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Planet With – 05
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Planet With – 05
「パラディンブレイク・1」 (Paradinbureiku 1) “Paladin Break 1″
I’ve kind of given up on there being any sort of middle ground with Planet With. The audience seems to be mostly made up of those that love it (guilty) and those that consider it a wildly overrated mess. And the latter group attacks any position supporting the former (certainly if espoused by yours truly) as biased in favor of the mangaka. This is a disconnect that’s probably never going to go away, so why worry about it?
For me, the point is not that I love Planet With because it’s written by Mizukami – it’s that Mizukami is a great writer who’s quite unlike anyone else writing for anime these days, and the end product reflects that. In a sense I think Mizukami was always writing anime – it’s just that they were anime in ink and paper, not cels and rendering software. Of course, now that he’s liberated to write anime that’s literally anime, the limiters have come off and he’s exploring (and enjoying) the potential of the medium to the fullest.
With Planet With we have something like a survey course in the history of mecha anime, a genre in which Mizukami has never seriously dabbled. Thus it feels quite different from his other works while still maintaining all the quirks common through all of his catalog (and likely, certain common canon points related to a shared mythology). Mizukami in anime form is like a Shinkai rendering of a cloud or a train station – it’s unfamiliar because it’s not a photo-realistic reproduction, but rather an impression that captures the essential nature of the subject more than that reproduction would.
All that sounds like blahdy blah to the haters, I’m sure, but anime of significance don’t exist in a vacuum – and rather than view them as if they did, it makes more sense to view them in the context in which they were created. As to this particular one, we have a hell of a story playing out, and one of the most interesting elements is the juxtaposition of Souya and Takezou. The whole meat thing certainly feels significant and not just a running gag (though Mizukami can fool you that way, in both directions). My current take is that there’s something in Souya’s nature that will make him turn savage at the taste of meat, thus Sensei is preventing him from tasting it – let’s not forget he’s a “Siriusian”, with the requisite association with dogs (or perhaps wolves?).
But what of Takezou? It’s certainly interesting that he and Souya both told lies – to Yousuke and Nozo-chan respectively – about alien origins, using the same language (“You’re a goof”). But while Souya’s lie (understood to be such by Nozo) was about himself, Takezou’s seemed to be about his son – so why does he love meat so much (or at least obsess over it)? Yousuke has remained in Paladin so Takezou won’t have to fight alone. but the old man doesn’t seem to need coddling based on his battle with first this week’s Nebula beast, and then Souya. His loyalty is seemingly to his son (of whom he says “I knew he didn’t have what it took to be a leader”), not to the cause – but it’s no less fierce for that.
As for Souya, at this point he seems to have regained most if not all of his memories, and he seems quite relieved to unburden himself by sharing them with Nozo. His older brother is most central to those memories this week, and probably for more significant reasons than simply that Souya loved him and misses him. Souya really seems to desire a sense of belonging, and the idea that he’s become a sort of savior to the town has a deep-seated appeal for him. We also learn a bit more about his Siriusian background (Mizukami’s depictions of alien cityscapes are incredibly evocative in their understated way) – Souya describes them as “close relatives” of humanity.
That’s a very ominous comment whose significance is easy to overlook, and the more we learn of the sealing faction the more ominous they seem. Nezuya seems to have been sealed – that is to say, in Ginko’s words, his innermost wishes have been granted but he’s lost his hunger (meat symbolism, again) and “the fire has gone out in his heart”. This seems to be the Hobson’s choice the doggy faction offers – once they decide you’re a threat, either become spiritually and intellectually lobotomized or be destroyed. If that isn’t playing God I don’t know what is. Having seen his friend – his first friend – with all the soul sucked out of him hardens Souya’s resolve that the Sealing Faction must be opposed, no matter the cost.
It can be no coincidence that this week’s Nebula beast is food-themed. And as soon as we see that, it’s a given it’s going to be Takezou that enters it and sees his wishes granted. The old bastard is tough – he enjoys the bacchanal without being tempted by it, and while seeing his late wife Eiko rattles him, he doesn’t succumb. Nebula’s final message to him – “you have nothing to regret”. Of course the fact that this was what Takezou’s heart most wanted to hear tells us that in fact he has things he very much regrets, and one could certainly speculate as to what those might be, but they almost certainly involve Takashi. That’s why even when Souya saves the town from the snake that emerges after Takezou pops the first part of the Nebula beast, Takezou challenges him fiercely – any enemy of his son is an enemy of his.
