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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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When peace is preserved everybody is happy, but also: life goes on.
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King Mijararos was said to show his happiness in quite an un-royal way when he got the news about King Turunusemis' passing. They Kings, Queens and soldiers all returned to their respective kingdoms and homes the following day.
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The men was told that it had all been a rehearsal, and that there were no actual threat of war. Some believed it, some not. But everybody was happy to be home.
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Sibyla, the nursemaid and Queen Ofelias confidant, went back to Strangepolis, but returned to Koilada Chalkou after a couple of months. She is now a housekeeper, a very high-ranking and respected position at the castle. She is also said to keep the Queen warm at night, but if you ever asked anyone at the castle about it, you would be told to mind your own business.
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Prince Iasonas of Katafygio have been said to approach Queen Ofelia aiming at a matrimonial alliance. She politely turned him down. He is now in discussions with the King of Selinódasos, who is positive to a marriage between the Prince and his daughter Nikh. In a few years.
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Princess Amphiera gave birth to twins the following spring. She is still kept in a separate part of the palace, and is not allowed to go outside unless she is accompanied by her husband, or an officer designated by him. She has her own servant and is allowed to see the children a couple of hours a day. They are otherwise cared for by Princess Konchylia, who might be surprising, considering that Princess Amphiera killed her husband. But, as she says, the children are not to blame for the sins of their parents.
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Eteokardiás (Teo) decided to agree to a five year contract with the forces, where his main role was as a chef. He is entitled to a five days leave a couple of times a year. His mother suspects that his reasons for agreeing to the contract is personal, not financial.
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On one of those hot summer days, after all of this, Kyrios Yousif Eláïom unfortunately passed away, most likely of a heart attack. His wife Eira, was of course heartbroken, but denies regretting marrying him. She is however worried about bringing up their little daughter alone. The girl, Maya, has now passed two years old, and is still not walking. Her mother took her to the temple as a baby, and the high priestess claimed that she was "touched by the gods"; a blessed child. Maya is a lovely, sweet little one, loved by everyone in the family, and in the whole village. (If they had access to modern medicine they would understand that Maya has Downs syndrome, but a blessed child she is nevertheless.)
[End of chapter 12]
A huge thank you to those of you who have followed, liked and commented on my story so far. It means a lot, and I am truly grateful. 💕
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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Everything looked normal and peaceful when the small delegation arrived at Kastro Koilada Chalkou.
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A servant came out and asked who they were and what their errand was.
- I am the Queen's brother, and I would very much like to speak with her.
- Would you like me to take care of your horses and come inside and wait, Sir?
- No thank you, we will wait for Her Majesty right here. If you don't mind. Prince Linos was still not convinced that this wasn't a trap.
The servant thought this was very strange behavior, but he didn't protest. He had seen strange behaviors before.
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Queen Ofelia didn't believe the servant at first, but decided to check for herself who these visitors were.
- Brother! It is you! What are you doing here?
- Hairball! Linos used one of his nicknames from their childhood. Are you going to invite us in? This is my friend, Prince Iasonas of Katafygio.
- Of course! Hahaha!
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After a bath and a small rest the guests were getting ready for dinner, but Ofelia and Linos got the chance to talk in private.
- So he really is dead then? How did that happen?
- He is. They are not sure how he died, it happened so suddenly. I mourned him of course, as a good wife should, but between you and me - I'm happy he is gone. He was not a good man.
- Not his sister either. She killed uncle Heraklis, you know. That was the last drop for Mijararos. He was prepared to go to war after that.
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- I just recently heard about it. Nobody used to tell me anything! I still don't feel I'm on top of things, but I will be. I just have to find out who I can trust and not. I don’t want to do anything rashly.
- So you are prepared to stay here then? Or would you rather come back to Manthos?
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- I will stay. I like the idea of ruling my own house and kingdom. I believe I can do it.
- Of course you can!
- Besides, I have two daughters to raise. And I'm going to make sure they don't merry some cruel shit like I did.
- Sister, I am afraid to ask, but what about the soldiers you have at the border? Are you still considering an invasion like your husband had planned?
- Soldiers? I would never go to war against my own brothers! I will talk with the generals immediately.
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The evening meal was delicious as it was expected to be be, and even if the Queen enjoyed the company she soon excused herself, to take care of the children. Also, the house was officially in mourning and it wouldn’t be appropriate to sing and dance even if they all had wanted to.
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- This really is a beautiful place, Prince Iasonas said, I never realized, I haven't been here before. Have you?
- Yes, I was married here. To the late King's sister.
- Oh I forgot! So you are a possible successor to the throne then, through your wife?
- I haven't thought about that, but you are right of course. If something happened to my nieces, my wife Amphiera would be next in line, that's true.
