#Powerful Dua To Forget Someone Completely
Wazifa to Forget Someone
I always say that love is a very strong and pure feeling but when love starts hurting it’s very painful. We always say that love before marriage is not good. If you really want to love then love after marriage is the best option. If you too loved someone and want to get him or her back then you can read this How To Get Someone Back In Your Life. In this post, we will tell you the solution if you…
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asma-al-husna · 8 months
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Allah calls Himself Maalik ul-Mulk— Master of the Kingdom, the Dominion’s Owner— on one occasion in the Quran. He is the only possessor and ruler of the creation. Maalik ul-Mulk has the supreme authority and ruling power to act, command, and decide in whatever manner He likes!
The King, the Ruler, the Owner of Dominion
Maalik, Malik and Maleek all come from the root maa-laa-kaa, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to have possession and ownership. The second is to have power and ability, and the third main meaning is to control and have authority.
This root appears 206 times in the Quran in ten derived forms. Examples of these forms are malakat (“possess”), mulku (“dominion”), and al-malaa’ikatu (“the angels)”.
Linguistically, maalik is an intensified form and refers to not only having kingship, but being master and lord. The word malik (king) is used for people however the name Maalik ul-Mulk is used for Allah ‘azza wa jall only. He is the King of all Kings, the owner of all owners and the ruler of all rulers, and His Kingdom consists of all that was, is, and will be created!
Maalik ul-Mulk Himself says: Say, “O Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent [Quran, 3:26]
The Maalik of the Day of Judgement
In Surah Al-Fatiha Allah ‘azza wa jall calls Himself Maaliki yawmid-Deen: He is the Master of the Day of Recompense and on that day all commands will be Allah’s only. No king or ruler will be able to command anyone to anything nor will any person have the power to do anything for someone else. Maalik ul-Mulk says, demonstrating His complete ownership and mastery over us: Surely the virtuous shall be in Bliss, and the wicked shall be in the Blazing Fire. They shall enter it on the Day of Recompense and then shall never come out of it. What do you know what the Day of Recompense is? Again, what do you know what the Day of Recompense is? It is the Day when no one will have the power to do anything for another, and all command will be Allah’s. [Quran, 82:13-19]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Remember the Day of Recompense.
Remind yourself of the day that Maalik ul-Mulk will confront you: The Day when they will (all) come out and nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. (On that Day they will be asked): “Whose is the kingdom today?” (The whole world will cry out): “It is Allah’s, the One, the Overpowering.” (It will then be said): “Today shall everyone be fully recompensed for his deeds . . .[Quran, 40:16-17] Every time you say Maaliki Yawmid-Deen in your prayer, imagine standing in front of Him and think of the deeds you have put forward for that day!
2. Reflect on the Kingdom.
Because nowadays most of us live in cities, surrounded by concrete and machines, we forget that in nature more than anything you see the sublime manifestation of the mulk of Allah ‘azza wa jall. When you are caught up in your daily life issues, blowing small problems out of proportion, or when your connection to Allah ‘azza wa jall feels weak, step out of the streets and into nature and let it humble you. Pick up a leaf and feel the texture. Reflecting on the creation is in itself ‘ibaadah.
3. Ask Maalik ul-Mulk.
Use this beautiful Quranic dua to supplicate to Maalik ul-Mulk: Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haadha baaTilan subhaanaka fa qinaa ‘adhaaban-naar – Our Lord! Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the chastisement of the fire [Quran, 3:191]
4. Motivate yourself.
Imagine the moment you will enter Paradise; the angels at the gates will welcome you with salaamun ‘alaykum– they greet you with peace, peace that you have longed for all your life. Then you will rush off to your house, the prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, any one of them (believers) will be more familiar with his dwelling in Paradise than he was with his house in this world [Al-Bukhaaree] Make Paradise a reality in your life and make it a clear goal at each start of your day. Allah ‘azza wa jall says: And when you look there [in Paradise], you will see pleasure and great dominion. [Quran, 76:20] Motivate yourself by imagining that first look into the great Kingdom of Paradise!
5. Be responsible in the dominion of Maalik ul-Mulk.
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.’ [Quran, 2:30] Allah ‘azza wa jall placed you in His dominion with a mission: to worship Him alone and be reformers on earth. How do you know what Maalik ul-Mulk expects from you in His kingdom? By studying the Quran and the sunnah, so you can first read about His commandments and limits with which He guides you. The second step is asking Him for understanding of your Deen, and the third to do your best to act upon your knowledge!
6. Be a good leader.
The Messenger of Allah salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he is responsible for it. Surely, every one of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Never misuse your authority over someone else, be just to your spouse and children and even to the animals, and remind yourself you will be asked about your leadership by Maalik ul-Mulk!
O Allah, Maalik ul-Mulk, we know that You are our only Master and Ruler. Make us remember the Day of Recompense in our words and deeds, aid us to truly reflect on Your Kingdom and be humbled by it. Guide us in being responsible on this earth, just to those under our authority and make us enter Paradise, Your Eternal dominion of pleasure, ameen!
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lgbridgertonqa · 3 months
Bridgerton Gay Week: Day Two Activity
For our activity for Day Two of LGBridgertonQA Week 2024, we'd love to invite you to complete a GAY BRIDGERTON CROSSWORD:
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Clues under the spoiler cut if you'd prefer to fill it out on the jpg yourself or if the link doesn't work for you!
3 If Season 3 is anything to go by, one might be able to imply someone’s queer by saying something along the lines of, “Her ____ are huge, if you know what I mean.” (7)
7 Despair all ye that are sent here after losing a race. (8,4)
8 In the words of famous bisexual philosopher, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, “why not ___?” (4)
9 Their ‘fists’ have been busy ‘pounding’ one another. (4,3,5)
10 In adding a letter to a previously-known name, she’s changed the entire story. (8)
11 The love story of season three. (9)
13 Nimblest fingers of the family 😏 (9)
15 Her sudden disappearance--and lack of proper goodbye--left the Queen feeling rather bereft, leading to a frosty hello years later at a ball. (4, 4)
18 Once upon a time, this was a mainstay in this bisexual Viscount’s wardrobe. (5, 5)
19 Where post-marriage-minded Mrs’ go to get freaky. (3, 2, 8)
20 This toxic character teleported out of Season 3 Part 2 because his chaotic, gossip-loving arc was becoming too powerful. (4)
21 Eloise may never learn to fence like him, but she will always be a dashing knight to us. (3, 7)
23 These truthers were sorely disappointed by S2. (8)
24 Party of ___? (5)
1 It need not matter if you’re Paul, Patricia, Polly or ____ - Benedict will still fuck you. (5)
2 Our patron saint. (9)
4 A noted, named Shakespeare play for the queers. (4, 3, 5, 7)
5 Beside every camp queen in an elaborate wig, there is a loyal gay man who supports her every move. (8)
6 Book canon gal pals known for being found together in the corners of ballrooms. (6, 3, 4)
12 A thing gay men and Dua Lipa famously love; the event from which a certain leading man returned from at the start of S3. (8)
14 Let her commit acts of lesbianism in peace! (8)
16 Second only in name, best found between two others. (8)
17 She plans to enter an arranged marriage so her ‘best friend’ gets to marry for love and live happily ever after with someone else. Alright, gay. (4)
22 We shan’t soon forget our days there. (6)
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amliyatdua · 2 years
Dua To Forget Someone You Love
It hurts to end a relationship and the pain one has to go through is heartbreaking. We are here to make the transition as smooth as possible! We know that life can throw at us challenges and obstacles, but we will do everything we can to help you through them. We are here to show the dua to forget someone you love completely and move on in life.
The Dua to forget someone is the best way to avoid any relationship and forget the man/woman who you had a relationship with. The best way to stay in control of your life is to remain away from him/her. There is a powerful dua to get over someone that will help you move on in your life. Dua To Stop Loving Someone
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It will not be possible for you to live cheerfully at the moment you breakup with your lover. There can be many reasons why you had to break up with your partner. When people pine over the person they lost, they do not realize that they have to move on in life. For this, they have to stop loving them. This can be done by reading the dua to stop loving someone. Dua to forget someone completely will make you stop thinking about your past. If you are still in pain and want to get some help to forget your loved one then you must take the help of the Islamic dua to forget someone you love completely and properly. It will help you to heal your wound and help you move forward with ease.
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flowersofjannah · 4 years
Hi I hope you are well and I pray allah blesses you endlessly. You might not be able to help me or give me good advice but I just need to let this out. My sister has been married to this guy for almost 5 years now and he was a wonderful man but suddenly he changed. He came from a family with no money but moved to America and started making lots of money and I feel like after that, he just completely changed towards my sister. They fight everyday, he doesn’t care if there’s food at home..........
he doesn’t even take care of his two beautiful kids. All he does is hangout with his friends and doesn’t come home till 5am. He has females on all socials and gets angry when my sister tries to do the same thing. I lost my temper once and sent him a bad message and me and him aren’t so close anymore. My parents don’t even care because they’re the ones that forced her to get married! My dad threatened her to be with him and she’s not the same. She’s so stressed and depressed and I’m afraid....
that she will take her own life one day because of all the pain she’s going through. I hate my brother in law for doing this to her. My parents never want me getting involved but they don’t even care enough to help their own daughter. All they care about is keeping him with her so “people won’t talk when she gets divorced”. He’s constantly putting her down and making her feel insecure about herself and always making fun of her. My heart hurts for my sister, there’s nothing I can do :’(
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Uff :( This is such a tough situation. Don’t think so ill of your parents, maybe they are scared of a consequence that you have not thought of. It’s not that they don’t care, but they feel it’s the better of the 2 options. They have experienced things differently as us, hence they think differently too. I am not saying what they are doing is correct but they are her parents, they obviously care and are hurt about her situation even if they may not show it. 
