#Potato vs Spoon
daily-tallyhall · 14 days
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potato vs spoon, the ultimate enemies to lovers
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mx-heartacoustic · 3 months
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petermorwood · 1 year
Follow-up, as promised...
Further to this post, I went rummaging.
My stars, it turns out we've got some serious goodies at the back of the cupboard.
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They've all been here long enough that @dduane and I will eat well this next week or so, but the first of them, mentioned often by Dracula Daily...
...“We left in pretty good time, and came after nightfall to Klausenburgh. (Cluj) Here I stopped for the night at the Hotel Royale (AFAIK, fictional) I had for dinner, or rather supper, a chicken done up some way with red pepper, which was very good but thirsty. (mem. get recipe for Mina.) I asked the waiter, and he said it was called “paprika hendl” and that, as it was a national dish, I should be able to get it anywhere along the Carpathians.”
...is this one.
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This is a standard bung-it-in-the-microwave ready meal (3 mins / 700w, wait 3 mins, eat) but there's no reason why it can't be prettied up a bit.
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Taste report: the flavour was creamy, buttery, paprika-y, and entirely pleasant (if there were more of these I would scoff them) and the Nockerl (mini dumplings) were properly al dente and excellent, but it was by no means "thirsty", by which I assume spicy-hot. Okay, it wasn't labelled as such, but it was even milder than any Paprikahendl I've eaten in a restaurant.
I suspect that, like most ready-meals of this kind, including curries and chili-con-carne, its spice level has been dialled down to Avoid Shocking The Customers, though TBH most German / Austrian dishes labelled Scharf, Feurig or Würzig (all meaning spicy or hot) have been lacking in the oomph department, at least for me. (Some haven't, which is always a pleasant surprise.)
I'm going to make my own Paprikahendl in the next while because I got some sweet and hot paprikas from Polonez in Dublin, and right now, DD is in the process of making Paprikaente, based on several Paprikahendl recipes and a couple of duck breasts found at the back of the freezer. I don't know if that's authentic or not, but it smells great and I don't care. :->
I've suggested in another post why Jonathan Harker found this dish "thirsty".
It wasn't because he he had a wimpy English palate unaccustomed to spicy food - the Edwardian era was familiar with fiery curries from Raj India, and even featured cayenne pepper as a table condiment, complete with its own caddy and (often devil-topped) spoon...
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My opinion was that Paprikahendl (Austrian) / Paprikás csirke (Hungarian) was a peasant dish, with the main part of the meal a big dish of noodles or dumplings. Those would be perked up with a sauce based on some elderly chicken which had stopped laying, well-spiced so a little could flavour a lot.
Those noodles have lots of names - nockerln on the packet I posted, also nokoldel, csipetke, spaetzle, tarhhonya and so on - and were what filled people up, with the meat accompaniment more of a relish or seasoning. In the same way, for instance, Yorkshire Pudding used to be served with gravy as a first course, so the second course of meat would go further.
Rice / bread / couscous/ pasta / mian / potatoes / fufu / polenta etc. did the same; many of these are served alongside rich, spicy, buttery etc. dishes and are now suggested as fire extinguishers for "over-hot" foods because the proportions of bland vs rich / spicy have shifted.
Back when, dinner would have been lots of name-the-regional-bland carbohydrate, along with a little bit of over-hot (or -garlicked or -herby or -smoked-bacon / sausagey) protein, which might have tasted excessive alone but would have given flavour to all that bland.
Side-note: it's another possible reason, besides conspicuous consumption, for lots of spice in (rich people's) medieval dishes; in winter and spring, all that spice would have made smoked / salted / dried meat more interesting.
The business of "spices masked bad meat" is rubbish, and originated as recently as 1939 thanks to historian J.C. Drummond, who didn't know what "green" meant in food context. Green cheese = fresh cheese, green meat = un-aged meat.
Drummond assumed a recipe to change the flavour of "green venison" was to cover that it had gone off. It was in fact meant to tenderise it as if hung a few days in the cold store, but "medieval people were primitive" has always been more acceptable pop history than "medieval people were pretty smart".
Harker, eating the chicken-and-sauce as The Meal (Stoker doesn't mention accompaniments or Bulk Carbs like noodles, spaetzle, etc. so you'll have to trust me), would have been like someone taking a swig of hot sauce or chomp of chilli pickle and then declaring the entire meal over-spiced or "thirsty", unaware of the proper proportions of What Goes With What.
