#Poe wants to solve puzzles
faceofpoe · 2 years
“What’s powering this?”
Rewatched the beginning of Rogue One yesterday, Andor tie-in speculation ahead, and the Rogue One tie-in prequel I completely forgot about after only making it through a few chapters back in 2016, Catalyst - 
Two things that stood out watching Rogue One: 
Cassian knows the name Galen Erso. He specifically clarifies with his source that it’s Galen who sent the pilot.
Saw’s line justifying leaving Jyn behind: That she was the daughter of an Imperial science officer and “people were starting to figure that out.” 
Admittedly obsessed with the character of Luthen Rael and just What Exactly Is His Deal. And I think his Deal is that he must have been involved in Project Celestial Power with Galen Erso, back when Krennic was pretending it was more about using the energy of kyber crystals for good and less about blowing shit up. 
And woke up one day and wrote an equation and bailed like Erso did but was better at hiding (because he hid in plain sight?). Maybe was involved in the ransacking of Jedi sites for the kyber (and snagged some precious artifacts in the process?) (and found one pretty stone with a rich history he couldn’t bear hand over and instead wears around his neck?)(maybe that prompted his own personal rebellion?)(maybe that he hopes will inspire the same in Cassian?). And used what he learned - the tools of his enemy - to power his ship and modify the shit out of it. 
Perhaps he’s the “people” who started figuring out Jyn’s identity and wanted to use her. Perhaps leading to the big Alliance split with Saw. Perhaps tying into Saw’s state, mental and physical, in Rogue One.
And it’s interesting that the Rebellion so quickly locates Jyn. Because for Cassian to know the name Galen Erso... well. What if Luthen is (was? I have little hope for his fate in Andor s2) looking for him and keeping tabs on her in the meantime? Maybe he doesn’t know what the Empire is using him for, or can’t fathom the final scope of the project - but he knows it’s not good. And perhaps his push to accelerate the crackdown and stir up resistance is this looming ticking clock knowing Erso’s out there working on something. 
Also of intrigue though I need to dive deeper: the concept of protected “Legacy worlds” and the Empire stripping them of their protections in the quest for Death Star materials. Specifically wondering about Kenari.
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irritablepoe · 11 months
Ranpoe Fic - Hurt/Comfort
ao3 link
slight cw for self-esteem issues and the fear of being forgotten about; otherwise this is a really cute emotional hurt/comfort fic :3
Ranpo forgot me. The realization hit him harder than it should have.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Poe was too early. Ranpo and him were supposed to meet in front of the mall in 15 minutes, though Poe was so strangely excited to see Ranpo that he had gotten out of the house early. He considered sitting down in the café next to him but he figured that he should wait until Ranpo was here. Certainly, Ranpo wanted to eat something.
Poe smiled to himself. Since they had defeated the Decay of Angels, Ranpo seemed a lot more content; Poe would even go so far as to call it homely. He spent his days solving cases, yes, and some of them were quite serious still, but he let himself relax a lot more, not having the urgency to prove himself anymore. Not as severely at least. That also meant he would make room for regular meet-ups with Poe. There was no real reason for it other than wanting to spend time together. Poe sometimes excused it by telling Ranpo about his new book he was writing. Ranpo sometimes excused it by letting Poe pay for his candy. They both knew there was something deeper going on, though neither one of them had spoken about it yet.
Sometimes Ranpo looked at him as if he knew everything. Knew everything Poe felt; everything he thought; everything he was. It scared Poe to a degree but he also craved it. This sweet intimacy that came with being known. He had never felt this way before. He had been bullied in school, and was never understood by his parents nor his co-workers. Ranpo was the only one. His soulmate.
Poe blushed, bringing his hand to his face, covering his shame. He hadn’t meant to get this lost in thought. But it was correct. Poe had developed a strange fondness for the detective and sometimes, when Ranpo told him about the newest case, they would try to solve it together and eventually every puzzle piece fell into place; in those moments Poe was convinced he was made for Ranpo and that Ranpo was made for Poe.
“He’s not coming, sweetheart!”
Poe looked up and saw a group of young women passing him by.
“He ditched you, get over him!” The friend group giggled and went on.
Poe shifted uncomfortably where he stood. He didn’t like being perceived and he liked it even less when people were speaking to him. Especially unprovoked strangers. Their words hit him deeper than he’d like to admit. Ranpo wouldn’t leave him hanging, right? It was still early and Ranpo was usually late. He looked at his watch and his mouth fell open.
He had stood there for a full hour and a half??
No wonder everyone was staring at him with pitiful looks on their faces.
Poe bit his lip. Ranpo wouldn’t forget him, right? They had planned this meet-up for so long. He had been excited, had brought his new novel and a few notes with him.
Ranpo is usually late, he tried to remind himself. Though the latest Ranpo had been was half an hour.
Poe decided to wait, though the looks he got started to annoy him. He curled up into himself more and more. His posture wasn’t usually the best but now he was standing like he was having cramps in his torso. Which… he guessed he had in a way.
Another minute passed by. Another look of concern.
Another two minutes. Another five. Another ten. Hushed whispers were carried to Poe’s ears.
Ranpo forgot me.
The realization hit him harder than it should have. Things like this happened. Ranpo certainly wasn’t the first to forget a meet-up and he certainly wasn’t the last. Still, something in Poe’s chest ached. The feeling of being less important than what Ranpo had going on at the moment was… devastating. And he hated himself for it. On the one hand he didn’t want to blame Ranpo; didn’t want him to feel bad because he forgot something as simple as having lunch together. On the other hand, he didn’t want to face Ranpo again in a few days, acting like it was all perfectly fine with him. Worst of all, he didn’t want to be so dependent on him, though over the months of living a relatively normal life with him… he thought he had meant something to Ranpo. A foolish thought. Ranpo didn’t need anyone. He had proved it enough in his battle against Dostoevsky.
But still – he felt abandoned.
With a bitter feeling of loss and disappointment, Poe made his way to his car and drove home.
Someone knocked at Poe’s door. He flinched, not expecting someone to visit him today. He had cancelled all his plans to hang out with Ranpo after all. Although his eyes were still red from crying, he stood up and made his way to the door. His limbs felt heavy.
“Hey, Ed!”
No. He was not doing this now.
He was about to close the door again, when Ranpo stopped it with his shoe. “Hey! What’s that about, huh? First you forget our meet-up and now you don’t even invite me in?”
Poe stared at him. “I forgot our meet-up? Me?You were the one that didn’t show up!”
He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he turned around and stormed off into the living room. He heard Ranpo closing the door and follow him slowly like he was unsure if he was allowed to do it.
Ranpo found Poe on his desk, scribbling onto paper. Instead of stepping into the room he stayed at the door frame, awkwardly leaning against it.
“Ed, I didn’t forget.”
Poe rolled his eyes to himself. “Hmhm.”
“I’m serious. I waited outside the mall. Where were you waiting?”
“Outside the mall. At the café.”
“There’s no café…”
“Yes, there is.”, Poe snapped. “And I waited beside it. Do you know how awful it is when people start to look at you, wondering who you’re waiting for and why they don’t show up?”
“Yes. I know, Ed.”, Ranpo snapped back. “People looked at me, too.”
“If you were there, why didn’t I see you, huh?”
Something in Ranpo’s brain clicked. “Oh.”
“What?”, Poe snarked.
“There are two entrances to the mall. Oh shit…”
Poe’s face softened. “Oh.”
“Oh.”, Ranpo echoed.
An awkward silence sat between them, both of them dealing with their own feelings. They had waited for the other and neither of them had shown up. But it wasn’t the case because they were forgotten about. It had just been a silly misunderstanding. Relief washed over them.
“I-I’m sorry.”, Poe started, cradling his head. “I’m sorry, I thought you had forgotten and I-“
“I didn’t know you valued our meet-ups so much.”, Ranpo stated. He hadn’t exactly meant to say this out loud. An apology would’ve been better now that he thought about it. But in hindsight this had been a good decision after all. Otherwise, they’d never speak about… this thing that lay between them.
“I- Of course. I do. I mean – you… I- uhm…“ A torrent of words gushed out of Poe’s mouth, all of them incoherent until he stopped himself by burying his face in his hands, his skin flushed.
“I do, too.”, Ranpo said. “That’s why I waited so long. I’m sorry, too, Ed.”
“It doesn’t matter.”, Poe mumbled into his hands.
“Yes, it does.” He looked up and met stern green eyes. “You thought I’d forget you?”
Poe swallowed; lowered his gaze. “I thought you had better things to do.”
“Listen to me, Ed.”
Poe didn’t look up. Tears had stolen themselves into his eyes again even though he had sworn to himself that he wouldn’t cry over Ranpo anymore.
He heard footsteps approaching and then there were hands on his cheeks.
“Please, listen to me, Edgar.” Ranpo’s voice was shakier than usual and it sent a sharp wave of thrill through Poe. Was Poe really having this effect on him?
Poe didn’t resist the soft pull on his jaw that lifted his head until he was face-to-face with Ranpo. His mouth opened in disbelief when he saw tears lingering in Ranpo’s eyes as well.
“I could never forget you.” Could never. It wasn’t a promise to never forget; it was simply impossible for Ranpo to do so.
Poe held back a sob. “I’m not important.”