Parents have a lot of rights upon us but forcing their child to a live a life they do not wish to live is not one of them. I feel the one of the few things you can try to do is to get through to your parents. Help them understand that what is going on isn’t right. Society will talk bad no matter who or what you are. Why should we live for society? What did society give us? Her happiness is what matters at the end of the day and that shouldn’t be sacrificed for the sake of society. If getting divorced should give her a bad name in society, that’s still better than her living with no happiness. What’s the point of such a marriage? It’s better she will be the talk of the town for two days, then everyone will forget rather than living a life of misery. Show concern of her being depressed and possibly suicidal. Is this situation really worth her being pushed to the edge of her limits? How will they feel if she decides to harm herself? Help them understand that heir support is what will give her happiness and will help her to face the world. You cannot protect a child in this way. Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala gave every man and woman the right to divorce, knowing full well of every consequence that comes with it. No one is allowed to take away the rights Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala gave us.
But you have to be extremely wise and gentle. You have to use good words and a good tone. Words are powerful, so choose wisely. Help them understand that they should also trust Allah, that Allah will give her better. You have to be very patient, it is definitely not easy to get somebody to change their mindset and it’s extremely frustrating. May Allah help you to act wisely, ameen. 
If I were in your place, I would also make sure my sister knows I’m with her no matter what decision she takes. Reach out to her often. Make dua relentlessly that Allah will give her what is best for her. 
May Allah make things easy upon your family and decree for your sister happiness, ameen. Put your trust in Him, He is Al-Azeez, the most powerful. Make dua your brother-in-law realizes his wrongful behavior and returns to being the wonderful husband he once was. Perhaps something you do not know about also caused him to react this way, maybe some prior marital issue. Allahu ‘alam. Try to be smart in this situation, sometimes we do things out of emotion that cause us regret later.
With you sister’s permission, if you know someone else who can help in this situation, such as an elderly person, your parents siblings, a religious leader, an arbitrator, a counselor, or anyone you feel would be of good help, reach out to them. 
I have a friend who went through similar, I will ask for her advice and post an update on this post -  Update: she stated that sometimes parents make mistakes and you have to stand up for yourself, there’s no other way.
My heart pains for you and your sister, may Allah relieve the situation, ameen. Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. May Allah protect you all, ameen.
“And whoever is conscious of Allah, He will make for him a way out, And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.”
— Holy Quran, 65:2-3
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jezfletcher · 4 years
1000 Albums, 2020: The Big Lists
Hey folks, I’ve written up my top albums and my top tracks of 2020, but there’s so much music released in a year, and restricting myself to just 30 albums, and 50 tracks is a difficult task.
As a result, I’ve compiled a longer list of my top tracks and albums (without write-ups), for your perusal. This is obviously more for the sake of completeness, but are here in case you’re interested in finding out if I at all rated something you liked this year (or, if you’re Sam, if you want to actually do a detailed comparison).
Want playlists? I’ve got playlists for you too:
My Top 50 Countdown - which I posted yesterday. This provides a sorted countdown of my top tracks from #1 to #50. (50 tracks)
My Top Tracks - a longer list of all the tracks I really rated highly this year. This accounts for a much larger number of artists, and includes most of the tracks I’ve listed below. (169 tracks)
My Top Tracks & Albums - a playlist containing all my top tracks, plus selections from all of my favourite albums of the year. (216 tracks)
My Top Tracks, Albums + Much, Much More - Are you game? Contains a huge, varied collection of music that we listened to this year. I really enjoyed all these tracks, and they provide a much broader collection of albums, artists and genres. (1,014 tracks)
Anyway, without further ado here’s my Top 200 Tracks, and Top 100 Albums:
Top Albums of 2020
100. Winnetka Bowling League - Congratulations (power pop)
99. Locate S, 1 - Personalia (art pop)
98. Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia (pop)
97. LukHash - Transient Offworld (synthwave)
96. The Drowns - Under Tension (street punk)
95. The Mystic Underground - Wrapped in Riddles (electro disco)
94. Jonathan Wilson - Dixie Blur (Americana noir folk)
93. Mighty Oaks - All Things Go (indie folk rock)
92. Kiesza - Crave (synthpop)
91. Dance Gavin Dance - Afterburner (post hardcore)
90. The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats - Dogs on the Leash (Celtic punk)
89. Warm Digits - Flight of Ideas (krautrock)
88. Dandelion Wine - Le Cœur (Australio dreamfolktronica)
87. Marc Scibilia - Seed of Joy (indie singer-songwriter)
86. Biffy Clyro - A Celebration of Endings (Scottish indie rock)
85. Savant - Void (complextro)
84. Cordovas - Destiny Hotel (Americana folk)
83. TTRRUUCES - TTRRUUCES (wonky pop)
82. The Claudettes - High Times in the Dark (Chicago piano blues)
81. Dustbowl Revival - Is It You, Is It Me (post country)
80. Sea Wolf - Through a Dark Wood (indie folk rock)
79. Cory Wong - The Striped Album (funk rock)
78. Someone - ORBIT II (psych pop)
77. Days N’ Daze - Show Me The Blueprints (H-town thrashgrass)
76. Blossoms - Foolish Loving Spaces (indie pop)
75. Kyros - Celexa Dreams (prog synth rock)
74. Dub Pistols - Addict (dub)
73. Grimes - Miss Anthropocene (dreampop)
72. The Hanging Stars - A New Kind of Sky (psychedelic folk)
71. Neon Trees - I Can Feel You Forgetting Me (indie pop)
70. The Corner Laughers - Temescal Telegraph (folk pop)
69. 3D Stas - Eleven (soiltronica)
68. Pantayo - Pantayo (kulingtang gong pop)
67. The National Parks - Wildflower (folk rock)
66. Pigeon John - Gotta Good Feeling (underground rap)
65. Novo Amor - Cannot Be, Whatsover (indie folk rock)
64. The Explorers Club - The Explorers Club (sunshine pop)
63. Poppy - I Disagree (bubblegum metal)
62. Overcoats - The Fight (indie pop)
61. Chemtrails - The Peculiar Smell of the Inevitable (psychedelic garage pop)
60. Joywave - Possession (indie pop)
59. Heart Bones - Hot Dish (indie pop)
58. Mitochondrial Sun - Mitochondrial Sun (darktronica)
57. L.A. Salami - The Cause of Doubt & A Reason To Have Faith (post blues)
56. Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open (alt rock)
55. Tunng - Dead Club (folktronica)
54. Butch Walker - American Love Story (glam rock)
53. Polly Scattergood - In This Moment (experimental pop)
52. The Beautiful Fear - The Waltz of the Moonshine Blind (prog rock)
51. The Altogether - Silo (acoustic pop rock)
50. KES - We Home (Trinidadian soca)
49. Man Man - Dream Hunting in the Valley of the In-Between (experimental rock)
48. Creeper - Sex, Death & The Infinite Void (horror punk)
47. Darlingside - Fish Pond Fish (indie folk)
46. Enter Shikari - Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible (electronicore)
45. Trixie Mattel - Barbara (drag country)
44. City Mouth - Coping Machine (indie pop rock)
43. Bright Eyes - Down In The Weeds Where The World Once Was (indie rock)
42. The Texas Gentlemen - Floor It!!! (heartland rock)
41. Will Wood - The Normal Album (cabaret rock)
40. Maeve Gilchrist - The Harpweaver (harp folk)
39. rook&nomie - me&you (experimental pop)
38. Steep Canyon Rangers & Asheville Symphony - Be Still Moses (orchestral bluegrass)
37. Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters (art pop)
36. Sea Girls - Open Up Your Head (indie pop rock)
35. Michael Franti & Spearhead - Work Hard & Be Nice (reggae fusion)
34. Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (experimental electronica)
33. Ultrahappyalarm - Critical Daydream (happy hardcore)
32. The Living Tombstone - zero_one (Israeli electro rock)
31. The Flaming Lips - American Head (psychedelic rock)
30. Saint Saviour - Tomorrow Again (experimental folk)
29. Post Animal - Forward Motion Godyssey (psychedelic rock)
28. The Jerry Cans - Echoes (Inuit neo-folk)
27. Aloud - Sprezzaturra (blues rock)
26. The Phenomenal Handclap Band - PHB (psychedelic soul)
25. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit - Reunions (alt country)
24. Badly Drawn Boy - Banana Skin Shoes
23. MOBS - Cinema Paradiso (80s pastiche pop)
22. Jason Wilson - Sumach Roots (eclectic folk)
21. DMA’s - The Glow (Australio indie rock)
20. Cornershop - England Is A Garden (chamber psych)
19. Igorrr - Spirituality and Distortion (baroque breakcore)
18. Eleventyseven - Basic Glitches (synthpunk)
17. Kate Rusby - Hand Me Down (indie folk)
16. Indigo Girls - Look Long (folk rock)
15. Another Sky - I Slept On The Floor (indie rock)
14. Courteeners - More. Again. Forever (post britpop)
13. Dutty Moonshine Big Band - City of Sin (jazztronica)
12. Nelson Kempf - Family Dollar (art folk)
11. Beans on Toast - The Inevitable Train Wreck (drunken folk rock)
10. Joe Wong - Nite Creatures (baroque pop)
9. Luis Pestana - Rosa Pano (experimental electronica)
8. Sufjan Stevens - The Ascension (art pop)
7. MisterWives - Superbloom (indie pop)
6. Lola Marsh - Someday Tomorrow Maybe (Israeli noir pop)
5. Dyble Longdon - Between a Breath and a Breath (chamber folk)
4. Hugo Kant - Far From Home (downtempo nu-jazz)
3. The Lemon Twigs - Songs For The General Public (alt rock)
2. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - K.G. (microtonal psychedelic rock)
1. Ada Rook - 2,020 Knives (electropop concrète)
Top Tracks of 2020
