#Princess Konchylia
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The agreement was made, and the wedding became expensive, just as Queen Alkmini had predicted. There were many prominent guests, and even the big throne room filled up.

The bride and groom didn't seem overjoyed, but perhaps they were affected by the seriousness of the moment.

The King of Koiláda Chalkoú was invited but did not come to the wedding. He was probably still a bit crossed, even though he had received a handsome compensation, in form of horses, cattle, gems and precious metals. However, he did send his sister to represent him at the wedding, the incredibly beautiful Princess Amphiera.

Other honorable guests were of course Prince Heraklis and his family. It was the first time little Myrrhini was attending publicly, but she seemed more interested in the birds outside than in the wedding ceremony.

The bride's family were also there, even if it was quite a long journey for them, and for that reason little prince Philokratis was left at home. Queen Laonome was not feeling well, it was possible that she was expecting again, so they took a more discreet position in the throne room, to be able to slip out to the private chambers if necessary.

The distinguished ladies of Manthos were all there, of course, and Kyria Figaleía wouldn't miss it for the world.

It truly was a grand celebration, and everybody agreed that it had been a fabulous ceremony.

Except maybe for the bride and groom.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Eleven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#King Mijararos#Queen Euthalia#Queen Alkmini#Prince Heraklis#Princess Konchylia#Duchess Ζosimih#Duchess Myrrhini#Prince Linos#Princess Ofelia#Princess Amphiera Chalkiou#Kleomenis Trypitis#Nafpaktios Elis#Leotychidas Trypitis#Figaleía Eláïom#simblr
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Princess Konchylia Zina
GENDER - Female
AGE - Adult
Princess of Manthos
ASPIRATION - Master Mixologist, Successful Lineage
TRAITS: Good, Perfectionist, Recycle Disciple
SIGN: Gemini
PARENTS - Unknown
PARTNER - Heraklis Zinos
CHILDREN - Zosimih, Myrrhini, Eurypylos
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
ADULT: She was still young when her husband died, but that aged her a decade or two. It’s not easy to take care of three children alone, even when you, at least on papyrus, have the support of the royal family. Konchylia was now at the mercy of King Mijararos and his wife Euthalia.
YOUNG ADULT: She has a softer personality than the other women at the palace, but that is compliment. She is hands on in giving the children in the royal family a proper education, but she has also organized a kind of school for the servants’ children.
TEEN: She is a relative of Queen Alkmini and has come to live in Manthos Palace for education, and maybe marriage. She doesn't really like the complicated life at the palace, but does she have a choice?
#Story character#Chapter 7#Konchylia Zina#Generation 2#side character#chapter 9#Once Upon a Time#Early Civilization#Princess Konchylia#Royal Family#Royal Family of Manthos#Princess of Manthos#chapter 11#chapter 12#KyriaT
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The harsh words of his brother rang in King Mijararo's ears, and to make the misery complete they got the sad message that Queen Alkmini had passed away on their way back. It was not unexpected considering her old age and health situation, but still sorrowful for those who loved her.

Just a few months later, they also received the message that Laonome, the Queen of Selinódasos, who was King Mijararos' aunt and Queen Euthalia's mother, surprisingly had turned ill and died. Rumors had it that she had been poisoned, but nobody were able to figure out who and how.

The King was of course devastated, but was comforted by the children's governess Bisera, whom he just months later decided to marry, because "it is easier this way", as he said.

Queen Euthalia was furious with her father, and wanted her sister Nikh to come to Manthos, "to avoid the influence from common and unfit people" as she explained it. "Absolutely not", was the short and clear answer from the king. We don't think he ever asked his daughter Nikh what she wanted, but if he had, she would most likely had agreed with her father. Truth is Nikh had a much better relationship with her "common" governess than with her rather snobbish sister. As for her younger brother Philokratis he was not old enough to understand.

Queen Euthalia had strong opinions about most things, and there had been a couple of episodes with both staff and family in the past. But lately the frictions between Euthalia and Amphiera had escalated to a level that was affecting the whole family. As soon as they were in the same room, which they were daily, there were loud arguments and glowers.

