#Princess Laonome
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- Mother, it might not be such a bad idea, Prince Heraklis whispered.
- You can’t mean that, Herakli! I want to slow down your brother’s libido, not kill him!
- I know mother, but this way he can get some real experience, it will do him good, and he don’t have to fight in the battles directly, he can just lead from a distance. And he will come back as a hero.

- Is it something you believe your brother would consider doing voluntarily? The Queen asked, after some thought.
- Yes, I believe so. Ifiklis is well aware that he is not very popular amongst the public, and the limitations that poses to the way he can rule. A chance to be perceived like a hero, I think he would grab it with both hands.
- Then you talk with him Herakli. Preferably in a way that makes him believe it is his own idea. If he leaves, it will buy us some time. If he stays, we will implement the law at the next esembly.

Prince Heraklis didn’t waste any time, and brought up the issue as soon as King Ifiklis was back from his visit to the soldier camp. He had brought Captain Tryptis with him to underline the military facts.
- ... and the army will need some real leadership, he emphasized while counting the swords in the armory, and it would be a true heroic action for Manthos and our future!

- I was thinking to volunteer myself, Heraklis said, I mean, the thought of returning like a true war hero is very alluring. But then I thought I would have to ask you first, just in case you wanted to take charge yourself. I mean, you are the King after all and I wouldn’t stand in your way.
- Hmm. Good thinking. I actually think that I, as the King, should do that. I also have more experience than you, so it is evident really. It will be hard convincing mother and Memilia but...

- I will help you with mother, if you convince your wife.
- Thank you for your support, brother!

A few days later the big buzz at the Agora was that the King himself would go to lead the troops in new battles.
- That was a solution I didn’t see coming, Simadhne said. Can you imagine! Sending your own son to a war...!
- Maybe she felt that she didn’t have a choice? Kyria Figaleía asked rhetorically. It would seem easier just to implement a law, but I don’t know. I can’t figure out how these people think, to be honest.

- What worries me, Sapfo said, is that this doesn’t solve anything for the future. One day he will be back.
- I for my part hope he never comes back. I’m sorry, but that’s honestly how I feel. Noor said with intensity. And now excuse me kyries, I’m going to have a chat with sister, whom I never see anymore.

