#Pokemon Conway
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nerdinsandals · 2 days ago
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🌸Matching sleeves🌸
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thena0315 · 11 months ago
Saying Goodbye to Diamond & Pearl in Zoroark: Master of Illusions
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shinneth · 7 months ago
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Damn, #Conway Day snuck up on me again! My first instinct was to rush a shitty picture, but honestly, with my years of accumulated artist's rust, I doubt I'd be able to draw anything better than that piece-of-shit second picture anyway. :P
But I had a better idea soon after!
So, all of these pictures are three separate perceptions of a grown-up Conway becoming a Pokémon Professor: the first design belongs to @nerdinsandals , the second is mine, and the third is @anghappylady's.
We all seem to be in agreement that this is what Conway would ultimately grow up to be, or at least, ideally, what suits him best!
Two things none of us ever seemed to settle on (independently or as a collective) was A) Conway's surname... and considering current-gen Profs are branching out into other plant-based names rather than sticking just to trees, means the potential name pool got a lot wider, potentially.
But the more interesting aspect is this: What would Professor Conway specialize in?
This also seems to be a point none of us were able to pin down. Unless of course I'm missing anything, in which case beat me over the head with it--
So for this Conway Day, I figured the best contribution I can make is open up the discussion for what route of Pokémon study would best suit a Professor Conway?
A lot of those ideas I pulled straight out of my ass, but hopefully this might foster a nice, fun discussion for a character who deserves the love and attention, what little he receives?
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diaryforadreamer · 5 months ago
HeatTagshipping and Conway fans out there!!!! Look what I just found!!!!
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Okay. So a couple of days ago I went to the new bookshop that had just opened in my town and came across this huge Pokemon Encyclopedia hidden amongst a lot of art and crafts books and picked it up out of sheer curiosity, without many expectations. It was really complete, covering almost every season of the anime, yet it focused mainly on Ash journey, as to be expected. Still, I decided to check the Sinnoh League chapters... And oooooohhh boy, DID I FOUND SOMETHING!! 💗💗💗
Now, can you people even begin to imagine the hype, the raw emotion I felt when I saw that not only there was a full section covering Hearthome City Tag Battle Ark but that it also included a small yet beautiful paragraph revolving one of my all-time favourite Pokemon characters?
Dawn's Partner (Hearthome City Tag Battle ark)
Conway likes statistics and strategy - he's analyzed every battle in the league to create a formula that will allow him to win. However, he's not so confident around the ladies. Despite his nerdy nature, he's a great partner for Dawn. His Slowking is optimized with defensive moves like Safeguard and Protect so Dawn can focus on attacking while Conway has her back.
Have you guys read it?! Have you!? HAVE YOU!? 🤩🤩🤩
Well, just to be certain I'll say it again!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉
Okay. So not only the author is stating that Conway IS NOT a stalker, but rather a kinda social incompetent guy (Seriously, what's up with some people? I admit he's meant to be portrayed as some sort of weird, mysterious, slightly creepy character but a STALKER??!! Then how should we qualify Team Rocket who has been following Ash around how many regions already!?). They've also outrightly stated that he was a GREAT PARTNER for Dawn. Their words, not mine!!!! 😍😍😍😍
All right, perhaps most of you are currently thinking that this is not that much of a big deal, but given the fact that there is only a very few people out there who actually care about this character (I'm not even talking about a possible romantic dynamic between him and Dawn; even though that I do ship them romantically, I would have also been fine if the series had fueled their relationship in a more platonic way), the fact that I was able to find some Conway appreciation crumbs within an official Pokemon book (at least I think it's official) means a whole awful lot to me.
Also, I know that the photo doesn't show it but do you remember how Brock's partner Holly, despite not being initially interested in him, ended up developing some sort of romantic slash deep admiration feelings towards him? Well, I can assure you her paragraph did NOT have not even half the amount of praise they gave to Conway.
Long story short, I've got a new headcanon now. Until someone can prove me wrong I'm going to assume the author of this book is an undercover HeatTagshipping fan, or at least a secret Conway fan.
Ok. I'm done for the day. Bye.
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pansexualkiba · 7 days ago
"So, Paul?" Reggie's voice cut in, slightly teasing, "Any news? Got a crush?"
Paul bristled as he singled out the word "crush", and shouted at Reggie, "I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON ASH KETCHUM!" before slamming the phone down, ending the conversation and storming out of the Pokemon Center entirely.
Unseen by Paul, Conway chuckled as he appeared from the two inch gap between the phone terminal and the wall.
"Hm hm hm..." Conway chuckled, "So, Paul has a crush on Ash Ketchum, does he?" He ducked back into the crevice he emerged from as he implemented this into his plans somehow. "Hm hm hm..."
Tobias stared at Conway's still-gleaming spectacles before looking at the Master Ball in his grip. "I have got to stop taking Dark Voids before bed." He muttered.
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pikurelle · 2 years ago
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Happy Conway Day 2023!
Better late than never, I finally doodled something for the occasion!
