#Poison Powder
digi-lov · 1 year
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Poison Powder BT11-103 by Ryodan from BT-11 Booster Dimensional Phase
This Option card is a reference to the Digimon World move of the same name!
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casslcfrr · 10 months
ok but can we talk about how both katniss and snow have a dead father who was extremely important to them and how for katniss being similar to her father (more than to her mother or prim) symbolizes love and connection to her roots and how for snow it means embracing hate and cruelty. suzanne collins the woman you are
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Hey, I saw your requests open, and I had a thought. What would the bachelors/Bachelorettes do if they saw Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder (not drugs, just something from the wizard) into their drinks? I don't know much about all of them so I can't really imagine what they would do. Also, if they would punish the Farmer (not nsfw), what punishment would it be?
Oooo, drama :D Sure thing, dear anon! Enjoy some headcanons 🫰💕
(PS: My requests are currently closed for now. I'll open it again soon!)
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
Hey, what's that Farmer doing there- What the heck!? Sam's kind of a prankster himself, but this is out of line, and putting some stuff in his Joja Coke wasn't cool on Farmer's part. It's not "love powder," it's clearly some kind of laxative or something. Not cool at all, man. The young guitarist will stop hanging out with them for a while and honestly announce to the others why he and Farmer are avoiding each other. But if they apologise and don't do that again, Sammy will forgive them. Probably.
Shane with a distinct "are you fucking for real?" emotion on his face sizzled Farmer with his stare. He may have understood their weirdness before, but this is one he doesn't understand and doesn't want to. So the chicken man just takes them by the collar and kicks them the heck out of Marnie's Ranch. No, he ain't gonna listen to their excuses and their 'mad love' for him or whatever other bullshit they got going on. Farmer is forbidden to be around him or Marnie and Jas, or else physical violence will be involved.
Outrageous! This is just... unacceptable! Such disrespect and disregard for his persona! Elliott considered them a decent friend, but Farmer decided to stab him in the back by putting an unknown substance in his wine! And these excuses... Love powder? It's- were they trying to slip him an aphrodisiac?! No, Elliott won't stand for that. Out of his house, now! Begone, he said! Before he starts shouting at them more! The written is definitely gonna have to rethink his opinion of Farmer.
"I hope it was cinnamon in my coffee." Harvey already knows it's far from cinnamon, but he was curious as to what excuse the Farmer would come up with. Actually, no need to bother, the doctor doesn't want to hear anything. What he does want now is for Farmer to leave the clinic and to close the door behind them. At their pleading words that they love him, Harvey raised an eyebrow sceptically. Love is built on mutual understanding and trust, not this. From now on, they would only have a patient-doctor relationship, nothing more.
What kind of sick joke is this? What the hell did the farmer slip Alex? What... energy tonic? Pfffff, yeah! Stop lying to him. He saw them pour the strange liquid into the bottle. And now the athlete is demanding an explanation. Really, "love potion"? Very funny. Alex isn't three years old enough to believe in magic and stuff. He tells the Farmer to get out of his face, cos with his muscles he's sure to win the fight. He doesn't even want to look in their direction.
And the day was starting out so well for Sebastian.... Just when he thought he was going to have a good time and play videogames with his friend, Farmer, they slip some kind of drug into his mug. He's not even angry, just... disappointed. Sebby will just stare at them in silence until Farmer finally leave his basement. Then he'll shut the door (so he doesn't have to explain to his mum and the others) and text Sam and Abby that hanging out with Farmer won't happen and they also should be careful. Wow, what a day, huh...
Leah would be in a pure rage, and Farmer could count themself lucky if the artist hit them in the face with just her fist. Because if she had sculpting tools or anything else sharp or heavy around her, Farmer would be in a hospital for a long time. Leah genuinely thought they were her friend, but they ended up being another creep, and the ginger girl would stay away from them as much as possible. There can be no talk of any love. Moreover, she is unlikely to ever consider them a friend again. The trust is broken.
A cold shoulder from Maru. Why the heck did the Farmer decide that this behaviour was ok!? Slipping her some psychotropic substance (she believes in science, so the phrase "magic powder" is tantamount to naming a drug or poison to her) in her coffee cup while she was busy with her flasks in the lab? Maru advises them to leave, for if she calls her mom and dad now, things will get much worse. She may accept their sincere apology in the future, but for now Maru wants to be alone, away from all this drama.
Abigail will be shouting at them at the top of her voice about what the heck and what the fuck! Are the passing residents now looking at them? That's right! Let everyone know what Farmer just wants to do. And she's not going to stop at Pelican Town alone, oh no. So if Farmer is active in social media, the amethyst lover will soon mention them in her post-calling about them and that they can't be trusted. It's not very mature response from Abby, but she's too angry to think twice. Love??? Fuck you, Farmer!
L- love powder? Emily can't believe her own ears. Friendship and love are supposed to be pure and true feelings, trust and respect for each other. Was their friendship not enough? Couldn't they understand the joy in sharing and not just taking everything for themselves? Emily is very disappointed in the Farmer. She will just start ignoring them and seek spiritual healing in meditation. She hopes the Farmer will apologise sincerely and realise their mistakes, but she will be very careful with them for now.