- Noor, my dear! It’s so good to see you!
- Finally! It’s been too long! I hope you have time for a long chat, because I have so much to tell you!
- Actually I don’t. I’m so sorry! Teterius needs this text by tomorrow you see, and my mother in law is not well, and I just have too much to do! We will catch up later I promise!
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Queen Alkmini#Prince Heraklis#Princess Laonome#kleomenis trypitis#King Ifiklis#Noor#Simadhne#Eira#figalía Eláïom#sapfó h erésia#simblr
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Princess Nikh Akrisiou
GENDER - Female
AGE - Teen
Princess of Selinódasos
ASPIRATION - Rambunctious Scamp, Admired Icon
TRAITS: Calm, Fussy, Good, Bro
SIGN: Capricornus
PARENTS - Laonome Amphytriona and King Akrisios I
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
TEEN: Privilege sounds so enticing, but is it really? Nikh is so restricted by expectations. Marriage, power, heritage, they are all part of it. But what about dreams?
CHILD: Nikh loves to run, climb and fight. Not to quarrel, but wrestling. She is strong and beat most boys her age. Her dream is to became a bull-jumper when she grows up.
TODDLER: You see, if you spoil a child like Nikh, she will become more and more demanding for attention. She is still very sweet, but OMG what a tiring kid...
INFANT: Nikh (Nike in English) was named during the Tartosa war while her mother was hoping for a victory. She doesn't seem to be a warrior, but who knows, the calm and friendly people might win in the end.
#Story character#Nikh Akrisia#Royal Family#Generation 3#side character#Princess Nikh#Once Upon A Time#Early Civilization#Royal family of Selinódasos#Princess of Selinódasos#chapter 11#chapter 12#KyriaT
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* herakles: blood-stained champion.
basic-ass profile series.
portrayal notes.
Herakles the Lionhearted, son of Zeus. Culture Hero. God. Murderer.
Vibes-based portrayal while I pin down the various tales that make up the man, the myth, the legend of Herakles. Currently mainlining The Oxford Handbook of Heracles ed. by Daniel Ogden to get my bearings.
Themes centered on the meaning of heroism and violence and what happens when the bigge damn hero is more terrifying than the monsters he slays.
Interested in exploring the fall of a hero :’) (but a hero should rise before he falls, yes?)
Tertiary, Pre/Epic Cycle. Verses include (but not limited to) myth canon, myth AU, modern, and uhhh… Just about anywhere I can slot him in tbh.
Alkaios of Thebes Herakles God of Strength and Heroes; Divine Protector of Mankind, Patron of the Gymnasium Theban-born, but of Mykenai heritage (Tyrins, Troezen) / Aegan Of white, Black, and mixed indigenous Mexican descent in non-myth verses Pre/Epic Cycle
His aura is what's larger than life — the man himself is on the taller side for a man of his era, but hardly the towering height most people imagine based on his exploits.
Bronzed bc regardless of the existence of sunscreen, he's not gonna wear it. Dark brown hair, curled and thick. Dark eyes that would never be called cow-like.
A thick dark beard and plenty of body hair as well. If he were a mortal man who changed and aged over time as one, he'd be one hell of a bear. Or, well, "dad bod" for those who aren't MLM.
DIVINE HERITAGE: Zeus (father; grandsire); Hera NOTABLE ANCESTORS: Perseus PARENTS: Alcmene of Mykenai and Zeus (divine); Aphitryon (mortal); Rhadamanthus (stepfather) SIBLINGS: many divine siblings by his divine father; Iphikles and Laonome SPOUSE: Megara, princess of Thebes; Omphale, queen of Lydia; Deianira, princess of Calydon; Hebe, goddess of Youth LOVERS: enough of them that I need time to collect a list of names and make a separate headcanon post. CHILDREN: Some say there are over 100. Tbf some of those are now dead. CONNECTIONS: honestly? Probably everyone.
The duality of Heracles is that he is both the best and worst person you could ever meet. He’d literally go to Hades and back to repay what’s a relatively small favor.
He’s also known for impulsive acts of great violence, both in infancy (against the snakes Hera sent to his crib) and in adolescence (the murder of his music teacher, Linus)
He can be extremely generous and exceedingly loyal, boisterous drinker and a genial guest.
He is also violent, arrogant, and impulsive. He is intolerant to the faintest slight and is capable of extreme brutality.
Awful in both senses, inspiring awe and dread.
need to know.
Typical ancient Greek male sexuality in that he has his wife and then both male and female lovers. Less important than the gender of his partners is that he’s (usually) the top.
Only Omphale has had the honor of topping Herakles in his whole dang life.
Grew up possibly in Thebes???
Timeline goes: some adventures > marriage to Megara > some adventures > madness and murder of family > 12 Labors in part to cleanse his soul of miasma of his murders > more adventures.
There’s so much to know lkajsf;fsdaasfd
I’ll update this when I know what’s the most need-to-know
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A few weeks after the women’s protest Queen Alkmini found the oportunity to assemble the nobel men to a meeting. King Ifiklis was doing an inspection at the soldier’s camp, and would spend the night there.
In deepest secrecy the legal experts, loyal to the Queen, had worked out a new law, now presented to the nobel men.

It said “Young women, at an age ready for marriage, but yet not married, shall, when they are staying in a place not being their own home, and in the hours between sunset and sunrise, always and at all circumstances, be accompanied by an older, male relative or a person appointed by the family for this purpose, if such male relative does not exist.”

After the reading there was a fierce debate.
- This is much too limiting for young women! One of the nobel men pointed out. They will loose their freedom of movement entirely!
- Well no young women should be outside their home after sunset anyway, another said.

The Queen listened to the debate for a while, and then spoke.
- Gentlemen! We all know the background for this purposed law and what problem it is meant to solve. If any of you don’t possess this knowledge, I would be happy to inform you, in private. I realize that this law has it’s shortcomings, but under the circumstances... I don’t want any unpleasant upheavals, and the woman were quite clear - the common men of Manthos are on their side in this matter.

