#Polar Seafoods
narwhalandchill · 11 months
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i should qualify for an award. or a diagnosis. either goes tbh
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sirius-nightstream · 2 years
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Something i’ve been neglecting to upload for MONTHS now.
Fishers Five.  A fangame centered around Sonic’s larger friends. If the fangame angle fails, it becomes a mod for something.
Team A includes Big, Vector, and Storm Team B includes Rotor and Bark Sonic is just here for scale
No telling when i’ll make more significant progress. But it’s my only current project at the moment.
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Smoked Trout and Cucumber Toast
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Whether you choose to make this Smoked Trout and Cucumber Toast your breakfast or a light lunch, it is a beaut as it is tasty (and if you opt for the latter, a glass of well-chilled Chardonnay pairs nicely with it!)
Ingredients (serves 1):
1 slice soft polar bread
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened
3/4 Garden Mesclun, rinsed and spin-dried
1/4 cucumber, rinsed
about 30 grams/1 ounces smoked trout
freshly cracked black pepper
a drizzle of olive oil
Place polar bread onto serving plate, and spread generously with butter.
Arrange Garden Mesclun on top.
Cut cucumber into four thin slices, and halve these.
Arrange cucumber slices and smoked trout onto the Mesclun. Sprinkle, to taste, with cracked black pepper, and drizzle with a little olive oil.
Enjoy Smoked Trout and Cucumber Toast immediately.
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atsvensson · 2 years
Brim blir delägare i danskt fiskhandelföretag
Det isländska fiskeriföretaget Brim Hf har köpt 50% av Polar Seafood Denmark A/S. Ägare av resterande 50% är det grönländska fiskeriföretaget Polar Seafood Greenland A/S som är Grönlands största privata fiskeriföretag. Brim hf är Islands största fiskeriföretag vad gäller hemmamarknaden och det näst största om även internationell verksamhet räknas in så är dock Samherji störst. Aktierna som ägs…
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zumicho · 3 months
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karasuno + nekoma aquarium date headcanons
© zumicho all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, steal, plagiarize, or translate my works on any platform.
♥︎ .ᐟ.ᐟ nishinoya, kenma, daichi, kuroo, kags
TAGS / CWS: fluff just fluff
— is the one who asked to go
— CLINGS to you and pulls you by the arm while he runs around
— messes around with the kids who are there, making silly faces and fist bumping them, offering them his forehead and yelling “NOGGIN!” (gets offended when they miss the nemo reference)
— will stare at you while you stare at the fish
— but when you turn to look at him, he goes back to his game
— sneaks pictures of you (kenma thinks he’s slick)
— pays for your tickets AND the family behind you’s
— buys everything you touch in the gift shop (in my head his love language is gift giving, argue with the wall)
— says the weirdest things like “the fish probably think we’re aliens.” , “the way they swim in their own doodoo has the same vibe as cows walking around on their food” ,
— will take you to eat seafood after because he thinks it’s funny
— refuses to go at first but has a better time than you did
— can stay at the touch pool / stingrays for hours
— refuses to eat seafood for months
author’s note: in honor of ree (me) finally watching the movie i love them sm i missed them so bad. tobio’s & tetsu’s being polar opposites makes me giggle
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housecow · 16 days
i was made to live in the middle of nowhere btw. i lived in a city for 4 years and that was enough tyvm!!! i can cook well enough to not need restaurants around everywhere…
stars at night (are big and bright 👏👏👏👏)
true privacy
cool rocks
generally friendly ppl if ur in TX
bomb mexican food
that filipino food truck
drive thru daiquiris and margaritas
city is ~45 mins away and makes a fun day trip
cheaper gas bc oil fields and refineries are close
local restaurants in small towns are hit or miss and a lot closed bc COVID
mostly fast food
i hate seeing ppl i know at grocery stores. you don’t need to know about my need for 3 different family sized things of oreos
necessary weekly grocery store runs
high quality ingredients depend on ur area (there is so much good meat (beef esp) where i am but im a seafood girl)
car-dependent communities
polarized political views
cows in the middle of the road at night
javelinas. hogs.
drunk ppl
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alex51324 · 25 days
Hamburger Festival Report!