A hotter, spicier, "thirstier" Paprikahendl would definitely go with a big mound of these little noodles, so I plan to see - and taste - how it'll work.
And how it'll look, too. :->
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skamenglishsubs · 5 months
How do you think Simon's family vs. the Royal Family would celebrate Midsummer? Would Simon and Wille have the same traditions? And a Wilmon question: how do you think Simon and Wille would celebrate Midsummer together in a happy future where they live together?
Midsummer celebrations in Sweden typically have public parts and private parts, and every family arranges and participates in it however they like. There's no one true way of celebrating it.
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There is usually a big meal, lunch, or late lunch, or dinner, or a lighter lunch and then a dinner. There's a bunch of traditional food that goes with this, so expect pickled herring, gravlax, smoked salmon, cheese pies, new potatoes, potato salad, and strawberries or strawberry cake. Some bring out the grill and have a barbecue. People usually drink Snaps and Akvavit, and beer or wine or whatever you like.
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There is usually a maypole, either a big one in a common field, or you can have a small one in your garden. You can pick flowers and leaves to decorate it, and if it's a big one, you have to be a large group to raise it.
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There is usually dancing around the maypole, it's mostly an activity for the smaller children, teenagers usually shun it because of how "lame" it is, parents do it for their kids, or to embarrass their kids, and everyone's grandparents can join. There might be games afterward, a sack race, egg-and-spoon race, or any other form of light-hearted silly group competition, mostly for kids, maybe for adults.
There can be a late evening party, maybe there's a dance floor, maybe there's music, probably a lot of alcohol, and it's not really an activity for the smallest kids. Party all night and pass out in a field is always an option.
What people do depends on where they spend their midsummer, in the city, or out in the countryside, with friends, or at your family's summer house. It depends on what's being organised in your location, maybe there's a huge maypole with tons of people dancing, maybe there's nothing. Maybe you eat the meals with just your family, maybe at a large gathering of friends and family, or maybe as a picnic in a public park.
Everyone is free to pick and choose how to do it, which means it's very difficult to answer the question. Google tells me that the real-world Swedish royal family celebrates it mostly in private at their summer castle Solliden on Öland. They might make a public appearance during the day, or they might just send a midsummer greeting.
As for the Eriksson family, that depends on what's going on in Bjärstad. They most likely don't have a summer house, but maybe the football club is arranging something on the football field for all the kids who are still at home for midsummer?
Wilhelm and Simon? Your guess is as good as mine, I hope they have a great midsummer together with their friends.
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tally-polls · 3 months
Favorite T.H.I.S. episode?
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thessalian · 27 days
Thess vs Food Prep
Fish pie - moderate success. Required more garlic, maybe some dill, definitely more filling in general because I have a feeling that their baking tray is smaller than mine. Still, definitely has potential. Not too spoon-intensive if you're using pre-made mashed potato, recipe will go up on the Spoonie Chef blog as soon as I've properly perfected it.
Chocolate chip cookie dough - again, moderate success. It's currently setting in the fridge so I can roll it into easy-slice tubes later. I mean, chocolate chip cookie dough is great because it'll keep and you can even freeze it, so you don't have to bake the whole batch all at once.
I have more snack ideas to implement tomorrow - mostly the old standby of rice krispie treats and maybe brownies. Possibly snickerdoodles. I just like to have the snacks around, y'know? And since I now have most of the ingredients for this stuff, might as well use it. I should put the recipe I use for rise krispie treats on the Spoonie Chef blog too, since it's a relatively easy thing and I kind of do the "by guess and by gosh" thing with the ingredients anyway.
Of course, I do have a little big of a logic puzzle to do about the various food-bits at this point. See, I know full well that fish doesn't keep particularly long, so I probably want to either eat the leftovers fast or put some of them in the freezer (which is a little ... erm ... crowded). However, while the chicken I bought could wait a couple of days (its use-by date is Tuesday), I'm not sure I can trust use-by dates on this shit and also, frankly, I will probably not have enough spoons on Tuesday to carve a chicken. So I guess chicken tomorrow with a lot of its leftovers going into the freezer for use in yet more batch cooking. Also I should cook it early so I have a decent amount of time to boil the carcass for stock. I have found to my delight that whoever reassured me that I should be striving for "the chicken jelly" was entirely spot-on, and it turns out I'm pretty damn good at getting stock to "chicken jelly" consistency. So ... yeah, between the stock, the sliced-up breasts, and two chicken leg quarters, I'm going to get aaaaaaaaaaall the best use out of that there chicken. And the herb garden, obviously. Because seriously, the treatment I give my roast chicken ends up with it being "literally falls off the bone" tender.
