#Ignacio Roblis
kyriat-stories · 1 year
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A few weeks after the women’s protest Queen Alkmini found the oportunity to assemble the nobel men to a meeting. King Ifiklis was doing an inspection at the soldier’s camp, and would spend the night there.
In deepest secrecy the legal experts, loyal to the Queen, had worked out a new law, now presented to the nobel men.
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It said “Young women, at an age ready for marriage, but yet not married, shall, when they are staying in a place not being their own home, and in the hours between sunset and sunrise, always and at all circumstances, be accompanied by an older, male relative or a person appointed by the family for this purpose, if such male relative does not exist.”
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After the reading there was a fierce debate.
- This is much too limiting for young women! One of the nobel men pointed out. They will loose their freedom of movement entirely!
- Well no young women should be outside their home after sunset anyway, another said.
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The Queen listened to the debate for a while, and then spoke.
- Gentlemen! We all know the background for this purposed law and what problem it is meant to solve. If any of you don’t possess this knowledge, I would be happy to inform you, in private. I realize that this law has it’s shortcomings, but under the circumstances... I don’t want any unpleasant upheavals, and the woman were quite clear - the common men of Manthos are on their side in this matter.
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- Maybe if you gave him a warning? Kyrios Rhesus suggested.
- I’m afraid that would be a waste of time, Kyrie Rhesu, the Queen sighed. He’ve had many warnings already. Other suggestions?
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- Maybe it would help if he was not at the palace or Manthos for a while? Kyrios Ignacio said cautiously. Until the unrest has calmed down, I mean? And that way we could solve another pressing problem for Manthos at the same time?
- What are you saying? The Queen replied, Please don’t speak in riddles!
- I’m thinking about the situation at the front, Ma’am. There is a desperate need of leadership, I would say.
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- What?! The Queen gasped. Are you suggesting I send my son to the battlefield Kyrie Ignacio?
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