There's a pretty standard template for American town festivals: You block off a few streets (unless there's a park or something that makes sense to use instead), and rent spaces for people/organizations/businesses to set up booths. There'll be a stage or two with free entertainment--usually musicians, but there can be dance troupes, magicians, etc. in the mix. There may be some activities or contests tied into the festival theme, but the main events are a) eating, and b) wandering around looking at booths.
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Sometimes this type of festival will have a carnival or midway attached to it, with rides and games, but these are not a required element of the standard American town festival. This one had a rock-climbing wall and a mechanical bull, interspersed with the typical booths, but that's it.
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These festivals do not have to have a theme--where I grew up, it was just the TownName Street Fair--but a lot of them do. Food is the most common type of theme: you get Apple Festivals, Seafood Festivals, Tomato Festivals, Maple Syrup Festivals, all sorts. Something to do with local history and heritage is also common, like Old Time TownName Days. The amount of emphasis placed on the theme varies.
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Since hamburgers are already a typical food to sell at festivals, they were very heavily represented at Hamburger Festival! The festival guide listed over forty different hamburger stands. I went around and took pictures of the menus for the ones that looked good, before deciding what to buy.
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@griseldagimpel I think these two are probably the most innovative ones I saw!
There were some professional food trucks:
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That second one had some interesting-looking options, too.
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Here's another menu with some interesting options; this was one of a handful of stands offering a vegetarian burger option. (That Elvis one looks pretty innovative, too.)
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There were a few stands offering the hamburger-with-a-crabcake-on-top, which sounded interesting, too.
Or if you just want a classic hamburger at a reasonable price, you could go with the stand run by the Boy Scouts:
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Their burgers started at $5, and smelled pretty good!
Alcohol availability at town festivals varies regionally; in some parts of the US, it's considered inappropriate for alcohol (even beer) to be sold or consumed at events attended by families with children. Pennsylvania (where I live, and where Hamburg, PA is) used to be one of these, but our alcohol laws have been relaxing quite a bit over the last 10-15 years or so. As a result, Hamburger Festival does have beer and wine vendors.
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However, they are limited to a fenced-off portion of the festival area, and if you buy a cup of beer you have to stay inside the fence to drink it. (Some of the vendors also offered discreetly-packaged bottles and cans to take home, but you are not allowed to open them on the premises.)
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Of course, all of the food vendors are outside of the fence, so if you want to have a beer and a hamburger simultaneously, you have to buy the burger first, and take it into the Designated Beer Area.
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This I did; I went with the Brie and Apricot Jam one, and a cranberry-ginger hard cider. (My other top choice for the burger was the Heavenly Hog one, with the apple slaw.) Both were excellent!
Band playing in the Beer Area:
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They also wisely placed the Great PortaPotty Cluster adjacent to the Beer Area:
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Back outside of the Sin Zone, vendors include classic fair food:
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And church bake sales:
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Nonfood vendors include crafters/artisans, like this metalworker:
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The Starship Enterprise was like $500, so I didn't buy it.
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There are also crafters selling items with, uh, lower production values, and lower price points. There were a couple of booths selling 3-D printed fidget toys. I considered this polar bear, because it almost looks like Autism Creature:
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But in the end I went with something else, which I will share a little later.
They also this, a version of the betta-in-a-cup that won't make @kaxen mad:
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Pictured: The only kind of fish you should keep in such a tiny container!
Also represented were various kinds of MLM schlock:
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Like this CutCo Knives stand; there was also a Pampered Chef one, several of the jewelry ones, and the one that does dip mixes and stuff; it isn't Taste of Home (that's a magazine), but it's something like that.
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I did buy some seasoning mixes, but I got them from this decidedly more amateurish-looking (and cheaper) place, which also sold soap.
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Another performance space; this one had a bluegrass trio that was actually pretty good.