Don't mind me - I'm just very proud of myself sometimes. I may not remember to eat as often as I maybe should, but damn can I cook. Plus I can still cook at least partly on a budget, even though a lot of my food is more expensive because of dietary restrictions.
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achronicwitch · 3 months
Saturday, June 22, 2024
12 Week Year 3.1-7
I'm feeling better today, but being unable to do anything for most of the week has kicked up my intermittent executive dysfunction. Whee! So I'll be going down my Executive Function List and giving myself small treats along the way.
Morning Pills
Hair Care
Wash My Face
Brush My Teeth
Freshen Up
Moisturize Me!
Make the Beds
Get Dressed
25-Minute Writing Sprint
Update Journals
General Tidy
The kids and grandgoblins are going to Pride in a nearby "city" with DIL's stepmom and half-sibs. I want to go! But a) I'm not medically up to it and b) every seat in the car is already full. I've been promised pictures, but 😿
I got a water pick the other day. We've been meaning to get one for a while, but I've never used one in my life until 10:50 am today. I turned it on and I -- my hand on the bosom of Gaia -- I haven't been pelted with water like that since the time I was caught out in a hurricane. Splutter! Choke! What the fuck?! I got soaked. The bathroom got soaked. It took two full paper towels to dry everything off. Holy shit! But at least my teeth and the bathroom are both clean now. Shit.
I considered just staying in my loungies today, but getting dressed on days that I have even one spoon has become a principle of the matter. I'm wearing my pink and yellow tie-dyed t-shirt with copper studs, plus my Pansexual Pride head covering.
I'm solidifying my story's theme, now that I've written the roughest drafts and can see what I'm working with. Looks like I've got a 'appearances vs. reality' situation going on.
I was awake and moving at 10:00 am, and I'm started to lose steam as of 12:40 pm. Complete 'crawl the hell back to bed' happened at 1:15 pm and I slept until 5:00 pm. I woke up feeling pretty good. I still took an hour to watch tv shows and play games before hopping back on the list where I left off.
That last bit is a big change for me. Before when I went through shutdown I would consider the day a wash, stay in bed, and potato for the rest of the day whether or not I felt better after a nap. It's a different beast to get up and get back into it. I may not get much more done but I feel better about myself and my capabilities.
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audiovisualrecall · 8 months
Dad has am mri tomorrow to check on treatment progress, so they're having him on a clear liquid diet today till after the imaging tomorrow
And it sounds absolutely awful. Which I'm trying to go 'okay but it's actually better than fasting on Yom Kippur except it's for a longer amount of time except he can and in fact has to drink (and eat, even if they're all liquids or jello or ices...), so it's not really that bad? But normally we eat a lot the night before fasting, and last night we just ate normal, if filling and hearty, food. Specifically something gentle on the stomach and unlikely to cause problems. But no potatoes or big amounts of food. So idk. I mean at least he doesn't Have to go anywhere today, he can just sit around and stuff, vs fasting where we go to shul and stand and get up and down a million times for several hours (and then rest and then do it again for a few hrs before break fast).
But also it just sounds like no fun. Soup, jello, fruit juice, tea, lemonade, gatorade, ice pops, more soup, he can have honey or jelly but he's not me - I will eat those off the spoon or knife - I guess he can put honey in his tea or have some as a snack if he ends up wanting to. Also the ices and jello are both red (as is the Gatorade he prefers) and the red food coloring might be an issue for the test?? Not sure. I guess if his drs didn't say then maybe it's not a problem? But ugh.
