#Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon
augment-techs · 2 years
What Thoughts Come to Mind About Your Favorite Boom! Comics PR Ship (part 1)
Kim/Tommy: Puppy dog eyes from across the hall. Hair care routines. Boss girl and husband-wife. Promise rings. Getting ears pierced together at the mall and both getting an infection. Going to county fairs and participating in jam making or wine making and laughing like little loons when they get messy. Thinking that first love is a forever kind of thing. TomKat: Shared trauma inciting something of a protective nature. Falling asleep from exhaustion with their head on each other’s shoulder. Deep dislike for hypnosis or mind control as presented in movies--so they excuse themselves and go get more snacks at group outings. Coffee dates when studying at college that don’t feel romantic, but really nice. Calling each other at least once a week even when other sides of the country. Sort of just falling into romance by accident that felt totally natural. Jason/Trini/Zack: Shared tattoos in the shape of a lightning bolt with their shared Colors. Painting their shared living quarters together and trying not to trip over their draped furniture. Chores dealt out in order of ability--laundry, cooking, cleaning--unless there’s burnout approaching, in which they trade until equilibrium realigns. Sleeping together in a big bed in the middle of a warm summer day after making out for hours. The topic of children being discussed, but in a way that means they’ll never have any of their own--just fostering. Eating weird food from locations they’ve never visited and watching each other carefully in case there’s an allergy or bad reaction on the horizon. J.J./Anara: Back to back badasses. Late nights in a squad car scoping out a location and eating terrible food when joking about their commanding officers. Complete terror of the idea of the commitment involved in marriage as a legal necessity. Both being trans and hotter than anyone else they know but each other. Wanting tattoos, but both being terrified of needles so they decided to get exactly the same thing so they could hold hands between their chairs--a colored stripe down the spine, just between the shoulder blades, resembling a brush stroke, with darker stripes that will stand out more with age; autumn maple leaf for JJ and shiny green candy apple for Anara. Scorpina/Goldar: Ridiculous outfits for going undercover among the humans. No indoor voices. The smell of armor polish. Having much softer hair than they have any right to. Popping balloons with their fingernails at inappropriate times. Grossing out everyone they know when they act even remotely affectionate or...come out of their bedrooms without showering after a night together; ew. 
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antygabo14 · 7 months
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This is an idea i had for a power rangers team, if you wanna see the lore i posted it on my ko-fi for my spectacular tier of supporters
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fuckyeahjasonkimberly · 4 months
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we love a healthy family dynamic
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skyland2703 · 1 year
I do kinda adore this pairing~
I liked how Kat was there for Tommy when the shit with Kim's letter went down. It was done and dusted, and she was there to be a shoulder for him to cry on. She tried to cheer him up by taking him snowboarding and all that shit and asdfgbfbdvscnaddfh I JUST THINK THAT IS SO SWEET!!
I love their moments in Soul of the Dragon. I really don't like a lot of the aspects of that book and how they handled things, but Tommy and Kat's relationship really isn't one of those things. They're perfect. And it's really so sweet, that even when Tommy retires as a sixty year old professor, he's got someone to love and cherish him and they basically grow old together and aaaaaiaiiiiiiiii
THIS ONE is fairly recent. I know Once and Always didn't place a lot of focus on their relationship, but hhhhh that moment where she stands in front of the captured tommy action figure it just HITS SO DEEP. Her expression, when she extends her hand towards it. I feel like they're trying to say so much in that scene, from her eyes, and with JDF's passing irl, I think Catherine Sutherland really, really got it ON POINT. it was beautiful and my heart just. cries. AAAIIIIIIII
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Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship
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Soul of the Dragon Print by Alon Chou
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 year
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Happy 30th Anniversary to the first appearance of Tommy Oliver
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
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y'know it's been like four years since sotd came out and honest to god this is still the most satisfying win OF MY LIFE
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nitpickrider · 2 years
Jason David Frank 1973-2022
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This comic feels pertinent now. Rest in Peace to THE Power Ranger We all wear many masks He wore them better than most.
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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utilitycaster · 1 month
So far in campaign 3, 5 of the party have died and been resurrected and 2 have died permanently, with only Imogen, Dorian, and (presumably) Braius not dying ever. In campaign 2, again 5 of the party died and got resurrected over the whole thing with Beau, Yasha, and Kingsley surviving, and Molly permanently dying. BUT, in Vox Machina, everyone except Tary died at least once with the twins dying FOUR TIMES EACH and only Vax permanently dying. What do you think changed after the first campaign? Is it that Matt got “better” at scaling encounters, the players got better at staying alive, a group decision to take resurrection more seriously, or is it a total coincidence?