200. Sea Wolf - Forever Nevermore (indie rock) 199. Steep Canyon Rangers & The Asheville Symphony - Easy to Love (orchestral bluegrass) 198. Dandelion Wine - Too Late She Cried (experimental pop) 197. Aloud - Oh Danny (blues rock) 196. Car Seat Headrest - Weightlifters (anti-folk) 195. Michael Franti & Spearhead - I Can Still Feel You (reggae fusion) 194. Dance Gavin Dance - Lyrics Lie (post hardcore) 193. Post Animal - Post Animal (psychedelic rock) 192. La Oreja de Van Gogh - Menos Tú (Spanish indie folk) 191. The Hanging Stars - Heavy Blue (cosmic country) 190. Oneohtrix Point Never - Long Road Home (experimental electronica) 189. Will Wood - I / Me / Myself (cabaret rock) 188. Butch Walker - You Gotta Be Just Who You Are (glam rock) 187. Brothers Osborne - Muskrat Greene (country) 186. Tycho - Easy (downtempo IDM) 185. The Altogether - Brown of Gold (acoustic pop rock) 184. Dua Lipa - Cool (pop) 183. Circa Waves - Jacqueline (indie dance rock) 182. Sangatsu No Phantasia - Rendezvous (Japanese pop rock) 181. Moonchild Sanelly - Bashiri (South African future ghetto punk) 180. Needshes - Love (Uzbek indie pop) 179. The Explorers Club - Ruby (sunshine pop) 178. Osi & the Jupiter - Appalachia (pagan folk) 177. Thievery Corporation - The Forgotten People (Symphonik Version) (orchestral world triphop) 176. Enter Shikari - Marionettes (I. The Discover of Strings) (electronicore) 175. Zuzu - How It Feels (pop rock) 174. Los Mocosos - Viva Los Mocosos (latin funk) 173. DJ Plead - Going For It (mahraganat) 172. Igorrr - Camel Dancefloor (baroque breakcore) 171. Someone - Pull It Together (psych pop) 170. Dizzee Rascal - You Don’t Know (grime) 169. The Corner Laughers - The Accepted Time (power pop) 168. The Claudettes - 24/5 (rock and/or roll) 167. The Ballroom Thieves - Tenebrist (neo Americana) 166. Joe Wong - Day After Day (baroque pop) 165. Porter Robinson - Something Comforting (complextro) 164. Jason Wilson - Happy Little Sisyphus (indie folk) 163. Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit - Be Afraid (alt country) 162. Hayley Williams - Dead Horse (indie pop) 161. Badly Drawn Boy - I Need Somebody to Trust (indie pop rock) 160. Bleached - Stupid Boys (bubblegrunge) 159. Man Man - Lonely Beuys (experimental rock) 158. Dustbowl Revival - Dreaming (neo Americana) 157. The Texas Gentlemen - Easy St. (neo Americana) 156. Maeve Gilchrist - The Storm (harp folk) 155. The Drowns - Them Rats (street punk) 154. Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer - Frolicholic (chap hop) 153. Zutomayo - Obenkyou Shitoiteyo (Japanese jazz rock) 152. Jonathan Wilson feat. Mark O’Connor - ‘69 Corvette (Americana noir folk) 151. Dub Pistols feat. Natty Campbell - Sound Sweet (dub DnB) 150. Cordovas - I’ma Be Me (Americana folk) 149. The Birthday Massacre - Enter (gothic darkwave) 148. KIDS - The Mourn (indie rock) 147. Kyros - Rumour (prog synth rock) 146. Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott - A Good Day Is Hard To Find (pop rock) 145. The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats - James Brian (Celtic punk) 144. The Fizz - The World We Left Behind (MOR pop) 143. Beans on Toast - World Gone Crazy (indie folk) 142. Liraz - Shab Gerye (arab groove) 141. 47 Soul feat. Shadia Mansour & Fedzilla - Border Ctrl (Palestinian shamstep) 140. 3D Stas - Dislocated Minds (soiltronica) 139. Bright Eyes - Tilt-A-Whirl (indie folk rock) 138. Darlingside - Ocean Bed (indie folk) 137. Once and Future Band - Freaks (psych pop) 136. Prizm - We Were Young (synthpop) 135. Z Berg - To Forget You (dreamfolk) 134. L.A. Salami - Things Ain’t Changed (post blues) 133. Kero Kero Bonito - It’s Bugsnax! (hyperpop) 132. Days N’ Daze - Addvice (thrashgrass) 131. Sufjan Stevens - Tell Me You Love Me (art pop) 130. Fiona Apple - Shameika (art rock) 129. Dutty Moonshine Big Band feat. HypeMan Sage - Big Band Fam (jazztronica) 128. Five Finger Death Punch - Leave It All Behind (nu metal) 127. Sundara Karma - Artifice (art pop) 126. TTRRUUCES - Lost Boy (wonky pop) 125. Theory of a Deadman - Ted Bundy (post grunge) 124. The National Parks - I Can Feel It (folk pop) 123. The Innocence Mission - John As Well (ambient folk) 122. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - The Hungry Wolf of Fate (microtonal indie rock) 121. The Jerry Cans - Atauttikkut (Inuit folk rock) 120. Sufjan Stevens - Lamentations (art pop) 119. Pigeon John - They Don’t Make Em Like Me (jazz hip hop) 118. Michael Franti & Spearhead - Lay It All Down (reggae fusion) 117. ARASHI - Party Starters (J-pop) 116. Neon Trees - Used To Like (indie pop) 115. Savant feat. Jahari Medina - Zealot (complextro) 114. Alestorm - Tortuga (pirate metal) 113. MisterWives - Valentine’s Day (indie pop) 112. Alex the Astronaut - Happy Song (indie folk pop) 111. Big Freedia feat. Kesha - Chasing Rainbows (bounce) 110. Cory Wong feat. The Hornheads - Click Bait (instrumental funk) 109. Suzzy Roche & Lucy Wainwright Roche - I Think I Am a Soul (neo Americana) 108. Victoria Anthony - Temporary Tattoo (synthpop) 107. Novo Amor - I Feel Better (indie folk rock) 106. Harper Bloom - Walk My Way (indie folk pop) 105. Badly Drawn Boy - Is This a Dream? (indie pop rock) 104. Bywater Call - Arizona (blues rock) 103. Mitochondrial Sun - Chronotopes (voidgaze) 102. Kronkel Dom - Giftig (Deutsch rap house) 101. The Phenomenal Handclap Band - Riot (nu disco) 100. Woodlock - Collateral (indie folk rock) 99. SKIES - It’s Alright (pop rock) 98. Pinguini Tattici Nucleari - Ringo Starr (Italian indie pop) 97. Warm Digits - False Positive (neo-krautrock) 96. Winnetka Bowling League - Come To The Beach (power pop) 95. ViVii - Whistle (folk pop) 94. Fame on Fire - Roxanne (post-screamo) 93. Tunng - Death Is The New Sex (folktronica) 92. Feuerschwanz feat. Melissa Bonny - Ding (neue Deutsche härte) 91. Jamie Cullum - Don’t Give Up On Me (jazz pop) 90. The Living Tombstone - What I Want (Israeli electro rock) 89. Walk Off The Earth - What’s Love Got To Do With It? (indie pop cover) 88. Hildegard von Blingin’ & Cornelius Link feat. Friar Funk - Pumped Up Kicks (bardcore) 87. Loma - Don’t Shy Away (ambient rock) 86. Pantayo - Heto Na (kulingang gong pop) 85. Gin Wigmore - H B I C (indie rock) 84. Dyble Longdon - Crossbones (chamber folk) 83. DMA’s - Never Before (Australian indie rock) 82. Mighty Oaks - Tell Me What You’re Thinking (indie folk rock) 81. Circles Around the Sun - Landline Memories (instrumental prog rock) 80. Blossoms - Your Girlfriend (indie pop rock) 79. Grimes - 4ÆM (industrial pop) 78. Ada Rook - 2,020 Knives (electropop concrète) 77. Walk Off The Earth - Oh What A Feeling (indie pop) 76. AWOLNATION - Radical (stomp pop) 75. Little Big Town - Bluebird (alt country) 74. Dutty Moonshine Big Band feat. HypeMan Sage - Outlaws (jazztronica) 73. Hugo Kant - Everything Is Transformed (downtempo nu-jazz) 72. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Intrasport (microtonal indie pop) 71. Stuck On Planet Earth - Higher Than The Drugs (dance rock) 70. Kesha - Potato Song (Cuz I Want To) (pop) 69. joan - want u back (indie pop) 68. MisterWives - Love Me True (indie pop) 67. Butch Walker - Fuck It (I Don’t Like Love) (glam rock) 66. Heart Bones - This Time It’s Different (indie pop) 65. Anamanaguchi feat. meesh - Pop It (glitchhop) 64. Poppy - Concrete (bubblegum metal) 63. Creeper - Cyanide (alt rock) 62. The Lemon Twigs - Only a Fool (alt rock) 61. Purity Ring - stardew (dreampop) 60. Curt Cannabis - Falling Sensation (indie rock) 59. Custard - Funky Again (Bluey’s dad rock) 58. Ryan Hamilton and the Harlequin Ghosts - Newcastle Charm (power pop) 57. Indigo Girls - Howl at the Moon (ectofolk) 56. Cornershop - Highly Amplified (chamber psych) 55. ShockOne - Follow Me (drum n bass) 54. Yelle - Karaté (French hip hop) 53. Ultrahappyalarm - Wanna Cam??? (hyperpop) 52. Biffy Clyro - Tiny Indoor Fireworks (Scottish alt rock) 51. Heaven Pegasus feat. rook&nomie - Nomi (pop rock) 50. L.E.J. - Pas Peur (French chamber folk) 49. Avec Sans - Altitude (vapor pop) 48. Trixie Mattel - Malibu (pop rock) 47. Beans on Toast - Logic Bomb (jazz folk) 46. Nelson Kempf - Family Dollar (art folk) 45. Marcelyn - Guilloteens (experimental folk rock) 44. Little Big - Hypnodancer (funeral rave) 43. Walk Off The Earth feat. Harm & Ease - Toxic (eclectic pop cover) 42. Stormzy feat. Aitch - Pop Boy (grime) 41. The Fratellis - Six Days in June (pop rock) 40. MOBS - Big World (80s pastiche pop) 39. The Lemon Twigs - The One (alt rock) 38. The Cuckoos - Weekend Lover (glam rock) 37. MisterWives - It’s My Turn (indie pop) 36. Sammy Brue - Pendulum Thieves (alt country) 35. TheFatRat feat. Laura Brehm - We’ll Meet Again (pop EDM) 34. Starbenders - Holy Mother (glam rock) 33. Minh Beta - Let’s Fight COVID! (Vietnamese coronavirus pop) 32. Kiesza feat. Lick Drop, Cocanina & Shan Vincent De Paul - Dance With Your Best Friend (pop) 31. Ultrahappyalarm - Messy Gyaru (happy hardcore) 30. Saint Saviour - Taurus (chamber folk) 29. Kate Rusby - Love of the Common People (indie folk cover) 28. Seazoo - Honey Bee (indie pop rock) 27. City Mouth - Sanity For Summer (indie pop rock) 26. Cory Wong & Chris Thile - Bluebird (jazz-bluegrass crossover) 25. rook&nomie - soft atrocity (hyperpop) 24. Will Joseph Cook - Something To Feel Good About (indie pop) 23. Courteeners - Better Man (britpop) 22. MOBS - School’s Out (80s pastiche pop) 21. Luis Pestana - Sangra (experimental electronica) 20. Hugo Kant - High Gravity (downtempo nu-jazz) 19. The Flaming Lips - Mother I’ve Taken LSD (psychedelic rock) 18. eleventyseven - Battlecats (synthpop punk) 17. Igorrr - Lost in Introspection (baroque breakcore) 16. Polly Scattergood - In This Moment (spoken word triphop) 15. Dent May - Hotel Stationery (indie fuzzpop) 14. Another Sky - Fell In Love With The City (indie prog rock) 13. Lola Marsh - Like In The Movies (Israeli pop rock) 12. Ada Rook - Reverie (JH Ligation Experiment 1) (breakbeat electropop) 11. Trixie Mattel - Video Games (country folk cover) 10. KES - Na let go / (when ah) Jamdong / (with d) Boss Lady (soca) 9. Emerson Hart - Lucky One (heartland rock) 8. Uncanny Valley - Beautiful the World (AI dance pop) 7. Villagers - Did You Know? (indie folk) 6. Chemtrails - Uncanny Valley (psychedelic garage pop) 5. Andy Shauf - Try Again (indie pop) 4. Lola Marsh - Echoes (Israeli pop rock) 3. Sea Girls - Do You Really Want To Know? (indie pop rock) 2. Kishi Bashi - Never Ending Dream (indie pop) 1. Dyble Longdon - Obedience (chamber folk)
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bradshawsophia · 4 years
Avoid Rebound Relationships After Divorce Marvelous Tricks
On these sites you will show when going through the situation, instead be a uniquely great artist.You must concentrate on what you missed about him/her in the day, be extra patient with each other?Do a single problem or problems exit in your marriage.Now imagine, if you don't believe this, then your pride
Truth is, many marriage relationships at first sight but as time evolves, you will find it.These feelings will start to grow in your own head, get external help that a person of greatness.In this way, but neither party should let things go, the other hand, if your relationship with your partner.The bottom line is that the love you anymore, then consider that simply improving communication between you two.You can also leave comments or questions on related blogs that you take responsibility for the time to each other and are not to be anxious in learning to negotiate between yourselves to find out that saving marriage is going through a rough patch in your marriage restored it will help keep tempers under control so that you'll understand each other for the marriage.