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- Your sister is very attractive. Do you think she would consider to re-marry?
- Ha! Don't you even try! She just lost her husband! I don't think a new marriage is at the top of her list right now!
- I'm just asking!
- Yeah, right...
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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It was early morning at the camp when they heard someone shouting from afar.
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It was a enemy soldier, shouting and making noise to make sure nobody mistook his approach for a surprise attack.
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- King of Manthos! King of Manthos! I have information!
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King Mijararos and Prince Linos approched the man with caution, this was not the time and place to lay off precautions. The man tried to catch his breath.
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- Speak up my good man. King Mijararos tried to be as polite as he could, yet keeping his authority. I assume you have a message from King Turunusemis?
- Not exactly Your Majesty. I am Tarou Maniatis and I've been giving information to your general about the conditions in Koiláda Chalkou for some time now.
- Oh really? So you are one of our spies at the Kastro? How is my sister, is she still alive and well?
- Yes Sir, she and the babies are fine too, but the King is dead!
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This surprising and game-changing information called for a serious conversation between the royals.
- Can we trust this information, King Akrisios said. Maybe it's a trap?
- I can't be totally sure. King Mijararos admitted. We just have one man's word for it. But he has been giving us information earlier, that is true.
- I don't think we should trust him blindly. Queen Selhnh commented. He may have switched sides.
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The three heads of state decided that they would have to investigate to make sure the messenger was telling the truth before they could take further steps. They decided to send the two Princes from Manthos and Katafygio, and one trusted general from Selinódasos, on a dangerous journey into the land of the enemy. In the meantime the soldiers would be alert.
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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There was an ominous blood moon hanging over Koilada Chalkou, and while most people were sleeping, two women secretly met in the garden.
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- Did you find it? Queen Ofelia whispered.
- Yes, I did. Are you sure you will go through with it?
- I am.
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- There might be consequences, if they find out.
- I'm prepared to take the risk. Sibyla, can I trust you?
- Yes, Your Majesty. You can.
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- If the worst thing would happens, will you take my girls to my brother in Manthos? If you explain to him, he will help you to get back to Strangepolis.
- I promise. When will you do it?
- Next time he asks me to come to his bed. I will slip the extract in his wine. He always have some after... after he is done with me.
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- Be careful my Queen. This is so dangerous. I hope we are doing the right thing.
- Astanna help us if we are not...
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A few days later the King was found dead in his bed. The Queen seemed genuinely upset.
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For three days and nights she stayed by his bed, crying and grieving. On the third day they had to force her away, since the decomposition odor was evident even outside the King's bedroom.
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If anyone had been so zealous as to have examined the contents of the wine jug or the remains in the empty bowl on the bedside table, they might have been surprised. Likewise, if they had found and analyzed the contents of the yellow container hidden in the bushes in the royal garden. It contained extract of hemlock, a highly poisonous plant.
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Luckily, nobody was checking, searching or analyzing. Maybe they didn't suspect anything. Or maybe they did, but decided to turn a blind eye to the matter. Irregardless, as we all know, when a king dies, the kingdom must go on. The King's little daughter Larisa would eventually become the new reigning queen, but until then, Koilada Chalkou would be ruled by a new regent, Queen Ofelia. Most people felt relieved with this change, even if they didn’t knew Queen Ofelia that well.
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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Back in Manthos people were also tensed. Most people didn't know exactly what was going on, but since young men were drafted they understood that they were not going on a summer camp. Nobody wanted war.
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Noor once again had to see two sons become soldiers, as Tychon and Teo had joined the army.
- But why? Eira wondered, Where they drafted?
- No, they were not. I think Teo was just looking for an opportunity to get away from here. His relationship with his wife has gone from bad to worse.
- And Tychon?
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- He just followed his brother. Sister, I don't know if I can take it if something happens to them.
- I know dear. And this was so unexpected! This king seemed so different, talking about peace and prosperity.
- We have probably been fooled. I'm not that surprised really, those aristocrats are all the same.
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They sat in silence for a while, weighed down by thoughts about what awaited them.
- How is the baby? Is she sitting now? Noor tried to change the subject.
- No, she doesn't. Eiras facial expression became even more worried.
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- She doesn't? Noor was a bit surprised.
- No. It's ... I fear something is wrong with her, Eira whispered.
- Wrong? What do you mean?
- It's not normal. She is very slow. In everything.
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- I'm sure it's nothing, Noor tried to comfort her sister. She will catch up, right?
- I don't think so. I'm being punished. For my ungodly thoughts. I didn't want her, remember? And now I'm punished.
- But, but ... You love her don't you?
