#Probably not...
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adanieline · 13 days ago
Ruggie Bucchi core
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neurolady · 8 days ago
We're now living in a world where David Tennant may have recently just snogged Michael Sheen... ahem
... I mean the Ineffable snog might actually have already happened!
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meneatyoghurt · 4 months ago
Now that there are more fans on tumblr...would anyone be interested in a 25+ discord server? Or like a "sfth after dark" server that's not necessarily anything to do with age but more just offers the freedom to you know...literally quote the guys without being made to go to a special 18+ channel?
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misc-obeyme · 8 months ago
(Pouring some thoughts here)
I've always had this headcanon that Solomon had children, who he outlived, in the past.
Sometimes I would imagine that if he were to have children again (let's say with MC), he needs to prepare what he's getting into. The highs and lows of fatherhood for an immortal. Once again, he would experience the wonders of nurturing a vulnerable individual who seeks his love and protection while sorrow simultaneously consuming him as he ponders on the future where he would be the one who has to bury his child.
I've kind of thought of this, too.
I think with any children Solomon may have had back in his normal human life span days (like I dunno in his thirties or something), he might not know that he would end up burying them. It depends on when he becomes immortal. Like he might have had kids before he became immortal, you know?
But I think that by the time MC comes around, he's fully aware of what he's getting into. He's going to have to bury MC some day, too.
But wouldn't it also be joyful for him to watch someone he loves and the children he had with them live fulfilling regular human lives? Wouldn't he cherish watching them grow old, even if it means they're leaving him behind? They'll get to experience a phase of life that he never will. And if those children then have more children and so on and so forth? He can follow his own family throughout the generations. It's going to be lonely, but it'll also be full. And in the end, I think Solomon would realize that his life is better with them than without them. Even if it's brief. Even if he has to say goodbye when his children are old. Assuming they die of old age, those kids of his will be in their 80s and 90s when he finally buries them. And they'll probably hold his hand before they pass and tell him they had a beautiful life thanks to him. Inevitably bittersweet, but isn't the pain worth the joy, too?
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gothdaddyissues · 11 months ago
Listening to Phantomime today got me wondering...
Do you think that the "Escape From The Ministry" game that came out with the ep's release has any clues for the plot of the upcoming movie?
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258punkweight · 9 months ago
i wonder if she thinks about me or remembers the things we said to each other
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months ago
I know you know about slay the princess, but have you played it yourself? If you have I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! yknow, since it's just about the pluralest game in existence and all
Not yet! We have the game bought so it's definitely something I plan to get to eventually. But I wouldn't count on it happening soon because I'm secretly part snail.
Besides, @moonpool-system already covered that pretty incredibly in their post. You should totally check that out if you haven't yet:
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lowpawly · 6 months ago
is it worth messing with my routers security settings so I can play soulsilver online
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layaboutace · 1 year ago
not a review but like, why is season 11 is boring 😭 and when it's NOT being boring its just kinda infuriating? like who even is the Doctor now? im almost done with the season and i feel like I don't even know her personality, and also, her morals are so strange? like what even is the ending of kablam? and her companions! they're all just so, underdeveloped, like the writers are going on very early character drafts. I feel like this season would be massively improved if it was just the doctor, and her new companion Graham. yes i know the new team is very diverse and getting rid of them and letting only the white people stay seems bad but like, would anyone miss Ryan or Yaz???? they're just so, boring and bland, especially Ryan. I'm not sure its an acting thing, because i haven't seen him in other work, but the writing definitely isn't doing his character any favors. Yaz is a bit better, but she still feels underdeveloped and kinda bland? like she doesn't ever have anything interesting to say. Graham is just funny, he gets the one liners and his arc about losing his wife and trying to move on by traveling with the doctor is interesting and relatable, Yaz can be relatable to an extent, but also she talks about how her family drives her crazy yet we meet them and they're pretty normal? and I don't know if anyone can relate to Ryan because what even is his character arc, but everyone loses someone, and Graham's mourning is relatable. also it helps he gets the best lines out of everyone, and has a funny back and forth with the doctor. it seriously feels like they had a companion all planned out, then chibnall couldn't decide what minority group he wanted to represent, then split that companion into 3 people. it wasn't even an even split either, like 70 percent of that personality went to Graham, 20 to Yaz and like 10 to Ryan. they all fill their companion role of pointing and going, "what's that Doctor?" but only Graham has anything to say outside of it.
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dunmertwink · 2 years ago
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blabberoo · 5 months ago
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Idk what au im cooking.. but Im cooking..
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redstonedust · 11 days ago
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phenomenom thats been bothering me that i could only express via an mspaint reverse boomer comic
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liquidstar · 11 months ago
i always think abt my cousin in greece who's like obsessed with american culture, bc ill say that im going to a barbecue and she'll be like "wow.... a real life american barbecue... will there be red cups?" you bet your ass there'll be red cups. take my hand. have a hot dog. all your dreams can come true here at the real life american barbecue
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 9 months ago
the curse of summer is buying and eating an inadvisable amount of fruit in single sittings.
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her-soliloquies · 3 months ago
They really gave us everything though: old gay dads, cool straight (?) couple, badass lesbians, gay (temporary) rivals
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bonus: jayvik together for eternity
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I would be beaming from ear to ear if I wasn't so depressed about arcane being over for good
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