Things seem very much to be coming to a head here – we may only be approaching the halfway point of the series, but it’s one of Mizukami’s distinguishing features that he can fit an astonishing amount of substance in a limited narrative space without ever feeling rushed (not wasting a single panel or cel will do that). Shiraishi reveals her true colors – they may have been obvious to us, but they were meant to be, as they were to Takeshi as well. The Sealing faction seems to have decided their patience is at an end, and are now in open warfare with Paladin – even as Paladin’s last real soldier is in battle with the Pacifist faction as personified by Souya. The doggies seem like the real enemy here, but if Takeshi is really in this out of megalomania, I’m not sure he can be considered a true ally of humanity. Perhaps either he or his father will realize the truth, and a true alliance for the future be born.
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Harukana Receive – 05
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Harukana Receive – 05
Harukana Receive – 05
Filed under First Impressions, Harukana Receive by Takaii | 8 Comments
「アンタの心が折れるまで」 (Anta no Kokoro ga Orerumade) “Until Your Heart Breaks”
Fighting jetlag and getting back to an almost normal schedule, here’s last week’s Harukana Receive!
General Impressions
While I really enjoy this show, something that’s been really irking me as of late has to be Kanata’s insistence on using the same move over and over even when it’s not working. Looking back to two weeks ago when Kanata put herself in an incredibly depressing position by getting blocked time after time by a taller player, it was nice to see her embrace a new tactic that could effectively get her attacks over the block. That said, it blows me away that now that the “Pokey” has become her attack of choice, it’s the only thing she’s using. If anything, should she have learned by now that there’s more than one way to tackle a problem? Honestly, this wouldn’t normally get me all that mad except when there’s no one taller than her trying to block her out, why isn’t Kanata varying up her attacks?! God, the more I think about it the more it bugs me since this seems like a prime opportunity for her to try and vary up her play style.
That all said, I must say that the cheery personalities of Haruka and Kanata are doing wonders in alleviating all this extra stress that I’m feeling from watching them play. Because at the end of the day, this isn’t your typical sports show and Beach Volleyball seems to have a lot of nuances that the show is trying to touch on without throwing too much at us. Hopefully this means we’ll get a bit more of a payoff as the matches we see get drawn out longer.
At the end of the day though, it’s tough to say how I feel about this show. It had its ups and downs and I’m hoping we’re about to hit the end of this somewhat downward trajectory as the show bounces back up to even greater heights. Luckily I think a majority of the foundation has been laid and all that’s left now is for Haruka and Kanata to unlock their potential as protagonists of a freaking Beach Volleyball anime. Based on how this week’s episode ended though, it looks like we’re in a great spot to see something amazing happen with Haruka and Kanata’s backs against the wall.
In any case, I’ll see you guys next week (or rather in a few days)! Thanks again for dealing with the tardiness of these posts — jetlag has been killer and I don’t know how you jetsetters deal with it. See you later!
Today at 2:07 am
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BookWalker Announces The Next Big Light Novels Poll Results
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BookWalker Announces The Next Big Light Novels Poll Results
Earlier this year, Kadokawa Shoten‘s online manga and light novel publisher BookWalker held a poll to find the next big light novel hit. The company held a poll from May 11 to June 10 and invited readers to visit the election site to cast their votes. Readers could vote up to 20 times, but the number of votes were tied to light novel purchases. Judges declared approximately 10,000 votes were cast in all.
Voting options were limited to newly released books, since this was the “next big hit” poll after all. A series’ first volume had to be published between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018 to be considered. Qualifying works were then judged by an election committee and selected as a candidate based on sales information. Voters could choose from 200 different light novels.
The top 10 results are (insert drumroll here):
Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi: Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Choetsu Heal by Rui Tsukiyo (author) and Siokonbu (illustrator). The story follows a healing magic user who realizes white magic has more abilities than simply being exploited by adventurers. While dying, the mage uses their magic to travel back in time four years to become even more powerful with their newfound knowledge.
Combatants Will Be Dispatched (Sentōin, Hakenshimasu!) by Natsume Akatsuki (author) and Kakao Lanthanum (illustrator). The story follows “No. 6,” a guy reconstructed to work for the evil organization “Kisaragi.” Despite its reputation, members of Kisaragi are a bunch of weirdos that seem more interested in saving the world than dominating it. No.6’s latest mission is to head to an alien planet with his android partner Alice and invade, but this new world is full of fantastical elements like unicorns and knights.
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjo, Aruiha Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen by Kei Sazane (author) and Ao Nekonabe (illustrator). Two countries are at war, The Empire and the Imperial Household Agency. Iska is a swordsman fighting for the Empire and Aliceliese is hailed as the strongest ice mage the Imperial Household Agency has to offer. The two nemeses meet on the battlefield and sparks of a different sort fly.