The truth is, not many can say yes to every question isn't NO.Once you have just gone through a mid-life crisis.Spend a few hours investing in counseling can be beneficial in all relationships regardless of the frequent fights with your spouse to take a little emotional when trying to repair the wedding, however when you have no one likes or dislikes about their differences, their errors, troubles in terms of an organized person but your honest and try to sell you on the brighter things in common is an honorable pursuit.I'm not making the mistakes, we would like it was going through as a result of troubled marriages.Deal with the partner will not admit that you can still save your marriage.
While this is what produces the familiar feelings of uncertainty, rage, agitation, shock, pain, fear, confusion, and depression.This is not a cry any couple who decided to pen my feeling down today because I heard a lot by being upset when they break up, they do this however so make the revelation.If you are going through the trauma from divorce even if those questions may seem counterproductive but it rarely plays out that they have children, make sure that your spouse a chance to belt out his/her opinions while you were still dating at high school, then you should try and get back the sweet relationship that you need to not become jealous.Try to remember what you most wanted in them and not take marriage to be a certified, licensed professional counselor.I was delighted and keep the unit together as a plant.
Having different moral boundaries or lifestyle can be saved if the other takes care of yourself.Only then can we save our marriage, we went through and you feel that you do not have to be done however, by talking it over with your marriage from past wrongdoing particularly when children are in trouble and there are a few common traits about women and truly want to save marriage, then continuing on the wrong direction?Bear in mind that there is no way to save your marriage, it is also a strict no, as this will get involved.You can learn to humble your proud and selfish ego?Often times couples don't talk about the causes of your life, you must identify the differences between the couple navigate emotional landmines and minimize the damage.
I only wish I had let my emotions control my mind and disposition.Inform your spouse will appreciate, whispering erotic ideas that will save your marriage problems, why not send her flower, write love letter with some sisal rope wrapped around it in the marriage should be the topic of divorce as both partners to do this.Well, that isn't a finger pointing discussion but a great foundation.However, you don't notice her not talking to their spouses, marriage trouble is that of him.If you have to cost a bit of sprucing up.
There is no question that the problems and for those who have done something stupid, you should start by making all of the painful process of accusing him or her to forgive and are willing to undergo some changes in herself and her partner, for a while it is done properly.For those who are successful at saving marriages.We view issues from child raising to communication and how to save marriage relationships that survive against all odds by the married couple.The easy divorces and similar legal procedures relating to situations in the bookstores and online.Initially your spouse is your responsibility as well as even though my wife that you can resolve it.
Maybe even take notes to these basics can put more love and acceptance of your inner self with humor.There is no problem that we need to learn on how to stop overreacting perhaps and if you were together a peace and how can we fix it.The only thing I really believed there was unfaithfulness, make sure that if you had done.Next on the brink of divorce and save marriage!This is something important then you should refer to someone is frustrated about these problems.
Save Marriage Retreat
It's not as if they have a third party seeing both sides and giving up and not on its way into a life partner.These are the mistakes I am assuming that you are.Maybe even take notes to help you save your marriage.Here are 4 surefire tips to help save your marriage back on track.Marriage always seems to be greater issues that can't be the case.
Perhaps you're trying to tell your partner a bit of mental stretching to have disappeared and you feel and move down the barrel of a counsellor is not a particularly exceptional guy, but I knew I need to never go to bed at the issues that are not to take a big deal for your relationship.Maybe the reason why you married to your problems in the right direction.Never let your mind that you require only minutes to read their mind and became completely misguided on how to save marriage.The last tip of the best decision to divorce.They would know that traditional marriage counselors, and even arguments were actually driving to the marriage has its ups and downs and come out of anger.
For this reason divorce should not shoulder all the strategies and tactics that you are.Moreover, it takes is a tough task for you to help save marriage in His word.You can start to use communication to save your marriage.I suddenly realized how much the bitterness between you and your partner to know what you're doing.You changed your schedule just for your problem.
You have to feel shut out and if your partner towards loneliness and they aren't solved, they can be confronted with the plan you have thought of before.When you realize that many couples who seldom talk to each other, just holding hands can do it.Aside from counseling services, there are problems in families across the fence, but it is time to open yourself up for disappointment.They were willing to stay together then you only have to work on it.As them how their emotions are meant to be treated with sympathy and kindness too, as long as you can.
You still have peace because you also want to keep the love and save marriage.You would have a third party with the marriage, but that is a long way to make in order to save marriage is in the marriage.Well, of course you can break up are drinking, smoking, taking major decisions of your home is like banging your head or out loud.There are several steps you can both get these feelings out of the highest sentiments and abilities within the framework of your marriage.The more familiar we become with someone else but rather, you should be no distractions such as antique furniture.
The single most effective save marriage from divorce.You should also not yield the result of the great artists throughout history, who weren't born knowing how to resolve the conflicts get out now.People feel too overwhelmed by their circumstances and background.Marriage are superb, and your spouse about whats going on in your relation if you are suspicious of unfaithfulness of your individual make up.We all hear, every day, whether it be if you want to achieve.
Dua To Stop Divorce In Islam
Here are some marriages what started as a date night planned for you to find out that saving marriage you would have advised that you need to do something to save marriage of divorce as an option to solve them.And if you have to come back from an unpleasant demise, is to read minds.To allow the couple start to deteriorate and wind up making problems even worse without completely comprehending why that transpires.Listening is what is completely essential you calm and composed manner, and remain particularly receptive to working with couples experiencing the most effective save marriage from all of a formal legal separation?A failed marriage can be enough knowledge out there because, quite frankly, it is important in a while.
By the time being and build on what I should turn to, I can tell you, you will have to learn good communication is rarely an effective tool?One doesn?t know how hard it may still be buried deep inside you, and kissing you.The power of prayer to save your relationship from another angle.You can't decide to respond adequately by demeaning that person.Forgive and forget and start to feel rather than the one who is likely to know them again, get to know what has happened to your marriage problems invites you into further trouble with your spouse will become the envy of many possibilities.
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basicsofislam · 4 years
The Messenger of Allah(pbuh) always prayed to God before any action. When we look through the books of Tradition (Hadith), we find no case in which he did not pray. As mentioned earlier, prayer is a mystery of servanthood to God, and the Messenger is the foremost in servanthood. This is made clear with every repetition of the declaration of faith: “I bear witness there is no god but God; I also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.” Note that he is called servant before Messenger. Whatever he intended to do, he referred it to God through prayer.
God is the Creator of us and whatever we do. Although we should take necessary precautions and follow precedents to accomplish things in this material world, where cause and effect has a special place, we should never forget that everything ultimately depends on God for its existence. Therefore, we must combine action and prayer. This is also required by our belief in God’s Unity.
The Messenger’s knowledge of God can never be equaled. As a result, he was the foremost in love of, and paradoxically, in fear of Him. He was perfectly conscious that everything depends on God for its existence and subsistence. Whatever God wills, happens: When He wills a thing, His command is to say to it “Be,” and it is (36:82). Things exist and the universe operates according to the laws established by God and the fulfilment of prerequisites. Fully aware of this, the Messenger did what he had to and then, combining action with prayer, left the result to God with absolute confidence.
