#Professional Treatment
kids-worldfun · 3 days
IPL Hair Removal for Teens: Is It Safe and Effective?
As of late, IPL (Extreme Beat Light) hair expulsion has turned into a go-to technique for lessening undesirable hair. It guarantees smooth, sans hair skin without the steady upkeep of shaving or waxing. While this treatment is utilized by grown-ups, a developing number of young people are showing interest in IPL hair expulsion in Perth. Teens and their parents may be puzzled: Is IPL hair…
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entheogeninstitute · 1 month
Understanding PTSD: A Mental Disorder
PTSD, otherwise referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder, is a complicated mental health condition with very strong effects on the victim of the disease. Misconceived and at times overlooked by many people, PTSD is one such mental disorder that proves it to be much more than just a simple reaction to trauma. Instead, it is a serious PTSD mental disorder that requires due treatment and support.
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What is PTSD?
PTSD is a kind of mental disorder that normally sets in after one either goes through or witnesses a very dangerous or life-threatening situation. Common examples may include military combat, natural disasters, accidents, or individual assaults. Generally, symptoms can become such a problem that they not only affect an individual's mental health but cause physical problems and interfere with daily life.
Intrusive Thoughts: Most of the time, individuals who suffer from PTSD have flashbacks and nightmares recurrently with intrusive thoughts regarding the event.
Avoidance: Avoiding places, people, or activities that serve as a reminder of the experienced trauma may be one coping mechanism for some.
Hyperarousal: It is evidenced by being on edge always, difficulty sleeping, and intense emotional reactions.
Trauma and Effects on Mental Health
More than just reliving a horrible event, PTSD  mental health can also be affected. This produces intense anxiety, depression, and detachment from the world in a person. In case of no treatment, PTSD can get increasingly worse with time. This finally leads to relentless stress, problems in relationships, and substance abuse.
Depression and Anxiety: When one keeps on reliving the traumatic events, it often triggers feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and fear that feel overwhelming.
Isolation: Most of the PTSD cases isolated themselves from social life, feeling lonely and misunderstood by people.
Physical Health: Stress will also tend to produce more physical symptoms, such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, and weakened immunity in body systems.
Identifying PTSD as a Psychiatric Disorder
Although it causes a severe impact, PTSD is at times belittled or even misunderstood. Understanding PTSD will go a long way toward ensuring the affected are treated and taken care of accordingly. Understand that PTSD does not mean you are weak or something you can just get over; rather, it's a serious condition that requires professional help.
Misconceptions: Many people believe that PTSD only affects military veterans, but it can, in fact, affect anyone who has experienced trauma.
Stigma: It is this same stigma that prevents an individual from seeking treatment for his or her symptoms, which then continue to worsen over time due to the stigma associated with mental health.
Need for Awareness: This awareness of PTSD reduces the stigma and encourages those affected to seek out the help they need.
PTSD: Seeking to Help a Recovery Path
The good news is that PTSD can be treated. People who get the right treatment can learn to cope with their symptoms and lead productive lives. Treatment for PTSD almost always includes a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and social support.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This is one of the most common, very useful ways for treating PTSD, in which one learns how one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected and how to change them.
EMDR Therapy: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a form of therapy that enables patients to deal with traumatic memories and reduces their effects.
Support Networks: A good support network consisting of friends, family, and support groups is crucial in the road to recovery.
How Entheogen Institute Can Help
At Entheogen Institute, we specialize in offering comprehensive care for individuals suffering from PTSD. That essentially means we at Entheogen Institute understand the complexities of this mental disorder and offer a holistic linking of traditional therapies with innovative practices.
Personalized Treatment Plans: No two journeys across sufferers are alike, and so we take our time in designing our treatment plans according to each client.
Compassionate Care: A group of skilled professionals have undertaken compassionate, non-judgmental care for the creating of a safe space to heal.
Holistic Approach: Other than the traditional approaches of therapy, we have alternative treatments working on the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.