“You are to me.”
Poe was fully crying when he wrapped his arms around Ranpo and pulled him into a desperate hug. “Don’t ever leave me.”
“Ah, Ed – this is a little bit uncomfortable.” Ranpo was weirdly twisted over the desk.
Poe let him go immediately. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Ranpo let out a laugh when he walked around the desk to hug Poe properly. “I’ll not leave you. But you must promise that you’ll stay, too.”
“I promise.”
Ranpo smiled brighter than ever. “Great. Should we eat some ice cream then, or what?”
Poe grinned shakingly and nodded. Maybe he was worth being remembered after all.
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thank you for reading <3
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sleeps-au-bag · 6 months
emmet already knew what happened to ingo. it was obvious. veeerrrryyyyy obvious. but not to others, he supposes. it’s fine. emmet is nothing but a patient man. he can wait a while until the others finally come across a clue.
ever since he was a boy, emmet knew more things than everyone. puzzles? he already knew the answer before being given it. new learning material. seemingly everything was memorized perfectly in mere moments. mysteries? give him one he’ll enjoy ad it’ll be done in five minutes max. of course this meant he always knew what the outcome of a battle would be but he always put his all in it. after all, a battle is not fun unless both participants are serious about it. it wouldn’t be fair to either party otherwise.
gear station already had measures in place in case if either boss or both bosses went missing. the station was using plan ingo when emmet was taken in for questioning about ingo’s disappearance. nobody in nimbasa thought of him at fault for his brother’s disappearance but it was mostly a safety precaution. also to get the league off of the city’s metaphorical back. emmet kept the knowledge of what happened to himself, it would only cause problems for the station and he would hate for his employees and passengers to deal with everything the league would have in store for them. instead, he claimed he was doing his own investigation but was being slowed down with all the work he was doing to keep the subway running. that unfortunately didn’t satisfy the league.
emmet was getting quite tired of them. verrrryyy tired. he needed a break. but he also didn’t want to leave the station. just because he knew practically everything didn’t mean he saw his employees taking charge and making him use some of his years worth of vacation days. and also sending him to hoenn of all regions. at least it isn't kalos?
now, what will he do when he's on vacation? help people. obviously. emmet is a public worker at heart and he loves to help others. he manages to set up a detective agency and get a fitting wardrobe (courtesy of elesa) in two weeks. he quickly gains notoriety in the local town's population for how quickly he's able to solve cases and how he seemingly knows everything. of course he doesn't do this under his actual name. where would the fun in that be? he gives himself a pen name, like authors do.
edogawa ranpo.
that's what the people know him as.
the people know that ranpo worked solo for two months until the mysterious additions of "edgar allan poe" and "nancy springer" to the agency. little did emmet know (even with knowing almost everything) that introducing them would kickstart another journey to go on. this time with much more on the line.
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Last but not least
Your letters are W and another A :]
You might want to work with Ranpo, Poe, Tachihara, Sigma and Fukuzawa for the other letters
Only by solving this puzzle will you figure out who kidnapped baby Atsushi 👀
@fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency @ranpos-rival @the-greatest-detective-ranp
(Ooc: idk which blogs theothers are tbh...)
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So I never technically beat tears of the kingdom
It started as me wanting to get prepared for it, make sure I do it in one go. Max my hearts, max my inventory slots, upgrade my favorite armor sets in case I wanna swap em around during the fight, commit war crimes against the Lynel population to get a bunch of multishot bows, yanno the usual stuff.
And then THAT turned into “ah shit upgrading armor costs MONEY” and “how do I easily make money? Selling gems to that nice lady in Goron City!” And “easy way to get gems? Fighting Taluses!”
And THEN I remembered that you get medals for defeating all instances of a boss type and, well, since I’m already going to be mass-murdering taluses for money I might as well just blitz through all of them in one go and get the medal since fighting them is so easy.
(And while I was doing this I started mapping and mass-solving korok puzzles cause it turns out the full inventory upgrades took more than I expected and I actually wasn’t very good at finding koroks on my own…)
And then I finished the Taluses. And I went to collect my reward.
And it said I have one left.
So I did it again. I went online to one of those interactive map pages, filtered for Taluses, and marked each one before doing a circuit of the entire map. Not only did I CHECK every talus for the “defeated” notification, I re-fought every single one just in case it was some kind of glitch.
And it still says I have one left.
So now here I am on my THIRD attempt of finding the last Talus I need to kill to get my medal because goddamnit I CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS
And of course between fighting the Taluses and Uber-ing koroks around I was EMPTY HANDED. No bomb flowers, no zonaite, no bitches
So I had to do a depths tour. And re-did all the depths talus fights seperate from my other runs. Just because I can. Ended up buying like 45 bomb flowers with all the poes I got and have over 1000 crystalline charges so I’ve bought out every construct shop like three times.
Anyway I’m at like. 400 something Koroks cause if I’m doing several world tours I figured I’d get those while I’m at it (and it helps when I get sick of chasing these dumb rocks) and I’m fairly certain I’m going to get all the other boss medals before I find this last fucking talus just from me needing to kill them to restock on materials.
On the bright side Ganondorf is gonna get his shit absolutely WRECKED when I eventually get there. Master sword who? All I need is my collection of 5 shot savage lynel bows and an inventory full of rocket shields. Eat bullet time you raggedy old bitch!
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teecupangel · 1 year
This crossover got me last night, assassin's creed × Tomb Raider (2000's remake). It just really catches my attention and makes me go "yeah that kinda checks, hilarious as fuck if Desmond (and possibly his ancestors) going all over the world trying his ass off to make this woman to stop tampering with all this isu and non-isu bullshit and lara thinks he's after them for personal gain."
For me it works bc Desmond gets dragged into so much bs he's just tired and wants humanity to stop messing with these things meanwhile, lara is over here exploring and sadly it goes along the lines of her looking for trouble or trouble comes looking for her.
But I'd like to hear your take on this crossover
It would even be funnier if Lara never knew him as Desmond Miles.
In this scenario, Desmond is actually retired from all the Assassin-Templar BS and is focused on making sure no one is misusing the POEs or have any access to any Isu-related tech or location. So, while Lara has been getting experience (and into trouble), he’d been off taking care of the POEs under Abstergo’s and Assassin's control.
They only start to meet when Desmond starts on his quest to find POEs and Isu-related locations that are still ‘lost’.
So when they first met, Lara is already sorta-kinda famous by her own rights (more or less being somewhere between her Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider period). This way, Lara would have more experience than say if we were going for her Tomb Raider characterization (although Lara and Desmond being allies to survive the shipwreck and all other fuckery on the island would be fun too) and have her focus on solving the puzzles of the world (since Shadow did end with Lara realizing she’s supposed to protect them, not just… solve them).
So in Lara’s eyes, Desmond’s just this dude that always comes in and tries to stop Lara from getting an artifact or finding a lost location. Whenever she asks for a name, Desmond just gives her one of the names of his ancestors because, as far as Desmond was concerned, she’s some rich human who likes to touch things she shouldn’t be touching. There’s gonna be tension between them, that’s for sure, and, most of the time, they’d ally with one another because the other people out for the same thing are not good guys.
Unorganized Notes:
They won’t necessarily be buddy-buddies. At most, they’d end up being allies who have their own agenda. The closest they could be would probably be more in line with Nate and Chloe’s relationship at the start of Uncharted 2.
Speaking of Nate, Desmond likes to use the name Nathan Drake as a reference to how Francis Drake was sorta doing the same thing he was doing right now. In this scenario, we’ll say Francis Drake was an Assassin ally as well considering how Elizabeth I was an ally of the Brotherhood.
Lara knowing Desmond’s real name will be some kind of big moment to show that Desmond does trust Lara in some way.
Will their relationship be romantic in some way? Probably. Probably not. They’re gonna have one of those ‘calling it complicated is an understatement’ kinds of relationship. They do care for one another but their differing priorities will always make it hard for them to be completely on the same side.
Trinity is part of the Templar Order but is separate from Abstergo itself. They barely tolerate one another but both Trinity and Abstergo answer to the Inner Sanctum. The High Council of the Trinity answers directly to the Inner Sanctum and one of the Inner Sanctum members may or may have been a Trinity member before.
Desmond doesn’t know any of that though and he believes the Trinity is just one more asshole organization that is out there to give him a headache. At best, he assumes Trinity is a Templar Order that separated from Abstergo once Abstergo started focusing on profit and controlling the world using money. (He’s wrong though)
Desmond has been to the Croft Manor… Uninvited… in the middle of the night… to steal some Isu artifacts or destroy them. Lara has not yet forgiven him for that one.
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quietwings-fics · 3 months
I Knew You, Once
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Star Wars Ship: Gen (Rey & Ben Solo, Poe & Rey, Leia & Rey) Additional Tags: Character Study, Relationship Study, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Brother-Sister Relationships, Rey Needs A Hug, POV Rey (Star Wars), Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Young Ben Solo, Young Rey, Family, Angst, Attempt at Humor, One Shot, Ben Solo is Kylo Ren, Rey is a lesbian btw it's mentioned like once its important to me, Not Reylo, Growing Up Together, Betrayal, Force Bond (Star Wars) Wordcount: 1351 Podfic Length: 09:06 Summary:
Rey is the only one who never calls him Kylo Ren.
