#Pregnancy confession
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icycoldninja · 1 year ago
Can I request Dante x Fem Reader who finds out she is pregnant and doesn't know how to tell Dante... How will he react? And how will he care for her throughout pregnancy....
Absolutley! Here you go and I hope u enjoy 💜
Pregnant (DMC5!Dante x Fem!Reader)
Recently, you'd been feeling weird. You were growing increasingly fatigued, your back ached, you were feeling nauseous nearly all the time, and your mood changed like the wind. You'd randomly burst into tears whenever you heard a nostalgic song on the radio; you were often grumpy and snapped at your friends, and sometimes just felt really happy for no reason. Initially, you blew it off as exhaustion from work, until you missed your period. The entire month flew by and there wasn't a single drop of menstrual blood--one of the most telling symptoms of pregnancy. You had to check now, so you raced to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test.
An hour or so later, you were curled up on the bathroom floor, sobbing, the positive-reading test in your hands. It was true. You were pregnant, and worse yet, you knew who the father was: Dante. You two had done the deed not too long ago--without protection. The two of you were so caught up in your lovemaking, you had forgotten about possible consequences. Your mind was currently in a state of delirium; thoughts swirling about like a violent blizzard. You were thrilled to discover that a child was growing inside you, but at the same time, dreaded telling Dante that the kid was his. Despite their differences, Dante and Vergil were still brothers who shared some of their core traits--and you didn't want your child to end up like Nero. After a few moments of mentally debating it, you decided to take a breather and go to one of the girls for help. Snatching up your wallet and keys, you headed for the door right when it flew open of it's own accord, or rather, Dante's accord. He strode into the room, a smile on his face, then wrapped you in a big hug. "Heya, babe! Miss me?" You nodded, wincing as he pressed you against his frame, which applied unwanted pressure on your painfully sensitive breasts. "I did," You managed to choke out, struggling to free yourself from his grip. "I missed you so much." Dante roughly patted you on the back; a gesture that normally wouldn't bother you, but now that your back was an aching, sore mess, it did. "Ow! Stop being so rough, Dante!" Dante pulled away from you, confused. "What? Did-did I do something wrong? Why ya being all grouchy?" Realizing that your behavior was going to give you away, you immediately sobered up. "No, it's just...." You sucked in a breath, trying to think up a lie quickly. "I...uhhh...pulled a muscle in my back earlier, and it hurts if you touch it." Dante blinked at you a few times before his bewildered expression melted into a grin. "Aw, is that all? I could massage it for you if you like." You forced a smile; sudden pangs of nausea were filling your stomach. "No thanks, Dante, I'll be fine." Dante frowned, sensing this behavior wasn't like you at all--you always enjoyed his massages because his hands were so strong. "You sure you're OK, Y/N? You're acting weird." You gagged; the sudden need to vomit overcoming you. Wordlessly, you raced to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet in time. Out came your breakfast, lunch, and last night's dinner, followed by an amalgamation of other substances you didn't want to recognize. Dante appeared around the corner, brow furrowed. "Y/N, are you sick?" You shook your head, sighing. If there was ever a time to tell him, it was now. "I'm not sick, Dante...I'm pregnant." Dante's blue eyes widened; his mouth dropped open in shock. "Wh-really?And...and the dad...is me?" You nodded miserably, feeling another wave of vomit coming. Still awed, Dante rushed forward and held your hair back while you regurgitated all that was in your stomach. After you'd been cleaned up and all that, you seated him on the couch and gave it to him straight. "Yes, Dante, you're the dad. I'm pregnant with your kid." Dante was amazed and overjoyed, but something about your tone didn't sit right with him. "Why do you sound so mad? Do...do you not want a kid?" He looked hurt, and disappointed, as if raising a child was something he'd longed for his entire life. "I do want a child...but I'm just...worried.." Dante gently took your hand in his, kissed it, and asked, "About what?" Before you could stop yourself, you'd burst into tears.