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lorelaiislatte · 2 years
hi. as an Experienced Adult, any tips for cooking/meal prepping for someone who hates cooking, is lazy, and can’t afford a takeaway meal more than once or twice a week? most days all i can do is put a pot of pasta on and anxiously wait for the 6-10 min to be up, but i’m getting tired of pasta now.
ok SO a few of my go-to non-pasta usually-depression meals are as follows:
1) noodles, soy sauce, ready-to-eat chicken/seitan if ur veggie/vegan. that’s it. cook the noodles, stir fry ‘em for a couple of mins with chicken and if you’ve got some veggies that cook quickly throw those in, douse that shit in soy sauce and off you go. whole process including noodles will take less than ten mins
2) the difference in a cold sandwich vs a warm sandwich is astronomical. make some sandwiches, keep ‘em in the fridge, launch ‘em in a frying pan or microwave and heat ‘em up for a hot meal, will legit take less than five mins regardless of what you put in them
3) ready meals. microwaveable ones. next time you go grocery shopping get a selection of seasonings if you don’t have them already, so you can make said microwave meals taste a bit better. basic list: salt, black pepper, cayenne, paprika, garlic, dried oregano, dried red pepper flakes. if your budget is tight then drop this down to salt, garlic, and red pepper flakes. not sure where you are in the world but if you can get the lil tins/packets of spanish or (surprisingly) hungarian paprika they’re usually pretty cheap and also just….the best.
4) when you do get takeout, make sure you’re getting stuff that you can also use as leftovers - pizza is usually a good option for this, as it’s quick and easy to reheat. i try to get a dominos large on one of their coupon deals and that lasts usually three meals worth of food
5) smoothies r also v good for breakfast/lunch options if you have a blender and like fruit - just chuck a load of whatever in and you’re good to go
6) pre-cooked meat can be a bit more expensive, but what you spend in money you make up for in energy/focus/time saved. it’s so easy to throw in a sandwich, on pasta, noodles, basically any carb of your choosing, or even to eat with soulless glassy eyes out of the packet at midnight when you’re trying to stave off a protein deficiency. not that i’d know. shredded cheese is also handy to just throw on whatever, and helps get your dairy intake up a bit
while these aren’t all the most nutritionally balanced meals i come from a place of autism sensory issues plus eating disorder recovery, so i very heavily agree with the philosophy of shitty food is better than no food at all, and that’s def something to remember
when it comes to cooking generally, i also fucking Hate the effort and don’t have the spoons to spend, so try to time it to when you’ve got other shit to do to make the time pass faster. jacket potatoes are great for this cos they take hours to cook but you can throw them in the oven and forget about them the whole time (just make sure you set a timer). butter, cheese, and chives on them is a lifesaver. bring something to watch or listen to
if you only have the focus/energy/etc to cook very basic stuff, try to prioritise carbs, protein, and veggies. get some multivitamins too to make sure you’re still getting a full balance of stuff, but sometimes it’s less about being a dieticians favourite and more about just getting through the day, so don’t feel bad about cutting corners when ya need
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in--other--words · 2 years
Patatas Bravas Recipe
Week 3, day 4 of prepolyglot’s langblr reactivation challenge
Translated from this recipe in Spanish
Easy Patatas Bravas Recipe
Patatas bravas is a dish which is very typical of Spanish cuisine. It is usually served in tapas bars. It consists of fried or baked potatoes accompanied by a spicy sauce. There is no original recipe for this dish, but there are dozens of variations ranging from frying vs baking the potatoes to the ingredients used for the sauces (there are versions even without tomato). Also when it comes to serving time, they can be accompanied by mayonnaise, garlic sauce or aioli sauce. If you are someone who loves this delicious starter, you have surely asked yourself on many occasions how to make patatas bravas like they do in bars. On this occasion, we'll make an easy patatas bravas recipe which will definitely remind you of the ones you get in your favourite bar.
Ingredients for 4 people:
4 medium potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 onion
1 spoonful of spicy cayenne pepper
1 splash of white vinegar
50g tomato passata
1/2 spoonful of flour
approx 100ml chicken or pork stock
salt and pepper
olive oil
Heat a splash of olive oil in a pan on a medium heat. Once it's hot, add the finely chopped garlic and onion. Season and stir until the onion has softened slightly (approx 10 minutes)
Add the cayenne pepper and stir for approx 5 seconds. If you like them even spicier, you can add a chilli or some tabasco. Then add the vinegar and stir for 20 seconds more, before adding the tomato passata, stirring some more and leaving to cook for 5 minutes.
It's now time to add the flour. This will thicken the sauce. Stir again and leave to cook, still on a moderate heat, for about 3 minutes, to toast the flour and get rid of the raw taste.
