#Pokemon prompts
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
Poké Prompt #7: Ash Ketchum's Law
Inspired by Milo Murphy's Law
Delia Ketchum had a saying by the time her son Ash was six years old.
"If anything bizarre were to happen to Ash, most likely a Pokémon was involved."
It started out slow for Delia. The first time she brought him to her restaurant while she worked, Ash was three. All she did was look away for a second to take in the orders of a regular couple who visited when another patron screamed. Apparently an Ekans slithered in through the front door that she opened due to the heat and was now making way with a giggling Ash wrapped up in its coils. After that incident, Delia thought that was just a one time thing, but it wasn't.
A flock of pidgey's trying to carry Ash away when he was five. Two primeape's swinging Ash around from the trees like a toy when he was six. A Kadabra appearing out of nowhere and trying to teach her son how to use psychic powers when he was seven! And she was sure it wasn't the psychic type that bended all of the spoons in their home!
As Ash grew older, more and more bizarre things happened around him with pokemon. Professor Oak of course found Ash to be a great way to get closer to certain pokemon that he doesn't often see in his lab, but Delia had to differ.
Now, her little boy is off to become a pokemon master with a pikachu that doesn't seem to like him that much. The only thing Delia can think of as she watched boy leave Pallet Town was: "May Arceus have mercy on anyone is in the path of chaos Ash and his pokemon bring."
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thetabbybadger · 9 months
I keep thinking of fun gimmick-y pokemon team ideas, ok next one!
A team of 6 of not fully-evolved pokemon. Can’t be a single-stage pokemon, it has to have a regular evolution left. So pichu or pikachu are both fair game but not like absol. Mega-evos don’t count as not being fully evolved so you can’t sneak in like blaziken on a technicality.
I like a lot of middle stages so I think this is a fun idea! I gotta think about it tho :O
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seaside-writings · 1 year
Prompt #912
"You made a real-life Pokémon?"
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trainer-sean · 1 year
"Monster high, Pokémon, Ever After High, and Thomas and Friends" Fanfiction Prompt.
This is a crossover prompt of Monster High, Ever After High, Pokémon, and Thomas.
-Pokemon Regions are roughly the size of a State or two in America.
-The story will take place in the State of Massachusetts, in New Salem, which is Salem after it was burned to the ground and repaired over 50 years ago, the next city over is Book End, one route away.
-The Protagonist, will be a Newly assigned gym leader being placed in New Salem, given the ghost type, and a Misdreavus. He'll have help from the Fairy Type gym leaders of the Book End Fairy Type Gym, a pair of Twins.
-Thomas and Friends is entered in from a magical metal that makes machines sentient and given a face, aka why Thomas and such are alive machines. Such is not done wide spread due to forcing a sentient being to work a single job its whole life, but there are still such vehicles over the world, the previous Gym Leader of the New Salem Gym had a smaller Shunting Engine(think Percy's general shape, but as a Narrow Gauge engine) act as the Gyms generator and to have steam eerily billow through the gym.
-Our Protag gym leader isn't a True Human, but a Human-Born Werecat. Wereraces can be born as a human on rare occasions, they'll have more enhanced traits then regular humans, but for the most part, are humans.
-He'll go to Monster High, and he'll get along well with other monsters. But he avoids one particular Werecat, Catty Noir. This is because she is his Little Sister who ran away while they were alone on the streets.
-Gym leaders can only use a pokemon not apart of their type if they know the Gyms signature movie(the tm given after the battle), but only two none Gym type pokemon, per battle. The Protags Signature move is Shadow Ball.
-This is based on the pokemon Fan Game, This Gym Of Mine. Gym Leaders can function easily as a Second Mayor, even have more power then the Mayor.
-the current Mayor of New Salem is under heavy investigation, and a Bigot. The Protag has been ordered to always have a Wire on incase the Mayor threatens him.
-New Salem is split in half between the Human and monster sides, The Gym, and many failing or closed businesses sit on the Border. His Job is to act as the Gym Leader, protect Citizens of the town, and help the Town Flourish.