King Mijararos tried several times to discuss this with his wife, but to little avail.
- Why are you telling me this, she said, when it is Amphiera who is causing all the problems? She looks so innocent that one, but she is a demon! I'm telling you!
- That might be so, but please, if you could be a little less confrontational?

- You don't understand my situation Mijarare! Euthalia was clearly upset. I'm the head of this household, I am the Queen of this country, and my authority is constantly challenged by that... Lámia!
- But we will all just have to work together, and ...
- Work together?! She is a lazy slob, and all she can do is to lie on the coach and have the servants run around for her! And she don't have children or households or kingdoms to look after, like some of us! You don't know what you are talking about! Go talk with your brother and ask him to get his wife in order, next time. I'm sick and tired of this!
Mijaros found it best not to continue the discussion that night.

He had a feeling that his brother wouldn't be open for any suggestions concerning his wife's behavior, so he decided not to talk with him about it. Instead, he confided in his uncle.
- So you see the situation is a bit unruly, and I really don't know how to handle it. Do you think your Konchylia could... No, probably not a good idea. Could become even messier.
- Hmm. Well I don't know. She is good at stopping the children from fighting, but this is a different level of course.
- You know what is worse than two women fighting?

- What?
- Three women fighting.
- Ah, it's a joke!
- It is, but it's true, isn't it?
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Twelve#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Generation 3#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Nafpaktios Elis#King Mijararos#Princess Amphiera#Prince Linos#Queen Laonome#Queen Bisera#King Akrisios#Princess Nikh#Queen Euthalia#Prince Heraklis#Princess Konchylia#Duchess Ζosimih#Duchess Myrrhini#simblr
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The king and queen spent the next couple of days with long walks along the beautiful shores of Katafygio. The landscape was so different from the soft hills and marshy riverways of Manthos. The breathtaking beaches and mild climate was a paradise on earth, but the royal couple couldn't really enjoy it.

- Try to relax a little bit, the Queen urged her husband, the water is like olive oil, so clear and soft.
- I know, the King sighed, but I have too much on my mind. I'm such a failure. I wanted to do things differently from my father and grandfather, with their constant warfares. And now it seems I will be the one who will lead our country straight to the doom.
- You don't know that yet Mijarare! There is still time, and hope!

- Sometimes I just feel so tired. I'm not able to be the kind of king I wanted to be, so why not just give up? I'm sure Linos would do a lot better with these intrigues and wars and things. It would be right up his alley.
- Stop it! You are an excellent king, and your brother couldn't fill your sandals if he tried to. Yes, we are facing some difficulties now, but we will get through them. Together. Even if there will be a war we will fight. And our Holy Astanna will come to our assistance, I'm sure of it.
- I wish I could believe that...

- You choose to believe, Mijarare mou. You have to find the strength within yourself. Don't give up now that we need you the most.
- Need me!? I don't think that's true...
- Stop! I mean it! This is just self-pity talking. Pull yourself together! Please! We have work to do, plans to make. It wont be easy, but it is our duty. Now get dressed, and let's walk back to the kastro. It's getting dark.
The king didn't say anything. He was on thoughts. But he did what his wife told him to.

Back at the Manthos Palace Prince Linos was also on thoughts, and decided to ask Princess Amphiera a few questions.
- Was all of this your idea, or did your brother tell you to deceive us all? Have you got no shame? Betraying your husband in the most hideous way?
- Does it matter?
- It matters to me. After all, I am still your husband.

- A fine husband you are, the princess mocked him, You are not even a man in my eyes. Not once did you come to my bed, like a real man would have done.
- You have some nerve... Linos blushed,
- You are just a boy, a wimp and your brother's obedient slave, who don't have the courage to refuse marriage with the woman he appoints to you, nor has manhood enough to perform your conjugal duties. I pity you!
- How dare you!

- Oh dear! I hit a sore spot, didn't I?
- YOU BITCH!! I'm going to teach you a lesson, Linos seethed with rage.
- Haha! What are you going to do? Hit me? I'm not afraid of you!
- You should be....