PTSD mental illness is a serious issue that needs attention, care, and professional treatment. First of all, the process of recovery from PTSD includes understanding the nature of the disease and the realization of the fact that it is a real mental health problem. Help is within reach for those suffering from PTSD or for a loved one. At  Entheogen Institute, we will stand by you through your path to recovery, equipping you with the tools and means to regain your life.
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Anxiety is a common mental health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s the stress of daily life, work, relationships, or other factors, managing anxiety is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. If you’re struggling with anxiety, seeking help from a psychiatrist in Suitland, Maryland, can provide valuable support and guidance.
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tenth-sentence · 10 months
"Those few that are in perfect balance must be delivered to Purgatory for professional treatment."
"Incarnations of Immortality: On a Pale Horse" - Piers Anthony
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nushskincare · 1 year
Best Facials In NYC
Show off your flawless skin! Our Best facials in NYC use natural, organic products to help you look and feel your best. Get a facial right away! Simple beauty. Discover your finest skin with our opulent skincare products and facial treatments in the heart of New York City. 
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bathdrugpharmacy · 2 years
The adage “Health is Wealth” refers to health as the highest form of wealth somebody may possess. When we are in good health, we can accomplish anything. Money alone is not enough to make excellent use of; good health is. Therefore, choosing a reliable doctor, medical equipment supplier, and pharmacy in Pennsylvania is crucial to your health and medical requirements. Ensure their reliability and that they will be there to assist you when you need them most.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 days
This pissed me off so much when I was younger that now it's flipped on its head to being funny because...
People to me when I was younger having gone, "You can't possibly know you want hormones! Don't you know anything?! You can't just make decisions! You don't know health, you can't diagnose yourself as being dysphoric and needing that!" quickly turned into my medical teams frequently saying, "oh I didn't know that," and even confiding in me that I was their first trans patient they ever saw, much less learned about. How the fuck are you expecting a medical professional to diagnose an issue they haven't even heard of. Trans people really are expected to have a PhD in Being Trans just for the chance to be listened to (without the pay that comes with that education!).
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osddid-i-do-that · 6 months
It’s really neat how you can be in treatment or have proof that you’re dealing with OSDDID and STILL get absolutely clobbered with denial when you least expect it —
I must have made up these guys in my head
Maybe I’m doing this on purpose …
My childhood wasn’t THAT bad … right?
I probably imagined [really awful thing]
Lots of people argue with the multiple “opinions” in their head that have very distinct personalities … that has to be a normal thing …
I’m just really forgetful
Memory is super fallible so I can’t even believe myself
Do I just want to be special …?
If I really had this, they would have caught it sooner
This can’t be real …
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whoblewboobear · 5 months
I’m gonna take Kipperlilly from some of yall 👀 you can like a villain without trying to clear their name. She objectively is a murderer and a villain this season. It does not make you a “””””bad Person””””” if you like her. You do not have to try and age her down or make her out to be innocent or gentle or sweet or misunderstood. You do not get to use her mental health to excuse her actions either.
At this point, a lot of these post are getting into slippery slope territory, especially concerning mental health. You can be mentally ill and still understand right from wrong. Infantilizing people struggling with their mental health can cause harm. There are mentally ill people that can/will/do go their entire lives without blaming and trying to harm others because of what they’re going through.
Like I feel like we’ve officially hit Joaquin Phoenix Joker levels of ‘we live in a society’ discourse. Yes, there are things that suck and living with mental health issues and having that make your life harder sucks. But then funneling that feeling of unfairness and frustration into harming other people is not okay or justifiable. It’s a clear sign that someone went untreated or their mental health was not taken seriously enough soon enough.
There are a lot of young and impressionable people in the d20 community (a community that is overwhelmingly very supportive and cognizant of mental health) that will see the KLCK discourse and take some of these things to heart. Please be mindful in what you post. She is a fictional character and in context of the story, instead of getting further help or seeking better treatment for her mental health, she chose to harm people. Some responsibility does fall on her in that regard. Not all, but some. There is a point where things get very concerning when you become a danger to yourself or others, Kipperlilly is in that place to be very clear. She needs help.