-The Protag will have a few condemned buildings torn down and converted into a pokemon rescue center.
-The Protags Gym puzzle will be a Sliding doors Puzzle based on Old torn apart Shinto paper walls.
-Draculaura is a experienced pokemon trainer.
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sunsetdew0101 · 1 year
1# Pokemon AU idea
Getting sucked into a portal and being de-aged wasn't Mehri's definition of fun. Unfortunately, this happened, and now a 4-year-old girl lived in a Universe where her nephew's cartoon characters were real. At least she found a responsible adult to ensure her survival?
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emacrow · 3 months
When Danny's core cracks while escaping into gothams, he doesn't disappeared or dies, but accidentally split his personalities
He accidentally multiples into tiny misshaped pieces of his own personalities that became tiny lil baby ghostlings the size of a toddler.
Which they all scattered and ran, spreading around gotham like they were running from the devil(GIW) themselves were after him.
While main piece human formed danny with barely his conscious left is stuck with the only piece of his core as his main personality.
The feral back off if you love your fingers and I will beat you into the grave while i spew comback puns at you personality.
Not even 7 minutes in gotham, he already attacked 39 strange strangers, fourteen people in clown masked, torn some messed up rejected clown apart, a guy in a green suit and ? Staff, ate some buffguy ectoplasmic injectors tanks, only to now being held by the scuff of his itsy bitsy white and red nasa shirt by a bat furry man in black, who had several bite marks dents all over his suit, arms and torn on his cape while he still biting the bat shaped metal thingy. .
Meanwhile near crime alley, red hood had found 3 tiny white haired toddlers, one paranoid then tim himself, one clingy onto him saying I love you, and another one follow around crying a lot calling out for someone named jazz..?
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blueboybot · 4 months
Birds Of A Feather Fight Ghost Together
Danny is now a bird. No, he did not transform willingly and yes it did have something to do with Vlad's new weapon because creepy old men who have acess to advanced tech will try anything on unsuspecting teenagers these days. It's not all that bad though, he can still fight pretty good as a weird pigeon (the ghost learned very fast that sharp talons to the face were not worth it) and the only downside was his attraction to shiny things, which has only distracted him a few times (no Jazz he was not hording the fancy and shiny forks, he was just holding onto them incase he needed them for a bigger dinner later).
Anyways he was flying through the GZ on his way to either find more shiny things or peck out another ghost's eyes, he doesn't mind which comes first, when a glint caught his beady bird eyes.
"Shiny thing first it is."
As Danny flew closer he realized two things. One, the shiny thing was infact a shiny sword. Two, the shiny sword was being wielded by a child in the middle of fighting a ghost.
He quickly flew down opening his beak and produced a small coo wail that immediately popped the creature. Danny needed to figure out how the boy ended up– Wait! HE HAS FRIES!
He'll figure out that later but now he needs those fries.
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mewtwoandme · 5 months
Since there were a lot of doodles I said I couldn't post cause of spoilers to story plot, I did some fun oc prompt ones that I could share. So this is a bit of a human Jericho centered shitpost XD
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Bonus :3
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factual-fantasy · 6 days
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Huh, what a strange and colorful Pokémon.. I like it! :)) Thank you for the suggestion, it was a blast to draw! :)))
Note, this is an old ask that I dug up to deal with my current art block! Suggestions are now closed! <:}
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agentc0rn · 3 months
So... Pokémon has officially revealed the Top 300 quarter-finalists for the TCG illustration contest. I myself have participated, but unfortunately, did not make it. There were many awesome artworks!!
However... there has been a suspected case of an individual who entered with multiple identities (similar initials) through AI generated entries - V.K shows up in 6 entries. The weird and unnatural proportions, position, angle (look at vaporeon for instance) all give away indications of AI too.
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The rules have clearly outlined multiple identities to lead to disqualification, yet the judges failed to take account into the suspicious number of similar styles appearing more than three times (surprassing the maximum number of 3 entries) with the initials.