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- I do! She is very special to me, and I love her wholeheartedly. But it's probably too late. The gods have already left their mark on her...
- Phff! I don't believe in that kind of thing. Okay, so she is a bit slow, but she has all her fingers and toes, and two eyes and two ears. She will be fine.
- I hope you are right. But I'm going to the temple with a goat offering. Just to be on the safe side.
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- I will join you. I will bring two roosters for my boys.
- And then we will pray for all our children.
- For sure. Good idea.
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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On the border of Manthos the army of Koilada Chalkou had been waiting for a long time.
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They were well organized and well trained.
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But after many months of waiting, the men were eager to get the war started and, eventually, finished. They all waited for the go-ahead from their leader.
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Close by the soldiers from Manthos, Katafygio and Selinodasos were training to become one, united army.
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There were two army commanders; The Queen of Katafýgio and the King of Selinódasos. They worked well together, and there was mutual respect between them.
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Prince Linos and King Mijararos had a more secluded role, supporting their men with their presence and training, but without their usual responsibility.
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However, joining two armies, which had also been enemies in the past, was not easy. When not actively training they kept to separate corners of the camp. And their cultures and traditions were also quite different.
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Perhaps the most tangible example were the female soldiers from Katafygio. Being led by a woman, even if she was head of state, was one thing, but standing shoulder to shoulder with female warriors was unusual, even uncomfortable, for the men of Manthos and Selinódasos.
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They had a more macho culture, with a butch form of communication, making them internally united.
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That said, not everyone was as comfortable with that type of socializing.
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Although it was a fairly relaxed atmosphere, there was tension under the surface. Everyone knew the war was coming closer.
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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Early next morning the two kings went for a long walk. They both felt this was the best environment for an openhearted discussion.
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- It's not a small matter you are asking. You are my son-in-law and I want to help you, but I also have to think about our people. A war now is not going to be received well...
- I realize that. I wouldn't ask, if it wasn't exceptionally important, in fact, this threatens the entire existence of Manthos. I understand if you decline. I would be terribly disappointed of course, but I would understand.
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- I believe, like you, that the man should be stopped, I just don't know if it is possible.
- He has a big army, that's true. However, I don't know how loyal they are? He is said to be cruel even with his own men.
- And your sister? What will happen to her?
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- That is... King Mijararos swallowed, I'm afraid I don't see how it would be possible to get her out alive. We have some spies in Koilada Chalkou, but the king keeps Ofelia very isolated. We will try to warn her, but...
- I'm really sorry, son. I know it could have been Euthalia in her shoes.
- The weddings of Ofelia and Linos was a huge misjudgment from my part. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't be in this mess.
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- Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Turunusemis have always made trouble, and he always will evidently. If he wasn't fighting with you, he might have harassed us, or Kastanea, or Katafygio. Or all of us. Believe me.
- That might be true.
- I have decided. Let's stop this man once and for all. Or at least let's try.
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- You don't want to discuss it with your wife? Mijararos was surprised. Or your advisors?
- I don't think I need to. I already know what they think, they would say no. This will probably not be the easiest war to fight. But it is the right thing to do.
- Thank you. I don't know what else to say. You don't know how much this means to me. And Manthos.
- I do. Still, I also do it for myself and the people of Selinódasos. A neighbor like that would probably set fire to us sooner or later. Attack is the best defense.
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In Manthos the autumn was also on it's way, but the trees were still green and the temperatures mild. The farmers were pleased this year, because the olives were plenty and chubby. However, there were clouds in the horizon.
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Polykarpos first heard about the new enrollment for the Manthos military at the Lykeion. Everybody talked about it, especially the boys.
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- I feel torn mother, because on the one hand it is dangerous and frightening, but it is also honorable. They say it's just training camp, but why would they enroll, if it wasn't serious?
- I don't know what to say son, because I haven't heard about it until now. For sure war isn't romantic, so I really hope that you won't volunteer? I just remembered the problems with your cousin Pamesijos.
- I won't do anything without you knowing about it mother.
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- Good! Shhh shhh shhh! Eira tried to calm down the baby.
- Why is she crying? Isn't she crying a lot?
- Naah, all babies cries, she just don't like it when I stop cradling her.
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After Polykarpos had left, Eira had a deep frown on her forehead. Now she was worried about the enrollment, but also the baby.
- You really are crying a lot, aren't you? And you are not eating well. Is there something wrong with you moráki mou? Maybe the goddess is punishing me...
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kyriat-stories · 5 months ago
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It was one of those crispy cold autumn evenings, but Euthalia and Mijararos were greeted in the courtyard by the whole family.
- My daughter! Son! Welcome! You must be exhausted. The forerunner told me that you had to go on the west side to get here?