Hige o Soru. Soshite Mesukōsei o Hirō. (Shave Your Beard and Pick Up a High School Girl) by Shimesaba (author) and Būta (illustrator)
Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles (Isekai Kenkokuki) by Sakuragi Sakura (author) and Runa (illustrator)
Cross Connect Arui wa Tarumi Yūnagi no Irekawari Kanzen Game Kōryaku by Haruki Hisatsui (author) and Konomi (illustrator)
Kuzu to Tenshi no Second Life by Tenshin Mukai (author) and Ukami (illustrator)
Million Crown by Kotarō Ryūno (author) and Kogecha (illustrator)
Maō-sama, Retry! by Kurone Kanzaki (author) and Koji Ogata (illustrator)
Campioness of Sanctuary (Shiniki no Campioness) by Joe Takeduki (author) and BUNBUN (illustrator)
Source: Mainichi Shimbun’s Mantan Web
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ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D, SPYAIR Rock Bands Launch World Tours
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ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D, SPYAIR Rock Bands Launch World Tours
Tours to travel to Americas, Europe, Asia
Japanese rock bands ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D and SPYAIR announced last week that they are launching world tours in September. The two bands will tour together to the Americas and Europe, and they will also have solo performances in Asia.
The bands will perform at the following venues in the Americas and Europe:
September 22-23 – Cobb Galleria Center at Anime Weekend Atlanta, Atlanta, USA (ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D on September 22, SPYAIR on September 23)
September 25 – Diamond Ballroom, Oklahoma City, USA
September 27 – Gramercy Theatre, New York, USA
October 1 – Regency Ballroom, San Francisco, USA
October 3 – White Oak Music Hall, Houston, USA
October 5 – Canton Hall, Dallas, USA
October 7 – Sala Puebla, Mexico City, Mexico
October 12 – Teatro Teleton, Santiago, Chile
October 14 – Audio Club, São Paulo, Brazil
October 17 – Klub Kwadrat, Kraków, Poland
October 19 – Colos-saal, Frankfurt (Aschaffenburg), Germany
October 21 – The Underworld, London, UK
October 24 – Casino de Paris, Paris, France
In Japan, ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D will perform in Nagoya on November 10, Osaka on November 11, and Shibuya on November 17. The band will also perform in Taipei, Taiwan on December 1, Hong Kong on December 2, and Seoul, South Korea on December 15-16.
In China, SPYAIR will perform in Guangzhou on November 7, Chengdu on November 9, Beijing on November 11, and Shanghai on November 24. The band will also perform in Hong Kong on November 15, Taichung, Taiwan on November 17 and in Seoul on December 8. SPYAIR will conclude their tour in Japan with performances in Osaka on December 13, Nagoya on December 17, and Tokyo on December 22.
ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D is an alternative rock band. Their debut single “Complication” was used as the second opening theme song for the Durarara!! anime series. The band has also performed the second opening theme song “In My World” for Blue Exorcist, the ending theme song “Song for…” for Bleach, and “Reclimb” for Yowamushi Pedal.
SPYAIR has performed theme songs for Gintama, Samurai Flamenco, Bleach, Gundam AGE, and Haikyu!!
Thanks to crosswithyou for the news tip.
Sources: ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D band’s website, SPYAIR band’s website
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Best Anime Ranking [Weekly Sales Chart]
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Best Anime Ranking [Weekly Sales Chart]


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What You Need to Know:
It’s time to kick off this rainy Wednesday with the anime chart.
This week, the next volume of High School DxD Hero debuts high on the chart. We also are entertained by Darling in the FRANXX 5, IDOLiSH7 7, and The Testament of Sister New Devil DEPARTURES, all debut this week.
While Free! -Dive to the Future- may be debuting this week for the first time on the anime chart, how high will it go? Can it dethrone Granblue Fantasy? Find out below!
High School DxD Hero Vol.2
Kimi no Na wa.
Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel 1.Pressage Flower
IDOLiSH7 Vol.7
Macross Delta Movie: Gekijou no Walkure
Bungou Stray Dogs DEAD APPLE
The Testament of Sister New Devil DEPARTURES
Free! -Dive to the Future- Vol.1
Source: CD Japan
Ugh… why couldn’t free debut higher?!
Because that is reserved for High School DxD 2.
Latest Weekly Rankings
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The Sparkly World of Precure (Pretty Cure)~!
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The Sparkly World of Precure (Pretty Cure)~!


