#Presidential Reference
deadpresidents · 1 month
Do you have a list of which states the presidents were born and lived in like the list of vice presidents you posted earlier?
You're referencing this list that I posted a few days ago of the states where the Vice Presidents of the United States were born and the states they represented at the time of their election.
Here's a similar list for each of the Presidents of the United States. The state "represented" is official state of residency at the time of their election or succession to the Presidency:
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*Note that three Presidents changed their official state of residency during their respective Presidencies: -When Dwight D. Eisenhower was first elected in 1952 he was living in New York where he was president of Columbia University. Prior to his reelection in 1956, Eisenhower changed his state of residency to Pennsylvania where he had a farm in Gettysburg. -Richard Nixon was born in California and represented California in Congress and as Vice President. When he was elected in 1968 he was living in New York where was practicing law. Prior to his reelection in 1972, Nixon changed his official state of residency back to California. -Donald Trump was living in New York at the time of his election in 2016. Prior to his unsuccessful bid for reelection in 2020 Trump changed his official state of residency to Florida. Trump continued to use his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida as his primary residence during the 2024 election.
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tardis-technician · 13 days
Transgender illegal alien in prison
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based on this post by @terranceholdsapencil
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spongleborbmems · 3 months
4 years later and this is still relevant
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ideal-idiot · 2 months
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batw1nggg · 2 months
am i crazy or are u guys also seeing the beginnings of another danganronpa fandom resurgence . like not as bad as 2020 obviously but ive been seeing komaedaposters regularly get thousands of likes on twitter and insta. gamegrumps back with v3. what is happening im scared .
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learnwithmearticles · 11 days
A summary of the stances spoken by Kamala Harris during the presidential debate on September 10, 2024.
Reinstating protections of Roe v. Wade
Continue addressing, as she refers to it, transnational organizations trafficking fentanyl and weapons
She does not refer to individuals, but to organizations during this portion
Not banning fracking
In fact, she mentions that the Inflation Reduction Act provided new leases for oil drilling
Investing in diverse energy sources
Decreasing dependence on foreign oil
Support starting up small businesses through tax deductions
Increase the child tax cut ($6,000 for the first year after birth)
Increase homes by 3 million by the end of her first term
Downpayment assistance for first-time home-buyers ($25,000 tax credit)
Protect social security and medicare
Protect seniors from scams
Needing a ceasefire deal for Palestine-Israel
Two state solution
Security in equal measure for both sides
Ensuring the U.S. has the most lethal fighting force in the world
A break from extraneous language, stating plain policy intentions. As stated in her closing statement, Harris is a candidate with the future in mind, seeking, generally, to help U.S. citizens. She unfortunately invokes politically ‘moderate’ stances such as her statements about Israel and military support, which should both be worded better. However, we can understand this within the context of a political system that would never permit someone rising to power while acknowledging the deep wrongs of the military and Israel. Overall, Harris is a far healthier candidate for the United States based on the principles claimed in this debate.
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listen I don’t wish harm anyone… but doesn’t he look tired?
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god-breast-america · 2 months
He has a sadness in his eyes that you only see in Eastern European gay porn
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coldhands-sunkeneyes · 3 months
I personally would love to see both candidates on the floor of a model un conference. Against bitches trying to gavel
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weathernerdmando · 13 days
Y'know what's funny about the debate is that I did debate in high school. I wasn't very good, but I also didn't really try, and I still did better than Trump did this past week.
Kamala took notes, which you do in any type of debate. You use those later on to refute or attack your opponents points. She stayed on topic, and she actually did make a point to rebutt his specific attacks WHILE making her arguments....and that's how you DO a debate!
She would absolutely destroy me in a debate, but that's fair. I still could probably debate Donald Trump and win, lmao.
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I can't find my original post considering it's a year or two old at this point but when I said "the most horrifying thing is when no matter wherever in the world something awful happens you look into it and the US is at least partly responsible", I was explicitly referring to how, because the Republic of Turkey is a member of NATO, the US has a vested international interest in ensuring that the Armenian genocide is downplayed, ignored, dismissed etc. which, given the scope of the US empire, means it has all the tools necessary to do so.
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deadpresidents · 2 months
If Walz wins he'll be the third vp in 50 years from MN. If VA is the cradle of presidents what is the cradle of vps??
Virginia is barely holding on to the title of "Cradle of the Presidents". There have been eight Presidents born in Virginia (Washington; Jefferson; Madison; Monroe; W.H. Harrison; Tyler; Taylor; and Wilson), and seven Presidents born in Ohio, all of whom served in the White House in the 52 years before the 1868 and 1920 elections (Grant; Hayes; Garfield; B. Harrison; McKinley; Taft; and Harding).
As for Vice Presidents, New York is, by far, the "Cradle of the Vice Presidents". Eight Vice Presidents were born in New York (G. Clinton; Tompkins; Van Buren; Fillmore; Colfax. Wheeler; T. Roosevelt; and Sherman). And New York was the official state of residency for eleven Vice Presidents (Burr; G. Clinton; Tompkins; Van Buren; Fillmore; Wheeler; Arthur; Morton; T. Roosevelt; Sherman; and Rockefeller).
Here's a quick look at the state of birth for each of our Vice Presidents, as well as the state they represented (which was their official state of residency at the time of their election):
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celeste-fitzgerald · 14 days
Me, staring at a blank document: I have a concept of a fanfic
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l48yr1nth · 15 days
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pinkpastels113 · 15 days
not the numerous personal insults that has no relations to her ability to be a president
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southsidewrites · 2 months
So, there's a guy in my city who drives around with a *massive* "F*** BIDEN" flag on his truck (uncensored, I might add), and I literally laughed my ass off today when I saw him drive by without it.
What a delight that he spent so much money on that, put it up about a month before the RNC, and now just has to own that. What a delight.
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