Here a child had a stand selling 3D printed gizmos:
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Where I obtained this treasure:
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Her mother, it developed, had been highly skeptical that anyone would want to buy these, but I assured her that it was brilliant, and my favorite purchase of the day.
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I also got take-home cider, the aforementioned spices and soap, some tea, and alpaca-fiber insoles. (My feet were sore, by that point.)
Another interesting thing, which I did not take any pictures of, is the evidence of widely-varying attitudes toward the festival, by the people who actually live on the streets where it takes place. The people behind the stand where I bought my brie-and-apricot burger had festooned their knee-high garden wall with wire and signs saying DO NOT SIT ON WALL, because, I guess, that harms them in some way, if someone does that. Other residents were having porch-parties to watch the festival, or were manning coolers of sodas and bottled water, usually for a dollar apiece (with this competition, most of the official vendors were also selling water and sodas for a dollar, but I bought from one of the porches anyway).
Anyway, to sum up, it was kind of neat; I don't necessarily have a burning desire to go again (although I would like to try that burger with the apple slaw), but I'd also be willing to go again. I spent way too much money on crap, but it's no fun going to something like that and not buying stuff.
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sreppub · 1 year
What I find amusing about things like selkie Jason is the sheer amount of potential shenanigans these aus could possess. Like, what if most of the members of the Batfamily were all able to shapeshift into an animal (let's go with seal Jason, otter Dick, beaver Tim, and polar bear Damian & Bruce) but have all gone to extreme lengths to hide it from one another for years (they were all too busy trying to hide their own secrets to notice what was literally right in front of them), until Damian waltzes in proclaiming how he's the rightful heir and he is the only one who's even actually a polar bear and everyone is silent for a hot moment before the room just explodes in an uproar of confusion. (In hindsight, this would explain why Dick has a weird fondness for that one specific rock and why Jason really likes that hoodie and why Tim has this weird habit of chewing pencils to nubs and why Bruce can't stand any temperature above 50 degrees.)
I also like the idea of all of them being selkies, but they're all different species of seal. Imagine if each species had different customs and ways of communicating, etc.! Their own favorite seafood meal based off of their preferred prey, their own takes when it comes to their coats, etc.! Like, one day Dick holds Jason's coat while the young boy is learning how to swim as a human and Jason freaks out when he realizes because nobody touches your coat in Jason's selkie culture, not even your parents unless it's a punishment, but in Dick's it's common for any of the older selkies to guard the coats of young children who are learning how to swim as humans. Tim absolutely loves grilled octopus while Bruce is more of a honey-glazed salmon type of guy. For Dick it's all about fried scallops with fries and homemade ranch, but Damian enjoys a good simmered squid (takes after his mother there). Clam chowder is Jason's ride-or-die, Cass = shrimp pasta it's a part of her now, and Stephanie practically inhales crab cakes of any kind (she and Jason also fight over which is better: clam chowder vs crab chowder, it's become a "thing" and they're constantly trying to recruit members of the family to their sides). And although Alfred doesn't talk much about his own background as a selkie (nobody's ever even seen his coat), once a year he makes a lobster dish for the whole family.
. . . sorry, now I'm stuck on a batfam made up entirely of selkies.
First, I didn't know asks could be this long, so cheers love lol
Second, ANOTHER layer of secret identity shenanigans???? FANTASTIC
Also, the more seals the merrier!! They're so squishy and cute and make funny noises. Bruce as either those massive scary elephant seals or the teeny tiny ones hehe
A fun fic rec if you haven't already: What the Water Gave Me (Selkie'verse)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
Wings of Fire Dragon Guide, Part Three: RainWings and IceWings
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This is a RainWing, or rainforest dragon. Their scales can be any color of the rainbow. They can camouflage, have prehensile tails, and can shoot shoot acidic venom from their front fangs, which only a relative's can neutralize. They live in a hidden city among the trees of the Rainforest Kingdom. Their diet consists of mainly fruits, such as pineapples, coconuts, bananas, oranges, mangoes, strawberries, blueberries, etc., but they if it came down to it, they could eat meat, they just prefer not to. Their names can be such as:
Fruits: Pineapple, Coconut, Mango...