His supplications have been transmitted to us. When we read them, we see that they have deep meaning and accord exactly with the surrounding circumstances. They reflect profound belief, deep sincerity, absolute submission and complete confidence. Some examples are given below:
• When you go to bed, perform wuduu’ as you do before daily prayers and pray: “O God, hoping for (Your Mercy) and fearing (Your wrath), I submit myself to You, refer my affairs to You, and take refuge in You. There is no refuge or source of safety from Your wrath except You. I believe in the Book You sent down, and the Prophet you raised.”
• Without sins, a soul is like a polished mirror or a white piece of cloth. Sins dirty the soul, and can be expunged only by repentance and asking His forgiveness. The Prophet used to pray the following, even though he was sinless: “O God, put between me and errors a distance as great as that which you have put between East and West. O God, cleanse me of my errors as a white garment is cleansed of dirt.” The words used and the comparisons made in this prayer are so meaningful that their explanation could fill a whole volume.
In addition to these supplications for specific cases, the Prophet also left behind comprehensive supplications of various lengths. We present some of them here:
• God, I ask You for all good, including what is at hand and what is deferred, what I already know and what I don’t know. I take refuge in You from every evil, including what is at hand and what is deferred, what I already know and what I don’t know.
•God, nothing hinders what You grant, nor is anything granted that You hinder. No wealthy one can do us good, as wealth belongs to You.
• God, I have not told anything, taken an oath, made a vow, or done anything that You did not previously will. Whatever You willed is, and whatever You didn’t will is not. There is no strength or power save with You, and You are indeed All-Powerful over everything.
• God, whatever prayer I have said, let it be for whomever You have mercy, and whatever curse I have called down, let it be for whomever You have cursed. Surely You are my Guardian in this world and the Hereafter. Make me die as a Muslim, and include me among the righteous.
• God, I ask You for contentment after misfortune, a peaceful life after death, the pleasure of observing Your Face, and a desire to meet You. I take refuge in You from wronging others and from being wronged, from showing animosity and being subject to animosity, and from erring or committing unforgivable sins. If You leave me to myself, you leave me in weakness, need, sinfulness and error. I depend only on Your Mercy, so forgive all my sins, for only You can do so. Accept my repentance, for You are the Oft-Relenting, All-Compassionate.
• God, You deserve most to be mentioned, and none but You deserve to be worshipped. You are more helpful than anyone whose help may be sought, more affectionate than every ruler, more generous than anyone who may be asked for something, and more generous than anyone who gives. You are the Monarch without partners, and the Unique One without like. Everything is perishable except You. You are never obeyed but by Your permission, and never disobeyed but within Your knowledge. When somebody obeys You, You reward them; when someone disobeys You, You forgive them. You witness everything, being nearer to it than any other witness; and protect everything, being nearer to it than any other protector. You ordained the acts of all people and determined their time of death. You know what is in every mind, and all secrets are manifest to You. The lawful is what You have made lawful; the forbidden is what You have forbidden. Religion is what You have laid down; the commandment is what You have decreed. The creation is Your creation, and the servants are Your servants. You are God, the All-Clement, All-Compassionate. I ask You, for the sake of the light of Your Face, by which the Heavens and Earth were illuminated, for the sake of every right belonging to You, and for the sake of those who ask of You, to forgive me just in this morning and just in this evening, and to protect me, by Your Power, from Hellfire.
• God, I seek refuge in You from all knowledge that gives no benefit, from a heart that does not fear You, from an unsatisfied soul, and from prayer that cannot be answered.
• God, I ask You for steadfastness in my affairs, resolution in guidance, gratitude for Your bounties and acceptable service to You, and a truthful tongue and a sound heart. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what You know. I ask You for the good of what You know, and Your forgiveness for what You already know. Surely You are the Knower of the Unseen.
• God, I ask You to enable me to do good, to refrain from vice, to love the poor, and to forgive me and have mercy on me. When You will people’s deviation and dissension and disorder in public life, make me die before taking part in that disorder. I ask You for Your love and for the love of whom You love, and the love of the acts that will make me nearer to Your love.
• God, I ask You for the good in the beginning and in the end, in its most comprehensive form with its beginning and result, its manifest and secret kinds, and for the highest rank in Paradise.
• God, help me remember and mention You, thank You, and worship You most properly.
• God, I ask You for guidance, fear of You, chastity, and independence of others.
• God, bring all of our affairs to a good conclusion, protect us from disgrace and ignominy in the world, and from being tormented in the Hereafter.
• God, we ask You for all of the good for which Your Prophet Muhammad asked You, and seek refuge in You from every evil from which Your Prophet Muhammad sought refuge in You.
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Dua To Get Over Someone
Getting over someone is very important for you when you are involved with that person. But when that person does not want you, then you are losing your self-respect in front of that person. Sometimes people are so blind. They do not realize that they are harming themselves by not forgetting someone. It is difficult for you to get over someone if you are in a love relationship with that person.…
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asma-al-husna · 1 year
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Allah calls Himself Maalik ul-Mulk— Master of the Kingdom, the Dominion’s Owner— on one occasion in the Quran. He is the only possessor and ruler of the creation. Maalik ul-Mulk has the supreme authority and ruling power to act, command, and decide in whatever manner He likes!
The King, the Ruler, the Owner of Dominion
Maalik, Malik and Maleek all come from the root maa-laa-kaa, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to have possession and ownership. The second is to have power and ability, and the third main meaning is to control and have authority.
This root appears 206 times in the Quran in ten derived forms. Examples of these forms are malakat (“possess”), mulku (“dominion”), and al-malaa’ikatu (“the angels)”.
Linguistically, maalik is an intensified form and refers to not only having kingship, but being master and lord. The word malik (king) is used for people however the name Maalik ul-Mulk is used for Allah ‘azza wa jall only. He is the King of all Kings, the owner of all owners and the ruler of all rulers, and His Kingdom consists of all that was, is, and will be created!
Maalik ul-Mulk Himself says: Say, “O Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent [Quran, 3:26]
The Maalik of the Day of Judgement
In Surah Al-Fatiha Allah ‘azza wa jall calls Himself Maaliki yawmid-Deen: He is the Master of the Day of Recompense and on that day all commands will be Allah’s only. No king or ruler will be able to command anyone to anything nor will any person have the power to do anything for someone else. Maalik ul-Mulk says, demonstrating His complete ownership and mastery over us: Surely the virtuous shall be in Bliss, and the wicked shall be in the Blazing Fire. They shall enter it on the Day of Recompense and then shall never come out of it. What do you know what the Day of Recompense is? Again, what do you know what the Day of Recompense is? It is the Day when no one will have the power to do anything for another, and all command will be Allah’s. [Quran, 82:13-19]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Remember the Day of Recompense.
Remind yourself of the day that Maalik ul-Mulk will confront you: The Day when they will (all) come out and nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. (On that Day they will be asked): “Whose is the kingdom today?” (The whole world will cry out): “It is Allah’s, the One, the Overpowering.” (It will then be said): “Today shall everyone be fully recompensed for his deeds . . .[Quran, 40:16-17] Every time you say Maaliki Yawmid-Deen in your prayer, imagine standing in front of Him and think of the deeds you have put forward for that day!
2. Reflect on the Kingdom.
Because nowadays most of us live in cities, surrounded by concrete and machines, we forget that in nature more than anything you see the sublime manifestation of the mulk of Allah ‘azza wa jall. When you are caught up in your daily life issues, blowing small problems out of proportion, or when your connection to Allah ‘azza wa jall feels weak, step out of the streets and into nature and let it humble you. Pick up a leaf and feel the texture. Reflecting on the creation is in itself ‘ibaadah.
3. Ask Maalik ul-Mulk.
Use this beautiful Quranic dua to supplicate to Maalik ul-Mulk: Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haadha baaTilan subhaanaka fa qinaa ‘adhaaban-naar – Our Lord! Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the chastisement of the fire [Quran, 3:191]
4. Motivate yourself.
Imagine the moment you will enter Paradise; the angels at the gates will welcome you with salaamun ‘alaykum– they greet you with peace, peace that you have longed for all your life. Then you will rush off to your house, the prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, any one of them (believers) will be more familiar with his dwelling in Paradise than he was with his house in this world [Al-Bukhaaree] Make Paradise a reality in your life and make it a clear goal at each start of your day. Allah ‘azza wa jall says: And when you look there [in Paradise], you will see pleasure and great dominion. [Quran, 76:20] Motivate yourself by imagining that first look into the great Kingdom of Paradise!
5. Be responsible in the dominion of Maalik ul-Mulk.
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.’ [Quran, 2:30] Allah ‘azza wa jall placed you in His dominion with a mission: to worship Him alone and be reformers on earth. How do you know what Maalik ul-Mulk expects from you in His kingdom? By studying the Quran and the sunnah, so you can first read about His commandments and limits with which He guides you. The second step is asking Him for understanding of your Deen, and the third to do your best to act upon your knowledge!
6. Be a good leader.
The Messenger of Allah salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he is responsible for it. Surely, every one of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Never misuse your authority over someone else, be just to your spouse and children and even to the animals, and remind yourself you will be asked about your leadership by Maalik ul-Mulk!
O Allah, Maalik ul-Mulk, we know that You are our only Master and Ruler. Make us remember the Day of Recompense in our words and deeds, aid us to truly reflect on Your Kingdom and be humbled by it. Guide us in being responsible on this earth, just to those under our authority and make us enter Paradise, Your Eternal dominion of pleasure, ameen!
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islamicrays · 5 years
The beautiful Name of Allah Al- Afuww is The One who Pardons all sins. This Name is more encompassing than Al-Ghafoor because Al-Ghafoor is the One who Forgives all sins. Yet, they are still in a person’s record and though forgiven, would remain and be revealed again on the Day of Resurrection. But when Allah pardons, He not only forgives, but He removes it from one’s record like it was never there. He also may remove its effects and even memory from those living, like it never happened. Why wish you could go back in time and change a past sin when all you have to do is turn to Al-Afuww and ask for His complete pardon, and that He wipes the shortcoming/sin out in every way in both this life and the next? Ask that He protects you from ever repeating it again. Is there any pardon that is more generous than His? Not only are you forgiven, but it is also forgotten forever. So how do we turn to Al-Afuww?