[ Conway Day is a day commemorating Conway from the Pokémon Anime organized by @nerdinsandals! ]
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hermitfox · 2 years ago
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Drawing this brought back so many childhood memories gosh
I‘ve been following @nerdinsandals for over a decade from the shadows now, be it more or less actively since I‘ve found her deviantart with fanart for Conway when I was still a kid. (I feel like a stalker rip. But I‘m just shy…) Weird thing how similar niche interests bring people on the internet together. Anyway, what better time to reveal my presence than on the 10th anniversary of Conway Day? I remember how on… was it 2016… anyway, that fanart of Coordinator Conway with Dusknoir in the bg drawn by nerdinsandals absolutely blew me off my feet when I saw it. So I simply had to use that design! I‘ve only been actively drawing for about a year but I‘m happy with how it turned out. I also can‘t deny that nerdinsandal‘s art journey became an inspiration to me. Hopefully I can improve more in the future
With that I wish everyone a happy Conway Day! May we be able to enjoy our niche blorbo obsessions in the future together as well! :3
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zponds · 11 months ago
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(Credit goes to JWBtheUncanny on Deviantart)
Team Valiant 1
Here is something new for the Pokemon World, When it comes to the Ketchum Alliance, The Boys and Truth Seekers, I do feel as if the Rivals where being left out, However a Brainstorm came into me, There is bit of a history Me and my friend Amos had with the concept of this one, In a Tie-in sense, There was a Ketchum Alliance inspired Group Stationed in the Pokemon World Fort in the Healing Garden, the Ministry of Science named the Group the Troublesome Alliance, A Group Consisting of Rivals for certain members the Ketchum Alliance, However After the War for the Healing Garden, there where Ideas of Keeping the Group together, However when Jack Ketchum Appeared, some of the Members turned on Gary and sided with Jack for there own purposes, Forming the Agent's of Anarchy.
Now the Troublesome Alliance has been officially Rebranded into Team Valiant, Who are gonna hunt down the Agent's of Anarchy, But to keep the Pokemon World safe while the Ketchum Alliance, The Boys and Truth Seekers, EVEN the Ultra-Guardians participate in not just the DISSIDIA Contest of Champions, But in the Fight against the Super-Villain Regime.
Gary Oak being the Captain of the Group.
Ritchie with Sparky Joining as a Lieutenant.
Conway is an interesting addition, Back in 2019, Conway While admires that Cure Tender is a Worthy successor to Yana as head of the Darksider, Feels that it wasn't the same, With the Consent of Maria Hikawa, Conway leaves the Darksiders and returns to the Pokemon World, Leading to his involvement in the Troublesome Alliance During the War for the Healing Garden and eventually joining Team Valiant.
Horace and Virgil are good editions due to there Respect they have from Goh and Ash Respectively.
(Also.... think of these Designs being something of One upping what I previously did in the past)
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nerdinsandals · 7 months ago
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✨Coordinator Conway All Stars!✨
This is something I wanted to do for the 10th anniversary last year, but unfortunately it was too ambitious on top of all the other things I had planned. However, Coordinator Conway is a concept that I adore so much that I just couldn't forget about it! So here's all my designs for this pseudo-AU where he gets to be a Coordinator and a rival to Dawn. ♥
[Original designs]
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shinneth · 2 years ago
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#Conway Day
At last, I think my personal well has dried up, so I wanted to finish it with a bang! I forgot how long I've been sitting on these!
2017?! Okay, then!
This is a continuation of one of the first Conway Day posts. After Dawn loses a lot of her hair against her will, it hurts her deeply and she understandably holds something of a grudge over Conway for quite some time.
I haven't worked out how exactly they'll ultimately make amends (they are slated to get hitched, after all), but the setup is a unique spin on a future Contest they both partake in.
It's sort of a mix between a Contest and the Battle Frontier's Battle Arcade or Battle Factory, in that Coordinators are given a random Pokemon to theme themselves and their show after.
So, Dawn gets a Ledyba, and Conway gets a Torracat.
Thusly, they become the Miraculous Ledyba and Torracat Noir ~!
And because Dawn's hair is so short now, it makes her work that Marinette hairstyle far better than she could had her hair remained long! Victory, conflict resolved...?
Dunno. Just couldn't resist doing this.
And I have a feeling @nerdinsandals would be interested in this.
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Happy Conway Day, all! Glad I was able to participate in it this time!
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bella-cherry05 · 2 years ago
I love all of them so much
20 Incorrect Pokemon Quotes
Info: These are not mine, I just altered the characters in them, I got them from tumgir.com. Still, was a lot of fun making these, and especially because I could put a lot of Paul into it, am so hyped right now for 10th of June. Maybe I’ll even push myself to get the next chapter for the Lambda Core ready a little bit earlier.
Ash: I lost my girlfriend, Misty. Can you help me find them?
Random stranger: What do they look like?
Ash, Banging on the door: Paul, open up!
Paul: It all started when I was a little boy…
Ash: No, I meant-
Dawn: Let him finish.
Paul: I’ve never been in a snowball fight before.
Dawn: Really?
