#Product Design & Development
ask2ps · 4 months
I need food
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ENGLAND: If you limit your palate too much, you’ll miss out on good food. So don’t worry about what it’s made of, just take a bite!
SOUTH ITALY: No way! You gotta use quality ingredients! And that’s why mine is better! Right? It’s better, right? You like it more, right? 
Go on! Eat it! Eat it already! Why aren’t you eating?! 
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rulersreachf4n · 4 days
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hello darling! I’ve tried several times to do time blocking and have my app calendar organised but it never works. I have adhd so it’s like I don’t know how to keep it up because I never found a method that it works for me. Can you share how you do it in case you do it? And some tips? I feel like it’ll help me to organise my life but I feel stuck every time I have to do it. Thank you <3
Hi love! Sharing my method below. Hope it's somewhat useful xx
To-Do List Planning:
Spend an hour or so on the weekend to list all of the important assignments/errands, etc. you need to complete during the week. Fill your calendar with your school/work/activity obligations first see an overview of how you will need to spend a considerable amount of time dedicated to each non-negotiable activity. Use this overview to help you map out the "free" time" you have and pre-schedule when you will do specific work projects, study for a particular exam, when you will run certain errands, engage in leisure activities, etc.
Before bed/dinner, use this weekly framework to finalize the next day – your agenda for the upcoming day. Determine the big 1-3 tasks you want to complete the following day and when throughout your day you will focus on these specific tasks. Giving yourself this pre-assigned schedule will eliminate decision fatigue and allow you to go into a more "autopilot" mode by completing the action you've already planned to take at any time of the day.
Important Date Reminders:
Utilize your Google Calendar and sync it to your iCloud (make sure it's private!) to allow you to write down any important dates available for viewing on your phone, computer, etc. at all times.
Create a color-coding system to organize your calendar (i.e. make any big projects due in blue, regular/smaller assignments to complete in red, important job reminders in yellow, errands tasks in green, family/friend obligations in purple, appointments in orange, etc.)
If you need to remember to submit certain paperwork, run an errand, etc., use your Reminders app to alert you at the time when you're able to complete this task before a deadline, going home, etc.
Use the location function or invite other participating members on a specific Google calendar event for any obligations where you need to be at a certain place at a specific time and/or are working on a group project, having a meeting, or need to be at a location with someone else.
I'm very into my "bookend" routines aka the rituals I do before I start my tasks for the day and how I wind down at night.
In the morning: Skincare, outfit, makeup, 2 big mugs of black coffee, reading articles & newsletters
In the evening: A long walk outside or a 15-30 minute YouTube workout/dance party session when the weather isn't optimal. Shower, skincare, get into sweats, make dinner, clean up around the house
To plan out my work week/days:
I use the 3-Month Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change (linked here). It's been my holy grail while building my business for the past 3-4 years. I also love having a physical "To-Do" list notepad next to me for tasks that come to mind or come up throughout the day that I want to organize/come back to later. (I always try to plan my week out on Sunday evenings and for the next day either before my evening routine or after dinner) I was gifted this one from The Daily Edited a few years ago and love it. Very much worth refilling the inserts.
For meetings: I use Google Calendar that's linked to my iCal. The notes section is essential for me.
For small tasks/bills/errands: I set scheduled Reminders for the day/time I need to pay a bill, write an email, schedule something for work or life, create a reminder for something I need to take before heading out to a meeting or appointment, something I need to buy at the pharmacy, etc.
As someone who in certain ways completely embodies the stereotypical "creative" type, my brain naturally goes in a million directions at once, so streamlining everything has become an important, deliberate habit and way of life for me. People think I'm naturally organized at this point in life, so I hope this system works for someone else out there too! x
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arcadebroke · 7 months
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real-reulbbr-band · 3 months
“Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer don’t even look exactly alike how can their owners not tell them apart”
The implication in the lyrics was that by the time the owners got to the scene of the crime the deed was done and they couldn’t tell which cat had done it. The whole point is that they can’t tell the cats are collaborating and that enables them to succeed again and again. Them looking similar is a bonus.
“Or after supper one of the girls suddenly missed her Woolworth pearls
Then the family would say, "It's that horrible cat!
It was Mungojerrie or Rumpelteazer!"
And most of the time they left it at that”
Even later, the family and cook are only notified about Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s actions after the fact. They didn’t see anything happening.