Rainforest plants: Liana, Mangrove, Bromeliad, Orchid...
Rainforest animals: Python, Bullfrog, Tamarin, Kinkajou...
Grand or beautiful adjectives: Handsome, Exquisite, Dazzling, Grandeur, Glory...
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This is an IceWing, or ice dragon. They have pale white, pale blue, silvery, pale purple, or even opalescent scales. They can withstand freezing temperatures, withstand bright light, radiate a chill from their scales, have serrated claws, and can breathe frostbreath, which when it used on a dragon or plant, can freeze an area, and if untreated, will cause the area to blacken and die. They live in the tundras of the Ice Kingdom, and their diet consists of artic and antarctic animals, such as seals, whales, caribou, polar bears, and orcas, and have been known to eat moss and seafood such as crabs and fish. They have had a hierarchy, which is the Seven Circles for the nobility. They used to have animus dragons, but their last one eloped with a NightWing, and one of their eggs hatched the first NightWing animus (and the most dangerous one) Darkstalker. Their names can be such as:
Arctic and antarctic animals: Narwhal, Mink, Polar Bear, Caribou, Penguin...
Wintery conditions: Arctic, Permafrost...
Winter weather: Snowflake, Hailstorm, Blizzard, Whiteout...
White gems: Diamond, Crystal, Opal...
Ice formations: Glacier, Icicle...
Cold landscapes: Tundra, Fjord...
Words that mean white: Alba, Hvitur...
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thoughtlessarse · 5 months
Ocean waves crashing on the world’s shores emit more PFAS into the air than the world’s industrial polluters, new research has found, raising concerns about environmental contamination and human exposure along coastlines. The study measured levels of PFAS released from the bubbles that burst when waves crash, spraying aerosols into the air. It found sea spray levels were hundreds of thousands times higher than levels in the water. The contaminated spray likely affects groundwater, surface water, vegetation, and agricultural products near coastlines that are far from industrial sources of PFAS, said Ian Cousins, a Stockholm University researcher and the study’s lead author. “There is evidence that the ocean can be an important source [of PFAS air emissions],” Cousins said. “It is definitely impacting the coastline.” PFAS are a class of 15,000 chemicals used across dozens of industries to make products resistant to water, stains and heat. Though the compounds are highly effective, they are also linked to cancer, kidney disease, birth defects, decreased immunity, liver problems and a range of other serious diseases. They are dubbed “forever chemicals” because they do not naturally break down and are highly mobile once in the environment, so they continuously move through the ground, water and air. PFAS have been detected in all corners of the globe, from penguin eggs in Antarctica to polar bears in the Arctic.
continue reading
The seafood you eat is filled with PFAS, as is the water you drink and the air you breathe.
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liliana-nunez · 27 days
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[ gina torres, cis woman, she/her/hers ] — whoa! LILIANA NUNEZ just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 15 YEARS, working as a/an THERAPIST. that can’t be easy, especially at only 55 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit IMPULSIVE and BLUNT , but i know them to be WITTY and PERSONABLE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN! — @bhqextras
full name: liliana mae nuñez
nickname(s): lil, lili, lili mae
pronouns & gender: she/her. cis woman
sexuality: bisexual
age: fifty-five
relationship status: it’s complicated but single
birth date: april 25, 1969
birth place: portland, maine
time in town: fifteen years since 2009
occupation: therapist @ haggar-fox shelter
parents: rafael & briana nuñez
siblings: none
personality: witty, impulsive, personable, blunt
pet: pomeranian named skye
celebrity doppelgänger: gina torres
height: 5'10"
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
color: maroon
non-alcoholic beverage: polar tangerine seltzer
alcoholic beverage: cabernet sauvignon 
season: winter
candle scent: midnight sky
book: to kill a mockingbird by harper lee
video game: n/a
tv show: real housewives of atlanta
animated tv show: n/a
movie: girls trip
holiday movie: a christmas story
disney movie: cincerella
pixar movie: finding nemo
disney original movie: n/a
candy: sweedish fish
chocolate candy: whoppers
Fruit: honey crisp apple
Vegetable: brussel sprouts
cuisine to eat: anything seafood
cuisine to make: omelette
genre of music: pop
artist: taylor dayne
song: tell it to my heart by taylor dayne
Liliana was blessed in the fact that she never had to worry about not having enough food on her table. Being the only child to Rafael and Briana Nunez, they decided to treasure every moment that they had with their child. Liliana was a smart kid and it was no question that she was going to grow up and be something special. While her parents worked more blue collared jobs, they knew that she was going to go farther than they were ever able to. 
