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koitheannoyance · 1 year ago
me when traveler
the funniest thing you can do to a character who has a lot of different ships in canon/fandom is to make them aromantic. most eligible bachelor sees everyone as their friends
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alaskan-wallflower · 7 months ago
i’ve seen a lot of shit floating around so i’m here to offer my 2 cents.
there’s a difference between being anti zionist and being antisemitic. you can talk about what how what is going on right now in israel is bad. it’s beyond bad. there’s not even a word for the fucked up things that are going on there. but there’s a difference between not supporting that/saying ‘yeah what the israeli government is doing is bad’ and marginalizing all jewish people to that quota. not all jewish people are supporting what’s going on in israel. nobody is behind what is going on there except the israeli government.
i know i probably just sound like some ‘oh white knight trigger who’s doing this for clout’ or whatever, because i’m prepared to get those comments, but the fact that people are actively scapegoating nearly every jewish person for what a the government of israel is doing is disgusting. yes. israel absolutely is in the wrong right now with what they’re doing. it’s very obviously breaking the human rights violations. it’s absolutely vile. but not everyone who’s jewish supports israel. and the fact that you hardly see anything about jewish people online without seeing everyone saying disgustingly antisemitic things is just shameful.
you’re not proving your point in the conflict by being antisemitic. i would say this about any conflict. it’s just gross to see people act like this both online and offline. i could go into this for hours but i’d rather not since it’s not my place to speak. but anyway. israel is in the wrong. but jewish people as a whole shouldn’t be held accountable for this and made to feel unsafe.
this may be a hit take. fight it out in the notes. i’m turning off reblogs because i know how this is gonna go. but i guess in summary. hate the minority all you want. don’t scapegoat the majority though. they had nothing to do with it. it’s nobody but the israeli government and the proole who support the government. not everyone does though.
i dunno. i’m just sick of seeing a bunch of antisemitic shit oceoss abt of my social medias, and outside of that too. it makes me sick to look at. i’d be saying this with anything.
if things are still unclear lmk. i’ll clarify if need be. i know this is not my place to speak. i’m not jewish myself, so there’s another reason i guess this is invalid. but it just bugs me. a lot.
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azhdakha · 1 year ago
When people say that russians should be locked up in their country, that's fucked up, but I can understand that. It doesn't make any sense, when they assume that if people will be locked in their country they will have no other chance than to overthrow the regime. But I can understand why do Ukrainuan proole say that for example.
But when russian immigrants, who are already abroad and are living a safe, wealthy life there, shit on those who still haven't emigrated from russia, and claim that we all here are vatnikis and are comfortable with the regime... that's some special kind of fuckery. Privileged fuckery.
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444namesplus · 4 months ago