"I'm just worried you'll leave me like Vergil left Nero!" You ended up blurring out, while sobbing into his chest. "I don't want that for our kid! I want you to stay with me and have a family!" Dante was silent for a while, gently rubbing circles into you back while you cried and told him all your worries. Eventually, he pulled away, but only so he could wipe away the tears in your eyes and kiss your cheeks. "I won't leave. I'm not that old asshole, Y/N, just cause we look the same doesn't mean we'll act the same. I want to raise a family with you. I really do." He reached down and rubbed your belly. "I can't wait for this kid to get here, he's gonna be a badass just like his old man!" You laughed, nestling into his shoulder. "How do you know it'll be a boy? What if it's a girl?" Dante shrugged in response. "Then she'll be badass, like her old man, and probably'll be as pretty as her momma." You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "I sure hope so..."
♡ Pregnancy care headcannons ♡
-Carries you everywhere, even if your destination is just across the room.
-Sets up a nursery like 8 months ahead of time, claiming that he needs all the time he can get to decorate it to "suit the baby's tastes".
-Throws a huge (alcohol free) party at DMC and uses it as an excuse to dramatically announce your pregnancy.
-Can't stop rubbing it in his brother's face, as until recently, a child was one of the few things Vergil had that Dante didn't.
-Cooks the weirdest dishes (like spaghetti with chocolate sauce and omlettes with rice in them) but that's okay cause you so happen to be craving these weird foods.
-Seriously cannot wait for this kid to be born, he has so many plans.
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manicmanuscription · 3 months ago
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The Right Time
Pairing(s): Feysand x Reader
Word Count: 2501
Warnings: Angst, Possible Medical Inaccuracies, Fluff, Love Confessions, Delirium, Lack of Sleep, Depression? Panicking, Dissociation.
Summary: Reader is a new single mom, and she pushed away her only support system determined to prove she could do it on her own. But on a bad sleeping night she's slipping. Luckily her mates friends are there to pick her up.
A/N: I've been really obsessed with baby/pregnancy fic's lately due to baby fever, but I have never actually been pregnant before so a lot of this stuff is based on information from family members or other fanfic's/tiktok/insta etc…So a lot of this might not be correct. This fic has also been playing in my head after a shit ton of pregnancy fics i read so there might be grammatical errors!
acotar masterlist | main masterlist
divider by @cafekitsune
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You didn’t know what you expected your life to be when you were just a faeling but it certainly wasn’t like this…
Living in a small cottage nestled in the countryside of Velaris, a wailing baby in your arms, bags under your eyes, no ring on your finger and no baby daddy in sight. Your house was an absolute mess but you didn’t have the energy or time to clean, you would’ve hired a maid but ever since your daughter was born a few weeks ago your paranoia had skyrocketed. It didn’t help that you were a valued member of the Inner Circle and not only had your life been threatened numerous times but you had been attacked just as many. 
You never expected it to be this hard though. Andromeda was squealing at the top of her lungs and you were sobbing right along with her. Rocking her up and down and desperately trying to figure out what was wrong. Not only were you still recovering from your intense labor and your homones all over the place but it was impossible to get any sleep, if your lovely daughter wasn’t having difficulty latching and by some miracle she had fallen asleep for longer than forty five minutes than you were staring at the wall cooconed in blankets a deep sense of dread overcoming every sense in your body made it diffuclt to fall asleep.
Anxiety kept your eyes awake at the thought that something would go wrong the second you let yourself relax. Your body would pass out from sheer exhaustion and Andromeda’s cries would awaken you and you started the whole song and dance over again. 
You were so, so, tired. Your mind had you seeing shadows moving across the floor and you could barely stand up straight. It was a miracle that fae get pregnant, conception taking years at a time and even then the pregnancy and labor extremely diffuclt, a lot of fae not surviving the process. You knew you were incredibley lucky to have a daughter, to have the chance to hold her and you loved her fiercely with ever fiber in your being yet you couldn’t help but regret everything.
You wished you never went to that club, never met that male, you wished that male had stayed instead of running in the opposite direction and you wished to all gods that you hadn’t pushed away your only support system, determined to prove you could do it on your own. 
