#Pregnant Rescue
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superanimalstv · 4 days ago
  Pregnant Rescue Adventure! 🦁👑 Lion King Saves the Day from Tiger & Wolf Attack!
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dykedvonte · 3 months ago
Never seen it really discussed but despite his complaints about Pony Express, Jimmy is the only crew member to somewhat like being on the Tulpar.
Of course, the reason is sort of shallow, he likes being there due to the control he has in the cock pit as co-pilot. The fact that he’s actually in charge for once, even on such a minor scale. Everyone else has this open or held in contempt for physically being there but he likes it on a fundamental level, freaks out and lashes out on such a personal level when he realizes he’s losing the first job he’s probably enjoyed and that stability/control.
It’s not anything specific or I think polarizing about Jimmy but I feel like it adds to how he tells Curly this is home to him. Earth is objectively not a place of ease or comfort for Jimmy, but the Tulpar is. It’s a fucked up perversion of home and that’s so interesting for his character who also hates the corporate culture the most out of all of them.
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valkyrieres · 5 months ago
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cayennesugar · 9 months ago
I’m just sitting here imagining a sparked Quickshadow likeeee-
Mood swings would go crazy lmao poor Heatwave (and any unfortunate soul who so much as breathes wrong in her presence)
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Blurr has made many mistakes and this may as well be the worst one of all. 😔🙏
I headcanon that a femme’s physical appearance doesn’t change much besides a small bump in their metal that appears later in the gestation period
Since this is before Hotshot is born and he is canonically enrolled in the rescue bots academy, I would imagine that Heatwave is extremely busy with preparations for the academy and only gives Quickshadow all his attention at night so she is vulnerable to Blurr’s antics during the day and Heatwave doesn’t hear about what he does until Quickshadow whines about how annoyed she is later that night
Heatwave tries to contain Quickshadow in their birthroom but she breaks out eventually to wreak havoc on everyone else 😨 (she’s just a pregnant femme your honor 🎀)
I arrived at a relatives house at like 5 in the morning after flying for an entire day, sorry I kept your request waiting so long but I’m exhausted 🥺🙏
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leslutdepointedulac · 9 months ago
I'm thinking about this again, and how every time I read it/remember it I spontaneously combust because it's so fucking cute.
'Pain is terrible for you,' he said. 'You feel it like no other creature because you are a vampire. You don't want it to go on.' " 'No,' I answered him. 'I'll feel as I felt with her, wed to her and weightless, caught as if by a dance.' " 'That and more.' His hand tightened on mine. 'Don't turn away from it, come with me.' " He led me quickly through the street, turning every time I hesitated, his hand out for mine, a smile on his lips, his presence as marvelous to me as the night he'd come in my mortal life and told me we would be vampires.
~ Interview with the Vampire
Bear in mind this is right after the scene with the prostitutes, where Louis was stressing tf out over Lestat tormenting that woman. And now Louis' being led through the city by Lestat as he holds his hand, and being reassured by him everytime he holds back 😫
I just really love the little moments like this between them. It just shows that from the beginning, despite all the hardships, there was still some form of love and care going on.
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rosetyler42 · 7 months ago
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More from the WIR RP-Verse: a fight between Drac and Wilson before he gets rescued by a pregnant Ericka, Mavis, and friends! Bonus Moana shout-out in Ericka's "No one tries to kill my husband but ME!" (Get it? Giant shiny Crab?)
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @deathfangirl9 @ebevkisk @wingingfromthezing @roydoodler-blog @thedopedemon @thedobermutt @thedemonsurfer @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @inkwelldevil @heartsong1994 @howling-nightmare
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transgender-chiroptera · 10 months ago
https://www.instagram.com/p/C60I-DmO1IT/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== here's a little lady who's gonna have pups soon =]
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(images from the linked post)
I had no idea Ginger Rogers was pregnant!! With TWINS no less!!! She's so fucking round... I bet it'll be nice to have em out. Also check out those little pup skeletons in the X-ray!!!! So cool!! Their skulls are so TINY....
Bats tend to only have one pup, but Eastern Reds can have up to FIVE (although that is fairly uncommon) so twins aren't super unprecedented for her! They also have four nipples which is cool, I didn't know that until I looked up their litter sizes. These two will be able to suckle to their heart's content without bother :)
Here's hoping for everything to go well for her, I'm looking forwards to seeing the babies :3 Thank you for this VERY important Chopper update, anon!!! I haven't restocked the queue recently so I've been woefully behind on the PA bat rescue news...