- My goddess, what's going on in there? Princess Konchylia had come to check on the prisoner. Who is in there with her?
- Prince Linos, Your Highness, the guard said.

- Lino! Open the door! NOW!!

- LINO!! Come out immediately, Konchylia shouted. I think you have to help me, she said to the guard.
- I don't know if it's my place... He is the regent...
- All right! I'm coming! Linos' voice was distorted and quivering.

- Lino, Konchylia whispered, what have you done to her?
- I had to teach her a lesson.
- Oh my, oh my! Lino, is she dead?
- She will be fine. I'm finished with her. I don't want to see her again. Ever. As soon as my brother comes back I want her the hell out of here.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Twelve#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Generation 3#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#King Mijararos#Queen Euthalia#Prince Linos#Princess Amphiera#Princess Konchylia#simblr#tw abuse#tw violence#tw assault#tw profanity
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Back at Manthos Palace spring was finally on it's way after hard and long winter.

The royal family had gathered in the small throne room to receive visitors from far and wide, and to enjoy some musical entertainment.

- If you allow me, Prince Heraklis said to his nephew, I really think you should think twice about this marriage. You know it's against mother's wishes, it will cost us a fortune to pay off the King Turunusemis, that greedy bastard, and last, but not least: Princess Euthalia is not known for her modesty. She is high maintenance and very stubborn, just like her mother. I don't think you will find her very attractive.
- Uncle, you know these arrangements are not made for romantic reasons. It's purely practical. It doesn't matter how I feel about her as a person.

- It's not her personal suitability that makes me worried, the Queen cut in, but how this situation has impact on the political situation. It definitely is not ideal that King Turunusemis is annoyed with us. This should have been handled in a more thoughtful way. I am very disappointed you didn't take my advise Mijarare.
- I'm sorry grandmother, but..
- Sorry is superfluous, but you have to do better if you are to avoid these situations.
- Yes, grandma Alkmini, the King sighed.

- And how do you plan to pay for it all? We are already behind because of the new temple you are building. Then it's the pay-off, and the wedding itself must have a certain standard. It will be expensive.
- The trade agreements with Oasis Springs are a success, and very profitable in terms of customs duties and taxes.
- Mijarare, with all respect, that's just peanuts. We will have to cut back on expenses for a while. And probably sell some land.

- A lovely performance dear! Queen Alkmini said to the girl who had just performed the lovely tune "Dolphins stole my heart".
- Yes, yes, very interesting, King Mijararos murmured.

- You are just praying for this concert to end, aren't you? Prince Heraklis whispered. I bet you just can't wait to get back to training with your soldier-mates, am I right?
- Spot on, uncle, the King whispered back. Honestly, these song and dance performances are so boring! I really can't understand why my father loved them so much.

- Haha, no I bet you can't! In some ways you are very different from your father, that's for sure. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Many people think he was all perfect since he was our king, but he had some really strange obsessions and very special interests, I can tell you that!
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Eleven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#King Mijararos#Queen Alkmini#Prince Heraklis#Princess Konchylia#Kleomenis Trypitis#simblr
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[loud banging on the door]

- Kyrie Itaja, you have been called to attend the public viewing tomorrow!
- Malista. I confirm.

- What does this mean, Itaja?
- It just means I have to go to the palace tomorrow to pay my respect and witness that the king is actually dead. It’s just a formality.
- Yes, but what does it mean for us, for Nashuja? Are we to expect problems now? Since he is actually the new king’s son?

- No, I don’t think so. Prince Ifi... I mean KING Ifiklis is married now, so why should he care about an illegitimate son? From what I understand Nashuja is not his only child either...
- Yeah, you are probably right. I just don’t trust them. And specially not him.
- No matter what, the best thing we can do is to behave normal. I will go to the palace, do what I’m supposed to do, and then we just live normally.

That evening the women were curios to hear how it was at the palace. Who had been there, what was said and done, what they were wearing.
- And our new Queen, was she there? And what about the old Queen, was she crying?