She understands why the others have to. They need to separate the man who is slaughtering defenseless villages and the boy who used to play hide-and-seek with her between the X-Wings. Leia can’t fight a war against her own son, but she can fight Kylo Ren. Han is trying to mourn him, and by mourn, Rey means he’s trying to forget that Kylo Ren exists. Luke, before he leaves, before he abandons them, calls him Kylo Ren because that’s the name he was given when he fell to the Dark Side and only when he finds the light again can he become Ben Solo.
To Rey, that’s all bullshit. Kylo Ren is just a mask, and if you took it off, Ben would still be there, staring back at you.
So, she never calls him that, not in meetings with the resistance, not when talking to the General, not when Poe is saying goodbye on his next mission and she is saying back, “Be careful. Ben almost caught you last time.” When she feels resentful, she likes to think she’s taking away his power, the glamour of the Dark Side he’s used to disguise the fact that he used to just be a man. When she’s so sad she can barely talk or leave her room, she likes to imagine that Luke is right, and that every time she says his name, she’s bringing him back, just a little.
She still dreams of him. Not the monster he’s become, but the boy she grew up with. They used to be inseparable. She’d start a sentence, and he would finish it, and they’d both grin like they’d planned the whole thing. They dashed through crowds without ever losing track of each other, pulled pranks on Poe that left all three of them laughing, and always had each other’s backs. They hid away in the Falcon, Rey fumbling with a mechanical puzzle box Luke had gifted her when she turned twelve, and Ben with his ‘serious’ face on that he thought made him look more adult. It kind of made her want to throw the toy at him.
“Uncle Luke is going to train me to be a Jedi.” She nodded absently, and Ben frowned, annoyed. He reached out right as she had almost solved it, and the toy flew out of her hand and into his. She felt a protest form and die on her tongue when she realized what he’d done.
“That’s awesome!” Ben was at that age where the most important thing in the world was how cool he appeared to others, and when she held out her hand, he floated the toy back to her, carefully, brow furrowed in concentration. It took him weeks to perfect even that, but he never told her. He wanted it to seem effortless. Years later, when she’s trying to learn herself, she laments how easy it was for him, how she’ll never be as good, and Leia is eventually the one to tell her that the first time he tried to use the Force, he hit himself in the face with a rock he was trying to make hover.
“You could be one, too.” He leaned back, proud, already certain she’d be by his side. Because why wouldn’t she? Rey turned the box over in her hands. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She knew she could feel the Force, humming in the air around her and burning in her lungs when she and Ben got into a rare fight. If Ben could use it, so could she.
“Maybe,” she answered, finally. “Maybe, I’ll be a smuggler. And then I can come flying in to save you.” She’d been raised on the stories of the rebellion, most of them from Poe, who liked to embellish. For a moment, Ben scowled, but it vanished as quickly as it had come, and Rey wrote it off, like she did every time. She wishes she hadn’t. She wishes she’d seen the pattern long before it led him to the First Order, not because she could have stopped it, but because it would have saved her a lot of heartache to understand why he could turn on them. The Skywalker family legacy weighed down on him in a way she never experienced, and instead of letting go, growing beyond it, he let that resentment fester until all he wanted to do was tear apart the tapestry his mother and uncle wove out of a broken and divided galaxy.
He still hasn’t seen the irony in doing it all in Darth Vader’s name.
“Wait for me,” she’d told him firmly, on that last day before he left with Luke. “I’ll be ready soon. I’ll come join you. We can both be Jedi.” By then, she had made up her mind. Wherever Ben went, so did she. She thought it’d work the other way around, too. He hugged her, and he promised, said he would always wait for her. She had no reason not to believe him. Ben had spent his childhood with her running after him, three years younger and never as fast as him, but he’d always let her catch up. He’d always waited.
Until one day, he didn’t.
Rey woke up screaming, clutching the sides of her head like there were blaster bolts bouncing around inside it. She was screaming for Ben, begging him, trying to make him hear her and stop doing whatever was hurting her, hurting them. She’d never felt anything like that pain, and in the back of her mind, it still lingered, her senses dulled to it purely by how long it had been happening, but the first time was agony. She’d lived so long with Ben a part of her that she couldn’t have ever been prepared for him to try and rip them apart.
He almost killed Luke. He took the other students, killed the ones who wouldn’t follow him, and chose Snoke to be his new master. And he made Rey do it, too. She had nightmares through his eyes of tearing the school apart, the smell of a lightsaber cutting through flesh making her sick when she escaped the dream. She’s still not sure if Ben knew he was damning her with him, and she doesn’t care if it matters or not. He still did it. She’s still dreaming about it and every other monstrous thing he’s done.
That’s why when Leia says that there might still be Light in him, she laughs bitterly. She’s been in every corner of his head as he’s been in every corner of hers, and if there’s still a chance, she’s yet to find it. Poe, at least, understands. He watched Ben grow up too, if from another perspective, already an adult when the First Order rose to power. He’s the only one who knows she still has nightmares. She’s learned to muffle the screams. Poe doesn’t try to fill up the space Ben left, either, but he stays, tells her pilots’ gossip and makes terrible jokes and gives her tips on how to flirt with the other girls on base that he isn’t remotely qualified to give. Ben was her brother, or another piece of her soul, depends on who you ask, but Poe’s her friend, and that’s worked out much better for her so far.
Ben Solo is Kylo Ren is a monster and a murderer and a terror upon the galaxy and is still Ben. She wants to hate him, but can’t, and wonders if she could forgive him, but can’t, and wishes she could do what everyone else does and believe the mask he’s chosen and the name he’s been given and the lies he’s weaved around himself, but can’t. She’s going to have to face him one day, maybe even fight him, maybe even kill him, and she’s not sure if she can do that either. The worst part is that she misses him, even though he doesn’t deserve to be missed.
It would be so much easier if she could just kill Kylo Ren.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
since you said it was okay for us to send in multiple ones i worked up the nerve to send one in for a blind date I’ll try to be as concise as I can with describing myself so apologies if this is a little long im not super great at describing myself in generalities. i trust your judgement completely. anyways!
I’m 30, bisexual, usually get mistaken for someone younger due to my size and sound of my voice, I have a couple of different chronic pain conditions but not so bad I can’t function normally, I’m friendly and kind to most people I meet but I also don’t take people’s shit you’ll definitely know if I don’t like someone i don’t really hide it that well —I’m pretty emotionally reactive is what I’m saying. I enjoy reading, some of my favorite authors and books include Edgar Allan Poe, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland (my favorite book) just to name a few, I also really enjoy audio horror dramas despite being bad with horror visually, i really enjoy engaging my brain so I kinda also really enjoy riddles and puzzle games even though my track record isn’t that great at solving them 100% of the time, I also enjoy victorian things and the period very much and my favorite holiday is Halloween! I also tend to show someone I like them no matter if it’s platonic or romantic through physical touch as long as I know they are okay with it
please don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t feel up to it I just wanted to send in another one since your framing device is extremely adorable and fascinating to me! plus i am very curious who you’d choose for me in this situation. congratulations again finnie you deserve this so much 💚!!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: you stop being so sweet or i'll have to serve you on the dessert menu ;-; 💚
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"Hello, welcome to the Vill-Inn! We'll uh... take your order from over here when you're ready. Just shout! There's a weird aura over there... bit of a strange vibe. It's giving us the heebiest of jeebies."
It's not as if there's a rain cloud above him or bats circling the table, but you get what they mean when you sit down across from your date.
"Jonathan Crane, my dear. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
He's charming, completely so. But there's something under that exterior layer, something dark and brooding. Something poetic, almost.
There are several points at the beginning of your conversation with him where you can see him wincing, but trying to hide the expression of pain on his face. It turns out to be an excellent way to open up to each other, as he divulges his chronic pain issues, most of which are the result of injuries from a certain Dark Knight.
"The suffering adds to my will for destruction, though. But I admire others who can admit to needing help, as they should. If you ever need someone to... discuss this with... I can offer some psychological comfort."
The more you reveal of yourself, the more interested he is. You can see him, teasing apart sections of your brain, of your psyche, and lapping them up with intrigue. A kind person who can react emotionally and keep people's cruelty at a distance?
"Very interesting. Tell me more."
Everything he says is accompanied by a wide and curved grin that feels mischievous more than conniving or malevolent, and the only time it really falls to one of warmth and surprise is when you reveal more about yourself, things that he finds a lot in common with.
Your choice of literature is certainly on par with his. When he delves into fiction as opposed to his psychology textbooks and research works, he would definitely opt for a gothic, melancholic terror. In fact, he has his copy of Sleepy Hollow with him.
"If you haven't read it, I can lend it to you. Returning it would be a good reason for us to meet again, no?"
He's intellectual, and enjoys problem solving. And while you admit you might not be much help on the difficult ones he can't quite get as quickly as certain, green-donning colleagues, havinng some emotional support would be just as effective. A love of horror is yet again more common ground, and his sly smile widens, his eyes lighting up, when you mention your love of Halloween. And when you notice the excitement, you reach out to place your hand on top of his. It's cold, but you warm him up, and he is grateful for the connection.
You might have read Sleepy Hollow before, but you'll take it anyway. Anything to meet up with Jonathan again.