Mary Lee Sauder

Author: Mary Lee Sauder
After the hard-hitting East Coast lifestyle hit me a bit too hard, I started pursuing my passion as a writer in my cozy home state of Ohio. Aside from that, I spend my time cooking, cosplaying, collecting anime merch, and being an improv comedy actor. I also love sneaking alliterations and stupid puns into my writing, so be on the lookout for them! 😉
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Asobi Asobase – 05
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Asobi Asobase – 05
Asobi Asobase – 05
Filed under Asobi Asobase, First Impressions by Choya | 3 Comments
「悪魔的センス / 誘導尋問 / 前多の呪い / 性教育」 (Akumateki Sense / Yuudoujinmon / Maeda no Noroi / Seikyouiku) “Devilish Taste / Loaded Questions / Maeda`s Curse / Sex Ed”
In our latest Asobi Asobase, new but very much welcome additions to the cast to stir things up for the Pastimers Club. The first of which is Aozora, who puts the pressure on the girls after Olivia discovers that she is secretly trans after trying to break up with her boyfriend who was perfectly fine with the revelation. Kasumi doesn’t share the happiness that Olivia had about the couple, but trying to get Aozora to confirm if she was the girl Olivia overheard was something Aozora humorously had her work to find out. Seeing Olivia squirm as Aozora slowly gets her to tell her just what she overheard was great as was seeing everyone but Hanako being satisfied with her explanation on why she undresses away from the other girls.
The star of this episode, however, was Oka-san, the sole member of the Occult club, who finds herself migrating to the Pastimers Club now that she’s forced to disband. With her presence in the club room, she introduces the girls to the notoriously horrifying “One Man Hide-and-Seek” game. It’s something I remember reading on the internet ages ago, but it’s hilarious to see it make its way into anime with the girls fearing that they’ve summoned a possessed doll to chase after them. The scene was a perfect storm of comedy with how the doll’s disappearance made them believe they really did start the game was partnered up with the doll being a poop with googly eyes, resulting in the girls frantically screaming about trying to find a poop doll holding a razor blade. Much of the jokes in this episode thrived on the segments ending on an abruptly-placed punchline and the nonchalant reveal that a do-gooder tossed out the doll to unclog the sink was the icing on the cake for the section. If all of Oka-san’s scenes will be like this section, I’m looking forward to seeing how they include her throughout the rest of the series.
While Oka-san brought her A-game to this episode, Hanako had some of the best segments as her attitude, way of living, and mindset cooked up one laugh-out-loud scenario after another. Her weekend meeting with the other Pastimers was great in how far in spiraled down the drain as time passed. Hanako using her wealth and tastemaker ego to dress up in preppy haute couture “Harajuku” fashion that make her look like a demonic technicolor dinosaur is just the beginning. It’s the eventual escalation that her attempt at pen-twirling takes to cause a chain reaction that burned down the restaurant that truly made the scene. Similarly, the Sex Ed section was a riot with how far the segment went merely from Hanako suggesting that she wants a boyfriend to hold hands with and marry young. Her confusion of how exactly babies are made creates a series of uncomfortable responses from the other girls around them with each one being funnier than the next. Olivia’s idea that it comes from kissing while a man’s genitals are exposed quickly turns into Kasumi’s emphasis on “docking” as she awkwardly mashes two dolls into a confusing sex pose. Sensei’s reaction eventually becomes comedy gold as the visual element of the dolls comes into play and she uses them to have them pose in the Cirque du Soleil style sex positions that her friends talk about doing. It’s the element of surprise that comes with the show that makes it so funny in how hard it is to predict the direction of where a joke is going only for it to sneak up and get you where you least expect it.
Today at 1:08 pm
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Shingeki no Kyojin – 40
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Shingeki no Kyojin – 40
Shingeki no Kyojin – 40
Filed under First Impressions, Shingeki no Kyojin by Pancakes | 6 Comments
「昔話」 (Mukashibanashi) “Old Story”
Plots, schemes, and some defining reveals—it’s time to get down to business boys and girls. SnK may often belabour the duty of handing out answers for its many outstanding questions, but with this arc and the information dropped this week, the picture just became slightly clearer. The king? Fake. The people? Potentially brainwashed. Eren? Still playing second fiddle to that giddy Mikasa rage. Alright the last isn’t really anything new, but everyone’s favourite scouts going up against the leadership of humanity’s last bastion? Yeah there still be some action on this horizon.
The two big things this episode naturally lay with Historia and Erwin and a different plan for a kingdom under siege. As revealed last week Historia is actually the true heir to the throne, kept quiet and out of the way for reasons which will make their appearance before too long (if a few scenes aren’t already enough formulate a guess or two). This little fact is what enables Erwin to place his trust in a coup that uses Historia to replace the current—and illegitimate—king with a better, kinder government. Or in other words, finally let his Titan slaying Scouts actually become the good guys in everyone’s eyes for once; god knows hiding out gets boring after a while. In reality Erwin’s scheme is just the latest manoeuvre to retain control of Eren. With the enemy desperate enough to try and hand Eren’s abilities over to someone more psychologically malleable (with the reason still remaining shrouded in mystery), the good guys need a solution which stops this and prevents such a situation from occurring again. Thus a change in government. As far as strategizing goes it’s a pretty impressive idea, although as with most plans the devil is in the details. Coups are hard enough to pull off even with substantial support, and to do so without the spilling of blood? Yeah isn’t happening. Pixis might provide the manpower needed, but in the end it comes down to successfully recovering Historia (and Eren), and there’s no guarantee Levi and friends will manage that in time yet.