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dragon-chica · 11 months ago
Alright folks, she’s still pregnant, but I think that will be changing soon, guesses on how many kittens and what colors they may be?
No clue on what the dads may look like, but this lady is Big
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mychlapci · 1 year ago
More chase porn because YESSS (same anon :3)
Blades having to explain to chief burns, and (probably) dani since she’s medically trained in being an EMT so naturally she’d probably be somewhat curious, how cybertronian pregnancy works, but then both of them regret asking. Realising Chase’s need for interface is gonna get even 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦 the more the sparklings grow. And it couldnt have been little then over a month before Chase starts showing- then he’s grumpy because Chief benched him for his and the sparkling’s safety.
The bunker is officially offlimits for everyone by the time its the third month. Because 9/10 times someone goes down there Chase is pinned under one of the bots, being pushed through multiple overloads and just begging for more, theres dents in a complete concrete floor from how rough they are. And even though Chief would love to not get involved he ends up worried for his partner because of how rough the three of them are with him.
Blades has to explain again that: Yes its normal for them to be rougher with a carrying mech and yes he asked for it.
Maybe they cant even get rescues done properly because all three current bots are distracted and difficult to work with, happy to do their duties at protecting the island but sire-coding tells them they shouldnt be out of Chase’s sight, So even Boulder, who’s usually as friendly as a puppy, can be a complete ass to try and work with when the other’s get to go back and see their pretty speedster before he does!
And its hard to work with stubborn bots who weigh up to a couple tons, and the aggression has to be personally handled by Optimus- who’s quite surprised to hear that the rescue bots he formerly thought we’re all a bunch of sweethearts, were piling up on eachother and putting spikes in whatever hole they can in a twisting ball of who can fuck who the fastest.
Cody sometimes visited Chase when the bots are on rescues, but that very quickly changed to that theres a temporary command centre down there, none of the family sees how stressed Chase gets when he’s without any of the bots. So usually Cody’s sat there on Chase’s shoulder or sitting on his knee-plate infront of a few set-up tv’s connected to the Cctv so he can help the team and make sure Chase isnt too worried.
One downside of this is that chase gets overprotective and 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵, Whenever he isnt getting his valve filled with transfluid and frame groped like a pleasure-bot before the war until he’s mewling and sobbing in overstimulation and sheer exhaustion, he’s making sure Cody is in his line of sight. The more logical part of him knows its silly but Cody’s so small, brain-fog mixes with creator-protocols and unless the kid needs to sleep or he’s being filled with transfluid, he’s usually insight of atleast one of the bots to settle Chase’s anxiety.
Because timing is impeccable, Chase probably comm’s one of the bots in the middle of a mission trying to explain in cybertronian that he’s going into Labour, not wanting to worry Cody. And everyone sorta just freaks when Heatwave up and abandons a nearly-finished rescue to speed back to the firehouse. He gets forgiven ofcourse but Blades and Boulder are right behind him moments later and everyone’s just stood there like…what?
He’d definitely be carrying more then one? Three sire’s and the amount of transfluid he gets stuffed in him on the daily there has to be more then one in there.
Hopefully Blades is trained enough to help without them having to hail the mainland for Ratchet to be sent over, Chase having four or five bitties before he’s absolutely exhausted and finished, And Blades makes sure he’s had enough rest before daring to let everyone down, The bonding process between carrier’s and their newborns is fragile and extremely important, and disturbing the silence can cause too much stress, orphan babies during a war would not go well.
Ooh wait, Chase’s carrier instincts going haywire and he gets super attached to Cody is a super sweet concept to me. His programming basically starts registering him not as a human child but as a sparkling, just a little glitch caused by the slowly stabilizing carrier program. It’s probably endearing to the rest of the bots and very weird to Chief Burns. 
haha, at first everyone thinks that the “sparklings need transfluid and charge to develop” thing is just an excuse for them to get their hands on Chase more often, but over time it really doesn’t matter, because excuse or not, they’re not gonna stop. Heatwave is almost completely unresponsive to Kade’s authority, Blades is even more distracted and Boulder, for the first time that they know, actually starts getting mad and frustrated when asked to go on missions. Sire coding causes everyone to go a little crazy, is what i’m saying.