Your family had been a shining star during all of this. Especially your High Lady and Lord, Rhysand and Feyre knew the deep intracies of pregnancy better than most after everything they had been through with Nyx.
Theey had stuck to your side the second they learned you were pregnant. Taking turns holding your hair back as you violently threw up from intense morning sickness, got all your cravings the second you mentioned it, held your bump when the weight started hurting your back or rubbed your feet when your ankles swelled.
They even forced you to stay at their house for weeks at a time so they could take care of you and when you insisted you were becoming a burden and returned home they had made themselves comfortable on your couch before you felt guilty and returned to the River House if only to save their spines. 
You had tried pulling away from them, guilt eating you alive every second of your pregnancy. Their actions didn’t help the absolute massive crush you had on them, in fact it only increased your adoration for them which made you shame spiral. The second your daughter was born you knew you couldn’t continue leaning on them for support, it only hurt you at the end of the day when you remembered they were mated, they had each other and a son and despite their overly flirty comments and lingering touches that just ended up causing more confusion. There was no room for you, you couldn’t keep pining after them when you needed to focus on Andromeda.
You told them you needed space, practically shoving them out the door even after they had spent 18 hours holding your hand’s and helping you deliver your beautiful daughter. Of course they had straight up refused your attempt to push them away and stayed with you a few days after labor, helping take care of you during the harsh after effects. But you finally kicked them out throwing out some cruel word’s that would haunt you to this day. Andromeda needed her mother to be present and emotionally healthy and you couldn’t provide that if you keep second guessing and overthinking every brush against your hand or every comment about your eyes. 
You could do this, you had to do this. You needed to be the best mother you could be for your little star. 
Yet you couldn’t even do that because she would not. stop. crying. The sound shredded your heart to pieces and guilt and shame turned the shattered bits of you to dust. She was fed, clean and warm and you couldn’t figure out why she kept crying. The thought made you feel like a horrible mother and you let out another sob at the same time as Andromeda as you bounced her up and down, forcing your numb feet to pace the room. “Please, please just go to sleep.” You begged. “I don’t know what’s wrong.” Your voice cracked and you spiraled at the scream she let out. 
You couldn’t do this. 
It was too hard, you were a horrible friend and an even worse mother and you didn’t deserve this little miracle in your arms. A better female would be able to handle it. You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t do this, you couldn’t- 
“Oh Angel.” A soft voice broke and you turned to find Feyre and Rhys standing there, you opened your mouth to say something but Rhys was moving the instant your eyes met their’s. As soon as he was a breath away from you he reached for Andromeda, saying something about help yet the words were distorted and muffled in your exhaustive state, soft arms gripped your shoulders and you almost fell over at the weight of your baby being removed as Rhysand gently pried her away from you and into his arms, a smile gracing his elegant features.
You were too tired to fight, to do anything to protest as Feyre led you away from the bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom. She was saying something too but you didn’t hear it, all your last remaining energy focused on listening for Andromeda, making sure she was ok. Feyre titled your chin to look up at her and she pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. Your mind suddenly sharpening as her magic brushed against your mental walls as she forced you to listen to her. “She’ll be fine Sweetheart, Rhys has got her, now let me take care of you.” 
Everything felt so far away as if you were dreaming, moving through life in a haze as Feyre gently undressed you and settled you in a warm bath. She washed your hair and body and massaged your shoulders, whispering word’s of comfort that did not reach you as you floated away from your body. She fed you fruit and cheese’s your body chewing the food on autopilot. When was the last time you ate? 
The food and Feyre constantly touching you slowly brought you back down to earth. To the reality of your hunger, your tiredness, how sore all your muscles were and to the lack of Andromeda crying, you could hear Rhysand humming lowly through the crack in the door and the occasional creak of the floorboards as he calmed your daughter down. The thought had tears lining your eyes again. “She hates me.” You whimpered and Feyre brushed your tears away with the pads of her thumbs. “No she doesn’t.” Feyre she affirmed confidently. 
