#Princess of Selinódasos
sa-characters · 11 months
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Princess Nikh Akrisiou
GENDER - Female
AGE - Teen
Princess of Selinódasos
ASPIRATION - Rambunctious Scamp, Admired Icon
TRAITS: Calm, Fussy, Good, Bro
SIGN: Capricornus
PARENTS - Laonome Amphytriona and King Akrisios I
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
TEEN: Privilege sounds so enticing, but is it really? Nikh is so restricted by expectations. Marriage, power, heritage, they are all part of it. But what about dreams?
CHILD: Nikh loves to run, climb and fight. Not to quarrel, but wrestling. She is strong and beat most boys her age. Her dream is to became a bull-jumper when she grows up.
TODDLER: You see, if you spoil a child like Nikh, she will become more and more demanding for attention. She is still very sweet, but OMG what a tiring kid...
INFANT: Nikh (Nike in English) was named during the Tartosa war while her mother was hoping for a victory. She doesn't seem to be a warrior, but who knows, the calm and friendly people might win in the end.
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kyriat-stories · 5 months
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The King of Manthos, the young Mijararos, had payed a friendly visit to King of Selinódasos, the wealthy King Akrísios, who was also married to Mijaros' aunt, Queen Laonome. This was a courtesy visit, but with an agenda. They had an important issue to discuss: To strengthen the ties between the two kingdoms through an agreement on marriage.
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When seeing his potential wife, King Mijararos was quite startled.
- But she is still a child! I don't think this is a good idea.
- Well, you knew her age already, didn't you? She is almost ten winters.
- When grandmother said "marry your cousin" I didn't realize she meant Princess Nikh. I always assumed she meant Princess Euthalia. This is not what I had prepared for.
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- Princess Euthalia is already spoken for. We have already made an agreement with the Kingdom of Koiláda Chalkoú.
- I don't mind cousin Mijarare, Nikh said, I know you will be a kind husband. And also grandma and uncle Heraklis will be there, so I'm not afraid.
- Thank you for that, Nikh my dear, but it's not that easy. There are expectations that you simply can't fill.
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- There would be a long period of engagement of course, at least three winters. The important thing now is the agreement, not the fulfillment.
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- I hear you uncle, and I respect that, but I ... I just can't. The age difference bothers me, and it will probably do so for many years. The gap is too large. I'm sorry, I will just have to decline.
- Mother will not be pleased, Laonome said. The whole family will be so disappointed.
- It can't be helped aunt Laonome, this is impossible. I will have to look for a wife elsewhere I'm afraid.
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- Is it my fault cousin Mijarare? Am I too ugly? You don't love me?
- Of course I love you! Just not in a husband-and-wife-way, okay? Besides, you are the prettiest girl in the whole kingdom and any young man will be proud to marry you, as soon as you get a bit older.
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- I'm really sorry uncle. But might I suggest that you consider my brother Linos for Nikh? They are closer in age, and he is second to the throne.
- I was hoping for a more prestigious marriage, so I don't know. It's not what I had planned for my daughter. This is most unfortunate.
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- My men! Laonome cut in. We must be able to solve this somehow.
- I don't see how, Mijararos answered.
- Not me neither, Akrisios agreed.
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- Dear nephew, would you consider marrying Euthalia, if she wasn't spoken for?
- I would. We are about the same age at least.
- So if we can reach an agreement with the King of Koiláda Chalkoú to let her go, would we have an agreement? Even if the dowry would be lower?
- Why should it be lower?
- Because we would have to offer something to the King of Koiláda Chalkoú. As a compensation.
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- Do you think he would be willing to discuss it?
- It's worth a try.
- And Euthalia, how would she feel about it, would she consider living at Manthos palace?
- Oh, absolutely. She wasn't very keen on going to Koiláda Chalkoú, that's for sure. She's been sulking for weeks now.
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- Ironically, that sounds promising. So maybe we have an agreement then?
- Provided the King of Koiláda Chalkoú agrees; yes!
- When I come home, Mijararos added, I will suggest that the house of Manthos and grandmother assists with the compensation, just to make sure he will think it's worth it.