Ahderden Ahle Algagyel Alheh Alhop Alne Alrepran Amden Amgwo Amompe Anpan Apba Apda Apdongremtwo Apgelopo Apgolpralte Apha Apron Aptem Argeram Argerhorothyem Argremhol Arnalotpore Badamol Badren Baet Balne Balom Balpwanpa Bamnatgal Bamon Bamopgyer Banrerdal Baroptatom Battet Behmal Behnarnemnel Belmel Bepegahdweno Bephebantlargo Bepmotanrahdep Berme Bettrer Blalrotehon Blate Boal Boble Bohrap Bolno Bomelgat Bonlopnaennen Botepbatben Bottlenap Bradeoh Bradet Brahorror Bwabepran Bwenar Bwolmet Dabwamaman Dada Dagle Dahblotwerrah Dalre Damam Danbemgol Dargopbwoha Darne Dehra Denpapneah Deparorte Derbyerbenpyan Derel Dethra Dlamben Dlandwe Dlannalel Dloltrodoeh Dohdohnarbam Dolhompanma Dolop Dolormar Domdoh Domregar Donbarolter Doolgro Dorda Dortap Dradop Dradwopwe Drarohpa Dratrantremdopde Dreba Drelgepgrer Dronapnetom Dronat Dwana Dwarnehran Dwoltam Dwompyorplan Dworhoal Dyaatlata Dyaha Ehponple Ehtegrehe Ehtlan Eldaat Eldappronapbam Elhel Elte Embyedre Emgrandam Empo Enatno Enmennep Enra Entap Entem Eramdyarmot Erhlodrepeh Erne Ertraalbaphom Etdohge Etne Etpenhyenblol Ettwon Gahtaet Galal Galon Galram Ganoerno Gaor Gappronmereh Gatla Gatrorannam Gedat Gemepettwen Glehet Gohop Gohro Gomop Gorgrol Gotenam Grahoma Grelar Grememhopmo Grendoptol Grepragyarderpo Grerohdodep Grorba Gwamnolon Gwembah Gyamhol Gyanblom Gyanpwen Gyolman Gyomodarnoon Haalemmanma Haar Habwetrar Hangeten Hanhol Hannapom Harda Hatgyoram Hedarlantom Hehblomhen Hekrotwolredron Helbal Heldrom Hemhahpamba Hena Henhlarlapbeol Henprel Heplel Hepopre Herah Herdar Hetdon Hlento Hlotomem Hoglambyotor Hohbelbelol Holom Home Hopdah Hopop Horaketra Hradwam Hralba Hranten Hrantlo Hremtoh Hreno Hroldep Hwanbar Hwarbwatopwon Hwedeotde Hyahep Laha Laltal Lanemhel Lape Lapohpwolhrar Lathwemomtra Lebwemrehyale Lehol Lehtwo Lemtoplalne Lenemhwaep Lenlaho Lenranlokalbren Lerap Lernar Lettyolah Loget Lohya Lonhar Lonlala Lopho Maer Mahtet Malmanmeh Mapa Mapbyo Maplompet Marap Marme Matbelgan Matgahra Matra Mebal Mederhonot Megal Melol Memdo Menal Menen Menerlar Menpwearrelem Mepma Merah Merplolbweleh Mertle Metamren Mettlamta Mobrem Moda Mohbem Mohdle Mondle Motpwam Motwoneneh Nahloge Nalbam Naltan Namlop Namnap Namtorhwaon Nanlel Nanor Napdanadyadyal Napontemhra Napwo Nargraror Natbahglom Natoletgo Natpwerhetdya Neap Negenhal Nemdogor Nemeneh Nemman Nenoh Nerbla Netal Netbop Noholhyopor Nommemtlam Nompren Nompyommem Nonel Nonenbremgan Nonter Notman Nottya Ohba Ohnel Ohrennenhaal Oldapar Olga Olprorta Oltogen Oltol Omnetop Onah Onotha Ontarderdyorlat Opatdral Opepat Opma Oprepla Optal Optroal Otamargel Otgyorbapyol Otple Pagro Pahehtyomgom Palgem Pamerahrarger Panme Panobaglelol Papra Pata Pedwar Pedyam Pehom Pehoplaramap Pelar Pemeh Pemhyo Pemtyemponnodra Penam Penmar Penomanhah Peom Permegap Perparadanbron Petgatblanatdam Plalpor Plehot Poal Poar Polbap Ponlat Popdem Poptetet Potonhrapremep Pramberdahet Praop Prardre Prenba Prenlep Promretnom Pronhap Prool Pwaran Pwempahglor Pyaletmeppwal Pyalrorbolar Pyegolnar Pyelhetgobopem Pyolone Pyomom Radyol Rameah Ramerrobeh Ramot Ramtre Ranardlollaman Rapnenah Raptwaltlolop Raror Rarpaan Rarpatbrengwe Ratplamo Rebo Reda Redarganha Reem Reldamtagya Relgaopah Remdyamtyolmahma Reop Rerdeldaem Rerdeltyeah Rerel Rergyalmat Rerpogle Retbyam Retpo Retwe Romen Rotam Rotbet Rotrodat Tabepnet Tagodraalpom Tagor Tamendrornah Tannapyem Tanto Tatem Tatgromgamhyomlal Tatnan Teblol Tehrerhya Tema Temenher Temenpanemte Temtotpler Tendempwental Tengerreh Tengral Teonhol Teophe Tepra Tertwam Tetdel Tete Tetelronmode Tetploanet Tlanongel Tlelten Tlemeppertam Tlengral Tlolrer Toder Togaop Togat Tolmeh Tommot Topwen Tordworler Tortar Totom Tottwemplada Tralben Tramep Tramtatya Tranehblanpan Tregwam Twadyen Twalbollem Twelom Twenenpel Tweom Twompeho Twoteraren Tyalemat Tyeldradadwem Tyenle Tyepe
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centi-pedve · 1 year ago
we remember when we were a young child we asked some vague universe being to let us experience everything we possibly could in life because we hated the concept of only having one life. and we guess the answer was "sure thing" and now people are constantly like "dude how the fuck have you done all this shit already" and they go thru shock whenever we're vcing and we have to step away for a bit and we come back with absurd news
sometimes we be having a normal time and then we remember our ex-boyfriend that suddenly thrust us into some y/n wattpad-esque reality and made us realize man this shit SUCKS
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truebloodrandazzo · 9 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Theresa Michaels Magic And Mist Paperback Book.