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silvfyre-writings · 1 year
"Help me, Poe-kun" (BSD Fanfic)
I wrote this in, like, two hours, which is honestly impressive, but it's been on my mind since I first read chapter 59 like two months ago so... yeah.
No way Ranpo escaped from that fall without some sort of injury. Asagiri, you should've given us Poe treating Ranpo, we would've died.
Poe had been writing when his phone had buzzed beside him. He’d jumped as it’d done so, still so unused to people messaging him—in fact, it’d only been since arriving in Yokohama that the people he’d acquainted himself with seemed interested in texting him. The main culprit of the texts was usually Ranpo, the detective forcing friendship upon him after defeating him back when the Guild and the Agency had been fighting against each other.
And he’d lost.
But Ranpo hadn’t let that conflict get in the way of what he wanted; more mysteries from Poe to solve, and since Poe hadn’t yet decided on whether or not he wanted to obtain other work, or how long exactly he was planning to stay in Yokohama, he’d begrudgingly sat down and begun to write another mystery as asked of him. He wasn’t even sure how Ranpo had gotten his number in the end, but he’d been able to figure out that it must’ve been one of Ranpo’s coworkers, namely, the ex-mafioso he’d heard so much about.
Since then, their relationship had become… complicated. Poe insisted that they were rivals, a poor attempt of keeping distance between the two of them. He’d spent six years in isolation after all, friendship and being social weren’t exactly his strongest points right now… not that they had been before that first fateful encounter with the genius detective, who he’d since learnt was an actual genius and not actually gifted like the man believed himself to be. Ranpo, on the other hand, continuously barged through Poe’s self-imposed boundaries, declaring the two of them to be friends; it’d only taken a week for Ranpo to find out where he lived and demand that Poe invite him over.
Which he’d done, because for some reason, he was unable to tell Ranpo no.
Poe liked to think that they were friends by now, after several months of venturing outside the house for groceries or some more notebooks, and coming home to find Ranpo already on his couch, eating away at the snacks Poe kept stored away specifically for him. He still hadn’t figured out how where all the junk food Ranpo ate went, but Ranpo had once told him it was because all of his deductions simply used that much energy.
Lies, of course, but Poe wasn’t fool enough to argue with the man.
Poe’s phone buzzed again, reminding him that he hadn’t even looked at the first message. Quickly, he flipped open his phone, and indeed, the messages were from Ranpo. But they were… odd. Now, Poe was used to getting all kinds of messages from Ranpo; from random pictures of something that’d happened in the Agency, like one of his coworkers bringing an entire live cow into the office, to texts about the latest brutally murdered victim that Ranpo had scene. But this message was nothing more than the name of a street, and a one worded message underneath it.
He stared at the messages for a little while longer, piecing together the puzzle that Ranpo had left him. It was obvious that Ranpo wanted him to go to that street in particular. It wasn’t a street he was familiar with—it certainly wasn’t close to the Agency’s building at least—but he knew with a quick search, he’d be able to find it. What confused him was the word hide. Was it himself that needed to hide, or was Ranpo asking to be hidden? Either way, both spelled that something bad had happened, and that was enough for him to change out of his usual garb into something more casual. His heeled boots were swapped for sneakers, his pants for jeans, and his coat for a simple hoodie.
“Sorry Karl.” Poe whispered as he grabbed a satchel and threw it over his shoulder, making sure to shove one of his novels into it. “You have to stay behind.”
Poe knew that he stood out amongst the other citizens of Yokohama already for being a foreigner. His clothes and complexion kind of gave it away, but nothing was more damning to his identity than his little raccoon friend. Karl chattered at him, grabbing at his pants with tiny little paws, but Poe did nothing more than pat his friend on the head before leaving his mansion behind, making sure to shut the door behind him.
Ranpo had said to hide, and that’s what Poe would do.
It didn’t take long for him to reach the street in question, glancing down at his phone from time to time to make sure that he’d still been heading in the right direction. As he walked, he’d gone from being the only one on the street, to being absolutely surrounded by people, and it took every single nerve he had to not panic and flee for the comforts of the alleyways where there weren’t as many people. Stay calm, Edgar, he told himself, as he stopped before the street sign that told him he was in the right place. Ranpo needs you right now, he said as he turned down the street.
At first glance, there was nothing to indicate where Ranpo would be—if he was even here in the first place—and Poe began to slowly walk down the street, glad that he’d chosen to keep his hair as is, which meant he could scan the street without people giving him strange looks. Poe walked down one side of the street and found nothing, before he crossed over to the other side and began to do the same. He knew he could’ve messaged Ranpo to find out where exactly his friend was, but doing that would be dangerous, especially if Ranpo was trying to remain hidden.
What was surprising though, was the sheer amount of police that were on the streets, officers running around frantically, shouting orders to each other, and stopping random civilians to talk to them. Poe sincerely hoped that they wouldn’t try and stop him, that he didn’t look suspicious enough to be stopped in the first place. Two of the officers passed by him, muttering under their breaths something about terrorism, but Poe didn’t stop to ask.
Poe’s phone buzzed in his hand as he passed an alleyway, and he quickly flipped it open, his heart pounding as Ranpo’s name popped up on the screen. You passed me. Poe frowned and turned around, eyes quickly falling towards the alley he’d just walked by. He fought the urge to slap a hand against his face, as he realized that if Ranpo wanted to be found by Poe, but not by anyone else, then of course, he was going to hide somewhere like an alleyway.
He walked back to the front of the alleyway, taking a moment to hover, looking at his phone and making it look like he was looking up directions, before he turned on his heel and walked down it. The alley was dark, as most alleys were wont to be, but this one seemed drearier than most, almost as if the alley itself was trying to keep others away. But it didn’t take him long to find Ranpo, pressed into the tiny gap between dumpster and wall.
Ranpo’s got a finger pressed to his lips which is the only reason Poe doesn’t say anything as he comes to crouch in front of his friend, making sure that the dumpster is hiding him as well. The first thing Poe notices, is the blood. Ranpo’s clothes are stained with it, and he’s seen enough pain in people’s eyes to recognize it in Ranpo’s own green ones, and that’s enough to tell him that the blood belongs to Ranpo himself. The second thing he notices is that Ranpo’s wearing a coat that’s not his own; whoever it belongs to must be broader than Ranpo is, because the detective is dwarfed in it. But Ranpo must be wearing his own clothes underneath it, and considering the blood is starting to appear on this coat, means that Poe needs to hurry.
His fingers quickly find his novel and he brings it out and opens it before Ranpo’s eyes. It takes several seconds for Ranpo’s eyes to focus long enough on the words for him to activate his ability. “Solve the mystery in thirty minutes and we’ll be safe.”
Ranpo nodded his head once before the novel sucks him into it, and Poe waits a few seconds before shoving the book back into the bag and continues through the alleyway. He knew it was dangerous for him to even try and leave the way he’d come in; someone could have easily been watching the street and found it odd that Poe had entered an alleyway and re-emerged instead of continuing through. The street he exits onto is just as busy anyway, and he blends into the crowd, choosing to use his own skills instead of his phone to find his way to the path he’d used to get there.
From there, it doesn’t take him long to get back on track and make his way home, and soon, the familiar path to his mansion is in front of him. A quick check showed he hadn’t been followed, and Poe quickens his pace as he almost runs back home; he forced himself to keep at a walk though, just in case, forced himself to look as if he wasn’t worried out of his mind about why he’d found Ranpo bleeding in some random alleyway with none of his coworkers in sight.
The front door is shut behind him, and Karl is quick to throw himself onto Poe’s shoulders as Poe removes the bag, and the book within, before taking just the book to the kitchen. He leaves the book on the floor and made his way to the bathroom, grabbing a first-aid kit he’d never used before, and returned to the kitchen to wait. Thirty minutes haven’t quite passed, so he’s not worried, and as long as Ranpo was in the novel, he wouldn’t be in any danger from any life threatening injuries he may or may not have.
It'd been exactly thirty minutes before the novel glowed, and Ranpo was spat out of it, standing on shaky legs, and in the bloodied clothes he’d entered in. Ranpo’s eyes met Poe’s own, before his legs gave out, and Poe had to lunge to catch him, lowering him to sit on the ground and lean back against the island bench. “Ranpo-kun!”
“’m fine.” Ranpo murmured, eyes still glazed over in pain. “Followed?”
“No. It’s just me and Karl.” Poe said, hands already reaching over to strip Ranpo of the coat that didn’t belong to him. Ranpo tried to help, but ultimately did nothing more than let Poe manhandle him until he was just in his shirt and vest. “What happened?”
“Fell out a window.” Ranpo answered, looking a little disgusted as his eyes fell upon the bloodstains. “I may have been shot as well.”
Poe’s stomach clenched, having already come to that conclusion himself when he’d seen the massive bloodstain on Ranpo’s left shoulder. But considering that Ranpo was still conscious and talking to him, Poe didn’t think it was the worst gunshot wound he’d seen—and he hadn’t even looked at it yet. “Okay. I’ll, uh, do you want me to call a doctor?”
He isn’t surprised when Ranpo shook his head. “No, the Agency’s in trouble. I’ll be arrested if you call a doctor or take me to the hospital.”
“Then, what—”
“Figure it out, Poe-kun.” Ranpo interrupted, not to be rude, but because he was quickly growing tired from events that Poe wasn’t yet aware of.
