#Property State
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macbethz · 1 month ago
Well I like it but it’s not very well written. Also it’s a visual mess. The plot doesnt make any sense and the creators suck and its politics oscillate from mildly problematic to frankly baffling. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. However. the character
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realestatebyrainier · 1 year ago
Being in the market for a new home is always an exciting time. However, the excitement sometimes overshadows the work that aspiring homeowners have to go through when choosing the right home.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year ago
i hate u female rage i hate u divine feminine i hate u female gaze i hate u feminine energy i hate u gender essentialism poorly repackaged as progressive or revolutionary or in any way subversive....
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girlsoviet · 7 months ago
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months ago
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stormyoceans · 1 month ago
look. while i do consume BL media, my knowledge of the BL industry is very limited, which is one of the reasons i don’t want to get into discourse, but as always things are not just black and white
do i think people are panicking too much about the ‘bromances’ and the ‘fall of BLs’ in GMMTV? sure
do i also think (again, with my very limited knowledge) that GMMTV still sees BL as a cash grab where they can invest less so they can focus their resources and quality on straight or even just more gen shows? kinda, yeah  
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lilietsblog · 10 hours ago
my mom found this on facebook. about soviet life. from people who were adults back then. Translation mine
Content warnings for ableism and state violence. Especially ableism. I do not put these here lightly.
Марина Шаповалова: Рождественское. Повтор.
Marina Shapovalova: Christmas. Repetition.
Основными чертами психологии советского человека были тотальная лживость и жестокость.
The main psychological traits of a soviet person were all-encompassing deceit and cruelty.
Мы говорим о "длящемся преступлен��и", в котором преступники одновременно являются жертвами и порождают себе подобных. Лживость и жестокость, на протяжении десятилетий разрушавшие социум и разрушившие, наконец, страну, были необходимым условием выживания.
We talk about "continuous crime", in which criminals simultaneously are victims and create the next ones. Deceit and cruelty, which had been destroying that society for decades and finally destroyed the country, were necessary preconditions for survival.
Советские люди послевоенного поколения помнили, как в 54-м году в одночасье исчезли с улиц городов, вокзалов и электричек инвалиды-попрошайки. Таких были сотни тысяч, но лишь немногие доживали остаток лет в семьях. Всеми брошенные или потерявшие близких солдаты побирались в одиночку или парами (слепой или безрукий с безногим) - их жалели, нищенских подачек хватало на хлеб и водку. Все помнили, как их вдруг не стало - и забыли. А если вспоминали, то шёпотом. Среди своих. И так, чтобы дети не слышали.
Soviet people of the post-war generation remembered how in '54 all at once beggar invalids (translator's note: I am using this word on purpose. There are connotations to it that "disabled" doesn't cover. Needing glasses is a disability, but doesn't make you an invalid) vanished from the city streets, stations and trains. There had been hundreds of thousands of them, but only a few had families to live with. Abandoned or having lost everyone, soldiers would go out to beg alone or in pairs (blind or armless with legless) - they were pitied, handouts were enough for bread and vodka. Everyone remembered them suddenly vanishing - and then instantly forgot. And if they were talked about, it was in whispers. With close friends. And making sure children wouldn't hear.
(translator's note: source on what happened. tl;dr institutions that were 'taking care' of them (very very scare quotes) transitioned to closed regime so they wouldn't be visible on the streets. they were no longer allowed to leave, and if they could do that without assistance, not allowed outside shoes and clothes)
Советские дети, родившиеся спустя два-три десятилетия после войны, инвалидов почти нигде не видели. В их школьных классах дети-инвалиды не учились. Разве что, в каждом городе была хотя бы одна школа для умственно-отсталых. Таких детей стыди��ись. Родителям сочувствовали, но с оттенком скорбного недоумения: зачем не оставили сразу в роддоме - "баптисты, что ли"? Молодые, мол, родили бы себе ещё. А так всё выглядело, словно бы все дети рождались здоровыми. Хотя взрослые знали больше и могли при случае завести разговор о том, что, может, лучше бы, конечно, таких уродцев сразу убивать. Из жалости. Потому как всё равно же помрут потом где-то, так зачем им, беднягам, мучиться.