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7ooo-ru · 10 months ago
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iPad Pro OLED получит горизонтальный Face ID
В марте 2024 года Apple планирует выпустить новую модель OLED iPad Pro, которая, как ожидается, будет оснащена горизонтальной камерой Face ID. Это обновление было обнаружено в коде iPadOS 17.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/01/26/556-ipad-prooled-poluchit-gorizontalnyy-face-id-grss-276636282.html
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alexbkrieger13 · 10 months ago
I know some proole who are not pretty in my opinion, but I would never say or write that, cause no one can somsthing for their look. And I agree. P is pretty. Many of my friends have a crush on her and when my gay brother said "she is good looking on objective way," is that a compliment
yea I think majority people would kind of say in their heads but they would never think to say it out loud or on the internet
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azlovesem · 1 month ago
Thats great Emily. But i cant just hot on Emily. Im 49 im mit a noce like Americans: whats up diddy david ketterman. Ive embarassd them bafly by kicking their fucon heafs in. Nonce Satan hwaven thats americas nick nabe. Satanland devilvillw. Even the rock band dlsyer ius scared as hell im Azriel. Dkayer i iwn you now youre properyZ fyck csli tgats a bitch goifland yoy mudt be doft goif. Thats a jail fighting wird yoy get calkeevthat and you dont fight. You font have a place at my tanke the table. I iwn you. Fufknlucifer im Azriel ill ounch you weak stupid smerican bitch kead singed out. I own their douls and sll of california Emily. You no. You have a free doul you font deaerve that ki d of trestment. Psst aussies are better proole. Ask anyone in yhe witkd yheyll say thet. Smericsbs are severeky ull in teyn to help. They got a rspist our onbyheir campaign trail Emily thwts how fuvjed anericsbs sre, how ya doin stephen cl but ull fyfkn kilk you ounk ftom goif york. See how i talk to yfwt bitch ill slap him the fuck put. Nobody likes uour teammtget chick is as exciting as homery clinton and dges gonna fuckn lied obe h dred n percent. Just because someones a eoman Emily fiednt jean she a good leader. If putvyou on the ticjet begire her. Ineldctable vibes. Trunps fyvjed in nany wsyz but hes electable. Plus he can work out the war better. Oh he ll let me fight if putin keeps it up. Trump dont let anyone fuckn with them. Especially him: ill get to fight u def YTrunp: i want 25 000 troops i want to go right to yhe ftont npt scared i like battle soubds. I live pain and death like it was pleasure and sunshine. Ill enjoy thise afted i kil. You wong ever find a jew of z bboggz eho can in any way amsgspe or form fight as wrll as me.never yvey neve tv dxisted that yough id a non white lersonnif wed not rile earth. Yesh uou jeep telling us we fo we do. And that sint changing ever just because a primitive idiot fuck ass monkey says its not right diesnt mean we give up. Ill show toy rught niggas. Tgen a left another right yhen ur knocjed yhe fucknout cold mike tyson. Uou font asnnz nees with ne aby if tas. Iron mike will tell you im just one of you. One of my beer frirnds is black. Shadow tells me he dont asnna hear none ov ur black racist smack.