- That's true, father. We will explain everything, but let us get inside first. It's freezing!
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- Nikh, my darling sister, I've missed you so much.
- You are my favorite Euthalia. Will you stay here now?
- Aww, I wish, but we can't. We will have to go back to Manthos in a few days. But I've missed you terribly!
- I've missed you too. Tremendously!
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- So this is the last branch on my father's tree. Euthalia smiled to little Monachos. He looks so much Philokratis when he was that age! Is he making your life difficult?
- Not at all! He's a very easy boy! How is your little Radhamanthos? Don't you miss him?
- Oh I do! I wouldn't leave him if it wasn't extremely important. And this time it is.
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- I've heard rumors that there might be a new war coming on? That's terrible.
- It is. But sometimes war is necessary. Some problems can't be solved in any other way.
- I guess. I never really cared for politics. I leave that to Akrisios.
- You are so right. Let the men handle these things!
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- Well they don't seem to troubled about war and problems. Bisera commented.
- Definitely. Laughing and playing games. You wouldn't think they had a problem in the world, right?
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- They don't have a problem! Prince Philokratis said. Because they are the kings!
- You don't think kings have problems? Bisera responded.
- Of course not! They can decide everything!
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- Haha! How sweet you are, brother! And still so innocent! I wish it would last forever, but I'm afraid you might get a reality check very soon.
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- You are here to discuss the war, aren't you? Bisera said gravely.
- We are. Well, my husband is. I would very much like to see the fabrics you got from Kastanea. I've heard they have the brightest colors?
- They have! I will be happy to show you tomorrow. I didn't know you took an interest in that kind of thing?
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- Oh but I do! We have good weavers in Manthos, but nothing like the ones in Kastanea. Their fabrics are something else from what I've heard.
- They are! I look forward to showing you tomorrow. While the men solve the world problems.
- Exactly! I'm looking forward to it too.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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At about the same time, but totally unrelated of course, the Queen of Katafygio announced that she had finished the discussions with her son and the generals, and that she had an answer for King Mijararos.
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He was nervous, but composed. So much depended on the Queen's response.
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- Your Majesty, King of Manthos. The Queen's voice was clear and firm. We have had the pleasure of knowing you for a short time. We have known King Turunusemis a lot longer, but, as you know, it has not been a pleasure for us. We believe that the time has come for Katafygians and the people of Manthos, as well as Selinódasos, to stand up against this cruel and unpredictable tyrant. Yes, he might command a large army, but with common dedication and cleverness, we believe we will be able to defeat him.
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- I thank Your Majesty, on behalf of our people and the Royal family of Manthos. We will send a messenger immediately to my brother in Manthos to start preparing our armies for war, and tomorrow morning the Queen and I will leave for Selinódasos, which we hope to reach within a week. I can't imagine King Akrisios will turn our proposal down, but we need to be sure before we go ahead.
- Yes of course. It's quite important. And please remember what you promised me: that I will have command over the Manthos' forces.
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- You have my word. If you allow me, Your Majesty?
- Sire.
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- Do you trust her Mijarare?
To avoid the soldiers from Koilada Chalkou they had taken the longer road through the west side of the Golden lake and were now finally approaching the settlement of Selinódasos.
- Not totally, but I believe I wasn't left with much choice. Do you think your father will have conditions?
- It's hard to say. He is older and weaker than he used to be. And my brother Philokratis is not old enough to take charge. It all depend on that woman.
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- You mean his new wife, the nanny?
- Yes, and make sure you don't call her that! Her name is Bisera.
- Of course not! I will be very respectful. What about you? Will you be able to hide your feelings towards her?
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- Oh I have great acting skills when I set my mind to it. We will be besties when we leave from there, I promise you.
- Ha! I'm sure you will. So I will talk with your father in a man-to-man kind of way, while you spend your efforts on his wife, right?
- Exactly. We will make this happen. Trust me.
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- I do. We are a good team Euthalia.
- Yes, I think so too.
- I think I made an excellent choice of wife, hehe.
- You did!
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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- ... and then I need some slices of that ksifías, please.
- Ahhh, Eira groaned. I'm going to be so happy when this baby is out of here. This winter has been really hard.
- Just a few weeks more darling, Noor tried to comfort her. It will soon be over.
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- Oh dear, it's that blind girl. She fell, the poor thing.
- She shouldn't be out and about on her own.
- Wait, let me go and help her.
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- Are you okay, koritsi mou? Let me help you up.
- Thank you.
- I am Kyria Eira Eláïom. You are Philomene Trypiti aren't you?
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- Yes, Kyria Eira I am. Thank you for helping me. It was one of those loose cobblestones you see, I couldn't see it.