And figure it out, Poe did, and he didn’t like what Ranpo was asking of him. He wasn’t a doctor, had never claimed to be, nor had he ever performed any kind of first aid on another human being before. But what he was, was a writer and detective, one that dealt with dead bodies and hyper realistic injuries in both his novels and real life on a frequent basis. How hard could it really be, to clean up some wounds? One glance told Poe that the worst of the injuries was the bullet wound, and as long as the bullet wasn’t still inside Ranpo’s shoulder, it would be an easy fix.
“I’ll—I’ll try.” Poe tripped over his words, but Ranpo didn’t seem to care, and slumped back against the counter, eyes slipped closed. “N-No, Ranpo-kun, eyes open. You can close them once I’ve treated you.”
Ranpo groaned, but opened his eyes as he’d been asked.
Poe took a breath to calm himself, before he maneuvered Ranpo to lean forward just that little bit so that he could strip him of his remaining shirt. Ranpo’s forehead rested against the crook of Poe’s neck, and he could feel Ranpo’s breath against his collarbone. Normally, such a thing would leave him embarrassed, but Poe clung to that breathing, using it as a way to reassure himself that despite all the blood, Ranpo was still alive and in his arms.
For all his comments about killing Ranpo, he’d found that he didn’t actually want the detective to die.
Poe cleaned away all the blood with a cloth, having to get up several times to wash it free of said blood. The entire time, Ranpo watched him with steady breaths, and tired eyes. The detective didn’t make a sound, other than hissed pain when Poe was just that little bit too rough with a particularly sore spot. One of Ranpo’s hands held a gauze pad to the wound in his shoulder, Poe having decided to take care of that injury last, but also hoping that the pressure would slow the bleeding down—the wound needed stitches, so hoping for it to stop the bleeding was a lost cause entirely.
Most of Ranpo’s injuries appeared to be glass related, which correlated to what he’d told Poe about falling out a window, and several times, Poe had had to bring out the tweezers to get at pieces of glass that had snuck into some of the larger wounds. But none of those wounds had required stitches. “I’m not confident in doing stitches, I hope you know.” Poe said as he finished putting a bandage on the last glass wound that needed one.
Ranpo hummed. “I trust you, Poe-kun.”
Well, uh, no pressure, I guess? Poe bit back the words as he procured a needle and thread from the first-aid kit. He reached over and grabbed Ranpo’s hand, pulling it away, along with the gauze pad to inspect the wound. The blood had slowed, but was still sluggishly bleeding, and there was blood running down the counter where Ranpo had been leaning against it—something Poe would need to clean afterwards. “Will you be okay, or would you like something to dull the pain?”
Ranpo gave him a look. “I doubt you have anaesthetic or sedatives in your home.”
“You would be correct, but I do have alcohol, which is what they used to use back in the day.” Poe answered, letting Ranpo mull over the words for a moment. While he waited for Ranpo’s answer, Poe got up and hunted around the kitchen for a lighter to sterilise the needle with; he knew he had one, just in case of a power outage, but it wasn’t something he kept track of. Just as he finds the lighter, Ranpo answers him.
“Sure. But if I get a hangover, I’m throwing the bottle at you.”
Poe huffed a laugh as he made his way to the liquor cabinet, grabbing one of the whiskey bottles he’d brought over with him from overseas. “You aren’t drinking yourself into a stupor, my dear, just enough to dull the senses.” Poe returned to his position in front of Ranpo and handed the bottle over.
Ranpo’s face scrunched up as he opened the bottle, no doubt unaccustomed to the smell of it, which was fair. As far as Poe knew, Ranpo didn’t drink at all, so he was surprised when Ranpo agreed to his suggestion.
I trust you.
Ranpo’s earlier words ran through Poe’s mind, and it made sense, then, why Ranpo had accepted. Poe coughed, not used to someone trusting him in the first place. “Drink a few mouthfuls and you should feel a little hazy. If you don’t, drink a couple more. I’ll stitch you up once you’re less aware.”
He received another look before Ranpo brought the bottle to his lips and took several large mouthfuls. “That’s disgusting.” Ranpo muttered as he brought the bottle down with a heavy thunk; thankfully, the bottle didn’t shatter as it hit the ground.
Those few mouthfuls seemed to be more than enough to dull Ranpo’s senses, and Poe watched the awareness begin to leave his friends eyes, head lolling to one side, although those eyes of his still attempted to try and watch him. Poe took complete advantage of the situation and sterilised the needle with the flame from the lighter, and soon began the work of stitching Ranpo’s broken skin back together.
It wasn’t pretty, and it wasn’t particularly good, but it was enough to hold the wounds shut, and that was the main thing. Ten minutes was all it took before Poe was done and wrapping bandages around the wound to hopefully keep Ranpo from moving his arm until it’d healed. Although, he doubted that Ranpo would ever remain completely still, so he’d warn Ranpo against moving once the alcohol wore off from his system, and be there when he inevitably did not follow Poe’s instructions.
Poe disposed of everything before he moved back over to Ranpo and carefully got his arms underneath the man before lifting him. Despite all the snacks and unhealthy food that Ranpo was always snacking on, the man wasn’t heavy—in fact, he seemed rather light in comparison to some of the people Poe had been forced to carry throughout his life. Poe made his way up the stairs to his room and carefully deposited Ranpo on the bed, removing his shoes and tucking him into the bed. Ranpo’s eyes closed immediately, and Poe was greeted by soft snores seconds later.
Now it was a waiting game, but until Ranpo woke, he’d do some investigating of his own.
“I was able to discover what happened to all of the Agency members, minus Tanizaki, and Miyazawa. Their whereabouts are currently unknown, but everything’s in those documents there if you wish to read yourself.” Poe explained as he sat behind Ranpo, unwrapping bloodstained bandages so that he could change them to fresh ones.
Ranpo had woken up an hour ago, but during the time he was sleeping, Poe had gathered all the information he’d needed to figure out what was happening. The Agency had been framed by a group of terrorists—according to half the population at least—and most of the members were already in the custody of the Military Police, having been hunted down by the famed Hunting Dogs themselves. Yet three of the members still roamed free, Ranpo being one of them. Who Poe was now harbouring.
Ranpo leaned over and picked up the documents Poe had put together, running a critical eye over them. “And what does the public think of the Agency right now?”
“Law enforcement all seem to be under the impression that the Agency is guilty of terrorism, but the general population is divided. There are many that believe in the Agency’s guilt, but just as many believe that the Agency is innocent.”
“And what does Poe-kun think?” Ranpo asked, looking over his shoulder.
Poe paused in wrapping Ranpo’s shoulder. “I think it’s quite obvious what I believe, Ranpo-kun.”
“Good, because I need your help.”
“W-What?” Poe was stunned at Ranpo’s words. Never in his wildest dreams, would he have ever imagined Ranpo asking for help of all people. Poe himself had asked Ranpo for him in several things since they’d reacquainted themselves, but never had Ranpo asked him for help. Poe had to check that he’d heard right. “You want m-my help?”
Ranpo nodded. “I need to save the Agency, but I can’t do it alone. I already have an idea on what to do, but I need your help in executing it.”
Poe immediately understood what Ranpo was getting at. “You need my ability.”
“And your skills.” Ranpo was quick to say. “But most of all, I need someone I can trust by my side. I need you, Poe-kun.”
Poe sighed, even though he’d already begun forming his own ideas on how to save the Agency that had been nothing but kind to him since the Guild’s downfall. It’d been a long time since he had been on the front lines of a fight, but if Ranpo’s the one asking him, then he believed he could do it. “Of course, I’ll do it. You knew I would say yes anyway.”
“Yeah, but it’s nice to hear you say it.” Ranpo said, reaching a hand to grab at Poe’s that he’d left resting on Ranpo’s shoulder. “I’m not going to let them get away with this.”
Poe squeezed Ranpo’s hand in reassurance, and let his head rest on top of Ranpo’s own. “I know you won’t.”