- Maybe if you gave him a warning? Kyrios Rhesus suggested.
- I’m afraid that would be a waste of time, Kyrie Rhesu, the Queen sighed. He’ve had many warnings already. Other suggestions?

- Maybe it would help if he was not at the palace or Manthos for a while? Kyrios Ignacio said cautiously. Until the unrest has calmed down, I mean? And that way we could solve another pressing problem for Manthos at the same time?
- What are you saying? The Queen replied, Please don’t speak in riddles!
- I’m thinking about the situation at the front, Ma’am. There is a desperate need of leadership, I would say.

- What?! The Queen gasped. Are you suggesting I send my son to the battlefield Kyrie Ignacio?
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Queen Alkmini#Prince Heraklis#Princess Laonome#Rhesus Vrentésios#Ignacio Roblis#kleomenis#Kleomenis Trypitis#simblr
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As they had planned, only a few women went to the throne room. Sapfó and Figaleía were the spokespersons.
- ... and we know, Figaleía’s voice was loud and clear, some of us from personal experience, that members of the Royal Family, has gone far beyond his right, with these young women!
- It is a disgrace for Manthos as a whole, and to the Royal Family in particular! Sapfó added, We can not allow this to continue!

- That is a very serious accusation, Queen Alkmini countered, But if it was true, what would you want me to do with it Kyria Sapfó? If the King’s behavior is unsettling, you should approach him, not me. Isn’t that right Kyria Figaleía?

- Aha! So she knows the problem is King Ifiklis, right? Noor whispered to Eira.
- Of course she does. My impression is that she knows most things that goes on at the Palace, Eira whispered back.

- If I may, Sapfó intervened, as women we trust that the Queen has a lot more influencing power than She gives Herself credit for. Just like the women gathered here today, has a lot of influencing powers on their husbands, fathers and sons. Who knows what they would make them do, or not do.

There was a resounding silence, and everybody held their breath to see what the reaction to Sapfó’s statement would be. This kind of threats might leave them all at risk. Would the queen be furious now?

After what seemed like an eternity, and without so much as an expression, the Queen slightly leaned towards the Princess and whispered something, and the princess whispered something back. Then the Queen nodded imperceptibly and cleared her throat.

- I will cogitate on this matter. It is unclear to me which illegal act you believe has been committed and what exactly you are demanding or proposing. However, I will look further into the matter and give my decision in a few days. I request to see the following persons, as soon as the Queen's audience is over. Kyries Sapfó! Figaleá! Noor! Simadhne!
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Sapfó h Erésia#Figaleía Eláïom#Noor#Eira#Simadhne#Queen Alkmini#Princess Laonome#simblr
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One by one Queen Alkmini and Heraklis had secret talks with the nobel men of Manthos, sometimes even with Princess Laonome participating. She had a talent for public relations.

The Queen discussed her concerns about the new command, and although most of them expressed understanding, very few were willing to give the Queen direct support. “Incompetence is no reason” they said. “He is still the King”.

The Queen made great efforts to keep the conversations hidden, but the big palace had ears and coincidentally one of them were Kyria Figaleía. She found, after arranging three marriages paid for by Itaja, it natural to discuss these things with him.

And as dark clouds gathered on the horizon of Manthos, Itaja went for a visit Figaleía, to discuss the situation and have a game of Nine men's morris.
- I think women are right to protest about the behavior of the King, Itaja said, don’t get me wrong. But do you think the protest could have unforeseen consequences? I really don’t want to make problems for our country...

- Listen, Figaleía said after giving it some thought. The problem is the King, not the country. I believe the best thing would be to send a handful of women to talk with the Queen, as discreetly as possible. And at the same time make sure that they learn that he whole village is behind them. A silent protest, but within the walls of the palace.

- You are quite a strategist, aren’t you! That’s a smart move. However... *clack*, I still don’t think you can beat me at this game. After all you are a woman! Hahaha!

- Oh yes I am a woman... *clack* *clack* *clack* ... and you should never underestimate nor me, nor any other woman! You are out!
- What the flick...?!
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Queen Alkmini#Princess Laonome#Prince Heraklis#Itaja#Figaleía Eláïom#simblr
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After King Radhamanthos‘ death there had been hectic activity at the palace. There were many formalities to be taken care of.