Yes she is underage, and I do think Jawbone has a heavy responsibility to either reach out to her parents to report her behavior and figure out a treatment plan for her immediately. This never happened, even when she admitted to wanting to kill Kristen. She continued on, untreated and without her rage issues not being fully addressed. Then she murdered someone.
Infantilizing Kipperlilly to absolve her of her wrongdoing isn’t the convo we should be having. Figuring out where she falls on the morality scale does nothing, she’s one of the villains of the season, by that metric, she’s not a great person (not because of her rage disorder, because of her actions.) There are complexities to her. The conversation we should be having is why not a single faculty member or adult that interacted with her and witnessed this behavior didn’t say “woah hey, let’s pump the breaks and get you assessed for a few things and get to the root of what’s going wrong.”
When you see someone struggling, reach out, assess the situation. If you’re an adult and are in a position to help, don’t hesitate to do so or notify a parent or guardian in their life so they get them help. If you’re underage and see a peer struggling, check in and if something sticks out to you as concerning, reach out to an adult that can help or find someone to help. Don’t enable violent or harmful behavior. /Please/ that person can end up hurting themselves or someone else.
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majoresca · 1 month
Delegate to your royal sorcerer, Cedric, important and potentially dangerous services that he should be in charge of?
Royal Family of Enchancia: 👎❌
Delegate to his royal sorcerer, Cedric, useless and potentially ridiculous tasks that any other servant would be willing to do but him?
Royal Family of Enchancia: 👍✔️
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insanityisdivine · 8 months
Spa Girls
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Siren!Soap and Lightkeep!Ghost (modern day)
It was storming. Not terribly, there wasn’t too much lightning (Even so. Simon had double-checked the lightning rod’s grounding the day before). The only worrying thing was the dock. He’d notice it was drifting a few days back. Years ago it must’ve been anchored with wood, but wood rots, so it’d been secured with thick metal chains. Chains rust, but slower, and Simon knew it’d been fine he had gotten there three months back. But recently it had been unsteady, dipping on the side when he walked on it. One of the chain’s must’ve snapped, or unhooked, and he needed to make sure it was on tight. If it washed away in the pounding rain it wouldn’t be cataclysmic. Just would’ve meant he had to take the dinghy out to the supply boat that came bi-weekly. He didn’t much fancy what amounted to a dip in the port this late in the year though, so he shucked on his thin rain coat and headed out into the storm.
The lighthouse behind him was inflamed in its own light, catching on the glittering wet metal. If Simon were more sentimental he might’ve tried to capture it. But he wasn’t much a romantic or an artist, so he turned his back to it and trudged down the slippery steps to the dock.
When he got down, the top part of dock was submerged in maybe an inch of water. That was fine, it was made to be submerged. What wasn’t fine was the dip on the far left corner. Dark water swallowed it, hiding whatever might’ve caused it. Simon huffed, and tested a foot onto the dock. It didn’t move more than normal, so he dropped to his knees and dragged his other leg on behind him.
He was thankful for his wool unders as water soaked into his boots. He’d have to dry them by the heater later. Shuffling over, he could make out a faint light shape through the murkiness. Probably a piece of driftwood that got tangled in the chain somehow.
Just as he grabs it, he made out its exact shape. A very human, hand-like shape. It was soft in his hands as he grabbed. He recoiled, nearly dipping into the water himself as the dock rocked.
Now, he’s not squeamish, not to blood or gore or (most) dead bodies. But he’d seen macerated bodies and they’re not pretty. He took a breath he tried to turn on the tactical part of his brain. He needed to get them out though, before they could rot further or wash up somewhere more traumatizing. He wasn’t sure of the exact protocol for bodies, but he’d message in when radio was steadier.
Right now he needed to get them out of the water and somewhere drier. Not inside, where’d they’d fester in the warmth. Maybe the shed where the emergency barge was kept. It would be kept cool by the fridgid air outside, and away from animals and weather.