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fyodior · 2 years
nsfw is fine for me, it can be sfw if you want
not comfy w/ sharing my real name on here so lets just go with Lycoris
i am a computer science student in college
im 5'8, white, i have blue/gray eyes, and dark red dyed hair in a bob with bangs
i am the parental friend who will ask questions, talk to people, keep us out of trouble, volunteer for things etc UNTIL i fimd someone who i trust enough to do that for me. then its chaos. i have adhd if that helps anything lol
i play genshin, persona 5, and minecraft; i play the guitar and sometimes write music (also sing and play a couple other instruments); i like reading literature: i watch anime; i like solving puzzles and working with technology; i occasionally upload on youtube or stream on twitch (not sharing it to tumblr lol) (im also a christian but im here on a tumblr smut acc)
im a very picky eater, i swear im like a child, i dont try anything i dont already like. i am a very assertive and opinionated person so if i dont like something You Will Know. but at the same time i can keep it back to be polite (except for food im sorry i will live off of ramen until i die)
any of the adult males, fuckin surprise me
nope nothing else to add <3
lycoris x ranpo
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✧ surpriseee your silly little man is The ranpo edogawa himself
✧ you guys work so well bc you both compliment and counteract each other. you're very similar in some ways but complete opposites in others, which is. essential for relationships
✧ ranpo is a (loveable) dumbass and could definitely use your parental friend abilities, mostly when it comes to like changing lightbulbs, taking the train, doing the fucking laundry. he's so smart but so stupid pls be patient with him
✧ BUT i think he very much could step up and be that person you could trust wholeheartedly. you could let your chaos show with him he could handle it. he might match it with his own crazy tho bfdakljfk
✧ i would be SCARED to see your guys' kitchen dkfjkadsljf like oh my god. you both are the worlds pickiest eaters, and ranpo's obsession with snacks and sweets...... you would need an entire pantry shelf dedicated to just ramen and another one just for all of his candy. id get a fucking cavity just from entering the room
✧ you're slightly taller than him (2 inches) but he absolutely refuses to admit this. when he stands next to you he'll stand a bit on his tippie toes and everyone just pretends its not happening LMAO poor ranpo </3
✧ you hardcore bond over your love for puzzles and reading and problem solving. this is likely how the two of you ended up meeting and/or interacting for the first time, and is something relatively integral to your relationship. its something that both calms you down and can start fights fkjdalj;f like if you solved a poe novel first he wouldn't speak to you for like 3 days
✧ you are both . very opinionated and this can be good and bad
✧ bad in that you'd have to be very conscious about the fact that you inevitably will butt heads, and knowing the best ways for the two of you to cool off either together or individually.
✧ good because if you guys share a really strong opinion about a certain tv show or hatred for a person that is. talking material for DAYS you could both get hyperfixated on the same things and everyone at the agency is like oh jesus fucking christ. not them again
✧ you'll def find yourselves in arguments about the silliest things which isn't necessarily a bad thing sdlkjfdsjk like one morning you're bickering because ranpo was like NO YOU DEFINITELY HAVE MORE MARSHMALLOWS IN YOUR LUCKY CHARMS THAN I DO and you're like WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING A BOUT
✧ i promise i genuinely think you guys would work well together i really do fklajfkdj
✧ i dont think he really understands video games at all, like thats not his thing. but he def will sit there absolutely mesmerized as you stream.
✧ i know cockwarming where the guy is the one playing the games but why cant it be the other way around. u ride him as you play video games. why not. i said so
✧ he'd LOVE listening to you play music
✧ anyway. power couple. the two of you would drive everyone at the agency insane with your antics but they'd all love you too :)
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bichitosdecolores · 1 year
i just finished totk and a link between wolds and i have thougths.
under the cut. (ill put a little spoiler warning when nessesary)
this ran out of my control so beware a really long post down there
a link between wolds first
ok okokokok. so. this is the greatest game of all time. the concept of link turning unidimensional its the most unique and cool ive seen in a zelda game. the puzzles are so cool and exploring the world(s) its so much fun.
also skyward swords its usually said to be the one that broke the zelda formula but albw also did. you can solve the dungeons in any order you want and get the items for a weird little creature (aka my new favorite character) with rupees at any time in the game.
i also loved the story. spoilers start here
This was my seventh zelda game and its definitely not my favorite story wise. BUT. the concept of it its so interesting. the twisted hyrule aka lourde its great and also hilda aka evil zelda its so interesting as well as ravio aka the weird link its the greatest reveal ive seen in a zelda game. and the twist of hilda being behind all the evil plan also surprised me.
another thing i found really interesting its the fact that the triforce its completed by the end of the game and Link and Zelda get to make a wish. because this is a concept that its been established in a lot of the games ive played but ive never actually seen it happening (i suppose its because of the downfall timeline or whatever).
spoilers end here
ill say the only thing i didnt love about the game is its difficulty. ive only played another 2d zelda game (links awakening) but in comparison this one its too easy. i died a total of 2 times, one of them in the final boss (which is a really cool fight btw). so yeah, kinda easy but not really a complaint.
totk time
man. what do i say about this game.
i didnt love botw and i usually dont like 3d games. but i guess i cannot longer say that because i love totk. its so fun and big (how does it run in the swich).
also playing totk made me appreciate botw more. its so cool how even without the main story both games tell a different story and how besides link being almost and avatar he gets to have so much story, growth and personality. In botw link is almost always alone, literally only accompanied by the ghost of his past. while in totk a lot of npc recognize him, help him and just are there with him. also hyrule tell its own story; in botw its almost a post apocalyptic (ex) kingdom. npcs are always in tiny towns, and the few that leave are scared and in danger. and everything its destroyed, gannon its trapped in the castle and theres no hope for the kingdom. but the in totk they are rebuilding!. i have never been this emotional about a bunch of npcs as i am with totk/botw once. they go out to explore and treasure hunt!. there is a school!, a newspaper!. they know zelda and link and hyrules story!. they let link sleep and gives him weapons and food whenever for free!.  im not crying i promise (lie).
and the amount of storytelling that theres is the world alone its insane. i get sad everytime i catch some poes because they are the souls of the fallen hyrule warriors and people from before botw.
now lets talk about link (again) and zelda because they had taken over my mind. link and zelda from botw failed. thats the whole point of the story. they failed the first time, they couldnt save their friends, their kingdom, they didnt defeat ganon, link couldnt defend zelda. so then 100 years latter they have to fix it and save what is left of the kingdom they couldnt protect. botw its so sad. even when they win, the kingdom its still broken and they friends are still gone.
then in totk they do everything they can to help the new hyrule, and when it its in danger again, they fight. in botw, i like to think most of the time link will be running in the wild (dah), camping alone, then go and defeat gannon on his own (the champions help but they are ghost and it was their duty anyways). and then, in totk the very first thing link does after living the sky its go to the fortress (idk its name) where there is people willing to help, then he go and travel finding and helping people on its way. they want link, the hero, to help them fight this monsters, because its gives them hope. he goes to see his friends and they willingly help him. they don't have to risk their lives but zelda asked them to help link and of curse they will. they trust him. he is their friend, and they wont let him be alone.
now a little bit of spoilers
when link goes to the castle, expecting to fight ganandof alone and then the sages show up and deflect the attack i almost cried. then at the end of the game when link loose contact with them and still goes in alone and they show up again.  im...  ;-;
and zelda!. my girl fought so much and she was alone for so much more i want to give her a hug. when she gets turned back to human and she says she was sure she would be gone (a dragon) forever... ;-;
end spoilers
now lets talk about that final fight.
damn, what a good fight. i was there for so long (my fault for getting there with 3 hearts and no food), but we did it and it was amazing.
ok thats it. in conclusion a link between worlds its almost as good as links awakening but im going to say its my new favorite zelda game because it deserves so much more love that it gets. also cook some food before you go to end game, believe me youll need it.
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b-etter · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me, @emofuck-inspace <3
Last song: In Between by Beartooth
Last show: I'm watching Silo atm
Currently watching: I'm rewatching Trailer Park Boys and Modern Family
Currently reading: The Black Cat and Other Stories by Edgar Allan Poe (idk if I'm stupid or what but I'm having a hard time understanding some stories lol)
Current obsession: Solving Riddler's puzzles on Batman Arkham City, I just spend hours playing that game because I love puzzles (also, I've been playing Escape Games that I found on steam as much as I can)
Now I'm tagging @sarraaaa @soft-lunar-rose @trailerparkdream @leav3-a-light-on @etdieucrealabelloca @wolves-atthedoor @sewerw0lf and whoever wants to participate can say I tagged you ;)
No pressure guys <3
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
Thoughts + Reflections
August 5th, 2009
As we embark on another wild and crazy journey across the land of cheese steaks and Ashlee Simpson, I am pleased to say that things have been rather lovely so far, although we are all gradually melting into little puddles of British charm with the weather being rather too hot for our pasty silken skin.
The van has welcomed us back with slightly uncomfortable seats and nearly everyone has taken their usual “spots.”  My own little caustrophobic piece of heaven is next to Neil who regails me with witty tales as well as offering me crisps. But anyway here are some completely incoherent thoughts which have taken an idle stroll through my brain in recent times.
I was lucky enough to experience some hipster barrista wit when I was in Manhattan with a coffee making expert asking me if I wanted a “paper or ceramic cup.” Took me ages to get it. Then I thought he was quite clever. Then I thought he was a idiot. Then I thought it was something straight out of an indie rom com. Then I thought he might be flirting with me. Then he said it to the next person in the queue. Then I realised that I was not one snowflake in a million. Then I cried.
We passed some advertisements on the way out of New York, one advocating shag carpets but frowning on the use of Narcotics. It stated “So No to Drugs. Say Yes to Rugs.”
“100 classic books” on Nintendo DS is the best pre-tour purchase I have ever made. I can read all the greats (bit of Dickens, bit of Poe) on my tiny little computer screen without the need for a mobile library! “Great Mystery Puzzles” however was not. It may be something to do with the fact that its designed for ages 3+ but the first level involved finding items to pack for your holiday in your room…. I am not too sure if that was the mystery solving I had in mind but  I failed the task anyway, not being able to find my binoculars.
Joe Puelo has forbidden some stock phrases from being uttered on this tour, including “In this current climate?” and “with this recession going on.” Fortunately none of us tend to talk about economics that much, so its been avoided thus far…. If he said we weren’t allowed to utter the words “she was well fit” or “douchebag” then we would all be in trouble.
I think someone threw a beer can at my feet during the gig the other day.