Soviet children born two to three decades after the war didn't see invalids almost anywhere. Invalid children did not study in their school classes. Well, excepting that every city had at least one school for the mentally retarded. (translator's note: again, word usage deliberate. This is an accurate translation of the medical-at-the-time term referring to these institutions) People were ashamed of those children. Parents were pitied, but with a tinge of sad confusion: why didn't they refuse them at the childbirth hospital - "are they baptists?" They're young, so would be said, could just have another kid instead. And other than that everything looked like all children were born healthy. Though adults knew more and could on occasion start a conversation about how it might be better, you know, of course, to kill these deformed freaks immediately. Out of pity. They're going to die somewhere later anyway, why make the poor things suffer.
Отказаться от новорождённого "с изъяном" - стало нормой. Все понимали, что с неполноценным ребёнком жизнь семьи превратилась бы в ад без надежды выкарабкаться из нужды и беды до гробовой доски. Ведь мама с инвалидом на руках не смогла бы работать, а, напротив, просила бы помощи от государства, хоть в размере пенсии на прокорм - за счёт тех, кто работает и воспитывает нормальных детей?..
Refusing a "flawed" newborn became the norm. Everyone understood that with a defective child the life of the family would turn into hell without a hope of climbing out of need and grief until the grave. A mother with an invalid on her hands would not be able to work, would have to ask the state for assistance, at least for a pension for food - at the expense of those who work and bring up normal children?...
Это происходило в стране, всего-то полвека тому назад преимущественно крестьянской, где в рождении "особенных" детей никто не видел проблемы: они жили в семьях, иногда умирали маленькими, иногда выживали и даже доживали до старости - уже при церквях или монастырях. О чём тоже многие ещё помнили и тоже забыли. Незачем помнить то, что в настоящем невозможно и немыслимо.
This was happening in a country that just half a century ago consisted mostly of peasants, where the birth of "special" children was not viewed as a problem: they lived in families, sometimes died young, sometimes survived and even lived to old age - that with churches or monasteries. Which was also remembered by many but also forgotten. No reason to remember that which in the present is impossible and unthinkable.
Ложь тоже была частью поздне-советской жизни. Не только про инвалидов, которых как бы нет, потому что их не должно быть в обществе строителей социализма и коммунизма. Ложь была во всём: думаем "белое" - говорим "чёрное"; семь пишем - два в уме. Не только дома на кухне, но и на работе все знали, что там - халтура, тут - приписки, что все выносят куски мяса под одеждой; что "ударником" Сидорова делают потому, что его выдвигают "по партийной линии"; что молоко разводят водой, а сшитая "с перевыполнением" партия платьев из серо-бурого ацетата - дерьмо, которое никто не купит. Каждый знал, что все вокруг думают точно так же. Включая парторга - он же не идиот. Все шли на обязательное открытое партсобрание, слушали отчёт об успехах идейно-воспитательной работы за квартал и глядели на часы: скорее бы!..
Lies were also a part of the late soviet life. Not just about invalids, who clearly didn't exist, because they shouldn't in a society of builders of socialism and communism. Lies were in everything: think "white" say "black", write seven with two in mind. Not just at home in the kitchen, but at work too everyone knew that this is slapdash, that exists only on paper, that everyone carries out pieces of meat under their clothes; that Sidorov is being made out to be an udarnik (translator's note: rough equivalent - employee of the month, but implicitly referring to the actual quality of work one does rather than a choice made by a manager) because he's being promoted "on the party line"; that milk is cut with water and a batch of grey-brown acetate dresses sewn "above and beyond" (translator's note: there were 5-year plans for production of any and all goods that manufactories were encouraged to exceed. Especially for parts that needed other parts to match to actually be assembled into something somewhere else, this did not typically go well for said excess. But the people who did it were rewarded and praised, so) is ugly shit that nobody will buy. Everyone knew that everyone else around them thought the same. Including the party organizer - they're not an idiot. Everyone went to the mandatory open party meeting, listened to reports of success of the ideological-educational work for the quarter and looked at the clock: sooner!...
Но если бы какой-то человек вдруг вышел к трибуне из зала и сказал бы хоть малую часть того, что и так все знали, то… его наивность вызвала бы в лучшем случае взрыв смеха: с луны свалился! Ну, пять минут потерпели бы ради веселья, больше - нет. Ненормальному, который своими глупостями людей после шести на работе задерживает, могли сразу накостылять, чтоб не высовывался. Повторение опыта уже грозило бы психушкой при полной и искренней озабоченности коллектива.