Part of the reason for this is the fact the scouts have been officially outlawed. With Erwin arrested and the maniacal Hange (who should really dump the goggles—and not just for hiding in the crowd reasons) now in nominal charge, there’s a noticeable lack of manpower for quickly breaking into the Reiss estate and recovering the damsels in distress. The enemy knows they’re coming after all, they can reasonably assume their number, and while Mikasa’s combat prowess (read: Eren-napping rage) may be unconsidered, even she can only do so much before being overwhelmed. The upcoming battle will be the most important one Levi and friends have fought to date, for failure will cost more than a simple change in kingship. Without Eren there’ll be no sealing the wall, no discovering the truth, no breaking through the collective miasma covering recent history.
It’s a pretty hefty weight for our scout squad to bear, and they’re about to quickly get the first real taste of it.
Yesterday at 10:17 pm
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Reborn! Stage Play Reveals Lead Female Cast in Costume
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Reborn! Stage Play Reveals Lead Female Cast in Costume
The official website for the stage play adaptation of Akira Amano‘s Reborn! manga revealed four new cast members in costume on Monday.
Yui Itō as Kyōko Sasagawa
Seira Nagashima as Haru Miura
Maki Toyota as Bianchi
Kaito Kumagai as Fuuta
Previously revealed cast members include:
Neeko (Reborn! anime’s lead voice actress) as Reborn
Ryōhei Takenaka as Tsunayoshi Sawada
Taizō Shiina as Ken Jōshima
Seiya Inagaki as Chikusa Kakimoto
Rino Hirayama as M.M.
Shōta Kawakami as Lancia
The Katekyō Hitman Reborn! The Stage play will run in Tokyo at The Galaxy Theatre from September 21-30, and then in Osaka at the Mielparque Hall from October 3-6. Maruichirō Maruo is directing and penning the script.
Viz Media released 16 volumes of the 42-volume manga in North America, and it describes the story:
When Reborn, a fedora-wearing, gun-toting toddler, arrives and says he’s come to groom Tsuna for his future as boss of an Italian organized crime family, Tsuna is more than a little skeptical. But Reborn may have the “magic bullet” necessary to turn Tsuna’s life around!
Amano launched Reborn! in Shueisha‘s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2004, and ended it in 2012. The manga’s television anime adaptation ran from 2006 to 2010. Crunchyroll and Viz Media streamed the anime adaptation outside Japan. Discotek Media recently announced its license of the anime.
The “Amano Akira Illustrations Exhibition” event presented a special collaboration mini anime video of Amano’s Reborn! and ēlDLIVE manga when it opened in July 2016. The video featured the first anime footage of Reborn! in six years since the television anime ended in 2010.
Sources: Reborn! the Stage play’s official website, Stage Natalie
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Live-Action Gintama 2 Film Reveals 10 Short Clips
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Live-Action Gintama 2 Film Reveals 10 Short Clips
Warner Bros. Japan began streaming 10 six-second ads for Gintama 2: Okite wa Yaburu Tame ni Koso Aru (The Law is Surely There to be Broken), the second live-action film based on Hideaki Sorachi‘s Gintama manga, on Friday. Each video focuses on a different aspect of the film — such as the cast or action scenes — or on a different situation.
All Cast Together Edition
No Holds Barred Action Edition
Final Summer of the Heisei Era Edition
Good Morning Edition (“If you don’t get ready, you’ll be late!”)
To the People Commuting to Work Edition (“A message from Tosshi: If you work you lose.”)
Lunch Break Edition (“Playing Gintama shiritori on your break.”)
Feeling the Mid-Day Summer Heat Edition (“We’re doing it again this year: wasting good-looking guys.”)
Before Going to Bed Edition (“You there, watching nothing but YouTube before bed! That’s no good.”)
Nights Where I Want to Cry Edition
“Do You Want to Skip This Ad?” Edition
The film opens in Japan on August 17. The story will cover both the “Shinsengumi Crisis” and the “Shogun Reception” arcs, the latter of which features the introduction of the Shogun.
The film stars (from left to right in top row in picture below): Shun Oguri as Gintoki Sakata, Masaki Suda as Shinpachi Shimura, and Kanna Hashimoto as Kagura, as well as (bottom row) Masami Nagasawa as Tae Shimura and Masaki Okada as Kotarō Katsura. The character Elizabeth (bottom row right) is also returning, but the film’s website has not specified if Takayuki Yamada is returning for the role.
An accompanying three-episode live-action show titled Gintama 2: Yo ni mo Kimyō na Gintama-chan will premiere on August 18 on Docomo’s dTV streaming service.