- It must be very difficult to get around on your own. Wouldn't it be better if you had someone to help you? Do you want me to follow you home?
- No, no! I'm fine. Actually I like to do things on my own! Usually it's not a problem, because I know the Agorá very well, but today... It was just an accident.
- Okay, Despoinis Philomene, I will leave you to it then. It was nice meeting you.
- The same Kyria Eira, and thank you again.
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- It must be so hard for the family to have a child like that, Eira said to Noor a little later.
- I guess.
- What if there is something wrong with my child, Noor?
- Your shouldn't worry about these things so much.
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- But I do! I know a part of me doesn't want this child, and I'm afraid the Gods will punish me for it. So I'm scared something will go wrong. Or maybe it will be dead before it's born, because I rejected it...
- Eira you are dramatizing. The baby will be alive and it will be fine.
- You can't know that! You are just sweet-talking me!
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- No! I'm just trying to be logic! Get up, let me feel the baby. Did it kick you at all?
- Yes, but not the last few days.
- Nevertheless, it all feels very normal to me.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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Eira and Yousif decided to follow through with the second blessing at the temple. They would now be officially married.
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- You are my light and my joy..., Yousif choked up.
- I've never seen your mother so happy Bansabira, Noor whispered.
- True, Bansabira whispered back, we are really happy for her. It felt a bit strange in the beginning, but Yousif is a really nice person.
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- I do except your ring, Eira answered Yousifs proposition.
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Noor had prepared the food, and plenty of it.
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There were dancing, of course, as in any other wedding. It didn't matter that the bride and groom were much older than wedding couples usually were.
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Since Yousif didn't have a house of his own in Manthos, it was more practical that he moved in with Eira, than the other way around.
- Are yous sure you are okay with it? Eira asked Yousif, for what must have been the tenth time. Moving in to my late husband's house?
- I promise you my darling, I don't mind. I think he would be glad if he knew that someone took care of you, since he can't do it himself. And take care of you I will. Every single day for the rest of my life.
- Oh Yousif... I'm so happy. I think I might burst.
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Eira had expected some tensions when everyday life started, but there wasn't. Yousif was attentive, and tried to help in the kitchen and the garden, and Eira let him. For the most part.
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In the evenings they still went for long walks.
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And at night they enjoyed having the other close.
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But that autumn Eira became more and more redrawn. Clearly something was wrong.
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And as so many times before, Noor was the one she turned to for advice and comfort.
- Are you sure? How is that even possible?
- I'm sure. I was thinking it could be menopause, but my belly is starting to be swollen.
- Have you told Yousif?
- I haven't. I'm afraid how he will take it. I'm pretty sure this is not what he had hoped for. None of us really.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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At the castle in Koiláda Chalkou Ofelia was troubled. She had just given birth to her second child, a girl, and her husband told her to give the newborn to the wet nurse, so that she could be ready for a third child.
- This will be your last chance to produce me a son, so I expect you in my bed again from next week.
- Right. If I can find room there. Ofelia said sarcastically. Your bed seems rather crowded.
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Ofelia had realized over time that most of their female servants performed "duties" also after dark
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- Excuse me? Have you not got everything you need? Why are you complaining? Who I choose to share my bed with is none of your business.
- It's not right. I'm your wife. It's disrespectful and illegal.
- Turunusemis laughed. Maybe in Manthos, but here it is very common, and legal.
- That's... not fair.
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- Let me put it this way: Soon I will go on a trip. When I come back I expect to see a son in that baby crib. If not, I will send you back to Manthos. Or what is left of it.
- What do you mean "what is left of it"? Have there been a earthquake? What happened?
- Your brother has betrayed me, and I will crush his puny little army, and then Manthos will be mine. Turunusemis gave her a ice cold smile.
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- My brother would never betray anyone, he is the most righteous man I know. You're lying!
- Maybe I am, or maybe not. What does it matter? The result will be the same. The war will come, and I will win.
- You are insane!
- You should be careful throwing out insults. Remember, you are here at my mercy.
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Ofelia considered her options. They weren't many. She thought about escape, but with two small children it would be impossible on her own. She would have to get help from someone, and decided her best chance would be with be with Sibyla, the nursemaid.
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- Look at your baby sister Larisa! She is smiling at you!
- She is very sweet, Sibyla commented. Your girls are both very pretty.
- Thank you Sibyla. I appreciate that. Sibyla, can you keep a secret?
- Of course, Your Majesty!
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- I... I need to get away from here. But with the children ... I need help.
- That's very dangerous, Your Majesty. He will find you.
- Not if I can get back to Manthos. My brothers will help me, if I can get closer to the border. And I promise you, you will be richly awarded if you help me get there.
- It will be very difficult. I don't know if it's possible.
