr Technology, play a crucial role in the digital transformation of businesses. Their expertise in combining aesthetics with functionality ensures that businesses not only attract visitors but also convert them into loyal customers.
Skills and Expertise of Kickr Technology
1. Creative Vision: Web designers at Kickr Technology possess a keen eye for design and a deep understanding of how to create visually appealing websites that captivate audiences.
2. Technical Proficiency: They are skilled in using various design and development tools, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular content management systems like WordPress and Magento.
3. User-Centered Design: Focusing on the user experience, they create websites that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and designed to meet the needs of the target audience.
4. Continuous Learning: In a rapidly evolving field, web designers at Kickr Technology stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
Website Designing Services in Noida: Meeting Diverse Business Needs
Noida’s dynamic business environment demands versatile and innovative web design solutions. Kickr Technology’s website designing services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across various industries.
Industry-Specific Solutions 1. Healthcare: Creating user-friendly, informative websites for hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers that facilitate easy access to medical information and services.
2. Education: Designing interactive and engaging websites for educational institutions that provide a seamless user experience for students, parents, and educators.
3. Retail: Developing robust e-commerce platforms that enhance the shopping experience and drive sales for retail businesses.
4. Real Estate: Crafting visually appealing websites for real estate companies that showcase properties effectively and attract potential buyers.
5. Finance: Building secure, professional websites for financial institutions that instill trust and provide easy access to financial services.
Customization and Flexibility of Kickr Technology
One of the hallmarks of Kickr Technology’s website designing services is their commitment to customization and flexibility. They understand that each business is unique and requires a tailored approach to web design and development.
1. Personalized Designs: They create custom designs that align with the brand identity and business goals of each client.
2. Scalable Solutions: Whether a business is a startup or a large enterprise, Kickr Technology offers scalable solutions that can grow with the business.
3. Ongoing Support: Their services include ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the website remains up-to-date and performs optimally.
In today’s digital-first world, a well-designed website is a vital asset for any business. As the Best Website Designing Company in Noida, Kickr Technology is at the forefront of this transformation, offering comprehensive web design and development services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses. Their team of skilled web designers in Noida is dedicated to creating websites that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and optimized for success. By choosing Kickr Technology, businesses can ensure that their online presence is both powerful and effective, driving growth and success in the competitive digital landscape.
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