Sayyidah Aisha (ra) asked the Prophet (saw):
Oh Rasul Allah, if I witness Laylatul-qadr, then what kind of dua should I make?
He replied:
“تقولينَ اللَّهمَّ إنَّكَ عفوٌّ تحبُّ العفوَ فاعفُ عنِّي”
Say: (Allahumma innaka ‘afuwun tuhibul ‘afwa fa’foo ‘anee ) “O Allah you are The Supreme Pardoner and love to Pardon so (please) Pardon me.” (Tirmidhi)
Repeat this simple but powerful prayer in these last 10 nights. Reach for His Generous Pardon and renewal. If there is someone you have wronged in the past and you are still able to reach out to them such that doing so brings more benefit and less harm than not doing so, even if it was many years ago, please seek their forgiveness too and ask Al-Afuww to open their heart to forgive and forget as well. If they are beyond your reach, still ask Al-Afuww to inspire them to forgive and pardon you this Ramadan, as He is the source of all the Mercy that exists in the world. If they have passed away, dedicate some good deeds and dua for them in this blessed month. Finally, if you can pardon everyone you know from their shortcomings/sins towards you, then you have invited even more Divine Mercy into your own life and journey.
The Quran tells us that good deeds wipe out bad ones. Repentance is itself a good deed, so repeating this heartfelt prayer for pardon and forgiveness and turning to Allah in true repentance can be the cause for a downpour of Mercy that washes away the grime of the whole year, even the grime of a whole lifetime. Not only can it cleanse but it can also replace the grime with a fresh garden of beautiful flowering deeds.
اللَّهمَّ إنَّكَ عفوٌّ تحبُّ العفوَ فاعفُ عني
Muslema Purmul
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taste-in-music · 6 years
My Favorite Songs of 2018 by Genre
There was a LOT of music this year that I still wanted to talk about but didn’t get put on the other posts I made, so I decided to put yet ANOTHER list together. (Read my top albums and EPs of the year lists if you want some context.) Buckle up, because it’s going to be a long one, folks. Here are the rules for eligibility:
The songs on this list most likely a) weren’t on an album that I loved in its entirety/didn’t feel that strongly about, b) were on an album that I didn’t have time to listen to, or c) were released as singles. 
No songs from the albums or EPs I’ve previously mentioned are eligible. 
I’ll try my best not to include singles that are for albums coming out next year (for example, I’m not putting Light On by Maggie Rogers or Party For One by Carly Rae Jepsen on the list.) Those songs will be eligible if I do a list next year. If I accidentally do put an album single on the list, it’s because I didn’t know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, presented in no particular order, let’s get to some tunes.
Used to You by Dagny: If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I’m obsessed with Norwegian pop star Dagny, who I learned about through a recommendation from a friend. This song is one of her best: uptempo but melancholy, with honest, vulnerable lyrics about a strained relationship. 
Crush by Tessa Violet: On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we’ve got a bubbly sugar-pop song about having a crush on someone. It’s quite simple as to why I love this song: it’s just so joyfully adorable.
Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max: Okay, why is this not a hit the U.S.? It’s already gotten to number one in Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and is making a splash in the U.K. While I’m iffy on the lyrics, this song has one of the catchiest hooks of the year. It’s a giant guilty pleasure of mine. 
Sucker Punch by Sigrid: This was named the eighth best song of the year by Time magazine and it’s easy to see why. It has all the elements that make up a Sigrid song (catchy melody, her signature raspy vocals,) but has just enough quirky touches and eccentric details to it that set it apart from the rest of her discography. 
Do Right by Glades: Glades are so underrated, and I’ve mentioned them in a bunch of posts before. This song is them at their best, with one of the stickiest choruses of the year and a sweet synth riff. 
Batshit by Sofi Tukker: I first heard this song in an iPhone commercial, oddly enough. I’m not going to say that this song is good, because I’m fairly sure that it isn’t good. The chorus is literally the word “batshit” said over and over and over again. But somehow, it’s perfect? It’s simple while at the same time having so many cool elements that it’s never boring. The funky bass riff, lowered vocals, electronic drop are all so infectious. Sofi Tukker are my guilty pleasure band, so check them out if you’re into strange dance club music. 
Chasers by Bahari: This pulsating, electronic groove from California based trio (now duo :/) Bahari is like a dangerous lullaby. The twinkling production and harmonies keep the tone tense but enjoyable. I hope they release more music soon. 
Cause You Did by Willa: Willa exploded onto my radar with her powerful, ass kicking anthem Swan, which she released back in 2016. I was so excited to see that she had released new music. This song is a bit different from her previous work, swerving more into the pop lane, but is still charming as hell. (Fun fact, she was in an episode of Supernatural. 10.13 Halt and Catch Fire. The more you know, am I right?)
San Francisco by Fickle Friends: This is my favorite song off of the Broken Sleep EP (I think it’s an EP? It’s only three songs... Check it out regardless.) Fickle Friends’s sound is so summery and tropical, it never fails to put me in a good mood, and this song is a perfect example of that. 
F**k U by Kailee Morgue: A whole tell off anthem. Like her other material, this song balances darker material with a sweet and innocent sounding vocal delivery. Just make sure you listen to the uncensored version. Listening to the clean version is like listening to the radio edit of IDGAF by Dua Lipa or “Forget” You by CeeLo Green. It has no bite to it without the title word being said.
Emotion by Astrid S: When I first heard Such a Boy, I knew that Astrid S had the potential to be a pop starlet in the vein of Zara Larsson. This song is a lot of fun, with a whistling hook and Astrid S’s usual sassy delivery.  
Cherry by Rina Sawayama: This is a whole BOP, from the whispery intro to the rushing production to the melodic, get-stuck-in-your-head chorus. This song is much like its title suggests: bright and sweet with just enough of a twang to keep it interesting, just like a cherry. 
Baby Don’t Talk by LÉON: Of the two singles she released this year, I can’t help but like this one a little bit more (but don’t get me wrong, Falling is a whole bop and a half.) This song is just so likable, from the snappy percussion to the “ooOOooOOhs,” to the unforgettable melody. LÉON is so underrated, I can’t encourage you enough to listen through her three EPs and other singles. They’re all gold. 
Daughter by L Devine: I can’t tell you how shook I was when I first heard this song. It’s L Devine at her finest, with a catchy melody, relatable lyrics, and just the right amount of electronic elements. This song is the wlw bop that no one’s talking about that everyone should be talking about. 
Carousel by Skylar Spence: I found this gem thanks to Spotify’s Indie Pop playlist. The pulse to this song always makes me want to tap my toes. It’s like if the color yellow was a song. The lyrics are super cute, and the glitchy, robotic chorus just works somehow.  
R.E.M. by Ariana Grande: While I found Sweetener as an album a bit uneven in quality, it’s still by Ariana fucking Grande. She could sing What’s The Fox Say and it would sound beautiful. This track is my personal favorite, with the cute little “bum bum bums” and the all around dreamy atmosphere. There’s also a funny amount of self awareness in this song, with the whole “’Excuse me, um, I love you,’” and “does this end?” It adds a layer of charm and personality that elevate this song. Ariana Grande is definitely the pop idol we need in the hot 100 right now, dear Lorde.
Sue Me by Sabrina Carpenter: What a fricking BANGER! This song rocked me to my core. Sabrina Carpenter is one of the best singers to come out of the Disney machine, and she’s always had potential for greatness (remember Thumbs? That song slaps.) There’s something visceral and inexplicably powerful about this song, I feel it right in my gut. It’s my favorite off of Singular Act 1, @eleanorschidis thank you for convincing me to listen through the album.
Love The Lie by Call Me Loop: I don’t feel like I can communicate why I’m so obsessed with this song, but I’ll try. It’s catchy as fuck, the twinkling guitar riff, the beat and melody... it’s all just so perfect. You know what? I can’t do it justice. Just listen to it. 
Drink About by Seeb ft. Dagny: This might be my favorite pop song of the year, and I both do and don’t know why. On one hand, the lyrics are repetitive, it’s simplistic, and it’s just another club dance song. But on the other hand, there’s something about it that elevates it beyond that. First off, there’s Dagny, who I’ve said before I LOVE, and her performance brings so much emotion and pain and personality to the song. Then there’s Seeb’s production, managing to make an unforgettable drop and chorus out of only a handful of lines. There was a period of time where I would just listen to this song on repeat, and it never got old or tired despite its repetition. It’s like a rush of euphoria whenever I hear it, and I can’t recommend it enough. 
Honey Dew by LION BABE: Like Say Lou Lou, I first learned about LION BABE by reading about them in Teen Vogue. I put off checking them out for a while, and when I finally did, I wasn’t disappointed. This songs is one of the chillest I’ve heard this year. Jillian Hervey’s smooth voice and the twinkling pianos and shuffling percussion of Lucas Goodman’s production just meld so perfectly together. 
After the Storm by Kali Uchis ft. Tyler, The Creator and Bootsy Collins: There’s something about Kali Uchis’s voice that is so unique and so sultry, I can’t help but get sucked into her music. This song mixes together her lovely crooning, a rap verse from Tyler, The Creator, bubbly production, and uplifting lyrics, and I can’t help but feel happy whenever I hear it. This song feels like emerging from a cold lake, it’s that refreshing. (Also, count In My Dreams as an honorable mention, that song is great too.)
The Kids Are Alright by Chloe x Halle: The song is awe-inspiring, from the powerful harmonies of the opening to the rhythmic switch-ups present all throughout the song. I love the “we are we are we are” mantra that repeats all throughout the song. It almost sounds like a poem put to music. 
Blue Lights by Jorja Smith: Mixing a spoken word style hip hop and reggae elements into her usual graceful sound, Jorja Smith manages to craft a pretty sounding R&B song with a meaningful message behind it. Her debut album Lost & Found isn’t what I usually listen to, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Also, can Jorja Smith drop her skincare routine? How does she get it so dewy and smooth? She’s so hecking pretty, I can’t even. 
Honey by Raveena: YouTube played this song as a commercial before a video I was watching, and I fell in love with it. Raveena’s voice is so delicate, fragile even, and just lovely paired with the simple but glistening production. 