The first film opened in Japan last July, and it earned 980 million yen (US$8.9 million) in its first four days. The film also inspired a live-action net show that debuted on Docomo’s dTV streaming service one day after the film’s opening. Well Go USA released the first film on DVD, Blu-ray Disc and DVD combo pack, and Digital HD on March 6.
Sources: Warner Bros. Japan‘s YouTube channel, Mantan Web
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Best Light Novel Ranking [Weekly Sales Chart]
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Best Light Novel Ranking [Weekly Sales Chart]


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What You Need to Know:
Welcome to the Light Novel chart this rainy Tuesday morning in Tokyo.
After a bishounen invasion last week, this week shows NieR:Automata exploding in popularity. High School DxD falls down though after a strong return last week.
There are plenty of returnees, but we see Boku no Hero Academia‘s movie light novel and Boogie Pop Phantom debut. See who is on top below!
NieR:Automata: Shonen Yoruha
NieR:Automata Nagai Hanashi
NieR:Automata Mijikai Hanashi
Shin High School DxD 1
My Hero Academia THE MOVIE – 2 Ri no Eiyu –
Bakemonogatari Part2
Overlord 1
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Aa, Damegami-sama
Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 1
Boogie Pop wa Warawanai
Source: CD Japan
Alright! I love the NieR:Automata novels!
but but but what about the love for Shin High School DxD
Latest Weekly Rankings
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"Is It Wrong to Expect a Hot Spring in a Dungeon?" OVA Makes a Splash on HIDIVE
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"Is It Wrong to Expect a Hot Spring in a Dungeon?" OVA Makes a Splash on HIDIVE
What You Need to Know:
HIDIVE announced today that it acquired the exclusive streaming rights to Is It Wrong to Expect a Hot Spring in a Dungeon? OVA for the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and other select territories. The OVA, based off the hit series Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, will be available on August 11, 2018, at 16:00 UTC with English subtitles and an English-language dub.
Source: Official Press Release
Picking up right where the series left off, Bell and the others are ready to take a well-deserved break after a long day of slaying monsters. Despite traveling through a dungeon, the gang stumbles upon a lavish hot spring! And while Hestia, Hermes, Liliruca and the rest of the crew are ready to relax all their troubles away, Ryu is hesitant to participate. Is there something more going on or is it wrong to expect a monster-free hot spring?
Ecchi harem comedy all the way!
More oppai, more joy!
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Summer 2018 Schedule
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Summer 2018 Schedule
Summer 2018 Schedule
Filed under Season Schedule, Series Introduction by Stilts | 1 Comment
Now that every show has had several episodes to make its case, it’s time to tell you what we’ll be blogging this season. This is Random Curiosity’s Summer 2018 blogging schedule.
As always, this is a tentative overview of our plans for the new season . . . is what we used to say, but with multiple episodes under our belts, we’re pretty confident in our picks. Will some of them flounder down the stretch? It’s happened before. This is what we’re going with for now.
In show news, we’re covering 16 series, including 4 carry-overs. After a bonkers spring season, where your’s truly went totally gonzo on the bloggin’, I for one am happy to have a more manageable schedule, even if a few choice morsels slipped through the cracks. I see you, Grand Blue, I just gotta save some time for the ladies. Also, playing too much Overwatch. But I think we hit most of the highlights, plus a few fan favorites, so this will have to do.
In staff news, no news is good news. It’s a busy summer for many of us, but we’re using some of our (precious little) free time to contemplate new and fun content for the site, which we’ll work on refining and deploying when the star’s align. More details on that later. In the meantime, reminder that we’re leaving writer recruitment open in case anyone wants to get a jump on the next recruitment drive (which may happen soon… I’m not going to be able to blog five shows every season), so check out this previous schedule post for details. Because yes, I’m still too lazy to copy them over here.
That’s all the news for now. Thanks as always for reading and commenting, and feel free to pop on join our Discord channel if you’d like to chat outside of the usual posts. Let’s have a fun season of anime together. Banzai!
Today at 7:22 pm
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Harukana Receive – 04
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Harukana Receive – 04
Harukana Receive – 04
Filed under First Impressions, Harukana Receive by Takaii | 0 Comments
「私達にぴったりだと思わない?」 (Watashitachi ni Pittarida to Omowanai?) “Isn’t This Perfect for Us?”
Okay before any hate comes in, how can you expect people to play Beach Volleyvall without the appropriate attire?
General Impressions
Seriously though, I thought this week’s episode was actually pretty good. For me there was a nice balance between pushing the story forward and giving us some fun moments to keep things balanced. Starting with the later, never in a million years did I think I would hear a good reason for wearing skimpy tight fitting swimsuits for playing Volleyball in. But lo and behold and in just four episodes Harukana has convinced me that there’s just enough merit to do things the way we see it without diving into anything incredibly fanservicey. That said, I’m glad that we have Kanata here to keep things grounded since were it left up to Haruka, things would probably be slipping left and right.