But if someone suddenly walked up to the podium from the hall and said at least a small part of what everyone already knew... their naivete would at best provoke an explosion of laughter: fell from the moon! Would perhaps tolerate it for five minutes for amusement, not more. An idiot whose stupidity is delaying people at work after six might well have been beaten up a little so they wouldn't try to stick out anymore. A repeated experience might well threaten a mental hospital with fully sincere worry from the collective.
У обычного советского человека не было ни малейшей возможности противоречить системе, которая его кормила, одевала и давала жильё - она могла в ответ его претензиям перестать это делать. Вне системы человек оставался бы гол даже не как сокол, а вообще без перьев и кожи: в ней никто не зарабатывал (тем более, на жильё), все - получали. Для пользования и поддержания жизни. А работа была трудовой повинностью за возможность жить и пользоваться. К этой системе можно было только приспособиться, научившись и изловчившись чуть побольше получать. Это возможно, если ложь встроена в мышление как "исходное условие", не подлежащее сомнениям и нравственной оценке. Кому невмоготу было терпеть - помогала водка. Она же сокращала сроки.
A regular soviet person had no ability whatsoever to contradict the system that fed them, clothed them and housed them - it could, when challenged, stop doing that. Outside the system a person wasn't just left with nothing, but in negatives: nobody earned anything in it (least of all housing), everyone - received. For usage and living. Work was the duty of labor for the ability to live and use. This system could only be adapted to, having learned and contorted to receive a little more. This is possible if lies are built into one's worldview as a precondition, not subject to questioning or ethical evaluation. Who couldn't tolerate it, vodka helped. Shortened it, too.
Жизнь тех, кто отваживался вырваться из системы (диссиденты, евреи-отказники), пугала. Не меньше, чем мытарства матери с ребёнком-инвалидом. Опасно и безнадёжно рассчитывать только на себя, когда своего ничего нет. Поведение "отщепенцев" не укладывалось в голову обычного советского человека: почему? Как? Зачем?..
The life of those who dared to break out of the system (dissidents, jewish refuseniks) (translator's note: here's a source on what that means, in English this time, thanks wikipedia. Try to google translate the Russian version too, it has more details) was a terrifying thought. No less than the sufferings of a mother with an invalid child. It is dangerous and hopeless to count only on yourself when you don't have anything of your own. The behavior of "renegades" did not fit into the head of the usual soviet citizen: why? How? What for?...
Зачем жить ребёнку, который никогда не станет здоровым?
What's the point of living for a child who will never be healthy?
Вы не знаете ответа? Или вас пугает вопрос?
Do you not know the answer? Or are you scared of the question?
Не отвечайте. Это тест-индикатор на встроенные в сознание вирусы жестокости и лжи.
Don't answer. It's an indicator test for viruses of cruelty and deceit built into one's consciousness.
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deadthehype · 7 months ago
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Beanie Sigel - Think It's A Game
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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faves of 2023: adult sci-fi
The Deep Sky
Emergent Properties
System Collapse
Chain-Gang All-Stars
The Vanished Birds
Some Desperate Glory
Flight & Anchor
Translation State (also entire Imperial Radch series)
World Running Down
Feed Them Silence
The Infinite
The Meister of Decimen City
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legislacerator · 8 months ago
nothing feels better than defending the 19 y/o i heard the property manager screaming at by telling him that they can’t evict him until they give him proper notice. remember kids just because they don’t like you doesn’t mean they can just kick you out!!!! property management companies and landlords say shit like “you’re going to get evicted” over anything they don’t like just to scare people in their late teens/early 20s, since most of them don’t know their rights as tenants and have maybe never lived away from home before. don’t let them fool you!! property management companies have to follow the rules whether they like it or not
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respectthepetty · 8 months ago
@dribs-and-drabbles, the Dudes shirt is showing up in Peaceful Property
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Therefore, by my very scientific research, this show has to be a BL because blue is Peach's color and here Tay is wearing the 2022 slogan "More than Friends; Less than Lovers" shirt
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And Red Rascal Home's little slogan will is "Do Nothing but Rich"
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Which is the slogan also on Home's phone, which his chibi is also in that same red shirt on the case, so this is once again from filming, which means the blue shirt with the red-written jersey over it is in the show.
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AND IT'S A COLOR EXCHANGE WITH PEACH because all the cast got ice cream that day but New just took off the jersey.
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And Tay was wearing this shirt with red writing over the heart, and Mook is standing right next to him, so this from filming too. IS THIS ANOTHER COLOR EXCHANGE?!