With all this now cooking, add the stock which can be chicken or pork stock. You can also use stock cubes and water, or just water although the flavour won't be the same. Mix all the ingredients and then blend the sauce. It should be mostly liquid but with some thickness. If it's very greasy, add a bit more stock (try not to throw it away before blending, to be able to correct it afterwards).
Peal the potatoes and roughly chop them. Patatas bravas are usually served in big chunks. Fry them in plenty of oil for around 10 minutes, until they are golden and crunchy.
Once cooked, taken them off the heat and place them on kitchen roll. Add a pinch of salt and leave to sit a couple of minutes before plating up. Drizzle with some spoonfuls of the salsa and they're ready!
As I said above, there is no original recipe for patatas bravas. Some say the most original ones don't have tomato, just cayenne pepper, but there's no proof that this is true. In any case this isn't the most important thing. The most important thing is that they are delicious!
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missguomeiyun · 2 years
Pork & Parmesan Patties (HelloFresh)
Hi........ so I was missing ingredients in this package .. actually, I didn’t even notice but I was missing garlic in previous recipe with the chicken risotto -.-” I used what I had in my fridge...
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I didn’t get rosemary AT ALL. & also, the quality of both the sweet potato & broccoli wasn’t great, esp the sweet potato. There were a lot of little roots & things & I had to get rid of. Similar to the carrot in the pasta dish, I didn’t end up with a lot of sweet potato... decent amount, I guess, but I had to get rid of more than I wanted to.
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But let’s get started.
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I changed up a LOT of the procedure for this one bcos. .. it just didn’t appeal to me, the instructions >.<
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Problem with the broccoli. .. there were some ‘yellow’ parts that were getting slightly mushy. The ends also had to be cut. .. Unlike the pre-packaged spinach, pls wash AND assess before use!
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Sweet potato in air fryer. I think I did total 23mins at 340degrees? I don’t remember. I did it in 3 intervals bcos I was flipped them, & then realized they weren’t fully cooked.
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I just broiled the broccoli bcos. .. takes less time!
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The lean pork plus all the patties ingredients (breadcrumb, seasoning, & cheese) didn’t actually stick together. I used chopsticks at first, then switched to spoon & that didn’t work. I was trying hard to avoid using hands but in the end, I gave in, & it still didn’t form a ball/patty.. .
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So I just pan-fried the WHOLE thing.
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Turned out ok. Just large piece vs smaller pieces lol I’m the primary eater anyway so whatever.
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I didn’t take a picture of the sauce-making but it was very simple. Mix the cream sauce, onion, & the broth concentrate with water & stir/keep on low heat until onions cooked.
Altogether, this meal was a let-down. The quality of the veggies wasn’t great. The sauce & the patties were delicious though. Umm. .. I don’t recommend this due to my experience =/ .. 5/10 - bcos 2/4 parts were good & 2/4 parts were not good. I’m simple =D
Interesting thing with the onion.. .
My last dish, which is coming soon in a post, also features a gravy sauce & that package came with an actual onion, as opposed to already chopped up onions. I’m not sure what differentiates/determines which dishes get the onion package vs actual onion. If anyone knows, pls tell me. Bcos I hate cutting onions -.-”
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theempanadasking · 2 months
Authentic Argentinian Empanadas | The Empanada's King
A Culinary Journey Through the History
Argentinian empanadas are more than just a simple snack; they are a tradition that reflects the rich history and culture of Argentina. This delicious dish has its roots in colonial times, with influences from Spanish cuisine and indigenous techniques. Over the centuries, Argentinian empanadas have evolved, becoming an icon of the national cuisine. Each region of Argentina has added its own touch and variations
The Origin and Evolution
The history of Argentinian empanadas begins with the arrival of Spanish colonizers in the 16th century. They brought with them the tradition of the empanada, a dish that was already popular in Spain and dates back to Moorish times. In Argentina, empanadas adapted to local ingredients and indigenous culinary traditions. Beef, which became a staple of Argentine cuisine, replaced other types of meat, and local
Authentic Ingredients 
The magic of Argentinian empanadas lies in the quality of their ingredients and the variety of their fillings. From the classic beef empanada, with a juicy filling of beef, onion, egg, and olives, to more creative versions with chicken, ham and cheese, or even spinach for vegetarians. The dough, made with flour, water, and fat, is the secret to achieving a crispy and golden texture
The basic ingredients for a traditional beef empanada include high-quality beef, onion, hard-boiled egg, olives, and a mix of spices such as cumin, sweet paprika, and chili powder. However, there are countless regional and family variations, each with its own unique combination of ingredients
Regions and Their variations
Each region of Argentina has its own version of the empanada, and each one is worth exploring. Tucumán empanadas, for example, are famous for their juiciness and intense flavor, while Salteña empanadas tend to be spicier and contain potatoes in the filling. Mendoza empanadas are known for their knife-cut beef filling, which gives them a uniq
Traditional Argentinian Empanadas
500g of ground b
2 large
2 hard-boiled eggs,
Green olives, slic
Spices: cumin, sweet pa
Empanada dough (available at supermarkets
Cook the Filling: In a large skillet, sauté the onion until golden. Add the beef and cook until well done. Add the spices and mix well.