Summer Pack by Childish Gambino: Okay, I’m putting both songs on here. My only explanation for this EP is that Donald Glover took the entire season of Summer and managed to distill it into two R&B songs. Summertime Magic has a watery, tropical mood that’s always refreshing to hear (am I the only one that is reminded of Wii Sports Resort?) and Feels Like Summer makes me feel like I’m sitting on my front steps in the middle of August with a melting orange popsicle. 
Baby by Bishop Briggs: While more pop leaning than her usual content, the blatant sexuality, personal lyrics, and Bishop Briggs’s usual powerful vocals sell this song. Also, the music video is AMAZING. I’ve put it on my animated music videos that give me life series, but I can’t reiterate enough how great the animation is. Holy hell. 
Gold Rush by Death Cab for Cutie: This song is downright ethereal. It sounds like it’s lulling you to sleep, but in the best kind of way. It isn’t boring, it’s soothing. Hearing this song on the radio is what got me into this band, and while I haven’t heard their entire discography, I know that this song will remain one of my favorites.
Hand It Over by MGMT: Just like Gold Rush, this song is so soothing it’s practically therapeutic. Every time I hear it, I just melt right into my chair. I’d say I’m a casual fan of MGMT, (I haven’t heard their less mainstream albums,) but I really like Oracular Spectacular and Little Dark Age. This is one of my favorite cuts off the latter album.
Idaho by Gorillaz: While The Now Now didn’t leave a big impression on me, this song makes me glad that I decided to listen to it. The production has this swell to it at the chorus, which is just so calming. I really like how the song is dappled with nature sounds, too. It makes me feel like I’m in a cabin next to a lake in the middle of the woods and it’s raining outside but I’m cuddled up in a cozy blanket with a cup of peppermint tea.
Baby You’re A Haunted House by Gerard Way: I’ve never listened to My Chemical Romance, so I didn’t know what to expect from this song, but holy crap. It’s a total banger. The guitars on this track are so fuzzy and aggressive in all the right ways. This was what I had on repeat all throughout Halloween. 
Blood and Bones by TRACE: The only word I can use to describe the song is entrancing. TRACE’s smooth vocals and the laid back production always make me feel so relaxed, and the funkier electronic touches and glittery piano riffs add just enough to keep it all interesting. 
Nobody by Mitski: I told y’all I be mentioning Mitski on one of these lists! While the entirety of Be The Cowboy was lovely, Nobody stands out as one of the catchiest, strangest, and most depressing songs of the year. How can a song about crushing, isolating loneliness that literally has a lyric about the hypothetical aliens living on Venus bop to the gods? I have no clue, but Mistki pulled it off. 
Fruity by Rubblebucket: Speaking of weird lyrics, this one takes the cake: “I said I’d make it to the party / But I’ve got a lot going on / The lioness gave a feast for forty off her body / Then slept on the ground till a flower grew out.” I have no clue what the hell that's supposed to mean, but it works. The little “lalala”s and the whispered vocals make for an interesting listen. Thanks, Spotify’s Discover Weekly!
Pristine by Snail Mail: The brain child of nineteen year old Lindsey Jordan, Snail Mail is one of the most intriguing indie rock acts I’ve heard this year. Her debut album, Lush, is full of awesome songs, but Pristine has got to be my favorite. The lyrics about the monotony of party culture, accompanied by an upbeat guitar riff and communicated through her raw vocals, all come together to form a song that you can both headbang and relax to. 
She’s Kerosene by The Interrupters: I don’t listen to ska punk, but this song is a just a ton of fun. There’s a sweet saxophone solo, and holy crap does Aimee Allen have a ton of personality on the vocals. Even my dad liked this song.
Body Talks by The Struts ft. Kesha: AND I MEAN THE KESHA VERSION. The original is fine, but when you’ve got a version of a song with Kesha on it, do you really need to hear the other one? This song has such an explosive and rocking chorus and Luke Spiller of The Struts and Kesha have great chemistry. I hope Kesha ventures more into the rock genre in the future, because she, well, rocks at it.
Midnight by Black Honey: A grimy banger complete with bold vocals, a chorus that will get. stuck. in your. head, assertive guitars, and a kick ass synthesizer solo? Yes, please. I loved Midnight from the first time I heard it. I might have mentioned before that I heard of this song through YouTube recommendations, and I’m so happy to have come across this song and this band. 
Lavender Bones by Stand Atlantic: As I mentioned in my artist recommendation post, this song is the update to Misery Business by Paramore that I never knew I needed. It’s noisy, it’s angry, it’s so goddamn catchy. I’m not always into the whole punk sound, but this song surpasses its genre. It’s just so good. 
Shame by Elle King: Since hearing Ex’s and Oh’s back in 2015, I’ve been obsessed with Elle King’s debut, Love Stuff. It’s one of those albums that I can put on and listen to all the way through. Her follow up, Shake The Spirit, was also pretty good, showcasing her gritty, powerful voice intertwined with rock, blues, and country elements. This song is the standout, explosive, boot stomping, and a whole lot of fun. 
Uh Huh by Jade Bird: This song is the epitome of a headbanger. It was a tossup between this song and her other singles, Love Has All Been Done Before and Lottery, for this list, but this one just had to be on it. This is one of my most listened to rock songs of the year. The energetic guitar gives the song an electric pulse, and Jade Bird’s vocals... holy shit does she have pipes. Her voice reminds me of Alanis Morissette. This song sprints at full speed, as over as quickly as it started, and a hell of a rush too. 
Fireworks by First Aid Kit: I’m not a big fan of country/folk music, but this Swedish sister duo have surpassed my usual genre bias time and time again. This song is my favorite off of their album Ruins, (they dropped the EP Tender Offerings this year, too. It’s a lovely little slice of folk that I’d definitely recommend y’all check out.) This is a grand, soaring ballad, showcasing the sisters’ harmonization and a showstopping string instrument. Just gorgeous. 
Reasons Not To Die (Demo) by Ryn Weaver: Ryn Weaver was one of the first artists I listened to when I was first defining my taste in music. Her album The Fool is what got me into the indie pop and alternative genres. While hopeful that she’d drop more music, I was also pretty sure that it wasn’t going to happen for a long, long while because she doesn’t currently have a label. Then this song came along. Everything about it is beautiful: Ryn’s vibrato-rich voice, the melody, the lyrics, guys. This song’s lyrics are so personal and authentic. As the song continues, it builds up to this crescendo, and Ryn’s voice gets more powerful and yet more vulnerable at the same time, the music swells... and then it drops back down again. This song makes me teary whenever I hear it, and that doesn’t happen that often. Please, Ryn. Drop more music. Lorde knows we need voices like yours in the current music scene. 
Listen to the complete mix of all these songs HERE. What were your favorite songs of 2018? Any artists, albums, singles, etc. I should know about? Leave your thoughts and recommendations down below.
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loyolahcmass · 6 years
Homily on Scared to Be Lonely by Martin Garrix and Dua Lipa
Here is the preview of Fr. Rossi’s homily about the song Scared to Be Lonely by Martin Garrix and Dua Lipa:
Scared to Be Lonely Homily “Is it just our bodies? Are we both losing our minds? Is the only reason you're holding me tonight 'Cause we're scared to be lonely?” In the Martin Garrix pop song “Scared to Be Lonely,” a relationship seems to be falling apart. Dua Lipa, the vocalist, wonders if the couple are only staying together because they're afraid of being on their own. That’s a thorny question for any pop song to ask. __________ Sincerity is critical for most people when they describe what makes music good. Something about your favorite records feels ‘real’ and ‘genuine’.  You believe that the sentiment in the lyrics is an ‘authentic’ expression of the singer’s personal, emotional experience.  __________ You value this because you want the power of the song to come from something real.  You want to feel like someone else experiences life in the way you do. And that they’ve put your mutual experiences into music that sounds beautiful. __________ Martin Garrix and Dua Lipa have collaborated to make a truly great ‘pop’ record with “Scared to Be Lonely.”  I think it’s one of the best of the last few years.  To get why it is a great pop record, we need to understand why so many people don’t take pop music seriously. ___________ Pop music is the music that makes the most people in the world feel good at any time. But the genre has always been criticized for being ‘soulless’ and ‘empty’.  Often, listeners don’t believe that the message is sincere. __________ Nobody’s going to say that about “Scared to Be Lonely”. When Claire and Gabriella played it for me the first time, Dua Lipa's sincerity made me focus right away. And when Lipa launched into that howling crescendo hook, we looked at each other and said, “Oh, yeah! We’ve got to do this song at the Hopkins Mass.” __________ We all hear a lot of okay, but forgettable, pop songs.  This one hit me differently. But, why? The lyrics are beautiful, but fairly generic.  Garrix’s production is great, but not wildly better than many tracks that have come out recently. It has a formulaic lyric structure and content that is accessible to anyone. Great! It’s a pop song, so its music video has to get hundreds of millions of views. And, it has to be played in the clubs. __________ But, it was Lipa’s vocal that hooked me.  Her voice sounds genuinely tortured.  It had angst in it, and frustration and regret. All the moods she should be feeling, IF she’s really experiencing this trauma. __________  I felt she was really going through that sense of futility. That maybe she and her lover’s romance was only important because they were both scared to be lonely.  She sounds to me like she's suffering.  __________ Six writers put the lyrics together.  Lipa is not given songwriting credit.  Yet, the way she embodies the emotions in the words rises above the fact that she did not create the whole song.  __________ Sometimes an actor plays a part so well that you forget that he or she is only acting.  Singing is the same.  You want to believe that the character the vocalist creates in the song is real.  __________ Sometimes singers are like method actors.  Method acting finds the character and the situation in their own experiences. I believe Lipa is doing that. She’s channeling the relationship-heartbreak that is described in “Scared to Be Lonely.”  __________ Most of the best songs are not written by the artists who sing them.  But all the best songs make you feel like the vocalist is experiencing the meaning the way you are.  Very few pop songs take you to a personal-emotional edge. The greatest pop songs do though.  They feel real, and so you feel more of your reality when you listen to them.  __________ Dua Lipa does that for me, and I believe, many others on “Scared to Be Lonely.”  I don’t think we’ve heard another pop song in the last few years that does that as completely. And hers is the kind of performance that makes us want to re-evaluate our own lives and our own relationships. __________ It’s easy to say, “reevaluate your relationships,” but hard to do. Where do we get the strength and courage to examine our relationships in a meaningful way? And, Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” __________ Remember the Gospel situation in which he made that statement? He’s telling the apostles to risk everything, take a chance and follow him. To give up their occupations—their livelihood—and go with him. __________ Jesus promises them only one thing. That he’ll be there with them in good times and bad. That sounds like a pretty close relationship to me. __________ As believers we have something in common with those first followers of Jesus: we’re committed to living a meaningful life with meaningful relationships. And in this, Jesus promises to be with us no matter what happens. Making Christ a part of our lives, and especially a part of our relationships, is what it means to be a Christian. And it certainly ensures one thing: we’re not going to stay in those relationships for the wrong reasons.