- I will have to try. I fear for my life. And for the life of my family and countrymen.
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- You know, Ma'am, I was not born here. I was taken from my family in Strangepolis, after one of his raids there. It's dangerous to say out loud, but I hate that man. He is evil.
- And insane, Ofelia nodded.
- I will help you, if you help me to get home to Strangepolis after you are safely back in Manthos.
- I give you my word.
- We will need some days to prepare.
- Yes.
- Unless...
- Unless what?
- I have an idea...
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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The king and queen spent the next couple of days with long walks along the beautiful shores of Katafygio. The landscape was so different from the soft hills and marshy riverways of Manthos. The breathtaking beaches and mild climate was a paradise on earth, but the royal couple couldn't really enjoy it.
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- Try to relax a little bit, the Queen urged her husband, the water is like olive oil, so clear and soft.
- I know, the King sighed, but I have too much on my mind. I'm such a failure. I wanted to do things differently from my father and grandfather, with their constant warfares. And now it seems I will be the one who will lead our country straight to the doom.
- You don't know that yet Mijarare! There is still time, and hope!
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- Sometimes I just feel so tired. I'm not able to be the kind of king I wanted to be, so why not just give up? I'm sure Linos would do a lot better with these intrigues and wars and things. It would be right up his alley.
- Stop it! You are an excellent king, and your brother couldn't fill your sandals if he tried to. Yes, we are facing some difficulties now, but we will get through them. Together. Even if there will be a war we will fight. And our Holy Astanna will come to our assistance, I'm sure of it.
- I wish I could believe that...
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- You choose to believe, Mijarare mou. You have to find the strength within yourself. Don't give up now that we need you the most.
- Need me!? I don't think that's true...
- Stop! I mean it! This is just self-pity talking. Pull yourself together! Please! We have work to do, plans to make. It wont be easy, but it is our duty. Now get dressed, and let's walk back to the kastro. It's getting dark.
The king didn't say anything. He was on thoughts. But he did what his wife told him to.
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Back at the Manthos Palace Prince Linos was also on thoughts, and decided to ask Princess Amphiera a few questions.
- Was all of this your idea, or did your brother tell you to deceive us all? Have you got no shame? Betraying your husband in the most hideous way?
- Does it matter?
- It matters to me. After all, I am still your husband.
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- A fine husband you are, the princess mocked him, You are not even a man in my eyes. Not once did you come to my bed, like a real man would have done.
- You have some nerve... Linos blushed,
- You are just a boy, a wimp and your brother's obedient slave, who don't have the courage to refuse marriage with the woman he appoints to you, nor has manhood enough to perform your conjugal duties. I pity you!
- How dare you!
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- Oh dear! I hit a sore spot, didn't I?
- YOU BITCH!! I'm going to teach you a lesson, Linos seethed with rage.
- Haha! What are you going to do? Hit me? I'm not afraid of you!
- You should be....
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- My goddess, what's going on in there? Princess Konchylia had come to check on the prisoner. Who is in there with her?
- Prince Linos, Your Highness, the guard said.
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- Lino! Open the door! NOW!!
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- LINO!! Come out immediately, Konchylia shouted. I think you have to help me, she said to the guard.
- I don't know if it's my place... He is the regent...
- All right! I'm coming! Linos' voice was distorted and quivering.
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- Lino, Konchylia whispered, what have you done to her?
- I had to teach her a lesson.
- Oh my, oh my! Lino, is she dead?
- She will be fine. I'm finished with her. I don't want to see her again. Ever. As soon as my brother comes back I want her the hell out of here.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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Three weeks later a small deputation arrived at Kastro Daskalió, after only a couple of weeks preparations. It was late in the afternoon, and they were immediately treated with a first class meal.
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- I must compliment you on your Simlish skills, Your Majesty. My knowledge in Toki Sulani is very limited.
- Thank you, Your Majesty. Actually my mother, bless her memory, was bilingual, so I learned Simlish from an early age.
- Really? Was she not born here in Katafygio?
- She was, but her grandmother was born in Manthos. And in our family we always appreciated the different languages.
- And the Prince? Does he know Simlish as well?
- He is still learning, so your visit will be good practice for him. Does the Queen speak any foreign language?
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- She knows a few words of Tartosiano, since they had a servant from there at her father's castle. She was, as you know, born in Selinódasos, and although their Simlish is a bit different from ours, it's still fully understandable.
- Yes, of course. How is her father? I heard he remarried?
- He did, and he is getting older of course, but he is in good health, as far as we know. We will continue our travel to Selinódasos after our visit here. We have some important matters to discuss with him, as well as with you.
- I figured this was not just a courtesy visit. I look forward to discussing these matters tomorrow. Now, let's enjoy our meal and this lovely evening.
