#Prison World
nevereverthem · 5 months
Imagine : ✨ ⛓️Bonnie Bennett x Kai Parker ⛓️✨
Just a little idea....
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An Imagine in which Bonnie tied Kai up with those chains.
_ Jokes on you little witch ! I'm into that stuff !
She turns to face him, smiling mischievously.
_ I know.
The revelation takes him by surprise. But his reaction is quickly replaced by the appreciation of her knowledge about his kinky penchant for masochism. How did she notice that ? He couldn't figure it out. But here she was, staring at him, arms crossed on her breasts, eyes dark, as if feigning composure before attacking him. He'd let her try.
As he bit his lip from the thought, he felt the chains tighten around him. It made him groan out of pain.
The witch giggles at this sight.
_ These are enchanted chains. You can siphon all you want, they'll never run out of magic. The more you're being turned on, the more it constricts your body. So, don't enjoy yourself too much.
Another cry of pain escapes his mouth.
_ Oh please, excited solely by my words ? You're way too easy, it's almost pathetic.
He straightens up, steadying his breathing. He grins playfully at his executioner.
_ That hurts. Quite literally. Who taught you to be so cruel ? When we met you were so sweet, trying to help your friends. Now you've come that far as to torture me. Why's that ?
_ I've learnt from the best. And you're not my friend.
He smirks at the remark.
_ My pleasure. I take that as a compliment. But that's not what I meant. You've stabbed me in the past, I stabbed you back. We're even. Now, I wanna know what all that fancy is about.
He tugs on the chains to illustrate his words.
She slowly starts to walk in his direction.
_ I wanted to 'spice it up' a little. Knives are way too old school.
Kai eyes her up and down and inhales in anticipation, earning a compression from the chains. He tries to hold back a whimper, resulting in a low sound from his throat that reaches the witch's ears.
_ And here I take the compliment.
She can't help but smile at his cocky expression tainted by the redness of his arousal spreading from his neck.
He shrugs through the chains, easing the sensations in his body. She's stopped a few feet away from him. He glares at her, challenging. As if he had any say in what's happening in here. As if he could restrain his desire from betraying him.
_ How did you-
_ know about your little preferences ? Or your attraction to me ?
His breathing increases, trying his hardest to contain himself.
_ You're not exactly subtle. I caught you staring at me enough times to get a first hint. During confrontations, you suspiciously glanced at my lips a lot more than people are usually intended to. Mister "I don't feel anything" had quite the shiny eyes on me after the merge.
_ You still betrayed me.
His pain-arousal has somehow switched into hurt.
_ Yeah, and you punished me for that. You revel in violence, giving and recieving. You talked about being even. I saw you, knew you fancied me. I kept it on the side of my mind, persuaded I would use it in my advantage one day. And here you are.
Her burning eyes pierce into his. He feels a twitch in his pants, pain coursing through his skin. A louder cry leaves his lips, head falling in exhaustion.
She's closed the distance between them, a few inches from his body. She bends over to his ear, now whispering.
_ I'm not even doing anything, but I could. Teasing you 'till you're screaming in agony.
Another whimper.
_ You'd adore that in a twisted way. Am I right ?
He raises his head, panting, however, he remains composed in his speech.
_ You're the one who tied me up. And you wonder who got the twisted mind ? You're enjoying this as much.
_ Maybe just a little.
She shows him a tiny gap between her thumb and index finger, smiling innocently.
_ Filthy little sadist of a witch !
At his words, she slides a hand behind his head and grasp the back of his neck, eliciting a gasp from the man in front of her.
The sudden grip she has on him makes a wave of want run through his body, along with a whirlwind of suffering caused by the chains.
_ Fuck !
His head jerks backwards, mouth agape from the sensations. He lets out cries of agony mixed with arousal.
After a while, he relaxes in Bonnie's hand, still locked on his neck. He's all sweaty, face reddened, already ruined by the mere attention he's been a victim of.