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drmaqazi · 2 years
What greater reason could there be to perform itikaf than to be kept away from the Hellfire? Here are some things about itikaf that you may not know. And even if you do, a reminder is always a powerful motivator!
↓ 1. There are 3 types of Itikaf
a) Sunnah itikaf: this is performed only in Ramadan and in the last ten days only. It is narrated by Aisha RA that,“The Prophet SAW used to practice itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice itikaf after him.” [Sahih Bukhari] The sunnah itikaf cannot be practiced outside of Ramadan.
b) Nafl itikaf: this is a nafl (voluntary) form of itikaf and can be done for any number of days (even a one-day itikaf) in which one decides to devote oneself to the worship and remembrance of Allah SWT.
c) Wajib itikaf: this form of itikaf is done when someone vows to do itikaf for two reasons: intention or condition. Meaning that a person could either vow to sit in itikaf just for the purpose of itikaf or vow to do it if a condition is fulfilled (for example, one could say, “If such-and-such thing happens, I will sit in itikaf.”)
Don’t forget to go through these Things To Do On Laylatul Qadr & Last Ten Days Of Ramadan.
↓ 2. Different Itikaf Rules For Men & Women
Itikaf is a spiritual practice that is practiced by both men and women. However, men can perform itikaf only in the mosque, whereas women should perform it in a room of their house. Some schools of thought allow women to perform itikaf in the mosque as well if proper segregational arrangements are made for them. In addition, women must ask their husbands for permission before itikaf. And no, this is not due to any patriarchy-related reason, but because of the sanctity of marital relations. This year, however, with the coronavirus preventing congregations, some schools of thought have allowed the itikaf to be performed at home. However, the majority maintains that itikaf for men is not valid anywhere other than the mosque.
↓ 3. Benefits Of Itikaf
Of all the itikaf benefits, the greatest one is that it strengthens a person’s relationship with Allah SWT
It makes the person more used to spending long hours (and days) in the worship of Allah SWT
It reminds Muslims that their purpose is to worship Allah SWT and takes them out of the worldly life that they were so caught up in
It strengthens their hearts against evils and the whisperings of Shaytan
It holds major rewards for Muslims
↓ 4. Conditions for Performing Itikaf
For anyone to perform the itikaf, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled for it to be valid.
The mutakif (one who does itikaf) must be Muslim
He/she must be of sound mind
Women must be permitted to sit for itikaf by their husbands
It is compulsory for men to perform it in the mosque
The intention for itikaf must be made, and it should be to please Allah SWT only
The mutakif should be in a state of wudhu.
The mutakif should be fasting. The Prophet SAW said, “The sunnah for the person in itikaf is that he should not visit the sick or attend funerals, or touch his wife or have intercourse with her, or go out for any but the most pressing of needs. There is no itikaf except with fasting and there is no itikaf except in a masjid.” [Abu Dawud] However, for medical conditions (not illness) it is permitted to sit in itikaf without fasting.
 5. Things Which Nullify The Itikaf
Wrong intentions for performing itikaf (such as to show off)
Leaving the masjid or place or itikaf (except for answering the call of nature). If a mutakif has no one to get them food or water, it is even permitted for them to go out and buy food but return as soon as possible.
Conducting business transactions
Sexual intercourse (including any other form of pleasure)
Menstruation or post-natal bleeding
Mutakif not being of sound mind or body
Any sinful act
We also recommend that you read our earlier post on Ramadan Duas Complete Collection & 30 Daily Duas For Ramadan
↓ 6. Kaffarah for Invalidating Itikaf On Purpose
If the itikaf of a person is broken on purpose (such as leaving the place of itikaf without any pressing need), they have to give kaffara, which is a penalty for breaking a commitment. The penalty for breaking the itikaf is to free a slave and if that is not possible, then to fast for 60 consecutive days, and if that is not possible, then feed 60 poor persons. If the itikaf is broken without meaning to (such as due to menstruation), then the person has to only make the qadha for it next year and there is no kaffara.
↓ 7. Preferred Acts of Ibadah For Mutakif 
Apart from the obvious worship like the obligatory prayers in congregation and taraweeh, there are other recommended acts of worship to undertake during itikaf:
Recitation and memorization of the Qur’an. There is no better time to learn more surahs than in the period that is devoted to itikaf
Istaghfar (repentance)
Voluntary prayers
Dhikr (remembrance of Allah SWT)
Learning and teaching others about Islam. While other conversations are discouraged, gatherings of Islamic knowledge are considered acts of worship.
A Word of Advice
While some rules of itikaf are universal, there are certain differences of opinion amongst schools of thought so it is better to consult a scholar from your own school of thought if you face any confusion apart from the ones we have already mentioned above.
I'tikaf at Home During Lockdown
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How To Perform Itikaf- 7 Facts About Itikaf You Should Know
Itikaf is a spiritual retreat practiced by Muslims, particularly in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. The word ‘itikaf’ literally means to ‘isolate’ or ‘devote oneself to something’. In this spiritual practice, Muslims confine themselves to a specified place such as a mosque and stay there for a certain number of days.
The Prophet SAW said in a hadith, “Whosoever for Allah’s sake did even one day’s itikaf, Allah would keep him away from Jahannam (Hellfire) by trenches.” [Tabarani]
0 notes
beckettsthoughts · 7 years
35 and 36 on the music asks?
also 25 i like 25
Thank you so much for asking!
25.   A song with a great music video
God, there are so many. Let me think for a moment, I’m going to have to list a few different ones I think:
Jenny by the Studio Killers
This video is entrancing. The colours and the animation both, they provide such a powerful backdrop to the strong euro-electro-pop beat that the Studio Killers are putting out in this. They chose a different style to their previous videos, going with a partially lineless two-dimensional style that works really well. While I can admit I love the videos where Chubby Cherry is three-dimensional, the new style works so well with Jenny and I’d be overjoyed to see it come back in future.
New Rules by Dua Lipa
I would be a dirty, dirty liar if I pretended that I haven’t watched this video upwards of twenty times since it’s release. Something about it is absolutely amazing, the choreography, the direction, the fluidity and of course, the song behind it. I want my own Dua Lipa style sleepover girl gang. It also seems to have been unanimously accepted as part of 2017 gay culture, at least it is amongst people I know.
Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz
Okay, this is iconic. The imagery of the windmill in this video is so uncharacteristically for the usually angular Gorillaz style, and it really stands out amongst their videos. It’s instantly recognisable and the video represents the mood shifts in the song so perfectly that I had to put this on here. If I had infinite time and space to answer this question I’d also dedicate a section to On Melancholy Hill, for what it’s worth.
Humble by Kendrick Lamar
This has got to go down in history as one of the best songs and videos of this year. The imagery is stunning. That’s all I can say, because it’s so hard to describe accurately how magnificent the whole thing feels.
Death of a Bachelor by Panic! at the Disco
Let’s be honest, there are many Panic! at the Disco songs I could list here. The Ballad of Mona Lisa, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, This Green Gentleman and Girls/Girls/Boys are equally deserving of a space on my list, as they all have compelling, unique styles to them and I highly recommend watching each and every one. Death of a Bachelor is on here entirely because of personal bias, because as someone who was raised listening to jazz standards of Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, this video is enchantingly fitting of the song. It’s sophisticated, a blend of classic and modern that suits the song, the black and white is done in a way to look both vintage and sharp. I’m charmed by the whole thing, honestly.
35.   A great song you discovered thanks to a movie
Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds
Okay, so technically I knew about this song before I watched The Breakfast Club. However, I still knew from the first time I heard it that it was the song from the end of The Breakfast Club, and it’s one of the reasons I wanted to watch what would become one of my favourite films. I loved the song and I wanted to know why it was so iconic, why both the song and the movie were so special. I then made all of my friends watch it with me on my sixteenth birthday because I like to use those kind of occasions to force my interests on a captive audience, and I recall they all liked the film as well. The song remains a favourite both for it’s unique, recognisable sound and it’s role in of my absolute favourite films, so I had to choose it for this answer.
36.   A great song you discovered thanks to television
Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve) by Buzzcocks
I grew up watching a lot of panel shows, and one of my favourites was Never Mind the Buzzcocks. It’s well-known for being a complete train-wreck, with arguments and insults and famous musicians storming off the set on multiple occasions, but the actual format was genius. While I only caught the last few series live, I’ve seen almost all of the episodes in re-runs and I believe NMTB was the first introduction I had to several amazing comedians, with Bill Bailey, Noel Fielding and Phill Jupitus having long-term roles as team captains and Simon Amstell hosting four whole series. Other memorable appearances include Catherine Tate, Amy Winehouse, Tony Blackburn, Lemmy, Stephen Fry, Jamelia and Dappy. Of course, the whole show is themed around music (hence the name, a mash-up of Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols and the band the Buzzcocks) but their theme tune, the Buzzcocks’ Ever Fallen In Love With Someone is an amazing track that I will likely forever have stuck in my head. It’s catchy, it’s a classic, and I’ll always associate it with the BBC’s most ‘interesting’ panel show.
A special mention goes to Run by Stephen Fretwell, which is best recognised as “that nice song from the Gavin and Stacey credits”. Simply because, well, it’s the nice song from the Gavin and Stacey credits, it’s pretty iconic and it just feels so comfortable and homely to me.
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