Initially Queen Alkmini was not too pleased with the fact that many of her responsibilities were now taken away from her and given to King Ifiklis and his wife, Queen Memilia. For many years, and especially after King Radhamanthos had become quite old and tired, she had been the de facto head of Manthos.

- I would prefer to hand over the responsibility for those boring political discussions to you mother, King Ifiklis said. After all, you have the experience, and I prefer to spend my time with soldiers, not politicians.
- I would be happy to assist, Queen Alkmini answered.
- A very good idea, Captain Tryptis nodded. Formally we will make you the King’s Regent, to give you the power you need.

However, she had not counted on Queen Memilia's immense ambitions.
- Why should your mother be bothered with all this time consuming politics? Isn’t it better that you, who have such great plans for the future of Manthos and it’s people, take control over that part? And I will assist you of course. Besides, until we have a son, the regent should be your brother, not a woman. Let your mother run the household of the palace, as would be more fitting for her.

- What plans are you talking about? I don’t really have any plans ...
- But we’ve been talking about this Ifikli! You need to show people you are in charge! You want victory over our enemies right? We need more men and funds for the war, and you will have to raise the taxes to make it happen. If the public don’t respect you, it will become very hard to implement!

Queen Alkmini was surprised and annoyed with the new arrangement Ifiklis wanted to introduce.
- Son, you don’t know what you are getting in to! Without my network how are you and your little foreign wife handle the complicated politics of Manthos? You know very well your brother is much too young for this task. I think you will sincerely regret this.

- Herakli, your brother and his foolish wife wants to make you the regent.
- Me? But, but ... I have no idea how to be a regent!
- I trust you will listen carefully to my advice my son. You will accept the task, and then do exactly what I tell you. If this doesn’t go well, the consequences could be very serious for our country and for our family. We could be heading for a disaster.
- What should I do, mother?
- First of all you don’t do anything without checking with me. Manthos’ future is the most important thing, and that terrible woman has a bad influence over your brother, and I really don’t trust her. I told your father that marriage was a terrible mistake. But, until we find a more permanent solution, we will just have to play along.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Queen Alkmini#King Ifiklis#Princess Laonome#Prince Heraklis#Queen Memilia#kleomenis trypitis#simblr
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[loud banging on the door]

- Kyrie Itaja, you have been called to attend the public viewing tomorrow!
- Malista. I confirm.

- What does this mean, Itaja?
- It just means I have to go to the palace tomorrow to pay my respect and witness that the king is actually dead. It’s just a formality.
- Yes, but what does it mean for us, for Nashuja? Are we to expect problems now? Since he is actually the new king’s son?

- No, I don’t think so. Prince Ifi... I mean KING Ifiklis is married now, so why should he care about an illegitimate son? From what I understand Nashuja is not his only child either...
- Yeah, you are probably right. I just don’t trust them. And specially not him.
- No matter what, the best thing we can do is to behave normal. I will go to the palace, do what I’m supposed to do, and then we just live normally.

That evening the women were curios to hear how it was at the palace. Who had been there, what was said and done, what they were wearing.
- And our new Queen, was she there? And what about the old Queen, was she crying?

- They were all there, but I couldn’t see anyone crying. Only Princess Laonome looked a bit sad, but the others didn’t show any emotions as far as I could tell.
- Not even the new Queen? Wasn’t she crying at all!? She should have. How disrespectful! She probably wore clothes typical from her own region right?

- She was wearing a Minoan dress as far as I could see.
- And the new King, he must have been very sad?

- If he was, it didn’t show. If anything he looked a bit scared actually.
- Scared?
- Yes! Well I don’t know. These people are weird, so how am I to tell what he was feeling? What is all this gossip good for? As long as they don’t mess up our lives, I don’t really care what they are doing and feeling.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Nafpaktios Elis#Simadhne#Nashuja#Itaja#Amunet#King Radhamanthos#Konchylia Zina#Princess Laonome#Prince Heraklis#Queen Memilia#King Ifiklis#Queen Alkmini#kleomenis trypitis#simblr
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The King of Manthos, the young Mijararos, had payed a friendly visit to King of Selinódasos, the wealthy King Akrísios, who was also married to Mijaros' aunt, Queen Laonome. This was a courtesy visit, but with an agenda. They had an important issue to discuss: To strengthen the ties between the two kingdoms through an agreement on marriage.