Changing gears to the more serious part of this week’s episode, boy am I loving how the story is handling Haruka and Kanata’s relationship. As cousins who rarely saw each other, it would be kind of strange to see them in full sync less than a few weeks in. Luckily the story realizes this and is doing it best to make sure that it’s covering for this fact. First covering Kanata’s trauma (which still isn’t a closed case but getting better) and then moving to the dynamic between her and Haruka, I can’t wait to see just how much better the two are once they finally level up their “relationship” with each other.
All that said, I think if there was one thing I was a little disappointed about it would be the lack of volleyball recently. After the first episode where we had a pretty fun exhibition match, I’ve been craving something similar to that and the show just hasn’t delivered. Maybe my expectations are in the wrong spot, but I hope I’m not the only one who’s waiting for some more actual volleyball!
In any case, I’ll catch you guys next week! Sorry about the later than usual post — I’m flying internationally and it’s been tough to keep up with things with spotty internet here and there. That said, let me tell you, it’s real awkward trying to take screencaps of this show in public when there are families just dying to stare at your screen only to be greeted by a screen full of Haruka’s chest. God speed to me next week.
P.S. God Narumi is so cute. If only she could show up more!
Today at 6:19 pm
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Mirai, Pokemon, Bleach Films Each Fall 1 Spot at Japanese Box Office
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Mirai, Pokemon, Bleach Films Each Fall 1 Spot at Japanese Box Office
Mamoru Hosoda and Studio Chizu‘s new Mirai no Mirai (Mirai) anime film fell from #2 to #3 in its second weekend. The film sold 215,000 tickets and earned 289,012,900 yen (about US$2.6 million) over the weekend. The film has now sold a cumulative total of 910,000 tickets and earned 1,181,317,500 yen (about US$9.9 million).
The film opened in 456 theaters on July 20 in Japan. It sold 295,000 tickets for 500 million yen (about US$4.5 million) to rank #2 in its opening weekend. The weekend earnings were about 40% less than the opening weekend gross of Hosoda’s previous The Boy and The Beast film, which earned 667,035,100 yen (about US$5.4 million) in its opening weekend.
The film had its world premiere in May at this year’s Directors’ Fortnight, an independent section held in parallel to the Cannes Film Festival. International sales banner Charades represented the film at Cannes in 2017, and has sold distribution rights to GKIDS in the United States, MK2 Mile End in Canada, Anime Limited in the United Kingdom, and Madman Entertainment in Australia and New Zealand.
The film stars Moka Kamishiraishi and Haru Kuroki as sibling protagonists Kun-chan and Mirai, respectively. The film’s story centers around a family living in a small house in an obscure corner of a certain city — in particular, the family’s spoiled four-year-old boy Kun-chan. When Kun-chan gets a little sister named Mirai, he feels that his new sister stole his parents’ love from him, and is overwhelmed by many experiences he undergoes for the first time in his life. In the midst of it all, he meets an older version of Mirai, who has come from the future.
Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us (Gekijōban Pocket Monster: Minna no Monogatari), the 21st film in the Pokémon franchise, fell from #3 to #4 in its fourth weekend. The film earned 180,860,400 yen (about US$1.62 million) from Friday to Sunday. The film has now earned a cumulative total of 1,652,206,500 yen (about US$14.88 million).
It opened on July 13 in 364 theaters in Japan, and it ranked #2 in its opening weekend. The film sold 440,000 tickets and earned 500 million yen (about US$4.42 million). The film earned 3.1% less than the opening weekend of last year’s Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! (Gekijōban Pocket Monster: Kimi ni Kimeta!) film.
The story is set during the annual Wind Festival at Frau City, which is blessed with wind from the Legendary Pokémon Lugia. Lugia and a new Mythical Pokémon named Zeraora appear in the film.
Kunihiko Yuyama, who has directed many of the earlier Pokémon films, including last year’s Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!, returns as animation supervisor. Eiji Umehara (Grimoire of Zero, Beelzebub scriptwriter) and Aya Takaha wrote the script.
Wit Studio (Attack on Titan, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress) handled animation production along with the franchise‘s mainstay studio Oriental Light and Magic. Tetsuo Yajima, the assistant director of last year’s Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!, returned to direct the film, and Shizue Kaneko (If Her Flag Breaks, Pan de Peace!) designed the characters.
The live-action film of Tite Kubo‘s Bleach manga fell from #4 to #5 and earned 64,199,600 yen (about US$578,500) from Friday to Sunday. The film has now earned a cumulative total of 360,638,300 yen (about US$3.2 million).
The film opened on July 20 on 329 theaters. It sold 99,000 tickets for 135 million yen (about US$1.21 million) to rank #4 in its opening weekend.