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Finally, Mook and Jan keep interviewing together, which wouldn't be sus since they have a show coming up together and Tay and New were busy with their concert, but . . .
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It would make sense if this is a BL with a GL side couple!
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Single-handedly manifesting this based solely on colors and shirts.
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seriousbrat · 28 days ago
100% agree on the last post! James is the norm in terms of teenage boys in his society, unfortunately that is not speaking much of that society considering he’s blackmailing his crush through doing harm to her friend and pantsing people. Which is honestly the problem, that specific behavior isn’t seen as an issue it’s the other stuff he does (his arrogance is what’s mostly focused on by the other characters). Looking at violence and gender in that society and how it functions, I really don’t think James is transgressing any of these norms but falling right into them. Which again is the problem. His behavior is a product of the culture which shaped him, that’s not an excuse, but it is an explanation.
Exactly. Like on a scale from Woke Feminist King to Inbetweener, I think James would have been decent enough, average, like I said, maybe even a little bit better than average because of his sense of 'honour' or whatever lol. But not that much.
Also, I know people might not agree with this but I do think the WW is less misogynistic than the Muggle. I think this is logical in a society where magical ability is what primarily contributes to raw labour rather than physical strength. Not to get Marxism 101 on everyone but if we look at the origins of patriarchy as based in the Agricultural Revolution, the division of labour following the emergence of private property (men work in fields, women produce men to work fields, men accumulate resources) is somewhat lessened if everyone can use magic equally, and when women can defend themselves very effectively against becoming the resources that are accumulated.
I say somewhat because yes, women (cis women, I don't think we can expect neolithic farmers or Engels to be trans inclusive haha) are still the ones who can give birth. Obviously for this reason (and also because of influence from the Muggle world) the WW is still a patriarchy and misogyny does still exist, just slightly less acutely than in the real world, and women have an easier time advancing within it.
(((In pureblood society, because they value bloodlines and heirs, there is undoubtedly more misogyny. But we know from pottermore that pureblood supremacy is a relatively recent advent, certainly much more recent than the Agricultural Revolution and the emergence of private property haha. I can imagine that misogyny grew stronger alongside pureblood supremacy quite naturally. This is why Narcissa acts more as a handmaids tale esque wife to Lucius than Lily or Tonks or even Molly and Fleur, who are still housewives themselves.)))
I think there's evidence of women generally faring a bit better in the WW, such as female Ministers long, loooong before Muggle women even had the vote, and culturally I think this is reflected too:
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From the intro to Beedle the Bard, which goes on to talk about 'The Warlock's Hairy Heart' in which the female character does have a passive role, so it's not like this is unheard of, just a bit less common. In 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune,' the aforementioned Asha, Altheda, and Amata are all much more useful and powerful and active characters than Sir Luckless who basically just follows them around. (I actually really like that story, and 'Hairy Heart' is delightfully creepy. Probably my faves.) James would have grown up with these stories.
Anyway this got VERY off track but for for this reason too, I think James and the other Marauders would probably be a little bit better than their Muggle equivalents, but also not perfect. Just like Ron, to whom it's perfectly normal that Hermione would be top in everything and that Gwenog Jones ('THE Gwenog Jones') would be someone to idolise, but he also displays misogyny such as when he calls Hermione a 'scarlet woman' lol. As do others. (For contrast, ask an average teen boy in our world to name 3 female football players. Yeah.)
And yes maybe some of it is jkr's learnt misogyny leaking through too, from growing up in a patriarchy along with the rest of us (and let's be objective about this, she has been a victim of it too, very much so.) But personally I think the WW still being misogynistic but slightly better than irl actually ends up being realistically relatable while also providing a level of escapism and aspiration for young girls. It doesn't feel that inconsistent to me but idk. Hermione easily outstripping her male peers in intelligence and talent, Ginny and other female Quidditch players being on the level of men and often better, and this just being accepted, was inspiring for me, anyway.
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wormchaser · 12 days ago
brianna boston is the best of us Free her she literally did nothing like thats not a joke. shes been jailed for Sayin g something. isnt freedom of speech in americas gay constitution. if theres any silver lining its that surely some people will realize their government is not there to serve them at all and probably never has been
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miochimochi · 6 months ago
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Made 2 new lino cuts. The fabric here isn't the best for stamping it seems but it's enough to show off.
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 2 years ago
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 1 year ago
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