And bless whoever decides to come down and try to get one of them to go on a mission. The sight of Chase pinned down with his hips in the air and a spike up his valve is forever going to be carved into their brain, and the sound of Heatwave screaming at them to get out rings out in their ears for days. The bots getting competitive between each other, which is nothing unusual in cybertronian society - assuming the coding information contained in transfluid can dominate over someone else’s coding if prevalent enough, it makes sense that multiple sires would want to get as much of their coding into their carrier as possible. The fights never get too heated, never get physical, but it’s come close. Chase’s request for someone to come and just fill him up usually breaks up the fights. 
hghhhh the bots dipping from a rescue mission because Chase is about to have his babies and they’ve gotta be there to help him. The rescue team is very mad at them, and once they manage to make their way home (since the bots literally left them stranded on the other side of the island) Chief Burns is more than ready to give them the chewing out of their life. That is, until he walks in on little bitlets crawling all over Chase… well, that certainly explains the urgency.
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fenix-the-seahorse · 4 months ago
Let me introduce you to the pets!
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My service dog, a Blue Heeler/Lab mix. His birthday is October 13th and he is 2! He works for several things with me, like PTSD, dissociation and POTS.
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My gf's puppy, he is 1 ½ and a pittie mix (possibly boxer?). His birthday is 13th of April.
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My partner's retired service dog! She's turning 7 on November 13th! She is a Lab/Blue Tick Hound, and currently her favorite hobby is acting out because of my partner going back to work.
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She's our foster! She is 7 months, a Blue Heeler/Catahoula Leopard Dog, and in training as a service dog for hearing loss and PTSD. Her birthday is April 10th. She only got here Wednesday and has been settling in amazingly. She picks up on things so fast, and I will be going out with her future handler to get her more things tomorrow.
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Jax is my gf's cat, he is 10 now, and a Hurricane rescue. He's got some thyroid issues and getting old, so he doesn't leave the utility/cat room much.
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Him and Hubba Bubba have only lived here since yesterday! My partner adopted Goliath and it turned out he had bonded to Hubba Bubba, so I now have a cat as well. His birthday is estimated to be 09/2021, so he is 3. He is very cuddly but likes his own space, and he is massive, so the name fits.
Hubba Bubba
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Hubba Bubba is the other cat we got yesterday. His birthday is estimated to be the same as Goliath, 09/2021. He is lovey and cuddly, and I have spent most of this evening having him come up to me for love and cuddles. He is absolutely jacked, hence why he looks a bit chunky. But he isn't, just 50/50 fluff and muscle. He is everything I ever wanted in a cat.
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A bearded dragon! We rescue exotic pets, and Sam is one of them. He is about 1 now, and a bit of a bully. He has repeatedly mistaken a freckle on my arm to be a bug, and also made himself at home in my hoodie pocket.
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Another beardie! Dean is about as old as Sam, and makes up what he lacks in brains in sheer audacity. He has not figured out the concept of glass, or that he can not eat two roaches at once. But we love him!
Ozymandias (Ozzy)
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Ozzy the Ball Python, my partner's snake. He is also not much older than the beardies and mostly keeps to himself, but he does like to be a bracelet sometimes.
There are also Miles, my hamster, and Kihe, my gf's leopard Gecko. Tumblr restricts me to 10 images though, so I'll see what to do about that!
We also do dog daycare/boarding through Rover, and I am working towards getting my trainer certificate. In the meantime, I am working for a low cost as a dog trainer locally.
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ovaruling · 1 year ago
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ohhhh my god precious fuzzy Brand New baby hello welcome to earth 😭😭😭😭😭 i’m sorry we’ve made it so shitty for every other species but us, but you will be so spoiled and loved and never exploited i promise!!!
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squapejuice · 7 months ago
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Her Sword.
Her Solace.
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cicada-heart · 8 months ago
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i took my sweet baby home from the shelter 8 years ago today 🥺❤️ she’s my favorite thing in the world and i love her so much. everybody say happy maggie day!!!!! 🐄✨
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sysmedsaresexist · 10 months ago
hwat your dog is so cute omgggg I love those cute little socks on his little peets omg
You have to stay warm in Canada
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follyfallen · 1 year ago
Who's the Daddy (Tav/Multiple)
In which Tav is in a delicate condition and isn't quite sure who's it is. Fortunately for her the Blade of Avernus stands ready to help identify the responsible party...even if it means another round of infernal breaking and entering.
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fortune-maiden · 7 months ago
Yanwan.... what was the actual plan here???
How does 'we need to get Noble Consort Jia to hear this very devastating news before she gives birth' translate to 'LETS DRUG AND TRY TO FORCE OURSELVES ON LING YUNCHE!'
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