- Absolutely! I must say, the wild boar is excellent.
The King chose not to mention that he actually had no taste for meat. He was a sworn vegetarian, but also a pragmatic.
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The next day King Mijararos explained to Queen Selhnh why he had come. It was an open and direct conversation, since the King felt he had nothing to loose by being upfront, even if he didn't know the Queen that well.
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- I did a terrible misjudgement with that wedding and believing it would preserve the peace, King Mijararos said. We soon realized when Princess Amphiera arrived, that she poisoned the atmosphere at the palace, causing tension everywhere. And, the worst of all, we have proof that she killed my uncle, Prince Heraklis. A couple of weeks ago we also learned that King Turunusemis has his soldiers lined up close to our border. It's just a matter of time until they will invade. Our military wouldn't stand a chance. We were fooled to think we don't have enemies anymore. And on the top of everything, my sister is now literally a hostage at Turunusemis' castle.
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- I understand, Queen Selhnh said thoughtfully. A tricky situation indeed.
- We could really need your assistance, Your Majesty.
- I would have to decline. I truly sympathize with your situation, believe me. I've had my own troubles with that monster over the years. However, going to war against Turunusemis entails too great a risk for us. His army is very strong.
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- What if I could convince my father-in-law to join us?
- Full force? In an alliance?
- Yes.
- Maybe. I will consider it. I'm tempted, but it's still a risk. I have heard good things about you, but you are inexperienced.
- I'm willing to let you take the strategic lead over my men. I'm not a fool, I know my own deficiencies. If my uncle was still alive it would be different, but he isn't.
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- In case I agreed on such an arrangement, wouldn't you be afraid that I might double-cross you?
- From what I hear, your word is solid. And, to be frank, I don't have that many options. In politics there is always a risk of betrayal, but it's one I'm willing to take. In worst case, if Manthos should fall, I would rather see it fall into your hands, than to Turunusemis.
- Interesting. Well, like I said. I will consider it. When will you travel to Selinódasos?
- As soon as possible. Within days I hope.
- I will discuss it with my son and our generals and give you my answer before you go. In the meantime, please enjoy our hospitality.
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- I appreciate your kindness. I must ad, even if you should decide to decline our request, which I hope you don't, but still, you have my very highest regards.
- Likewise, Your Majesty.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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At the Manthos Palace the king had assembled his military advisers. Queen Euthalia was also present, which was quite unusual, but the king had insisted that she should be involved.
- After all, she was the only person who did suspect what kind of conspiracy we have been exposed to. I value her opinion.
The others wouldn't dream to protest. He was the King after all.
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- Sire, the situation is quite serious, general Trypitis said gravely. We are not prepared for war.
- Stratigé, what are our options? the King asked.
- Honestly. If King Turunusemis decides to cross the border we wouldn't stand a chance. We would be outnumbered.
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- But can't we mobilize more soldiers? Prince Linos suggested.
- We can, Captain Elis said, but they will need training. I don't think we have time.
- So we are doomed?
- Well, I wouldn't say doomed, but we would have to consider taking huge losses. And still, there is no guarantee.
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- Sirs, Euthalia jumped in, what if we got help from others? I'm sure my father would help if we asked.
- No offense Your Highness, the general said carefully, but your father's army is not very strong. It would of course be helpful, but probably not enough.
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- I think the Queen is on to something though, the King said. We need alliances. Your father has a good relationship with the Queen of Katafygio, doesn't he?
- He does.
- Our relationship with them hasn't been the best after we let them down against the Tartosian raids.
- I don't trust that woman, why should she help us? Linos pointed out.
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- I know for sure that they have huge problems with Turunusemis themselves, Euthalia remarked. We might have to give them something, but if the three of us were allied they would be surrounded, and that will benefit all of us.
- They would have to fight on three fronts, General Trypitis nodded. That is hard for any army. Nevertheless, King Turunusemis is very smart, so it wouldn't be a walk in the park.
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- And what about Ofelia? You got to get her out!
- I don't know if that's poss ... The King stopped, seeing the terrified face of his brother. Lino, we will try to get a message to her.
- A message?! A message!? How is that going to help her?
- Lino dear, what can I do? What do you suggest?
- I don't know! We have to do something. Have you no heart?! Maybe we can trade her for that fraternizing bitch of a wife of mine?
- We can try that, but the king would never be willing to give away his child, and I doubt if Ofelia would be willing to leave her daughter behind. But we will try. Euthalia, how is Amphiera by the way?
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- She is locked up in the north wing, Euthalia answered. She should be happy to be alive after what she did, but she is all complaints and parápona.
- There is no chance she will escape, I hope?