- They were all there, but I couldn’t see anyone crying. Only Princess Laonome looked a bit sad, but the others didn’t show any emotions as far as I could tell.
- Not even the new Queen? Wasn’t she crying at all!? She should have. How disrespectful! She probably wore clothes typical from her own region right?

- She was wearing a Minoan dress as far as I could see.
- And the new King, he must have been very sad?

- If he was, it didn’t show. If anything he looked a bit scared actually.
- Scared?
- Yes! Well I don’t know. These people are weird, so how am I to tell what he was feeling? What is all this gossip good for? As long as they don’t mess up our lives, I don’t really care what they are doing and feeling.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Seven#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Nafpaktios Elis#Simadhne#Nashuja#Itaja#Amunet#King Radhamanthos#Konchylia Zina#Princess Laonome#Prince Heraklis#Queen Memilia#King Ifiklis#Queen Alkmini#kleomenis trypitis#simblr
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When peace is preserved everybody is happy, but also: life goes on.

King Mijararos was said to show his happiness in quite an un-royal way when he got the news about King Turunusemis' passing. They Kings, Queens and soldiers all returned to their respective kingdoms and homes the following day.

The men was told that it had all been a rehearsal, and that there were no actual threat of war. Some believed it, some not. But everybody was happy to be home.

Sibyla, the nursemaid and Queen Ofelias confidant, went back to Strangepolis, but returned to Koilada Chalkou after a couple of months. She is now a housekeeper, a very high-ranking and respected position at the castle. She is also said to keep the Queen warm at night, but if you ever asked anyone at the castle about it, you would be told to mind your own business.

Prince Iasonas of Katafygio have been said to approach Queen Ofelia aiming at a matrimonial alliance. She politely turned him down. He is now in discussions with the King of Selinódasos, who is positive to a marriage between the Prince and his daughter Nikh. In a few years.

Princess Amphiera gave birth to twins the following spring. She is still kept in a separate part of the palace, and is not allowed to go outside unless she is accompanied by her husband, or an officer designated by him. She has her own servant and is allowed to see the children a couple of hours a day. They are otherwise cared for by Princess Konchylia, who might be surprising, considering that Princess Amphiera killed her husband. But, as she says, the children are not to blame for the sins of their parents.

Eteokardiás (Teo) decided to agree to a five year contract with the forces, where his main role was as a chef. He is entitled to a five days leave a couple of times a year. His mother suspects that his reasons for agreeing to the contract is personal, not financial.

On one of those hot summer days, after all of this, Kyrios Yousif Eláïom unfortunately passed away, most likely of a heart attack. His wife Eira, was of course heartbroken, but denies regretting marrying him. She is however worried about bringing up their little daughter alone. The girl, Maya, has now passed two years old, and is still not walking. Her mother took her to the temple as a baby, and the high priestess claimed that she was "touched by the gods"; a blessed child. Maya is a lovely, sweet little one, loved by everyone in the family, and in the whole village. (If they had access to modern medicine they would understand that Maya has Downs syndrome, but a blessed child she is nevertheless.)
[End of chapter 12]
A huge thank you to those of you who have followed, liked and commented on my story so far. It means a lot, and I am truly grateful. 💕
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Twelve#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Generation 3#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#King Mijararos#Prince Linos#Tychon#Eteokardiás#Noor#Myra#Mpatíni#Mnhmh#Iliouloùsta#Rusa Própis#Sibyla Votanosyllékti#Queen Ofelia#Prince Iasonas#King Akrisios#Princess Nikh#Prince Philokratis#Princess Amphiera
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At the Manthos Palace the king had assembled his military advisers. Queen Euthalia was also present, which was quite unusual, but the king had insisted that she should be involved.
- After all, she was the only person who did suspect what kind of conspiracy we have been exposed to. I value her opinion.
The others wouldn't dream to protest. He was the King after all.

- Sire, the situation is quite serious, general Trypitis said gravely. We are not prepared for war.
- Stratigé, what are our options? the King asked.
- Honestly. If King Turunusemis decides to cross the border we wouldn't stand a chance. We would be outnumbered.