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rausule · 1 year ago
Inkvisse inka Latynse smaak.
Die inkvisse, seekatte en nautili, wat almal deel uitmaak van die klas Cephalopoda (Koppotiges), is 'n hoogs ontwikkelde groep seeweek- diere (phylum Mollusca). In baie opsigte kan hulle as die mees ge- vorderde groep lewende ongewerwelde diere beskou word.
Die klas word deur slegs 130 lewende genera en 650 spesies verteenwoordig en dit lyk of die groep stadig maar seker minder word omdat sowat 10 000 fossiel- spesies is.
Die grootste lewende ongewer- welde dier, die reuse-pylinkvis (Architeuthis), behoort tot hierdie groep. Hierdie dier kan 20 m lank word (insluitende die tentakels). Die kleinste koppotige dier, die inkvis Idiosepius, is skaars 2,5 cm lank.
Hoewel die koppotige diere deel van die phylum Mollusca (week- uitmaak, toon hulle heelwat afwykinge van die algemene beeld van hierdie groep. In teenstelling met die stereotipe beeld van week- diere as diere wat stadig voortbe- weeg, is die koppotige diere vinnig bewegende roofdiere wat hoof- saaklik in die diepsee lewe. Nog 'n afwyking is die dier se goed ont- wikkelde oë en hoë intelligensie. Met die uitsondering van die nautili het die koppotige diere geen uit-
wendige skulp nie. Die Koppotiges gebruik hulle 8 of 10 sulerdraende arms om voedsel mee te vang. Die nautilus het egter sowat 90 tentakels Uniek by die koppotige diere is die "bek om die mondopening. Met hierdie pape gaaiagtige chitienbek word stukke kos afgebyt
Die inkvisse, seekatte en hul ver- wante behoort tot die phylum Mollusca (weekdiere) Omdat hier- die diere se arms direk aan hul koppe vasgeheg is, word hulle die Koppotiges (Cephalopoda) genoem. Die grootste en intelligent ste ongewerwelde diere behoort tot hierdie klas
Omdat die koppotige diere in groot getalle voorkom, vorm hulle een van die grootste potensiële voedselbronne van die see. Die diere word in baie wêrelddele geëet en is ook indirek vir die mens van belang omdat hulle 'n groot deel van die potvis en ander kleiner walvisse se dieet vorm.
Bou Die liggaam van die koppotige dier bestaan uit 'n kop met vang- arms aan. Die liggaamsgrootte van volwasse koppotiges kan baie varieer. Die kleinste inkvis, Idiosepius, is skaars 2,5 cm lank, terwyl sommige reuse-inkvisse (die Architeuthis-spesies) tot 20 m lank kan word. Die romp van hierdie reuse-diere is sowat 6 m lank, terwyl die arms 3 tot 4 m lank kan word. Daarbenewens het die reuse-pyl- inkvis 2 tentakels wat 14 m lank is. Hierdie tentakels is waarskynlik ver- antwoordelik vir die legendes van reuse-seeslange.