He hadn't noticed he'd closed his eyes. When he opens them, he's met with a menacing glare stabbing daggers through his irises.
_ Everybody's using me. I'm a great tool 'cause I have powers. I'm too much of a 'good and loyal friend'.
He's stunned by the unexpected confession.
_ Now it's my turn, I'm using you. For my own interests. For my own pleasure.
A moan. Desperation spreading through him. He wants to help, soothe something in her.
_ Untie me ! I'll give you pleasure.
It's not so much of an affirmation, more like a promise.
At that moment, she's the one whose breathing's perturbed. She's not giving in his words.
_ No. It's funnier that way. I've got that little loophole of a day to play with my toy all I want. I'm not finished with you yet.
He can't help but groan at her statement, jolting from the pain caused by his restrains. Staring at her face, he almost can't believe it when he notices the glimmer of lust in the witch's eyes.
_ Bonnie Bennett.... I didn't know you had that of a wicked side.
Her grip on his neck tightens. She moves her head closer to his, lips an inch away from his own. So close she's able to swallow the air coming from the whimper escaping his mouth.
_ You have no idea.
✨⛓️ Thoughts ? ⛓️✨
Update : [Part 2 here]
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
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noobiestnoober · 3 months
A Complicated Love (Reader x Damon x Elena)
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The story is set in 1994 Prison World, when Y/N (female) is a character in TVD who is stuck with Bonnie and Damon and starts developing feelings for Damon Salvatore and vice versa, despite Damon being still in love with Elena.
This is my first time posting a one-shot fanfic. I hope you enjoy it. <3
Prison World
Y/N didn't anticipate that she'd find herself in such a place as Prison World, a desolate, eerie double of Mystic Falls. It was supposed to be another Mystic Falls mission, with her tagging along with Bonnie and Damon. They found themselves in this alternative dimension, lost in the fight for survival, and most desperately struggling to find a way out. Days turned into weeks, and finally, weeks into months. During all of this, Y/N looked to Bonnie and Damon. They developed a connection out of difficult circumstances, and mutual reliance on each other's strength went beyond friendship. Weeks became months, and Y/N, well aware that Damon had affection for Elena, began to harbour feelings for him.
It complicated their bond even more now that they shared their days with another prisoner in the world: Kai Parker, a sociopathic but kind-of-charming guy who seemed to be thoroughly dangerous. Kai took an interest in Y/N from the first day, and his flirtatious ways and smooth talking made Y/N's skin crawl. Damon saw how Kai wouldn't let up with the flirting, and he felt something rise inside him towards Y/N, but he would shake it off.
One evening, Damon stood in between Kai and Y/N when Kai pushed too close.
"Stay out of it, Kai," Damon's eyes flashed furiously.
Kai grinned, flinging his palms up in a fictitious surrender. "What? I'm simply enjoying myself a little.”
"Fun's over," Damon yelled. "Get someone else to torture."
Kai turned to leave, grinning, and Y/N thankfully glanced at Damon,"Okay, Damon. I appreciate your help, but I can manage Kai."
Damon eventually turned to look down at her, "Yes, you can take care of yourself. I know. I don't want you to suffer, though.”
A wave of feeling came over Damon like a tsunami when he gazed into her eyes at that same instant. He cared about Y/N deeply, more than he had allowed himself to admit. It wasn't just about protecting her; it was about falling in love with her. He found himself in love with Y/N, and the thought both exhilarated and terrified him.
They eventually succeeded in getting out of Prison World and back to Mystic Falls. Now entangled, their complex feelings overshadowed their relief at returning. Elena was completely unaware of the growing bond between them as Damon and Y/N struggled to balance their newly formed feelings against the implications of their return.
Salvatore Boarding House
One could cut the tension in Salvatore Boarding House with a knife. Damon was pacing and agitated, his unusual vulnerability taking precedence over his confidence. Arms crossed, Y/N stood by the hearth, trying to make sense of the tornado of feelings rolling deep within her.