When seeing his potential wife, King Mijararos was quite startled.
- But she is still a child! I don't think this is a good idea.
- Well, you knew her age already, didn't you? She is almost ten winters.
- When grandmother said "marry your cousin" I didn't realize she meant Princess Nikh. I always assumed she meant Princess Euthalia. This is not what I had prepared for.

- Princess Euthalia is already spoken for. We have already made an agreement with the Kingdom of Koiláda Chalkoú.
- I don't mind cousin Mijarare, Nikh said, I know you will be a kind husband. And also grandma and uncle Heraklis will be there, so I'm not afraid.
- Thank you for that, Nikh my dear, but it's not that easy. There are expectations that you simply can't fill.

- There would be a long period of engagement of course, at least three winters. The important thing now is the agreement, not the fulfillment.

- I hear you uncle, and I respect that, but I ... I just can't. The age difference bothers me, and it will probably do so for many years. The gap is too large. I'm sorry, I will just have to decline.
- Mother will not be pleased, Laonome said. The whole family will be so disappointed.
- It can't be helped aunt Laonome, this is impossible. I will have to look for a wife elsewhere I'm afraid.

- Is it my fault cousin Mijarare? Am I too ugly? You don't love me?
- Of course I love you! Just not in a husband-and-wife-way, okay? Besides, you are the prettiest girl in the whole kingdom and any young man will be proud to marry you, as soon as you get a bit older.

- I'm really sorry uncle. But might I suggest that you consider my brother Linos for Nikh? They are closer in age, and he is second to the throne.
- I was hoping for a more prestigious marriage, so I don't know. It's not what I had planned for my daughter. This is most unfortunate.

- My men! Laonome cut in. We must be able to solve this somehow.
- I don't see how, Mijararos answered.
- Not me neither, Akrisios agreed.

- Dear nephew, would you consider marrying Euthalia, if she wasn't spoken for?
- I would. We are about the same age at least.
- So if we can reach an agreement with the King of Koiláda Chalkoú to let her go, would we have an agreement? Even if the dowry would be lower?
- Why should it be lower?
- Because we would have to offer something to the King of Koiláda Chalkoú. As a compensation.

- Do you think he would be willing to discuss it?
- It's worth a try.
- And Euthalia, how would she feel about it, would she consider living at Manthos palace?
- Oh, absolutely. She wasn't very keen on going to Koiláda Chalkoú, that's for sure. She's been sulking for weeks now.

- Ironically, that sounds promising. So maybe we have an agreement then?
- Provided the King of Koiláda Chalkoú agrees; yes!
- When I come home, Mijararos added, I will suggest that the house of Manthos and grandmother assists with the compensation, just to make sure he will think it's worth it.

- You make it sound so easy, Laonome laughed.
- What?
- "I will suggest that grandmother assists". That woman is not known for accepting any suggestions easily. Unless it's in her interest.
- It's just a matter of making her realizing just that, it is in her interest. I know what I will have to do.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Eleven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#King Mijararos#Queen Laonome#King Akrisios#Princess Nikh#simblr
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The harsh words of his brother rang in King Mijararo's ears, and to make the misery complete they got the sad message that Queen Alkmini had passed away on their way back. It was not unexpected considering her old age and health situation, but still sorrowful for those who loved her.

Just a few months later, they also received the message that Laonome, the Queen of Selinódasos, who was King Mijararos' aunt and Queen Euthalia's mother, surprisingly had turned ill and died. Rumors had it that she had been poisoned, but nobody were able to figure out who and how.

The King was of course devastated, but was comforted by the children's governess Bisera, whom he just months later decided to marry, because "it is easier this way", as he said.

Queen Euthalia was furious with her father, and wanted her sister Nikh to come to Manthos, "to avoid the influence from common and unfit people" as she explained it. "Absolutely not", was the short and clear answer from the king. We don't think he ever asked his daughter Nikh what she wanted, but if he had, she would most likely had agreed with her father. Truth is Nikh had a much better relationship with her "common" governess than with her rather snobbish sister. As for her younger brother Philokratis he was not old enough to understand.