The film had its North American premiere with two screenings on July 28 at the Japan Cuts Festival in New York.
The film stars Sōta Fukushi as protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki, and Hana Sugisaki as Rukia Kuchiki.
The film’s story centers on the “Substitute Shinigami Arc,” the manga’s first arc that ran from its first to eighth volume.
Kubo launched Bleach in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2001, and ended it in August 2016. Viz Media published the manga in North America digitally in English as Shueisha published new chapters in Japan. Viz Media is also publishing the manga in print.
Soreike! Anpanman Kagayake! Kurun to Inochi no Hoshi (Let’s go! Anpanman: Shine! Kurun and the Star of Life), the Anpanman franchise‘s 30th anime film, rose from #9 to #8 in its fifth weekend. The film earned 32,347,600 yen (about US$291,500) from Friday to Sunday, and has now earned a cumulative total of 496,085,300 yen (about US$4.47 million).
The film sold 112,116 tickets to earn 121,080,500 yen (about US$1.09 million) and rank #4 in its opening weekend. The film opened in Japan on June 30 in 207 theaters. The film earned 37.6% more in its opening weekend than the opening weekend of last year’s Soreike! Anpanman Buruburu no Takarasagashi Daibōken! franchise film, which eventually earned 540 million yen (about US$4.86 million).
The film is projected to earn more than 600 million yen (about US$5.40 million).
The film’s story begins in Anpanman World, where everybody is bustling around, getting ready for the annual Star Festival. On that day, an egg emerges from Baikinman’s garbage box, and when it hatches, a mysterious boy named Kurun emerges from within. Though Kurun does not know where he came from, he spends his days having fun with everybody. But one day, black stars begin raining down. Anpanman thinks that something suspicious might be occurring at the Star of Life, and he heads there.
The live-action film of Minami Mizuno‘s Rainbow Days (Nijiiro Days) manga dropped from #8 to #9 in its fourth weekend. The film earned 25,379,500 yen (about US$228,600) from Friday to Sunday, and has now earned a cumulative total of 482,986,500 yen (about US$4.35 million).
The film opened in 317 theaters on June 6. It sold 87,000 tickets and earned 110 million yen (about US$991,000) to rank #3 in its opening weekend.
Ken Iizuka (live-action Arakawa Under the Bridge) directed the film and Rika Nezu (Saint Young Men) wrote the screenplay. Filming took place from mid October to November last year.
Rainbow Days centers on a group of four male high school students who are close friends: Natsuki, Tomoya, Keiichi, and Tsuyoshi. The four boys have no club activities, and they hurry through their studies so they can spend their days having fun. Their main topic of interest: love. Natsuki has an unrequited crush on Anna, a girl from another class, and his friends keep meddling in their relationship.
Meitantei Conan Zero no Shikkōnin (Detective Conan: Zero the Enforcer), the 22nd film in the Detective Conan series, dropped out of the top 10 to #11 in its 16th weekend.
Sources:, Kōgyō Ts��shin (link 2), comScore via KOFIC
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Dorokei Buddy Detective Manga Inspires Live-Action Series
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Dorokei Buddy Detective Manga Inspires Live-Action Series
Rookie detective teams with legendary thief to solve cases
Shū Fukuda’s Dorokei manga is inspiring a live-action television series that will premiere on NTV this October. The show’s title is Dorokei -Keishichō Sōsa Sanka- and it will air on Saturdays at 10:00 p.m.
The buddy cop series focuses on Tsutomu Madarame, a newbie detective, and Haruto, a man in his fifties who is known as the legendary thief “Smoke Crow.” The unexpected pair team up to solve cases.
Sexy Zone’s Kento Nakajima (live-action Silver Spoon‘s Hachiken) is playing Madarame in the live-action series, and Kenichi Endō (live-action Crows Zero‘s Joji Yazaki) is playing Haruto.
The manga launched in Shueisha‘s Weekly Young Jump magazine in January. The first compiled volume shipped on May 18 and the second compiled volume will ship on September 19.
Sources: NTV, Comic Natalie
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Ingress The Animation Anime
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Ingress The Animation Anime


Ingress The Animation
Sci-fi, Action, Game
Airing Date:
October 2018
NETFLIXにて全世界配信が決定!!さらにフジテレビ「+Ultra」のほか、北海道文化放送、東海テレビ、関西テレビ、テレビ西日本、BSフジにて放送予定。10月からの放送開始をお楽しみに! #IngressAnime
— TVアニメ『イングレス』 (@IngressAnime) July 8, 2018
2018年10月 フジテレビ「+Ultra」にて放送予定。TVアニメ『イングレス』公式Twitterオープン。最新情報を発信してゆきます。#IngressAnime #plusultra
— TVアニメ『イングレス』 (@IngressAnime) April 7, 2018
(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)
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