"You can't love me, Damon," Y/N said. And even her voice seemed to shake a bit, "You are in love already!"
Stopping his incessant pacing of the room, Damon slowly faced her, and his deep, piercing blue eyes contrasted fiercely, “Who said I could only love one person?”
The heart in Y/N leaped furiously. While she knew Damon had a difficult past with Elena, she also knew he harboured affection for her.
"Damon, this treatment isn't fair to anyone. This is unfair to Elena, to you, and to me."
Damon took a step closer, his expression earnest, "Y/N, I can't deny my feelings for you. But loving Elena doesn't lessen what I feel for you. My heart is big enough for both of you."
She could feel a lump developing in her throat. "This is much more complex. This will be hurting a lot of people."
Damon takes her hands in his, “Maybe. Love is never easy, I've learned. It's a messy thing with twists and turns, but that makes it more real. In the least."
Tears formed in Y/N's eyes as she looked at him for any signs of hesitation, “Are you sure? That this might… work out? And that we'd be able to move past these feelings without completely falling apart?"
With that, Damon tightened his grip just a bit, "The real question, Y/N, is: Do you love me?"
Y/N's breath hitched. She had been avoiding this question, afraid of what it might mean. But Damon was right in front of her, his vulnerability exposed, and she could not dispute the facts, “Damon, I do, for sure. Still, I fear that..."
Damon drew her into his arms and held her there, "So am I. We could, however, manage to go through this together. Someway."
Y/N felt him open, in his arms at last, felt the warmth and power of his hug, and buried her face in his chest, “I know I want to be with you, even though I don't know what tomorrow may bring."
Heart pounding with both terror and hope, Damon kissed the top of her head, "You and I will work everything out. One step at a time."
They knew the road would be difficult, but they had each other to inspire them to face whatever came next. Just as they were about to turn around, they heard a soft creak. Both turned to see Elena at the room entrance, her face white, eyes widen in shock, and shining with moisture. She had heard everything.
"Damon," Elena whispered, and her voice broke, "Is it true? Do you love Y/N?"
Damon's heart sank at the hurt in Elena's eyes. He let go of Y/N and took a step towards Elena, "Elena, I..."
Elena shook her head; tears streamed down her cheeks. "I thought… I thought we were working things out. And now, I don't know what to think."
Y/N flinched, stepping back. She couldn't bear to come in-between Damon and Elena. Partly feeling guilty.
Damon struggled with conflicting emotions, "I really do love you, Elena," Damon said in a raspy voice, "Still, I love Y/N as well. Even though it didn't happen as planned, it did. What can I do!?"
With a wipe of her tears, Elena tried to gather herself, "You're going to have to choose Damon. This isn't fair to any of us."
He looked helplessly from Elena to Y/N. He had loved them both. He loved them both deeply, yet he was unable to hold onto them both. He had to make a choice, and it was tearing him apart.
At last, Damon muttered, "I need some time to think." His voice was almost audible above a whisper, "I have to think what is best for every one of us."
Slowly nodding, Elena says in a sad tone, “You take your time, Damon. Please do not keep us waiting for too long.”
Elena turned and left, and Y/N watched, both relieved and saddened. She knew that it was far from over, and whatever choice Damon made would change their lives forever.
Standing there by himself and torn, Damon understood how difficult and messy love was. And someone would suffer no matter what decision he took.
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Are you ready for something sweet?
Ever experienced an intense craving for something you know you shouldn't have? An unbearable urge to indulge in something too sweet? You might understand what Damon and Bonnie are experiencing in my latest project, Pancakes are Promises.
Indulge in a collection of 100-word drabbles filled with such heartwarming fluff and gut-wrenching angst that they might just rot your teeth.
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The first drabble will be released on Friday, September 6th. I hope you enjoy pancakes as much as I do!