Now Penny is afraid of Farmer, because... what if this isn't the first time? Maybe they've slipped her something before, since Farmer was so sure of what they're doing, thinking the young teacher wouldn't notice them. But the spirits were not on Farmer's side and Penny saw it all. Now the poor girl is tormented by paranoia and fear of them. No need to try to chase her and apologise or she'll panic and call her mum. And Farmer certainly won't want to deal with Pam.
Farmer couldn't imagine Haley being capable of so morally destroying someone, but here we are. "Love potion", huh? So they want to "speed up" the lovemaking process? Now she'd show them the consequences of their stupid action. In addition to scratches from her fresh manicure, Farmer will get a huge public condemnation from all the bachelors and bachelorettes. So that inadvertently no one (especially her sister) falls into this trap. Oh, and she'll pour that potion over Farmer's head. Loser...
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skullfragments · 8 months
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A Battle of Wits has begun!
Where is the poison? Is it in front of the mysterious Man in Black or the Archangel Sandalphon of dizzying intellect?? Beware Man in Black, don't fall victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "Don't get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this...!
aka pt. 2 of my GO x Princess Bride Brain rot
part 1
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makenna-made-this · 2 months
Walking outside with this pollen count and taking -1hp every few steps like being under the poison status in old generation pokemon games
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elytrafemme · 2 months
i've done some heavy duty research and i think i've got the strategy to keep my cottonee alive without evolving her into a whimsicott in late stage. this is contingent on me finding a specific item and also her being fast which i recognize might be a problem for her but i think she can do it
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b1adie · 2 months
Not craving chocolate anymore but craving coffee now
gahh im always craving coffee but im super sensitive to caffiene so its a dangerous game playing with coffee
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spideyhexx · 2 months
really wished in tbosas they showed how coryo would smell his mother’s compact to calm down from his anxiety because then the weight of him giving it to Lucy Gray would be a lot heavier
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macaroonkitti · 3 months
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red-hemlock · 6 months
This picrew + the last song you listened to
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Tagged by: @ratwhsprs
Tagging: @dontstepinmypuddle, @frostise, @corvidamned, @endlss-voiid, @externalconceit, @tootyfuckingfruity, @fathertofatality, @sifonie, @the-wonderland-jinx (Annnnd anyone else who wants to do this! <3)
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annakirk23 · 2 months
Powdered Donuts 🍩 are Gross!
My younger sister 👧 gave me powdered donuts 🍩,
I Hate powdered donuts,
They are disgusting…
So…I threw them over the fence,
I hate powdered donuts 🍩,
I hate raspberries as well,
They are gross 🤮,
Especially powdered donuts 🍩,
No maybe 🤔 raspberries,
I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ which but—
Yuck 🤮!
Why can’t she see it,
I guess she’s evil 👿,
Well not evil 👿,
But, Bad—
Really Bad!
I hope her boyfriend and her few friends take a hint,
see it too,
and decided to leave her…
Until she changes her ways—
Until then she is not really my sister 👧!
She is just my parents’ other kid…
Sorry 😢 but I just had to put out there,
Powdered Donuts 🍩 are Gross 🤮!
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lohstandfound · 9 months
If I combine the posts I made about Jake being the victim of a murder mystery on his 18th birthday with the regicide au...
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lifesver · 1 year
leland vc: i bring a sort of 'how are you not dead' vibe to the slaughterhouse that the family doesn't really appreciate,
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gemboundprism · 7 months
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This is Revavroom. It's a Steel/Poison type Pokemon, based on a car engine. An old scrap car engine is enspirited and constructs a body resembling that of an automobile. Its highest stat is (physical) Attack, with a modest base of 119. Its natural learnset includes a lot of Poison, Steel and Normal-type moves. Let's take a look at its available TM moves.
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Here is a partial selection of Revavroom's TM moves. Cool, makes sense... wait, Rain Dance? How does that fit? That's the only Water-type move it learns, and its only other setup-y moves are Toxic Spikes and Sunny Day. Revavroom doesn't have anything that could make use of rainy weather. Looking at Revavroom's set, it makes me think... something's missing! An incredibly specific and somewhat thinly distributed move that would be right at home in the learnset of a physical attacker AND a car. ...
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There's a distinct lack of Revavroom here. In fact, there's a distinct lack of most horse pokemon, as well. My original thought when I realised that Revavroom doesn't learn High Horsepower was "huh, maybe it's just the signature move for Mudsdale and didn't get distributed", but I was wrong. So now I'm wondering... who looked at Revavroom's set and went 'yeah, the car can summon rain but it can't summon its innate horsepower to ram a foe'
My son... who hurt you... why does Gamefreak hate you so much...
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yea i definitely felt like i was being mised into the fucking abyme youre telling me
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marklikely · 8 months
despite his best efforts jesse is still alive and well btw
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