It was no surprise to them that she graduated high school at the top of her class and she was off to the university of Maine. They had a great psychology program and was so excited to pursue her dream of helping other people. While she wanted to help others, she knew that they couldn't get help unless they helped themselves and heard the truth and that's something that Liliana was never shy to provide, the truth. 
She completed her college degree and headed to Miami where she worked for a friend from college who had her own practice and she loved working with her best friend. The two worked well with one another, well that was until they fell in love with one another. She knew that it was dangerous to fall for the person that you worked with so Liliana decided to leave the practice and go work for one of the mental facilities that there were. They were great until her best friend and now partner had decided to leave Miami. Liliana felt like she was building a life for herself and she didn't want to leave so the two broke up. 
Working in Miami for another few years, Liliana was getting bored with life and that's when she went to Los Angeles to try something new. She was there for a few weeks before walking into their ex and the two of them picked up right where they left off and she was surprised at just how easy it was. The two resumed their relationship and even were engaged. Something big happened to her fiancee and they had to leave LA and return to Maine, leaving Liliana stranded once again. 
Everything reminded Liliana of their ex and she decided that she needed to do what was best for herself. So she packed up her things and headed for New York. She was excited for her new adventure and she decided to work for someone once again, but it always felt like there was something missing. She was great with her patients, but she felt like there was something more she could be doing. While Liliana was known to be blunt with people, it was something that they appreciated. She figured some people needed to hear the truth and she wanted to deliver it in an appropriate way. 
With the rise of LGBTQ+ individuals needing more and more assistance mentally, so she found the Haggar-Fox Shelter and since they were just opening up she decided that this was the best place for her. She was excited to be a part of something that cared about such vulnerable individuals and while she still helps others that aren't LGBTQ+, she puts a lot of focus on the individuals that come and go from the shelter. 
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wastelandwhisperer · 2 years
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Nat for @plumbobtv ‘s Orange
Hair stylist and Simstagram model
High Maintenance // Outgoing // Creative
Meet Nat! She’s from the sunny city of Del Sol Valley. She caught wind of the BC and was dying to apply because she thinks Orange is super handsome. Some fun facts about her
She loves doing crazy colors with her hair
Her favorite colors are red, yellow, and orange.
Her favorite animal is a polar bear 
She wants to visit Mt Komorebi 
She has never been true camping but would like to try it 
She loves most foods but doesn’t like seafood, she loves spicy food
She plans on getting more tattoos, but she only has plans for some ear piercings 
She’s scared of the dark 
She’s originally from Brindleton Bay but moved to the city 
She is really outgoing, but she hates big crowds and large parties 
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Similar to the November 2022 challenge, many of the prompts in the first two columns are from the National Day Calendar. The third column are songs to inspire.
The fanworks must be posted in February (with late entries accepted through March 7). The works do not have to be posted on the specific day. You want to use the prompt almonds (from the 16th) and post it on February 5, go ahead. Just make sure in the notes or tags to specify the day or the prompt.
As always, if you have any questions, please ask either here or send a message to my main at @lucy-268.
Have fun!