It will be posted to fanfiction.net under Pancakes are Promises and AO3 if available.
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itshotsht · 25 days
Writing is such an interesting thing to do. The ideas keep swimming in my head and sometimes it’s very overwhelming. There’s so much noise and so much excitement to get the work done and out, sometimes I find it very hard to keep a healthy balance. I either write 17 pages in a row or don’t write at all. Sometimes I write a paragraph and other times I write half a page and it’s okay. I’ve learned to work with my inconsistency and stopped being so hard on me. I have (self imposed) schedules because I love this fic and I’m aware there’s a couple people reading, but I’ve learned to respect the fact that I’ve got a full-time job outside of fanfiction and that it’s okay to work in my own pace. I’ve come back to (finally) work on my latest chapter and I’m trying my best to let go of the fact that it’s been almost a year since I’ve updated. It’s about the creativity and the love I’ve got for these characters, it’s about community and shared interest in Bonnie and her life. It’s about honouring her in the ways that the creators were NEVER able (or wanted) to honour her. So, to readers out there that have found Selfish - thank you so much for your patience. Thank you for rocking with me and for leaving such helpful comments/messages and overall support.
P.S.: feel free to drop me a line here or on ao3. Anon or otherwise I’m happy to chat with people!
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storywriter12 · 5 months
I'm having thoughts about doing a vampire diaries story
Good idea?
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paradiecircus · 2 years
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Teenaged Bonkai, circa ‘94
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newsfrom-theworld · 5 months
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Who killed him? How did he die?
He was tortured to death. I want everybody to imagine the strength it takes to endure weeks of painful torture (that include electric shocks) and not make the false confession the zionists tried to get to justify their hospital massacres.
He endured the pain to protect his people
A more detailed post abt Palestinian Prisoners
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egophiliac · 7 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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so rhaenyra starts s3 with a god complex, believing herself to be the prince that was promised from aegon the conqueror's dream... but hugh and ulf will betray her, mysaria will misunderstand her, coryls will undermine her, bartimos will underestimate her, daemon will abandon her, her people will turn against her and burn her castle and kill her dragon. and when everyone who accepted rhaenyra as queen rejects her, the only person left to love rhaenyra will be alicent, who never loved rhaenyra as queen but rhaenyra as a person ("she was the vision that sustained him [...] it was his love for her that kept him resolute in his choice of heir."). alicent, who abandoned her gods and duty to go to rhaenyra on dragonstone and appeal to the person beneath the crown ("i cast myself on the mercy of a friend who once loved me."). alicent, who's made a god of rhaenyra, not as queen, but as the girl she read with beneath the godswood ("come with me.").
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screeching-flower · 11 months
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oo ee oo
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avelanlorelay · 3 months
Cardan in The Queen of Nothing:
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How I imagine him ten years later:
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Love, that force that compels us to be sometimes better and often worse
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nevereverthem · 5 months
TVD reflection :
I have a question, I mean, two questions :
-> How did Kai know that Bonnie and Damon were in the prison world ?
I mean, technically Kai was sent to a prison world by his family. So I suppose that when he got sent to the prison world he was sent to the same place he was in beforehand. Like, he kind of disappeared then reappeared at his family place but without anyone around, I guess. There is no way he would have appeared at the Salvatore place because that makes no sense. So how did he know ? Like did he feel it ? Can he feel he's not alone anymore and he just followed that feeling and then he finally spotted them somewhere ? I mean that's weird but that would be a thing if his witchy senses were able to tell him he wasn't alone. And it would make sense that Damon and Bonnie didn't feel it in the first place. Because the were sent to a prison world together so they were already sensing each other presence so why not.