It’s just something I noticed all of a sudden tonight and I’m not sure if I’m just seeing something where there is nothing or if other people have noticed this too and have thoughts on why it is.
Hi anon,
I started to write up a massive and lengthy analysis this morning and realized it was not very good and that I had to leave for work in 20 minutes. Anyway I think it's mostly the players getting better at staying alive, mostly through party comp:
Vox Machina unexpectedly, for "Ashley got cast on a TV show that filmed in NYC" and "Tiberius's player sucks" reasons found themselves abruptly down not only a healer (most of the time) but an arcane caster, leaving Scanlan and Keyleth doing double and triple duty. Vex did a pretty impressive amount of healing for a ranger, actually, but only had touch heals and limited spell slots for them. Add the fact that Keyleth couldn't heal while in Wildshape until pretty much the endgame and Scanlan was absent for an arc, replaced by Tary, who could heal but was not a full caster, and that explains a lot.
Vox Machina also had two characters with relatively low HP/terrible con saves to go with it (the twins) and only one true, full-time tank (Grog). Vex and Percy were often out of healing range but could get hit by an AOE attack. Also, dragons are particularly lethal for AOE reasons and four of those deaths are Raishan, two from when they tried to get Raishan immediately after the Thordak fight.
Of Vox Machina's deaths, two of Vax's, one of Vex's, Keyleth's, and one of Grog's are all out of combat and primarily due to player choice. They got way better at not doing this (well, Vax's are kind of unavoidable, but we only had one in C2 of this nature with Veth and the Power Word Kill trap, and none in C3).
One VM death (two if you count the wedding one-shot) was a direct assassination vs. one in the Nein and none for Bells Hells.
Now consider:
The Mighty Nein and Bells Hells each have at least two tanks; Bells Hells has three. The Nein have two full clerics (*extremely tired voice* Jester actually is a very good healer, Caduceus is just exceptionally support-focused) even without Fjord and Yasha's healing. Bells Hells had one full time cleric, and now they have a full bard and a bard-paladin.
No one dumps CON anymore. If only I could get them to start dumping WIS again and stop dumping INT, but I digress.
People are getting better at checking for traps and not selling their souls to cursed items.
Otohan Thull's build is in fact, I must admit, pretty good and cool, her lack of any personality traits not withstanding, but her lethal nature is specifically because she exclusively faced a super tapped party in a situation where they couldn't get out of there. She is responsible for all 5 deaths that weren't a Bertrand Bell Clear Setup situation; I think if Bells Hells hadn't been trapped and tapped things might have gone differently, whereas Vox Machina often was like "rests are for SUCKERS" and got their asses beat in avoidable manners.
My other caveat is of course not to count your chickens before they're slaughtered, namely, while none of Vox Machina died in the final Vecna fight unless you count Vax, which I don't, Vecna did kill two of them earlier on, though; Vax permanently (the Raven Queen just let him hang out a bit longer). The Somnovem/Lucien hybrid killed two of the Mighty Nein in the final battle. Ludinus or Predathos could fucking level the party. Otohan could have gone much worse in episode 91 without many changes; that was the first time I've ever heard Matt talk like a TPK was potentially imminent. Some of this is also luck, and some of this with Bells Hells is that *Myst voice* the ending has not yet been written.
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howi99 · 5 months
Sword and sorcery AU omake
Jaune: So, with the fact i can now cast magic, does this mean i'm a wizard?
Ruby: But doesn't your power come from a ghost like patreon? Wouldn't that make you a warlock?
//I am not a demonic entity or a god! I didn't make a contract with you, did i?//
Jaune: He disagrees with your statement since i didn't make a contract.
Pyrrha: Maybe a grave cleric then?
Jaune: Are you my ancestor?
//I lived for thousands of years, you all ARE my descendents!//
Jaune: Doesn't seem to be that. So i guess it would be Wiz-
Ren: No, you aren't a Wizard Jaune. Wizard learns magic, yours comes naturally.
Jaune: A druid?
Nora: can you speak with plant and animal?
//I'm telling you right now, the answer is no//
Jaune: Nope... A sorcerer then?
//That... Kinda work. Though technically you are channeling my power... I'm beginning to think you might be a cleric.//
Jaune: *sigh* Am i freak, that's what i am.
Qrow: *getting dragon and dungeons edition 3.5* Hm... I think you might be a favored soul.
Jaune: What's that?
Qrow: Think paladin x cleric but without the express need of a god or need of study.
//Considering your Semblance seem to be able to "heal" and "boost", that does sound about right//
Ruby: ... So we have a cleric/paladin, a ranger, a rogue, a warrior, a barbarian and Qrow.