1. Umbrella | Baked Alaska | I'm Still Standing (Elton John)
2. Snow Sculpture | Bubble Gum | Welcome to My Life (Simple Plan)
3. Wear Red | Carrot Cake | Stronger (Kelly Clarkson)
4. Harmony | Homemade Soup | So What (P!nk)
5. Intimate Apparel | Nutella | Believer (Imagine Dragons)
6. Chopsticks | Margarita | About Damn Time (Lizzo)
7. Cards | Fettuccine Alfredo | Miss Me More (Kelsea Ballerini)
8. Counseling | Peanut Butter | House of Memories (Panic! At the Disco)
9. Dream | Bagels | Maybe I'm Amazed (Paul McCartney)
10. Toothache | Brownies | Born This Way (Lady Gaga)
11. Spilled Milk | Peppermint Patty | The Winner Takes it All (Abba)
12. Marriage | Plum Pudding | All of Me (John Legend)
13. Galentine's Day | Cheese | I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)
14. Valentine's Day | Chocolates | I Honestly Love You (Olivia Newton John)
15. Canada | Gumdrops | Anti-Hero (Taylor Swift)
16. Grouchy | Almonds | Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion)
17. Anthropology | Cabbage | Stand By Me (Ben E. King)
18. Romance | Seafood | Hanging by a Moment (Lifehouse)
19. Condom | Mints | Lights (Ellie Goulding)
20. Red Sock | Cherry Pie | Happier (Marshmello)
21. Mardi Gras | Sticky Bun | The Middle (Jimmy Eat World)
22. Logic | Sweet Potato | Shape of You (Ed Sheeran)
23. Birthday | Banana Bread | I Will Always Love You (Dolly Parton)
24. Bartender | Tortilla Chip | Hello (Adele)
25. Language | Clam Chowder | In My Life (The Beatles)
26. Fairy Tales | Pistachio | In Your Eyes (Peter Gabriel)
27. Polar Bear | Strawberry | We All Sleep Alone (Cher)
28. Toothfairy | Chocolate Souffle | And So it Goes (Billy Joel)
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Hello! I hope I'm not too late to request a TWST matchup. If I am, feel free to ignore this.
Name: Goldie or Ryker (I use both but since you write fem reader Goldie is fine)
Personality: quiet, introverted, very anxious, kind, organized, creative, hard working, honest, loyal, considerate, shy, logical, a bit nerdy
Hobbies: writing, lots of video games, and reading
Likes: strawberries, night time and staying up late, cats, cool temperatures, snow, flowers, succulents, puzzles, horror
Dislikes: bugs, heat, sports, seafood, crowds
Song: Until I found her by Stephen Sanchez. It's a mix of the lyrics and the vibes that I love. It's such a sweet song about finding that special someone and it just feels like the kind of song I would want to dance with my partner to.
Qualities I look for: understanding, someone who can understand and help when the anxiety gets too much, someone who doesn't mind physical affection, loyal
What I expect out of a relationship: I'm looking for someone that I could see a future with, I want to be able to talk to them about anything and everything on my mind, they should be open to help if I'm having a rough day and need someone either to talk or to distract me from the problem
Preference: Leona, Sebek, or Silver
I hope I gave enough information for you to work with. This is my first time requesting something so I'm a little nervous.
Congrats on 500 followers! <3
A/N: @ryker-writes Hello fellow TWST writer!! I've seen some of your works in the tags, they're always superb! <3
I match you with...
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Sebek Zigvolt!
Sebek seems like the polar opposite of you, being loud and bold. But I believe that would serve you two well in your relationship! Being with Sebek might boost your confidence, while your presence reminds him to be more considerate of others and their eardrums...
Sebek would be a very protective boyfriend. He'll happily take walks with you on chilly nights to enjoy the stars or new-fallen snow. He's surprisingly quiet during these times, and likes the feeling of being alone with the one he loves. Watching over you is his job!
Sebek is a little shy when it comes to public displays of affection, as he tries to maintain a 'tough' persona as Malleus' guard. But in private, he melts under your hands and gets very cuddly, albeit pouty about it.