The concerts themselves have been going rather smoothly thus far with no major fuck ups, explosions or set backs. Apart from on the first night when I played the wrong note at the beginning of You!Me!Dancing! Luckily everyone noticed.
The transition from British drink measures to American ones has been a rocky one, with Tom having some difficulty adapting, this has lead to him making some rather witty comments on stage. On the first evening at Union Pool they were breast based, and on the second evening at Webster hall they were aimed at glasses wearers. You know your servings are really big right? Come to the UK and weep as you have a tipple of whisky and no money left.
Gareth reminded me last night much I loved the work of Lee and Herring, and in particular This Morning with Richard not Judy. You can watch all the episodes here
In the meanwhile, enjoy this this taster.
Richard Herring and Stewart Lee are both at the wonderful Edinburgh fringe festival this month, with Lee at the strand and Herring at the underbelly.  I have seen Herring a few times, and Lee once, and they are both lollosome and roffoly. If you are going there then see some contempory theatre for me, as well as Neil Gaiman doing some of this,
Ellen x
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marjaystuff · 1 year
The Puzzle of Blackstone Lodge by Martin Edwards
Rachel Savernake book 3
Poisoned Pen Press
August 1, 2023
The Puzzle of Blackstone Lodge by Martin Edwards is a locked room mystery with a gothic edge set in the 1930s Northern England. It has Rachel Savernake as the main protagonist.
“I love writing the Rachel books.  There will be at least six books with these atmospheric mysteries of the 1930s.  The Fourth book will be out in the States next year, The House of Graveyard Lane.”
“For this story I wanted a new setting for Rachel, the private investigator. Blackstone Yorkshire offers a fresh setting for her. I visited this wonderful place in Yorkshire.  It is rural, avoids outsiders, gothic, and has a marsh. It was the remoteness of the location that gave me inspiration. It had a strange tower. I wanted to create an enclosed community, cut off from the rest of the world. This was the starting point for the story.”
The main character is amateur detective Rachel Savernake.  “She is twenty-six. Described as an Ice Queen. She can be ruthless, cold, private, and a risk taker.  She also goes by her own rules and is inquisitive. She is devoted to getting justice. She is very rich and gets herself involved in solving the mysteries in the 1930s.”  
The plot starts with investigative journalist Nell Fagan looking for a second chance to revise her career. She finds out about mysterious disappearances. In 1606, Edmund Mellor, a guest of Blackstone’s very first owner, entered the lodge, locked the door behind him, and vanished, and Alfred Lejeune, repeated the trick in 1914. After she goes to Yorkshire to investigate, she also disappears.  
“She is the first character readers meet.  Through her eyes people see Blackstone Lodge and realize there are mysterious disappearances. She is very closely involved in the main part of the story.  The different storylines are interconnected.”
To continue the investigation amateur detective Rachel Savernake is trying to put all the pieces together. “I am a huge fan of locked room mysteries. I have written it in many short stories, but for a novel it was only one of the ingredients for the plot. The disappearances were stretched over time. The explanation has a need to be logical but also must be spooky. Like Edgar Allen Poe’s short story.  The murders seem too impossible but happened. The windows are barred, the doors locked, but the appeal is how was the killing done.”
Just as with mysteries in the 1930s Martin has Clue Finders at the end of the book. “Clue Finder is a device that was very popular in the late 1920s and 1930s.  The detective novel was a game between the reader and the writer.  All the clues are in the text, and they need to find them to help figure out the mystery. The Clue Finder fell out of favor when the genre of psychological suspense came into popularity.  The Rachel series brings back the detective story of the golden age.  I brought the Clue Finder in Rachel’s second book.
Fans of mysteries like Edgar Allen Poe and Agatha Christie will find these books enjoyable. 
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heyimjester · 3 years
bsd characters if they read a fan fiction about themselves (and it was x reader)
Dazai: damn they wrote me so hot
Atsushi: i’m not this bold lmfao im a pussy
Kunikida: this is terribly written. is it really so hard as to check your works for spelling mistakes? whoever wrote this i’m not interested, delete this immediately you don’t fit my perfect woman criteria
Ranpo: wait did poe write this i don’t feel like solving another puzzle
Yosano: this is so disgusting.. i love it where’s the writer
Higuchi: i wish akutagawa-san would want me like this
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ssatoritendou · 3 years
Murder Mystery Dinner Party
Pairing: ranpo/reader
ranpo edogawa
Word count: 2.9k
+ summary: You are trapped with your mortal enemy, ADA Detective Ranpo inside a book designed specifically for you and Ranpo. The perfect world or is it?
Genre: comedy, fluff
Warning: fowl language
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How did you end up here? In this situation.
“Ranpo I look ridiculous!”
“Yes, I know.” He said. “But I look…” he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Fantastic, Ranpo. You look amazing.” You groaned.
“How we look isn’t the problem at hand. Poe’s ability has been amplified and we are stuck in a book that is a puzzle.”
“Yeah but maybe I don’t want to help you.”
“Who said I need you to help me?”
“The handcuffs provided to us say you need my help.” You said yanking his arm.
This was your worst nightmare. You were trapped in a book with one of your enemies from the ADA, more specifically Ranpo pain in the ass Ranpo. He made Dazai look like a walk in the park.
“Look I don’t want any backtalk, do as you are told my friend is trapped by an actual psychopath. Who wants to destroy the city that we love. Stop acting like a brat and help.” He dragged you out of the limousine.
“I’m not the brat. If anything you are and another thing—”
“Madame and Monsieur, may I see your invitation?”
“Invitation? But we don’t have an invitation.” Ranpo said to the butler.
You bumped his shoulder, flipping the invitation reading it out loud. “Anniversary party For Mr. and Mrs. Ranpo Edogawa. Who is the idiot who married you?” You laughed.
He looked at you looking down at your hand.
“Jesus Christ why am I married to you in this book.” You stomped in the snow-covered ground.
“Right I’m the brat?”
“The host is waiting for the lovely couple.” The man said.
“The sooner we figure out the mystery the sooner we can get out of here.”
“Hold on. I want something in return before we go forward. I’ll help you save your friend, but I want my friend back.”
“The scumbag executive?”
“He is not a scumbag. He is different from them, the rest of them. You want to talk about a scumbag I think we both know Dazai Osamu’s number.”
“If Poe gets out of here alive, I will talk to him and Dazai to getting your mentor out of the book.” He stuck his hand out to you, you believing that there is no way he would lie to you it would be against his morals shook it to agree.
“Now my stand-in partner, let's solve the mystery.”
“The cocktail hour is being served in the library.” Someone said taking your jackets. “Down the hall to the right.”
The both of you looked down the hall of the mansion. and saw a light pouring out of a room, with laughter coming out of it.
“I know that laugh,” Ranpo said
“Which one there is like 10 laughs going on?” Ranpo started to run forward, to the French doors, “Hey Ranpo slow down we are handcuffed.”
“Boss!” He said to him.
“Ranpo my boy, you and my precious ___ are late to your own party. I bought you that pocket for a reason.” The boss of the ADA said patting Ranpo’s shoulder.
“___ dear, what happened to keeping him on time?”
“You know how much of an asshole Ranpo can be so I don’t have to answer that.”
The group laughed on cue.
“That wasn’t to be funny but an insult.” You grumbled.
“Yukichi leave the poor sweethearts alone. Come and sit down and relax have a drink.” Koyo said to you taking your shoulder.
“A…Ane-san?! What are you doing here?”
“Honey it is your anniversary, Edgar invited us. You know Chuuya was looking for you he wanted to give you a gift knowing that boy he is probably halfway drunk with Osamu.”
“O-Osamu? C….C..Chuuya they are here? And they aren’t trying to rip each other’s head off?”
“For you, they would never do that.” She patted your head.
You felt tears gather in the corners of your eyes.
“I’ll find them later.” You told her.
You tugged on the handcuffs pulling Ranpo into a private conversation.
“Half of the ADA is here.”
“Koyo said Osamu and Chuuya are here. I wouldn’t doubt if other people from the Mafia were here too.”
“Then who is hosting?” He asked.
“Detective it is Edgar Allen Poe. Look at these books.” You pointed to the books on the wall.
“They are all written by him. The Mansion of Tragedy.”
“Isn’t that the book he made for you?”
“Yes. How did you know that?”
You shrugged, “You learn to know things about your enemies.”
“Your eyes are red. You have been crying.”
“I wasn’t crying.”
“Miss. Ozaki told you Chuuya was here. I can tell you it is not him. It’s a fictional version of him. This book, this world that was made for us to mess with us. Nothing here is real.” He told you. “Play your part.”
“Oh yeah dotting wife to a pric—”
“Well if it isn’t the guest of the hour.” A booming voice said behind you.
“Poe!” He yelled happily.
“Took you long enough to get here!”
“Says the host who is late to the party!” Ranpo pushed his shoulder.
Poe just laughed in return. He clapped his hands together turning to the group, “Everyone's dinner and entertainment is in the dining room lets move our way there.”
The group exited the library walking ahead of you and Ranpo, following Poe.
“I thought he was an overly shy guy who hates groups and loud settings.”
“He usually is.”
“He writes this as we are in it right?”
“Sometimes. Once you solve the mystery you escape.”