Qrow: You don't give me a class?
Ruby: *shrug* We need a dm.
Qrow: *sigh* Just my luck, i'm always the forever Dm
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augment-techs · 1 year
Hey umm!! Can I get a collection of all your commissioned art posts in one place somewhere 👀
...That's a LOT, honey. But lemme see...
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I also sincerely hope you mean the ones by @felonius-glitch because otherwise there is not NEARLY enough room.
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antygabo14 · 2 years
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Power rangers dragon soul
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fuckyeahjasonkimberly · 4 months
are you trying to say their relationship in the return is predatory? because if so, i'm going to need you to look up what that means before tossing claims like that around. aside from the fact that it doesn't make sense to given they were married as adults and he's still an adult, there's no way in the world they'd OK an actual predatory relationship for kid-friendly power rangers. seriously.
you don't like tommy/kim - that's your prerogative. but you sound silly. stop.
"are you trying to say" already phrasing it as 'trying to say' and ending it in a question mark, means I didn't say it. the closest I got to saying 'predatory' was posting that Chris Hansen meme, which was just in response to the ask I got about Chris Hansen. 🤷
but since we're here, let's talk about it a bit.
Tommy and Kim got married and had this child about 5 years give or take after graduation. so Tommy is certainly closer to Olivia's age than he is to Kimberly's at this point. he literally called them OLD right to their faces. took one look at them and it was the first words out of his mouth.
and tbh I'm not even an anti in terms of shipping. I don't particularly care if/how much a ship is considered 'problematic'. but it's still a very odd choice to go out of your way to take a ship that is perfectly normal and fine, and make it weird and uncomfortable on purpose. he could have just walked out of there with a beard and some crow's feet and no one would have questioned it.
& putting aside his physical age, it's evident he's also considerably younger mentally. he said he felt like he'd been gone for a few days, whereas it's been a good 20+ years for everyone else (actual numbers from the 30th anniversary special). so instead of growing into the role of Olivia's father organically, he's now expected to be a daddy to a girl who's practically old enough to move out and start paying taxes. not to mention being a husband to a woman who's been grieving him far longer than they were actually married.
he even says "now that there are no more power rangers, I don't know who I'm supposed to be" which shows it doesn't even occur to him to view himself as a husband and father. and to make matters worse, Kim doesn't even try to point this out herself, beyond insistently calling him her husband, which, he legally is not since 'Tommy Oliver' died. he's got a very basic and impersonal tombstone to prove it. he's gonna need an alter ego like miss Emma. i guess they'll be the "Phillips" family now.💀
but anyway instead of saying something like "we may not be power rangers, but we're a family, and you have an equally important job now", she instead launches directly into trying to get the team all back together and tells Tommy to 'train' Olivia instead of you know, parent her. but at least it shows she recognizes what Tommy really wants, which definitely isn't to play house with her. 💀💀
now, given that there is a clear resemblance between Tommy and Olivia, and they're obviously close in age, it's likely that almost everyone else is going to assume they're brother & sister rather than father & daughter. so it sure is gonna be fun when they go out for a nice family dinner and people think it's a single mom out with her two kids lmfao.
now imagine Jason's there and guess who people are gonna think the daddy is?
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theturncoattournament · 3 months
Do you love a character with a good redemption arc? Or a corruption arc? Or even just seeing the kind of storylines that emerge from a character who was formerly aligned with an enemy side decide to join a different one?
Then welcome to...
The Turncoat Tournament!
This is a tournament for characters who have changed sides at some point in the story. It can be from good to bad, bad to good, or from one morally ambiguous side to a different morally ambiguous side, as long as the change in allegiance is still clear. Characters can change sides multiple times, and ultimately end up returning to their original side, and still qualify for the tournament!
Due to the subject of the tournament itself being inherently spoiler-y, I will by default not be tagging posts with spoiler warnings. However, below I do have a list of all the pieces of media that have characters in the tournament; if you see something on this list that you do want spoiler tagged, please let me know, and I’ll start tagging it with spoiler warnings!