Add Eggs and Olives: Incorporate the chopped hard-boiled eggs and sliced olives. Mix and let cool.
Fill the Empanadas: Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each dough circle. Fold the dough over the filling and seal the edges with a fork or by crimping.
Bake: Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F). Place the empanadas on a baking sheet and bake until golden, about 20 minutes.
Variations and Creativity in the Kitchen
In addition to traditional empanadas, creativity in Argentine cuisine has led to many other variations. Chicken empanadas, for example, are a delicious and popular alternative. They are prepared similarly to beef empanadas but with shredded chicken and a mix of vegetables such as bell peppers and carrots.
Ham and cheese empanadas are another favorite option, especially among children. The filling of ham, cheese, and a pinch of oregano perfectly combines with the crispy dough. For vegetarians, spinach and cheese empanadas are a healthy and delicious choice. Fresh spinach, combined with ricotta cheese and spices, makes these empanadas light and flavorful.
Fried vs. Baked Empanadas
In Argentina, empanadas can be cooked in two main ways: fried or baked. Fried empanadas, typical of the northern region, have a crispy texture and an irresistible flavor. They are fried in fat or oil until golden and served hot. Baked empanadas, on the other hand, are more common in the central and southern regions of the country. They are cooked in the oven until the dough is golden and crispy. Both versions are delicious, each with its own charm.
Argentinian Empanadas Around the World
The popularity of Argentinian empanadas has crossed borders. Nowadays, it is common to find restaurants and food trucks offering this delicacy in cities around the world. Each bite is an invitation to explore Argentina's rich culinary heritage. In countries such as the United States, Spain, and Australia, Argentinian empanadas have earned a prominent place in the culinary scene, thanks to their unmistakable flavor and versatility.
The Importance of Empanadas in Argentine Culture
In Argentina, empanadas are not just food; they are an integral part of the culture and social life. Empanadas are enjoyed at family gatherings, celebrations, and parties. They are a popular picnic food and a perfect appetizer for any occasion. In many families, the preparation of empanadas is a tradition passed down from generation to generation, with secret recipes and special techniques to make the best crimping.
Tips for Making the Best Empanadas
If you want to make Argentinian empanadas at home, here are some tips to ensure they are perfect:
Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh, high-quality ingredients for the filling.
Rest the Dough: Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before using it. This will make it easier to work with and crispier when baked.
Don't Overfill: Don't put too much filling in each empanada. This can make it difficult to close them and cause them to open during cooking.
Firm Crimping: Make sure to seal the edges well. You can use a fork to press the edges or do the traditional crimping with your fingers.
Oven Temperature: Preheat the oven and make sure it is well heated before placing the empanadas. This will help them cook evenly and turn golden.
Visit Us and Try the Best Empanadas
At our restaurant, we take pride in offering authentic Argentinian empanadas prepared with love and the best ingredients. Whether you prefer the traditional beef or want to experiment with new flavors, we have an option for every taste. Visit us and discover why Argentinian empanadas are so beloved around the world! Our commitment is to provide a unique dining experience where each bite transports you to the corners of Argentina.
Argentinian empanadas are more than just a dish; they are an essential part of Argentina's cultural identity. Whether you make them at home following a traditional recipe or enjoy them at our restaurant, each empanada is a celebration of Argentina's rich culinary heritage. Don't wait any longer and let yourself be seduced by the irresistible taste of Argentinian empanadas!
Enjoy authentic Argentinian empanadas at The Empanada's King. Explore a variety of flavors and fillings, handmade with care to bring you the true taste of Argentina.