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- You make it sound so easy, Laonome laughed.
- What?
- "I will suggest that grandmother assists". That woman is not known for accepting any suggestions easily. Unless it's in her interest.
- It's just a matter of making her realizing just that, it is in her interest. I know what I will have to do.
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sa-characters · 11 months
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Queen Euthalia Amphytrona (Akrisiou)
GENDER - Female
AGE - Teen
Queen of Manthos
ASPIRATION - Mansion Baron
TRAITS: Perfectionist, Overachiever
SIGN: Taurus
PARENTS - Queen Laonome and King Akrisios I
PARTNER - King Mijararos
CHILDREN - Radhamanthos
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
Euthalia is going her own ways, and is strong and stubborn. She would be a great monarch, but of course, she is a girl so it is unlikely that she would inherit the throne. Euthalia doesn't mind, she enjoys other aspects of life, much more down to earth.
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sa-characters · 2 years
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Queen Laonome Akrisiou (Amphytriona) - DECEASED
GENDER - Female
AGE - Adult
Queen of Selinódasos
ASPIRATION - Renaissance Sim
TRAITS:   Proper, Childish, Goofball
SIGN: Gemini
PARENTS - King Radhamanthos and Queen Alkmini 
PARTNER - King Akrisios
CHILDREN - Euthalia, Nikh, Philokratis,
Download: King Radhamanthos and the Royal family
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
ADULT: Life has had an impact on Laonome, as it has on most of us. She enjoy her children, seeing them grow up and prosper, but she also misses the fuzz and buzz of Manthos Castle. She is quite involved int the politics in her new kingdom, and there are visits to look forward to of course, but, you know, it’s not the same. Don’t misunderstand, she is not unhappy! But she is not really happy either.
YOUNG ADULT: She married early - thanks to his mother's ambitious plan - and even if she was not thrilled in the beginning, it worked out quite well for her. The Akrisios Castle was much more relaxed and informal than the vast and impersonal Manthos Palace. She enjoyed taking care of her own children, and even having direct contact with the animals on the castle farm. Who would have thought that?
TEEN: She has inherited her mother's beauty, but not her diplomatic finesse. But to be just, she is still young, and she might learn. At the moment she seems very immature and her actions are not very carefully considered. She has her own knack for annoying people, probably something she learned from growing up with two brothers.
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kyriat-stories · 4 days
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At the Kastro of Koiláda Chalkou there were not just one wedding scheduled that summer, but two. To keep the peace between them, the two kings had decided to strengthen the ties between the families. The mind behind it all was of course Queen Alkmini, but unfortunately she was not able to attend herself. Her health was not good, after all she was getting very old.
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The beautiful Princess Ofelia, the sister of the King of Manthos, was to marry the King of Koiláda Chalkou, a small but wealthy kingdom on the Manthos continent.
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Princess Ofelia's twin brother, Prince Linos, was expected to marry the elder sister of the King of Koiláda Chalkou, Princess Amphiera. She was a beauty, but much older than her chosen one.
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He was not happy about. Just hours before the ceremony, he had a big fight with his brother, King Mijararos, about it.
- How can I marry that woman?! She is so old! Her hair is already growing white!
- She still has many good years, the king tried to argue.
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- You are such a hypocrite! You didn't want to marry cousin Nikh because she was too young for you, and now you expect me to marry that old hag?
- Calm down! You know very well that I did that so we wouldn't wait years and years for an heir to the throne. And she is not an old hag, she is still a beautiful woman.
- But she is too old! She is older than our mother for goddess sake!Not much chance for me having a heir, that's for sure. At least not with her.
- The heir is not important in your case, the liaison is.
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- Axx, leave me alone, I can't reason with you anyway
- So, will do as you are told then?
- You and grandma don't leave me much choice, do you? I will do it, but I will not forgive this. I will find my revenge, be sure of that!
- Lino, please...
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That afternoon, in a ceremony led by King Akrisios of Selinódasos, the switch of siblings was done and the peace of the two kingdoms was secured.
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