He's not the best at video games, seeing as he grew up in Briar Valley where there's not much modern technology. He'll try to learn for you, though, and Lilia will help him practice while back at Diasomnia.
Strawberry picking date with Sebek! When the snow melts and spring comes around, he'll surprise you with a basket and with a massive blush, say he's found a good berry-picking spot on Sage's Island. Unfortunately, the rest of Diasomnia overhears and crashes the date. Diasomnia Family road trip shenanigeans ensue.
Other possibilities: Rook Hunt, Riddle Rosehearts, Vil Schoenheit
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10blue10 · 2 years
Dragon Evolution: Wraiths and Furies
This started off as me wanting to design some new Fury species, but I’m still on my draconic evolution kick so I thought I’d combine it with an exploration of how the three Fury species evolved. Yes, three. The Night Fury, the Light Fury and the Sand Wraith. As for the Woolly Howl, whilst it resembles the basic shape of a Fury, it lacks base-fins (the triangular secondary wings at the base of the tail) so I prefer to chalk the similarities up to convergent evolution.
So, I believe that these three species of dragon originally branched off from a common ancestor which in turn evolved in Asia, specifically in the Himalayan region. The ones that remained are known as Mountain Wraiths. They have the classic body shape of a Night Fury, with spikes down the head and back, base-fins and triangular/fan like tail-fins. They are coloured in various shades of brown with grey dapples, giving them great camouflage against the rocks.
Their hunting strategy consists of waiting in ambush on the peaks for prey to wander below and then dive bombing it to knock it off the cliffs and catch it. Some cultures view them as reincarnations of people that died in the mountains due to their shrieking calls, hence the ‘Wraith’ part of the name.
Their ancestors spread throughout the Himalayas and beyond. Some individuals followed the mountain chains west and then south into Pakistan etc. Those that were more sandy coloured, with paler dapples, had an advantage in camouflaging in these new desert conditions. They became semi-aquatic to avoid the heat of the desert and evolved longer, sharper spikes to defend them from dragons such as Deathgrippers or Triple Strykes.
In other words, this branch of the ancestral species evolved into Sand Wraiths.
Others travelled west and north, into Europe. There they faced competition from the numerous other dragon species. To avoid competing directly with their new neighbours, they shifted from being crepuscular (that is, mostly active at dawn and dusk) to being nocturnal. The darker, more melanistic ones were better camouflaged in the darkness, allowing them to take advantage of the abundant seafood when fish swim to the surface to feed every night.
Needless to say, this branch of the ancestral species evolved into Night Furies.
As for Light Furies… let’s pretend, for the sake of argument, that they don’t look that way just because Dreamworks wanted them to look pretty and girly. They can interbreed with NFs, so we can infer they branched off from that species rather than being another offshoot of the ancestral Mountain Wraiths.
So, as Night Furies travelled or were pushed further north, into the arctic, their black coloration would’ve been good camouflage during polar nights but not much good during month long polar days. Perhaps not all NFs were/are jet black, and the paler individuals were more likely to survive in the arctic. Or perhaps a mutation led to some NFs being leucistic. Maybe a mix of both.
(Here’s where we diverge a little from the canon LF design.) Apart from having fewer and shorter auricles to reduce heat loss, this new species also evolved large paws with sharp claws for better traction on snow and ice. They also evolved to be more streamlined in water since the arctic is mostly a marine environment and most of their food sources would also be marine animals.
Then there are the ancestral MWs that went further east, into China, and found yet another habitat - rainforests. Their dapples meant they were still camouflaged. However, the ones that adapted best were smaller and more manoeuvrable, better able to fly between trees. The close genetic similarities mean that the Forest Wraith is considered a sub species of Mountain Wraith.