Die meeste Koppotiges se vel kan vinnig van kleur verander vanwee die chromatofore van verskillende kleure wat in die vel aanwesig is. Die chromatofore is stervormige epidermisselle wat kleurstof (pigment) bevat. Die selle kan ver- groot en saamtrek en daardeur die kleure meer of minder opvallend maak. Dit stel die dier in staat om die kleur van sy omgewing aan te neem (skutkleur). Ook bepaalde "emosies" kan die koppatige dier van kleur laat verander. 'n Ken- merkende orgaan by alle weekdiere (Mollusca) is die voet. By die Kop- potiges is dit egter gewysig tot vangarms en 'n tregter (hewel). Die tregter word gebruik vir die uit- skeiding van die afval, ink en eiers. Hierdie orgaan, wat soos 'n buis by die mantelholte uitsteek, kan ook vir
voortbeweging gebruik word. Die het gesteelde, ge- spierde en beweeglike suierplaatjies Sommige koppotige diere besit nass hul 6 vangarms ook 2 tentakels, met ander woorde 10. Op die tentakels kom die suier- apparaat slegs op die breè punte your. Soms is die horingagtige rande van die suiers gewysig tot hake By die groter pylinkvisse kan die suiers 'n deursnes van 20 cm be reik
Tussen die vangarms to die mond met 2 horingagtige kake, in die vorm van n papegaal se sriswel wat
gebruik word om gepantserde prool (soos krappe) in stukke te byt. In die mond is 2 paar speekselkliere en 'n raspertong (radula) met 7 klein tandjies per dwarsry. Soos in die geval van alle vleiseters is die derm- kanaal kort en voorsien van 'n middelderm-spysverteringsklier.
Die koppotige diere het goed ont- wikkelde oë wat met dié van die werweldiere vergelyk kan word. Die aanpassing (skerpstelling) van die oog geskied deur die verandering van die ooglens se posisie. By die grootste pylinkvisse kan die oog 40 cm in deursnee wees.
Die dier se ewewigsin sowel as
die tassin in die arms is ook goed
Die senuknope (ganglia) van die senustelsel is in die kop geleë en deur köpkraakbeen omhul. Die senustelsel bestaan onder meer uit 'n aantal baie groot senuselle. Hierdie reuse-neurone speel 'n be- langrike rol in neurofisiologiese navorsing.
Die liggaam van die koppotige dier word omhul deur 'n mantel wat 'n aantal organe bevat. Die inksak skei die ink van die inkklier deur die rektum en tregter uit. Die ink is bruinswart en bevat die pigment melanien. Vroeêr is hierdie pigment as 'n kommersiele kleurstof bemark (sepia). Die koppotige diere in die diepsee skei nie ink af nie, maar skei soms 'n liggewende vloeistof af
Suurstof word deur die kieue, wat in die mantelholte geleë is, opgeneem. Die gereelde same- trekking van die mantel lei daartoe dat vars water deurentyd die mantelholte binnestroom.
Die Koppotiges het 'n geslote bloedvatstelsel en blou bloed. Die blou kleur word veroorsaak deur die aanwesigheid van hemosianien, wat die asemhalingspigment is. Die dier het 2 niere.
Die uitwendige skulp, wat so ken- merkend vir bykans alle weekdiere is, is by die egte pylinkvisse, ink- visse en seekatte afwesig. Die nautilus (subklas Nautiliodea) het egter wel 'n uitwendige skulp. Dikwels het die koppotige diere in- wendige skulpe, maar soms is die skulp onontwikkel (onvolledig) of heeltemal afwesig. Die struktuur en vorm van die inwendige skulp verskil by die verskillende inkvisse en seekatte. Die skulp van die (genus Sepia) bestaan uit kalk- lamelle wat dig teenmekaar lê. By die genus Spirula bestaan die skulp uit 'n gedraaide kalkbuisie wat slegs enkele sentimeters lank is en deur fussenskotte in kamertjies (kompartemente) verdeel word. By die pylinkvisse (genus Loligo) is die skulp tot 'n horingagtige, lang slagveer of pen gereduseer en by die genus Octopus het die skulp bykans verdwyn. Die skulp van die wyfie-papiernautilus (Argonauta argo) kan anatomies nie met die skulp van ander koppotiges vergelyk word nie. Hierdie dier se akuip is ge- vorm uit 2 van die dier se arms en funksioneer as bergplek vir die eiers swemmand laws.
Lewenswyse Die Koppotiges (Cephalopoda) in roofdiere wat alleen of in groepe lewe. Vir jag doeleindes gebruik hulle hul vang arms, tentakels, hake en 'n gifklier (wat by sommige koppotige diere aanwesig is) vir die vang van hul prooi. Tog het die eeue-oue vrees van die mens vir gevaarlike seekatte angegrond geblyk te wees
Die koppotige diere beweeg deur- dat hulle kruip, swem of deur middel van straalaandrywing voortbeweg (hoofsaaklik laasgenoemde). Deur dat die dier sy mantel saamtrek en verslap word 'n bewegende water- stroom veroorsaak deur die water wat in die mantelholte ingetrek word en dan weer deur die tregter uitgestoot word. Die vinnige uit- stoot van 'n stroom water stel die dier in staat om vinnig vorentoe of agteruit te beweeg.