Queen Euthalia had strong opinions about most things, and there had been a couple of episodes with both staff and family in the past. But lately the frictions between Euthalia and Amphiera had escalated to a level that was affecting the whole family. As soon as they were in the same room, which they were daily, there were loud arguments and glowers.

King Mijararos tried several times to discuss this with his wife, but to little avail.
- Why are you telling me this, she said, when it is Amphiera who is causing all the problems? She looks so innocent that one, but she is a demon! I'm telling you!
- That might be so, but please, if you could be a little less confrontational?

- You don't understand my situation Mijarare! Euthalia was clearly upset. I'm the head of this household, I am the Queen of this country, and my authority is constantly challenged by that... Lámia!
- But we will all just have to work together, and ...
- Work together?! She is a lazy slob, and all she can do is to lie on the coach and have the servants run around for her! And she don't have children or households or kingdoms to look after, like some of us! You don't know what you are talking about! Go talk with your brother and ask him to get his wife in order, next time. I'm sick and tired of this!
Mijaros found it best not to continue the discussion that night.

He had a feeling that his brother wouldn't be open for any suggestions concerning his wife's behavior, so he decided not to talk with him about it. Instead, he confided in his uncle.
- So you see the situation is a bit unruly, and I really don't know how to handle it. Do you think your Konchylia could... No, probably not a good idea. Could become even messier.
- Hmm. Well I don't know. She is good at stopping the children from fighting, but this is a different level of course.
- You know what is worse than two women fighting?

- What?
- Three women fighting.
- Ah, it's a joke!
- It is, but it's true, isn't it?
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Twelve#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Generation 3#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Nafpaktios Elis#King Mijararos#Princess Amphiera#Prince Linos#Queen Laonome#Queen Bisera#King Akrisios#Princess Nikh#Queen Euthalia#Prince Heraklis#Princess Konchylia#Duchess Ζosimih#Duchess Myrrhini#simblr
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At the Kastro of Koiláda Chalkou there were not just one wedding scheduled that summer, but two. To keep the peace between them, the two kings had decided to strengthen the ties between the families. The mind behind it all was of course Queen Alkmini, but unfortunately she was not able to attend herself. Her health was not good, after all she was getting very old.

The beautiful Princess Ofelia, the sister of the King of Manthos, was to marry the King of Koiláda Chalkou, a small but wealthy kingdom on the Manthos continent.

Princess Ofelia's twin brother, Prince Linos, was expected to marry the elder sister of the King of Koiláda Chalkou, Princess Amphiera. She was a beauty, but much older than her chosen one.

He was not happy about. Just hours before the ceremony, he had a big fight with his brother, King Mijararos, about it.
- How can I marry that woman?! She is so old! Her hair is already growing white!
- She still has many good years, the king tried to argue.

- You are such a hypocrite! You didn't want to marry cousin Nikh because she was too young for you, and now you expect me to marry that old hag?
- Calm down! You know very well that I did that so we wouldn't wait years and years for an heir to the throne. And she is not an old hag, she is still a beautiful woman.
- But she is too old! She is older than our mother for goddess sake!Not much chance for me having a heir, that's for sure. At least not with her.
- The heir is not important in your case, the liaison is.

- Axx, leave me alone, I can't reason with you anyway
- So, will do as you are told then?
- You and grandma don't leave me much choice, do you? I will do it, but I will not forgive this. I will find my revenge, be sure of that!
- Lino, please...

That afternoon, in a ceremony led by King Akrisios of Selinódasos, the switch of siblings was done and the peace of the two kingdoms was secured.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Twelve#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Generation 3#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Queen Euthalia#Queen Laonome#Prince Linos#Princess Amphiera#Princess Ofelia#King Turunusemis#King Akrisios#King Mijararos#Princess Nikh#simblr
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The agreement was made, and the wedding became expensive, just as Queen Alkmini had predicted. There were many prominent guests, and even the big throne room filled up.

The bride and groom didn't seem overjoyed, but perhaps they were affected by the seriousness of the moment.