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snxwpixie · 7 months
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𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾 𝓌𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓈𝑜𝓇
peri windsor is based on periwinkle from disney fairies. she is a 28 year old fairy, employee at scoops, and uses she/her pronouns. she has the power of frost talent and flight.
penned by HARPER
face claim: virginia gardner sexuality: bisexual height: 5'2 eye color: blue hair color: blonde piercings: ear lobes tattoos: a snowflake behind her left ear
positive traits: affectionate, charming, idealistic, dependable, sensual, optimistic, objective, talented negative traits: confrontational, fanatical, perfectionist, scatterbrained, rebellious, volatile at times likes: the winter time, ice skating, baby blue & periwinkle, the way windows get frosty when it snows, fluffy ear muffs, cake batter ice cream, knotting cherry stems with her tongue, a really good book, lighting scented candles in excess, matching pajama sets & slippers dislikes: when it's hot, when snow starts to sludge, having to wear shorts, denim, flip flops, spicy food, not having crisp AC, thinking too much about the life she missed out on, being called 'talia,' the stickiness in the air after it rains, the color orange, seafood phobias: n/a hobbies: going to the frozen one ice rink or the pond when it's cold enough to skate, learning to crochet, tabbing and annotating her books, watching nature documentaries, trying to learn how to bake, making extravagant sundaes, practicing her frost talent, trying to learn anything she can about pixie hollow, dancing to trashy pop. aesthetic: the crunch of a boot on a blanket of freshly fallen snow, the sound of laughter that seems so much closer than it really is, the intricate details of a snowflake through a magnifying glass, the sound of a book pages turning late in the evening, the smell of essential oils, the tuft of a dandelion fully bloomed, a soft yawn early in the evening
mother: n/a father: n/a sibling(s): talia belmont pet(s): n/a
❆ naturally, peri is a winter girly. her human form makes her a bit more sensitive to the cold than her fairy form would be, but she doesn’t mind because she adores the aesthetic with all things winter. big sweaters, cute snow boots, ear muffs and baby blue parkas — peri thrived in the winter time, and so did her frost talent. ❆ peri’s favorite color is, shocker, baby blue. any colors that remind her of winter and ice ornament every surface in her room, from her bedspread to her wall colors, to her decor and her outfit choices. peri lives and breathes baby blue, though she is coming around to the color periwinkle for obvious reasons. ❆ peri has never really had any close friends. sure, she was a naturally social and friendly person but close friendships outside of the ones she had with the fairies who raised her ?? they had never quite happened naturally for the blonde. it disappointed her sometimes, that she didn’t have someone she could turn to all the time, but she had her family and herself and … that should be enough, right??  ❆ the blonde spent a lot of her free time ice skating, and it had become something she truly loved and naturally excelled at. peri frequented the ice rink so often that every staff member knew her by name, and her locker was almost always filled and occupied so no one made any effort to tell her to move her stuff. she was there all the time, especially when it was warm out; peri was NOT a big fan of the heat. ❆ peri loves hallmark movies. she eats up the cheesy romance like nobodies business. especially around christmas time, but really any time of the year, peri can be found late at night curled up with a half read book in her lap and a cheesy romcom she had seen a million times playing on her ipad beside her. she also loves nature documentaries — especially ones about winter seals, penguins, and polar bears. ❆ her favorite scents are peppermint, lavender, white sage, and chamomile. peri has an oil diffuser that is always running in her room and the blonde will not be caught dead without her essential oils in her purse when she is out on the town. ❆ peri is willing to pay more in her electric bill to keep her apartment at a crisp temperature so she didn’t overheat, one that would make the average person shiver when they walked in. if the AC rose anywhere above 62… she’d be sweating.  ❆ peri keeps her fairy-status pretty lowkey and doesn’t run around screaming it from the rooftops. it isn’t that she is ashamed of it, but is more so scared of having some curious somebody get in the way of her travel plans. only her closest, truest friends know about her being a winter fairy and about her past but… those are few and far between.  ❆ peri full-heartedly believes that one day she’ll be able to return to pixie hollow. she is under the impression that right now she just has to prove that she is worth of being there just like everyone else. peri believes the “evermore curse” is just something the fairies made up so she wouldn’t feel like this was some kind of punishment… but peri knows that if she just keeps trying, one day, she’ll make it there. if it’s the last thing she does, she’ll make it there.
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