You shook you head in disagreement. “I can’t do anything right Fey, I said all those nasty things to you a-and I couldn’t even get her to sleep, and I’m so tired. I wasn’t cut out for this alright? I’m going to fuck her up so badly, I’ll ruin everything.” You were sobbing again, a broken sound tearing from your throat and the sound looked like it physically pained her. “Andromeda adores you alright love? We can all see it, she never looks at anyone the way she looks at you.  Your so attuned to her, you love her so fiercely and that’s the most important part. Your doing your amazing love. You’re not going to fuck anything up. You’re an amazing female and you’re an amazing mother. I forgive you, so does Rhys. We just want to make sure your ok.”
You let the words sink in, your heart beating wildly out of her chest as you cried at the tenderness of her words. “Why are you dong this to me?” You asked brokenly, you felt as if they were pulling you in all different directions. “Why are you saying all of these things when-“ when you’re mated. Were the unspoken words. But you couldn’t say that, you’d never say that and ruin whatever pieces of friendship you had. 
“When what?” Feyre asked softly as she stroked your damp hair.  
“When- I- I-“ You stuttered not knowing what to say as your mind panicked at the close confession you’d almost made. “Why are supporting me like this.” You instead asked, needing to know why they had stayed so close to your side and pulled at your heart strings so violently. “Just..why Feyre? Go home, to your son. I’ll be fi-“
“If you finish that sentance I swear to the gods-“ Rhysand exhaled heavily from the now open doorway,. “Rhys.” Feyre warned but he brushed her off as he crossed the room and  kneeled in front of the bathtub, gripping your face in between his large hands. “Do you not see how much we love you? How much we care for you. I think we have made it obvious Angel. You are our mate. Just please- please let us help you.” The last part sounded like a desperate plea, a whine leaving his lips and you didn’t have it into you to be shocked that the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court were kneeling beside you, begging. your heart froze at the love confession. 
“Wait…What?” You asked slowly, waiting for them to tell you this was all a big joke. You couldn’t believe this, you couldn’t let yourself hope. Feyre was giving Rhysand an annoyed glare but at your voice she turned to you, her expression to shifting to one of hope. “You are our mate darling.” She whispered, entertwining a tattooed hand with your’s, water dripping onto the rug, reminding you that were naked in a bathtub and an embarrassed flush crept up your cheeks. 
“And we love you.” Rhys added once again, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear.
“We didn’t want to tell you like this, especially not right now.” Feyre added with a pointed tone, giving her - your -  mate another glare. The High Lord just rolled his eyes. “I’m tired of waiting for the right time Feyre.” 
You were pretty sure your heart was beating a milllion miles per hour and you couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle that turned into a delirous laugh. Their brows furrowed and expressions shifted to something more broken at that and you immediately apologized as you gasped for breath in between your laughter. “I- just.” Your voice cracked as you started talking, regaining some wisdom. “Do you know how long I’ve been in love with the two of you?” You whispered, your voice coming out in a high pitched tone as you tried to get it out all in one breath. “I felt so guilty-“ Lips crashed onto yours. The addicting scent of lilac and pear completely invading your senses as your gorgeous mate kissed you. Fireworks exploded in your chest and all of a sudden it felt like you could breath again. 
You felt as if you had arrived home as you finally allowed yourself to recognize the glowing bond in your chest instead of gaslighting yourself and pushing it down. It was overwhelming to feel the surge of emotions on your mates side and exhilarating all at the same time. Feyre moaned as your tugged on her bottom lip possessively. Soon her lips trailed down your neck and shoulder and a new set of lips met your own. 
Rhysand was different than Feyre yet just as addicting as his tongue clashed against yours, immediately taking control of the kiss. 
After a few more minutes of your mate’s overwhelmingly beautiful touch and you finally pulled away, panting hard. “What..What about Andromeda?” You asked timidly, knowing you would put her above yourself always, if they didn’t want another child than you couldn’t do this. Couldn’t allow yourself to hope only to crash and burn later. 
Rhysand hummed softly, taking one of your hands and kissing the inside of your wrist. “What about her darling?”