Pylinkvisse het voorts ook vinne wat gebruik word vir stadige beweging of om in die water te hang.
Die meeste inkvisse en seekatte is vleisetend en lewe hoofsaaklik van skaaldiere en vissies. Die pylinkvis Illex het 'n buitengewone voedsel- siklus: die volwasse pylinkvisse eet klein makriele, terwyl die volwasse makriele weer klein pylinkvissies eet. Pylinkvisse het dikwels ook kannibalistiese neigings. Die see- katte eet graag tweekleppige weekdiere en tienpotige skaaldiere en kan so die kreefnywerheid groot skade berokken. Die koppotige diere is weer op hulle beurt die prooi van dolfyne, potvisse, haaie. rogge, robbe en pikkewyne
Ter verdediging teen sy vyande kan die inkvis of seekat sy ink soos 'n rookgordyn in die water spuit of baie vinnig die kleur van sy omgewing aanneem. Die diere kan
ook verbasend vinnig wegvlug. Alle koppotige diere lewe in die see, van die tropiese tot die poolsee, en word in vlak kuswaters en in die diepsee aangetref. Enkele spesies, soos die Spirula spirula en die gewone seekat (Octopus vulgaris). kom dwarsoor die wêreld voor.
Voortplanting By die inkvisse is die geslagte (manlik en vroulik) geskei Die mannetjies is dikwels kleiner as die wyfies. By die genus Argonauta is die mannetjies so klein in vergelyking met die wyfie dat daar van dwergmannetjies gepraat word.
Tydens paring plaas die mannetjie pakkies spermselle (spermatofore) in die wyfie se liggaam. Hierdie handeling word met een van sy arms, die hektokotilus-arm, wat spesiaal daarvoor toegerus is, gedoen. By die Argonauta en die Tremoctopua is die arms baie gewysig en word die arm tydens paring deur die mannetjie losgelaat en in die wye se mantelhoite galaat
Sommige spesies van die kop- potige diere vertoon broeisorg. L die eiers word slein koppofige de ties gebroei wat vir 'n tydtank sty.
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basalt-havic · 4 years ago
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IT’S HERE. @chongoblog‘s glorious CPU Kerfuffle is having it’s S2 finale and I could not be more terrified.
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pixiestickie · 2 years ago
me watching all my friends move to tumblr so i cant post my ynfiltered ship art anymore (if i give them this acc) because i dont want them to see that embarassing shit
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azlovesem · 15 days ago
Aww there you are. I knpe i seem rather crude and its hard to fir me to say i mean no harm to no one. But if you say those proole lets just call them. Since we re all still people right. Are ok and should be protected well i love you and believe uou over other people. Even if i dont quite get it i aint exactly been out n about in more thsn s minute. But back in the sfter hours days id run into people. I never beat snyone like that to a pulp like my partner did anyway. They font usually boyher snyone why maje life harder for them.
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punkiio · 7 years ago
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Her..... She big
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exhumedicarus · 3 years ago
hoo boy the 31 ending sure does hit different after ncct2
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poorsapadvocate · 2 years ago
I actually was working on making a twitter thread explaining the lore of CPUK as efficiently as possible, but I never got around to posting it. I cleaned some stuff up since I don’t have to handle character limits, but this is still a very broad overview that doesn’t cover everything (and in fact skips out on a lot of my favorite bits)
Season 1 (ep 1-9): Mostly shenanigans. An inter-dimensional hivemind demon called Crimson attempts to take over the universe. Also like a good 1/8 of the participants are mad science experiments, this pays off later.