"The rules in the contest affirmed that: submissions must be submitted by the Entrant. Any attempt, successful or otherwise, by any Entrant to obtain more than the permitted number of Submissions by using multiple and/or different identities, forms, registrations, addresses, or any other method will void all of that Entrant's Submissions and that Entrant may be disqualified at Sponsors' reasonable discretion."
This is very disappointing, Pokemon TCG. Not even just disappointing, this is very shameful and distasteful to artists who did not make it.
Edit: There also seems to be 2 more entries that are ai prompts but under a different name (pikachu sleeping with a background night landscape and another one sleeping on a tree root)
Here is a really good educational thread that explains the errors in the ai work (on Twitter)
UPDATE: on Twitter pokemon tcg actually addressed the issue, has disqualified the person with multiple identities and will be selecting more entries from other artists!!
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mipmoth · 4 months
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It wasn't even a double battle
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
Poké Prompt #4
When Ash first arrived to Alola, it was a surprise to many of the locals as to why one of their deities appeared in front of him on his first day and taught him how to use a Z-move in battle. But to the Tapu's, the explanation was simple.
Tapu Koko as the deity of conflict saw a true warrior. One who has never backed down and never faltered, no matter what was thrown at him. The trainer and his pikachu were both true warriors through the core. The familiarity and upmost trust the two had in each other was a sign of that. Watching more, Ash truly did have the ability to solve any conflict he comes upon, both human or pokemon. Yes, he was truly a human worth looking into.
Tapu Lele as the deity of life saw one who had lived and died many times. How many fights did her face against those stronger and even more powerful than him and still manage to come up top? How many times had he been close to the grasps of Arceus before being called down. How often did he wish to live a normal life and have a normal journey and getting nothing in return? It was amazing to Tapu Lele how Ash was so full of life yet devoid of it at the same time.
Tapu Bulu as the deity of abundance saw a bringer of peace and happiness. He saw how he managed to bring the most unlikely of people together and managed to do things unthinkable. Even the most dangerous were somehow drawn to him. If not, how would one explain why Tapu KoKo approached him the first day? Ash Ketchum brought an abundance of knowledge, experience, and friendships wherever he went.
Tapu Fini as the deity of hope saw so much Ash had. Hope to succeeding. Hope to make as many friends in people and pokemon as possible. Hope for peace. Yes, there has been many that hoped for peace in the past. But the guardian of Poni Island could feel the sincerity in the young trainers heart for that hope. That wish. It was hard not to with the way he fought for peace. It was admirable at best.
Yes, all of the Tapu's were interested in Ash Ketchum. And that type of attention doesn't come without a bit of drawbacks itself.
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esprei · 3 months
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Emmet month - Day 8: Cozy
(pop star AU) Emmet is always cozy with his giant joltik plush! maybe sometimes a little too cozy... (Emmet, you can't be sleeping in important meetings like that! stop it! wake up!!!) bonus (aka why Volo is folding his paper):
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sopordeficiency · 5 months
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first day of the countdown to 413!!!
i've been drawing all day so i just crammed this one at the end of the day haha. prompts from @413countdown :D
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trainer-sean · 1 year
Pokemon X Ever After High prompt
Matthew Creed is playing pokemon(due to prompt, its either SM or USUM, but could have bleed over from other games, for pokemon not accessible in Alolan games) near a mirror, we all know what this could lead to, the Evil Queen uses magic to pull him into the mirror and into the world of Ever After, or I should say an alternate Ever After, this version having pokemon along side the regular animals and creatures. Matthew wakes up in the clothes of the characters he was playing, and has the prevolved forms of his pokemon with him. He meets Raven Queen, who is looking for her Deino, who gets lost alot. When they find it, they get into a arguement with Daring Charming, leading to a battle between Matthew and Daring, Blondie Lockes shows up as a referee and battle recorder. Matthew has a Z-ring and finishes the battle using a z-move corresponding with his Lead pokemon.
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