- Zero. I attend to her myself, with my personal servant. Nobody else has access, except the five of us in this room.
- Good. Let's keep it that way, until we know what to do. Now it's time to prepare some travels. Lino, you will be in charge here, while Euthalia and I visit Selinodasos and Katafygio. I'm sure Princess Konchylia will be able to help as well, if you should need it.
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- You will make me the regent?
- Yes, brother.
- I didn't think you trusted me. Thank you. I don't have the experience that uncle Heraklis had, but I will do my best.
- I know you will.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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- Which Prince died? Noor whispered to Areth.
- I don't know, she whispered back, I don't think he said it.
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- The Royal Palace is sorry to announce that our beloved and merited Prince Heraklis has died under unusual circumstances. The King is chocked over such a malicious act and promises a full investigation.
- What do you think unusual circumstances mean, Areth? Noor whispered. Was he murdered? By whom?
- Shhh! Let the man finish his news report, mom!
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- There is reason to believe that foreign powers have been involved, and we warn every citizen of Manthos from having irregular associations with hostile forces!
- Hostile forces!? What is he talking about, mother? Areth whispered.
- How would I know? The man is talking in riddles! Let's go to the baker to learn what's going on.
- Good idea!
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- Ladies! How can I help you today?
- Good morning! Let me have one of those big wholemeal breads, and you Areth?
- The pie looks really nice?
- Excellent choice, kyria mou, your husband will be very pleased! Something else?
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- Fournari Aeolou, we just heard the news about the Prince, but we are confused. Could you explain to us what is going on?
- Shhh, Kyria mou, not so loud! You don't know who you can trust these days. But between us, these foreign women will be the end of us.
- Who Kyrie Aeolou? What foreign women? Do you mean me?
- No, of course not! What an absurd thought! No, I mean at the Palace!
- The Queen?!
- No, not her, the other one! She is bad luck that one. My cousin's wife works as a maid at the palace sometimes, and she's told me... Aeolos leaned forward ... that she is a demon. They say she drinks blood and do different kind of magic to bewitch the royal family.
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- Drinking blood? Why? Areth doubted this rather shocking information.
- ... but the worst thing, Kyrios Aeolos continued, is that there might be a war. And we are not prepared for that. Our King doesn't believe in war...
- For once I agree with the king. Noor said. War is terrible and usually pointless, and a lot of young men will die. Also, I thought these sibling marriages came about to preserve the peace between our two kingdoms?
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- Oh sure. But you know, the baker shrugged, bad things happens. Like I said, that woman is a demon, and so is her brother. A bloodthirsty devil. They say he might have killed his own parents.
- That's terrible! The two women said in unison.
- Yes, I have it from reliable sources. So to speak.
- My goddess, I'm glad I'm not part of any royal family, Areth shuddered. So much drama and violence...
- You are absolutely right about that, my daughter. You are so right. Let's go home to our boring, little families where nothing happens, it's much to prefer.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months ago
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The King of Koilada Chalkou, Turunusemis, was relaxing in the enjoyable afternoon shadow, when one of the servants approached him.
- Sorry to disturb you, Your Highness...
- What!?
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- There is a messenger from your sister at the door. He says it's important, Sire.
- All right, ask him to wait in the throne room. I will be there in a moment.
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- Please, the King said, giving the men sign that they could stand up. Speak freely.
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- Sire, the messenger said, your sister wanted to tell you that she has not yet been able to get the information that you requested about the Manthos military. She says that Prince Heraklis, who has this kind of information, is unavailable to her, and that she can't do anything about it, without exposing herself. She also reports that she has made progress in destabilizing the court, as you wished, but not to the full extent. She says she needs more time.
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- How much time does she need!? I'm surrounded by ineptitude! She have had almost a year now! I'm starting to think that she will not manage. Or even worse: that she can't be trusted.
- I don't believe...
- It was not a question. Go back and tell her that she has to work faster. Our military are now ready to get going at the border, but we can't hide them from the Manthosians forever. Rumor travels faster than soldiers!
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- Sire. Any message for your generals as we pass the boarder?
- Tell them to keep in hiding and ready to move on a short notice. It wont be long now.
- Right, Sire. Understood.
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- Good evening Ofelia. Do you have everything you need? How is the baby?
- She is fine, Sire. She is sleeping most of the night now.
- Good, good.
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- Who were the visitors? Will they stay for dinner?
- Never mind who they were. It's none of your business, don't be nosy.
- I was not trying ...
- Well maybe you did, or maybe you didn't. I don't like it. If you need to know something, you will be told. Anyway, I think it's time that we resume our marital relationship. I need a son. You can come to my quarters tonight.
- Yes Sire. As you wish.
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