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ilopisara · 5 months
13.05. 22:06 | Ilo Pisara vs NYMAN HOKKEY 2 - 3
Ladies and gentlemen of Ilo Pisara, gather around for a tale of woe and missed opportunities. Our latest performance against NYMAN HOKKEY was like watching someone try to cut steak with a spoon – frustratingly ineffective! With only 13 shots on goal compared to their 22, it's clear our strategy was more about hope than precision. VETOJA HYVÄT HERRAT! Teppo Winnipeg seemed to think he was playing hot potato rather than hockey, passing when we needed him shooting. And Yuri Tarde? Sure, he managed seven shots but must have thought the net was as wide as an ocean - yet still missing the boat entirely except once. Jani Saari hit everything but the lottery with his efforts; at least he found the back of the net once amidst his demolition derby out there. This game wasn't just a loss; it was a comedy show without laughs—time to sharpen those skates AND aim because right now, we're about as threatening as a kitten in mittens on ice. Remember folks: history is written by victors not victims. Let’s not make our legacy one of could-have-beens and should-have-shot-mores. Onward Ilo Pisara! Next time let's turn those spoons into swords and carve up some victories!
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drogba-prospect · 11 months
Scalloped Potatoes vs. Au Gratin Potatoes: What's the Difference? - The Forked Spoon
Greetings Julius Maada Bio Idris Elba,
The exact origin of scalloped potatoes is unknown, although it is believed to have originated in England.
This is a great dish for High Cuisine.
Ezra Hughes
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thessalian · 8 months
Thess vs The Weekend Spoon Budget
Well, I have a whole weekend all to myself (which is me looking at the bright side of "My Saturday D&D shenanigans had to be cancelled again this week). Of course, I guess it's not technically all to myself because I suppose I should put those spoons towards household chores etc. So it's another Thess Is A Motherfucking Adult weekend ... to a point. See, the actual chores list goes something like "clean out the fridge, take out the trash and the recycling (which is not easy if you're me), and do some laundry". However, there are some other things that aren't quite chores but are sort of chores because they probably need doing by the standards of making my life easier but don't necessarily need doing by the standards of good housekeeping etc.
See, while I did not get tapped for overtime this week, some of it's still the same old bullshit. We seemed to be doing better typing-wise towards the end of the week (and that was with New Girl being away, so I dunno what's up with that), but I did get stuck with all the long-ass complicated bits of typing and the shit no one likes to do because the accents involved are a trial. Also they're trying to catch up with months of placenta reports so if I see one more fucking placenta form I am going to scream. Anyway, point is, not overtime-busy, but busy. And that's made things like lunch fall by the wayside. I don't generally have time or spoons to throw something together, even a sandwich. Too many steps involved in making a sandwich. So I don't want this to be a recurring thing, obviously. Food is good.
Now, I figured out how to make potato salad the other week. Which is good, because I like potato salad. So I thought, why not make other things like that, that I can just slop into a bowl and eat? So I thought chicken macaroni salad, and I do have all the ingredients for that, I think. So there's going to be boiling some macaroni, cooking some chicken, letting it all cool and Mixing Things. Stuff like that.
Of course, I also kind of want to fill the cookie jar. Now, if I want chocolate chip cookies (and I do), I'm going to have to make some cookie dough to chill. I do want to make more snickerdoodles. Maybe more three-ingredient peanut butter cookies. On top of that, I still have two more bananas left so I can make more banana bread (I kinda ate all my banana bread). So Things For Nibbles in the house. Problem is, with some of this stuff, I do need a couple of more ingredients. Sugar, for one. Eggs, because the corner shop only had medium eggs (which are going to become hard-boiled eggs so I can have some easy protein). Unsalted butter. Sour cream for the banana bread. Also I'm low on garlic salt and that cannot be allowed to stand. Soooooooo that means I probably have to go out farther than the corner shop today. Woe. I mean, I'd go to the little Co-Op down the road, but their selection is woeful. Eh, at least it's not miserably cold.
Right. Time to spend some spoons doing the Adulting Shit. Then I can go out and pick up stuff, and then come back home and do more Adulting Shit, and maybe have enough time and spoons to have some fun later.
Sometimes being an adult sucks, but at least it'll make for good eating later.
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the-kamaa · 1 year
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