“Do…you still want me? She’s not your-“
Feyre gripped your chin firmly once again, directing your eyes to hers. “Andromeda is ours just as much as Nyx is. If you’ll allow it.” She added hastily
“You’re ours, Andromeda is ours, we love her deeply. Nothing is going to change that.” Rhys agreeded with just as much conviction os Feyre. You almost started crying once again, completely overwhelmed by the revelations of the night and Feyre hummed softly as they both remembered why they were here in the first place.
To take care of you and their daughter. Rhysand got up and grabbed a fluffy bath robe you don’t remember buying and Feyre helped you out of the bath stealing a quick kiss from you. “There’s still so much we have to do and talk about.” You mentioned as Rhys slid your arms into the robe. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “We can talk later, let’s get you into bed Sweetheart.” You could feel the adrenaline  from the night starting to wear off as Feyre led you to the bedroom. Your daughter finally snoring softly in the crib next to the bed.
They dressed you in your favorite PJ’s and each pressed a kiss to your lips before tucking you in the bed, Rhys magically changing the sheets with a snap of his fingers. 
Feyre snuggled in beside you, running her nails along your spine and Rhys sat on the end, massaging your sore feet as they forced the usual dread and anxiety away and for the first time in weeks you allowed yourself to finally relax at your mate’s gentle touch, your body completely melting underneath them. One hand gripping your daughter’s finger through the bars of her crib and one hand holding onto Feyre’s as you drifted off to sleep
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heich0e · 1 year ago
"you know that's not how it works, right?"
atsumu and osamu's heads both snap up from where they're stooping over a paper schematic laid out before them, sitting cross-legged amidst a debris field of cardboard, styrofoam, and various wooden parts.
the sun streams in through the open window on the other side of the room, and little motes of dust that have been stirred up through the afternoon's excitement are caught in the light as they twist and spin through the air, fluttering slowly towards the ground. the breeze that slips in through the window is cool but refreshing, the smell of spring carried in on the edge of every wisp of air. you take a deep breath to savour it.
"whaddya mean?" atsumu asks, his brows—so much darker than the peroxide blonde of his hair, and the contrast even more stark since he's seated right in the sunlight that makes his hair practically glow—pinching together in the centre and expressing his confusion. osamu doesn't say anything, but his own expression is equally perplexed as he sits beside his noisy brother.
you laugh, taking a sip from your glass of water as you lean against the doorway.
"i said that's not how it works."
osamu's grey eyes flicker back down to the instruction manual in front of him, his lips pursing thoughtfully as he mulls over your comment.
you sigh, a little smile tugging at your lips. "samu, i'm not talking about the crib."
both brothers look up at you once more, now thoroughly confused by your interruption and wearing nearly identical expressions which convey that sentiment. you set your cup of cool water down on the chest of drawers just inside the doorway: an old wooden hand-me-down from their mother, who insisted you take it for the nursery and give it a second life in a new miya household. you pad into the room, approaching them both slowly as you carefully avoid the various pieces of disassembled crib that litter the floor, and crouch down to sit between them.
atsumu sees the way you struggle on your descent, still not quite used to the bump that has swollen at your waist and grows with every passing day, and he quickly reaches up to help you settle in between the two of them. you murmur quiet thanks, squeezing the blonde's hand with your own before you pull away.
once you've finally made yourself comfortable on the nursery floor, you huff. "what i meant was that's not how twins work."
you'd caught the tail end of the brothers' conversation as you passed by the doorway to the nursery—a casual but enthusiastic debate on whether or not you should be expecting one baby or two.
"yer gonna explain twins to us?" tsumu guffaws in the wake of your words, looking to his brother for solidarity in his indignation. samu's eyes instead flicker down to the bump of your stomach where your hand is resting.
"we're kinda the experts in the room y'know," osamu teases you, his gaze flickering up to meet yours. you roll your eyes.
"experts?" you parrot back incredulously. "says the guy who barely passed biology, and the one who's forgotten everything about high school other than volleyball scores and school lunch menus."
you point to atsumu and osamu respectively as you make your remarks.
"hey!" atsumu whines.
"i remember other stuff too," samu laughs a bit as he reaches up and ruffles the dark hair at the nape of his neck. you cock a brow as you lean in towards him.