- But can't we mobilize more soldiers? Prince Linos suggested.
- We can, Captain Elis said, but they will need training. I don't think we have time.
- So we are doomed?
- Well, I wouldn't say doomed, but we would have to consider taking huge losses. And still, there is no guarantee.

- Sirs, Euthalia jumped in, what if we got help from others? I'm sure my father would help if we asked.
- No offense Your Highness, the general said carefully, but your father's army is not very strong. It would of course be helpful, but probably not enough.

- I think the Queen is on to something though, the King said. We need alliances. Your father has a good relationship with the Queen of Katafygio, doesn't he?
- He does.
- Our relationship with them hasn't been the best after we let them down against the Tartosian raids.
- I don't trust that woman, why should she help us? Linos pointed out.

- I know for sure that they have huge problems with Turunusemis themselves, Euthalia remarked. We might have to give them something, but if the three of us were allied they would be surrounded, and that will benefit all of us.
- They would have to fight on three fronts, General Trypitis nodded. That is hard for any army. Nevertheless, King Turunusemis is very smart, so it wouldn't be a walk in the park.

- And what about Ofelia? You got to get her out!
- I don't know if that's poss ... The King stopped, seeing the terrified face of his brother. Lino, we will try to get a message to her.
- A message?! A message!? How is that going to help her?
- Lino dear, what can I do? What do you suggest?
- I don't know! We have to do something. Have you no heart?! Maybe we can trade her for that fraternizing bitch of a wife of mine?
- We can try that, but the king would never be willing to give away his child, and I doubt if Ofelia would be willing to leave her daughter behind. But we will try. Euthalia, how is Amphiera by the way?

- She is locked up in the north wing, Euthalia answered. She should be happy to be alive after what she did, but she is all complaints and parápona.
- There is no chance she will escape, I hope?
- Zero. I attend to her myself, with my personal servant. Nobody else has access, except the five of us in this room.
- Good. Let's keep it that way, until we know what to do. Now it's time to prepare some travels. Lino, you will be in charge here, while Euthalia and I visit Selinodasos and Katafygio. I'm sure Princess Konchylia will be able to help as well, if you should need it.

- You will make me the regent?
- Yes, brother.
- I didn't think you trusted me. Thank you. I don't have the experience that uncle Heraklis had, but I will do my best.
- I know you will.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Twelve#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Generation 3#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Leotychidas Trypitis#Nafpaktios Elis#Queen Euthalia#Prince Linos#King Mijararos#Princess Amphiera#simblr
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The fight was hard, and Alkides, Nashuja's opponent, was no push-over.

Nashuja's supporters held their breath...

... but once again Nashuja turned the game to his advantage - and was announced as winner!

- Hooray for Nashuja Sharruma!!

- A great match, King Ifiklis stated. Many congratulations! Did I see you before? You seem kind of familiar?
- No Sire, this was my first match.
- Sharruma, you say. So you are the son of...?
- Itaja Sharruma Sire. Itaja and Simadhne Sharruma.
- I see. Well it was a pleasure to meeting you, Nashuja Sharruma. I hope to see you again soon. A great match, like I said.
- Thank you Sire!

- Sharruma… it really is something familiar with that name, but I can't recall... Prince Heraklis mumbled.
- I don't think I've heard it? Princess Konchylia said.
- No, it was probably before your time. Maybe a really long time ago. Oh holy Dias! I think I know who he is, he then whispered, flabbergasted with his own discovery.

- Well? Who is that boy, Herakli?
- I'm not sure, but if my theories are correct... I must discuss it with mother first, then you will be next to know, I promise you.
- I'm happy you are so excited dear.
- Excited may not be the right word, shocked might be closer to the truth. I don't see how we could have missed this.
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#KyriaT#KyriaT-stories#Chapter Nine#ts4 story#sims 4 story#history challenge#ts4 history challenge#Generation 2#Early civilization sims#Early civ sims#Once Upon A Time#The First Ones#Nashuja#Alkides Karchidonios#Simadhne#Pamesijos#Noor#Eteokardiás#Prince Heraklis#Konchylia Zina#King Ifiklis#simblr
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