And you cannot just tell me that Kai was traveling around because he has nothing else to do and he just bumped into them like from a distance. I know TV shows are made of coincidences, because without that, there's a lot of things that would never happen. But that's too much of a coincidence ! He's spent almost 2 decades in that place. He could be anywhere on the globe ! And you want me to think he would be traveling to Mystic Falls at the exact moment Bonnie and Damon happen to appear ? Don't fuck with coincidences please, make it make sense a little bit.
The other thing that's bugging me is :
How did they never feel that Kai was here ?
I mean, if Bonnie didn't feel it, okay why not. But Damon ? He is supposed to feel things, feel that people are here, thanks to his vampire senses. And you cannot tell me that Kai was using a cloacking spell ! He's not supposed to have any magic. He has magic in the sense that he is a siphon, but with nothing to siphon from, he cannot use magic. Even if before being sent to the prison word he had a bit of magic in his system because he had siphoned someone just before.... It's been 18 years. 18 years later you're not going to tell me he still has that magic in him. And clearly he doesn't, because the whole point of when he meets Damon and Bonnie for real is that he's doing that awful thing to Damon in order for Bonnie to get her magic back by triggering it ! Because he NEEDS her to have her magic back ! So technically he cannot have used a cloacking spell. So when he was spying on Damon and Bonnie, Damon is supposed to have sensed him ! So that doesn't make any sense ! Surew I like the thing about the cross words puzzle, but it does not make any sense that they did not spot him anywhere before. Even if he was hiding in the house, spying on them.... I don't know like, if Bonnie didn't spot him okay right again why not. But still, Damon is supposed to know he's here ! Supposed to feel his presence. At least he would have heard his heart beating or his blood pumping in his veins !
Kai couldn't use a cloacking spell because he didn't have the powers to do it at the moment and even if he was hiding to spy on them, Damon should have been able to sense him !
There sure is a way to explain this and they should have done it because that bugs me.
Maybe I am missing something. Maybe it has been explained in the show and I don't remember. Or it has been explained by the writers.
Please enlighten me !
I am going crazy.
Thank you.
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noobiestnoober · 2 months
Prison World IKEA - Assembling Chaos
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This one-shot fanfic is based in the 1994 Prison World, where Damon, Bonnie and Y/N are stuck in the prison world, and one day they receive a mysterious package from their resident sociopath. I hope you enjoy the story <3
In the surreal Prison World, Bonnie, Damon, and Y/N found themselves surrounded by endless forests, eerie silence, and... IKEA flatpacks. A mysterious delivery had arrived that morning, containing furniture that promised to make their indefinite stay a tad more comfortable.
"Who even delivers IKEA to a prison world?" Y/N wondered aloud, examining the flatpacks.
"Probably someone with a twisted sense of humor," Damon replied, narrowing his eyes, "Like Kai."
As if on cue, Kai Parker appeared out of thin air, a mischievous grin plastered on his face, "Surprise! I thought you could use some entertainment. Watching you try to assemble IKEA furniture should be fun," he said, chuckling.
Bonnie glared at him, "You're seriously enjoying this, aren't you?"
"More than you know," Kai replied, leaning against a tree to watch the chaos unfold.
Bonnie glanced at the instruction manual, a frown deepening on her face, "I'm not sure about this," she said, staring at the diagrams that looked more like abstract art than useful instructions.
Damon smirked, holding up what was supposed to be a shelf but looked more like modern art, "It looks great," he said, admiring his work. The shelf wobbled precariously, then collapsed with a clatter.
"Yeah, great if we're planning to host a broken furniture exhibition," Y/N added, rolling her eyes.
Bonnie sighed and plopped down on the floor, spreading the instruction manual in front of her, "Alright, let's try again. Damon, can you pass me the screws?"
"Screws? I thought those were extras. I threw them away," Damon said nonchalantly.
"You what?" Bonnie and Y/N exclaimed in unison.
"Just kidding," Damon grinned, pulling a bag of screws from his pocket, "But seriously, who needs instructions? Let's just wing it."
"That's how we ended up with a lopsided shelf in the first place," Y/N pointed out.