"oh, yeah?" you challenge his assertion. "like what?"
"cute girls," osamu says as he turns his attention back to the assembly instructions on the floor before him, a cheeky smile tugging at his lips. you resist the urge to swat at the back of his head.
behind you, since you've turned your body to face his brother, atsumu pitches forward and hooks his chin over your shoulder.
"so, what was that about anyway? the twin thing?" he asks, muttering in a way that tells you he's got a pout on his lips even if you can't see it.
you lean back into atsumu slightly, watching as osamu picks up a piece of crib and turns it over in his hands to survey it, comparing it to the complicated illustration in the instruction manual.
"even though you two look so much alike, you're fraternal," you say, tilting your head to peek up at him through your lashes. "and your mom's mom was a fraternal twin too."
atsumu hums. you've not told him anything he doesn't already know. "s'genetic!"
"it is," you agree, running a hand over your stomach absentmindedly. "but the gene that makes you more likely to have twins has to do with ovulation. which means it has to affect the mother—and i have no twins in my family."
atsumu sucks in a sharp little breath that you can't help but think sounds a bit disappointed. osamu pauses in his instruction surveillance.
"besides," you remark, peeling yourself up from against atsumu's chest, "we already heard the baby's heartbeat, and there was definitely only one in there."
osamu looks over at you, pointing the mystery piece of crib in your direction. "our ma said the same thing, and still ended up with the two of us. careful whatcha say."
"she says i hid my heartbeat 'til the second trimester!" atsumu agrees with his brother, supporting his argument in a distinctly proud way—a wide grin stretching across his face.
"troublesome from the very beginning, huh?" you tease him, and he reaches up to pinch your cheek playfully in response.
"what about identical twins then?" osamu asks. "they genetic too?"
"no," you shake your head, atsumu's fingers still lightly holding the fat of your cheek and making your words come out a little funny. "they'a fweeks o'naytchor."
atsumu laughs, letting his grip on your face go. "freaks of nature?"
you rub at your stinging cheek with your fingers, glaring at him resentfully. "there's no real reason why identical twins happen. they shouldn't happen, by all accounts. but for one reason or another the fertilized egg decides it's going to split and basically clone itself even though it's not supposed to. that's weird."
"so, who has identical twins?" osamu asks, reaching up and running his thumb over the red mark his brother left on your poor cheek.
you purse your lips as you consider his question. "well... anyone could, i guess. in theory. there's no real rhyme or reason to it."
atsumu and osamu's eyes lock over your shoulder, and you can't help but noticed the look they share between them. the one that makes you want to groan aloud.
the one that clearly reads of hope.
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dirtybiowareconfessions · 1 month ago
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Confession: Do I want garrus to get me pregnant or do I want to get him pregnant? Yes.
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dirtybg3confessions · 1 year ago
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Look I’m a man, but if Halsin wanted to get me pregnant, by gods I would let him try
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sensei-venus · 1 year ago
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This is just random and I don’t think I will keep it as a main going idea, but what if Robby ends up shearing a birthday with his tiny little daughter?
Maybe everyone is so excited about Robby’s birthday, mainly Reader who is so excited to be throwing him a party. Technically it’s not only just his normal birthday but also his last “I’m not a dad” birthday. Their daughter is due in a little less than a month. She’s so excited to be throwing him a birthday party because she knows he never really had them as a kid.
She spends all day getting things set up for his party. She makes a cake, blows up a few balloons, orders a really nice gift that she knows he will love. Something he has been eyeing for a while now but never bought.
Though out the day she is so busy that she just brushes off the occasional pains that come up. Every once in a while a pain goes up her belly and back but it’s nothing to worrying about. Their baby tends to move a lot now so it’s not a surprise that she’s might be stepping on a sensitive area like she sometimes does. She just waits and lets the pain pass before going back to what she was doing.
At the end of the day she makes a delicious dinner she knows Robby will love. She makes all of his favorites. Setting everything up on the kitchen table before he gets home. She makes it all nice for him.