Paul: So is there a point system or is it to the death?
*Paul walks into the house, covered in mud and probably blood, has some small cuts and bruises on his body and face*
Maylene: *Stops talking with Reggie and looks at Paul* What did you do?
Paul: Ok you have to promise me you won’t get mad.
Reggie: Paul, what. Did. You. Do.
Paul: So I was minding my own business-
Reggie, Slams hands down onto the table: BULLSHIT!
Paul: I WAS!?
Barry: Hey did it hurt?
Dawn: …? When I fell from heaven?
Barry: No, when you fell from the vending machine.
Dawn, Confused: …
Barry: Cause you’re a snacc~
Reggie: You’re awfully quiet today.
Paul: No one plans a murder out loud.
Dawn, Eating a cinnamon roll: *Munch*
Conway: Cannibalism.
Dawn: *Confused chewing noises*
Paul: wHO AtE mY gODDaMN FrIeS?! You wanna go-
Dawn: I did.
Paul: -On a date with me? We can get more fries if you want?
Paul: Do you have the time?
Reggie: For you, Paul? Are you joking? Paul, I would always make time for you. My time is precious but you are more so. Paul, you… are a shining pearl in a sea of mediocrity. I would do anything for you. *Wipes tear*
Paul: Thanks, but like what time is it?
Paul: I’m really into dark humour.
Ash, Turning off the light: Hey, do you wanna hear a joke?
Ash: *SLAPS the whiteboard*
Whiteboard: Cockle.
Ash: Cockle.
Paul: Mhm.
Paul: Gee, Ash, I wonder why that could possibly be your favourite word?
Ash: It means-
Barry: U do NOT care about the meaning. It’s got cock in it.
Ash: …
Ash: …
Ash:'To bugle out in certain places’.
Paul: *Puts his head in his hands*
Barry: …
Gary: …
Gary: Like a COCK-
Ash: Like a COCK-
Ash: You think just because you ask for my attention that I’m going to give it to you?
Misty: Damn straight!
Ash: 'Sleepy’ is so much better & cuter than 'Tired’ everyone needs to stop using 'Tired’ and start saying 'Sleepy’ instead.
Paul: I’m sleepy of your shit.
Reggie: *Knock knock*
Maylene, sniffing: Who is it?
Reggie: Uh *Looks back at Paul* Who is it?
Paul: Say it’s the tax people.
Reggie: The taxes.
Maylene: You can’t come in.
Paul: Tell them we gonna fucking kill their entire family if they don’t let us in!
Reggie: We have cookies~
Conway: What’s the time?
Ash: Lemme check.
Ash: *Pulls out saxophone*
Ash: It’s 2!
Conway: Uhh… Thanks Ash!
Ash: No problem~
Reggie: Ask me why I love you.
Maylene: Why do you love me?
Reggie, Opening a 200 slide Powerpoint: I’m glad you asked.
Dawn: Is there a word that’s a mix between sad and mad?
Ash: …Smad?
Paul: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Brock: No, It’s smad!?
Paul: I invited you back to the living world because I crave the deadliest game.
Ash: Knife monopoly?
Paul: I was actually gonna hunt you down for sport, but now I’m really interested in whatever knife monopoly is.
Reggie: Paul, I know you think you’re helping but stop it.
Paul: I don’t think I’m helping.
Barry: Rules are made to be broken.
Paul: Rules are made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Ash: Uh, pinatas?
Conway: Glow sticks.
Dawn: Karate boards!
Misty: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Barry: Rules!
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mikeyway-creates · 4 months ago
Me as a Pokémon-?!???? Ahh...Not trainer! Just guy with the Pokémon!
Mareep and my bitchass cocky Eevee
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au-wannabe-the-very-best · 1 year ago
Just read through your Kubo tag and. So much potential for misunderstandings. What do you think would happen if Kubo had only run away, instead of faking his death? I'm imagining the parents hiding that anything had happened, and Emmet and Ingo only finding out years later that Kubo wasn't just living a Perfectly Normal™ life all this time.
(and they wouldn't have such an early wakeup call to make them revise their opinion of him...)
The parents definitely wouldn't even report him missing until at least a week later. By then they would have scrubbed the entire house of evidence.
If this is Celebi Saves Kubo, Ingo and Emmet are going to be. SO fucked up by what they see when they get to the ranger station. Because again, Kubo is severely injured. Seriously he has belt welts all over his back, and the skin around his throat is purple.
With the whole time travel aspect, the Rangers ascertain that this is what Kubo looked liked when he went missing. And with Kubo telling them the day he ran away, they now know that the parents kept quiet about Kubo's disappearance for a WHILE before they sent in the missing children's report.
This sort of realization hits the "twins" like a fucking truck. Kubo wasn't the favorite. Kubo didn't escape their shitty parents' abuse. In fact, he got the worst of it. And the evidence is staring them right in the face.
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the-carrotella · 2 years ago
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conways · 2 years ago
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and if you want to use me, i could be your puppet
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ihauntyoursocks · 8 months ago
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Does this guy remind anyone else of Mal or am I seeing things
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