Media list:
(Arranged in alphabetical order)
2001: A Space Odyssey/2010: The Year We Made Contact
Ace Attorney/The Great Ace Attorney
Animation vs Minecraft
Arthurian legend 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bamse - Världens starkaste björn
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bungo Stray Dogs
Chess The Musical 
The Chronicles of Narnia
Code Geass
Critical Role (Campaign 2) 
Cult of the Lamb
DC Comics (Batfamily, Flash characters, Shazam family)
Devil May Cry
Doctor Who
Dog Man
Dragon Age: Inquisition 
Dragon Ball Z
The Evillious Chronicles 
Fable III
Fairy Tail
Fake Princess
Final Fantasy XIV
Game of Thrones
Genshin Impact
The Good Place
Gravity Falls
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
The Hunger Games
I Expect You to Die 3
The Incredibles 
Just Dance
Kingdom Hearts
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 
Kirby series
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords manga
The Librarians
The Locked Tomb
Machineries of Empire
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Comics (X-Men, Avengers) 
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Nan Quest
Once Upon A Time
One Piece
The Owl House
Pandora Hearts
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Person of Interest 
The Pirates of Penzance
Pirates of the Caribbean 
Portal 2
Power Rangers: Dino Fury
Pretty Cure (Fresh Precure, Kira Kira Precure a la Mode, Suite Precure, Hugtto Precure)
Provost’s Dog
Princess Tutu
Raya and the Last Dragon
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Sonic the Hedgehog OVA 
Soul Eater
Soul series (Soul Calibur/Edge) 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Wars (Prequels, Original trilogy, Rebels, Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic) 
Steven Universe
The Stormlight Archive
Sunless Sea
Tangled: The Series
Teen Titans (2003 series) 
Teen Wolf
Terminator films 
Tron Legacy
Vorkosigan Saga
Warrior Cats
Wings of Fire
Wolf 359
Young Justice
Yu Yu Hakusho
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Hello! Shaking my little tin can for beverlin dad lore please, you have very very good takes.
oh wow thanks! this might be a little more about the kid than about beverlin so sorry in advance if so
also shoutout to han, we had this conversation last night so some of these ideas were theirs or are inspired by theirs
beverly is terrified, when the idea takes hold, when he first sees a tiny little halfling baby that he is completely responsible for. but then he holds the kid. and the fear becomes less prominent.
it’s martha, and no one else, who reminds bev at one of his lowest and most terrified moments that he saved the world at 16 and this is slightly (only slightly) less scary than that. it helps. it wouldn’t have, if it came from anyone else.
moonshine is the one most aware of erlin’s struggles with confidence surrounding fatherhood. because she’s always in tune with others’ emotions and because he keeps stepping outside at night, where she happens to already be. when she addresses it, she turns him to cobb, because cobb had been a pretty damn good “father” to her and gives great advice. erlin is lighter after those conversations.
seeing hardwon holding a tiny halfling child melts many hearts. he swears up and down to protect that child from any harm that may come their way, but also knows he’ll have to get in line if it happens.
a few months into their life, baby toegold-kindleaf makes the trip to shadowfell to meet their other grandparents. redd says “that sure is a baby” in the proudest, most choked up voice possible. erlin hugs him for three minutes in response. bev sr won’t stop crying. lydia is also enamored by the child.
bev and erlin know that if they get overwhelmed, there are several people willing to swoop in and help them out. it takes a village and they have a damn good village.
this baby’s best friend growing up is big bev. a whole freaking dragon. they share the three most powerful and terrifying grandmothers in all of bahumia. their mischief worries and entertains their parents to no end. the toegold-kindleaf is the only official dragon rider for big bev.
bev retires from the green knights when he becomes a dad. it’s so early, but he wants to be there for his kid. his dad was good but he had so much doubt about his dads love at his lowest moments. he’d do anything to make sure his kid never had those thoughts.
bev teaches the kid silly little pranks. they drive erlin up the wall but he’s always so happy to see them happy. hardwon is a little less enamored with the pranks. vows vengeance (on beverly). and absolutely gets him back through his child.
the kid is a divine soul sorcerer. all the gods who love beverly and erlin knew they didn’t want to fight over who their pact would be to, so they combined powers and gifted them some innate magic. this is another terrifying thing, as parents. innate magic in your toddler. jolene is a great source of advice on this.
big bev also teaches the kid how to swim. this was not a well thought out plan, black dragons are amphibious. after some scares, it works out eventually. beverly is not allowed within 100 yards of swimming lessons.
hardwon teaches the kid how to braid hair, with moonshine and cobb’s help. turns out flowers are similar to mushrooms when it comes to braiding. but a bit easier.
when the kid decides they want to learn how to fight, they have a lot of offers for who will teach them, including jolene’s pragmatic suggestion that they just learn from some crick rangers without bias. the kid asks auntie moonie to teach them. hardwon is livid. bev is hurt. erlin laughs for ten minutes.
at the end of the day, this child is loved by everyone around them. but especially their dads. who wrap their child with so much love and support that they never for a second doubt any of that love.
ooooops this got so long. oh well here you go. thanks for the ask!!!
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