She stands in the kitchen with his birthday cake in her hands, a simple “Happy Birthday Robby!” Written on top in pretty cursive. A smile rolling onto her lips as she hears a car pull into the driveway. She’s so giddy, giggles spill out as she waits.
The door handle tunes to the front door and Robby walks in with wide eyes.
“Happy birthday Robby!” Reader yells while holding up the cake. Robby is in shock but a grin plasters on his face. Seeing his pretty little wife all dolled up, carrying his baby, smile on her face and a birthday cake in her hands. It all so much just for him. He walks over to her with a grin and the pretty little laugh she makes has him cooing on the inside.
But before he can get a few steps in front of her, a very loud splash is heard. It echos around the room making both of them look around. It isn’t until Reader feels her feet getting wet that she lets out a small gasp. This makes Robby look at her with question. She takes a step back and sets the cake on the table.
She slowly holds her belly, cradling it. Looking at the floor and then Robby she gives a half hearted smile.
“Well um maybe happy birthday to you and your daughter? Looks like someone couldn’t wait another two weeks to meet you.” Her voice is telling that this was definitely not something she wanted to be happening.
Robby is quick to realize the puddle and slowly dripping fluid on the floor is actually Reader’s water breaking.
He try’s to avoid the small mess of fluid and hugs his wife as gently as he can. He chuckles a little trying to get her a bit more relaxed.
“Hey it’s okay, you and her are just giving me an extra special present this birthday, aren’t you?” Reader laughs a little into his shoulder while they hug.
Robby was right when he said this birthday present was special.
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mcytblrconfessions · 7 months ago
When will Joel address the trans allegations that the liberals are pushing on him?
i think you miss understand mpreg...
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oscconfessions · 5 months ago
I want to carry toilet’s child
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angellan · 10 months ago
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Full drawing (nudity) here
@truffyfest Week 2 : Confession
@lawsbbygirl's merman Law confesses to Luffy that he has their babies in his belly 🥹
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bg3womenconfessions · 2 months ago
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Pregnant lovemaking with Mayrina where we finger eachother when
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dirtybiowareconfessions · 24 days ago
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Confession: i need to peg elgar’nan, defy biology and get him pregnant.
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dirtybg3confessions · 2 years ago
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Confession: Put me in a room with Astarion for 5 minutes and he will end up pregnant
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sensei-venus · 1 year ago
What if there was a special pillow made for pregnant omegas so they could have comfortable mounted sex?
It’s a special pillow that helps omega, no matter how big they are during pregnancy have sex. There is a special almost magical feeling that comes with an alpha mounting an omega. It’s one of the purest moments they can have together. Especially when they bond. Bonding while in a mount is even more special.
The pillow is basic this giant full body U shape. It has soft tall sides that go down ever so slight towards where the omega places their head, their belly is positioned just right so that it hangs in the air. They can even put pillows in the middle for extra padding for their bump.
It works so well and is just so comfortable and safe feeling.
(Side idea, Alpha!Robby and Pregnant!Omega!Reader are the last ones out of the group to get pregnant. So one of the other wives (probably Miguel’s or Demetri’s because their wives used the absolute shit out of those pillows because of how big they were.) gets Reader the pillow. She’s super embarrassed about it so she doesn’t even tell Robby about it and stuffs it under their bed.
But one day late into her pregnancy she just can’t, she’s so horny. Robby has been so sweet and gentle with her. But he’s so scared of hurting her and the pup that they barely have sex anymore.
So Robby comes home to find her laying down in her plush nest, nude and waiting for him. Ass in the air and pussy on full display for him while she rests on the giant pillow that helps support her.
Let’s just say the pillow does its job, 20x over.)
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ultrakill-confessions · 23 days ago
As A V1 Fictionkin, i support the fandoms repeated attempts to get me pregnant. Because its funny. Keep fucking on soldiers, you'll get me pregnant one day. i believe in you 😌😌🙏🙏
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dragon-fly34 · 4 months ago
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SMB: Boyfriends RPG
Just a thing about Genario and Luisley because I love them, after all I like homosexual guys a little.
And some things that I was too lazy to do so I just put captions that I found on Pinterest:
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oscconfessions · 6 months ago
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