“When the family assembled for Sunday dinner
Their minds made up that they wouldn't get thinner on
Argentine joint, potatoes and greens
Then the cook would appear from behind the scenes
And say in a voice that was broken with sorrow
"I'm afraid you must wait and have dinner tomorrow
The joint has gone from the oven like that!”
“Then the family would say, "It's that horrible cat! It was Mungojerrie or Rumpelteazer!" And most of the time they left it at that.”
The song even ends by stating the family can hear the destruction they’ve caused but haven’t seen anything. And so they can only discuss who it could’ve been and move on.
I think this also answers another common question I see which is “why do Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s owners keep them?”
“It’s that horrible cat!” Cat, as in one cat. Not two. They think only one of them did it and don’t want to get rid of both their cats if one is “innocent”. So they keep them both and ponder on.
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splendidcyan · 9 months
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I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS... FOR SO LONG... And there's definitely SO MUCH I can do better but ummm I'm proud of this!! And I will be doing much more like it. Inspired/referenced from Batman: Arkham Asylum, which I have been enjoying, except that Robin is TOO burly !!! get small idiot. Wayne Family Adventures flavored Asylum time plz.
Bonus sketches and the early version, which got critiqued by some friends whose harsh words made it WAY better, thank u <3
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indeedgoodman · 3 months
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likopinina · 1 year
admiring topology of 3d models from death stranding rn
im a lowpoly modeller so the difference in scope is, well, noticable.
there are fully modelled screws (one is highlighted in orange) in these shoes
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did you know the bb pod has a small part that we never see and that part has over 200 vertices? that could be a whole lowpoly character
the quipu necklace has 15236 vertices (understandable, we see it up close and it's important. but still, wow)
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higgs' facial hair (10981 vertices) is equal to 37 fish i once made. it was a pretty big fish btw
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epidaleacalamita · 5 months
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been a while since i poasted a character drawin. think the time between finished images aktly got longer. Sad! Oh well.
The ace of the Aldanar-Haliaros group, and one of the three currently active Tier Six mercenaries - the highest level certification attainable within the Agency for Registry and Regulation of Paramilitary Operators. Originally the head of Research and Development within Haliaros Design and Manufacturing, she applied for a mercenary license after their merger with the Aldanar mercenary guild. None expected that she would quickly begin climbing the ranks at an unprecedented rate, easily outperforming her new colleagues.
Though her sharp instincts and custom equipment made to Haliaros's exacting standards of technological superiority make her an incredibly deadly fighter, her attitude remains that of a temperamental genius instead of a military professional. Other mercenaries tend to view her as troublesome to work with, so she's often deployed on her own- not that she needs the backup.
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o2studies · 23 days
So it may be 00:14.....
༻`` 🦎 Saturday — 31 Aug 24
_, Academic Weapon Challenge Day 17 ˎˊ-
|| Sleep: I only got about 6hrs sleep but after getting up to feed my dogs I didn't go back to sleep
|| Routine: I did snooze my alarm but had some water not long after getting up, washed my face, stretched and read
|| Deep focus: I worked more on the TSJ website (so excited!! It's gonna be published on the 2nd!) so the first article is not written up and I have only 1 thing left to check over.
|| Body: I walked my dogs around a river-forest park with my parents today and Bella (the younger one) was so brave and learnt to like the water!
|| Mind: I spent almost an hour painting. The watercolours are so so nice, and I don't use watercolours a lot in general but it was working out really well! The only thing about them is that they are not acrylics and less is generally more when it comes to them..... I need to remember that for next time....
Day 21 clean
Day 0
Floor time ☑️ // 🍊
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tunisian · 8 months
i suddenly? landed a social media manager job at my dance school omg? pray for me
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arcadebroke · 7 months
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todays-an-adventure · 26 days
Day 18 of 100 days of game design:
I wanted another break from "Day At The Apothecary," so I returned to one of the old levels I'm trying to redo. It's called "Codename RUST."
I didn't do much work on it other than laying down the terrain and importing asset packs I wanted to use.
Here's the photo:
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pastelrune · 1 year
Just a curiosity about the type of materials folks prefer for designs. Like if I were to put a star shape on material (garments or accessories), what is your preferred form.
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WHy do we as a society have to put in new trash bags, I mean why don’t they just manufacture/package/sell trash bags all inside of each other like russian nesting dolls so that theres a new bag already there when you remove the full one. What the fuck. Kinda reminds me of how we didn’t think to put wheels on luggage until 1970 (one year after we put a man on the freaking moon.) What are we doing
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