“Ok so if his power is being amplified by Fydor’s accomplice. Do you think he is writing things that aren’t true or suspect to let you know?”
“Why would he do that he knows I would know that this isn’t real?”
“He put people we know in here. Fukuzawa is treating you as his son. Poe had an awesome house and is a charismatic host. There is no war going on when our friends and family are in the same room together. Have you ever seen Yosano laugh at anything Motojiro said? I vaguely remember me having to clean his wounds as he whined about his bombs weren’t good enough because she sliced him in half-healed him and cut him again and again.”
“Sounds like the perfect world. For you. Come on the other guest are waiting for us, Dear.”
The meal was lemon chicken with a side of green beans and rice.
“This is my favorite meal. How did know that?” You asked yourself that.
“Not sure,” Ranpo said taking a sip of his water.
‘He didn’t know the answer to something.’ You will hold on to that one.
There was a dinging of glass. “Welcome everyone. I invited you all here because of our shared love for this wonderful couple. To think five years ago we were all at each other’s throats. We have our own Romeo and Juliet without the tragic ending. I even remember the story of how Ranpo first met ___.”
“Poe you don’t need to tell that story.” Ranpo tried to hush him up.
“Nonsense ___ has heard this story thousands of times it’s only embarrassing for you.”
“Ranpo Sweetie let him tell the story to all our friends.” You squeezed his arm giving him a threatening smile.
“Now I’m sorry if I mess up this story I wasn’t there, just the story from Ranpo’s point of view. ___ was out with Tachihara and Gin at the arcade it was their day off in a long time. They were playing a game to see who was paying for dinner and drinks. ___ was sitting behind Gin telling her all the moves to make to beat Tachihara. She predicted every move his character in the game was making. He was so in love with her and he even started a fight just to get into close quarters with her.”
Ranpo put his face in his hands. Very embarrassed.
“That was because you wanted to talk to me?! You were with that insane farmer boy and Yosano. Kenji dislocated my shoulder. I couldn’t go on missions for months. I had to do psychical therapy. Can you imagine do psychical therapy with Mori and Elise in the room, news flash that is the torture no enemy of the Port Mafia knows! And Chuuya, Chuuya he never let me go anywhere that was out of his eyesight. It made me feel like I was a child again.” You complained, having a death grip on the fork.
The tabled laughed.
“Are they laughing at me?”
“They are laughing at Poe’s story. Story.”
“I don’t believe it’s just a story.” You said through gritted teeth.
“Now I passed the mic over to Chuuya. Who has a story about ___’s first time meeting Ranpo.”
You looked across the table to Chuuya who stood up with your diary.
“Chuuya you put that down right now! I swear to god I will kill you you might be a god but in this book we don’t have powers and I’m at least 3 inches taller than you.” You shot up from the seat leaning over the table trying to grab him.
Ranpo pulls the hem of the dress bringing you back down. “It’s time for you to be embarrassed.”
“I go-to entry on October 3rd, 2017…,
‘I have gotten myself into trouble again. But it wasn’t my fault completely it was those ADA bastards who started to fight with us for no reason. A day off in a million years. Gin and I were about to beat Tachihara, he was going to have to pay for drinks and ramen. “Someone complained that we were threatening the arcade owners” yeah as if. Now we are banned for life. I’ve been going there for years since I was a kid. Chuuya used to take me there before we were in the Port Mafia. Why did I have to back up Tachihara with that freak Kenji, that kid threw across the street into a car dislocating my shoulder. Tachihara got off with a few scarps and bruises. Lucky son of a bitch. Luckily one of them was nice he helped me up and made me a shoulder sling out my scarf. And he gave me a lollipop. Which he just had, he had very pretty eyes. If he wasn’t from the ADA I would’ve…no there is no doubt about it he was really cute even though he acted like a child. With the right amount of snooping, I can figure out his name and everything else about him.’
Ranpo turned around smirking.
You rolled your eyes. “Chuuya give me the damn diary.”
“___ dear—” You interrupted him slamming your fist on the table, he slid the book over to you. You picked it up flipping through to last year mere days before Chuuya’s birthday the day the cannibalism virus took over Mori and Fukuzawas bodies.
“God damnit it is not here. Forget it but Ranpo you need to hear this I remember every word every detail I written in that passage, ‘Ranpo Edogawa is dead to me. No matter his personality, his eyes, his smirk. He is an awful person. If Chuuya dies I vow to kill that scumbag of a detective.’ That is what I felt then and what I feel now. If this is some lame trick to make me fall in love with you I will not fall for it that easily. You took away my lifeline. No schoolgirl crush comes before Chuuya.”
“___ has Poe ever seen your diary?”
“That is what you are taking away from my speech—” he let his face fall down his emerald eyes piercing into you telling you to answer his question. “no he hasn’t.”
“Chuuya has.”
“Of course he has he is like my older brother. He purposely would go into my room looking for it to read it and make fun of me…what are you saying? Are you saying that is Chuuya my Chuuya?”
You looked at him across the table. “C…Chuuya are you in there?” You asked the expressionless man.
“Now honored guest we are going to play a game. A murder mystery dinner party. On the inside of your name cards is your role in this game.”
The crowd made an ‘ooo’ noise picking up their cards reading them to themselves.
“What does yours say?”
“Victim.” You swallowed. “Yours?”
“Victim.” You both looked at each other, instinctively grabbing hold of each other's hands. The lights fluttered off making the room turned pitch black. There was a crash and a noise a loud grunt.
The lights sparked back on, you assumed you or Ranpo would be the first to go ending your lives in this game Fydor’s accomplice was playing with you. To distract you from what was really going on.
But open the light being shown the first to die was Chuuya. You gasped hand grabbing your face.
“He isn’t dead. Yosano died in one of these books before the sooner I figure out the who done it we all go back to our reality.”
“Does that mean Chuuya is home or is he back in his own hell?”
“That my dear I don’t know the answer too.” He looked over at you your eyes scanning over Chuuya’s lifeless body, bleeding out, eyes not even close just starring holes back at you.
“Don’t look at him, look away. Look at me.” You turned your eyes towards the brilliant detective, your eyes are glassy. “The lights will turn off again in 20 seconds pick up your knife and if someone grabs you touch you in any way stab them over and over.”
“Isn’t that cheating?”
“Yes, but you might leave a clue behind.”
The room is pitch black again you are being yanked around from your chair. You fought back pushing one hand against the killer's chest feeling ribbon bolo tie. Gripping it you yanked it off not even making an attempted to stab him.
You felt yourself almost drifting to sleep. It was so painless, even though you were bleeding out. You didn’t even scream you had accepted the death.
The lights flickered back on, Ranpo looked over at Poe who was smirking at the little mystery he set up. He looked down at your body, people shuffling around it. Noticing the distinct bolo tie in your hand.
“Poe, I know who the murder is.”
“You do?”
“I know it to be the Twin Dark team. See Dazai is shying away from looking at ___’s body because he very much sees her as a sister figure, some he could never mess up. While being on the over the side of the table smirking at Chuuya’s body. Something he has dreamed of doing. Another aspect is ___ is holding Chuuya’s ribbon tie. She pulled it off of him during the struggle.” He clicked his tongue a few times.
“Congratulations Ranpo you solved another novel.”
“Not so fast Poe. This was sloppy work so easy so simple-minded even for you. Even pulling Chuuya from the other book. Only to kill him in front of ___ and bring him back alive to kill her in front of me. You wanted an emotional reaction that badly. Bring up my fondest for her something I told you in confidence.”
“I want to keep playing,” Poe said.
“No…no you don’t. You want to stop but your puppeteer wants to keep me and ___ in here as long as possible. In fact, they will probably make you restart over and over. But he doesn’t know you can’t do that. Once the killer or killers are revealed the book has to end and your power stops.” Ranpo explained.
There was a glow coming from a book falling off a shelf. “That is my ride. And puppeteer I would run when ___ and I wake up, she will be pissed. And Chuuya will be there.”
You shot up gasping for air.
“___ you alright?” Ranpo asked rubbing your arm.
“Who was the killer?” You asked.
“Me and that prick Dazai. God when I see that mummy again I will kill him.”
“Chuuya?” You turned your head towards your mentor and best friend for 16 years.
“Been awhile hasn’t it kid?” You got up and ran up to him hugging him. “Woah calm down you are squeezing the air out of me. It hasn’t been that long.”
“It's been a year Chuuya. You have no clue how bad it's been. It's just Mori and Koyo running everything and they had me run the weaponry. It is so boring.”
“You can keep telling me the rest once we get home. Give me your phone and I’ll call us a ride.”
“yeah.” You tossed your friend the phone. You looked over to Ranpo who was sitting with Poe. You walked over to them. “Is he alright?”
“I think he is just overworked. He probably just needs a few days in bed.”
You hugged Ranpo. “Thank you for saving him.” You pointed to Chuuya.
“Anytime. Is he ok?”
“He seems normal. Once we get back to base Mori will check him out. If anything is wrong could I call you and Poe?”
“Yes. You would have to call the office, I don’t have a cell phone.”
“Thank you.” You got up from crouching down talking to him.
“Do you actually hate me?” He asks.
“I don't know detective you tell me?” You asked running back towards Chuuya.
Ranpo chuckled hearing you and Chuuya talk in the background picking up Poe to go home.
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