Kai laughed, clearly enjoying the show, "This is better than TV."
Hours passed, and the trio's efforts produced a series of increasingly bizarre pieces of "furniture." One chair had five legs, while another had none. A table leaned at an angle that defied both gravity and common sense.
"Damon, I think this piece goes here," Bonnie said, holding up a wooden plank.
"No way, it definitely fits here," Damon argued, jamming the plank into a random spot.
Y/N watched the chaos unfold, shaking her head, "At this rate, we're going to end up with a pile of firewood."
"Which might not be a bad idea," Bonnie muttered. "We could use a bonfire to brighten up this dreary place."
Just as frustration was about to reach its peak, Damon had an idea, "Why don't we use magic?"
Bonnie's eyes lit up, "Why didn't I think of that sooner?" She cast a simple spell, and the pieces of furniture floated into the air, assembling themselves with a satisfying series of clicks.
In no time, the room was filled with perfectly constructed IKEA furniture. They all sat down, marveling at the result.
Kai clapped his hands slowly, a mockingly impressed look on his face, "Well, that was easy."
Bonnie shot him a look, "Easy? We wasted half a day on this!"
"But it was worth it," Y/N said, sinking into a comfortable armchair, "Now we have a place to relax, even if it’s in this creepy Prison World."
Damon leaned back on the newly assembled couch, his smirk widening, "Next time, let’s try building a hot tub."
Bonnie and Y/N groaned in unison, "Let's not," they said, laughing.
Kai vanished with a satisfied grin, leaving the trio to enjoy their newly assembled, albeit magically assisted, IKEA haven.
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itshotsht · 2 years
Summary: [Post s5 Finale] Damon and Bonnie were ready to die, to leave everything and everyone behind. Despite all of their damaged history together, one moment will redefine their entire relationship. What happens when fate has other plans?
Pairing: Bonnie Bennett x Damon Salvatore
"Memories of You" (Preview):
She licked her lips and palmed the floor underneath her. There were so many times she had been here, so many times where she and Sheila played around with her gowns and wigs and just had a little fashion show right there, in that bedroom. Or the actual version of it.
It started when young Bonnie became fascinated by the creative way Sheila would patch up her ripped jeans or shorts after she fell down while playing with Caroline and Elena. Back when she was just another regular kid. The first few times, the older Bennett would take the closest fabric she had and matched it with the item that needed repairing, but after realizing that Bonnie was going to keep showing up with ripped clothes and blaming it on having to win whatever game they'd been playing that day, Sheila decided to decorate her granddaughter's damaged clothes with flowers, bees and other cute animated patches. When she showed Bonnie her renewed cardigan with a row of butterflies going up the sleeves, the young girl's face lit up brighter than the sun.
Bonnie remembered it perfectly.
She also remembered how she and Grams came up with the idea of making matching jackets for Elena, Caroline and herself. On weekends, when her dad dropped her off, she and Sheila would wear the most random outfits and use the hallway as a catwalk. The sounds from the vynil records playing in the living room traveled through the house and swayed the Bennett's spirits. Time went by so fast and after many laughs and silly poses, Sheila would help little Bonnie to bed and tuck her in, but not before reading her a bedtime story right on that chair, the one sitting close to the window.
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i think it would be funny if people occasionally arose from the dead. like if that was a real-life one-in-a-million but well-documented Thing That Sometimes Happens, and the entire legal system around death (laws on inheritance & marriage & murder etc) had to include caveats for the unlikely-but-scientifically-possible event that the dead person in question might spontaneously self-resurrect, even years or decades after death. it would raise so many inconvenient and absurd possibilities
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paradiecircus · 2 years
After contemplating quitting my stories forever. I did a Bonkai thing because I was being impulsive and I just came up with this, this morning so hopefully someone thinks this is cool too 😎
This will be up on Wattpad once I get the cover art 🖼 yaaaaay!
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