The King of Koiláda Chalkoú was invited but did not come to the wedding. He was probably still a bit crossed, even though he had received a handsome compensation, in form of horses, cattle, gems and precious metals. However, he did send his sister to represent him at the wedding, the incredibly beautiful Princess Amphiera.

Other honorable guests were of course Prince Heraklis and his family. It was the first time little Myrrhini was attending publicly, but she seemed more interested in the birds outside than in the wedding ceremony.

The bride's family were also there, even if it was quite a long journey for them, and for that reason little prince Philokratis was left at home. Queen Laonome was not feeling well, it was possible that she was expecting again, so they took a more discreet position in the throne room, to be able to slip out to the private chambers if necessary.

The distinguished ladies of Manthos were all there, of course, and Kyria Figaleía wouldn't miss it for the world.

It truly was a grand celebration, and everybody agreed that it had been a fabulous ceremony.

Except maybe for the bride and groom.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Eleven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#King Mijararos#Queen Euthalia#Queen Alkmini#Prince Heraklis#Princess Konchylia#Duchess Ζosimih#Duchess Myrrhini#Prince Linos#Princess Ofelia#Princess Amphiera Chalkiou#Kleomenis Trypitis#Nafpaktios Elis#Leotychidas Trypitis#Figaleía Eláïom#simblr
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The same thing repeated every night. The prince came to watch the practice.

Followed by the nightly visits, that made her feel very uncomfortable, but seemed unavoidable.

Finally the day had come. The King was sitting on the throne, and the whole Royal family and prominent guests from the area expected to be entertained.

Noor had been dressed up in expensive garments and precious jewelry, but didn’t feel any enjoyment.

- God, I hate this, all these people staring like I was some kind of exotic animal. It’s derogatory. Thank Astanna this is the end of it. Now I just have to do my best so I can go home tomorrow with honor.

- My son tells me you are a very good dancer despoinís?

- Yeah right! Princess Laonome whispered to her brother Heraklis. Like THAT’s the reason why she is here.
- Shhh Laonome! Besides, don’t you allow your brother to have a little fun? She wont last.
- I know, but he has now shame! Bringing his floozies here, in front of the King and everything.

- So what are you going to perform for us?
- A Kórdax Kyrie.
- Very good. I always enjoyed a good belly dance. Go ahead.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Six#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Noor#Prince Ifiklis#King Radhamanthos#Princess Laonome#prince heraklis#simblr
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Queen Laonome Akrisiou (Amphytriona) - DECEASED
GENDER - Female
AGE - Adult
Queen of Selinódasos
ASPIRATION - Renaissance Sim
TRAITS: Proper, Childish, Goofball
SIGN: Gemini
PARENTS - King Radhamanthos and Queen Alkmini
PARTNER - King Akrisios
CHILDREN - Euthalia, Nikh, Philokratis,
Download: King Radhamanthos and the Royal family
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
ADULT: Life has had an impact on Laonome, as it has on most of us. She enjoy her children, seeing them grow up and prosper, but she also misses the fuzz and buzz of Manthos Castle. She is quite involved int the politics in her new kingdom, and there are visits to look forward to of course, but, you know, it’s not the same. Don’t misunderstand, she is not unhappy! But she is not really happy either.
YOUNG ADULT: She married early - thanks to his mother's ambitious plan - and even if she was not thrilled in the beginning, it worked out quite well for her. The Akrisios Castle was much more relaxed and informal than the vast and impersonal Manthos Palace. She enjoyed taking care of her own children, and even having direct contact with the animals on the castle farm. Who would have thought that?
TEEN: She has inherited her mother's beauty, but not her diplomatic finesse. But to be just, she is still young, and she might learn. At the moment she seems very immature and her actions are not very carefully considered. She has her own knack for annoying people, probably something she learned from growing up with two brothers.
#Story character#Chapter 6#Laonome Amphytriona#Royal Family#Generation 2#side character#Once Upon A Time#Early Civilization#Laonome Akrisiou#Princess Laonome#Queen Laonome#Royal Family of Manthos#Royal Family of Selinódasos#Princess of Manthos#Queen of Selinódasos#chapter 7#chapter 11#chapter 12#KyriaT#deceased
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