Season 2 (ep 10-20): Crimson is defeated off-screen after the show goes on a long hiatus and comes back with new rules (see below). We all got mad at a purple alligator for a bit. The mad scientist that done did all the experimenting is revealed to be Dr. Order, who takes over the games through the power of girlbossing. Dr. Order attempts to become a god by taking the power of time goddess Chartreuse, but is defeated by a Florida Man and send back to Mesopotamia. Also Sephiroth was there.
Season 3 (ep 21-27): Chartreuse is revealed to have two siblings, Cobalt and Crimson (yes the same one from season 1), as well as a babysitter named Prism; all of which have just as much cosmic power as she does. Crimson, Guardian of Dimensions, was not doing a really good job guarding dimensions, resulting in Garfield and Shantae turning in to cosmic horrors and Nagito Komaeda Danganronpa and Kanye West being written out of existence (which isn’t a huge loss? Might be a net positive). Crimson attempts to take power once more, but gets dunked on. (This was all written in for one one-off gag about how Nagito’s section is still in Super Smashup Kerfuffle despite not having appeared in CPUK at that point) Meanwhile, the Florida Man and his boyfriend attempt to bring Sephiroth back from the dead apparently just to see if they can, but end up aggravating Colbalt, the Guardian of Death.
Current (ep 27--): With the help of Chartreuse’s babysitter, Prism, the current champion Dantoinette organizes a Grand Tournament made of the best returning fighters. However, Prism has her own reasons for organizing the tournament, which may have to something to do with the Guardians’ parent dying and involves causing as much trauma for them as possible.
Participants are organized into 8 teams (as of S2):
Team Clutch fights for honor (the faces)
Calibur fights for glory (the heels)
Charm fights for love
Cones fights for chaos
Cash Money fights for $$$
Chonk fights for girth
Cross fights to make Super Smash Bros the biggest crossover in cinematic history
Craken fights to rep Ryan's OCs, the Red Kraken. Characters on this team are either pirates dressed in red and representing a dance move of some kind, or are part of Hoedown's family on Patch Farms.
Main characters of note that weren’t already talked about:
Iggy Koopa: Tournament organizer and Ryan's Main. Happy Iggy Friday.
Dantoinette: Current reigning champion. OP and knows it. We tried getting rid of her twice and she’s still champion.
Captain Valentine: The people's champ and reoccurring MC
Captain Quadratic: Valentine's robot clone, created by Dr. Order and still trying to recover from her treatment. Often fills in for Val as MC or gets involved in the main plot.
Larry: Chaotic shapeshifting Florida Man. Kind of the main character by default since most of the plot involves him in some way. He's also very gay and in love with his boyfriend Hackerman J0hn.
Squid Jenny: Field reporter and fan favorite.
Hamburger Helper: One of the early champions; the fact that we couldn’t get rid of him, plus his relationship with his ex-husband Dadendorf and son Dark Jimbo, shapes most of season 1. 
Plum K. Rool (often shortened to P. Rool or Prool): One of the more notable champions since Ryan did everything in their power to make him not win. Actually a pretty good guy, just with a disgusting CPU. Doesn't have much of a backstory but still shows up frequently.
Therapuppy: The tournament's on-call therapist who also happens to kick a lot of ass
Folk: Therapuppy's future self, a time-travelling dog therapist who is also a pirate and trans.
There's a lot that happens in every episode of CPUK, but very little affects the main story. Not to mention lore can change on a dime depending what the showrunners or CPUs get up to.
So like. I genuinely don't know how CPU Kerfuffle gets lore and I'm bad at paying attention. Not necessarily looking for spoilers but I'm kinda looking for, like. how does it get lore isn't it just CPUs fighting, so I know what's going on?
The short(ish) version is this
Basically, we made them into characters and gave them backstories. Then during the tournament (at the beginning) we would get "reports from the field" surrounding events taking place mid-tournament. Over time that evolved into full-on cutscenes with voice acting (starting around season 2, most specifically around 17). And from there plot just ended up happening. If you want a detailed rundown of the plot you can either watch it (the Discord loves watching people react to CPUK lol) or ask for a rundown lol
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