Decided, Simon shuffled back to his hands and knees, and reached into the water. Water made tissue soft, he needed to find bone, a shoulder. Their skin was solid against his gloved hands, but he was still careful to not push too hard. He found their back and grabbed it as gently but surely as he could. Then he pulled, trying to guide the body around the edge of the dock, steeling himself for what he was about to see. The body was surprisingly intact as he dragged it onto the dock. Fresh, he thought grimly. Their skin seemed like it used to be tanned, but the cold made it look sickly. Their extremities were blue and their eyes, set below thick brows, closed. They look peaceful, a small comfort. The expression would match their untouched body if not for their neck. Bloody slits run down both sides, kept bright by the water.
Out of some unthought instinct he pushed them on to their side, into the recovery position. Water trickled out of their mouth, standard as far as he knew. Then they moved, head shifting down into the water, and coughed. Ghost froze, and they coughed harder. He got his wits about him and shoved a hand under their cheek so they wouldn’t inhale the water on the dock. It was a few inches high with their combined weights. They coughed until there was only mucus escaping their mouth. They stopped, and they were still again. They weren’t even shivering. He needed to get them warmed up, the water was at or below freezing, thanks to the salt content. Had been for months. He didn’t know how long they’d been under. He needed to get them warmed up immediately.
Decision made, plan realigned, he hauled them into his arms and near-ran back to the entrance of the lighthouse. Normally, he would strip off his wet layers before going up the stairs to his meager quarters, but it was an emergency.
There wasn’t heating in most of the tower, after all it’d have to heat from the top down with rising heat. So only keeper’s cabin was insulated and heated (at least, the bed/living room was, the bathroom got fucking freezing).
Ghost had left the heat on, and thanks to his running temperature it wasn’t too hot. Small mercies. He kicked the door shut behind him and set the person down in his cot. They were breathing, faint wheezing that was barely audible over the clinking of the radiator. He needed to get their wounds cleaned and bandaged, and their blood warmed up. He shucked off his wet coat, shirt, and gloves as quickly as he could.
His bathroom was luckily stocked with an in-date med kit. (It had only been replaced because he’d used it up in the learning curve of basic mechanics. He wouldn’t had bothered otherwise.) He grabbed the pack and every clean towel he had. Getting back to his room, bathroom door shut to keep the cold in, he set the kettle in the kitchenette. While it boiled, he set about drying the person. They were wholly naked, he noticed belatedly. It only made him wonder more as to how they ended up half drowned.
He put the thought aside and got about drying them with clinical speed. Once dry, he slipped pants on them, to give them some dignity once (if) they woke up. The military had bleached any prudishness he may have had, but he knew what it was like to feel exposed. Even though their chest was flat, he would’ve put a shirt on as well, if not for their neck.
The wounds were starting to bleed sluggishly again. From the amount of blood and a bit of inspection he could tell they were shallow, so he didn’t prioritize them. Hypothermia was a bigger threat than infection. The kettle clicked. He found five freezer bags and filled them a good amount with tap water. Then topped them off with a splash of the boiling. He ended up with five make-shift lukewarm water bottles. He‘d gradually make them warmer when the person is more stable. He didn’t want to shock them. He set one bag each under their armpits, two on their core, and one between their legs. He pulled a thin cover over their whole body. Their paleness was only more worrying under the warm lamp of his cabin. He set about dressing their neck.
The night was spent in half sleep on the stair next to his guest’s cot. He interrupts it frequently to warm up the heat packs or make sure the bandages are on right. It was early morning when they started moving, small groans echoing from their chest. They started sweating a shift of sleep ago, Ghost had noticed. It was good, meant their body was finally fighting again. He just had to get some fluids in them and they’d be right as rain.
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mourn-and-watch · 3 months
people get angry at solas' potential redemption because anders never received that kind of treatment but i think we really. shouldn't blame his writer for actually liking their character and giving him some depth and opportunities to take his arc in different directions depending on what players think of him. there are other people responsible for all the questionable choices in anders' writing and i think it's actually a good thing their approach to morally grey characters isn't a standard for the series anymore
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Living with bipolar disorder often involves navigating through a roller coaster of emotions, from the highs of mania to the lows of depression. Despite these challenges, implementing effective coping mechanisms and seeking professional help can significantly improve one’s quality of life.
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The amount trauma that complete strangers dump into my dms 😭😭😭😭😭
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despazito · 1 year
Guys they're onto us
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